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  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2
  • Dawn of Magic 2: Erste Screens zu Dawn of Magic 2


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 20.08.2009
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Preis Update 05.05.24

Über das Spiel

Sequel zum erfolgreichen "Dawn Of Magic". Das bekannte Action-Rollenspiel "Dawn of Magic" geht in die nächste Runde, denn die teuflichen Mächte sind nach zehn Jahren zurückgekehrt,um die Vernichtung ihres untoten Anführers Modo zu rächen! Das zerbrechliche Gleichgewicht zwischen den Mächten ist in Stücke gerissen,der Frieden gebrochen und die fürchterlichen Legionen der Schatten überziehen die bekannte Welt mit Mord und Schrecken!Du hast nicht viel Zeit, die gefährlichen Untoten und Monster zu stoppen. Benutze deine magischen Fähigkeiten, über hundert Zaubersprüche und auch deine stählerne Klinge, um die Welt einmal mehr vor ihrem Untergang zu retten. Bist du bereit für eine fantastische Reise zu den dunklen Labyrinthen der Anderen Welten um die Invasion der Legionen der Schatten im "Dawn of Magic" zu vernichten?


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

124 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 20:24
An sich ein richtig gutes Spiel. Ich liebe die Atmosphäre und wie man seine Skills combinieren kann. Sehr schön. Auch das Beute System aus Truhen..genial.
Was ich doof finde ist. Das man nicht irgendwie so richtig bums in den Agriffen und skills hat... man hat das gefühlt man kann obowhl man high lvl ist..den Gegnern kaum was aussetzen.
Manchmal etwas unübersichtlich was man jetzt wo machen muss. Ansonsten ein super geiles Ding.
Mir fehlt es in anderen Games. dieses Teleportieren und dieses schatz system.
940 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.17 13:16
Fünf Pcs. Fünf Versuche es zum Laufen zu bekommen.Kein Erfolg.
189 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.15 20:33
Charakter Morphing ist eine echt blöde sache, die Charakter werden echt hässlig.
55 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 12:41
good game
12 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.19 11:04
I feel if they could release dawn of magic 3 and added modding, i'd play it forever..

I'm just sad cus the only thing that was wrong with the first game and this one is the very limited item system. If i just added a few hundred unique items, sets and rune combos, the game would be amazing.. This could be done in 2 weeks of modding with games like titan quest and it'd make the game nearly perfect.

I'm sad they didn't release the source but i heard how complicated and sometimes impossible the law makes it.

Just bitterness and nostalgia honestly.

Killing mobs in this game was insanely fun, the only thing lacking was the rewards. There is 1 staff i think it is lvl 10, and it's the best staff in the game for some reason. Probably cus they stopped there and didn't add any higher level better staffs?

Another problem was that merchants could have unique items sold, and re-loading town to check merchants for unique items was best way to farm them. All easily fixed with modding. This is why i'm so sad. It feels like a cake has a tiny piece of poop on it and i'm not allowed to pull that piece of poop off to enjoy the cake.
508 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.16 23:44
Graphics like in previous part - very poor.
Fun playing - like in previous part - poor.
Game length - not like previous part - poor.

First part of this game gave me about 100 h of hacking and slashing. It was extremly boring in some parts.
In this one they upgraded story - its quite interesting - and added cutscenes. This made the game much more interesting but the shortened the game a lot.

Magic has influence on our character, each skill changes different part of our character's body. this was the only interesting part of this game...
17 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.14 11:06
Story is amazing , and it's the best arpg that I have played since ages ... I really recommend you to play this kind of games, 12 school of spells , and most poerful spells are amazing if you upgraded the power of your spell. I dont beilive why many people doesnt like this game , maybe they are heretics :P
67 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.14 08:42
Despite all the hateful reviews, I bought this game. ( I also played Dawn of magic 1) While I didn't expect much from this, for some reason I got hooked. Some people say that the Story and Combat are garbage in this game. Well, the story makes no sense unless you've played the first one. And the combat is focused around magic, It's literarly impossible to play a Warrior or a Rougue in this game. It's revolved around magic. A Cool feature that is VERY rare is that the more magic you learn, the more pimped your character becomes. I just bought a tornado spell and my character grew wings. At first i was like wtf but then , when you think about it, it's a really cool adition. IMO it's worth the money, especially when it's on sale. Too bad nobody gives this a chance. =(
My rating is 7/10 - good but definately needs some polish to get people's attention.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
40.54% 15 22
Release:20.08.2009 Genre: Rollenspiel Entwickler: Skyfallen Vertrieb: Kalypso Media Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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