- Spielen Sie als FURY – eine Magierin, die sich auf Peitsche und Magie verlässt, um das Gleichgewicht zwischen Gut und Böse wieder herzustellen!
- Nutzen Sie FURYs Magie, um unterschiedliche Formen zu entfesseln – jede mit neuen Waffen und Bewegungen.
- Erforschen Sie eine offene, lebendige Welt, in der FURY sich frei bewegen kann, um Geheimnisse zu entdecken und die Geschichte voranzutreiben.
- Besiegen Sie die sieben Todsünden und deren Diener – von mystischen Kreaturen bis Degenerierten.
- Lassen Sie sich vom einzigartigen Stil von Darksiders überwältigen – gewaltige, post-apokalyptische Umgebungen, die Sie von den höchsten Sphären der Himmel bis in die Tiefen der Hölle führen, verheert von Krieg und Verfall, zurückgefordert von der Natur.
Darksiders 3
Du musst angemeldet sein
Über das Spiel

- CPU: Intel Core i5-2400, AMD FX-6100, or better
- GFX: Recent Shader Model 5 GPU with 2 GB VRAM
- Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64 bit
- HD: 15 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: These are preliminary system specs that can and will change!
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 23:37
Zur Story kann ich noch nicht viel sagen. ich habe vier der Todsünden erlegt und man kann sich hier auch schon denken worauf es hinausgeht, vor allem wenn man an die vorherigen Teile der Reihe denkt.
Mal sehen wie es im weiteren Verlauf des Spieles noch voran geht.
3361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 13:58
Wer hätte gedacht, dass es in der Apokalypse so viele Aufzüge gibt?
Ja, Darksiders 3 nimmt sich gerne selbst auf die Schaufel. Warum das nur bedingt lustig ist und das Spiel teilweise auch alles andere als Spaß macht, will ich dir gerne erzählen.
Fury, ist eine Magierin, die mit Peitsche und Magie für das Gleichgewicht zwischen Gut und Böse kämpft
Fury zählt zu den letzten der Nephilim und somit zu den letzten der vier Reitern der Apokalypse. Sie ist die Reiterin des Schwarzen Rosses Wüter. Als Waffe schwingt Wut eine feurige Peitsche.
Den Plot können wir auf einen Satz herunterbrechen. Du bist als Fury im Auftrag des Feurigen Rates auf der Erde unterwegs und sollst die Sieben Todsünden bezwingen. Ja, mehr kommt da nicht mehr…
3 Schlüssel, 3 Steine, 3 Schwerter
Ihr startet wie üblich schwach und dürft euch als Aufwärmphase nur mit der Peitsche bewaffnet durch ein paar Areale und Gegner schnetzeln, um die grundlegenden Mechaniken zu erlernen. Das ist auch bitter notwendig, denn die Lernkurve ist quasi nicht vorhanden, da es von Anfang an recht wüst zur Sache geht. An einigen Stellen wird schnell klar, dass ihr ohne eine bestimmte neue Fähigkeit nicht weiter kommt.
Zudem fällt schnell auf, dass es keine Mini-Map gibt. Das hat den Effekt, dass ihr euch mit der Zeit gewissenhafter umseht, vorsichtiger agiert und zum Teil auch immer mal wieder etwas überfordert sein werdet bei der Navigation durch die ganzen verzweigten Areale. Zudem besucht ihr die vielen verschiedenen Abschnitte des Spiels immer und immer wieder mit neuen Fähigkeiten, um dann auch die letzten Ecken und Winkel erforschen zu können. Wem dieses sogenannte Metroidvania-Prinzip nicht zusagt, sollte tunlichst die Finger vom Spiel lassen.
Ich sag es gleich direkt heraus. Es gibt 2 Dinge, die du mögen musst um mit Darksiders 3 wirklich warm zu werden. Das ist das bereits genannte Erkundungs-Prinzip und in zweiter und vielleicht sogar noch viel wichtigerer Instanz, das Kampfsystem.
Hack & Slash
Es gibt einige Waffen welche ihr auch beim Schmied mit diversen Materialen aufleveln könnt. Zudem gibt es unterschiedliche Rüstungen und 4 sehr nützliche Fähigkeiten, welche ihr genauso wie den Umgang mit den unterschiedlichen Waffen perfektionieren dürft.
Die Kombos sind im Umfang recht überschaubar. Der Kern des Kampfsystems liegt im Perfektionismus, was den Ausweichkonter betrifft, welcher die mit Abstand wichtigste und stärkste Attacke im Spiel darstellt. Trainiert diesen Move von Anfang an immer wieder, vor allem bei den kleineren Gegnern. Sterben ist hier normal und gehört hier wie bei den Dark Souls Spielen zur Tagesordnung. Das werdet ihr so lange und so oft, bis ihr euch die Bewegungsmuster der Gegner eingeprägt habt und dementsprechend gut ausweichen bzw kontern könnt. Auch wenn ihr das beherrscht, werdet ihr immer mal wieder sterben, da reicht es schon einen Moment unachtsam zu sein. Ihr solltet keinen der Gegner in diesem Spiel unterschätzen, selbst wenn er noch so klein ist.
Auf dem Grad Schwer/Fordernd fand ich das Spiel, vor allem am Anfang, wesentlich herausfordernder als die Vorgänger, welche ich beide auf Apokalyptisch beendet habe. Wer mit schwierigen Spielen also nichts am Hut hat, Finger weg. Wer nur wenig Frust verträgt, nimmt den ersten von 5 Schwierigkeitsgraden (Story Modus). Selbst der wird euch nicht ohne Mühen durch das Spiel schaukeln. Ihr könnt zudem das neue oder alte Kampfsystem wählen. Letzteres wurde nachträglich in das Spiel gepatched. Einfach ausprobieren, ihr könnt es laufend ändern.
Also selbst mit Level 50 konnten mich normale Mobs trotz guter Rüstung und viel Gesundheit mit 2-3 kleinen Treffern bei Unachtsamkeit in ein paar Sekunden platt machen. Mini-Bosse oder Bosse oftmals auch mit einem einzigen Treffer. Der Endboss im DLC (Die Leere) hat das für mich dann auf die Spitze getrieben. Warum? Das darfst du gerne selbst herausfinden haha :D
Zwischen Frust & Freude
Es hat einige Stunden gedauert, bis ich abseits des Leids über die vielen Tode auch das Artdesign der Gegner und die zwar seltenen, aber teils wirklich kniffligen Umgebungsrätsel zu schätzen wusste. Deja-Vu. Genau so ging es mir vor vielen Jahren mit Dark Souls. Am Anfang habe ich das Spiel entnervt in die Ecke geworfen, Jahre später mit neuem Mindset und neuer Herangehensweise, war ich nach einigen Stunden schlichtweg verliebt in das Spiel und das hält bis heute an.
Leider gibt es hier nur sehr wenig Spieltiefe, weshalb bei mir nie wirklich Herzen geflogen sind. Es fehlen spannende, tiefergehende Inhalte und Mechaniken. Da greife ich ein New Game+ gar nicht erst an. Die Vorgänger waren zwar auch keine Meilensteine im Storytelling, allerdings waren sie inhaltlich um Einiges abwechslungsreicher.
Hauptspiel: 15-20h
100% Achievements: 40/50h+
+ DLC-Feuerprobe: Kämpfe gegen Gegnerwellen (100 Runden!)
+ DLC-Die Leere: 5h
+ Armageddon Modus bis Level 9
+ Umfangreiche Spielwelt
+ 4 Fähigkeiten inkl passender Haarpracht
+ Schön animierter Fähigkeitenwechsel
+ Gut umgesetzte Unterwasserpassagen
+ Tolle optische Kampfeffekte
+ Wuchtiges Trefferfeedback
+ Gut verschachteltes Leveldesign
+ Gegnervielfalt mit vielen unterschiedlichen Angriffsmustern
+ Art Design der Gegner und vor allem Bosse ist hervorragend
+ Ein Fest für Spieler die es gerne fordernd mögen
+ Zurücksetzen der Fähigkeitenpunkte ist sehr günstig und nicht beschränkt
+ Starke und unterschiedliche Ausweichkonter je nach Fähigkeit
+ Einfacher und schneller Wechsel zwischen den Fähigkeiten
+ Gute, knifflige Umgebungsrätsel
+ Deutsche Synchronstimme von Angelina Jolie
+ Etliche versteckte Geheimnisse
+ Verschiedene Waffen und Aufrüstmöglichkeiten
+ Waffensockel für zusätzliche aktive/passive Booster
+ Neue Gegner & Gegenstände im Armageddon Modus
- Nicht einsteigerfreundlich
- Geschichte haut niemanden vom Hocker
- Optisch eher altbacken
- Unspektakulärer Soundtrack
- Gegner/Spieler glitchen durch Wände/Boden
- 5 Crashes bei 50 Spielstunden
- Deutsche fehlende Lokalisierung für manche Beschreibungen
- Teilweise schlechte Kamera
- Umständliche Anwendung von Gegenständen im Kampf (Pad)
- Das Leveldesign wirkt oberflächlich, ohne Feintuning
- Manche Areale wirken förmlich seelenlos
- Keine brachialen Finisher-Moves :(
- Relativ blutleeres Gameplay
- Viel Backtracking
- Reiter ohne Pferd
Mit 6/10 Punkten gerade noch in eine positive Empfehlung gerettet.
Ein forderndes Gameplay gepaart mit belangloser Story ohne Tiefgang, coolen Bosskämpfen und einigen technischen Unzulänglichkeiten.
►► Darksiders Warmastered Edition
►► Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Auflösung | 2560x1440 | [/tr]
OS | Win 10 Pro Build 21H1 | [/tr]
CPU | Intel Core i7 7700K | [/tr]
GPU | EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti SC2 GAMING | [/tr]
Treiber | ForceWare 471.41 | [/tr]
SSD | Samsung 860 PRO | [/tr]
RAM | 32GB-DDR4 3000 MHz | [/tr]
???? Powered by HoI 4 Deu Curators group in German / English ????⠀⠀
Nicht Empfohlen
1682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 11:11
Aber Leck mich am Arsch. Möge den Idioten die sich das Checkpointsystem überlegt haben der Schwanz abfaulen und kläglich zugrunde gehen.
1874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 18:16
1337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.20 05:07
11897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 06:04
Was ist besser als bei dem ersten Teil:
Die Grafik, das Kampfsystem (Klassisch!) mit den gut kombinierbaren Angriffen - normal mit Peitsche, Konter mit Feuer, oder was man sonst so mag. Es gibt auch viel zu entdecken und sammeln.
Was war im ersten Teil besser:
Die Puzzles fand ich im ersten und natürlich im verbuggten 2 Teil deutlich besser. Da habe ich mehr gegrübelt und meinen Spass gehabt. Auch die reine Spielzeit hätte deutlich länger sein können. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad am Anfang war unausgewogen. Die ersten Bosskämpfe waren auf ausgewogen am Anfang einfach (zu) schwer, später war es mehr ein Spaziergang.
Insgesamt kann ich das Spiel voll empfehlen, es macht viel Spass und ist im Gegensatz zum zweiten Teil selten abgestürzt. (dort hatte ich teilweise 3 Abstürze in 10 min...)
1905 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.20 14:24
Die Entscheidung ihr Pferd wegzunehmen, noch dazu so sinnlos in dieser Situation, fand ich persönlich etwas Sinnfrei.+
Auch muss ich sagen das die ganzen Dialoge irgendwie ja kitschig übertrieben klingen, wenn man sich den Rat in den ersten beiden Teilen ansieht und in diesen ist es irgendwie übertrieben und man rollt mit den Augen. Lieder ist das mit den meisten Dialogen so.
Klar, es ist nicht mehr der selbe Entwickler und sollte sich schon abheben vom alten, aber somit hat man es leider auf kosten des Spiels getan. Auch muss ich sagen das ich die Story nicht schlüssig finde, ich versteh so manche zusammenhänge nicht, oder finde das es keine gibt, was ich sehr schade finde, da ich hoffte die Story von I & II irgendwie weiter zu verfolgen.
An sich trotzdem ein super Spiel, die Schwierigkeitsgrade sind super, Steuerung unterscheidet sich, allerdings gut zu handeln. Finde es Spielt sich mit Controller auch angenehmer als mit Maus und Tastlatur, dass sage ich selten.
Die verschiedenen Fahrigkeiten finde ich super, kein unsinniges mega viele Waffen sammeln und skillen, eine super Lösung!
Nicht Empfohlen
1050 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 14:43
Während die ersten beiden Teile eine gute Lernkurve hatten, wird man hier von Anfang an nach Dark Souls Manier verdroschen. Das Spiel verzeiht in keinem der Schwierigkeitsgrade überhaupt einen Fehler bei den Bosskämpfen und bereits der erste Boss kann massiv frustrieren.
Hat man den geschafft, wird das Spiel zwar etwas leichter, aber auch hier kommt dem Spiel dann die miserable Steuerung in den Weg. Egal ob Tastatur mit Maus oder GamePad. So wird eine der coolsten Dinge von Fury zu einem unnötigen Frustsystem.
Alles im allem muss man sagen: Wer mit Frust umgehen kann, kann zu greifen. Die aktuellen Patches haben es etwas besser gemacht, aber nicht wirklich.
Alles in allem kein wirklich empfehlenswertes Spiel, da es sich massiv von den Vorgängern unterscheidet.
Nicht Empfohlen
265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 21:43
1891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 15:15
Ich spiele Darksiders seit dem ersten Teil und bin nach wie vor begeistert.
Für mich persönlich kann ich nur schreiben das es sehr anspruchsvoll ist und Fehler
so gut wie nie verzeiht. Es hat ein bisschen von Darksouls denn wenn man stirbt, dann richtig.
1647 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.19 22:48
Zum einen spielt sich Fury deutlich flotter, zum anderen gibt es ein neues Kampfsystem, wobei mir der klassische eher zugesagt hat.
Die Story ist leider nichts besonderes, aber es macht dennoch Spaß die Welt im Metroidvania-Stil zu erkunden und sich durch Levelanstiege stetig zu verbessern. Auf höherem Schwierigkeitsgrad dürften selbst Dark Souls Fans auf ihre Kosten kommen, da jeder Gegner herausfordernd wird und die Chance birgt das persönliche Abenteuer direkt wieder zu beenden.
Die Welt dürfte insgesamt wieder etwas kleiner sein als bei Teil 2, aber größer als bei Teil 1,
aber es gibt mehr Abkürzungen und geheime Wege um sich wie bei Dark Souls schneller durch das Level bewegen zu können, nachdem man sie gefunden hat.
Insgesamt ein runder Teil, nach dem man Durchspielen auch das Abenteuer des letzten Reiters herbeisehnt.
Nicht Empfohlen
5280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 16:02
1114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 00:57
The game itself is not bad. The gameplay is good, exploration feels natural (even though the lack of a map of any sort is a very big bummer) and my god the character design is incredible.
HOWEVER, the game suffers of issues, some of which are HUGE.
First things first (even though this is more of a personal taste issue): this doesn't feel like a Darksiders game. It obviously takes inspiration from the souls genre and I think it doesn't fit the series well.
Now let's get to the real problems: technical difficulties and textures.
At times you are required to use your whip as a rope to get across cliffs. Well, it doesn't always work. At times the game wouldn't get the input and would make Fury attack instead of using her whip to get across the cliff.
Another thing that's bothering me way more than it should is missing textures. There are some spots in the game where textures are missing and they are replaced with the grey and white checkers. I checked online to understand if it was a problem with my copy, but it turns out that it's a very common problem and the devs decided to abandon the game anyway. Such a shame.
So, long story short, the game is good but has some issues that might either make you frustrated or break the immersion.
I recommend purchasing this on sale, not full priced.
Nicht Empfohlen
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 23:55
Long story short : the game feels like a very unfair fan-made Dark Souls rip off; everything about it feels wrong. I am really hyped for Darksiders 4, but I won't even consider buying it if it is even remotely close to what they did with this one. Also graphics are great and the story so far is like a 3/10.
Nicht Empfohlen
5509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 05:58
“Just because I'm employing an Igor and working in a cellar doesn't mean I'm some sort of madman, ha ha ha!”
~Sir Terry Pratchett
So, Vigil Games. Founded in 2005 by some young blood (I'm talking about VG development experience, since the most experienced person there was probably Marvin A. Donald, who worked on 1999 RPG game called Revenant), it quickly became a part of THQ family. Which... turned out to be a terrible decision. Just because it led to their death after only two games developed. And it's very unfair, because, let's just admit it – Darksiders series was pretty good. Despite the fact that there was nothing original in it and the entire thing was just a bunch of stolen ideas mixed together? It was still good. Very good. Having a Zelda game with God of War melee combat, Devil May Cry-like guns and BLIZZARD-like visuals? It worked. Darksiders games were very satisfying and it was easy to forgive them for copy / pasted approach.
Like I said, it felt very unfair when the guys died together with THQ, who slowly sank due to a long series of failures, which included Red Faction: Armageddon and uDraw gimmick nobody ever asked for. Darksiders franchise, though? It survived. Unfortunately, it didn't go to PlatinumGames, that was interested in it (just imagine Darksiders game from people behind MadWorld, Bayonetta and Nier: Automata). Instead, it was purchased by Nordic Games, together with two other THQ franchises – Red Faction and MX vs. ATV. Naturally, they didn't pay for nothing, so... yeah. Here comes Darksiders III. From a new developer - Gunfire Games. There's a trick, though.
See, after THQ died, Vigil Games' CEO David Adams was approached by Cevat Yerli, CEO of CRYTEK, creators of Crysis franchise. Mr. Yerli loved what Mr. Adams and his crew did in Darksiders and wanted to work with them. That's how CRYTEK USA was born. Pretty soon, the guys announced their first game - Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age. Which was supposed to be co-op oriented spiritual successor of Darksiders. Even though Crytek did bid on Darksiders during the THQ bankruptcy auction, they just didn't have enough money to win. So, spiritual successor was the only way for ex-Vigil team to continue doing their thing.
Talking about money, by the way. Unfortunately for us all, CRYTEK didn't do well financially. And pretty soon it turned out that they can't even pay their new employees on time. As the result, CRYTEK USA was shut down long before Hunt: Horrors of the Gilded Age became a thing. The project was soon re-launched by CRYTEK and became Hunt: Showdown, while David Adams founded yet another company - Gunfire Games. And that's, ladies and gentlemen, who worked on Darksiders III. In other words, in a way, the old Darksiders team is back to work on their old series again. Sure, Mr. Adams's team underwent a lot of changes and wasn't really the same at that point, but still, quite a lot of people who worked on the originals (like Nicolas Fikac, Kenneth Bassham and Colin Bonstead) were still there. So... it's a happy ending, right? Vigil's back and they brought Darksiders back to us?
Well, the funniest (saddest?) thing is – no. No, they didn't. Because when you'll see Darksiders III for the first time, you'll be like “Say wha...”. Because despite everything I've said above, Darksiders III feels like something made by people who had absolutely no idea about what the original Darksiders series was all about. That's exactly why I thought that such a long history lesson is important. Darksiders III feels exactly like one of those games, in which some new publisher purchases popular franchise and then hires some new guys to make a new game. Which feels nothing like the originals. Just because those new guys don't know a thing about the old titles, while publisher has their own vision. Remember how it was when Fallout series became a property of ZeniMax Media? That's pretty much what we're talking about here.
That's right. Darksiders III is an entirely different game. With the entirely different kind of gameplay. And the only thing that connects it to the originals is the story. Which... was never the strongest point of Darksiders games. I mean, seriously. Darksiders games just threw some basic mythology references at us and called it a day. And as the result, I totally didn't care about the fact that the old characters (like good ol' War, for example) appeared here. I didn't care about all that blah-blah-blah stuff before and I didn't care about it here. Even though the writing does feel weird this time, since Gunfire added some cheap humor for whatever reason (you know how there's that certain guy in your class who desperately tries to be funny without much luck? And it looks pathetic? That's what we talking about here), all I cared about is gameplay.
All I wanted is more of that satisfying Zelda-like experience. Especially since even Nintendo can't provide us with the old-school Zelda experience anymore (you may like Breath of the Wild, you may dislike it, but let's just admit it – it's totally different from what we used to have before it). Guess what Gunfire gave us instead? Well, they gave us Dark Souls. That's right, people. What we have here is yet another Souls-like game. Even though every second major game nowadays is Souls-like, some smartass decided that we need yet another one. But OK. Broken expectations aside, maybe this game is actually good? Maybe, despite the fact that it's “yet another one of those” game, it does some really nice job? Providing us with some especially juicy, polished and satisfying experience? Maybe it's so good that it's actually worth to care? Well, the answer here is very short – no.
What we've got here is yet another “poor man's Dark Souls”. I can't say it's completely unplayable, of course. Quite the opposite – if you're a die-hard fan of such games and is currently out of new titles to play, Darksiders III will totally do. The problem is – there's nothing unique about it. Which, technically, was true about two previous games too, but while two previous Darksiders games were surprisingly smooth and there was clearly not enough Zelda clones on market, Darksiders III feels pretty cheap and clunky, while, like I said, there are way, way too many of such games around.
It's just that – core mechanics in Darksiders III feel a bit cheap and clunky (the game feels almost like something from the seventh generation of video game consoles), level design is either too dumb and straightforward or forces some really cheap and annoying puzzles on you (which aren't hard at all, just... you know, annoying as heck and can even cause some cheap deaths), the weapons / tools are not satisfying at all, the bosses are pretty boring and uninspired, DLC doesn't add anything interesting (seriously, one of those is just a ridiculously cheap arena), etc, etc, etc. In other words, Darksiders III is totally playable and even has its moments now and then (I actually liked the fact that there are more puzzles than we usually have in Souls-like games), there's just... no real reason to waste your time on it. There are way, way better Souls-like games on market, while Darksiders III fails to provide you with a single strong reason to choose it over many others. Dixi.
3280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 22:06
Since there are many things from that game there reminds me of my childhood and the fantasy movies back then such as the Never ending story and much more!!
But the gameplay here is amazing, only some of the puzzles are annoying i feel even when knowing what to do it may be hard for some people since the time are very limited. (worth to point out n mention)
Note: Also disable damage n target indicators since these options inside gameplay settings can make the game crash ofthen (havent had 1 single crash after this was turned off)
even on much higher specs than recommended (while on consoles there are not these issues which a strange to me since i got way better specs than a Ps5)
Ps. But worth to recommend even without dlc's even tho i bought em all.. (my ocd could not be helped ;)
Edit: my pc specs
My specs:
windows 10
Gpu rtx 2060 super (8gb vram)
Cpu I5 9600 (none K version) only means you cannot overclock it
rams 32gb gskill trident 3200mhz
Ps5 specs:
Cpu: 3.5GHz, 8-core AMD Zen 2
Gpu: 10.3 teraflop RDNA 2 GPU
Ram: 16GB GDDR6
= nearly twice as much with my pc hardware!
918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 19:27
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 21:40
???? My 90-year-old grandma could play it
???? Easy
???? Normal
✅ Hard
???? Dark Souls
???? Understanding Dark Souls' story
???? MS Paint
???? Bad
???? Meh
???? Graphics don't matter in this game
✅ Good (nothing special)
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
???? Bad
???? Not special
✅ Good
???? Beautiful
???? Masterpiece
~ Gameplay ~
???? Try not to get addicted
✅ Very good
???? Good
???? Nothing special
???? Bad
???? very Bad
~ Audience ~
✅ Kids
✅ Teens
✅ Adults
???? Not important in this kind of games
???? Bad
???? Text or Audio floating around
???? Average
✅ Good
???? Lovely
???? Free
???? Cheap
???? Acceptable price
✅ Could be cheaper
???? Overpriced
???? Complete waste of money
???? You can run it on a microwave
✅ Average
???? High end
???? NASA computer
???? Very Short (0 - 4 hours)
???? Short (4 - 10 hours)
✅ Average (10-30 hours)
???? Long (30-50 hours) (if you go for everything in the game)
???? Extremely long (50-100+ hours)
???? No ending
~ FUN ~
???? I'd rather watch paint dry
???? Hard to enjoy
???? Repetitive
✅ Actually pretty amusing
???? The kind of fun you'll remember
???? Ride of your life
???? It's a one-time experience
✅ Only for achievements
???? If you wait a few months/years
???? tens of times
???? Definitely
???? Infinitely repayable
~ Bugs ~
???? Never heard of
✅ Minor bugs
???? Can get annoying
???? ARK: Survival Evolved
???? the game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
???? No
✅ Wait for sale
???? Yes
2026 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 08:03
Nicht Empfohlen
775 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 17:48
Combat system in Darksiders 3 is really boring, mostly you just press or hold down X (or Y for the secondary weapon). Darksiders 1/2 had so many fun combos and takedowns, but the most effective way to kill enemies in Darksiders 3 is simply by mashing X or Y. Oh, and counterattacking after an evade. Also with X/Y.
Puzzles are boring as well. Not that they are absolutely horrible, but significantly less interesting than in Darksiders 1/2. The same goes for bosses: Gluttony fight is more or less ok, the rest is totally forgettable, including the final two bosses.
The story is a mess (unless you are a seven years old), the writing is cringy af (some dialogues are unskippable, of course!). and the world exploration aspect is much worse than in the previous games. The secrets are dull, overall location design is uninspered, and generally it's simply not interesting to navigate these environments.
Technically the game is also a mess. It mostly uses only one CPU core (is it year 2005?), so it frequently drops below 60 fps on Ryzen 3600, mostly when streaming in new parts of the location. And sometimes, despite 16 GB RAM and 970 EVO SSD it even totally freezes. I had stable 60 fps in AC Origins on ultra settings, this game looks way worse and has much smaller locations.
And, of course, it doesn't have a proper ultrawide support (cutscenes are in 16:9 and are also locked to 30 fps), proper gamepad support (can't rebind the buttons, and there is only one control scheme in the game which is inconvenient. For instance, evade is RB while in many games it's B).
There are also a lot of small visual issues (some items have no textures, for instance, and there are sometimes holes in the environment object), but it's not even an issue compared to the fact that the game is simply unfun to play.
1302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 04:34
I never played the Souls games, but even then it's clear where the inspiration was found for the souls and dodge mechanics. After the game launched the developers added a classic mode to improve dodging behaviour, but its disabled by default. Once i discovered that and lowered the particle effects (so I could actually see when to dodge an enemy) I was finally able to start enjoying the combat and atmosphere.
The game really looks great, performance is a bit unoptimized due to it being a console port probably. It finally reminded me of why I enjoyed Darksiders 1+2, yet its probably the weakest in the series. If you never played DS 1+2, I suggest doing them first, then get 3 on -80% sale if you want more.
1805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 17:18
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 10:18
Story: Good but a bit straightforward.
Combat / Gameplay: Love it. Requires actual strategy, timing, and skill. No mindless button mashing or get out of jail free cards.
Upgrades system: Pretty alright, doesn't at all require hours of grinding. You can get away and finish the game without maxing out weapons and other stuff if you get confident with your dodging skill.
Backtracking: Not frustrating. Kind of necessary if you want to access missed areas for side quests and resources
Replay Value: Medium-high. Game offers a kind of new game+ with different/new challenges and encounters each time you replay after finishing. The Crucible DLC is a fun way to kill time and see how far you can get, plus it gives some really good armors and enchantment rewards for completing waves.
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162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 01:35
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643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 13:55
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2204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 18:07
1429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.21 17:13
While I truly regret this design decision, I have to admit that Darksiders 3 is much, much better than I expected. While the game has several flaws - especially the camera and story/character design - most other things are very well made.
First of all, the game world is incredible, with clever level design and beautiful graphics with bright colors. The combat is great as well (at least in classic mode); the arcane system that gives you special attacks when you time your evasions right works really well, and thanks to the ability to switch between 4 secondary weapons with unique moves the combat never grew tired on me. I also really enjoyed most of the boss battles, which are very engaging and require a unique strategy to beat them.
Despite it's flaws, Darksiders 3 is a good game that's definitely worth playing. I hope we'll get a sequel some day, and that the developers will combine the strong elements from this game with the best things of the first two games.
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 05:29
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502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 16:07
Everything that makes a good soulslike is absent from this game. The puzzles from previous Darksiders games are also missing and have been replaced with literal exploding bugs that you throw around to open pathways. It's almost bizarre how often the devs chose to recycle these bug puzzles.
That the game is still glitchy as hell is just an added bonus at this point.
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9084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 21:13
I played Darksiders 1 several years ago on the PS 3. I didn't think highly of it, but I enjoyed it well enough to get the second game, also on the PS 3. I thoroughly enjoyed the second. I could easily recommend the first two games. I liked them enough to also get them on Steam, and I was eventually given the Warmastered and Deathinitive Editions of 1 and 2. I've yet to complete Darksiders Genesis as of writing this review so I will say as little as I can about it unless to convey any point I want to make. My time with the first two games encouraged me to get the third.
The Darksiders games are about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Fury, Strife, War, and Death. While drawing inspiration from the biblical Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse the games are a separate matter. Darksiders 1-3 basically take place concurrently with each game exploring the erroneous triggering of the Apocalypse and the roles that each of the Horsemen play during this concurrent time, in particular regarding War, Death, and Fury, respectively. Strife has no game yet, but hopefully one will come; Darksiders Genesis does allow you to play as Strife and War, but the numbered games are strictly about War, Death, and Fury.
I wasn't particularly invested in Fury's story as it unfolded, but the ending and some character growth along the way really changed my mind on this matter and the game as a whole. It is because of this that I actually do want to recommend this game.
No scenery stood out as memorable in a good way. A particular region is quite ugly, but that, presumably, is by design given that it's home to either insect or arachnid-like creatures, so it's at least justified. The game is prettier than bland but not particularly pretty. Darksiders 1 and 2 in contrast had some absolutely gorgeous areas.
The game has some unpleasant sounds, but I am overly sensitive to light and sound. Fortunately, this never proved problematic and I usually recovered quickly.
There is a soundtrack. That's almost all I recall of it, sadly. I really liked the piece that played on the character screen and would often pause the game just to hear it. I do not mean to say the music is bad, just that I cannot recall anything to actually voice an opinion on it. Contrast this with Darksiders 2 where I routinely play the soundtrack while doing chores, studying, artwork, etc. I am disappointed at how forgettable I've found the soundtrack to be with Darksiders 3 after the masterclass soundtrack of Darksiders 2. I never once felt that the music added to or detracted from the general experience, probably because I really never noticed it, but I'd much rather this than a soundtrack that actually detracts from the experience as is the case with some games.
There is some good voice acting but I generally consider it inferior to the voice acting in the first two games. This, however, does not mean that I dislike the voice acting. There are some well-delivered lines and the emotions behind the speech generally fit any scene in question. A few characters really stood out in good quality.
I have completed this game and earned all the achievements.
The combat is what kills it for me. I find it cheap, and difficult for the wrong reasons. I have read comparisons to the Souls games but I have never played any of those so that means nothing to me. Darksiders 1 has been compared to God of War. I have completed God of War 1, 2, 3, Ghost of Sparta, Chains of Olympus, and Ascension on their hardest difficulties. I have also completed Ninja Gaiden Black on Master Ninja a few times, though I am by no means good at NGB on MN. While I am not aware of anyone comparing any Darksiders game to NGB, I bring it up to show that I am not unaccustomed to difficult games.
Fury, as one of the Horsemen, is, canonically, one of the most feared and powerful beings in all of creation, even prior to the Apocalypse, but this game presents her as a weakling. This game takes Segregation of Story and Gameplay to the extreme. It is often necessary to whittle away at enemies while even the weakest enemies can often kill you in 2-3 hits. Dodging often feels useless and there is no way to block attacks. All too often, if you don't time a dodge perfectly, a Perfect Dodge, then you will almost invariably get hit as the enemies' aim is almost infallible, with incredible homing. Further, if an enemy hits you once then it will usually hit you a second time with a follow-up, meaning you're often effectively one-shot. Worse is that the Perfect Dodge is not just a useful gimmick, like it is in Darksiders 2, but effectively necessary for survival.
You can try to isolate and kill one enemy at a time, and you should, but the game has an annoying habit of throwing multiple enemies at you at once, often in small arena-like areas. While two enemies isn't usually so bad, three or more quite often means you're dead because you can't block and dodging is largely useless if not perfect as well as the fact that you can be hit during the execution of a Perfect Dodge by at least one of the other enemies nearby. This game seems to think you should kill slowly, one at a time, but then throws multiple enemies at you; It appears to be confused as to what it thinks it is, and I think it's fair to say that I am certainly confused as to what the game thinks it is.
Never do I feel powerful as I progress, only less weak. This is in stark contrast to War and Death. Fury is the weakest of the Four, but this does not readily explain why she so easily dies. I think if Fury started with double the health, 1.5x the attack power, and had a slightly more useful dodge then things wouldn't be so bad, and to compensate for these changes I would make it a bit more difficult to gain levels.
Despite my complaints about the combat, I have actually enjoyed several of the boss fights and boss-like encounters. I don't really know what to say on this point, but I thought I should share it all the same.
You can level Fury's health and physical and arcane power, but it often feels moot until you get weapon enhancements, and even then it depends on which you get, which you equip, and how you upgrade them. These can potentially end up making a significant difference, especially when combined with a certain item and a particular piece of DLC armor. These enhancements can improve both offensive and defensive abilities. If you have the Keeper of the Void DLC then you can equip more enhancements, due to an increased number of weapons, making the game that much easier. Each enhancement has a passive and active effect, with the passive effect always active if added to a weapon and the active effect only active if it is on the currently drawn weapon. You can only use one enhancement per weapon but the combined effects of the passives means that this doesn't particularly matter much if you've taken care to level them and you equip them efficiently.
The game's world feels big and small at the same time, but I have no idea how to explain this. There is a pretty good amount to explore and a pretty good amount to find. I really enjoy how seemingly unconnected areas can be connected through hidden passages. I know of no map and I have read there is no map. This can make exploration a pain. A good amount of the world requires story progression to enter. Collectibles are in areas that require plot items so there will be backtracking. I've read this game is a metroidvania; I'm not particularly familiar with this term and am not actually comfortable using it myself.
Conclusion and TL;DR:
I want to recommend this game, but I am currently unwilling to except to people already invested in the series, entirely due to the combat system. I explain my issues with the combat in the Gameplay section above. The story took too long to entice me, but I wound up liking the story in the end.
778 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 13:48
oh...and that freaking tornado...
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692 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 01:51
Let’s just get on with it, it’s no secret that when Vigil Games envisioned Darksiders they took a lot of inspiration from The Legend of Zelda, and even though Darksiders 2 introduced RPG elements retained its Zelda DNA, with the RPG elements having been built around the Zelda core rather than influencing it a whole lot. Darksiders 3 on the hand, tries to fusion Zelda with Dark Souls on a much more intimate level, where they tried to build a core out of them, which didn’t really work out that well.
There are elements of the game wanting to be Dark Souls so much but failing in how tight and poorly optimised the dodge mechanic is, it wants you to lose currency and progress when you die, but it doesn’t want to give you useful or applicable “campfires”, it wants Zelda like abilities, but it also wants to tie them to combat on a much more fundamental level. There are a lot of things Darksiders 3 wants to achieve, it wants satisfy returning fans of Darksiders 1 and 2, but it also want to appeal to a newer soulsborne fanbase, and it wants to give a satisfying difference from how War and Death plays, which it actually does pretty well, taking everything into consideration, Fury plays and acts very different from her siblings and displaces a personality wholly her own, which I’ll commend Gunfire Game for achieving. But other than that, it doesn’t really measure that well up to its predecessors.
1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 15:47
YES, yes it is.
Overall is a good game, graphic is nice, story is good, well designed bosses, flawless camera in my playthrough, gameplay is good also. Anyone that is acquainted to dark soul or soul-like games will feel pretty easy no matter the difficulty. Make sure to turn off auto-center camera and hit indicator for the best experience.
7/10 - Recommend
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 16:56
While the first one was a great Zelda clone and the second one even bigger with an entire open world and a loot system, this third one scales things back a little, this time choosing to be a little more like a Dark Souls game instead.
You can tell that Darksiders didn’t do as well as a franchise and therefore the funding seems to have been decreased this time in comparison to the previous titles, but I commend them for trying something different with the obviously smaller budget they had.
Calling it a Dark Souls clone would do it injustice - and it would be disrespectful - because it is its own game, set in the Darksiders universe, complete with unlockable moves, hidden loot and well known traditional visual style (this time playing as Fury). It all feels like an actual Darksiders game, except with harder, sometimes even frustrating, combat. But gone are the dungeons of old, as is your mount from the second game and some other small stuff.
Traveling through the world feels responsive and all of the areas seem to be well connected, with a boss fight at the end of each area and plenty of items to be found. There’s a bit of (optional) backtracking involved so it still has a little bit of a Metroidvania blueprint in it.
Better equipment can be found and unlocked and you have a whip at your disposal when you first start the game. There’s nothing that helps you block damage, instead you have to rely on dodging and trying to finish the fights as quickly as possible (but it isn’t necessary if you don’t want to). Enemies will drop souls that help you level and power up and if you die there’s one more try to retrieve them; die again and they’re forever lost.
The boss fights can be difficult, but never as hard as Dark Souls’. With controls that can be changed (one of the first patches gave this option, because sometimes the original movement and layout didn’t quite work as good) and plenty of items that can help in combat it might take you a few tries to take one down, but generally speaking it shouldn’t take you over 5 tries or so.
Finishing the game should take you anywhere between 12 and 15 hours I’d say.
The visuals of the game aren’t brilliant, but they fit the style of the Darksiders games for sure. Fury seems be nicely animated.
The voice acting is also solid, with a few enemies here and there speaking in an over-the-top manner, but also making it seem more like a spectacle than it actually is in the process, which is a positive.
I didn’t really have any issues, except for a few issues where the camera didn’t do what it was told. And the controls which were a little weirder in comparison to 1 and 2, but that issue was quickly solved with a patch.
The big question is: would I recommend this third Darksiders game? Yes. The combat may be hard(er), but it’s also quite enjoyable once you get into the flow of the game. It’s a smaller, tighter game in comparison to the previous titles, but that doesn’t make it any worse. In fact, it was kind of refreshing to play something a little more direct, a little more linear, after all of these open world games the past couple of months and years.
If you enjoyed this review please consider following me: curator page
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2678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 16:41
Horseless Horseman
Like a phoenix from the ashes, Darksiders franchise has risen from the dead following the acquisition of THQ by Nordic Games. The third instalment of the series depicts a tale of Fury, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, sent to hunt down powerful demons known as the seven deadly sins. Being an avid fan of the first two games I was more than happy to once again see my favourite depiction of the biblical horsemen. However, for all the pretty notions of “the miracle of life” - the act of birth itself is a rather nasty business. The first steps of Darksiders 3 were much more alike those of a toddler than the mythical fiery bird. After a messy launch it took the developers time, plenty of performance patches and 2 DLCs to raise the newborn Darksiders into a game it is today. In short, the title in question is a decent action game in itself, albeit one that falls flat in comparison to the rest of the Darksiders franchise.
Vulgrim’s fireplace
When it comes to the long answer as to why Darksiders 3 is an odd one out, perhaps the best place to begin is the fact that the game can be accurately described as “soulslike”. What will immediately draw the attention of the franchise veterans is a significantly different combat system. Now it relies heavily on dodges which, when timed well, allow the player to perform a powerful counterattack. Furthermore, Fury’s simplistic moveset forces her to single-out enemies, forcing a much more methodical approach to combat. No more hurling the Horseman into the heat of battle and decimating groups of foes with devastating combos. Now a group of 3 sturdier enemies may prove a deadly threat. Moreover, take note that the game’s primary currency of souls is now used foremost to level up your character; and needs to be spent at the trader. The souls are also lost on the player’s death, but may be retrieved from the place where you met your end. Let’s just sprinkle on top the fact that the game is now only saved upon reaching one of Vulgrim’s serpent holes, requiring the player to replay significant parts of the level after dying and note that primary healing item is an upgradable trinket – Nephilim’s respite (not-an-estus™). The above doesn’t make the game bad, however it does paint a picture of severe identity crisis.
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Redemption Arc
Storywise, Darksiders 3 feels more at home. Called forth by the Charred Council, Fury is sent to eliminate the latest threat, capable of tipping the balance in the endless war between heavens and hell – the seven deadly sins. Taking place shortly before the main events of the first Darksiders, Fury’s mission takes her to a post-apocalyptic Earth. Basic familiarity with Wrath’s chapter of the story is strongly recommendable for context, as Darksiders 3’s plot is for the most part confusing mess.
An example of how the events tend to unfold in Darksiders 3 should speak volumes for itself. At early stage of the game Fury summons her steed, Rampage, only to find it writhing in agony from multiple angelic lances piercing its hide. As Fury watches in horror, her enemy uses the confusion to deal her a grievous blow, only for the broken horseman to get whisked away into a magical portal. A mysterious Lord of the Hollows reveals himself and straight-up tells Fury that she’s being used as a mere pawn - now serving as an enforcer of the council, not the balance her superiors are supposed to uphold. Fury brushes off the blunt piece of exposition as ridiculous. In response, Lord of the Hollows develops a habit of “randomly” summoning Fury, bestowing the now horseless rider with elemental powers and wooing her back into the action, conveniently equipped with means to progress the game. Oh, and Rampage? Fury brings up the matter in a single conversation and the plot thread is dropped there, unresolved.
What I mean to highlight with the scene above is how Darksiders 3 repeatedly appears to set up events and characters as far more relevant than they eventually turn out to be. To make matters worse, Fury begins the game as a painfully uncompelling character. True to her name, she’s moody and impetuous, in a manner unbecoming of her station. The reoccurring theme of redemption, involved with horsemen quests, in case of Fury is conquering her bad temper. To the game’s credit, it has a surprisingly decent ending, which really takes by surprise considering to how silly most of the plot is. If only it didn’t include a mysterious trinket that everyone allegedly knows about, short only of Fury and the player. Over and over again, the story is all setup and no pay-off.
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Two steps forward, one step back
Reception of Dark Souls inspirations is a matter of taste and some may forgive story shenanigans in an action game. Truth be told, the core gameplay of this title is positively decent. Tailored around new combat system, the fighting does feel satisfying once you get used to it. Especially numerous and varied encounters with the bosses are the definite highlight of Darksiders 3, providing both a challenge and a jolt of adrenaline. The game heavily encourages exploration, inviting player to revisit areas after acquisition of new powers as to reach new secrets filled with loot. Playing a gatherer proved a surprisingly fun way to fill time between the fights, as environmental puzzles are extremely downplayed in Darksiders 3 to the point they no longer play this part.
Sadly, the second you begin to consider this title as part of the series, it all becomes a downward spiral. Those familiar with previous games may as well forget that Darksiders 2 ever happened. Any notions of an open world, the grand scale, RPG-like loot system are well out of the window. Comparable only to the first game, Darksiders 3 prefers its environment up-close and personal. The entirety of the game takes place exclusively on the ravaged Earth, considerably downplaying biblical inspirations and aesthetic that should be the staple of the game. To make matters worse, the game consistently uses the models from the previous two titles, perhaps the most obnoxious example of recycling being Darksiders 2’s arena made into a DLC in the third game. It is fun to play, however seeing what used to be part of base game sold separately just nails the coffin. In Darksiders 3 defence, the puzzle-centred Keepers of the Void DLC does prove that you could get inventive with Fury’s powers, and delivers by far the best bossfight of the game. It’s a shame that it takes extra content to experience this variety, sorely missing from the base game. No matter how you look at it, as a part of a franchise, Darksiders 3 is a step back in almost every regard.
Beating the dead horse
Closing summary of Darksiders 3 proved to be unusually conflicted task, as the game left me with extremely mixed impressions. Despite all the criticism I have for the Fury’s chapter, I did enjoy this title. It is a fun action piece, fully capable of delivering several evenings worth of a good time. This would normally earn the game a “reluctant pass” mark, although I do struggle to find an audience I could genuinely recommend this game to. Being a sequel, it would normally be the fans of the franchise, however Darksiders 3 is foremost guilty by association – decent as it may be, the game fails to meet the high standard established by its predecessors. In fact, the fans of series are the ones most likely to get disappointed. Those among you starved for more Darksiders content and prepared to keep your expectations low, should however find this title a safe bet. I have no regrets about time spent with Fury’s whipping frenzy, which doesn’t change the fact Darksiders 3 is just a bad sequel.
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940 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 20:28
Auto save breaks after a certain point and you can't manually save and quit.
Desperately tries to copy Dark Souls' to make it harder and to skimp on moves for your character. Ends up as a tedious mixed bag of an hack and slash with some in poor taste design decisions. The gameplay does not fit the main character either as she's very angry but you must adopt a slow playstyle.
Watch the cutscenes on youtube and skip to Genesis.
1375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.21 09:39
I have been putting this game aside, because I saw all teh negative reviews and how it's not really a Darksiders game, more of a soulslike.
I have finished the game twice now and did most of the achievments.
I can say, that yes, it's not as good as the first 2, and the combat bugs me mostly, but all-in-all this is definetly a Darksiders game at it's core. I like the visuals, the style and the exploration.
I did not really like the combat (it works when you do 1v1, but turns into pure chaos in a group), and I found the lack of music bad. Also, why is there no map? The levels are huge, and sometimes can get confusing.
Overall, a solid game, but not exactly living up to the previous titles. 7/10
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339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.08.21 18:45
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1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 23:35
For me i loved the puzzels, the world and the exploration.
This game seems to barly include any of that.
Puzzles are trivial at best
The world is kinda interesting, but nothing much happens in it tbh. Just enemies spawning in your way,
And i gues you can explore and find some hidden things, but the game feels a lot more liniar that i remember the previous itterations beeing.
Also the loading times is a major bummer!
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136 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 15:22
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784 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 18:56
Darksiders has always blatantly copied other games, and this time they went for the Souls series. One might question if it makes any sense to base a game where you supposedly control one aspect of the apocalypse to a series about being fragile, learning from death, fighting against all odds... whatever, as long as it is good, right? Unfortunately, it is not. The combat hinges in a single mechanic: evade. There's no nuance. You don't need to consider distance or if you need to evade backwards or to the sides. Just press a button in the right time. After that, you get an attack bonus. That is it.
I only defeated three bosses, so I dunno if it gets any better, but the ones I fought are just garbage. They have one ranged attack, then a melee - which you should evade with a proper timing to get a counter -, repeat. They are themed on the 7 deadly sins, but this hardly translates to their design or moveset. Really uninspired stuff. C'mon, if you're going to clone the Souls series, at least get the bosses right.
Really bad.
1728 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 08:54
the game is overall fun although frustrating at times but you feel rewarded when you have defeated that certain boss.
1548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 21:34
2657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 01:25
if you enjoy:
-metroidvania level design with beautiful environments and optional areas to explore;
-combat based on dodge timings and counterattacks;
-learning the bosses attack patterns;
and you don't mind a few inconveniences (no map or controller button changes) and its budget constraints holding it back from reaching its full potential, then you'll have a good time, i sure did
1145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 00:17
Fury is a cool enough character. I enjoy her about as much as I did Death, but for different reasons. Where Death is more of a cool edgelord motivated by his bond with his brother War, Fury is purely chaotic. Her combat style definitely suits me more than War or Death's. I just really fuck with whips. Speaking of combat, this game is closer to a souls-like than the Zelda/God of War feel the previous games shared. I can see why people are all peeved about this, but I find it to be more enjoyable. I am usually wary when it comes to souls clones ever since I played Lords of the Fallen, but I am glad to say that this one passes the souls vibe check. It's fine. Could it be better? Sure. But it is enjoyable. Yes, the camera STILL gets stuck on random shit just like in the past games, but it isn't as bad here. Sometimes the dodging may feel off, but I found it to be more consistent than the folks on here make it out to be. I never had a single moment in the game were I felt like the dodge mechanic screwed me over, and I'm on apocalyptic difficulty.
The environments in this series have always impressed, and this game is no different. The beginning area replicates the lush overgrowth covering a human city post-apocalypse from the first game. It looks great here. It doesn't even take much progression before you're introduced to a variety of locations that all look just as good. One of my favorites so far was the museum with the ugly mutant kids. Just looked super cool, like you could tell the devs and artists had a blast making this stuff.
Final thoughts for now are that it is a great game so far. Hopefully it doesn't overstay its welcome like 1 and 2 did. It's not perfect, but it's dope. I'll add some more stuff here once I finish the game.
Game completion edit: Having completed this game, I have a few more things to add. I'll start off by saying that the only main boss that seriously kicked my ass for some reason was Lust. I didn't find it to be an unfair fight, but I was struggling for a bit. Dealing with multiple enemies at a time can be annoying and feel cheap at times, but just let go of the lock-on and try to be aware of their individual attack patterns. When playing on the harder difficulties, I recommend using the Fire Hollow powers the most as the counter does tick damage, as well as the wrath ability.
The level up system in this game is very bare bones, but i guess it works. I appreciate that they dropped the weapon loot system from 2. The way the hollow powers are used to solve environmental hurdles, or to approach certain combat situations with more efficiency added a lot to this game. These mechanics help set it apart from other souls-like titles. I also really enjoyed all of the exploration and secrets you could stumble upon. Some of the secrets were cleverly hidden and fun to discover. As I mentioned before, the first two games kinda dragged for me, but I was pretty engaged with this one the whole way through.
The ending was great. I really did enjoy this game overall. It is my favorite in the series for sure. If you're a fan of the previous games, try your best to go into this with an open mind. If you simply cannot wrap your head around souls mechanics or struggle with them in general, just play on the easiest difficulty and have fun. You can find this game on sale for cheap all the time, so it makes it even easier to recommend.
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210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 18:54
Dodge mechanics. A lot of games have dodge mechanics and the important part of them is dodging means avoiding damage. Some games just have dodge be dodge, some games make a bunch of timing aspects where you need to dodge within time windows, then some games put finicky timing windows in with you character having the toughness of a wet paper back so unless you have exact reaction times to attacks you haven't seen before expect to die a lot and even to attacks you were used to dodging. This falls into the last group.
Honestly I play Monster Hunter and even in the worst of times there it's more consistent feeling than what I'm getting here. They even wanted to put in counter attack system but that feels inconsistent too and add in getting hit at the same time as you attack because who knows why and in the right situation enemies can just hit you one after the other preventing you from doing anything inbetween. Seriously, if you want a fun and challenging action game I'd say play God of War 4, if you want Darksouls play Darksouls. I may go back and play more of this but the core gameplay of this game is just flawed especially compared to how polished Darksiders II felt.
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233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 02:04
However, the characters and dialogue are extremely bad.
As the game goes on, it all just starts to feel very bland and uninteresting. The combat IS smooth, but it is very button mashy and simplistic 95% of the time. The dodge mechanic looks flashy but can be very clunky to use and isn't all that interesting. The exploration and level design is not engaging. In the 4 hours I played I never once found an interesting side area, secret, item, etc.
The game is very much a dark souls clone in many ways, but it really doesn't offer any real improvements or interesting changes over any of the Dark Souls games. You are far better off just buying and playing dark souls 1,2,3 and Sekiro because they are just vastly superior versions of this exact formula of a game.
Also worth noting that I got this game for only 7$ and I'm still downvoting, thats how much I wasn't a fan lmao. I would never recommend this game at full price. Even at regular discount prices you can get any of the Souls games for cheaper.
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 15:39
he has very challenging puzzles, and the combats are very difficult compare to SoulsLike Style!!!
i recommend play this game only after you beat all the games in the series!!!
Enjoy!!! :)
1303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 13:18
Don't let yourself be fooled by the steam store page!
This game seems like a generic hack'n'slay at first but in reality it is a metroidvania combined with souls like features and a hack'n'slay combat system.
That being said I think if you like two of the three mentioned genres you will probably enjoy this game.
all in all this is a very good game
However there are a few things that could be improved in order to make darksiders 4 one of the best videogames ever.
My strongest criticism is that there is NO MAP. I think a map plays a crucial part in any Metroidvania in order to keep track of the rooms you have already cleared and to make the backtrack more enjoyable. And believe me there is a LOT of backtrack. The levels itselfs are very well designed and convoluted. Its cool to unlock a new shortcut or to come back to a previously locked area hours later and remember when you visited it first time. However because of the lack of a map I did not know where to go two or three times after defeating a boss.
There is a little compass on your HUD but to be honest I did not feel like it was much of a use.
remove the compass, give the player a proper map and the game will improve a lot!
Puzzles and abilities
While this game starts as a simple fighting game you will find yourself solving more and more puzzles as the game progresses. They have done a good job balancing the amount of fights and puzzles. You are given 4 different forms each with an unique ability, while they do not really differ in fight they still provide unique feelings and are important to solve different tasks.
Nevertheless I feel the combat would improve a lot if the enemys actually had strength and weaknesses
Right now you will just skill one weapon and always use it to fight. Imagine having to adapt to every enemy even during combat and always change forms, it would add a whole new level of depths to the game.
Another criticism regarding the different forms is: It is kinda wasted to not give your default form any ability, once you get your first special appearance you will never again use the default style.
I think they should have given the default style an ability too furthermore it is a questionable decision to give your Hero a purple color scheme and at the same time to make one of your special appearence purple too, it just felt out of place.
As already mentiond you should not expect too much from the combat system. It still is a hack'n'slay, that means you are given two different buttons to smash plus a dodge. While u might feel like you do not have any control over the fights at first, you will see a vast improvement if you actually spent some time learning your enemys behaviour and how your weapons and attacks CAN be combined. It took me around 6 hours to fully understand how the combat is meant to be. Either way it is funny and astonishing to see your character make cool moves on the screen (the fighting animations are just awesome) but if you acutally get used to the combat there is a whole new level to the game!
Just a little side note: the music is very good...IF you notice it. Once again a game that does not emphasize its music enough. Music is one of the most important parts if you want people to remember your game for a long time!
If you are a fan of Metroidvanias it is definitively worth a look (even more considering that there are not many 3D Metroidvanias)
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828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 20:42
Absolutely no.
2195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 23:23
Genre: Third Person Hack & Slash
The Good:
+ The graphics can feel a bit generic with the slightly cartoony overlook but the environments more than make up for it.
+ The interconnected world of darksiders 3 is fun to explore. Every area has many nooks and crevices to explore rewarding players with loot, enhancements or upgrades. As you progress through the game you acquire new abilities allowing you to explore more of the world or backtrack to collect any collectables you may have missed.
+ The story is decent but I like that it never gets in the way. For the vast majority of the game you are always in complete control of Fury. The main character herself can be annoying at times but at least she evolves through out the course of the game.
+ Upgrade weapons and slot enhancements based on your playstyle.
+ Boss battles were well done and find the right mix between challenging and fun. Each boss requires you to learn new enemy attack patterns so you are always constantly engaged.
The Average:
+/- Combat is functional, dodging enemy attacks and landing a counter attack feels great, you can use sub weapons and wraith attacks. The main issue is that combat was not designed around multi enemy encounters. Once you start fighting more than 2 enemies things start to get frustrating and getting hit by enemies off screen becomes a common occurrence.
+/- Certain areas are poorly optimized.
+/- A game like this could really benefit from a world map
The Bad:
- A few crashes
A know this game got mixed reviews in the beginning but Gunfire games did a good job of fixing/improving some of the problems in the initial release. Even though this game borrows some basic elements from Dark Souls I feel the game is more closely tied to Metroidvania style design.
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1661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 17:59
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215 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 19:06
Then there's the world design. Each level seems to be some sort of cave. I don't know why we needed to see the green cave then the blue cave and a yellow cave but it sure showed us. Constant backtracking makes this extra terrible.
100% do not recommend. Play Darksiders 1 or 2 instead.
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2145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 07:08
EDIT: Oh... and the crashing...
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873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 11:50
Every time you dodge you flip a coin whether it works or not, if you lose the flip you probably die.
The Kraken boss fight was probably one of the worst fights I’ve ever played.
The different forms were interesting at first, but all it really does is change your hair colour and unlock a new area.
Got it off of Humblebundle monthly, but there is no way this game is worth 60€.
It’s worth giving it a try, but if you don’t like it, stop, it doesn’t get better.
3059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 01:49
The combat is awesome. I still haven't played Dark Souls but I am given to understand that this is a Soulslite (is that right?) game. It is simple at its core, but you have to watch the enemies in order to know when to dodge. There are many enemy types, but they telegraph their attacks clearly more often than not.
Fury is a woman, yes, but, having followed and finished her journey through the events of Darksiders 3, I am unashamed to say that she is my favourite horseman. She is what one would call a strong female character. Not like Rey, or live-action-Mulan. An actual strong female character, with a strong arc and evolving personality. It helps that her sarcastic jokes and effective threats land well, and STING! I loved almost everything she said, and I loved seeing her change throughout the game under the weight of new information.
The game is beautiful to look at. I even didn't mind the obligatory water level. Simply a marvel.
I am going to run through it again on Apocalyptic, and 100% it. And it's going to be a blast.
3541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.21 11:00
Story-wise it's a proper addition to the existing universe. Fury has her own mission, but we will meet some familiar characters in the meantime. It was fun to replay it the second time, with the full knowledge of what is about to happen. The story and its twists, the characters and enemies, the voice acting and the soundtrack - everything is done on a very good level. Fury herself is awesome on her own: her character is evolving throughout the game, but she is awesome in the beginning, and she is still awesome in the end, but in a completely different way.
Gameplay-wise this game is now closer to a souls-like. I think this change is justified by the fact that Fury is the weakest among Horsemen, so it's natural that her fighting style heavily relies on dodges and that she can be defeated in just a few hits. I played my first time on Apocalyptic difficulty, and I died quite a lot, especially on bosses. However, after leveling up enough and upgrading my weapons I became a bit overpowered, so the last 2 or 3 bosses were defeated on first or second try.
Even though I liked the game in general, some moments were not that good. Blocking enemies are annoying. Your whip is long, yet it usually hits only one or sometimes two enemies in a crowd, and you don't have any means of crowd-control. There are a lot of unavailable places, reachable only after obtaining one of 4 powers, therefore it leads to backtracking for the sake of exploration. Consumables are mostly meaningless, because after using one you are blocked from using another for half a minute.
I may be nitpicking for some more time, but even despite the flaws it's still a good game, which is mostly fun to play and which has a remarkable story. I liked the first two games and I'm glad to see this series continuing.
1044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 22:52
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379 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 11:16
If you have played previous games, these are the changes they made:
- No save system. You die and you get ported to last Vulgrim. One of the dumbest decisions right from the start.
- When you die, you have to get your souls back. Yeah you heard me. Just like Dark Souls
- You are weak. Yep just like in dark souls, you get killed easily by random cannon fodder. Heavily reliant on dodge just like Dark Souls. Even on lower difficulties. Its as if you were expected to farm souls ...
- There are no weapon drops like they used to be in Darksiders 2.
- You can upgrade your weapons with items you find in the world. You have to find Ulthane and he will upgrade them for you. Yep like Dark Souls.
- Levels are now tied to souls. You need to visit Vulgrim to spend souls and level up. Each level gives you an attribute point, which you can spend on Health, Physical damage and Arcane damage. Yep, spending souls to lvl up just like Dark Souls.
- Attribute points get weaker the higher your level is so after a couple of levels, each point you spend gives you less of a stat increase.
- Enemies now drop shards. There are multiple types in the game yet the devs thought that the best idea is to color them all orange when on the ground so you cant tell what you're getting. JUST LIKE DARK SOULS. Most of the shards are buffs. Undying shard is obviously the best one since it stops a fatal hit. Health shards are now for healing. No health potions. Wrath shards are for wrath of course.
- Health shards are used for healing and now they have a 20s cooldown. Its a global cooldown for any shard you use. So if you buff yourself, you wont be able to heal yourself for 20s which might cost you a life.
- Enemies now drop also Crystals. Guess what they do? oh you can break them to get souls ... I wonder which game has similar mechanic ... DARK SOULS
- There is no map anymore, just like in dark souls ... Vulgrim offers you a list of locations to teleport to.
- There are bugs. Found one right from the get go. When you buy a weapon enhancement, your mouse disappears. You cant control the menu correctly without it. Sometimes Fury just doesn't feel like grappling onto stuff so she just falls to her death. Teleport confirmation breaks if you click too fast on Yes.
- They even added some camping mobs that jump you out of nowhere just to get a cheap hit in so you have to use health shards or die and return to get your souls back...
- You can buy shards from Vulgrim but in this game, but they cost more each time you buy it.
- There's no horse. You have to walk everywhere.[spoiler]It gets killed early on in the game.[/spoiler]
Things I like about this game:
- The story is good. I like it so far.
- Fury, the main character in this game is a badass woman.
- The UI is very clean and nice.
- The voice acting is great.
- The environment is amazing just like in previous games.
- Some characters from previous games return in this one.
They should have used what they learned from the previous 2 games instead of making a Dark Souls wannabe. It's a bad Darksiders Dark Souls.
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853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 22:52
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2931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 14:35
I was going to 100% this game out of spite before I wrote this negative review but I couldn't bring myself to finish the grind. This game is not fun to play.
The character design, level design, and voice acting are all great. The combat is awful. If you're a fan of the Darksiders franchise I recommend skipping this installment and going straight to Darksiders: Genesis. If you don't want to miss out on the story, don't worry, there isn't one. Just watch the cinematics on youtube. I bought this on sale for 15 USD and still wish I could get my money back. Not worth.
891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 04:44
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 20:07
I just...
I dont have any sense of Orientation.
I get lost when trying to find an address just 1 block over
This Game has a Giant Map but NO MAP
Like how am i supposed to find the way ANYWHERE
i have 3 hours on this Game and i spent literally all of it running in a circle because i couldnt find any way whatso ever
sorry but the lack of a Map is an absolute Dealbreaker for me personally
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76 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 23:31
I got this in Humble Choice, so I'm not that miffed but if I had spent £40-50 on this then I would be pissed and it would be an instant refund.
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218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 23:08
If you like this game, good for you. Absolutely go right ahead and play it all day every day. I'm not saying you're wrong for like it. I just don't, and anyone who likes the first 2 games will probably feel similarly.
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 18:54
The first boss fight gives you a timer to make it across a platform. While fine as a boss mechanic, it never tells you there is a timer. When you die, you go right back to the beginning of the game and have to fight your way back through. Sorry, this isn't dark souls and i'm not looking to play dark souls.
2227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 15:13
Another of The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is in line, this time to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins. This is also a new game design (Dark Soul-ish) in the Darksiders game series and one that does not please its fans. Nevertheless, the game is good and can be entertaining for any gamer, especially if on sales event. This is one of those games that make you love and hate them at the same time.
Remember, in this game, DODGE, DODGE, DODGE. Don't be turned-off by so many bad reviews, players get easily frustrated when the dash & slash does not do wonders killing everything in their favorite game. If you play it properly, it is a good game. Just do timely dodges, learn the proper combos commands when moving on walls and you will be safe from frustration. Failing to dodge fast when required is often a recipe for a guaranteed wipe. Dodge and upgrade your skills constantly and you will finish the game smiling.
- Good story and mythological references, along with the usual humor.
- The overall design of the game keeps you involved from the beginning to the end, it gives you reasons to reach the end of story.
- Good enough graphics and art-style, though some areas could be improved.
- Decent voice-overs and soundtrack.
- Decent combat system and skills-tree (again, you must properly use the DODGE skill).
- Interesting puzzles to solve in order to advance, some of them pretty smartly designed (just think out of the box).
- Interesting wall movement mechanics.
- Well designed boss fights (saying for the third and last time, in this game DODGE is your friend for both mobs and bosses).
- One of the games where skipping content and mobs in the way is really not much of an option (yeah, sorry, I dislike speed-runs, games should be played as they were designed).
- Harder to play than previous games. Maybe too much. On harder difficulties you may find the game frustrating, at least until you reach the higher level of upgrades for your character. At some point, unless you upgraded your character skills enough, you begin to wonder if you play the mighty FURY the horsemen of Apocalypse or just a pale shadow of her.
- Occasionally, you may find it difficult to seek your direction towards main objectives, in water and underground.
- Dodging in combat requires fast reactions, sometimes too fast.
- The save-system consists of automatic checkpoints, so if you don't reach Vulgrim NPC (or interact with him for manually save if you made a level re-loop) and get killed you must start over from the last checkpoint.
- FPS count may vary a lot even on best gaming computers.
- The lack of map / minimap may confuse some players used to get straight directions by consulting them.
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1795 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 16:01
I can't recommend the game though. I'm on my way to the second-to-last sin and the game crashes every 15 minutes or so. It wasn't this bad in the beginning -- it would crash, but infrequently. These last levels must be coded less tightly. I may still try to finish, but having to replay a level multiple times because the game crashes before I can reach the next checkpoint is aggravating and stressful. I hate checkpoints...even more so when the game is buggy.
1475 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 19:51
So right off the bat, the game throws you against some enemies and you learn a little of how the game works but within 10 minutes of playing through the starting point, you fight the first major boss.....yeah. My first playthrough was on Apocalyptic and it was a punishing start let me tell you. If you have played any of the Dark Souls games, the combat is like that and it is very punishing if you don't know how to read enemy movements and dodge correctly. DODGING is your best friend in this game and I can not stress that enough. There is a CLASSIC mode for combat which supposedly matches the combat style of the previous games but I never tried it because I preferred the DEFAULT combat style (Souls like). The game is hard and punishing but also rewarding in the end.
The graphics are really good, I think they are better than the previous games and the environments are much more detailed as well. I really felt like I was in this world and the different locations were pretty interesting too. There is no map or minimap in the game, some could say that is pretty stupid but I thought it was great....why? Well the maps aren't confusing enough to need one and as far as exploration goes (which I'm a big fan of), it made me feel vastly rewarded when I did find a secret area on my own. Most of the game is interconnected but you can use serpent holes (warp points) to get around quicker to previous areas you have been to. The art in the game is still Darksiders quality and it is awesome, from the normal enemies to the bosses.
I will say that the game can get frustrating at times but I found it got a lot easier towards the last 3 or 4 bosses once you level up enough. With the leveling system, you feed souls to get attribute points that you can spend to upgrade your health, strength, and arcane. I found Arcane useless and never bothered with it except leveling it up to 3. Even when you upgrade your health, which I had it to 27 but end game, mostly everything still 3 or 4 shots you and it kind of made me feel the health attribute wasn't doing much unless you fight previous enemies that were weaker.
If you plan on running from enemies a lot, good luck lol. I'm not lying when I say pretty much every enemy in this game can catch up to you even when you are sprinting or dashing. That was something I found annoying when I tried to run and heal really quick. A lot of the enemies have a stupid lunging attack that sends them flying your way so you can't really escape. During the game, I felt that if I had caught any enemy's attention, I had to fight it to the bitter end.
The worst part of the game I believe is the checkpoint system....after coming from the much gracious checkpoint system of Darksiders 2, this one is ridiculous. You find checkpoints wherever Vulgrim is at which there are several of them in most worlds but if you die, you have to go back to wherever that checkpoint was. Doesn't sound bad but the thing is...all the enemies spawn back and it gets annoying if you die countless times. This happened quite a bit where I just wanted to run past the enemies as they don't really give you much souls to compensate but then you have the issue where they all get aggro'd and chase you which you can't really outrun.
I was surprised that I had NO BUGS through the entire playthrough....no graphical bugs or technical . I had no crashes either and I was expecting at least a few crashes from some of the reviews I read. I enjoyed the story, it wasn't amazing but kept my interest through the game. I actually didn't want the game to end I was so engrossed in the world. The game does have a slight optimization problem where frames drop in some areas and between loading things. Certain areas like the boneyard and a deserted city area in the desert had some pretty big drops and it wasn't from my pc. It wasn't a big deal as the combat points were always a smooth 60 fps.
Overall, this game was really good and it turned out to be a game I thought I would never play and like but here I am loving it. I would't recommend the full price it is asking for right now so wait on a sale like I did.
1720 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 20:44
It is hard!
Fortunately, the world, artstyle, and Fury! are awesome. Some really cool enemy designs and effects.
I like a good challenge don't get me wrong but one of the reasons I enjoy the first 2 entries in this franchise so much is because it is just good old fashioned adventure game.
I will say that the combat is more rewarding in this game than the other two. It is genuinely fun combat!
I just kind of prefer the slightly easier, more casual adventure game where you may die a good number of times but I don't have to waste 3 hours trying to get past one point. At some point, playing the same part over and over gets old and I personally put the game down for a good while before I pick it back up. This happened many times in this game. It is not as hard as Souls games but it is no slouch either.
Additionally, though there is good puzzles here and there, they often are very strangely designed (bug bombs??) and sometimes they can get repetitive. It seems like they wanted to bring in some unique ideas but they just weren't interesting. The way the world is linked together also feels kind of strange but the locals are pretty sweet!
I feel like DS2 was my preferred formula of grand open world that is creatively linked together and has purpose with amazing battle animations, voice acting, and adventure fun. It also gave you a false sense of bad-assery which is all I ask for when I come home from a long day.
All that being said,
I still highly recommend this game as I feel it is much better than a lot of the junk out their and it is still, at its heart a DS game!
As a huge Darksiders fan though, it just picks up on some newer trends that I am not always the biggest fan of.
1326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 15:32
This 3rd one is different, yet very cool.
I really liked the gameplay. Like people say, it's more of a darksouls than a hack and slash but there's still some in it.
Yes you need to learn the enemies attack and dodge them to counter attack. I love this.
I will say that the cons that I have for this game is that by playing on Hard for the first time, it's really annoying to have random demons able to one shot you. Bosses I can understand that they can 1-2 shot you, but I got frustrated being killed at the end of a fight by an ability when I was full health...
The graphics are good. Not amazing, just good. I'd say it got a little big of fps issues sometimes, it's not always fluid, but not to a point to make you not want to play the game.
I finished the game and one DLC (The void) and played a bit the crucible on hard difficulties, in around 20-22h.
Is the game worth 80$? Not so much. But I got the game and DLC on special for 30$ so that was worth it!
Try it, I just hope the company made enough cash to move on to the fourth game, I love this series and I want it to go on!
1233 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 09:58
Camera in combat make it harder for player. Combat in default mode is kinda like Darksouls, so if you like previous style, choose classic combat.
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 01:12
2736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 06:45
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253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 01:31
Edit: Hey, update. Turns out the game is literally unplayable even if you're NOT streaming. I can't play this game for more than 30 minutes before it crashes, and I lose everything. You'd think a Ryzen 3600, GTX 1070, and 32 GB RAM would be enough to handle this game, but apparently it isn't. Can't even play it. Avoid like the plague.
9776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 07:41
Also, I wasn't super excited to play a whip user. Whips are almost as lame as guns.
However, the game and DLC went on sale while I had nothing else to play. Unpopular opinion incoming: Darksiders 3 is now my personal favorite Darksiders game. (War still remains the best horseman by far.)
Do I think this game and its DLCs are worth full price at $80 USD? No. The DLCs feel like they should have been part of the base game. I'd say base game + DLCs are worth $60. But put this game on your wishlist and wait for a sale. It's 100% worth it at sale price.
This game has issues, but so did the first 2 Darksiders games. One of my personal favorite aspects of this game is its replayability. I tend to love NG+ systems, and while this one isn't perfect, it gives me so much to go after. Maxing weapon and armor stats may be a grind to some, but it's a joy for me (assuming the gameplay loop is fun.)
If you're a Darksiders fan, I definitely recommend this one. There is one setting in options I highly recommend considering if you think the combat feels off. The default combat system had some people bugged. It's more methodical and deliberate. Can be punishing and unfair at times. Check out the Classic combat mode if you feel that's the case. Classic makes this feel much more like the previous DS games with animation cancels and instant heal usage. Just a suggestion.
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630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 16:26
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 14:24
Be warned that this game plays different than Darksiders I and II. They changed the combat in a ‘Dark Souls-style’ gameplay. I played the game in ‘classic Darksiders combat’ option.
I find the game to be frustratingly difficult compared to Darksiders I and II. Three hits from a low-class enemy and you’re death. To enjoy the game, I played on ‘story-difficulty’, the lowest setting and this made the game enjoyable and doable.
The games support 21/9 aspect ratio – 2560*1080 tested.
I would only recommend getting this game when it’s on sale because the design choices of the developer make this another game than the previous two games.
So, do your research before buying!
1972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.20 00:11
Right away, I noticed this one was different in many ways, being a step down from its predecessors. Some locations weren't very well-designed (I'm looking at you The Scar!) and the story only gets good if you make the right choice at a certain point. But, what made me come to love this game was Fury herself. She does take the time to grow on you when you first meet her due to her aggressiveness and impatience, but as I continued to play, she became better and better, now I love her.
Gameplay, it was definitely more challenging than the last two, but many of the challenges I faced were totally worth it. This game did have its fair share of surprises too, and although it does suck that you don't get a horse in this one, I'm still wowed by what was revealed to me at the end.
I don't care what anyone says, this game was great.
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1086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 14:40
3325 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 18:40
1781 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 03:50
Overall I felt that Darksiders 3 was a little on the short side. My first play through was between 9 and 12 hours long.
Each game has its own feel mechanically, and overall I would say that Darksiders 3 has had been mixed reception do to the combat style its got, but I still found it at least acceptable.
Overall it left me hoping for a fourth main entry and more spin offs in the Darksider series, so I am glad I got the chance to play through Darksiders 3.
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24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 02:40
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1120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.20 22:42
Game just feels like an easied down darksouls game. I heard that they programmed in optional controls that make it feel more like the other games.... but sorry... the game f*ed up for me story and gameplaywise and got me to the point of not wanting to touch it again.
yes I beat the game. even more a reason to not touch it again...
2486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 17:25
A Downgraded version of Darksiders game
If You played Darksiders I and Darksiders II and really hyped about this game,then i sorry tell you this game is not like previous game.This game missing many thing from darkisders II even from Darksiders I.
Some of them:
No weapon leveling system like Darksiders 1(Here you upgrade your weapon via some items)
No Skill Tree
No Loot Drop like Darksiders 2
No Maps
No Horse
Darksider 3 Focus on leveling system where you can spen a attribute point in one of 3 spec health/Damage/Arcane.There are 5 different types first one is fury's default
whip and another 4 type of hollow weapon.If you have dlc then then u will get aditional 4 hollow weapon (most of them sucks) and abyssal armor.Those 4 Differnt hollow weapon
does not feel too much diffirent.You can just beat the game only upgrading 1-2 weapon as damage type doesn't matter in this game.Combat is Dodge & Counter system.But i liked
this game's varios level puzzle.Darksiders 3 is not a good darksiders game,but its not a bad game either.If you are fan of darksiders or never played any darksiders you can try
it.Buy it when its on Sale.
From me 7/10
5765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 16:48
If you think this it's a game from Darksiders series you are wrong, cuz it's not, the format of Darksiders series ended on Darksiders 2, and Darksiders 3 it's just a a boring and repetitive game with an awful camera and movement, where is the hack & slash and RPG from Darksiders 2 + Diablo style from Darksiders 1!? they made Darksiders 3 like a cheap copy of Dark Souls games which resulted really badly and boring, where are the combos? where are the skills? where are the finishers + animations? the combat vs bosses is boring af, the cinematic after defeating a boss is poor, and the price for the game don't worth even on sales, this game don't worth that much, it's just a failure to Darksiders series for me, I regret for buying it, I was really hyped to continue the series with an improved hack and slash + RPG but what I found it's just ''disappointment'' the combat is boring and the game is unbalanced, even on Dark Souls games your health bar don't disappear with 2-3 hits, the dodge system it's stupid, you perfectly dodge and you still can get hit and your counter it's cancelled,... and I love Dark Souls games and souls like games but this one is just trash compared to any souls like games, and DLC...DLCs are such disappointed the Void is so short and lack of content, and crucible well, I like that one and was better than the whole game, and seriously the story...they could did better tbh, the game is so short, and a thing that really made me to feel miserable was that they force you to beat the game 9 times up to NG+9 for get an armour to +13...do you think this is normal? to beat this game 9 times for obtain a +13 armour? hell no they should have left NG+ like on Darksiders 2 where you can access to the rest of areas and finish your gear and done and if I wanna rank the series it will be in 2 parts:
Hack & Slash + Story: 1>2>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3
Gameplay+Story+Content+hours of fun: 2>1>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>3
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506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 19:38
The combat in this game is frustrating and a huge disconnect from the personality of Fury, who is made out to be something of a literal demigod and a powerful force of nature. In comparison to Death with his fast and powerful Combos in Darksiders 2, Fury is laughably weak, while the enemies around her are just as strong. In the Story, Fury's character motive, if you want to call it that is to prove herself to her brothers that she is strong and worthy to be a leader, so it makes no sense that the combat forces the player to play a game of hit and run and perfect dodges in order to win encounters.
Not only that, but the game has a HUGE problem with it's difficulty spikes. Enemies like small skeletons that you would think are easy pickings take 5 hits to kill, which wouldn't be a problem if they didn't come at you in swarms of 5 or 6. A boss that you encounter in the middle of the game hard punishes the player for attempting to perfect dodge an attack that cannot be dodged, and also features a move that takes away 80% of the players health if they are not able to dodge an attack that has almost no telegraph.
I cannot recommend this game to anyone who is looking for a hack and slash game like PROTOTYPE or the original Darksiders games. It is frustrating, confusing and makes me feel like I could've had a better experience playing Dark Souls. At least there the main character doesn't hype themselves up only to be broken down by poor combat mechanics.
1811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.20 02:35
I understand why some of the fanbase may have disliked the game for the design changes but damn if it wasn't for the better in my honest opinion. And it's much less buggy than the others, I believe I only had like 1 crash the entire time. My only real complaints is like 3 of the enemies were annoying af to face and the walking unskippable cutscene segments really made my autism flare up and I sperg out hard boy.
This is one of those cases where I wouldn't even be salty getting this at full price.
2619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 14:33
One thing Darksiders excelled at telling the same story from different point of views. If you were hoping DS3 was going to continue the story from where the first game ended then prepare to be disappointed. Starting 10 years after the prologue of the first game (and finishing somewhere before the end of the second game and before war is sent back to earth in the first) you take control of Fury, the 3rd horsemen. Disdainful of her fellow riders and full of anger and boredom she is summoned by the charred counsel to capture the 7 sins, monstrous beings that are the embodiment of their traits, that serve neither heaven or hell but will still destroy the balance if left unchecked. What starts off as a simple story of hunting down the sins turns into a very decent story of betrayal and provides tons of character growth as Fury slowly comes to see the flaws of the sins in herself and has to grow to overcome them, least she succumbs to them. This also changes her view on her fellow riders, characters from the other races and humanity itself.
Gameplay is been completely changed compared to the previous 2 games. Being a souls like game, death comes often and quickly, with basic enemies being able to kills you with a few hits. Using items has a cool down and takes item to use in game, which can be interrupted. The game is slightly more forgiving as there aren’t many enemies that hide behind object or behind blind corners, so if you are somewhat coordinated those death don’t happen all that frequently. Death when does happen will put you back at the last serpent hole point you were at and drop all your souls (currency). Unlike most game failing to collect these straight after your death doesn’t make you lose them- they hang around until you pick them up making it much more forgiving. You don’t have a stamina bar and can dodge to your hearts content. Souls are used for upgrading your level, with only 3 stats, health, physical and arcane damage being available. Each increase to one of these provides diminishing returns, and while tempting to dump all into 1 stat it’s good to at least upgrade semi evenly for a while so you don’t end up as a glass cannon. Weapons and eventually armour can also be upgraded for slight increases in stats or buffs, but the big buffs come from enhancements you can place in each weapon that provide active and passive bonuses.
The world is designed very well, with what is initially a liner path somewhat giving you an option of where to explore and who to fight before again becoming a fixed route at the end. The game does very little to show you where you have to go, with the only help bring a icon the points you to the closet sin(and the path to get to it). You don’t have to follow this, and exploring often rewards you with more collectables and items. After unlocking all the powers the game truly opens up, showing you just how connected the world is (it’s like a giant honeycomb). There are tons of secrets and extra places to explore if you can find the time. There are a fair few puzzle you have to solve, with the throwing bugs being some of the most annoying mini games I have played in a while.
The combat and enemies are well done, with each enemy being unique (no reused skins in here) and having a tell that advises when an attacking is coming. Just mashing the attack button will get you killed quickly, with the game rewarding perfect dodges that usually do a lot more damage and leave the enemy open for a few more attacks. You have a good choice of weapons, from your basic whip to each of the hollow infused forms that provide their own special moves and charged attacks. While the extra weapons won’t really help that much in combat it’s nice to be able to set enemies on fire or use a force attack to break the guard if blocking’s enemies. You have a wrath attack that changes depending on which power is selected that can easily help in combat, and the havoc mode where you can destroy anything that stands in your way for a short amount of time. The boss fights were outstanding, really bringing home the mechanics of the game and unforgiving if you forget them. Each of the bosses has great dialogue as they try and temp fury (I loved Sloth, Wrath and Lust), and the multipart fights were a good challenge. First time around I thought they were very difficult, but after respecting my stats and with a bit more practice I breezed through them a second time.
The voice work and cinematics were very good. Fury’s VA does a good job conveying her constant anger, and through it her growth central to the story. Other major supporting characters and bosses are also given a good amount of screen time and I loved the scenes where each of the sins try and tempt fury. The background music fit the game well, never overshadowing the dialogue or sound effects, but supporting the game from the background. The game does have a lot of pauses (either with in game cinematics or set movies) that introduce new bosses, concepts or character growth. For some reason the text in the cinematics doesn’t carry across in the screenshots in the base game, but works in the DLC.
The DLCs are a mixed bag. Both add new armours (which the crucible armour being helpful while The Voids abysmal armour is the best in game and should be your go to). The crucible is a easier version of what was in Darksiders 2, this time with plenty of mob rounds where you can replenish health, wrath and fury for the upcoming fights. By the time you have unlocked all of the fights it’s already endgame content, but the rewards might be able to help you get items and upgrades that you missed during the main play through. The Voids it more of a puzzle orientated dungeon, which you have to use each of the force hollows to proceed, and they get progressively harder. It does provide 4 new weapons (so you can slot in unused enhancements for the passive buff bonus) which is a massive bonus. The bosses are tough compared to the rest of the boss fights (however build upon an attack pattern for the DLCs end boss). The fight cinematics were quite funny, and not what I expected.
There is some replayability, with the option of a new game plus mode that gets increasingly more difficult to play, but nowhere near what was in The Surge. You do keep all your upgrades and items from previous play throughs, and while enemies are tougher to kill, you should already have a good handle on things. There is the options of changing combat to classic mode (items are used instantly and attacks don’t interrupt you)
If you are chasing 100% achievements then you will need to purchase both the DLC’s and grind a bit, as it requires at least 2 playthoughs, but it’s fairly easy to do and much more forgiving than other souls like games.
For more reviews please visit https://store.steampowered.com/curator/31327216/
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 04:40
I had to write this review to help bring its score up to where it rightfully should be!
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1930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 04:59
This review is based on why I wouldn't recommend it with various reasons (sorry if I sound like I'm ranting):
[x] Very linear storyline. Darksiders 1 & 2 introduces new characters, and had missions for you to take on in order to advance the story. Number 3 starts off with Angry Fury wanting to kill 7 deadly sins, and towards the end....a not so angry fury but still killing the 7 deadly sins. Where's the big reveal? Where ARE the plot twists? Where are the complexity around the characters? Much of it was just going through the motion with no real purpose.
[x] Combat style is hardly Hack n Slash...
I want MOAR enemies to kill, and be surrounded by more of them and still be able to dominate. I get that it's trying to follow the Dark Souls trend of combating, but it really makes you question the legitimacy of the character you're playing. Very weak compared to her brothers; kept on dying and I felt a disconnect there. I want to verse more enemies at once, but I can only comfortably manage up to 3 at a time. And no, stop giving me shards/crystals for power ups as the answer!! As much as I don't mind using them, I just want to walk through a map, be jumped by monsters to engage in combat and not die because I've stopped to break a crystal. I'm also referring to the momentum here where several times I've respawned due to attempting to wade through tight environments or corners, and being unsuccessful in defeating enemies because when you're 'evading' one enemy to strike a blow, it doesn't stop you from being injured by another enemy when you're done. Darksiders 1 made you invincible just for a moment & I always enjoyed the fatal kills.
[x] Speaking of Power ups...the game is very buggy, where I'd runaway just to heal myself, and instead I shatter a crystal, the enemy then kills me because I didn't heal. Kept on happening when I was versing Lust (boss). I spent 1 hour trying to defeat but gave up. Looked up in forums and apparently this is a known issue.
[x] FPS drops from 60 to 18 in certain areas, and sometimes is followed up with a crash. I've had to send 4 reports in one day at a particular area (I think it was 1 map away from the Cargo Ship and before I met up with Gluttony in pursuit of Lust, but definitely in Lust's region).
[x] Minor point on Game level design...tbh this is like the original games which I enjoyed very much, and I didn't mind taking the time to figure it out. But I did break it once, going into a place where it was out of reach and I did get there somehow. You'll have to take my word for it.
Compared to the previous 2 games, the vibe I get is very different. Unfortunately, I don't get anything more out of playing this game or the storyplot. I was really hoping to be able to at least hack n slash...puzzles and maps are gorgeous as always, can never fault that, but the game felt very short:
[x] Horseman without a horse the entire game....need I say more?
[x] Why did they think it's a good idea to remove the map, and only give us a compass to track Sins? I'm pretty sure it's because the map is much smaller compared to predecessor titles.
[x] The overall experience wasn't what I anticipated Darksiders to be. This is evident in 2 where it went down the looting route, and for 3, where it went down the combat difficulty trend.
Please do support the devs if you have the $ to do so, and if you intend to play the game, you will meet it with frustration. I have this at thumbs down because of all the above reasons, and it felt very flat. I would spend those hours replaying number 1 again, which was the best imho.
Thanks for reading until this point :D
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725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 23:16
My main problem is the fights are no fun at all. They got rid of blocking, fine makes sense for the character design. But the time window on dodging is just very small and even if you actually manage to avoid one attack in many cases there are five other enemies hitting you in mid air WHILE YOU DODGE. I have played all gamess on Apocalyptic and yes I admit in DS1 and DS2 it never was that much of a challange.
Still, I think the scaling made the battles harder, yet still fair.
But the difference is, you just get one-shotted by small minions that swarm you, as most of the time you don't even see the attacks comming from behind you or enemies leap far distances across the room and attack you in one move. It's just no fun. If you like to torture yourself with hard games go pick up dark souls instead of this, that one at leasst plays fair and you can actually learn the mechanics.
To summerize the worst asspects of combat: -many times view is blocked -some enemies lack indication of a comming attack, they just hit you -the range of melee enemies is ridiculous
After all that complaining I still have to admit the boss battles (might update if i decide to finish it) where you fight one on one are really good. challanging, yet fair. The problem is just you die about a thousand times getting there. It's frustrating.
Another big problem is performance. The game is sometimes laggy and has many loading times. My PC is more on the high end, never struggled before with any game, even on the highest grafic settings.
Lasst but not least a few minor critics. I really dislike Fury as a caracter. I feel like War had this strong craving for justice and honor, Death was driven by the love for his brother, but Fury? She is bored and pissed off. She disrespects everybody she meets and it seems almosst out of character how the other characters respond to that. The council didn't seem to mind, Ulthane who immediatly battled War when they met never seemed to take kind to insults, and many more. All kissing her heels.
I don't know, maybe I have a wrong impression.
As for now, I will probably try i on an easier difficulty some other time for the story, but i want it out of my sight.
1966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 10:14
The third game went back to its roots and then took a turn towards a Dark Souls style of game, instead of a full blown RPG. While this wasn't really a good choice and required some sacrifices that were understandably poorly received (i.e. the Horse), just like trying to be a full on RPG wasn't a great fit for Darksiders II, the devs have done their best to minimize the Souls effect with patches and new gameplay options, such as the Classic fighting mode. With this and the ability to choose the difficulty that suits you best, I found the game very fun, possibly more so than DS2 (as much as I like Death as a character).
Length-wise, it's similar to the first Darksiders, so 20-30 hours for a completionist playthrough. The music, voice acting and visuals are excellent. The story is pretty solid and much more straightforward than what happened in Darksiders II.
I bought it on a sale and I couldn't be happier. Highly recommended for Darksiders and action-adventure fans.
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247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 00:30
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586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 00:58
Genre: Hack & Slash/Open World
Darksiders has always been a great series. First Darksiders game featured epic character War, with cool npcs, epic atmosphere and intriguing story. Darksiders 2 wasn't as good as the first game in my opinion, but it was still a good game. And then it came Darksiders 3 which I am personally dissappointed in. It's not a bad game, but it just feels shallow.
Story of the Darksiders 3 is set during the time when War was in the prison, cause of the crimes that he was accused of. The Charred Council, ancient entity gives Fury, one of the horsemen task to find 7 deadly sins and eliminate them, because they escaped their prisons somehow and they are ruining balance. Whole story is mostly non-existent, there is only few npcs, and very little intereactions with them. Pretty much 95% of the story can be explained as find 7 deadly sins and kill them. So my biggest complaint of this game is that in the first game we had really interesting story, Darksiders 2 also had decent story, and then we got Darksiders 3 with almost no story at all. Fury herself is pretty cool, but War and Death were definitelly cooler.
Gameplay itself is pretty good. Your main weapon is a whip, that you also use to travel around, so it's also a platforming tool, You get 4 secondary weapons through the game, and you can switch between those weapons. There are many game combos, and while gameplay is pretty good, I still think that Darksiders 2 has best gameplay in the series. Bossfights are also pretty good, and along with gameplay best part of the game. When this game first came around, many people complained cause it was too hard, and cause it was Dark Souls-like. I personally only played this game recently, so I don't know about release, but at the moment you can choose between default and classic(as in first 2 games), and also choose between 5 difficulty levels, I personally played on apocalyptic(4th) and classic. Game is definitelly harder than the first 2 games, so that's good, cause first 2 Darksiders games are pretty easy. While gameplay itself is good, and bossifights too, I still got bored of the game halfway through, cause of non-existing story, so I felt like I was doing some mindless tasks, and quit the game. I only beat 4 sins, and watched rest of the game on youtube. When I finished watching on youtube, I didn't feel like I missed anything, it's just as I got impression after half of the game, it's mindless killing with no real depth like in the first 2 games. And this is why I don't really like Darksiders 3 much. I don't think it's bad game, but it's not a good game either in my opinion.
I find this part pretty repetitive, too much fighting, little other stuff. Graphics are pretty good. If you are wondering about skill three, and such stuff, it's minimal here, it's more like in the first game, than like in second. Soundtrack is also kinda bad in my opinion.
- Pretty good gameplay
- Pretty good bossfights
- Good graphics
- Fury is okay, but feels like angry feminist at the beginning
- Almost non-existent story
- Minimal interaction with npcs, lacks depth
- It's just feels very simple compared to first 2 games
Overall if you don't care about story, and all you want to do is kill some demons and enjoy nice cartoonish graphics, then this is the game for you, but if you want good Darksiders game, this is not the one in my opinion. You won't miss anything if you skip it. It's still can be an okay game, cause it has good gameplay and bossfights, but I feel like it's waste of time. I am pretty dissappointed in this part, I hope Genesis suprises me.Personal rating: 5.5/10
3884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.20 14:03
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83 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 13:45
Compared to its prequel, it falls short. Trying to be a more difficult game, instead of a fun and challenging hack & slash, made it feel very much unfinished.
Could do with a big update that revamps the game to makes the combat tighter
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196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 19:22
Darksiders 3 tries too hard to be Dark Souls, and it fails hard. Part of what made Darksiders so much fun was feeling like an actual minor deity stomping around chasing down a puzzle. Darksiders 3 feels like i spend more time fighting the game mechanics than stomping on bad guys.
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785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 03:25
Hey, how about boss adds that insta-kill you from off screen?
Hey, how about it's so awful, Sony was offering it for PS+ users for free less than a year after release?
Hey, how about No.
1324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 08:36
If you want to know more check out the video:
4359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.01.20 09:03
4166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 21:46
It had a lot of ads on the internet of this game and so much people talking about it.
After 27 November of 2018, darksiders players became disapointed with this game.
The game had a huge difference on the gameplay comparing to the others darksiders games, some say it's DARKSOULS gameplay and difficulty.
Some time later the game received a update/patch where the devs added a option (classic) which by selecting it, the game would be like the others darksiders games (gameplay).
I said this because many people while reading this review will tell me that the gameplay is c#ncer and that stuff. JUST READ WHAT I WROTE. Thanks.
If you played any darksiders game in the past and you enjoyed it, you will have the same feelings with this one too. It's an enjoyable game with amazing fighting and movement.
The only 2 things I disliked was her weapon and DLCS.
Her weapon -> I know it's something that can't never be changed and it looks cool on her but when I play it, it's just something little weird (my opinion).
DLCS -> why dlcs??? I always hate them :( especially one it's crucible...
Darksiders Players - 9/10
Rest - 7/10
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