In erster Linie widmet sich der 1.9 Patch dem DX11 und Higher Res Textures Package Support. Aber auch beim Multiplayer werden diverse Fehler bei den Spielerstatistiken ausgemerzt. Hier die komplette Auflistung der Patchnotes:
Crysis 2 Patch 1.9
- Added Contact Shadows
- Added DX11 benchmark level
- Added DX11 support for Crysis 2 (the following features only work when downloading the optional DX11 package here):
- Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
- High Quality HDR Motion Blur
- Realistic Shadows with Variable Penumbra
- Sprite Based Bokeh Depth of Field
- Parallax Occlusion Mapping
- Particles Motion Blur, Shadows and Art Updates
- Water Rendering improvements and using Tessellation + Displacement Mapping
- Added Realtime Local Reflections
- Added support for Higher Res Textures Package
- Added various new console variables to whitelist
- Fixed bullet penetration, which had been broken by a bug introduced with the DLC 2 patch
- Fixed issue in MP where player stats weren't always saved at the end of a game
- Fixed issue in MP where player stats would sometimes randomly reset
- Fixed issue with MP time played statistic, which would sometimes be too low on leaderboards and in stats
- Fixed issue with JAW rocket not firing through window's containing broken glass
- Fixed rare issue where a user could not access MP with a valid CD key if they had previously used an invalid CD key
- Improved advanced graphics options menu
- Improved anti-cheat measurements: fixed exploit which could prevent vote kicking working against a user
- Improved multi-GPU support
- Improved Tone Mapping
- Re-added possibility to enable r_StereoSupportAMD via config file (unsupported)