Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin
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Über das Spiel

- Die definitive DARK SOULS II-Ausgabe, mit allen bisher veröffentlichten Inhalten für DARK SOULS II und vielem mehr!
- Brandneue Herausforderungen. Die Platzierung der Feinde wurde aufwändig überarbeitet und sorgt jetzt für eine vollständig neue Spieldynamik. Die sicheren Zonen, an die sich manche Spieler noch erinnern werden, sind nicht mehr sicher! Eine neue NSC-Gruppierung namens „die Verlassenen“ wird einen großen Einfluss auf das Spielerlebnis ausüben. Selbst die erfahrensten Spieler von DARK SOULS™ II werden alles vergessen müssen, was sie je über das Spiel zu wissen geglaubt haben.
- Der Online-Modus wurde um einen Gegenstand erweitert, mit dem sich die im Kampf erworbenen Seelen verwalten lassen. Anpassungen lassen sich jetzt online reibungsloser umsetzen. Zudem wurde die maximale Anzahl von Spielern in einer Online-Session von 4 auf 6 Spieler erhöht, was die Spieldynamik von Online-Spielen stark beeinflusst.
Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin erreicht die Düsternis und das packende Gameplay, für das diese Spielreihe so berühmt ist, ganz neue Dimensionen. Mach dich auf die finstere Reise und erlebe überwältigende Kämpfe, teuflische Gefahren und erbarmungslose Herausforderungen.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 17:56
Man hat viel auf Quantität gesetzt. Viele Gegner, lange Wege, große Areale. Leider wirken die Wege und Areale vollgemüllt mit Gegnern um es unnötig schwer zu machen.
Wie gesagt, DS2 ist nicht schlecht und hat viele Neuheiten. Nur ist neu nicht immer gut.
2055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 16:03
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1722 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.22 23:16
Außerdem finde ich, dass die meisten Bosse zu langsam gemacht wurden was die Angriffe angeht.
Mir kommt es so vor als hätten die meisten Bosse den gleichen Angriffsstil.
Was noch zu kritisieren ist, ist das die Bosse dich trotzdem treffen obwohl du ausgewichen bist durch eine Rolle.
Nicht Empfohlen
1386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 16:13
20343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 16:15
Einziges Manko ist die Tatsache, daß Koop-Spielen nur mit gleichem oder ähnlichem Soul-Level möglich ist.
Wer also gerne mit einem Freund spielt sollte vor Spielbeginn seinen Kumpel bitten ebenfalls einen neuen Charakter zu beginnen. Um die Chance zu erhöhen das Beschwörungs-Zeichen seines Freundes zu finden sollten beide den Ring bei der Katze in Majula kaufen und solange tragen bis die richtige Beschwörung geklappt hat.
2816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 21:25
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141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 19:02
Für mich war es nichts. Vielleicht gebe ich ihn nochmal ein Try aber gerade kein Interesse.
Nicht Empfohlen
2276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 16:05
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3509 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 13:35
Im übrigen bedeutet DS2 - immer wieder vor verschlossenen Türen zu stehen und es den Anschein hat nirgends geht es weiter, bis man plötzlich nach weiterem absuchen, plötzlich irgendwo ein NPC steht, der einem den Weg frei macht oder weil am anderen Ende der Welt der Schlüssel liegt.
Wenn man seine Ausdauer verbraucht muss sie sicher erst wieder zu 100% aufladen bevor man wieder rennen kann, was Inkonsisten zu anderen Aktionen ist. Im übrigen spielt sich DS2 auch ohnehin sehr träge.
Ohne Komplettlösung ist dieses Spiel nicht zu schaffen, sonst findet man ein paar essenzielle Orte einfach nicht. Ekelhaft!
2086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 21:42
8658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 12:45
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514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 15:25
3293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.20 10:56
Kann ich empfehlen, zwar bissl mehr RPG like mit den Attributen als die anderen Teile aber hat was :D
Wer Dark Souls 1 und 3 gemocht hat, kann ich dieses Spiel auch herzlichst empfehlen.
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3788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 17:09
6712 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 17:15
The review will be divided into three sections, and focusing specifically on if you should or not play the game, assuming you’re already a veteran of the series and know what makes these games great.
Note: I’ll be omitting any SOFT improvement.
A strongly-worded sentence: The average FromSoftware gamer sadly became amongst the most toxic communities, with acts of elitism or simply being one of Miyazaki’s lemmings, that can’t play the game for more than five minutes, because he’s not present to sprinkle fairy dust and some icing, If you’re one of those, then you should automatically avoid the game, chances are you’ll not like it, no matter how hard you try.
The bad:
Fall damage: Extremely punitive, feeling at times broken, even if you equip the cat ring. A limiting factor for certain exploration or experimentation.
Adaptability: An I-frame tied stat, which pushes you into having to change the way you envision your builds.
Hitboxes: Possibly the biggest problem with the game, you’ll be grabbed or hit by enemies even when you are not within their reach, same will work the other way around. Explosions also suffer from this issue, leaving to some gotcha moments. Backstabbing becomes a problem when the hitboxes are this crippled.
Pathfinding: The AI at times will be lost, scurrying around, unceasingly, without a clear path, unable to reach you, leading to some lukewarm moments of hilarious laughter or frustration.
Props and landscapes are botched: From very gorgeous areas, to scenery that feels stitched together in an amateurish way, the game also suffers from the lack of props to tell a story, making the world feel less empty.
Audio glitches: An example would be during boss fights, when you hit them.
Cutscenes: They tried adding cinematic black bars, it looks out of place, their attempt failed miserably.
Curses: They feel pointless and inconsequential, at most giving you the same effect as a normal death, pop an effigy and you’re good to go.
Repetition of certain bosses: Recycling content isn’t new, but they could’ve toned it down a lil’. Couple of re-used bosses, even from the previous game.
Map cohesion: DS1’s world was cohesive, connecting various paths and providing well-thought-out shortcuts for strategic bonfires. DS2 allows you to fast travel from the start, not much thought was put into how areas transition and connect, leading to vexing sights. Strategically placed bonfires would however gracefully return with shortcuts for the dlcs.
Acid and the repair system: They're botched, your weapons will usually break far faster than you’d like, and to further complicate things, some areas or even enemies capitalise on that and punish you and especially your gear, leaving you frail and vulnerable.
Movement: Not as fluid as previous titles, a snap-in feel that might lead to accidental falls from a ledge when you try to quickly manoeuvre.
Camera lock on: Never has been a forte of the souls series but somehow and in an unexplainable way the camera lock on feature feels even less responsive than it previously was.
The controversial:
Human effigies: Few and scarce, extremely punitive unless you’re a veteran of the series and know when to use and not overuse them, one ring nullifies half of the effect.
Life gems: DS1 nailed the healing system, focusing on a more fair and curated difficulty, being able to use one of your consumable items to increase the amount of flasks if you felt the need,
DS2 tried something new, you’re given less flasks at the start, you’ll have to find them through the game, requiring you to use life gems, which are a one use consumable item, that you can simply buy infinite stacks of them at a vendor.
Bonfire Ascetic and enemies de-spawning: They allow you to turn an isolated area into a ng+ zone, resetting the enemies, bosses and items. Allowing you to farm de-spawning enemies again.
Pharo lockstones and fragrant branches of yore: Pharo lockstones are an interesting addition, giving you some meaningful choices with what paths and rewards you choose, the problem is that fragrant branches of yore do the same, defeating the purpose already.
Torch mechanics: DS2 had big plans that shattered with a graphical downgrade, sadly torches were a casualty of that, they tried to salvage them, but usually you don’t really need them, so you can keep your shield for the most part.
Quantity over quality and certain backstabs: This point is extremely controversial, after the release of two Souls titles, veterans were storming through games, DS2 tried to spice things by making enemies harder and overwhelming in numbers, which led to the game feeling unfair and frustrating for some. They tried to counter a big issue with previous games where you circle around most enemies, and backstab them. One example of that are the turtle stone enemies, that counter backstabs.
Nexus maiden: With a bit of Demon souls DNA, the maiden idea was brought back in DS2 and 3. Forcing us to move back and forth, back to the central hub, shoving fast travel down our throats, instead of just letting the player cater their basic levelling needs and move on, interrupted.
GUI improvements: In some ways they did and in some they botched it, two examples would be how you consume multiple items and how much harder is to consult a weapon’s scale stat.
The good:
Equipment variety and PVP: Fans will be spoiled with a massive amount of gear, truly giving us infinite replay value, especially with the glorious addition of powerstancing. PVP benefited greatly from this, which makes you wonder, why people hate on this game, yet it has the best PVP of the series, surely then the combat isn’t that bad is it?
Covenants and npcs: Npcs although a bit one dimensional compared to DS1, they feel interesting, they have their own intricacies a good amount of lore to share that spices the world.
Decent amount of content and NG+: The game features a massive amount of content, NG+ isn’t lazily assembled, it has some new enemy types, new changes. DLCs are probably the best the series can offer, with interconnecting maps and less but more strategically placed bonfires, in some cases, even bringing puzzle and switch mechanics, if the base game had the dlc’s direction, it’d be the best DS game of the series, by far.
Last thoughts:
Demon souls possibly inspired by a great mix of many ideas seen in older games, like Legacy of Kain soul reaver or Onimusha, spawned its own genre, DS2 although flawed, delivered on that promise, the game is highly controversial but undeniably great and deserves in my opinion a strong 8.5 out of 10.
4421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 15:16
The ‘black sheep’ of the Dark Souls series. In my opinion this should not be your first Souls game, I would not recommend starting on this entry, but if you like the series I would 100% recommend playing it. It is certainly worth your time. Just be aware it has very high highs but also some truly awful lows.
Be aware it has a slow start and is very different with completely different pacing to the other two Souls games and some mechanics which will take a while to get used to, but give it a shot, there is a lot to love here. I really did not like it for the first few hours, as I was playing it too much like DS1/3, but when I had spent enough time with it and got used to the differences I really enjoyed it overall.
FromSoftware really tried something different with this game, which is commendable. DS2 could easily have just been DS1 but new areas and bosses and that would probably have been received well but they really tried many new things with this entry, which is bold and the right step for videogames in general in my opinion. Some of these new elements were great, whilst others were clear misses, but it is great they took those steps and tried them out, I see a lot more of this game in Sekiro (probably my favourite FromSoft game) than I do of DS3. Without the risks they took with DS2 we may not even have Sekiro or Elden Ring today. I haven’t played Elden Ring yet, but I have heard it includes several elements that were previously exclusive to DS2 such as Twinblades and the Powerstance mechanic, which is neat.
As mentioned, DS2 introduced a lot of new elements some of which were great and became staples for the rest of their games such as:
• Ability to respec skill points
• Ability to teleport between bonfires from the start of the game
• Estus shards to upgrade the flask
• More of a focus on the ‘hub’
• New elements for NG+: new rings, new items, new NPC interactions, some new moves/elements in some boss fights
It also introduced some which haven’t returned but I thought were great ideas. For example:
• Bonfire Ascetics: essentially reset an area including its bosses but at +1 difficulty equivalent to 1 level of NG+ on whatever playthrough you are on, good for farming or the ability to fight a boss again/ obtain its unique soul again if you wish.
• (as mentioned above) Powerstancing: dual wielding certain weapons (doesn’t have to be the same weapon twice) allows new unique animations and move sets as long as you meet the strength requirement for doing so (usually 1.5x both weapons strength requirement).
• Enemies despawn permanently (for the current playthrough) if they have been killed 15 times in total (unless you join a certain covenant to prevent this) this can really help people if they are stuck or want to make a path through a certain area/ path to a boss easier for themselves.
This game also has some incredible bosses, some of the best in the series, especially in the DLCs, I particularly enjoyed : [spoiler]Velstadt, Sir Alonne, Fume Knight, Burnt Ivory King and the Smelter Demons [/spoiler]. It also has, arguably, the best plot of the three Dark Souls games.
However, at parts, this game has some of the most malicious game design I have seen in gaming which, whilst somewhat on brand for FromSoftware with the whole ‘difficult game, “get good”’ ethos, it can sometimes feel unfair and like it is designed just to be frustrating. You really must treat this game differently than the other two when playing, the old classic strategies will not work, I would recommend taking it slower and picking your targets/ managing them more deliberately, if you rush you will likely get overwhelmed by a mob very quickly. I always felt DS1 was somewhat difficult but fair, some parts of DS2 strayed from this and were ridiculous. For example:
• Decaying max hp upon death (kicking you whilst you’re down)
• Slower healing (not necessarily a bad thing but paired with less max HP leads to a rough early game and is why many players end up leaving and hating this game)
• Less than half of the I-frames on your dodge roll (I may have the exact numbers wrong but it is something like you have 5 I-frames rather than the other two games’ 13 I-frames per roll, unless you take a new stat called adaptability to 99 which gets you back to 13 I frames for a ‘medium’ roll) so it takes a while to adjust to/ you feel like your roll isn’t anywhere near as useful as it is in the other entries
• No I-frames for opening doors/chests/most interactions
• Many more traps and ambushes than DS1 and 3 (not necessarily unfair but worth mentioning in this section of the review)
• Higher density of enemies in small spaces
• Some very questionable hit boxes, especially with some bosses performing lunge attacks
• Some of the worst areas in the series with upwards of 8 enemies in what is essentially a narrow corridor
• Some areas having upwards of 30 enemies between a bonfire and a boss so every attempt takes you over 5 mins to get back and try again, these high numbers of enemies often include situations where you are being mobbed by melee based enemies and also being sniped by archers/ mages often with elemental effects etc, not ideal [spoiler]Shrine of Amana, Frigid Outskirts and Iron passage [/spoiler] are the worst offenders.
Don’t get me wrong, it is a good game, it isn’t impossibly hard or anything like that but at times it does edge on being unfair, it is by far the most frustrating of the 3 games. The aforementioned run between the nearest bonfire and boss being horrendous is a great shame as it unfortunately takes place before some of the best bosses in the game, in my opinion, and greatly takes away from their enjoyment.
The game certainly has some missteps and flaws, but it also exceeds in many ways different to the other entries in the series. All I would say is be patient with the changes. It took me a while to enjoy it but a few hours in it clicked for me and by the end I really did enjoy it a great deal.
1946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 19:38
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25792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 16:45
2367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 10:20
Can you die to a big rat? Check
Can you die to a little rat? Check
Can you die on a ghost pirate ship? Check
Can you die on a bridge with lots of dragons flying around? Check
Can you die to a tiger? Check
Can you die to two tigers? Check
Can you talk to a cat? Check
Can you buy stuff from a cat? Check
Can you buy a ladder? Check
Can you buy a bigger ladder? Check
Can you buy a even more bigger ladder than that? Check
Can you be blown to smithereens while buying stuff? Check
This game has everything a Dark Souls has never had and more.
Still don't believe me? There are no goddamnmotherfuckingpieceofshit Silver Knights hanging out on the buttresses of Anor Londo in this one.
I rest my case.
5330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.22 01:53
3876 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 06:36
average strength enjoyer
3065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 00:26
157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 15:22
You should know any true gamer spends at least a full hour creating the perfect facial features on their character before actually starting this game.
… of course after spending a full hour or more creating your characters face you then spend the rest of the game staring at the back of your characters head…
The experience of playing this game is like learning how to juggle. When you first start, like most people you can toss two balls in the air but it is literally unthinkable that someone could juggle three balls. But you try to learn.
The first few tries, you are completely spastic and balls are flying everywhere. But you keep at it. Ten times. Twenty times. On the 50th try you can get about 3 or 4 tosses in before you lose it. After 100 tries, you can get two full rounds in, like 6 tosses. After 500 tries, you can actually keep it going for like 10 seconds. Feels good, man.
By the next week you are juggling 3 balls like a boss. Now you have mastered the basic principles and start applying them to different objects. Pretty soon you are throwing around flaming chainsaws, something that was simply inconceivable when you started. That is Dark Souls.
4538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 09:51
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3809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 11:29
I'll start with the negatives first since this is a not recommended. Note I played through with a melee character using a crossbow.
- This game is very generous with enemy spawns. Even as early as the first area it is not uncommon to run into 3+ enemies at once if you aren't going at a snail's pace. Anyone familiar with this style of game knows fighting multiple enemies is very risky and a quick way to die, yet most of the time you are just forced to put up with it and make the best about it. This ends up making alot of encounters feel the same, you're just running to a narrow area so you aren't engulfed by the mob. Even being ranged won't completely alleviate this as some groups are just programmed to aggro you from a stadium away if you walk into the right spot.
- The survivability options in this game are not designed very well. ADP being unexplained in the actual game and neutering your initial dodge roll, requiring investment to have a usable roll and potentially making it a overpowered roll. Estus flask starts at a single charge (if you're clever you can get it at 2 before first area) increasing with shards as you go along. In DS1 you got a default of 5 at every bonefire you rested at, with the option to kindle for more. Since you start with much less they added another option for healing, Lifegems. These heal over time but more importantly, are sold in infinite quantities after you finish a very early part of the game. This also messes with the balance of the game, you can be extremely careless and still come into bosses with full estus. And if by some miracle you've ran out? You can still heal with gems.
- You lose maximum health every time you die. I cannot stress enough how bad of a mechanic this is when the game is designed to kill you when exploring areas for the first time. If you're a new player to the series and die a bit too much you will have an even tougher time getting through. Human effigies can restore this health but they are not in high supply at the start.
- Bosses in this game are mostly very unmemorable, I do not expect every single one to make an impact but compared to the first DS, I never feel in danger when I'm fighting them, Sir Alonne and Fume Knight aside. NPC gank squad I don't even qualify as a boss, disgraceful for DLC.
- Hitboxes in this game can be extremely misleading or downright broken. Some enemies will hit you without physically touching your character. Some will have extremely delayed hits that hurt you even when the attack has passed through your dodge roll. In what affected me the most, some enemies will hurt you as you're killing them, either via some kind of ghost hitbox or having one so large just being near them as they start gets you hurt. Compound this with the earlier part about losing max health as you die, it makes it especially frustrating.
These factors by themselves aren't great but mixed together, it makes the early game experience especially awful. 2 hours into my game I was very close to dropping it entirely and moving on. It's punishing and in a way that's nearly unavoidable at the start. You're basically playing a hack and slash, with very low levels of nuance on how to approach fights. You'll get hit by things that make you do a double take thinking if you're crazy. If you can persevere through that lets move to the positives.
- You have an immense amount of customization freedom when it comes to your character build. Levels are quite abundant compared to the previous title so you can use a wider array of armor, weapons, and spells together. Speaking of weapons, you can now properly dual wield weapons, and although power stance is basic at it's core, it adds the option.
- The game looks overall, pretty good. Some areas not as great as others but I find myself fond of almost all maps that involve water. Malina is a great town hub (with the best music in the game) and while the game's inter-connectivity becomes very nonsensical in some parts the individual areas are interesting with plenty of variety for locations. In addition to have a large variety of areas, the world is very open to which you can explore first. Of course some may be easier than others but there's nothing stopping you from trying a different, more difficult path.
- NG+ offers actual changes to enemies, boss fights, and items you find. This makes the replay value much higher since there are secrets to find even after you've completed the game once. Even if you don't want to play through NG+ you have the option to make specific areas into NG+ through an item in game, allowing you to get those items or gears earlier on to craft a personalized build.
Now looking at the positives, what I felt was the longer I played, the more bearable it became. After you get through the slog at the start, the options to you open up and the struggle of transversing the world eases alot. The game still tries hard to kill you, don't get me wrong. It's just now you're in a much better position to take it on. I found myself dying very sparsely towards the middle to end. I was close to giving this a recommended but I have to remember what I felt at the beginning and take that into account. I will say that if you're interested in this game don't let this review stop you, try it for yourself.
5362 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 07:45
Overall, it is my personal flawed favourite in the series.
-Greatest viable build variety in the series.
-Best PvP in the series by far.
-Most interesting NPCs.
-Largest world.
-Largest number of different weapons and armours.
-Largest number of unique spells (sorc, faith, pyro, hex).
-Most balanced PvP (with one weird exception).
-Very atmospheric hub. My favourite in the FromSoft gaming universe.
-Greatest replayability (further NG+ cycles add unique enemies, different boss souls and drops).
-Bonfire ascetic mechanic pushes a single area into NG allowing you to refight bosses and experience the above benefits at a cost (enemies are much stronger).
-Most unique game in the series (recurring bosses, sconce lighting, traveling into memories, NPC who can be an invader or merchant depending on your choices etc).
-Really interesting covenants.
-Lots of NPC invasions with unique drops and behaviours.
-Widest variety of backstab and riposte animations by far.
-Best dual-wielding in the series.
-Many NPCs reward you meaningfully for spending lots of souls with them.
-Some armour items have stat boosts (cast speed, attunement slots, bleed bonus etc).
-You can respec an unlimited number of times, but requires a rare item that is tough to farm.
-Best dlc in the entire trilogy.
-Including dlc, mostly better bosses than DS1 but worse than DS3.
-Fragrant branches and pharros lockstones are limited resources that you can use to unlock certain areas or NPCs. They are an interesting idea, but can be frustrating as they limit your choices.
-Enemies despawn after 12 kills but can be brought back by joining a covenant which also makes them stronger.
-In addition to estus, you get limited healing items that work over time.
-A common complaint is that this game often forces you into gank situations (multiple enemies attack you at once) which is difficult. However, I weirdly enjoy this as it forced me to learn how to deal with this (see bottom for tips).
-Worst player matching in the series by far. The soul memory mechanic matches you based on how much currency (souls) you have earned over your characters lifetime. This remains a disaster that requires you to sacrifice a ring slot for the Agape Ring that halts currency earning to sort-of counter. You can sacrifice another ring slot to help (Name Engraved Ring for a certain God makes players with the same God's ring match easier).
-Worst movement in the series, 8 directional lock. This is a major step back from DS1.
-Worst rolling and slowest healing. I-frames and healing item use speed depend on the AGL stat.
-Lots of enemies have grab attacks which are notorious for having overwhelmingly oversized hitboxes. While all grab attacks in every souls game are like this, DS2 has the highest number and most egregious offenders.
-One weapon is universally regarded as the best for PvP (thankfully it is not widely used in my experience).
-There is a baffling geographical choice that makes no sense, though I personally don't care.
-Like DS1 remastered, this version of the game split the playerbase from the original. However, the playerbase is very large and active mostly because of the excellent PvP.
PS. This is a really tough game, much harder than DS1 so I will include some tips:
*Small-medium sized shields are excellent against small-human sized enemies but terrible against big enemies and bosses (you need to use greatshields or roll).
*More useful for elemental resistance and stat bonuses (some pieces) than physical defence.
*Hard to go wrong! They did this better than any other DS game. Spell and Melee builds and hybrids are very viable. Generally bows and crossbows are support weapons though.
-Rolling and healing
*Level ADP to 26 to have a better time with rolling i-frames and healing faster.
-Multiple enemies
*When possible, use a ranged weapon or magic to draw one enemy at a time.
*Bait an enemy attack and run to seperate them up. Take the opportunity to wack them a few times and repeat.
*Use your environment to force enemies to chase you. During the run, they almost always separate. (ALWAYS RUN BACK, NEVER FORWARD unless you know it's safe). Again, Take the opportunity to wack them a few times and repeat.
*Ensure you have a weapon or spell that you can use safely (fast enough, won't get caught on environment) with length, sweep or aoe.
I hope you consider buying this and that you'll enjoy it as much or more than I have. Good luck!
4322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 00:32
I know this game gets bashed on and it may not be the best one in the series to alot of people but I really enjoyed every minute on this game.
Dark Souls 3 will always be my favorite but this game is amazing in it's own way and it's definitely worth playing. ????
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3618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 05:00
The difficulty of this game comes from it's clunkiness and unfair situations it forces you through. The bosses are easy, getting to them is hard not for any other reason other than because they wanted you to die. All other soul games are difficult, but fair. This game is just difficult. For the most part, when you die, there is nothing to learn from.
This game is not horrible, but it also is not good. If you are looking to play the souls series, play this last. It will make you not want to play the others.
7321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.06.21 15:52
Technically it is a very well made game, it runs without any stutters even on a laptop CPU with integrated graphics.
But I can recommend it only for those who are fully aware of what Dark Souls games essentially are.
Dark Souls II is utterly unfriendly for newcomers.
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2211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 12:57
I love the Souls series, having played through the games multiple times. DS2 is a different game in many ways - the most of them worse. It is not only an incredibly unbalanced game, but it is also plagued by a myriad of technical issues and downright bad design that makes it an overly frustrating experience.
Dark Souls 2 takes the player on a journey through the harrowing and decaying world of Drangleic. The goal is to obtain powerful souls to link the First Flame and break the curse of the undead that has beset the land. Like the other Souls games, the player has a range of different play styles to choose from - heavy, light, magic, pyromancy, and even dual-wielding shield builds are all possible. As the player progresses, they will get souls, used to level up and buy upgrades and items.
The Soulsborne series is punishing and very challenging, but fair. Death is how players learn about the world and the enemies they encounter, teaching players how to time heals, deal with different enemies or improve their build. The difficulty is mostly skilled-based rather than artificial, placing an emphasis on the player's skill level rather than a numbers game. It's designed as a fair test of skill, to ultimately challenge players and reward them when they improve.
On paper, and at first glance, that is how a Souls game should be. However, DS2 could be considered the black sheep of the family in a few ways.
Let's start with fairness. Given the previous context, it is difficult to describe Dark Souls 2 as a fair game. It feels as if it was made to capitalise on the meme of Dark Souls being a difficult game and instead of challenging the player fairly, tries to get them killed at any cost. This makes the game incredibly unfair and punishing, especially to new players.
The game pulls a fair amount of underhand tactics - obscure traps, armour-breaking goo, horrible enemy placement, punishing fall damage and many environmental hazards to name a few.
In some areas, enemy encounters fall into two categories: large, spammy groups of enemies or large, spammy ambushes - as MauLer dubbed it, the spambush. To be fair, this is not unique to DS2 - practically every game in the series has moments of spam, but nowhere near the levels of spam here. Good enemy placement is key to both making the game fun and fair for players. It's challenging to design well-crafted enemy encounters, but very easy to spam copy and paste. The copypasta is so bad that certain bosses are placed in random parts of the world as filler. DS1 did this too, but in a much more graceful and sane manner.
Another sin is iframes. For those unfamiliar with the Souls series, rolling gives the player a small window of invincibility when, if timed right, will allow players to fully dodge an attack. In DS1 and 3 this time period was a fixed window, but in DS2 it is now tied to a skill called ADP. Levelling this up will increase the period of invincibility when rolling, which makes no sense. Why bother putting some levels on health and stamina when you could have a few extra frames of invincibility?
This game has a pattern of taking a test of skill, or a punishment, and amplifying it to unfair levels. Tests of crowd control are replaced with spambushes. Dying comes at a cost of hollowing and losing health, making subsequent deaths more likely. Learning how to time rolls comes from an attribute, not the player's skill and judgement.
Level Design
The world itself isn't particularly interesting either. Dark Souls is a masterpiece of level design, with a very interconnected world that not only made it feel like a real world, but also made it a joy to explore. It was interesting to discover new paths and shortcuts. Dark Souls 3 had a less interconnected world, but compensated by having expansive and interconnected areas.
DS2's world design doesn't make much sense, all things considered. It treats the world as a set of corridors to get the player to the main bosses. Aside from some offshoots, most areas are incredibly linear and sometimes incongruent with each other. My favourite example is the Iron Keep, a massive iron fortress in the middle of a lava lake surrounded by volcanoes, is found in the middle of the sky at the top of a tower in the middle of a poison swamp. Whatever suspension of disbelief I had was shattered.
Aesthetically, DS1 and 3 both felt like real and fluid worlds, with a sense of melancholy about once-thriving cities now in ruin. Drangleic is a bunch of areas with no real sense of coherency or notability, and most areas serve as forgettable filler.
As with the rest of the game, the technical side is also broken. DS2 is a buggy mess, some more game-breaking than others.
DS2 uses an 8D movement system - unlike standard 360° movement, 8D has a set of eight 'breakpoints' which determine the direction the character moves. This makes movement a lot clunkier and less precise than 360°. This isn't a bad system by itself, but it is an objectively bad choice for a game where precise movement is the difference between life and death. A good portion of deaths in my first playthough were from falling off ledges, since I would never turn the joystick enough to reach the next breakpoint. Speaking of ledges, there is this weird thing where your character will sometimes shoot off a platform rather than dropping off.
There are also a myriad of hitbox issues. Often your sword will stab enemies and not register, whereas enemies can stab thin air and somehow hit you. There are also times where spells and attacks can pass through walls that should block them.
The lock-on system also falls asleep occasionally, and instead of locking on to the most logical enemy will sometimes target a distant one or something behind you. When it does work, you character will do this frustrating thing of just attacking thin air. If I am locked on to a target and attack, I expect my character to swing their weapon towards the target. Instead, you character can sometimes do an about face and just attack thin air, leaving your back fully exposed for a juicy stab. The amount of times I have died to invaders because of this is too high.
The AI also has occasional dementia and forgets what it is meant to be doing. Enemies will sometimes aimlessly wander or just stand and stare when they should be attacking. Some won't even flinch or react when taking damage, and some will legit fling themselves off cliffs. There is one boss in particular that can be defeated in under ten seconds by making him fall off the edge of his arena.
Now I recognise that some people may go through the entire game without encountering these issues, whilst some will. The point here is that the game is buggy as sin and for select players, this is actively ruining the game. Out of the 4 Souls games, DS2 is by far the buggiest.
Dark Souls 2 is a game that tries to shake up the Souls formula by trying new ideas. Credit where credit is due, some of these ideas do work. But a good amount of them conflict with each other and ultimately end up being either frustrating, overpowered, pointless or downright game-breaking in the bigger picture.
If you want the Dark Souls of Dark Souls, play this game. Otherwise, you will have a much better experience with the other games in the series.
12745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 23:43
Everyone who plays it will be rewarded for the fantastic experience. The game is beautiful, exciting, mysterious, fun and extremely challenging, promoting a distressing experience but rewarding at the same time for the most persistent players.
18878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 13:15
Good things are:
- Huge lifetime: It is the biggest Souls game in terms of the numbers of areas to explore, enemies to encounter, bosses to beat etc.
- Huge arsenal: If you are into fashion souls you will love this one. There are countless of distinct sets to own, dozens if not hundreds of weapons which means you can create so many various characters and different types of builds to play with. The possibilities are almost endless.
- Great NG+ system: Every time you start a new game new enemies spawn, some of them are no longer in their usual spot, new weapons drop, new armour sets drop, some boss fights are a bit different than the way they were in previous runs etc. Unlike the NG+s in DS I & III, NG+ in DS II brings actual changes to the game which makes the NG+s much more interesting and enjoyable in my opinion.
- Great art direction: There are many gorgeous areas in DS II to check out, Heide’s Tower of Flame, Shrine of Amana, Frozen Eleum Loyce, Sanctum City and the Dragon Aerie just to name a few. The nice thing is that DS II shows us a lot of vibrant and more colourful-looking areas whereas DS I & III are both very dark and gloomy, it is a nice change of pace.
- Majula is the best-looking main hub of the series. Change my mind.
- Fantastic DLCs.
- Power stance.
- And much more such as great PvP, great NPCs, great NPC summons, great quests, great lore... the usual stuff for a Souls game!
Bad things are:
- Quantity over quality bosses: Yes, there are many bosses, many great bosses but a ton of awful ones as well. Bosses like [spoiler] The Congregation [/spoiler] feel completely out of place like they should not even be there or at least not be a boss fight. Quite a bunch of bosses are also recycled, it really strikes as the devs are being lazy sometimes which is very unfortunate for a Souls game.
- Bullshit difficulty: Sometimes the difficulty really feels like utter bs, that usually happens in narrower areas where they put an outrageous number of enemies which means you end up being gangbanged. That happens a lot, way too often in my opinion but still not enough to make me rq though!
- Technically not always on point: lagging PvE and PvP hitboxes, lagging rolling invincibility frames, not always coming from the back backstabs, enemies glitching through the environment, drops falling through the map, janky animations... Still so many bugs or glitches can happen playing this game.
I got this game for the first time back in 2014 when it was released on the PS3 and to this day I still play it whether it is alone, with friends or even random strangers because this game is still enough populated to meet people on it! If you still have not done it, please get this game and discover it for yourself I promise it is an amazing experience!! Bear this game, seek, and lest it!
5091 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 12:02
Dark Souls 2 is fun, unique, and absolutely nonsensical. If any of these sounded your speed, play it.
My only gripe is that Worst Souls 3 has 10x the playercount at any given time. You'll still consistently invade and get summons, but you also can't be picky
(Lastly, I only just began playing the PC version. I have about 1,500 hours on console with no regrets)
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1068 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 22:28
Dark Souls 2 is Like Dark Souls 1 if Blighttown was the Whole Game
This game actually suffered development issues behind the scenes and had a different director than Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 & 3. This is painfully obvious because this game feels nothing like the previous game at all. Instead of being challenging by putting strong enemies before the player that forces them to play smart and strategically; Dark Souls 2 decides to be as obnoxious as possible by simply throwing a large mob of enemies at you or asks you to do something idiotic like break statues that poison you for 10 minutes so you can fight a boss without dying of poison damage before getting there. There are also several other mechanical changes this game made that, In my opinion, makes it simply inferior to Dark Souls 1 and 3 in virtually every way.
Story: who knows and honestly who gives a fuck. Plot was never that big of an aspect of the Souls games but I couldn't be bothered to care in this one. This game's opening cutscene does not set up what you're doing and why and who the major players are like the first games opening cutscene did. So I'm just playing to finish the game so I can then stop playing and play something better.
Combat: Whether combat is better or not is highly debatable. Many people say it's an improvement from DS1, I do not feel the same. The hitboxes in this game are completely broken and blocking is not nearly as effective as it was in the other games so every combat encounter will boil down to hitting the enemy once, then moving behind them and hitting again. Repeat this process 9 billion times and the game is done. Combat animations seem more fluid and a bit faster paced, but the other crippling elements like broken hitboxes and terrible target lock switching make me not give a fuck.
Bosses: the bosses are all uninspired and boring, in some cases they are just lazy reskins of assets from the first game. Almost all enemies, including bosses, use a similar three strike attack pattern which are all predictable. Fighting the bosses is easier than getting through all the annoying bullshit you need to do in order to get there.
Miscellaneous: Other minor shit I hate such as; vitality (equip load) and Endurance (stamina bar) being two separate skills, taking damage while successfully blocking, the stun animation looks stupid, inconsistent damage to the same enemies, no mouth animations when NPC's talk, and no pause feature (I know this is a franchise shtick but I still fucking hate it).
In conclusion, Dark Souls 2 offers little over Dark Souls 1 & 3, so it isn't for everyone. I know there are many who like it, but I simply could not bring myself to like it. If its on sale and you really love dark souls 1 and 3 and just want more Dark Souls content, go for it. Otherwise, save your time and money.
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4295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 10:22
2349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.21 11:58
Honestly, I am deeply in love with this game and it really sparked my love for the souls series. It is easily the best souls game, and perhaps the best game ever created. Pick this game up regardless of the price, whatever it's priced, it is worth it. Peace out bearers of the curse.
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 16:45
6913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 09:26
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''............. _.·´
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2005 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 12:16
I've tried really hard to like this game but I just can't.
The difficulty is extremely inconsistent
The boss fights are way too easy, while the paths to the bosses have the most absurd amount of artificial difficulty in any Souls game I have played.
Nothing feels rewarding
Making dangerous/difficult jumps just to either lead to a enemy gank, or a torch.
Poor level design
(especially when compared to Dark Souls 1); All of the levels just sprout from the hub world without actually interconnecting, while also managing to feel more like generic fantasy game stages rather than levels more tonally and aesthetically consistent with the other two games.
AWFUL controls
The controls are CLUNKY. It feels like I'm using WASD to control with my analog stick; also, the limited roll controls have gotten me killed several times. It's even more so frustrating when I have years of built up muscle memory associated with Dks1 and Dks3.
I can't even recommend this game to die hard fans of the other two if I'm being completely honest. I am beyond disappointed with this game.
3070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 17:35
It's a little slow, kinda awkward to get into, but the amout of weapons and build options in this game is staggering and honestly adds a load of flavour into the game. Experimentation is what makes DS2 so fun.
Unique to the souls series, as it follows a different but also familiar path. Scholar of the First Sin adds a lot of depth to the original DS2 story which makes it far more enjoyable.
This is where the game suffers most. Some areas are extremely pretty, others look horrendous. The map design is rather confusing and the areas are connected in a very odd way. But, that doesn't stop it from excelling in keeping the game unique each time you enter a new spot. Exploration is enjoyable in this one!
8/10 - Has clunky spots but they are outshined by the overall experience.
6603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 01:49
NPC's are boring, the bosses are too easy and the normal mobs are too annoying, poise is broken and ADP is the stupidest shit ever.
And yet I still have played it 10 times. I even bought it again on PC. I play this game out of rage and spite. Pretty good. Word of caution don't let this be your first souls game. It's so freaking terrible it might turn you off the genre. Still, as far as miserably awful games go this one is pretty great.
3995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 19:27
Dark Souls 2 is not a bad game, but it falls to short to explain itself to the player and is difficult to enjoy, if you did not play Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3 before. Many decision actively work against the player and make a blind run (which is the norm for Dark Souls) a chore.
History Time
After the resounding success that was Dark Souls it had been decided: A sequel is to be made and it should surpass the predecessor in difficulty. Which means that they actually created a monument to showcase how often people died and made it ambush the game. They wanted to surpass the prequel in every aspect and sometimes From Software [without Miyazaki] succeeded. More often they failed.
The Numerous Shortcomings
“Whenever Dark Souls 2 tried to do anything good, it made 2 things worse” ~ Me, 2020.
Just to compare Dark Souls 2 with the other Dark Souls games (and to showcase where it failed):
1. The game is made of ambushes everywhere. If you are not seeing at least 20 enemies on your screen, you did not find every enemy that will engage.
2. The sound design is atrocious. You will not realize that you have been hit. One time I was at one HP and did not even know it till I looked at my health bar. Omae wa mou 1 HP
3. If you do not know how the numbers work: You are going to get rekt. Either get a math degree or read TL;DRs from guys that know how it works. And because of a rerelease (this version) and patches not everything is going to be an accurate reflection of the game.
4. Most bosses are mediocre and do not earn the title. Spamming and increasing the difficulty was considered good design. If you do not like to fight big knights in armor, it won’t be enjoyable as these fights are the highlights.
5. There is no connected level design. Walking down multiple linear paths with clear end goals is what is going to happen. Exploration becomes boring and most shortcuts will not be used again. There is absolutely zero appreciation from me for this.
6. Hitboxes are not working in any capacity.
The good things I am thankful for
Dark Souls 2 is a sequel that has been made with wrong intentions and the dumb things heavily outweigh the good. But it was brave. Dark Souls 3 felt like a Bloodborne reskin with Dark Souls 1 flavor and lacked any identity on it’s own. Dark Souls 2 looked at Dark Souls 1 and said: How about we try to make our own thing.
The story hasn’t been recycled and there was a serious effort to enrich the world and From Software absolutely succeeded. When I will look back in the future at this game I will remember the best moments when I finally felt this spark again. The spark of originality and pure fun that Dark Souls 3 just did not quite manage to catch (for me personally).
The infusion system that was carried to Dark Souls 3 and is not as needlessly complicated as in Dark Souls 1 and does not waste your resources so you can test every build you want.
Estus shards are way smarter than kindling bonfires later on as humanity can be farmed pretty effectively. The game has a uniform difficulty and rewards exploration. Another good aspect that carried over to Dark Souls 3.
Poise has been nerfed in comparison to Dark Souls 1, but heavy armor is still viable and kicking. Actually everything is viable and fun to play. There is nothing as a superior playstyle and I really admire that. The PVP is the best the series has to offer and this is an achievement in itself. Well done From Software. So why did you make it worse yet again in 3?
Dark Souls 2 is not up to the standard of the others and way less consistently well made. But it made many good things and while not everything worked out, it is original, creative and crafted with the intention to surpass the predecessor. Something to be respected and an intention that failed. But it is better to fail and to learn from your experiences instead of being stagnant.
Always stay positive
Still: Only play this game if you are ready to adapt to unfairness.
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If you liked this review, make sure to check out my curator page at
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3333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 11:40
The problem is that this game is rather hard than challenging. What they did was just throw more enemies into each area and called it a day. This made the game just tedious in some places. It feels like the game doesn't want you to have fun. As if it hates you. I surely hated some parts of it.
And they even threw in a boss fight where there are two bosses and you need to kill them at pretty much the same time. I’m not saying that designing bosses is easy by any stretch but that’s just lazy. Some areas are just a chore to go through just clearing all of the one hundred enemies only to die to some BS. Fortunately they had the decency to limit the number of times the enemies respawn.
Going back to bosses though. Almost all of them had the same set of moves and it’s easy to beat them (unless they spawn adds or there’s just multiple bosses at once).
The reason I decided to finish it was to make sure I didn’t miss anything. And to give myself the right to write this review.
Only buy it if you’re souls-like fan and you just want more of the same. And this is probably the only kind of person that would consider buying this game. But nothing would be lost if I listened to my friend and skipped it. Just played it for the sake for completion.
I like the exploration of the first game and it was okay to clear an area to properly explore it. But in this I didn’t feel like it. It was not worth my time to kill all the enemies. There’s just too many of them.
For some reason illusory walls are not working as before and was going around hitting walls like an idiot before a friend told me I was doing it wrong.
DLC was pure suffering so I decided to skip it once I went through some part of flame tower. Not worth my time or effort.
You character is drinking from the flask so slowly that I started to think that we were having tea with the Queen and not fighting a giant freaking boss. So yeah… get some adaptability points.
Also FU*K a hitbox. It’s so frustrating to die even when you dodge and the enemy’s sword is miles behind you.
11607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 09:35
The single thing that you need to know beforehand, it's adaptability (and agility). It's the one thing that can break your experience. So level it up a bit and things will go smoother.
It takes off with a rough start. You are at your weakest and even your reflexes and memory may fail you. Have patience and take it slowly. It's a huge world that will show you all its wonders if you are ready to perceive. Oh how many wonders does it have...
It's a very long and ambitious game, with a huge arsenal of weapons, places and enemies. The variety of places to go, the variety of weapons and mechanics, everything is possible. Whatever you choose, there is no wrongs. Be whoever you want to be, look whatever you want to look like and do whatever you want. It's your own choice and your own story. Isn't it wonderful?
You can re-fight your favorite bosses multiple times or exterminate every living creature in the wilds for good. You can accept additional hardships by joining a certain covenant. You can use two weapons at once if you can't choose which one of them you like most. And if you seek something new, than the new game plus will surely give you some surprises.
I love this world. How huge, diverse and charming it is. Every time I stepped into a new location, I stopped to admire the scenery. The places might lack some bonds, but they are marvelous on their own. The darkness of the deepest pits, the cruelty of blizzards, the splendor of dragons in the sky, the sadness of abandoned halls... And the hopeful peace of Majula.
I will never consider it the worst. It will always have its place in my heart together, as equals, with other soulsborne games. Even if it may have some flaws (no thing in this world is perfect!), it shines brighter in other aspects. And for this shining, for this unique flame - it is worth to bear this curse.
279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 09:50
+ Excellent graphics
+ Aesthetically pleasing world
+ All around unique in its style
+ Interesting enemies
- Lore is probably told the worst out of all the DS games, not inherently badly, however
- Combat is meh, playable but dont buy this game for the combat
I would not recommend buying this for the full price. It def is not worth 40 bucks. However, I bought a copy off of G2A for 8 bucks, totally worth it in such case.
2649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 03:10
20918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 02:34
2630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.20 03:36
The Souls games and their stories are notoriously vague, which in my experience has been a mostly positive thing. It adds a degree of mystery and wonder that just overall enhances a play-through. However, DS2 seemingly has no direction or story when compared to its trilogy counterparts. In DS1/DS3, it felt like I was killing every boss for a reason. But this game just throws a clusterfuck of lackluster bosses at you and calls it a day. Obviously there are bosses that outshine others, but for the most part, they are all relatively dull fights that serve no overarching story-related purpose.
The game is still great, just not as great as the rest of the trilogy.
1613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 01:28
The area design of most of the main game areas isn't good. They are all linear and relatively bland areas which due to enemy placements consisting mainly of ganks promote running through to the bosses rather than taking your time to explore the area. When compared to the intricately interconnected areas of ds3 and ds which had fewer bonfires but shortcuts and reasons to explore the area and the more carefully considered enemy placements, the areas in dark souls 2 feel empty and the challenge they provide feels unfair rather than a test of skill.
As for the bosses some are very good and give a real sense of achievement after being beaten however a large number of the bosses lack interesting or unique design and are reskins with many having artificial difficulty due to there being 3+ of the same enemy in one arena providing an endurance gank fight which is more boring than memorable. On top of this many of the bosses in the game have horrific run ups to them with most being uninspired corridors filled with groups of very fast, hard hitting enemies that are programmed to all aggro at once meaning half the time you go to get to the boss you have lost before the fight even starts. This can ruin many great fights.
Most of the attack animations in the game lack a sort of weight when compared with the attacks in other games making the enemies feel less threatening and leaves you feeling like something is missing; this is made even worse by the fact that the hitboxes in the game are far from perfect with many attacks clearly passing right in front of but still hitting along with many enemies being able to spin 180 on the spot to track you leaves the combat feeling worse than the other games.
The I frames in this game also feel like they come at strange times in the roll however I do like the addition of a stat which allows you to increase the i frames of the roll allowing for an expensive but optional way to change the how difficult the game is.
Whilst the lore of the game is fine the actual in game plot and motive is completely lacking leaving everything feeling pointless. This furthers the issues the game has with feeling like it lacks direction and means that when you reach the end of one of those linear sets of areas and kill what turns out to be the final boss you are often left going “that’s it”
The NPC quest lines feel empty compared to other games and it does make the world feel less alive and diverse however the npcs have never been a major part of my experience with the game.
The addition of healing gems breaks the difficulty balance of the game by allowing for almost infinite heals along with making the early game when you only have a single estus feel very punishing.
A feature which I initially hated however now like is the hollwing on death reducing your overall hp max to,at max, half of its original value. Whilst this feels overly punishing at first I found it pushed you to take care and actually made deaths meaningful even when you have no souls or are back tracking through an area. The human effigies are also common enough if you explore that it doesn't feel like you ever need one but don’t have one.
Overall despite how overwhelmingly negative this review is the game is good compared to most games and definitely worth a playthrough. Despite the poor design the relief of seeing that next bonfire is still unrivaled by most other games and the feeling of overcoming a boss or finishing the game as a whole is still worth the struggle. Whilst lacking compared to its predecessors and the games to follow, the game still feel good once you get used to it and still has that rewarding gameplay loop shared between all the games.
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17269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 20:57
- Weird 3D movements compared to ds1 and ds3
- Armor is useless you better go naked and take advantage of the rolling distance - late game or NG+ u will be 2 shot anyway (full havel armor, all set +5, 40 strength 18 dex and get 2 shot by a random soldier in memory who only deals physical damage in NG ... lol )
- To increase challenge they decide to increase enemy damage, enemy numbers instead of improving IA or adding more enemy attack pattern
Not a bad game ... but a bad game compared to the masterpiece DS1 and the excellent DS3
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