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Über das Spiel
Um an sein Ziel zu gelangen, sollte der Spieler sein gesamtes Repertoire ausspielen - seien es artistischen Kletterkünste, nachdrücklicher Waffeneinsatz oder am Steuer spektakulärer Fahrzeuge: Mit rasanten Motorrädern können lange Wegstrecken abgekürzt oder Klippen übersprungen werden, dafür walzen schwerfällige Panzer Hindernisse einfach nieder.
Neben dem Einspieler-Modus bietet Damnation ebenso umfangreiche wie innovative Mehrspieler-Optionen, die die gigantischen Welten des Spiels voll ausreizen.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 05:00
Errungenschaften: Nein
- gute Mischung zwischen Shooter-, Fahr- und Kletterpassagen
- Sound in Ordnung
- Grafik für damals ok
- Bikes wurden gut eingebaut
- gutes Leveldesign
- platte Steampunkstory, mit Magie
- Steuerung setzt manchmal aus
- Waffenauswahl nicht breit genug (auch wenn es nicht nötig ist)
Bei Damnation habe ich eigentlich mit einem Trashtitel gerechnet, den ich wieder sofort von meiner Festplatte verbanne, aber dem war nicht so. Es ist ein solider Third-Person-Shooter in einer Steampunkwelt. Hervorzuheben sind hierbei auch die Kletterpassagen, welche durchaus auch knifflig sein können und die Passagen in denen man mit dem Bike fahren kann. Dabei wechseln sich die Passagen zwischen Schießen, Fahren und Klettern in gesunder Weise ab. Leider setzte ab und zu auch mal die Steuerung aus und man landete ganz tief unten (oder war tot).
Die Grafik ist für das Jahr wo das Spiel herauskam relativ Okay, könnte aber auch besser sein. Den Sound fand ich gut, besonders wenn es ordentlich Action gab. Loben möchte ich auch das Leveldesign, welches gut in diese Welt integriert wurde.
Eine große Schwäche dieses Spiels ist jedoch die platte Story. Ja ich weiß das Steampunk gerne mit Magie gepaart wird, aber die Sache mit dem Seher hat überhaupt nicht reingepasst. Da hätte man mehr drauß machen können... Ein weiterer Punkt der mir nicht gefallen hat, war die Waffenauswahl. Man kann nur 3 Waffen mitnehmen. Wenn man eine andere Waffe mitnehmen will muss man sich entscheiden welche man dafür ablegen will. An und für sich ist das in Ordnung, aber ich habe das Spiel durchgespielt ohne diese überhaupt zu tauschen (Nur Scharfschützengewehr, Sturmgewehr und Pistole vom Anfang). Wenn ich getauscht habe, merkte ich sofort das ich mit den Waffen ein schlechteres Ergebnis erziele und tauschte wieder zurück... Trotzdem überraschte mich der Titel etwas und ließ mich das Spiel innerhalb von 8-9 Stunden durchspielen. Empfehlenswert!!!!
Nicht Empfohlen
702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.18 22:13
+In dem Spiel gibts es hin und wieder die Möglichkeit ein Fahrzeug zu benutzen was das einzige gute an dem Spiel war und sogar Spaß gemacht hat
-Die Story war mega langweilig und man hat sie nach 5 Minuten vergessen
-Die Waffen fühlen sich außer paar Ausnahmen extrems scheiße an und die Waffen die sich gut anfühlen haben nur begrenzt Munition
-Die Bosse sind alle extrems nervig und unkreativ. (Vorallem der Endboss)
-Die Grafik war schon 2009 veraltet und macht einen oft wütend
-Das Spiel besteht 40 % aus Platform ... Levels welche extrems nerven und nur dafür da sind um die Spielzeit zu strecken.
Ich empfehle das Spiel nicht und habe das nur durchgespielt weil ich mir vorgenommen hab alle Spiele von mir durchzuspielen was ich nach diesem Spiel abgebrochen hab. LG
Nicht Empfohlen
170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.17 01:07
1081 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.15 21:25
Nicht Empfohlen
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 19:10
Damnation is a game that has its charm. But that charm stays in its premise and does not deliver.
Damnation falls really short in everything and the first you immediately see as an example are the graphics.
Even for its time graphics are really bad - everything is kinda blurry and steamy. Steamy not as steampunk steamy because these bad graphics have nothing to do with the game's style.
It doesn't matter how big were Codemasters then. Not even their supposedly small budget, as much. There are many other small studios with games even a decade older than this one but with graphics that are way better and moreover - bearable. I don't have a problem with retro/classic games' visuals but quite the opposite. However, these ones here are pretty bad. And the poor visuals are even more noticeable in the cutscenes.
The occasional times when you ride the steam powered motorbikes is pretty linear and uninteresting, even the cool concept of riding steam powered bikes and the ability to ride the walls can not save this. You ride from one checkpoint to another, passing by an empty terrain with the very occasional enemies appearing at some places shooting you from a distance, as if they were put there to fill up the empty game world.
Also, the ally AI seems to have some weird body twitch while being shot at. As if they are moving to the rhythm of bullets hitting their bodies. Only thing that's missing is them doing the ''rock on'' hand sign at the same time. Then everything in that weird movement would make more sense.
Enemy AI is pretty bad too. Some times they just sit in one place and let you shoot them to death. Nothing interesting or decent here.
Overall, do not be fooled by the premise of this game. This could have been, if not amazing, maybe a decent steampunk, third person, adventure game, set in an alternate western style America, with cool steampunk motorcycles and weaponry. However, it ended up, what it seems to me, being an ''exotic'' experiment for Codemasters. And I'm not being sarcastic, just my honest opinion.
And it's all there. It's just empty and really poorly done - really bad graphics and bad and clunky gameplay. This is not the worst of the worst but it's a pretty bad game. It's not even a case where I can overlook a flow in some parts of it if the game excels elsewhere, because it doesn't.
There are too many amazing games - old and new, for someone to waste their time and money on this one. I can't recommend it even to those who have extra money to throw away, not even if it's on sale for €1. And for those of you on a budget - don't even bother spending whatever money you've saved on Damnation.
And I wish I could recommend one that comes as near Damnation's main style, (steampunk, third person adventure with a similar setting) but I can't really think of one that comes somewhat close. However, you can't go wrong with any of the Tomb Raider or Bioshock games, as long as their premise is what you are looking for.
Other than than - You've been warned.
485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 20:00
+ variable gameplay
+ nice scenery
+ weapon variety isn't very high, but some weapons are nice to handle
+ while the game is linear, there are often alternative paths to reach your goal
+ a lot of platforming. but it is never frustratingly hard
+ graphics
+ some gore
- overall average gunplay: enemies hardly stagger when getting hit and some weapons are way too inaccurate for my liking
- story and especially the characters need some polish
- way too much bloom that makes it harder to see visual cues where to go next since almost everything seems to be highlighted
Damnation is a decent adventure with some flaws. My biggest gripe is that some weapons feel a bit weak. But I liked the occasional driving, the alternative paths and especially the verticality of a lot of maps. Recommended to adventure players.
1169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 15:47
Be prepared for lots of action, hellish bike rides and precision jumping. If you don't mind an old game with ancient graphics don't hesitate buying it, especially as you can find it cheap now. I got it at Fanatical for €1 and enjoyed every minute of the 19 hrs it took me to complete.
Note: I played solo, so I don't know if co-op works or is any good.
1154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.08.20 09:20
Its old but graphics are nice and there are some beautiful views (some environments are bland, some are done well) from up high and you can look thousands of feet below and see where you have been.
Combat is still fun,AI can be stupid but who cares, you can snipe, use pistols and other weapons.
Its cheap vintage gaming, so far its worthwhile. Could have done without the Motor bike sections , but there are only a few and were not necessary.
If you liked classic Tomb Raider, simple gunfights , light puzzle solving you may like this one.
Nicht Empfohlen
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 01:10
You play as a gruff cowboy and/or bounty hunter cosplayer and are accompanied by his comrades-at-arms including a native american woman who is a healer that dresses as a stripper, a rival Spanish cowboy/bounty hunter cosplayer and a generic British scientist. You're there to takeout the evil Lord Prescott and his PSI forces before he takes over the world....basically. The entire cast could have easily starred in a direct-to-DVD ripoff of 1999's Wild Wild West except somehow more terrible or perhaps campier in a low budget, non-English speaking way. It does remind me of the sort of awkward dialogue that you run into with CentralEastern European game with English put in. (I'm looking at you, Risen.)
2009 was a time when bad games were a bit more commonplace and when game developers were still figuring out how to take advantage of the PS3360 hardware, and oh boy does Damnation reflect this. The character models are...decent for the time but everything else is really ugly. Like the entire game was targeted for the PlayStation 2 and they just decided to release it on the next generation with little more than a resolution bump. The game world looks like a cross between Red Faction 2 & Gun, with a low geometry count and the same building types throughout.
Gameplay is basically a cross between Uncharted without a cover system and the most bare-bones imitation of Prince of Persia platforming. Even on the lowest difficulty, the enemies in this game deal out ridiculous amounts of damage, have crazy accuracy, and are fairly aggressive. However, the enemy & weapon variety are very low. There are about 4 different enemies, with the generic guys using the same weapons that you do. Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Grenade Launchers, basic stuff. In between the combat, is the A M A Z I N G platforming with no direction as to where you should go. Usually this is ok but often times you can only hope that your NPC companions start to navigate before you do in order to see where to go, otherwise it's a reload to the last checkpoint or find a guide online. You also have driving sequences that are equally as terrible, with your vehicles handling like someone watched the driving segments in the 1st Gears of War but they've only played Big Rigs.
Damnation was not a good game when it came out and is also a bad game now. The only difference being is that it's over 10 years old at the time of this review. This game isn't total garbage, there is a campy experience to check out but you have to really be into that sort of experience to tolerate everything terrible around it. For the .50 cents I payed for this, I guess you could technically do worse. However, I would not suggest to play Damnation unless you are the type of person that likes to watch bad movies or to remember why games like this don't come out anymore.
If you would like to read more of my reviews, check out my Steam curation page here.
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.20 16:29
Now the game can be cut into 3 parts, combat, climbing and driving, they all intertwine so it comes out as not so repetitive. Combat was my least favorite part due to how badly weapons handle, but after trying out all the weapons I found those I preferred over those I avoided at all costs. The thing that kept me going to the end was the somewhat interesting story, the game is set in a steampunk wild west type of world, and you're trying to stop an evil brainiac that has a robot army behind his back.
It's gonna be an okay-ish experience if you can grab this one on sale, for the full price you're probably better off skipping it.
444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.19 12:10
Nicht Empfohlen
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.19 16:26
Welp, this is a prime example why games shouldn't be sold for PC if they are made SPECIFICALLY for the consoles. Like legit this game just proven to be console all along.
From the AWFUL combat, TERRIBLE controls and shooting. Like I have to hold down my right click just to AIM(no, not better aim, but actually to shoot you need to click that) Then I need to press another button to zoom in, WHICH isn't even near zoom in lmao. And then you can shoot. You know what's bad about that? If you accidentally release your right mouse button, guess what? You're Fing screwed! yep that's right gotta do it all over again.
The voice acting is SO Fing bad I got a good laugh from it. Like you just need to watch one of the heroes cut scenes it's hilarious.
And then it hit me, those controls, this bad story but good parkour thing.... Ain't that a Fing PORT of a CONSOLE game. Yes it is.
For me I believe consoles work amazing when it comes to platforming, simplistic combat. When it comes to shooting, Keyboard and mouse are just 100% better. So when you F up the controls for Keyboard and mouse 'cause you made a console game... Well that's just terrible isn't it?
Oh and the bugs, the bugs... P.S. wait until your friends get down LMFAO, this might be the most hilarious sound.
2/10 A bloody mess.
Third Person Shooter
Blue Omega Entertainment
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos