• Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel  Dark Devotion.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.
  • Dark Devotion: Screen zum Spiel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 25.04.2019
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Preis Update 18.03.25

Über das Spiel

Dark Devotion erzählt eine Geschichte voller Geheimnisse, Ausdauer und Hingabe: Jede Truhe oder jeder Gegenstand, auf den man stößt, birgt ein anderes Geheimnis in sich - Briefe, Waffen und Hinweise, die von unglücklichen Gefährten herumgeworfen werden, können auf der spannenden Suche helfen.

Spieler sind auf Ihrer Reise nicht allein. Viele scheinheilige Krieger kamen, um das Geheimnis des Tempels zu lösen und ihre Erlösung zu finden, geführt vom Gesang wie Motten zu einem göttlichen Licht. Jedes Gespräch mit denen, denen ihr begegnet - selbst die Verlorenen, die mit euch eingeschlossen sind - könnte eine wichtige Information enthüllen. Der Tempel selbst kann ein schrecklicher Feind sein, und Spieler müssen seinen verdrehten Fallen ausweichen und Hindernisse zwischen sich und der Wahrheit überwinden.

Erkunde in Dark Devotion die Geheimnisse einer rätselvollen Tempelruine und stelle den Glauben deines Tempelritters unter Beweis. Kein Opfer ist groß genug in der Lobpreisung deines Gottes. Prüfe deine Hingabe und Tapferkeit und reise hinab in die dunkelste Dunkelheit auf der Suche nach Antworten auf Fragen, die deine eigene Existenz komplett in Zweifel ziehen.

Dark Devotion bietet eine opulente und fesselnde Geschichte voller Details, die sich zur düsteren Erzählung rund um die unwiderstehliche Berufung deiner Templerreligion entwickelt. Jede einzelne Begegnung bedeutet eine Probe deiner Tapferkeit, Frömmigkeit und Ergebenheit, während du Schritt für Schritt deiner verfluchten Pilgerreise hinter dich bringst. Du erlebst vier einzigartige Welten, jede einzelne mit ihren eigenen, unglaublich detailreichen Umgebungen. Du führst Dutzende Waffen im Bestreben, die Geheimnisse des Tempels aufzudecken. Und immerzu wirst du von finsteren Feinden und hinterhältigen Bossen angegriffen, deren wichtigster Daseinszweck es ist, deine Seele zu zerstören und dich auf ewig in Verdammnis zu stürzen.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3-540 or AMD Phenom II X4 965
  • GFX: GeForce GT 240 or Radeon HD 5570
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: i3-6100
  • GFX: GeForce GT 730
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit
  • HD: 500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

8837 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.21 11:42
Über den Schwierigkeitsgrad kann man sich ärgern, der wäre aber nur halb so schlimm wenn die Steuerung nicht so dämlich wäre. Schade eigentlich denn das Setting ist nett, trotzdem habe ich keine Lust mich zu ärgern!
99 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
63 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 13:34
Nach dem Tutorial spielt sich Dark Devotion einfach nur noch nervig.
Ein Meter gelaufen, tot. Zwei Meter gelaufen, tot. Drei Meter laufen, tot.
Ich habe nichts gegen schwere Spiele aber sie sollten fair und spielbar bleiben
und nicht in einer Trial and Error Orgie aufgehen.
Ein Beispiel für ein schweres aber faires Game, das mir viel Spaß gemacht hat, wäre Salt & Sanctuary.
Davon ist Dark Devotion aber Meilenweit entfernt.
233 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 09:26
i tried! i realy did! it was an on and off relationship with us over months, but such a game needs good controls. i cant change gamepad buttons? (maybe with thirdparty software) gamebraker for me and many others. just why? this game could be on top of 2d soulslike games. this game isn't tough, it just lacks good controls and maybe an option for sound....
187 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 19:06
Ein tolles Spiel!!
Soulslike gemischt mit Roguelike und einem interessanten Segen/Fluch Sytem das dich für gutes spielen belohnt und für schlechtes spielen bestraft.

Am Anfang tritt dir das Game richtig in den Arsch und ist beinhart da du alle gefundenen Gegenstände und Ausrüstung nach dem Tod verlierst. Doch du schaltest nach und nach auch fixe Boni frei wie spezielle Segen die du durch Punkte (jeder Gegner gibt welche) freischaltest oder Runensteine die die Ausdauer dauerhaft erhöht. Gleichzeitig schaltet man auch Startequipment frei die das ganze auch vereinfachen.

Eine Sache die wahrscheinlich nicht allen gefallen wird ist das man nach dem Tod wieder komplett am Anfang spawnt. Es gibt zwar Teleportpunkte die man aktivieren kann aber da teleportiert man sich immer zum zuletzt aktivierten. Das hat mich persönlich nicht gestört da ich mich gerne durch schon erkundete Räume geschlagen habe um Geheimnisse zu finden die es zu genüge gibt.

Einen sehr großen Kritikpunt habe ich jedoch trotzden denn wenn du das spiel verlässt, mangels zeit oder weil man nach einer 2 Stunden Sitzung keine lust mehr hat dann kommt das einem Tod gleich und beim nächten einloggen bist du wieder am Anfang des Dungeons. Das ist extrem nervig, macht das spiel nicht schwerer und ist einfach nur unnötig.

Falls die Entwickler das hier lesen sollten, bitte ändert diese eine Sache ansonsten habt ihr ein wirklich sehr gutes Spiel auf den Markt gebracht das ich mit gutem Gewissen an alle empfehlen kann die sich für solche Games interessieren. ????????????????
405 Produkte im Account
55 Reviews
1389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.19 04:24
Richtig geile Challenge das Game.
Ich hab mit etwas das in Richtung Salt & Sanctuary geht erwartet und bekam so viel mehr.
Die Welt ist riesig, jeder noch so kleine Feindkontakt hat ernstgenommen zu werden, Rüstung kann brechen und Hit's die man nimmt ohne Rüstung werden mit Debuffs gepunished... richtig geiles Feeling.
Die Bosse find ich obergeil, da haben se sich echt was einfallen lassen und dadurch fühlt sich jeder Boss auch komplett anders an obwohl es nur ein 2D Movement gibt.
Ich hab den Endboss noch nicht gesehen ich wurde leider in nem epischen Run vom vorletzten Boss gerekt aber der Fight war knapp und richtig epic.

Wer nen liebevoll gepixeltes 2D Souls Like mit Rogue Lite Elemente sucht sollte dem Game definitiv ne Chance geben, ich finds sein Geld Wert (habs im Sale geholt) und wurde in mein ca. 15h Spielzeit noch nicht enttäuscht.
350 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.19 10:05

~ So höret höret ~

Eine Templerin des Lichts weiß was sie will. Sie braucht keine Erklärungen abzugeben. Sie versucht nicht zu sein. Sie ist.
Sie hat gehört, Selbstgespräche sind die beste Art mit den Engeln zu kommunizieren.
Täglich hält sie Zwiesprache mit ihnen. Da begreift die Templerin, dass hinter der Wiederholung ihrer Erfahrungen nur ein einziges Ziel steht, ihr zu lehren was sie noch nicht begriffen hat. Nie verliert ein Templer des Lichts seinen leuchtenden Blick.

Ein sehr Interessantes Spiel, Atmosphärisch sehr gelungen und auch die Schwierigkeit in diesem Spiel ist anspruchsvoll und Belohnend.
Nach etwaige Dark Souls spielen dachte ich, ich sei bereit, mich kann nichts mehr Überraschen.
Falsch gedacht, ich Empfand dieses Spiel als so schwer, dass ich erst mal eine Pause brauchte, es raubte mir jeglichen Nerv :)

Für mich eine glatte Empfehlung wert!

Edit: Ich komme einfach nicht weiter :P
212 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 17:40
Liked the game's overall tone and combat. Liked the first boss having a surprising attack.
However the game runs very poorly with around 45 FPS.
Which is weird on a 3070TI, an SSD, DDR5 RAM and a Ryzen 5 Hexcore CPU.
Sometimes it climbes to 60 FPS and feels great. But most of the time its around 45 FPS and feels laggy.
It's a shame there are also no video options. The game runs in 1080p even on a 2k monitor.

Promising, but sadly the game suffers under the tech issues.
185 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 21:37

A solid soulslike platform where only your faith and ability can keep you running

I do not really write rewiews on games that I haven't completed(talking about the main story of course, not all the Achievement) but i find this game really needs one more random guy positive review. The game has an unfair rating to me, considering both the price (19.99€ but you can purchase for 5 or less on sales and is usually put on many bundles (Fanaticals and HumbleBundles) ) and the quality of the game. I'm gonna put some + and - and explain why you should play Dark Devotion, its strong and weak points


+ The game has a really nice pixel art. Thus it's not an art style for everyone, it's satisfying to look and play at. The slash of the swords, daggers, spears and other weapon is different, based on the size of the weapon and the type of damage (that long sword with flame it's beautiful. I think I've made a pantagruelic number of air attack just to see the animation of flames)

+ There is a huge amount of weapon you can use. Each weapon has pros and cons, of course prosecuting in the game carry more powerful weapons. Different kind of weapons needs different styles of play and combat. I started with a shortsword and a shield but i found that I'm better with a single 2H longsword

+ There's magic. You can actually be a caster and a swordman at the same time (you can equip one grimoire on the left hand and a sword or a single hand weapon on the right one). Magic use your faith points, that are replenish when you kill enemies

+ the game is fairly, but not too much, hard. You will die with some bosses and you'll find that some are child's play. However, the game is fairly challenging and fun

+ there is a lot of lore if you spend your time trying to discover the world. You can talk to a lot of templars or people into the temple, and find a lot of papers from corpes

+ the atmosphere is fantastic, really gives you Dark Souls or Bloodborne vibes. The musics are also good and generally speaking the sounds effect are on point and immersive.


- like others soulslike, you have to find out how the game works. There are no such thing like explainetions or tutorial

- I feel like shields are more useless the more you advance in the game. It may be just my feeling, but at some points I was feeling like a 2H weapon parry and attack (more range, more damage, but slowlier) was more effective against a good 80% of enemies.

- missions the big fucking templar in the village gives aren't really well calibrated with your percentage of map descovering or boss defeated. He might ask you to kill again a boss you've already killed. Not a big cons, just weird

- It appears there is not way to rebind controls. For me It wasn't that big deal cause I'm playing with a joypad and I find the controlls ok, but keyboard players might find this a big Cons


This rewiew is partial cause I still have to play more or less 50% of the game (I think) and I will update as I go deeper in the game. To me the game has been fun and totally deserve at least 80% of positive rewiews.
I'd give it an 8/10 considering the price (I found it on a bundle), the length and the experience as far as I went in the game.
110 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.22 21:46
TL;DR : Overall a good game with a good settings and a sluggish but enjoyable gameplay. Worth it if you really want to play some souls-like, not if you want above average experiences in your games.

Good game, I would give it 6/10. It is a simple souls-like game with some charm. Gameplaywise, you can roll and you have one attack button. While the weapons change the playstyle, it is not a drastic change. The enemies are not very varied. There is three zones and each zones have 4 enemies type. The controls and maps needs some getting used to, the character never stop feeling sluggish to me, but after 1 hour max I was pretty much in control of her.

The music is really good. It is close to church music with organs and chants, fitting since it uses christianity as his background.

The developers used the Dark souls formula for the story, where you have to look for clues to piece/theorize about it. They did a good job at creating a world that felt deep and grand. I really liked the setting and the world. The pixel art is serviceable, it is not ugly, but not detailed enough to really give liberty to the art team or for us to clearly see what are the rubbles on the screen. The characters look good, but lack originality.

A very honest game who will not take much of your time. At this time of the review i only need to complete the messiah achivement (urgh). Every major things were done in 20 hours for me, it will take less if you focus solely on the story.

I would recommend this game if you are looking for a short adventure in a dark fantasy settings with some hard (not Blasphemous hard) gameplay or if you are someone who really likes Souls-like game, it is worth your time.

If you are someone who don't have a lot of money to spend in games or just don't want average experiences, I would say just pass this one. While 20$ is respectable for this game and I do not regret my playthrough, it is far from a must own.
521 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 08:36
As much as I am a fan of this style of game, and do hope that the devs have learned from the creation of this game. I cannot recommend this game. It seems like the controls are hit or miss for different devices. I just happen to roll a miss. I could not move with left stick, only block. I had to hold right trigger and use left stick to move. This does not make a good time in a action style game like this. The lack of controller mapping in game or multiple control schemes doubles down on this issue.

Another feature that should have been in game which confuses me given this is a industry wide standard (from AAA to Indie).. is the lack of sound options in the main menu. This right here made me scratch my head. I requested a refund purely on the control issues that shouldn't need Steam to step in and remap for the game so that I could play it, but the lack of options that are basic made me step away. A shame really, I was looking forward to this but if every other game can do these basic accessibility options that have been around since windows 98 games, I'm not about to deal with such a grievous oversight or lack of care on the customer's enjoyment end.

To those that manage to play it with the default controls or are willing to use steam/xpadder/etc to remap and play. I hope you enjoy it, but that extra step shouldn't even be necessary.
134 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1667 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.22 19:24
Good game.
661 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
1112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 21:08
It's a pretty good game. It has alot of things for it and has surprisingly lots of secrets to find.

The biggest turn off for most people will be some of the polish this game is lacking. But it explains things pretty well just the menus needed a bit of work. Overrall I do recommend it and look forward to the next game this developer releases.
3323 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 23:23
Awesome game!
3283 Produkte im Account
208 Reviews
5906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 01:07
This is something amazing????
88 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
6 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 03:00
It seems very cool, but the controls are awful and have no way to rebind. The beginning is very frustrating because of that.
253 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.21 14:51
I'd love to give this game a real shot, but if you cannot allow controller remapping within your client, it's a no go from me. I'm not going to mess around with the buggy steam overlay controller support to change controls; just have them able to be remapped within the game.
406 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
629 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 23:13
For me this is a 7/10 game. For reference, Salt and Sanctuary was 8/10 for me. The game is a solid 2d metroidvania/soulslike with an interesting blessing/curse system that you might find in roguelike/roguelite games. It doesn't have a leveling system, you develop your character by finding item recipes and small permanent upgrades. As such, it rewards you for exploring and backtracking areas to find secrets or connectors to different areas. While there are shortcuts in the game, it also rewards you for being able to successfully keeping your character alive for a long time via the blessing and enemy loot.
The main issue for me with the game is the last few areas which felt underdeveloped. Other than that, the game is still rock solid with enough contents and identity to justify a purchase if you're into this genre.
159 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 19:10
Great game, only down point is some secrets are hard to find without searching on the internet and some mechanics are not explained properly and since the game isn't extremely famous there's a lot of stuff you'll have to find out on your own (like holding the attack button while falling makes a plunging attack).

Definetly worth it if you enjoyed games like dead cells but want a different experience

Small help to save you some googling (don't read below if you want to find out on your own) :
- The big spiky mace boss weapon can break some walls that have cracks, so can bombs.
- Some blessing / curses will happen seemingly randomly, I advise looking up the wiki to see what they do and why you got them.
- The purple orb things are essentially skill points but you can only equip one per line.
- Green weapon + boss weapon = pick them up once to unlock them at the forge
- Ancien tablets = perma upgrades
- Leave game = restarts run (anoying if you don't have time to play but cool if you don't want to make a full run and just go unlock some secrets in certain rooms)
- Some ancien tablets need you to go in a room through a certain route
1502 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1279 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 13:30
Souls-like very similar to Salt&Sanctuary. 2D pixel adventure in dark world of fallen gods.

DD consists all elements of genre's game:

- unfriendly tutorial. It's absent.
- unfriendly world. It is a grim and cruel place, where we will die many times.
- unfriendly storytelling. Who are we? Why we are here and what we have to do? If we are lucky, we will find out through notes and NPCs delirium.
- unfriendly control and management. You can't replace items from ground or drop out something from your inventory. Only use it. Believe, it creates many problems.
- unfriendly random of blessing/disease/loot.
- unfriendly map.
- unfriendly for you at all. No pause, no saves, no mercy
- unfriendly final boss. Cheating son of a ...

Recommend ONLY for soulslike games fans.
1751 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 07:02
Controls are wonky and ill suited for the tasks they are trying to make you do.
Combat is abysmal and very repetitive.
Upgrade system is just so poor and barely does anything.
Graphics are kinda nice to watch.
Story is uninspiring and outright a yawn, no motivation for you to find out more about things.
Just go black dark souls, or if you really want 2d Blasphemer.

Buy it on massive sale or in a bundle, don't buy full price.
436 Produkte im Account
206 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
30 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.21 21:02
It seems cool, but the controls are awful and have no way to rebind
219 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 21:19
A very good game.
Beautiful soundtrack. Neat lore. Decent variety of weapons. Fun combat. Bosses are challenging.
The only downside is you can't Jump upwards, but that's part of the theme for traversing the dungeon that continually spans downwards. I hope they come out with a sequel to this game.
1279 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 14:13
586 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 06:42
Unintuitive and UNMAPPABLE controls completely destroys this game.
61 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 09:01
Where is Dark Devotion 2?
1339 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 04:13
No sound/graphics settings, no controller customization, in a game that came out in 2019? Crashed Steam the first time I ran it?

Nah I'm good.
249 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 02:04
Im sorry, but no jump? Its driving me insane... the control layout is also odd IMO. If I could jump and stop hitting a button that does nothing then I would probably enjoy this one
660 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
3726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 08:17
Polished gameplay, requiring both reflexes and reflection.

Lot of things to discover, great bosses, secrets, items to unlock, giving a nice adventure feeling.

Replayability is high since there is some kind of hardcore mode (cant say much without spoiling, you will find it by yourself)

Has become one of my favorites games <3
122 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 06:04
I cannot set my own controls that's why i refunded this game.
489 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 16:26
After years of development, the developers won't allow something as simple as changing controls. Which wouldn't have to be a problem per se, if they made any sense. Which they don't. Expecting players to have to figure out a way how to fix something so simple themselves before they can play the game, shows how incapable the developers are. I myself like this type of game so I bothered with changing it in the steam controller settings. As a result, it is even worse, because it doesn't even function properly. Currently, with the right trigger button, I changed it so that it allows me to switch weapons. What it does, however, is that it sometimes does an attack, sometimes switches, and sometimes does a half animation.

The shown controls don't even fit the situation. For instance, when I was standing at a body, it said to press X. Which I did. And which did nothing. All other buttons didn't do anything either.

In short: Don't buy this and instead spend money on people who are at least a little bit capable at programming.
235 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 21:08
Only three hours in and I'm hooked. All the limiting factors combined feels like a compliment rather than a detriment to the game's atmosphere. Everything will work against you, with only your wits to defy the inevitable.

The map is fixed and intertwined. Light plays a role in your accuracy. The enemies have varied move sets/gear that make them less predictable. Lack of jump forces you to be tactical. Doors lock behind you after entering. Gear is lost upon death. Bosses respawn unless you sacrifice an item slot. Your saving grace is the wisdom you gain, and what little persists with you with upgrades to your base stats.

It doesn't pretend to be difficult, it merely punishes the fool with utmost sincerity. Truly an intense and brutally challenging game. A great contribution to the Souls-like genre.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, the soundtrack and sound quality is absolutely magnificent!
2284 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
93 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 05:20
This really hurts to type. Dark Devotion is a great looking pixel art styled game that looked at Dark Souls and sadly...took all the wrong lessons from it. It wanted the dark atmosphere, central hub with cryptic NPCs, scary bosses, metroidvania like exploration and stamina based combat but it all feels...off.

Combat wants to be like a 2D dark souls with blocking, dodging and attacking (which similar controls to how Dark Souls feels on a gamepad but I'll get there in a moment). But is painfully slow and imprecise (and when you attack your weapons have a miss chance which leads to more frustration like not stunning an enemy and them just barreling over you). It's sadly not fun, or engaging or even frightening. It just feels slow..

Upon death you don't lose souls (XP in this case which can buy upgrades)...you lose everything your carrying. You can find weapons in a dungeon that can carry over to your next run, but that means you need to select a loadout every time and if you found something useful but it didn't get added to the loadouts you need to make do with weaker weapons with worse attack power and movesets. It really wants to add roguelike systems between losing everything and the random debuffs it gives you every few minutes but it adds nothing and makes the game even slower. I also admit roguelikes really aren't my thing, so if this system appeals to you I'm glad!

But the thing that really made it so I can't recommend it is the 2D sidescrolling. Dark Devotion looks like a metroidvania but doesn't feel like one. There's no jumping so you can't really explore anything you missed - no going back gotta keep going in a straight line and not explore. That also makes it harder to avoid the countless traps. And controls are...they don't feel great. In addition to the slow movement speed they controller layout is strange, with attack as the RT button, Dodge as LB, RB and the B button and block being LB. This is a fairly similar controller setup to Dark Souls but feels awful for a 2D platformer and I found myself accidentally switching weapon sets instead of attacking, and dodging in different directions to the way I was facing due to slow reactions from the character sprite. There is no way to rebind the controls either. The keyboard controls also just didn't work out for me but I admit I did not check and see if those could be rebound.

There is so much effort on display I wish I could rate this higher. It's also highly likely that someone can get past these issues or they are just not be a problem for them. But as far as souls-like inspired 2D metroidvanias...I say give Blasphemous, Death's Gambit or even Salt and Sanctuary a go. Maybe Dead Cells if you want something that really commits to the roguelike formula. If you could get past these issues or they weren't an issue for you, awesome! For me, it just didn't work, and that's a shame because I would have loved to get farther into this pixelated world.
285 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 17:16
I play games for fun.
This game is too hard for me to have fun.
Dying, having to go to the smith, back to the teleport, then backtrack every time is just fustrating.
If you like Dark Souls games with cheap shots then this game is for you, but not for me.
28 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
1292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 04:13
amazing. this game is very underrated and awesome. if your into a deep rich 2d souls like experience look no further.
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.21 05:33
A really good game overall. Surprised I did not hear more about this one. It has a slow start, but give it an hour or two to settle in and I think you are in for a treat. Great art, a buff and debuff system that keeps the gameplay somewhat fresh most runs, and plenty of cryptic lore as you might expect from this type of game. Props to the designers.

My biggest thoughts for your future games would be (1) the unchangeable controls felt a bit off and took some getting used to, (2) lack of a quick reset option for rooms or even runs was a mild nuisance at times I missed items or areas with no way back up, and (3) the purchased perks seemed a bit off--one or two in each tier seemed like much better choices to me than the others and I rarely had a need to change them.
415 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 15:02
Very nice game, better than Blasphemous, not as good as Salt and Sanctuary.

Weak points of the game: No jumping, map is terrible - you can't predict where you're going by using it, stats not well explained.

Definitely worth getting.
86 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
2241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 10:00
Hi, I'm Terry Sober.
I don't like souls games, I don't like roguelike games, but I love this game.
I love Berserk (manga), Blasphemous and metroidvania (which this is not).
This isn't really a review, I'm just going to try and counter some of the negatives I've read.
The best advice I can offer is to just watch the second video at the top of the store page, it's 10 minutes long and it explains everything.

+Controls - If the controls are a problem for you, it takes two minutes to open Big Picture mode and remap the control pad like I did. It would be a shame to miss out on this game for something so minor.
+Dialogue speed - Hold the interact button, the text scrolls faster.
+Ability to miss attacks- Yes you have the ability to miss, like rpgs, turn based games, it's a % stat that comes with some weapons or curses and can be countered with blessings and equipment.
+Annoying combat - Yes have to learn the enemies attack patterns and come up with strategies accordingly (did I really just have to say that?)
+Returning to Blacksmith - When you reincarnate the blacksmith is right next to you. You pick up blueprints along the way so it is a good idea to check with the blacksmith every time you die anyway. It saves you previous loadout, so if you want the same one you literally just press one button. Also for some context I die 38 times over my 25 hour playthrough.
+Traps and dark areas - There's traps, learn them, dodge them, and there's not that many tbh. Dark areas, use a torch.
+Useless weapons - There are lots of different weapons that offer different styles of gameplay. I've used a lot of them, but not all and they have been fun to use, I've even had a run with my bare fists. You have to change up your style, you can't just run in and play the same way with each weapon.

There are a lot of other silly little negatives and some legitimate ones that are subjective. This game definitely isn't for everyone, that's why you should watch the video I mentioned earlier. I really enjoyed this game, and I still am. Which is rare for me to carry on playing a game once I've finished it, but I am enjoying exploring and finding secrets and npcs.
I bought it in a sale for £6.99, but I would have been happy with this at full price.
155 Produkte im Account
312 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
37 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.21 23:48
Most of the negative reviews I agree with.

The game has a very strong concept and obviously a ton of work into it, but some of the core game mechanics are just annoying.

-Control scheme is extremely bizzare for no apparent reason. (I was confused by how so many negative reviews mentioned this myself, but once you play the game yourself it totally makes sense.)
-No way to speed up dialogue or text scrolling
-Ability to miss attacks (just why?)
-Extremely simple yet annoying combat. Biggest problem I had was that enemys would attack too fast to reasonably react to, and attack animations not being easy enough to read. I never had any idea when an enemy was done with a combo, so the safest strat was generally attack once and then roll away or block, which is very boring and predictable.
-Need to go to blacksmith to re-select your loadout everytime you die, this is a minor issue but just one of many examples of the game not respecting your time.
55 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.21 19:15
Great boss fights and boss music, if something I would improve in the game is to enable keyboard / controller mapping and in game teleport gates can be selected by the player to teleport anywhere on the map rather than the last teleporter checkpoint. 7/10
674 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 03:58
I'll play it after they give me normal gamepad controls...you know? like A is jump and X is slash and Y is interact and B does whatever the fuck b does. It's unplayable as of now. No different control schemes, no config nothing. you're stuck with very stupid controls.
242 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 01:27
The main reason I can't recommend Dark Devotion is the combat, it's just not interesting or exciting, wait for the enemy to swing, roll and hit them once, repeat, and this pattern is for boss's and regular enemy's, and all the weapons, their's just no verity at all, maybe it changes at some point, but I'm to bored to keep playing.
511 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 01:07
This game would be worthwhile if the controls weren't so god awfully counter intuitive.
392 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
902 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 21:25
Though the controls are a bit awkward (playing on DS4), once you get a feel for it it really starts to stick. Interesting blend of Metroidvania and rogue-like gameplay as well. Excited to see more.
505 Produkte im Account
66 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 02:52
No jump and freaking stamina, really? clunky controls and you can't change it, GREAT!
418 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 13:49
What a great game. First few hours i couldn't understand some mechanics, map layout etc. but later on, game becomes super fun. 9.5/10
85 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 22:07
This game has very weird design decisions, and so at first I couldn't believe myself when I realized that it's yet very addictive! It's really cool! Trying to find new paths and rooms, weapons and items, enemies and boss encounters. Art-design and atmosphere are well done! The only thing which still drives me crazy: The controls!!!! It obviously has no dead-zone detection for controllers, so sometimes it's impossible to stop your character and prevent it from moving and changing direction, thus running right into the next trap!! But yet I have had so much fun with this game!
74 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 10:16
I have to retrieve my weapons from the smith every time I die. Don't like it.
296 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
1792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 08:18
A dark 2d platformer/metroidvania with slow-yet-satisfying combat and sinister environmental storytelling. I'm always glad to see more knightly women in my action games. My only complaint is that the map can be a bit obtuse to understand.
1380 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 19:08
Interesting cross between Salt&Sanctuary and Dead Cells.

Levels are fixed, there are persistent passive skill tree unlocks and stat upgrades that you can find scattered around the map. When you die you lose all of your equipment and can only choose from a limited number of previously unlocked items to start a new run with.
Art and sound design are very strong, but combat system is very disappointing. Each weapon only has a two attack combo and all of the attacks have a very long wind up animation meanwhile bosses have much faster attacks and are very cumbersome to fight because of that.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 08:48
Dieser Beitrag hat noch keine Einträge.
517 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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16 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 03:00
It's a bold choice making a game in the 21st century where you can't remap the horrible counter-intuitive controls (which are the opposite from a lot of other games), and creating a Souls-like punishing combat game where you can't jump, and the primary strategy in boss fights is having absolutely perfect timing on either block or dodge. The game looks gorgeous, but I really wish I could get a refund since it's neither fun nor playable.
987 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 12:25
Dark Devotion is a 2D Dark Souls metroidvania with some minor roguelike elements such as sticking to particular paths in rooms. Combat is slightly similar to Blasphemous. There is a huge variety of weapons such as swords, two handed weapons, shields and some consumables. The memorable part of Dark Devotion are the variety of bosses of which there are 21 in total. It doesn't have much story as most of the game's lore is said through texts, documents, interactions with some NPCs and loosely interpreted from the design of the levels. Gameplay mechanics involve managing your stamina for attack, block and dodging. There is no jumping. Your character also has a resource called faith which is used to cast spells and pray at shrines to receive blessings.

Overall, its highly recommended only if you are looking for a souls like metroidvania with unique art.
42 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.10.20 00:11
So, this was the first time I've played a rogue/souls-like game. I've always been an RPG fan where you collect items and save your progress, but I had an itch for a darker Metroidvania after playing Blasphemous and this game was recommended to me. I'll be honest, it took an hour or so for me to warm up to this game; once I did though, I was hooked. It's merciless in the beginning and feels unfair, but once you get the hang of it, it's actually not super difficult. I've never played a Souls-like before and I didn't struggle too much with this game, so I'm not sure why others complain about the difficulty. Losing gear on death is aggravating at the beginning, but it freshens up the gameplay. You experiment with different items and weapons on each run based on what you find, and you have to use different strategies for each type of enemy. There's actually three main areas the map is divided into, and as you progress to the next area, a new entrance is formed in the starting area, so you're spared the pain of always starting at the very beginning. There's also teleportation altars that can be activated in every few rooms or so so you're not forced to retrace your entire route.

The weapons in this game are one of the highlighting features. You can hold two sets of weapons, and there's so many different playstyles you can choose. Am I going to go with the two-handed claws and opt for close range? Combo a mace with a toxic spell? Or maybe opt for the big-ass scythe that has a high miss chance but ridiculous damage and crits? (It's always the scythe) No two runs are the same, so as you follow the same route, it's a new, fresh experience. Your base stats can also be upgraded via artifacts found throughout the map, so you have a feeling of progression when you're forced to re-tread the same areas.

One of the controversial features that makes this game unique is the inability to jump. I was perturbed at the beginning because you can't retrace your steps when you fall to a different platform, and to go back and explore that other room you have to retrace your steps from the beginning. At first it seems stupid, but honestly, I feels like it freshens up the game's formula. You're forced to be more thoughtful when exploring, and by removing this feature, it adds to the game by changing your focus to the combat and exploration instead of hopping around. I've played so many 2D platformers, it's refreshing to have a formula that deemphasizes jumping so you can focus on the other components. Sure, this game has it's flaws, and you can look at some of the salty reviews to see those, but I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this game, and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a different flavor of Metroidvania or rogue-lite.
277 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.20 06:07
One of the better games to come out of the soulslike craze for sure. Great area design, great balancing, and some really friggin cool bosses and character designs; always love a bit of body horror. Worth your time for sure.
290 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.09.20 10:21
I yield to thee. Atmosphere, production values, sounds are all top notch. But it's frustrating beyond belief, all the levels look the same, it's hyper dark, and my character keeps facing the wrong way while attacking. Would love to finish this title, but I must yield. Pro tip, don't play if your kids are nearby, the game requires olympian concentration, which is the enemy of all small children, try it while fighting a boss and you may succumb to madness.
30 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
4208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 22:13
One of the best soulslikes/metroidvanias I ever played and I played a lot.
It takes a while to get familiar with the game mechanics.
But once you figured out how it works, you will realize the precision.
To sum it up: A beatiful, innovative soulslike packed with full of secrets and never unfair ... so much fun to play
238 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 13:22
Really well made 2D souls-like game with a roguelite twist. You become stronger by exploring the map and defeating bosses, unlocking passive abilities and weapons for your next run.
102 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
999 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.20 16:57

Things you will not get in this game:

(even though you'd assume its obvious they are there)

- rebindable controls - there's no way to change the default controls, if you don't like them then it's unfortunate, good luck rebinding them with Steam controller config or getting used to them
- sounds options - there's not a single volume slider in the game


It's still a pretty decent game. It has all shortcomings of someone's first real attempt at making a videogame and is plagued by some strange design decisions that you thought you'd never see in 2020 - like dialogue lines vanishing on their own without players input (better read fast), or the fact there's no way to change which consumable goes into which slot, so you end up sometimes using something else instead of healing item in the heat of battle - just the most bizarre problems you'd assume never would make past the alpha stage.
But at the same time it is an enjoyable game.

+ really nice pixel art graphics and animations
+ unique mix of metroidvania, Souls and roguelite elements from games like Dead Cells
+ varied and aggressive bosses with lots of different moves
+ classic dark fantasy theme

Dark Devotion is the game to play when you're done with all the more polished and established installments in this genre like Hollow Knight, Salt&Sanctuary, Blasphemous and so on. Be aware that you're getting into a game that lacks a lot of refinement and you will have fun.

Overall it's 5-6/10, worth getting on sale.
72 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 18:25
A very dark and challenging 2D Souls-like/ Metroidvania/ Roguelite hybrid with an interesting atmosphere/ lore.

I had a rough start with this game despite playing a lot of challenging games.
It is very unforgivable and I died A LOT. I got frustrated and wanted to quit and never play it again because each death meant all your stuff and your progress was gone.
But I kept returning and I kept playing and soon I found myself enjoying this game quite a lot.
When I got the controls down and started memorizing the dungeon layouts including trap and weapon/item locations I got further and further on each run and even killed some bosses.
After these first accomplishments I kept thinking about optimizing runs and really started to get good at the combat, which helped me push even further past some really tough bosses and even to the end of the game.
So for me it was really an experience similar to the Souls games: After I learned the game it was a really fun ride til the end.
Plus the game has a great atmosphere looks beautiful.
241 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 14:02
I've really enjoyed this one so far. It's got its fair shake of indie charm, but it nails the atmosphere. Combat is what you'd expect from a souls-like, challenging but rewarding. The unlock system is unique and fun. Finding an item that unlocks a new entry in the forge is very satisfying.

I highly recommend this if you're into 2D souls-likes
643 Produkte im Account
74 Reviews
1368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.20 09:16
Hard as hell but very good. Think Darkest Dungeon mixed with Fear and Hunger plus Salt and Sanctuary and Unworthy.
259 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
832 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.20 16:20
I've been following this game's development since that demo and those gifs they were posting on Facebook showing the animations, bosses and all. I was really hyped and damn, the hype was answered.

- Souls like combat
- Beautiful pixel art
- Excellent soundtrack
- Very fluid, skill based and timed gameplay/combat
- Lots of puzzles to resolve
- Very interesting progression system
- Rewarding feeling of progression

Now, here is a little bit of how the game works, without giving spoilers:
You enter this dungeon, some stuff happens and then you're thrown in a kind of lobby with NPCs who give you quests, you can see your progression, modify your set, access regions of the dungeon and among other things.
Every time you find a special or rare item it can be added to your blacksmith (not all of them) and that item can be used as a starting gear after you are reborn.
Every time you advance a room there is no way to go back to the previous one, but don't worry, you will die a lot and will want to go back to those previous rooms afterwards with better skills and weapons to access the content that you were unable to access the first time.
The game is basically like this, you reborn A LOT, set up a set with the gear you have available and choose one of the dungeon paths to progress. You advance rooms, killing enemies, collecting loot, equipping better things, gaining blessings and improving your character. You will encounter several bosses along the way (as far as I played all dropped boss weapons can be crafted in the blacksmith when you are reborn) and you will progress until you die and trust me, you will eventually die, for some shit, for falling on thorns or some super strong monster (there's a red crow that is a beautiful surprise).
Then you restart the game with the gear that managed to be saved for the blacksmith and keeps progressing like this.
- There are some teleport points that you can activate and when you die go straight to them, avoiding the trouble of walking all the way again.

That's it, a game that is very worth the price (in fact, I found it cheap due to the quality of the game) and for those who are fans of hardcore games and Souls like it is guaranteed fun.
330 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 22:51

Average souls-like game.

So, this is a souls-like game with rogue-like elements, and there is NO JUMP here. Therefore you focus more on combat itself and basic movement (and you have to think twice where to drop from platforms, because mostly, there is no return). The absence of jump is not a bad thing. I got used to it, but still, you expect the jump ability to be present in this game genre.

You can get some stat upgrades (dmg, crit etc.), and you can unlock perks to give you some abilities. Stats upgrades (which you find by exploring th world) are important, but perks (which are purchased) are somehow redundant (read: not game changing).

Including all things mentioned above, game focuses on simplified combat with no verticality. Which may be good thing or a bad one. Depends.

I liked the level art along with music. Simple sounds could be better.

Average boss fights. I had the feeling that half of all bosses were there just to increase the difficulty. But this may be just my feeling.

I played with controller, so having to attack with R2 instead of X was strange, but I got used to it.

Overall, it´s a good game, but it fails on trying to be too different.
423 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 11:42
Apart from some frustrating moments, this was a lot of fun to play. I love the setting, the atmosphere, the boss fights. I did regularly toss my controller aside and stopped playing, though. It's very rewarding when you finally beat that boss, though.
116 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 14:16
Lovely Game. I really like it. Let's just say it's Dark Soul's 2D Pixel Version.
No Class Restriction, Animations are Great, Challenging Kinda hard tho for New Players.
But Too Big. Really easy to get lost after a while.
36 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
1355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 18:52
Dark Devotion deserves to be more recognisable in the souls-like - metroidvania community. It is such a unique and fun game made with clear care and devotion. If you are a fan of similar games like Blasphemous and Salt and Sanctuary give this game a go, you won't regret it. Don't let the roguelike element deter you from playing it if you are not into that genre. It surely feels more like a well-crafted metroidvania with its own mapped out world and characters for you to explore. The only thing i would change is slightly harder bosses (I had this complaint for the above-mentioned games too so it's not a stand out problem) but the game as a whole definitely had its difficulty. A great game overall with outstanding art too!
148 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 13:40
An atmospheric game that uses good know elements to try soemthing new. But I woudnt say that its worth 20 bucks. Wait for a sale.
138 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
2243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 01:42
This game combines elements of Souls-likes, Rogue-lites and Metroidvanias for a unique and enjoyable experience. As you unlock new gear and blessings, you'll become excited to start each new run trying new combinations to get you through the various environments and bosses, all the while coveting your faith points to spend them on altars for new gear and blessings, cure curses or diseases, and open up new pathways to new areas or loot.
107 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.20 22:55
I completed this game 100% on switch, some people believe it is too hard, due to the rogue like aspects, but playing it again on PC is giving me flashbacks: getting boss weapons (which are mostly the only permanent weapons), running through areas with little to no health, is exactly the rush that I loved and still love about this game. I might lose everything but the weapon, however I learned and now, you cannot beat me.
422 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
1811 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.20 17:12
Dark Devotion: The time Dark Souls went on a crusade


In a fantasy world inspired by the Crusader era (1095-1492), a young female templar is sent to prove her devotion to god. She is part of the Filthblood; sinners who have been shut away inside a hostile temple to seek redemption and prove their worth. Dark Devotion's setting is not bad per say. There is a good deal of atmosphere to be had. However it does struggle a bit to stand out, and I hope to explain why. It is not bad but nowhere near great either.

Exploring: A tale of rougelikes

Like any good rougelike/Soulsborne title, Dark Devotion is built around exploration. Exploring rewards the player with new upgrades, items and new areas to explore. That is until you wonder in one direction and fall off a ledge, preventing you from going back and exploring rest of the dungeon. Railroading the player into following a set path while demanding them explore creates an annoying sense of padding. In other games like Dead Cells or the Binding of Isaac you can explore the levels fully before moving onto the boss room.

The combat: A tale of hitboxes

Hit boxes in Soulsborne titles have always been somewhat of an annoying factor. But it was more of a problem in the earlier titles then more contemporary From titles. Here, hitting and avoiding blows can be a little difficult to determine. At times throughout the game you might get ambushed by crow assassins (grim reaper looking blokes with crow beaks). When I was first attacked, I discovered that you didn’t need to be directly close in order to attack them. Instead, you can somehow strike them from the very edge of their whirlwind attack. Even though it makes no sense as to why hitting a rapidly spinning blade will somehow hit the assassin.

https://www.imaginativeramblings.com/post/dark-devotion-the-time-dark-souls-went-on-a-crusade Full review here.
239 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.20 02:09
I love the art style, but damn the controls are awful. The hardest part of this game is getting used to the janky attack/roll/block. Feels bad man
453 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 15:29
First negative review. Sorry Dark Devotion I really wanted to like you. But arbitrary debuffs, and silly game rules intended to make the game more difficult without actually making the game more difficult is lazy game design.

I enjoyed it for what it was, but after about 5 hours of dungeons so dark i had to squint to see, and monsters jumping half way across the screen like bipedal rattle snakes, i decided id had enough. Thank you for the 5 hours of fun, and you're welcome for my 20 bucks.
178 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1486 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 15:46
Pretty good, solid game. Very fun and has some challenge to it. Would say its not for casuals but someone used to dark souls would breeze through it. Kind of in the middle. For the price you can't go wrong.
258 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
1106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 12:25
To me, Dark Devotion is an underrated project of passion with little coverage and a VERY incomplete wiki page. It's the most genuine and organic game I've played in what feels like a long time.

Gameplay: ★★★★☆
Gameplay is, in my opinion, one of the easiest components to mix up. I’m not just saying a core mechanic that can make an otherwise great game a slog. Repetition, clunky or complicated mechanics, and bugs that don’t have any speedrunning or comedic value all operate on certain standards that can suck the joy out of a game or make it unplayable. This game meets all of those operational standards. Instead I’d like to break gameplay down into a few key categories; combat, progression, and navigation.
The combat was a lot of what made this game feel like a Souls-like. There are a lot of unique enemies, none of which go down in one hit without progressing so far that you’ve no need to travel back to their areas of the map to do anything more than giving your ego a quick stroke. Each fight has a varying amount of deliberacy required to come out unscathed, which means dodging, blocking, managing your stamina, and timing your attacks based on their speed and range. Some enemies have some pretty intimidating attacks and attack patterns but, if you’re like me, you’re going to be bumping up against the bottom of your stamina bar and wishing your character had one more dodge or block in her.
Progression is normal for that of a rogue like. Most similar to Dead Pixels, you can eventually begin to cut your losses by progressing, slaying baddies for points to spend on perks, and getting upgrades that you can begin starting your runs with equipment more suited to your playstyle. As you explore, there are also permanent skill upgrades in secret rooms or hidden behind collapsable walls that make the static map a little more interesting because you need to remember where you saw them so you can try to get them on your next time around. The game even provides you with checkpoints when you reach new areas or finish a hard segment so you can hopefully start a little deeper when you’ve earned it or destroy the checkpoint for items if you’re feeling like hot shit. It is a little jarring that, as you progress downward, a basic mechanic such as jumping isn’t available, but it also remedies the lack of procedural generation by giving you less ability to become familiar with the map.
So the map might not be fresh every time, but it doesn’t completely lose that sense of unfamiliarity seeing as you’re hopefully delving your farthest each run and there are so many rooms to keep track of. The downside is, the map could use some serious improvement. Each room is some sort of strange shape that shows you if you should expect relics and altars SOMEWHERE and the worst approximation of where they are. Fortunately, since the relics are pretty serious stat improvements, it will color in the relics on your map after you’ve activated them, but other than that, there is a lot of guessing. It’s all there on the map, but there’s little done to give you any form of spatial awareness.

Graphics: ★★★★☆
Nice pixel art

Audio: ★★★★☆

Audience: Teens/Adults

Story: ★★★★☆
The intro paints you this picture of the Templars being religious extremists that think “devotion is taught through suffering,” so they impose that suffering on the communities around them for seeking knowledge or not conforming to their beliefs. Our protagonist despite how much it pains me that the story has nothing to do with our protagonist atoning for herself or the atrocities of the Templars. It is every Templar’s “destiny” to travel to “The Temple” to destroy the evil there and save their god from its depths. I know I’m projecting a little, but it might have been even cooler to save a literal god and either they turn out to be benevolent and misquoted by the Templars, or malevolent and you get the opportunity to end two tyrannies in one go, but I digress. Taking the overarching plot of religious evil vs sacrilegious evil with a grain of salt, we begin our journey.
The game begins with a sort of tutorial/optional expository island at the very entrance. You’re walking the through the beautiful halls of The Temple past all your templar pals and they’re either hyping you up, giving you wisdom or, faced with the reality of their own mortality a few rooms in, beginning to second guess themselves. Sword and shield in hand and the game provides you a few scripted tip sequences, some easy kills, and you trot past all of the templars like the hot shit badass you are.
There is definitely a story being told here, but it's not forced on you through cutscenes or long drawn out segments of the game pulling its own horn. In fact, the only pre rendered cutscenes are the intro sequence and the end credits. All other cutscenes are in-engine either transitional or to introduce a boss. Outside of that, the story is told either by NPCs you meet along the way, and journal entries much like Rogue Legacy.
The NPCs will only keep talking if you prompt them to, and the floating text couldn’t be less intrusive. In fact, there’s something liberating about walking away while an NPC is mid sentence where some other games wouldn’t allow you to. You’re here to kick ass, if you want to take names that’s your business. I seriously recommend it though, because the writers do a spectacular job setting the scene of how scared, frustrated, desperate, jaded or outright crazy the NPCs are under these bleak circumstances. Plus, many NPCs have little easter eggs such as the guy who asks you to kneel to him because he outranks you and rewards you with an item the first time you do.
The journal entries are an assortment of collectables that you find along the way that are stored in the game’s “library” location, and final words of those The Temple has claimed. The journals themselves give you the most exposition about the actual plot and history of The Temple. All of this really immersed me in how grim this experience is. Some lose their squad, some starve to death, and the game makes you feel that much stronger for venturing ever deeper. Sure you’ve got a god that keeps resurrecting you of all people, but your resolve is being tested just like everyone else’s, just differently.
The end was a little vague and there was a lot to be desired. Sure it was just as dramatic as the rest of the game, but the game doesn’t really go into specific about some of the major points both at the beginning or end. All in all, it was more about how the story was told rather than the actual story itself.

Difficulty: ★★★★★
Dark Devotion is not the hardest game in the world and it ain’t no Souls, but it’s hard enough and it requires your attention. For example, my first time playing the game, the first room after the tutorial has a spear that very clearly will drop from the ceiling on approach. It got me on my first go and I immediately said to myself “oh, so it’s THAT kind of game.” That trap is easy to miss the first time around, and almost just as easy to miss after you’re just getting back at it after a long previous run. It’ll get you at least a couple of times and it’s a certain degree of insulting that it’s one of the first things you face. Directly after there’s a spike pit that, if you dodge early on the spike trap or walk too slowly after it, you’ll fall to an instant death, which is the game saying, you’d better use the right stick to look around before you just go falling off any ledge. It’s clever, frustrating, but clever. There are plenty of warnings of what you’re up against throughout, so it isn’t unfair, but throw the occasional curse into the mix and you’ve got a lot on your plate.

Grind: ★☆☆☆☆
Little to none

Game time: ★★☆☆☆
5-20 hours

Price: ★★★☆☆
Not mad about $20, but $10-$15 would be ideal.
68 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.20 01:38
Love it.

It's hard, but not hard for the sake of just being hard. Just like Dark Souls, there's a strategy for every situation. You'll absolutely get stomped at the very beginning - keep dying for the next 10 times before reaching the first boss, and absolutely be slaughtered by him/her/it (yes, it) a good dozen times.

But after the first time you beat a boss, or any other enemy, you'll pick up how to do it again in the futre, and they'll eventually become a breeze to rip through, making it a ton of fun to move down further into the temple.

And the atmosphere in the game is perfectly set. The music, sound effects, art and story telling you get via short conversations with NPCs you find and letters you come across are horrifying in all the right ways.
126 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 11:33
Good game.

Took me about 16 hours to finish the final boss and probably will take me some other 20-30 hours to complete the achievements.

It’s a good metroidvania, difficulty is adequate and it may take some time to adjust to its rhythm, the gameplay is a little bit slow, it reminds me of darksouls 1. Once you learn your timing and to manage stamina its very entertaining.

I think this game deserve more appreciation that it receives, if you like dark souls, roguelikes and metroidvanias you should give this game a chance if you can get it with a discount.

The only thing I really hate about it is that it uses 3 buttons for roll (using controller), seems pretty unnecessary and it could have used those buttons to implement more interesting mechanics, like a secondary attack or a dedicated spot for throwable weapons.
490 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
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14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 23:17
I really wanted to like this game, but the lack of jumping, along with the inability to change your controls... I just couldn't get into it. I thought I would like this game more than Blasphemous, and ended up liking Blasphemous a lot more.

If they improve these things, I may buy it again.
422 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
819 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 17:33
This game was gifted to me by a friend of mine who saw it on a wishlist.

I don't really usually like sidescrollers or souls-like games, but this one was really really fun with rogue-like mechanics meshed in with a persistent progression of both skills and different starting items/teleports you can unlock to save time. Also, you're a Templar. Those guys are cool.

Overall solid gameplay and experience, can be difficult sometimes but just about every damaging attack in the game is telegraphed so careful stamina management and dodging/blocking. Just about every bossfight that you complete gives you a useful weapon that you can start out your next run with.

Best thing about it I think for me was the atmosphere, am very much into the theme and the story while not overly present/kept background was something I really liked, even with both endings. It's dark, it's kind of depressing, but it's a much welcome break from all the lighthearted cutesy/anime stuff you might be tired of seeing. I'd say it takes itself more seriously than even Dark Souls, though it is also very clearly inspired by it to the core. You wont find boob armors or any immersion breaking fanservice here, everything is acceptable for the dark fantasy the game aims for. It's worth noting that it's not spoonfed at all in any regard, and the lore and such is something you'll have to flesh out by finding pages/googling yourself. Game is really good at making you feel alone with your thoughts for a long time, but also can surprise you with hidden friendly NPC encounters.

OST is pretty good, especially boss fight music at times though personally I think Nekosh had the best (even if he was sort of a minor boss). Because a lot of bosses have two phases to them, listen for the change in music - things will start getting crazy when you start vibing harder. Kind of really wish I could download the OST myself, has some really good tracks.

Two negatives I can think of:
1. A lack of extended options and custom gameplay content/NG+ content. Once you're done you can check a guide and go 100% everything, but I personally would have liked to see more start kit options, maybe an arena mode that'd add more gear unlocks for people to really try out different builds they're not comfortable with or play differently with more variety, and:

2. Guidance. The game does a poor job of explaining progression to you, and I don't mean to say that it simply does not hold your hand (the game isn't supposed to be easy). Once you beat the game and you look forward to unlocking all the runes/blueprints for the forge/completing sidequests, you'll find that there isn't (or atleast I didn't find anything) sort of way to see which areas might have NPCs, items, or really any collectable/piece of content you might have missed. This is partially rectified because /THERE IS/ a steam guide available, but it would still be nice. A personal gripe that I suppose can also be under this is that my brain is too small to figure out the story myself the way the developer might've intended, so I kind of wish it had an overall synopsis available to read explaining the full effects on the world after the game ended. Maybe I just want more lore? Who knows.

If you like atmospheric souls-like games and you don't particularly need to worry about saving money then buy it - otherwise wait for a sale and buy it. Pretty good game, and that is coming from someone who usually hates 2d games, sidescrollers, souls-like games, platformers, and rogue-likes. Good job, devs.
63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 09:05
Pretty fun rogue like game with lots of dying, by that I mean you. A lack of guides and online faq will keep you wondering wtf is so special about these equipment or skills, and are these background items/structure interactable?! I have not finished the game yet but here are some tips to hopefully assist you:

1) explore the dungeon and find as much alter as you can to activate, these give perm. stat up.
2) pick up every equipment, some of them will add blueprints to your forge back in respawn so you can eventually start with better equipment
3) don't worry about killing boss, once you get stamina alters you will have easier time dodging and attacking without running out of breath so often
4) my personal favorite weapon Hezek's Cudgel (slow but great reach and breaks walls), crow scyth (far reaching, quick 2nd strike, and amazing quick roll attack), and bow (with arrow skill from tree that returns arrow from dead monster)
5) explore all the maps, if you see a root wall then burn it down with a flame weapon or item

Good luck
219 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 19:22
They say that simple graphic wouldn't prevent you to create a lovely game and im sure as hell that its true,Dark devotion is kinda like dark souls series,why?
Story:you have to talk to anybody you cross with,read anything you find,and examine every place you enter just like DS
Gameplay:you have to fight with several enemies and bosses،also,search every corner of the map to find better armour and weapon or items just like DS
Music:dark with despair spirit
The only thing is,it could be more Challenging
174 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 10:19
Reinventing the wheel is always risky, but there's a reason some things are the way they are.

Dark Devotion offers a unique mix of soulslike, metroidvania and roguelike, and while I applaud the attempt at trying something new, I can't say that it comes together in the end.

The premise is pretty simple. You're alone in a dark dungeon, with greater challenges and more fiendish foes the deeper you go. You choose a loadout of fantasy weapons, shields and magic spells, then face off against the dungeon's denizens in pretty standard stamina-centric combat. You'll find secret chambers, help NPCs, learn boss patterns... all par for the course.

Where it gets odd is how these systems fit together. You see, the game is technically a roguelike. When you die, you lose everything. Your weapons, armor, spells, consumables, buffs, whatever you had is gone. The dungeon isn't random, however. The layout doesn't change, and the location of many items remains the same. Furthermore, backtracking is impossible, as most room transitions are one way. Ideally, you're supposed to plot the best path to all the items you want, before finally facing off against the next boss.

Except you don't have to, or even really want to. Firstly, while lots of items are unique to a certain chamber, a few arbitrary items are permanent unlocks, not much weaker than what you'd find exploring on your own. That awesome fire sword or blizzard spell you found? You'll never have a reason to go back there, and therefore never see it again. Better to just get good with the permanent unlocks and save yourself heartache.

Secondly, you unlock both one-way teleporters and permanent shortcuts which mean you never need to return to earlier rooms once you've passed through them once. It's just so much more efficient to fight a boss a few times with default gear and learn its pattern, than waste 10 minutes gathering items which might not even help anyway.

And finally, you are in fact fully discouraged from doing so, as you gain passive debuffs just for playing. Sure, falling far or getting hit might cause an injury, but some of the debuffs are pretty rediculous. Rolled perfectly to avoid all the boss attacks? Have a stamina debuff for your trouble. Saved your mana for a strong enemy? You get a debuff for having max MP.

All in all, after collecting a bunch of cool items and slaying many foes, most times instead of feeling like a badass, I found the most efficient way forward was just to drop in a pit of spikes, because starting over is easier.

Final mention to the control scheme, which is just terrible. I had to stop using my controller, and go back to mouse and keyboard.
298 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.20 16:58
Not played very long at time of writing, but it's already clear that some of the negative reviews for this are down to deliberate design choices.

The game is meant to be punishing. Why should that apply to using menus and things? Well that's a good point, but it becomes part of the learning curve in the first hour.

If you're a player prone to rage on one mistake death, then yeah this is going to be a negative review and moaning on the discussions.

But if you understand this is an indie title making deliberate decisions to create its own kind of ride, then there's lots to enjoy.

If you're on the fence, get it at discount and refund if you can't click into it. I'm not Mr hardcore souls, but I'm enjoying it :)
48 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.20 19:14
Its a fun game, I only have 12 hours in it (as of writing this) but I can honestly say that once you get into the swing of things it just makes you come back for more and more. But be warned its a tough game, and for me its easier to use a controller rather than mouse and keyboard. So in summary you should play it 100%.
71 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 18:54
This game tries too hard to be dificult, and just end loosing too many oportunities to being good.

Full of unfair deaths, with traps and constant menaces that sometimes apear at random, coupled with rogue like mechanics is just a recipe for failure.

You actualy are punished for exploration, increasing the risk of death and loosing anything cool you got.

Bad game desing choice, had a huge potential.
382 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 10:18
Dark Devotion - A hopefully quick review.
REALLY SHORT TL;DR: Go kill a Heretical god in the name of yours. Yay, Religion!
TL;DR: A fun, challenging adventure without its fair share of flaws and occasional glitches. Worth picking up if you enjoy dark fantasy popularized by fads of the last year, such as dark souls (but don't want JUST dark souls.)

Basis: Dark Devotion is a 2D Sidescroller about being a Templar knight woman who delves into the forbidden temple - a place where those deemed criminal, heretical or otherwise are cast out like its own little prison. There's several intertwining plots about its people, soldiers, even the bosses. But that requires some doing by the player to put the stories together.

Gameplay: The Combat is a lot like other 'hardcore' combat sidescrollers, such as Salt and sanctuary. Paced attacks with frames, dodge rolls to avoid attacks, manage stamina to do anything, and boss mechanics like life bars and phases. The typical set. While nothing revolutionary, it does enough to play well. There are some minor nitpicks - the inevitable hitbox weirdness in some boss attacks. I have video evidence of one such case, too! (7/10)

Artwork & Music: Absolutely phenomenal. The art related to people may look a little samey and low-res a lot of the time, some looks might make you squint to figure it out. But the art absolutely flourishes in scenery design. Starting off with an old dungeon or a sewer, leading into Whimsical forests with drifting wisps, ruinous towns with an evil forestation, and finalizing at holy cathedral halls and silk tapestry. There's a couple secret areas that stand out on their own too, but look just akin to the region they belong to.

The Music really gives way to each setting as well. The worn down jails and dungeons being gritty and groaning, the abandoned settlement area having somber piano - and the Mystical forests being whimsical with soft harps. And of course the hymns and chants with the church areas.

Only nitpick is that while everything is beautiful - this makes finding direction confusing. No real landmarks or anything one can direct themselves around with, so it all blends together eventually.(9/10)

Technicals: This is mostly to reflect overall game performance and stability. I'm on an old GPU (Radeon HD6850), and the game ran with perfect framerate at all times. More so, it rarely caused any intensity for the GPU until about an hour or two into playtime, after enough loops. Programming-wise, everything works as it should. Typically.

Glitches spotted have been mainly edge cases. One run, I couldn't wipe my debuffs no matter what i used or did - confirmed by the developer as something that shouldn't happen - and there's been minor side glitches like a Dialogue loop with an extra NPC, occasional 'slow loading' of Perk descriptions and graphical glitches regarding the FX used in the final boss area.

Unfortunately, Development for Dark Devotion is considered 'finished', so if you run into an irritating bug? You might have to live with it.(6/10)

OVERALL: A very decent game. The developers set out to make a game, they got it funded, they got it made, they got it released and (Assumedly) plugged any initial holes and bugs, and moved on. While not quite worth $15 in my opinion, it was worth the $10 I got it for with the fifteen hours (total) it took me to beat.

689 Produkte im Account
84 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.20 04:01
There wasn't even a sound option in the menu, the controls are terrible and can't be re-mapped.
399 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.19 03:59
Another game that deserves a mixed review.

It has a good and dreadful atmosphere, fun level design, and some intriguing enemies; and yet all these wonderful thing were almost ruined by the bosses’ move sets design and your evasive maneuver.

Disclaimer: I day-1 purchase this game, and my experience so far still stay at the very first version of the game. I don`t know whether the developer had done some balancing towards the issues I am going to complain below, so I decide to stay true to my feeling.

Each boss and some enemies in the game act as if they don`t know what stamina restriction is. While our character is stuck with traditional stamina-based movement, literally anything else can indefinitely combo their attack in quick succession. A simple example is the those little guys with green blobs on their back. They are agile, too agile if I may say so. Often they will rush towards you and do a quick slash. Just as you think you have dodge away, they immediately roll towards you and slash you again, rinse and repeat. Does this sound fair to you? Just you wait. There is more. Throughout the map or dungeons, several ravens will spawn randomly. Most of the time they will not react to you, but if they do, you are in for a horrible treat. These raven assassins have probably the longest reach of attack excluded bosses. They always initiate their assault with a fricking spinning attack that lasts long, too long that you would want to bang your head against the wall for aggro them. Two ways you can counter this. A decent shield and stamina to tank the whole attack, or dodge. Former one often leads to you out of stamina, and the latter requires tons of practices. The invincibility frame in this game is way too short. You need to time the dodge at a pinpoint accuracy in order to survive. Otherwise please prepare to be hit by a truck.

Bosses have taken what I said above to a whole new level. Remember in Dark Souls 3 that players often regarded Pontiff Sulyvahn as “infinite combo machine” before they knew they could parry him? Well, every boss in Dark Devotion is Pontiff Sulyvahn, even more annoying. Let`s just take the first boss Hezek, the Baptized for example. A chained giant man with a barbed hammer does not look so dangerous. That’s where you are wrong. He only has two move, and he only needs two to become your nightmare. A thrust attack and a circular swipe in quick succession is all he uses to annihilate you in second. Often time you dodge the first attack, you have to immediately dodge the second one. The only window of opportunity is after the swipe attack. You can attack once, ONCE before you dodge away. This opportunity also has to take stamina management into consideration. Lucky you could get away with just enough stamina to roll to safety; unlucky, I hope you can recover from a big hit. If you want to go against the odd, I urge you to use sword and shield. Sword costs less stamina to use and a faster attack than any other types. Shield can help you tank a fatal hit, but you still need to dodge away to recover your stamina. Unless you get a powerful weapon that can DPS through boss’ health, every boss fight is a test of endurance.

The game has so many good mechanic and secrets to explore. The whole interaction with enemies greatly ruined the fun. Yes, this game is challenging, not in a pleasant way, not in a fun way that you are happy to play through but rather a relief for its end.
Logo for Dark Devotion
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
77.59% 561 162
Release:25.04.2019 Genre: 2D-Plattformer Entwickler: Hibernian Workshop Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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