Darkstar One
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews
79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 10:13
Game ist jetzt komplett auf Deutsch.
Läuft ohne Kompatibilitätsmodus einwandfrei.
Geiles Game wer Bock drauf hat.
Schade das es Ascaron nicht mehr gibt.
Sacred 1+2 lassen Grüssen
Klare Kaufempf.
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 18:24
508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.18 22:09
https://www.validstrategies.com/files/file/38-darkstar-one-german-language-pack/ <--1,8GB
Beim ersten Start nach der Installation des Patch ist es auf englisch obwohl deutsch dran steht.
Im Spielmenue nochmal german anklicken und den grünen Hacken zum übernehmen rechts oben, dann das Spiel neu starten.(Hab zuerst auf englisch grüner Hacken und dann auf deutsch grüner Hacken Neustart)
Nicht Empfohlen
1229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.18 19:39
Trotz der Möglichkeit schon zu Anfang der Kampagne durch verschiedene Tätigkeiten wie Handel, Nebenmissionen oder Piraterie an große Geldsummen zu kommen, wird die Upgradefähigkeit des Schiffes durch das Vorankommen in der Hauptstory eingeschränkt, so dass man auf seinen hart verdienten Credits erst mal sitzen bleibt. Darüber hinaus mindern die an Abwechslungsarmut leidenden Sternensysteme, sowie die ziemliche eintönigen Waffensysteme und Schiffskomponenten den Spielspaß insgesamt und lassen Darkstar One mit jeder weiteren im Spiel verbrachten Stunde weniger interessant erscheinen. Ein zusätzliches Manko ist die fehlende deutsche Vertonung der Steamversion, die ich erst durch einen externen Download vollständig erhielt.
Fazit: Kein schlechtes Spiel, aber ich würde eher das exzellente Rebel Galaxy als Alternative empfehlen.
749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.14 19:21
1782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.21 09:46
games is like Freelancer or Aquanox but in space...
big difference is that you have one ship that you can choose what it becomes Fighter/Gunboat etc
ofcourse due to the nature of the game it can become repetitive so i suggest playing in episodes not the whole game in one go
visuals while dated are actually pretty good.. especially when you are in space game runs smooth onlly problem might be that the higher your resolution the smaller the UI i recommend 1920 by 1080
34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 16:56
Action adventure
Not a fantastic game by any means. Outclassed by others in the genre.
Customizing your ship with weapons and special abilities is the best part about this game. While space battles are well done, fun, and with good physics, it does get boring somewhat quickly. The main missions and side quests can be interesting as it progresses through the storyline, but it does not give you a feeling of great accomplishment as you go through them. The trading aspect of the game can and might as well be ignored completely. It provides you with minimal profits in comparison to the other means to acquire credits. After a while, the amount of credits you accumulate will become obsolete, as you will have more than enough to get whatever you want. The game suffers from extreme repetitiveness, which also creates tedium and dullness when you do the same two or three activities over, and over, and over, and over.
Overall: an arcadish pew-pew space shooter with decent graphics and a simple storyline. If you can close your eyes on it being very childish - you can enjoy the game. If you're looking for a space SIMULATOR - look elsewhere.
127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 17:31
I remember playing this back in 2006. It was okay but didn't quite hold up to Freelancers standards.
* The story is meh.
* The dialogue and especially voice overs are abysmal.
* Combat is okay.
However i still found myself enjoying it since i wanted my next Freelancer fix back then, and this came pretty close.
Mouse/keyboard game just as Freelancer/Freespace. Some RPG elements to earn som credits for new stuff. It still works pretty good considering it's 14 years old.
I recommend it.
234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 05:14
Some starter tips:
1) Remap the keys for roll to Q/E and you have one of the few spaceship games that control well
2) Make sure you pick up an assignment in the menu before you leave the first space station
3) Remember what the door looks like when you leave the space station so you know which ones you should use in future
4) Default of space bar + mouse to click on various UI buttons on the top and to the right of the screen
5) Mouse wheel sets cruising speed
6) Default of T brings up target list where you can set markers to find your way to mission objects
7) To deliver containers to stations you need to request docking permission
230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 14:09
The basic premise is like most spaceship games, fly around shooting stuff, upgrading your ship and killing enemy's. It's a storyline driven game but with a semi open universe, all be it not huge as its an older title.
Not alot new there but there is one difference that sets DSO out against the rest, your ship mutates as you upgrade it. Each upgrade changes not only the stats and ability's of your ship, but also the look of your ship. I'm not aware of another game that does this but if there is by all means comment so I can check it out as I love this concept.
Seem like the developer has gone out of business so no recent patches, but the game has always been stable and no glitches for me, from a time when games were developed properly, do I sound old now? Lol.
All in all a good title and taken in context of the time of its release i'd give it 9/10 and even today I would say its still a solid 7-8/10 for a fun cheap game to play through.
Nicht Empfohlen
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 22:23
There is an Mod that fixes some of the Gamebreaking Bugs...
(Versteckte Cluster by https://www.supernature-forum.de/showthread.php/100632-Darkstar-One-Modding-(PC-Version)
The Graphics are still OK, the controls with mouse and Keyboard are responsive. And the opening Storyline is for the 1st 2 Hours ok'ish but after that, the Money for Shakespears Monkeys was spent and the Game slides into a boring Grindfest... Shame....
6/10 for stoic Space Rangers
5/10 for ADHD Cosmonauts
480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 16:41
If you like Freelancer or Independence War 2, give DarkStar a try. If you want a hardcore space sim, try Evochron Legacy.
Nicht Empfohlen
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 22:32
13446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.14 12:25
Ascaron Entertainment
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos