- Spawn position is no longer randomly determined when a player reconnects to a server during freeze time. The spawn point sequence is now configured at the beginning of the map and is saved/restored from round backup files[list]
- In official matchmaking servers, players who disconnect and reconnect during freeze time will respawn in the spawn point they were assigned at the beginning of the round
- On community servers, players who disconnect and reconnect during freeze time will be assigned one of the five spawn positions assigned to the team that round
- When restoring from round backup files (which is recommended in tournament settings after disconnects/reconnects), players will spawn in the positions they were originally assigned at the beginning of that round
[ MAPS ]
- djusted spawn location priorities for Premier and Competitive game modes in Anubis, Inferno, Mirage, Nuke, Overpass, and Vertigo.
- Fixed community reported gaps in map and Trike model
- Raised plywood at top of Banana to cover head visibility
- Smoothed ground movement in Banana and Bombsite A
- Raised Arch exit towards Mid (or "Raised arch in Arch")
- Removed bench at Arch near Library
- Removed construction cone at Underpass
- Fix lightmaps being capped at 4k resolution in CS2 Workshop Tools
- Updated sticker inspect to support wear in 0.1 increments to match sticker scraping
- Added roughness texture to foil stickers in the Item Editor
- Updated help system for new sticker features