• Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.
  • Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis: Screen zum Spiel Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 18.06.2010
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Preis Update 04.01.25

Über das Spiel

Übernehmen Sie die Rolle von Howard E. Loreid und begeben Sie sich in eine Welt voller Finsternis! Darkness Within 2 führt Sie an Orte, an denen die "Dinge" der Vergangenheit noch weiterexistieren und alle Erinnerungen, die längst vergessen sein sollten, nach wie vor präsent sind. Dank der verbesserten Echtzeit-3D-Engine noch beeindruckender und grusliger als je zuvor.

Sie können frei mit der Spielwelt interagieren: Nutzen Sie dynamische Lichtquellen, um Ihren Weg zu beleuchten, drücken, ziehen oder werfen Sie Gegenstände, um alle verborgenen Geheimnisse aufzudecken, und untersuchen Sie jedes noch so kleine Detail. Ein unverbrauchtes und realistisches Spielerlebnis, das so bisher in keinem anderen Adventurespiel geboten wurde, wartet auf Sie.

„Darkness Within“ ist eine Adventure-Spielereihe, die von den Werken des Horrorautors H.P. Lovecraft inspiriert wurde. In „Das Dunkle Vermächtnis“, dem zweiten Teil der Serie, schlüpfen die Spieler erneut in die Rolle des Kriminalermittlers Howard Loreid, der im ersten Teil von übernatürlichen Ereignissen heimgesucht wurde. Howard entdeckt, dass seine eigene schreckliche Vergangenheit etwas mit dem Wahnsinn zu tun hat, der ihn erneut in seinen Bann ziehen wird.

In „Das Dunkle Vermächtnis“ wirst du Orte besuchen, wo die „Dinge“ der Vergangenheit noch lebendig sind, und all die Erinnerungen, die schon lange vergessen sein sollten, wieder ans Tageslicht kommen. Unter anderem begibst du dich in ein verschlafenes, deprimierendes Nest namens Arkhamend, eine Villa im viktorianischen Baustil, in der dunkle Geheimnisse verborgen sind, ein baufälliges Gebäude, das versteckt in einem schneebedeckten Wald liegt, und düstere unterirdische Gebäude und Tunnel. „Das Dunkle Vermächtnis“ ist noch schauriger als der Vorgänger, also bereite dich darauf vor, die Dunkelheit nicht mehr zu verlassen ...

  • Im Gegensatz zu Teil 1 ist Teil 2 kein Point-and-Click-Adventure mehr, sondern ein waschechtes 3D-Spiel mit NVIDIA PhysX-Support. Du kannst die Spielwelt jetzt frei erkunden, Lichtquellen nutzen, die in Echtzeit berechnete Schatten werfen, und Objekte auf realistische Weise hochheben, schieben, ziehen oder werfen.
  • Eingebautes Hilfssystem mit drei Schwierigkeitsstufen: Die Spieler haben die Wahl zwischen den Modi „Standard“, „Ermittler“ oder „Leitender Ermittler“.
  • Dynamische Puzzles und Funktionen: Traditionelle Adventure-Puzzles werden durch das Entschlüsseln von Träumen und dem Unterstreichen von Auszügen in Dokumenten erweitert, um wichtige Hinweise zu sammeln.
  • Verbessertes Gameplay: Hübsche Spezialeffekte, atemberaubende Grafik sowie dynamische Licht- und Schatteneffekte aus der Ego-Perspektive.
  • Schaurige Atmosphäre: Die faszinierende Geschichte im Lovecraft-Stil, die gruseligen Zwischensequenzen in Echtzeit sowie die gespenstische Musik sorgen für ein immersives Spielerlebnis.


  • CPU: 1,8 GHz Intel Pentium or equivalent AMD/
  • GFX: 256 MB GeForce 7 / Radeon X1600 / Pixel / Vertex Shader 3.0
  • RAM: 512 MB / 1 GB Vista
  • Software: Windows 2000/ XP / Vista
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
  • LANG: Englisch, Turkey, Spain and Italy
  • Software: Windows 2000/ XP / Vista
  • SFX: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
  • LANG: Englisch, Turkey, Spain and Italy

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1973 Produkte im Account
463 Reviews
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 11:06
Wirklich toll!

Das Spiel ist jetzt schon etwas älter und für ein Indiegame auch nicht mehr ganz auf der Höhe der Zeit, aber es versprüht seinen eigenen Charme und sieht auch deswegen immer noch ganz nett aus.
Die Horror-Stimmung kommt wirklich gut rüber, ich habe mich die ganze Zeit wie in einem Buch gefühlt.
Um die ganze Handlung verstehen zu können, sollte man unbedingt Teil 1 gespielt haben, denn das hier setzt direkt nach dessen Ende an und löst die offenen Fragen auf.

Es ist wieder ein reines Horror-Adventure, ohne Survival-Part.
Dieses mal kann man sich jedoch frei bewegen und unterhält sich auch mit ein paar NPC's.
Man durchsucht also schaurige Orte, löst Rätsel, studiert und untersucht Texte in Büchern und Nachrichten.
Die Story ist wirklich Klasse und durchweg besser als der gewöhnliche Indiehorrorkram.
Ein paar Rätsel waren wieder richtig knifflig, man sollte also notfalls eine Lösung parat liegen haben.

Ich kann das Spiel jedem Adventure und Gruselfreund absolut empfehlen.

Fazit: kaufen, kaufen, kaufen!
140 Produkte im Account
102 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.18 10:52
Ich habe die beiden Teile im Sale gekauft. Hätte ich den vollen Preis bezahlt, wäre es sehr ärgerlich. Für mich persönlich - kein Wiederspielwert. Tendiere daher mehr zu 'Daumen runter' - Sorry.
351 Produkte im Account
307 Reviews
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79 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.18 22:29

gute Geschichte aus Lovecraft-Versatzstücken
knackige, abwechslungsreiche Rätsel
gut umgesetzte Steuerung dank neuer 3-D-Egoperspektive
sinnvolle Hilfsfunktionen
guter Soundtrack


Hinweise häufig nicht auf Anhieb logisch und teilweise schwer zu finden
extrem viel Lesestoff
schwaches Ende
veraltete Grafik
395 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.17 17:07
1647 Produkte im Account
1250 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.17 14:27
First Person Horror Adventure.
Keine (360) Controller Unterstützung.
Anstrengende Steuerung. Habe z.B. ewig gebraucht um eine aufgenommene Kiste wieder loszuwerden.
Im Gegensatz zu Teil 1 kann man sich frei bewegen.
Aber ansonsten wieder rumlaufen, Dinge suchen und sich selbst (anhand von langen Textdokumenten) einen Reim auf die Geschichte machen.
248 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
617 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.16 19:53
Vorneweg - ich empfehlen dieses Spiel nur Fans des Vorgängers, die dem weiteren Verlauf der Geschichte folgen wollen und unempfindlich gegenüber Bugs und technischen Schwächen sind.

Im Gegensatz zum Vorgänger spielt man hier in vollständiger Ego-Manier, d.h. rumlaufen mit WASD und Springen mit LEER.
Der Sprung zum vollständigen 3D endete jedoch mit vielen technischen Schwierigkeiten, u.a. durch den Boden fallen (nur Neu-Laden hilft), grottigen Texturen und katastrophalen Modellen mit merkwürdigen Dimensionen.

Die Rätsel sind diesmal fast alle ohne Hilfe machbar (du sollst in der Hölle schmoren - Rätsel mit merkwürdigen Symbolen auf Steinen). Die Kunst in diesem Teil besteht darin keine Schlüsselelemente zu übersehen, wenn das gegeben ist, bekommt man alles wichtige und man weiß sofort was los ist.

Das Unterstreichen wurde in der neusten Version (Directors Cut) entfernt, welches trotz seiner nervigen Eigenschaften meist ein gutes Element war, welches ich gern in mehr Spielen sehen würde.

Die Story wird da fortgesetzt, wo sie im ersten Teil aufgehört hat und hält weiter das Niveau des Vorgängers und schraubt nebenbei den Horroranteil etwas höher.
4970 Produkte im Account
2503 Reviews
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 22:53

Over a decade of time has passed from the original release and it shows in the general lack of quality of live features and gameplay systems.
726 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 18:59
This game is glitchy, I keep falling through the floor and having flashing screens. Not to mention it has a lot of the problems of old adventure games, hard to find objects that are meant to be hard to find can be impossible to see. Getting stuck is very easy. The game also controls like you're walking in molasses, with laggy and slow inputs. I don't find the story to be very fulfilling, but I don't know if that's a problem with the game or the source material. (Some of the influence of Lovecraft's xenophobia pops out sometimes too, so just be aware of that.)
688 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 12:00
Part two takes the leap from point and click to full 3D and it's a total damn mess. You can literally fall through the map if you jump the wrong way in every game area. How it's still unfixed now is a total embarrassment. Save and save a lot.

BUT just like the first part, it respects the source material so well that I can't say no to it. I still had a blast playing it despite needing to brute force the nonsensical puzzles that were changed up even so most of what is written in the old walkthroughs was wrong when I got stuck. Yup.

If you like Lovecraft you will like this game despite its many flaws and if you don't you will not like this game. I think it's that simple.
2354 Produkte im Account
189 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 17:17
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage Is a lovecraftian atmospheric horror 3D adventure game and a direct sequel to Darkness Within: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder.

The story continues with Howard, a police detective and now an escapee from a mental asylum, who tries to uncover how the events of the previous game are connected to his past.

Like in the 1st game, you search for clues by talking to NPCs or reading books, diaries and newspaper clips and underlying the text you think is important .
It's still got the same problem that you may have concluded what to do by yourself to solve a puzzle but Howard won't do it unless you combine a few clues.

The unnerving and frightening atmosphere is still well executed by using environmental sound and Howard reactions and the dark environment itself that forces you to use a limited light source to find what you need.

The transition to 3D and the free-roaming here is bad, extremely bad - It was done poorly, its a buggy mass and this suppose to be the director's cut!

Prepare to clip through objects a lot and fall to the void thus losing a lot of progress if you didn't save for the last 20 minutes.

The game is not optimized well - I had to disable some of the advanced video options to make the game run above 60fps.

Also, a small tip - in the video menu, disable noise effect, it just makes your screen looks blurry and muddy.

Another problem is that the UI you have to navigate through and the text you have to read during your playthrough are very small and hard to read - It was not big in the 1st game but here it even smaller.

I don't like the director cut version, it was padded with some borderline moon logic puzzles, the devs did not fix the bugs and ruined the pace of the game by rearranging the location of key items you need to progress.

This game does give a proper ending to the journey and the story itself is still very good but it was frustrating to play because of the bugs, annoying out of place puzzles that were added in the director's cut (especially the one with the poem and the snake's head) and the ugly 3D graphics, especially the NPCs.

Don't count on a walkthrough for the director's cut if you get stuck unless you know German (Unless someone will decide to translate it).

Play this only if you want to desperately want to know how the story ends.
143 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 11:57
I really tried to like this game, I genuinely tried, but I can’t deny it anymore - this game is a disappointing mess. I loved the first one, but this sequel was a disappointment in so many ways. Here are some reasons why I think so:

The first game had the player feeling like an actual detective, uncovering clues and lore through reading and researching the available notes and documents at their own pace. The story unfolded as you progressed, and it felt natural and rewarding in a sense. “Thinking” about clues is no longer an essential part in puzzle solving here, in fact I haven’t even tried to see if it’s incorporated into the game mechanics because it hasn’t been necessary up to this point. In this game, it feels like the story is happening around the player without their effort rather than it unfolding because of the player. Instead of uncovering the mystery and story at your own pace and through interesting tidbits of world-building, the devs chose to go heavy on the dialogue. And exposition through lengthy dialogue is possibly the most dull and unimaginative way to tell a story, not rewarding at all.

The story is all over the place. It’s like they were trying to incorporate every single Lovecraft trope and bit of lore into a single narrative, which might have worked if the game had a more thought-out storyline but it absolutely doesn’t. Unlike the first game where the story had few but carefully selected themes and tropes and there was a singular focus tying it all together, this game just tries to do everything at once. It’s not captivating, it’s confusing and makes you feel scatterbrained. Less is more.

They kept the original clunky inventory system, which in the first game was manageable albeit a bit annoying, but in this game they added like 20+ more items for you to carry around, which makes it really annoying to scroll through the inventory and find an item.

Did I mention this Director’s Cut edition of the game apparently changes some of the puzzles in the game? There’s no walkthrough I could find online for it, and I looked - because the solutions ended up being so nonsensical there is no way a rational person would come to those conclusions on their own. Takes you out of the immersion completely.

The game is still atmospheric, though. The sound design is genuinely nice, and I liked the voice work.

Overall score: 4.5/10. Out of all their games I’ve played (Darkness Within 1, Darkness Within 2 and Conarium) this one is the weakest link.
291 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
746 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 23:08
Creepy atmosphere, love the vibes
231 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 10:29
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage undeniably delivers the atmosphere of Lovecraftian Universe.

Upon arriving in Arkhamend, you involuntarily feel hostility from this bleak Innsmouth-ish town. Throughout the whole game, gloominess and menacing mood never fails. Moreover, accomplished ambient music and characters’ voice acting deepens the immersion.

Is this game worth playing?

Yes, if you love this kind of horror atmosphere, visual style and keen on solving non-trivial and difficult puzzles.
Probably no, if you are intolerant to many glitches, the probability to get stuck a lot and cringey facial animation.

Sadly, my personal experience with the second installment of the Darkness Within was marred by glitches and strange implementation of several puzzles.
I’ll just list them below.

- The stones and compass puzzle in the abandoned building.

[spoiler]When you have already guessed what needs to be done to solve the puzzle, the game won’t let you do it. I underlined a part in the book related to the Urgeritch sign and luminescent matter. Then it was quite clear I needed to do something with the stones. But the camera couldn’t be used on them, until I underlined another sentence in the book.[/spoiler]

- Very frequent falling through textures. It was not game breaking, as I always had a recent save to load and fix the situation, just irritating.

- Blurry visuals made it much harder for me to find certain objects (compared to the first game).

- Some puzzles (like homunculus could open some doors) seemed a bit far-fetched.

- Encountered a serious bug where an important item could not be taken. Had to reload.

Due to aforementioned issues I unnecessarily got stuck a lot during the playthrough and it turned the scale towards a negative impression.
906 Produkte im Account
169 Reviews
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 20:19
I don't comprehend why so many developers of successful 2D / 2.5D point n' click adventure games feel compelled to make a 3D sequel at some point. In fact, if you can't ensure your game is smoothly playable, why switch to 3D at all? Darkness Within 1 was an amazing 2D adventure, with a 360-degree camera and there was nothing wrong with that. Darkness Within 2 is a fully 3D game in which I've fallen through the map about twenty times so far. It's clumsy, janky, very barebone which makes it barely playable. A couple of pro tips: don't jump in this game, and if you really really have to, F5 creates a quick-save, so hit that beforehand. The first time I was lucky since I jumped while on the second floor inside a building, so I simply went straight through the ground and landed on the first floor. The next time I jumped while outside to overcome an obstacle and then flew downwards into a bottomless void. That's how messed up the movement mechanics and collision detection are.

All that aside, if you're here for the story and the atmosphere you'll love it. There's nothing better than suspense built through the atmosphere alone - the world design, the ambient sounds, etc., and this game does a wonderful job at it. Besides, it's a must-buy if you played Darkness Within 1, as it continues the story and ties quite a few ends. Of course, it leaves a few loose, but ah, what the hell. In the end it's a good spooky adventure which deserves to be cherished by us adventure geeks, because they barely make them like that anymore.
286 Produkte im Account
199 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 18:44
Game crash - Exception occurred
After i launched new game it crashed. It says this, Exception occurred - an exception thrown during the game loop.
109 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 14:09

Lightning Doesn't Strike Same Place Twice

  • Unlike its previous entry, The Dark Lineage is a Walking Sim with Point ‘n Click elements. A welcome change; adding more openness for finding clues and leading to unexpected headaches for finding items.
  • The rendered scenes haven’t aged well. They look interlaced.
  • Just like the previous entry. References throughout–never interfering with the plot and sometimes part of the plot.
  • Some puzzles are clever, they can be tedious [ex: the runic puzzle].
  • Some spelling issues.
  • Some of the mechanics feel Amnesia-ish.
  • The music isn’t as good as the previous entry and intermittently start over or stop. Maybe a bug, not sure.
  • There are also bugs;
  • [olist]
  • Clipping through the floor (by the cart: outside the old building) and clipping thought about every object.
  • Lighting bug caused by the flashlight, a blue-ish tint on the environment.
  • When the flashlight is off--lighting bug goes (Howard’s Room, Mansion). Turning off “Fullscreen Effect” solved the issues with the lighting.
  • Lighting has a seizure for no apparent reason (underground galleries).
  • Odd graphical bugs—view that different angles.I magically spawned eleven flashlights… I don’t know how I did it.
  • Audio: the radio goes silent walking to the steps leading to a landing (Arkhamend, Inn Area). Same with the grandfather clock in the Lord’s Mansion. This could be limitations involving the CPAGE Engine.
  • [/olist]


The Dark Lineage—in my eyes. Feels rushed and unfinished, which is a shame.
If to change one thing; I would drop the 3D roaming aspect to bring back Point ‘n Click. The game engine [CPAGE] can’t handle it.
In respite of the issues and the shortcomings I found. The story is it’s strongest quality in a play definitely played by any fan of the developers and specially Lovecraftian fans!
91 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 16:49
This game is not an improvement over its predecessor. Minor spoilers to follow.

The sound design and music are still very good and there are some good horror moments. There isn't nearly as much back tracking in the second game and what you need to do at any given time is clearer.

This game lacks the atmosphere and detailed environments of the first game. It's definitely not as impressive visually but it has it's moments.

A great opportunity for a horror sequence near the conclusion of the game which was foreshadowed in a couple of memos is skipped over and described by Howard instead which just made it that much more disappointing. Yeah, Howard, it sounds great. Wish I'd been there to see it.

The story isn't as compelling as the one in the first game. There aren't many unknowns and what you learn won't surprise anyone who is at all familiar with Lovecraft. However, it is very personal to the player character and could be fun at times.

Unfortunately this game has the same level of uncomfortable racism and xenophobia as the first one. I thought maybe it wouldn't be as bad in this game but about 90% of the way through there it was again. I guess they just couldn't help themselves.

The puzzles (minor spoilers) were mostly good but a few either just made no sense or relied on the player doing something very specific but optional. In order to get the code for a door you have to get accidentally bitten by an insect that makes you hallucinate. The problem is I was very good at dodging them and never got bitten so I was stuck. In the director's cut, the devs tried to rearrange things so it's more likely that the player will be bitten but it clearly didn't solve the problem.

Narratively there's also an issue of doing something really extreme to accomplish something simple. You go through an entire level which takes up a good third of the game just to get information you could have gotten by talking to people in the town. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

Underling facts in documents is still a huge part of game play and it's not executed any better than before nor is it really useful. Unless you want to explain the story to Howard which I still don't. You'll see the same information repeated again and again or underline a fact in one document, have the game tell you it isn't important, and then underline it again in a document right next to the first one where for some reason it suddenly counts as a hit.

Another huge part of game play is searching for secret compartments and occult items that aren't actually useful for anything. I'm not against secret compartments in moderation but this is a bit much.

The game allows you to quick save but lacks a dedicated quick save slot so you'll end up with dozens of saves cluttering up your hard drive.

The 3D models are mostly fine but the hotel owner is horrifying. The physics engine is alright and it's really nice not to be stuck with poorly designed point and click controls like in the first game but the collision objects aren't well fitted to walls and bookshelves so you can fall through them or get stuck in them. This wasn't a huge problem but I did sometimes have to reload. The real problem, for me, was that chairs, hat stands, beds, boxes, and sofas, flew around the room at the slightest touch and then refuse to move. One time a chair got stuck over a secret compartment I needed to open which was annoying.

Endings (minor spoilers)
The game has two endings which are simple and kind of vague but get the point across. Technically there is supposed to be a good ending and it is the one you have to work harder for which is nice but it's not really good either so not worth the effort.

Overall, I don't think this is a good game. I had some fun but lost patience with it by the end just like the first one.
21 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.19 00:52
- superb, captivating, immersive story
- menacing, absolutely hit-the-nail-on-its-head atmosphere for a supernatural thriller
- spot on Lovecraftian vibes, fascinating and terrifying events
- haunting environments, abandoned mansion with thunder storm, sewers with howling creatures in the distance, darkness, creepy inn, great sound effects and music
- deep, rich lore for you to uncover
- the game simulates the grinding and tedious nature of being alone against the world and having to do
constant investigation to put pieces together, because you'll get very little aid

- absolutely anti-ergonomic, unresponsive controls and UI, that makes the gameplay a tedious chore
- resembles the mid 20th century movies where everything is advancing way too slow
- really outdated character models (not necessarily a big deal, since graphics alone never make the game)
- no actual challenges, difficult puzzles or real threat of dying, apart from finding every single needed item and sometimes needing bordeline psychic abilites to combine the infos you have to get the specific outcome, resulting in the absolute NEED for checking the walkthroughs unless you are a masochist.

Overall: surprisingly great experience, even left me thinking about existential dread and the menacing unknown and the point of life. But philosophy aside, this game is a must if you are a Lovecraft-conosseur or like story-rich adventures. If you can bear with the games slow pace and flaws I think you'll not regret it! A unique experience and a very good game!

Play this game before Conarium, developers newer game, because that way you'll appreciate how much they have improved over the years. Oh and btw play Conarium, too! Freaking good! They will soon release a new game as well and I'm personally looking forward to every game they make. They are that good!
594 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
237 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.14 07:25
Since the only other review seems to be decrying the game for not being any different than the original release, I'm going to speak from the perspective of someone who has never played these games before. And I think they're great, this one especially. The graphics aren't that great, kind of on par with early Frictional stuff (think Penumbra) and the gameplay is great if you're an adventure fan. The puzzles can be awesome, or sometimes baffling, the voice work is not great, but fits the vibe, and the atmosphere is fantastic. Also, after having played so many bad first person horror games lately, this one was a breath of fresh air. If you liked Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and are down for something a bit more lonesome, and focused on puzzles instead of action, you'll dig. If you're a graphics-snob who gets bored or frustrated easily, stay away.
Logo for Darkness Within 2: Das dunkle Vermächtnis
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
59.3% 51 35
Release:18.06.2010 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Zoetrope Interactive Vertrieb: Iceberg Interactive Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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