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Über das Spiel

Erkunde verschiedene Umgebungen und sich immer wandelnde Architektur in einer tiefgründigen, unberechenbaren Welt in einem weitläufigen Gebäude in New York.
Definiere deinen Spielstil, indem du übernatürliche Fähigkeiten, Upgrades und anpassbare Ausrüstung einsetzt.
Nutze die dynamische Zerstörung der Umgebung für spannende Kampfmöglichkeiten und meistere komplexe Rituale, um dein Umfeld zu verändern.
Tauche ein in eine dunkle und brutale Welt, in der die tägliche Realität von Mächten aus einer anderen Welt beeinflusst wird.
- CPU: Intel Core i5-4690 / AMD FX 4350
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 780 / AMD Radeon R9 280X
- RAM: 8 GB
- Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit)
- DX: DX11
- MISC: Unterstützt Breitbild 21:9 / Anpassbare Steuerung / Unbegrenzte Bildraten / G-Sync / Freesync-Unterstützung
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5-7600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1660/1060 / AMD Radeon RX 580 AMD | Für Ray-Tracing: GeForce RTX 2060
- RAM: 16 GB
- Software: Windows 7 (64 Bit)
- DX: DX12
- MISC: Unterstützt Breitbild 21:9 / Anpassbare Steuerung / Unbegrenzte Bildraten / G-Sync / Freesync-Unterstützung
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Deutsch, Spanisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 00:23
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 15:31
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Nothing special
☐ Ehh
☐ Bad
☐ Just dont
☑ You forget reality
☐ Masterpiece
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Will do
☐ Bad
☐ Awful
☐ Paint.exe
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Everyone
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☑ Rich boi (I played on 4K)
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Doesnt have (Not counting historical stuff)
☐ Something isnt nothing I guess
☐ Not greatly told
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ Will make you cry or smile a lot
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Not so easy
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ Depends on you
☐ Endless
☐ Just buy it
☑ Worth the price
☐ Wait for sale
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ Dont throw money into a rubbish bin
☑ Never had any
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Few bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Ruining the game
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
2304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 19:57
Ich kann dieses Spiel wirklich jedem wärmstens empfehlen!
Bitte mehr davon!
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 11:34
1425 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 14:16
Mich hatte die Story direkt gepackt. Ich wollte immer mehr wissen!
Dieses Spiel ist aber komplett als mittelmäßiger Shooter gestaltet!(spielerisch und erzählerisch)
Falls man damit kein Problem hat, bekommt man hier wirklich ein sehr schönes Gesamtpaket.
Die Atmosphäre und „WoW“ Effekte wurden fortlaufend auch immer mehr.
(DIRECT X12 mode ist Pflicht & deine Grafikkarte wird hier alles geben müssen für MAX Grafikeinstellungen )
Ich empfehle dir, kauf es im Sale und probiere es selbst aus.
Vergiss aber nicht, die Kontrolle zu behalten. [spoiler] Niemand möchte ja Briefe austeilen und unendliche Papiere drucken ? [/spoiler]
610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.21 01:02
Ich muss sagen, dass mir die Spiele wie Max Payne 1, Max Payne 2, Quantum Break und ganz besonders Alan Wake von Remedy Entertainment am meisten gefallen haben. Meiner Meinung nach war Control ein ganz klarer Rückschritt. Ich werde hier jetzt nicht ins Detail gehen und alles wiederholen, was in den negativen Reviews steht, sondern stimme dem allem zu. Die Grafik sieht selbst ohne Raytracing sehr gut aus, die Effekte der Phisik sind einfach nur phänomenal. Ich war in 10h durch mit der Story, aber es wirkte leider langestreckt und es war sehr anstrengend. Ohhh die Story. Ich fand es sehr schade, dass dieses Game viele interessante Themen aufgriff, aber nicht abschloss, somit blieben am Schluss viele offene Fragen übrig.
Ich kann es allen empfehlen, die Quantum Brake gespielt haben und es mochten. Auch wenn das Spiel mich nicht begeistern konnte, hat es mich trotzdem die 10h gut unterhalten, deswegen kann ich es jedem empfehlen im Steam Sale zuzuschlagen.
1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 12:05
If you like the CreepyPasta-Stories around the SCP-Foundation, you'll be in good hands with CONTROL. Basically this is the game-incarnation for nearly any SCP-Fan with gorgeous graphics.
Wenn man die CreepyPasta-Stories rund um die SCP-Foundation mag, dann ist man bei CONTROL gut aufgehoben. Im Grunde ist es der spiel-gewordene Traum eines jeden SCP-Fans mit einer wundervollen Grafik.
1633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 13:51
Wo ich schon bei der Spielwelt bin, die ist der wahre Star. Ein so unverbrauchtes und stimmiges Setting habe ich schon sehr sehr lange nicht mehr gesehen. Das Gameplay ist zwar immer noch nicht das Gelbe vom Ei, bewegt sich aber mit jedem neuen Spiel in die richtige Richtung.
Leider hat Control meine 1060 GTX ganz schön zum schwitzen gebracht (untere bis mittlere Details bei 50-70 fps), sah dabei aber immer noch ganz gut aus. Wenn die die Grafikkarten nicht immer noch so teuer wären, hätte ich wohl aufgerüstet.
PS: auch beide DLCs sind erste Sahne
3174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.21 23:38
Die Action ist super, die Story und das Design verbreiten eine tolle Atmosphäre, uuuund das Game ist stellenweise sau schwer. Sehr gut! :)
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 11:17
und auch einiges negatives aber das auch nur wenig..
Kein Entwickler soll mir bitte sagen das man eine art open world mit viel und guten Raytracing , zudem eine fast 80% zerstörbare Umgebung wie man es sich nur wünschen kann, von absplittern kompletter seulen und Zerstörungen von Objekten und wo man am ende sieht wie alles in Mitleidenschaft gezogen wurde !
warum sagte ich open world? weil der riesen firmen komplex alles fast zusammen gebaut wurde ohne irgend wie Ladezeiten und man wie in devision loten kann und immer wieder unerwartet feinde bekommt in ein riesigen Gebiet von zone zu zone - ähnlich wie in deadspace .
sinnvolle Waffen Upgrades und Rüstung .
irgend wann wirt das spiel leider recht monoton das bedeutet das man immer von a nach b .- c nach d und rumirrt... sich fragt welche tür kann ich öffnen ich habe jetzt die Schlüsselkarte 4 und wo waren nochmal überall Türen 4 ?
da auf der map sowas nicht gezeigt wirt wie in resident evil... na ja man findet sie schon nach stunden suchen oder nicht ...
jetzt zu dem wichtigsten Aspekt die Fähigkeiten
alle sehen echt klasse aus und machen echt spass und mehr als ich erwartet habe und das ist der anreiz auch weiter zu spielen - neue zu finden ! und so sein Sandkasten auf zu bauen .
eine hatte mich aber arg enteuscht : wen man eine neue findet bekommt man ein kleine art Tutorial - da gab es eine die sagte mir ( ich kann mein feind übernehmen ) Hust ... nein das ist aber nicht war ( entweder wurde es falsch übersetzt oder war so gewollt ) ich kann in nur auf meine Seite zwingen das er für mich kämpft als verbündeter und leider nicht übernehmen seine Kontrolle - was in einem spiel damals schon ging auf ps3 .
da hätte ich mir das auch gewünscht das das möglich wäre aber leider war es das nicht .
aber alle anderen dinge da sind cool und man kann sie leveln und etwas aufbauen
schade nur das man sie nicht mixen kann zu vorteilen .
ich spiele es noch fleißig weiter und es macht spass ich habe 6 Fähigkeiten jetzt erworben und freue mich wie es weiter geht aber....
story ist sehr schwer zu verstehen ! die drücke ich schon langsam weg da es qualvoll wirt..
der Hauptcharakter ist zwar ne frau was ich mal echt cool finde aber sie sieht potthässlich aus im spiel - nicht auf dem cover !
( wieso? )
egal ^^
klasse ist auch es gibt ab an räume zum Rätzeln und witzige Ereignisse - aber will nicht zu viel sagen .
ach ja und ein echt klasse sound !!!!
1841 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 17:02
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 19:07
the gameplay is extremely refreshing. combining the telekinetic abilities with the guns was great fun throughout the entire game.
the story is one of the most interesting I have ever come across in a video game. the plot in itself might not be 100% new, but nowadays most plots have been told anyway. what is important are presentation and authenticity. this is where control is probably the strongest. the acting was top notch the entire time, the world building is one of the most consistently amazing EVER. Everything comes together, all visual elements correlate to the story and so on.
the finale was very fun and the part leading up to it also effectively showed that the game isn't taking itself too seriously - something any good game should do (cuz it makes you forgive little immersion errors - which pretty much don't exist anyway)
visually the game reminded me of INSIDE and Alien Isolation. Although neither of them look as stunning. the raytracing in this game just simply makes it the most amazing visual experience I have ever had in a interactive medium PERIOD.
1326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 16:49
Absolute Empfehlung!
1650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 21:58
Man weiß von Anfang eigentlich nicht, was abgeht. Und ganz ehrlich... auch am Ende weiß man es nicht hundertprozentig. Aber gerade diese abgedrehte Story macht das Spiel so gut. Mehr kann man eigentlich kaum sagen, ohne etwas zu spoilern.
Dazu ein gutes Third-Person-Shooter-Gameplay und Abilities, die auch beim 100. Mal noch Spaß machen. Man zischt kreuz und quer durch den Raum und wechselt dabei fließend zwischen Waffenformen. Das Ganze fühlt sich von Anfang an irgendwie intuitiv und gut an.
Und zu guter Letzt, ist das Spiel ein Hingucker. Es hat natürlich einen sehr speziellen Stil. Entweder man mag ihn oder nicht. Aber wenn einem der Stil gefällt, gibt es die eine andere andere Stelle, die so ein Hingucker ist, dass man vergisst zu kämpfen :D
3369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 12:49
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 14:58
3029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 11:57
Die Liebe zum Detail ist in Control extrem ausgeprägt. Von der Grafik her ist Remedy ein Meisterwerk gelungen. Stand heute für mich das optisch ansehnlichste Spiel auf dem Markt. Wer eine Raytracing fähige Grafikkarte besitzt wird hier wirklich sehr schöne Effekte betrachten können die auch nicht allzu viel an Leistung verschlingen. Selbst im noch so kleinen Bildschirm einer Konsole spiegelt sich wirklich alles!
Eine Sache ist allerdings nicht so schön gelungen, und das ist die deutsche Synchronisation.
Ich liebe Britta Gartners Stimme schon seit Half-Life 2 als sie sie Alyx lieh. Aber die Lippensynchro tut leider sehr weh.
Nichts desto trotz jeden einzelnen Cent wert das Game!
Nominiert für das Spiel des Jahres 2020!
Nicht Empfohlen
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 00:56
1271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 09:03
Gamelplay Video + mehr Infos kann jeder selber schauen (Übertragung oder Youtube)
Grafik ist naja okay. manchmal zu hell oder zu dunkel.
Kein manuelles Speichern (Checkpoints liegen weit auseinander)
Die Oft lange Ladezeiten (2min) nerven, wenn man stirbt oder Schnell Reisefunktion nutzt
Keine Abstürze
Spiel ist meiner Meinung nicht sehr gut optimiert. Fps Einbrüche obwohl mein PC es schaffen müsste.
Mit ein paar einstellungen in den Optionen kann man ein paar FPS rausholen, Grafik wird deswegen nicht schlechter.
Downloadgröße beträgt 22GB.
Orientierung auf der Karte ist unübersichtlich, man muss schon noch selber den Schildern folgen.
Habe knapp 18 Std Spielzeit (zur Zeit der Review) am Konto und imemr noch nicht fertig es gibt so viel zu tun in dem Spiel.
Wer über ein paar Dinge hinwegsehen kann dem empfehle ich das Spiel dennoch.
Für Rambo's eher nicht geeignet. Man Stirbt recht schnell.
Für Fragen bitte gerne unten oder anschreiben.
Bis dann Leute.
4464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 18:25
- What can i say about it?
Well, i can say it took me naturally 74.4 hrs in order to get full control of the Bureau and to achieve 100% of the game (Including steam achievements). My first time thanks to this well made videogame.
I searched every in-game inch of this so beautiful game and i found more than just joy!
I found story rich elements and story overall, enjoyable battle mechanics, powers, outfits, gun desings, stages, maps, enemies, lighting on ultra rtx, high-stable fps, no bugs, no crashes, interesting characters, good voice actings, so decent, so good looking, so elegant, everything was so meaningfull to the point that you will be so inmersived as your own final thesis. They thought on everything like there are not any misseable achievements, besides the fact you feel your time as a player is respected by making everything accesible/reachable.
- Control deserves more awards that it just had. Remedy, devs and Sam Lake did an amaizing job. In fact they have been doing it since my favourite videogame Max Payne. Not a fan, but a good follower of a good content.
I have a sensation that i have/have not words to describe this yewel, but i can really say is that this game will be forever in my mind and heart as ME trilogy, Max Payne and few others.
Recommended? 101% Sure, i would puy my hands on fire if you will not like it.
Go for it half/full price complete edition without hesitation. They earned it.
Support it, there will be more (Hype)
Thanks Sam Lake, God bless you and your future endeavours!
Greetings to everyone.
1649 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 23:58
1) The lore and story is told through the environment and the occasional NPC
2) Some self navigation is required
Midway in my playthrough of Control I had 0 sense of what was going on in the Bureau with Jessie admittedly. It was only when I looked through case files and video presentations did the story slowly unfold and made understandable itself for me because of my growing comprehension of the lore and world of Control.
Most games of this genre typically have exposition NPCs and/or extremely straightforward narratives which help ease in players to the world while additional collectibles help enhance it and gives it more depth, with Control its done a bit differently which may put some people off.
I myself found the world and lore interesting enough to understand more deeply about HRAs and AWEs and Astral whatevers and found that the story itself is pretty good, yes its ultimately you trying to save a S.I.D (Sibling in Distress) but there was just so much more there to be explored and discovered. Simply put, the world that Remedy Entertainment built for Control helped carry what couldve been a standard story driven experience for me!
The gameplay is pretty straightforward and standard, there are a few powers that Jessie unlocks as you progress through the story but ultimately you'll probably just end up using Telekinesis the entire game just mowing down enemies with it. At least that's what i did. The gun variations weren't exciting enough to warrant a more varied playstyle as pierce and spin were the best ones for me IMO.
I did like however that you had to use your brain, some puzzles were pretty well done which made you sit down and look at the micro/macro of things. Soundtrack was good and overall voice acting was pretty good across the board save a few NPC characters.
The physics in this game tho! haha sometimes it works amazing and other times it was weird, but then again the Oldest House is a weird place so perhaps that was intentional? Who knows!
Overall I quite enjoyed Control for what it was, a unique experience with quite an interesting world built. If you're not a fan of story driven type of games, Control is definitely not for you, I can see it getting really boring for some people but if you've got a passion for the weird and wonderful as I do, you're gonna love what the devs came up with for the world of Control.
An easy 7/10 for me! get it on sale for best value!
1143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 11:27
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 12:13
However, there are some aspects that don't make the game bad but it's worth noting. For instance, the map is very bad. Rarely I could rely on it to move around, specially on places with multiple floors. Also, there are lots of side-quests that feel repetitive, some also force you to revisit areas and look for objects/enemies that can be a pain to complete. Another thing that annoyed me a bit was the lack of out-of-combat HP regen. There is a mod that enables that and made my experience much better.
Overall, I can't recommend this game enough. It's such a unique experience with modern looking graphics and audio.
29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 14:18
⚖️ Grade = B. Worth a buy, if you enjoy Maze Running with Deep Stories. However, if you're looking for Casual Gameplay, it doesn't have
✔️ Super Powers
✔️ Accurate physic with many objects
✔️ Exploration Rewards = Lore Discovery
✔️ No Hints for Next Step
✔️ Complex Maps
❌ Easy to understand the story
❌ Exciting Cinematic Custscene
❌ Informative Map
A+ | 5 | Loving it & wants more | No Wait | - | - | [/tr]
A | 3-4 | Needed play it right now | No Wait | ✔ | - | [/tr]
B | 2 | You'll be half satisfied | Wait 50% | - | - | [/tr]
C | 1 | Lack of interest | Wait 75% | - | ✔ | [/tr]
D | 0 | Not what you need | Wait 100% | - | - | [/tr]
???? Mocking on Short Hours + Criticize ➜ Write here
* 2019: Game released but exclusive on EPIC
* 2020: Ultimate Edition release on Steam Store
* 2021: EPIC gift us free copy in limited time, Thanks!
* 2022: Started playtest on my epic account
* 2 hours later: Surprisingly good, but don't understand the story
* 4 hours later: Uninstalled because I stuck in the maze for too many time
* Ultimate Edition = 2 DLC + Expeditions
* DLC: AWE = Part of the campaign, located at Central Executive Elevator
* DLC: Foundation = Expansion after the main story end
* DLC: Expeditions = Jukebox Mission = High difficulty challenges
* Penalty 10% if player died
* No difficulty setting
* No FOV options for ultra-wide monitor
* Outfits only start unlocking after mission 5+
* Mods supported
* Community Rating: Very Positive
* Awesome Masterpiece ➜ Only the graphic & combat, not progression
* Good story but not for the weak-minded players ➜ True
* The map layout is maze ➜ True
* Old buyer didn't have DLC, but named as Ultimate Edition in library ➜ True
* Many Ray Tracing Area
* Powerful melee attack = Explosive Force
* Realistic damaging on misc objects
* Many language available
???? LIKES
+ High quality graphic
+ Realistic damaging effects
+ Accurate physic with many objects
+ Breakable walls
+ Many setting option in the menu
+ Large mini map
+ High fire rate pistol
+ Auto Reload
+ Allow extra aim assist
+ Allow god mod
+ Photo mode available for base game
- Hardly to understand the story intro
- First mission will not know where to go next
- Unclear objective
- Too many unknown area in the map
- Map is confusing with overlapping levels
- Blocked doorway will not update into map
- Didn't inform locked door is unlocked
- Died easily
- Restart checkpoint at far away
- Unclear reason to obtain new ability
- Less charming characters
✔️ Genre Newbie = No experience on this genre
❌ Veteran = Trained years for this genre
❌ Coop Gamer = Teamwork PvE / PvP
❌ Casual Gamer = Quick completion with less struggle
✔️ Story Gamer = Want Cutscene / Chatting Drama / Audio Log
❌ 18+ Gamer = Able to immune addictive on Adult Content
✔️ Content Unlock Speed: Fast = Complete a Task /[strike] Slow = Redo same task again [/strike]
❌ Difficulty Change-able for Real Challenge
✔️ Difficulty Scale: More Upgrade, More Easy /[strike] Balanced = Upgrade + Downgrade [/strike]
❔ Campaign Ally: Human / NPC companion / Cloned Bot
❌ Competition Ally: Human / Bot
❔ Downloadable Opponent: Friend's PB / Self PB / Global Average PB
❌ Lobby Choices: Host Private / Public / Splitscreen Multiplayer
✔️ Gameplay List Menu: Available + Open World = Must travel a long distance to begin
Approximate File Size = 43 GB
Average Completion Hours = 13h - 40h
Check concurrent number of player =
Check price history =
Recommended Video Review:
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541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.21 00:57
It has your usual 3rd person shooter elements, sprinkle in a few supernatural abilities (Telekinesis, Levitation, An imaginary friend (you), etc...), plus an amazing story with an evolving map layout with a few sneaky, hidden areas... And bippity boppity, you've got a recipe for a pretty spectacular game.
As said above, It has a great story, with plenty of items to collect along the way which explains some of the current in-game events.
The achievements are semi difficult, depending on how skilled you are.
Graphics are brilliant, the feel of the game is generally smooth, it does have a few bugs, one that I've had a couple of times is the game freezing when I collect a certain type of collectible, but other than that, nothing to really complain about.
All in all, Control is difficult, but a unique and enjoyable game. Would definitely recommend, but buy on a sale around 30%.
3147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 20:15
As One is known to Games by the Developer REMEDY this Game offers a Story that can NOT be matched by most of the other Developers to Date... It is Great how One can be sucked into a World that is totally Fictional!!! On Top let me say that this Game just looks and feels AWESOME!!! Playing Around with all your Supernatural Powers is sooooo much Fun=)
The Game offers a GREAT Amount of Content for Hours and Hours of Gameplay!!! By the Time of this Review I have almost made a full Playthrough, but I just HAD TO RECOMMEND This Game even before that, because I have just enjoyed it sooooo much until this Point, that I could not wait any longer to announce my fullest Recomendations for this outstanding Title!
GET IT NOW!!! 10 out of 10 on my Scale!!!
1935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 20:11
The story of Control is strongly inspired by SCP, a collaborative fiction project about a secret organization containing anomalies. In Remedy’s version, this organization is called Federal Bureau of Control, which is responsible for studying and containing supernatural items and located in an endless shifting building called the Oldest House. It is a very fascinating setting allowing lots of mysteries to build around it. To further enhance these mysteries is the narrative technique they used - this method leaves you clueless on purpose and won’t explain everything even till the end, but as you progress, the story unfolds itself and starts to make sense, which is a very advanced technique that often sees in high quality mystery films but rarely in video games (Dark Souls uses this technique as well, except it leaves more ambiguity with environmental storytelling while Control has better clarity using lots of dialogues). This method keeps you hook in all the time and creates a lot of beauty. However, the story is not perfect, ending in a rush right after explaining one of the biggest mysteries, which just doesn’t feel right. More importantly, the story lacks enough character development to make the protagonist relatable and justify why she decided to take on the role of director, which she previously refused. It is anticlimactic, like an originally 13-episode TV show got cut down to only 10 episodes.
In terms of gameplay, Remedy has always offered some unique mechanics in their games that differentiate themselves from other third-person shooters. This time is the abilities to block, evade, levitate, launch objects etc. and an all-in-one weapon, which are such cool ideas. Unfortunately, the execution is less than ideal, making combat a mixed bag, if not a complete disaster.
- The combat visual is a hot mess. While it may look artistic and stylish, visibility is a disaster as you get colors splashed out and melted all over your screen with camera shaking and light flicking during combat.
- TTD is terribly short (no difficulty selection). It is so glaring that the game even includes an in-game cheat for players to mitigate it. As most enemies can kill you with two hits and in seconds, the combat heavily relies on high mobility and quick reaction to dodge. But thanks to combat visual, it is hardly possible to see enemies’ projectiles. Therefore, you will have lots of sudden death not knowing what kill you, if you don’t or can’t keep moving around, making each encounter more of a struggle to survive than enjoyment. While it doesn’t necessarily mean it is hard as long as you don’t touch the Formation mission, it definitely feels unfair, infuriating and stupid.
- Death brings you back to the last “bonfire” for no good reason but adds some extra frustration.
- The game only allows to equip two fire modes at once, causing the combat to lose lots of momentum because you have to go to the menu to switch to others.
- Weapon design is unbalanced because most fire modes are useless. They are either hard to use but yield non-ideal results or do not differentiate enough and functionally overlap.
- Unlike most shooters that reward accuracy, the game punishes this intention as aiming is a big cause to get hit. Your best weapon is the launch ability that doesn’t require aiming and does more damage, making your gun basically a buffer when the ability is in cooldown, which I don’t think is a right and balanced way to do a third-person shooter.
Control is also Remedy’s first semi-open world and non-linear game. The world has a good scale and lots of hidden places to explore, offering interesting additional content like challenging puzzles. I find for average players, the assistive mechanics around exploration are not well designed, not only they don’t encourage exploration but also disincentivize it in a way.
I like the graphic design they went for, using clean color tones with lots of vibrant bokeh to make the environment feel emotionally contagious and aesthetically pleasing to look at. The environment is also fully destructible with amazing physical effects, which keeps me staring at after each combat. Additionally, the game is one of the few early adopters to raytracing. It is so pleasant to see how light from small objects bouncing off the surrounding, however, it comes with a penalty of unstable frame rate even with 3060ti at 1080p, which is why it is also the few early adopters of DLSS. On the downside, the game can be too dark or too bright in some environments. Objects also look unpleasantly soft and blurry in bright environment with and without raytracing, which I suspect is the problem of the engine because Quantum Break, Remedy’s last game, suffers a similar issue. A tiny nitpicking I have is the protagonist has the look of a tough gal, with high cheekbone and hard cheek line. But from her voice and how the story portraits her, she should be a more sentimental type, which feels slightly mismatched. Music is also less impressive than previous games.
In short, Control doesn’t quite match my expectation and I suspect it suffered from inexperience and rush production. It is not bad, yet more of a 7 out of 10 game that leaves a lot to be desired and I wonder how it even made it to the Game of the Year candidate. Given the current discount, it is well worth the price, but you should tame your expectation a bit.
Nicht Empfohlen
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 09:01
On one hand I really enjoyed the story, world-building and the level design; Its something truly unique that its able to communicate it plot through the building's wild swings in architectural style as much as dialog. To the point that there are times I would just wander the halls to appreciate the level of detail lavished on the Brutalist office spaces and the subtle touches of
Surrealism that add a sense of wrongness to it all. And even the individual power ups have story seeds that can become novels in their own right.
But on the other hand the game play is just plain boring and sluggish. For a game with destructible environments, grabbable objects, free movement and enemies that like to use high-pressure tactics, there's really not much to do. Grab an object, break a shield, shoot bad guy until dead, rinse and repeat. The other powers require such deep investments that they cease to matter long before they become relevant or even safe to use. And this isn't helped by the fact the control scheme is just awful, especially for one demanding FPS-levels of accuracy from a third person perspective. Personally I think this game would've been better served as a first person shooter, like Bioshock, given its chosen style of combat.
Another detail that also irked me was the half-assed attempt to link it to the Alan Wake series. Maybe its just me but the way it was done felt clumsy and smacks of corporate franchise building.
That said, I got this game on sale so I am not complaining overly much. I might come back to it at some point and I honestly hope they turn this into some kind of film or TV series, cause its really a game that's meant to be watched than played.
1028 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 06:32
What carries Control through the awkward moments of its later portions is the staggering visual and haptic polish that’s been given to combat. The shrill of retrieving a projectile with 'launch' or the clicks and cracks of firing each of the service weapon's configurations are just a few examples of Control’s wild and addictive sound design. Enemies satisfyingly evaporate into plumes of oily red smoke. Concrete shatters against targets with a violent thud. Moving around to accomplish all of this feels great, and it gets better with the inclusion of certain abilities. Obliterating the hiss is a spectacle whose satisfaction easily outlasts the competency of the game's outer structure. There’s one iconic segment of Control that puts every part of this gameplay ensemble together into a beautiful display of Control’s capabilities. Given that segment alone, it would be easy to recommend Control.
For as astonishing as all the particles and destruction is, the toll it takes on performance is a serious downside. You could almost justify the unremarkable tunnels of concrete and office props if their simplicity were a transparent trade-off for stable frames.
Despite my grievances with it’s repetition and tertiary gameplay systems, I believe that what’s on display in the game’s opening hours, highlighted missions, and the striking presentation of gameplay make Control something special. Whether the cumulative product is compelling enough to justify pushing all the way through once the game begins to stagnate is up to you. That and whether your PC can withstand the barrage of particle effects.
3162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 06:51
3249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 23:25
2037 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 14:28
The Astral stuff reminded me of Assassins Creed, but this game def is not AC.
Some of the enemy's are very OP, like what I'd call the bat like enemy.
It almost insta kills you if you don't use a shield, some of the boss fights will make you mad.
But still I recommend the game, it's a pretty easy 100% achievement game.
Plenty of gametime and video's don't do it justice
528 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 22:07
What bugs me a bit is the console-like fights in a pretty linear progressing story. Two times I got stuck in fights, lacking the skill to beat the boss and continue the story. Thats a gamestopper at times and brings you out of the captivating story, turning you effectively against the game not wanting to play it anymore.
Runs perfect on Linux. I tested the wrong way with FSR for the video (wrong resolutions), but I did it later again the right way: in quality mode on the Vega it runs at 55 fps @1080p and at 45 fps @1440p. Settings all maxed out.
2539 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 07:48
You are playing as Jesse Faden, a young woman with a troubled past and a not-so imaginary friend inhabiting her mind. Long on the run from the Federal Bureau of Control, the entity responsible for keeping paranormal activity in check that years ago kidnapped her brother, Jesse inexplicably finds herself in their ominous and mystical headquarters. Aided by a strange janitor she enters the inner sections only to discover the bureau empty and its director dead. An apparent suicide. The gun, a powerful paranormal object of power, compels her to pick it up and the trans-dimensional council of vagueness known only as the Board appoints her the new director. The catch, the building is under attack by a paranormal army and Jesse needs to halt the invasion and regain control of the situation.
The plot is fairly interesting. Like any half-way decent paranormal story it keeps you well in the dark and constantly asking questions. The main theme, a trans-dimensional invasion of body-snatching spirits, is not particularly original but the execution is decent enough. The atmosphere this strange world evokes is suitably trippy and for the most part simply excellent. The characters driving the story are also compelling, not extraordinary but interesting. Jesse in particular, with her snark and constant bending of the fourth wall, is quite the charmer. Unfortunately the game keeps the charade up until the very end. There is no real conclusion. Even the DLCs pose more questions than they answer. This lack of a proper resolution, the lack of answers, feels somewhat like a copout and disappoints.
Gameplay wise the game impresses with the super-powers that Jesse acquires throughout its run. Telekinesis and levitation being the two clearest standouts. A fully developed Jesse is a force to be reckoned with and has a plethora of abilities and options in a fight. Even if some of the core abilities, like telekinesis, are overpowered, the rest can contemplate them well and keep encounters fresh. On the other hand, for the overwhelming majority of the game's durations Jesse will be anything but fully developed. In fact, she will be fairly wimpy with limited options in a fight and dead after two hits. The game can be punishingly difficult. Beating bosses especially, often offered no satisfaction at all, just relief. The sometimes obnoxiously placed checkpoints don't help. Walking the walk of shame back to where I died a dozen times in a row is not how I want to spend my time. Through repeatedly respawning enemies no less.
Technically speaking the game generated a lot of noise. What with its support for next-gen shadows and all that cool stuff. I am not particularly impressed. That's not to say it's not graphically beautiful. It really can be. But for me a technically-proficient game is one that is above all else robust and stable. Control is neither. Textures that would take ages to load, crashes, even a corrupted installation at some point. Those don't paint the brightest picture. I wish the developers had spent less time throwing every new graphical gimmick in this game, the sink included, and more time actually polishing their creation. But I guess a properly-functioning game generates less noise. Graphics aside I have no complaints with the music and voice-acting. They are both quite great.
All in all, I think this deserves a thumbs-up. It's definitely not as good as its boatload of awards would indicate and certainly not as smart as it thinks. Early on in particular it feels a lot like a Prey-lite. But as the game gains momentum and Jesse gains powers it improves significantly. There are pacing problems here and perhaps the game would be better if it was longer, to allow the player to enjoy the fun Jesse a bit more. Oh well. It still ends up somewhere on the fairly decent side. For fans of cinematic action games and the paranormal in particular, this is a very solid recommendation.
2984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 12:53
1074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 00:33
The story is somewhat confusing at the begining, but in the end you realize what is happening. But the way they tell it is quite good, it was the first game where history has made my hair stand on end and it has made me nervous because of the intrigue.
The graphic quality is amazing, I don't know if it's the game with the best graphics so far but wow, I haven't stopped taking photos throughout the game, every corner of the map is worth photographing.
I recommend it 100%
1796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 20:59
or you want to throw the person away or onto another thing or person using telekinesis?
without anyone questioning you?
then this game will fulfill all those desires.
The Review is for Ultimate Edition(with both DLC)
+ Gameplay for fighting and environmental destruction.
+ abilities.
+ OST, (it is rumored that this game was made to promote Poets of the Fall music only, jk).
+ DLCs (AWE and The Foundation) stories were better than the main game's.
+ Photo Mode
+ AWE DLC was shorter but really gave you Alan wake memories and scared of darkness.
+ loved the Foundation DLC, it was beautiful and the Swift Platform mission was fun.
- boring Main game story, it was simple and bland
- F you tentacle mold boss.
- Voice acting and lip synch for English felt dumb like they always keep mouth open type.
- fighting can get bit repetitive for few players as you will be just flinging stuff again and again on enemies.
- some enemies spawns again and again at certain locations when you go back from 1 room to another
So get your gaming machines ready to play this widely used benchmark game specially for Ray Tracing and DLSS and enjoy this game.
personally i loved throwing and destroying everything and everyone just to see the effects and damage rendering.
Thanks Xayah for gifting this game.
1477 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 03:11
2482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 14:46
My review will absolutely get lost, and everyone will see that one and not this one, but I've not had the same experience. My install size is 43GB. I got the Ultimate Edition from a Humble Bundle. I've already completed the AWE expansion, beaten the main game, and am working my way through the Foundation expansion. I honestly don't know what that other reviewer is talking about.
They have fewer than 10hrs in the game, and one expansion doesn't become available until halfway through and the other not until after the credits roll. Maybe they just loaded it up, saw they couldn't play it, and wrote the review? I don't know.
3066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 05:31
In Control, Players control Jesse Faden as she stumbles In a building called The Oldest House. It it is a place where logic and physics are shattered. It’s also the headquarters of The Federal Bureau of Control, a shadow agency that strives to contain and research supernatural events and objects. After accidentally becoming FBC’s Director, Jesse must combat a force of evil that is currently invading The Oldest House.
Control is by far Remedy’s most dynamic and mechanically complex title. The key to its success is combining various supernatural powers Jesse will obtain to drive its combat and exploration.
Combat/Fighting Prowess/Capabilities
Jesse commands a supernatural device called the Service Weapon that takes form according to its wielder’s psyche and will. In Her hand, it takes the form of a small sidearm. At first, its function is limited. In its basic form, the Service Weapon can fire a few rounds before it overheats and needing a cooldown. Later, forms such as shotgun mode, submachine gun, and grenade launcher will be unlocked. The Service Weapon can be upgraded using various add-ons enemies drops, looted from a chest, or crafted. The Upgrades adds various modifiers such as higher damage, rate of fire, cooldown time, or projectiles felocity.
Each mode demands a different tactical approach to encounters. Sadly, Jesse can only equip between two types of Service Weapon modes. This limits the options in combat. It would be better if you could switch between all modes on the go.
Thankfully Jesse’s array of supernatural powers isn’t limited by slots. The first powerup she gets is telekinesis. It allows Jesse to chuck various objects at high velocity to her enemies. Jesse will gain various powers that evolve as the game goes on. Each power has a corresponding skill tree that branches out into several possible specializations. For example, the telekinesis will be able to lift heavier objects, to throwing 3 projectiles at once.
With these powers combined, each encounter is a joyride accompanied by an impressive visual spectacle. The default difficulty is perfect for me, as it It is a pure, untethered action; I need to keep Jesse moving all the time, constantly dodging, defending while dealing damage. The pressure is always on to keep Jesse on edge, lest the enemies will swiftly overwhelm her. As a long-time Remedy fan, this calls back to the more action-oriented design of Max Payne, and it makes me giddy.
For players wanting to casually mow through dozens of enemies, Remedy added an assist mode that allows players to adjust the difficulty. If players choose to use the assist mode won’t have any impact on achievements.
Exploration/Treasure Hunt/Questing
Control is Remedy’s first title, where the map is open to the players. Some doors are locked behind keycards or abilities. For example, I saw a ledge that was unreachable in one of the early level, and I came back when i got the levitate abilty and found a chest containing rare upgrade component in it. Exploring The Oldest House is overall an enjoyable experience not only for its upgrades but also the various otherworldly vistas and bizarre occurrences inside it. My only complaint is that enemies respawn too frequently. I don’t mind some respawning since players will just walk through empty hallways if there were nothing that repopulates it, but the frequency should be toned down. Thankfully, running away is an option.
The FBC is filled with many wonderful sidequests Jesse can partake in. These side stories explore many bizarre events and objects ranging from chasing a rubber ducky that zips around with blinding speed to exploring a section of the building that’s overrun by clocks that self-multiply. These unpredictable, chaotic bouts of mini-stories allow the developers to explore different ranges of situations outside of the main plot. Some of these quests are hilarious, sometimes tragic, and sometimes will just leave players scratching their heads.
The world of Control frames reality as something completely malleable in the wake of supernatural forces playing with it. It also provides enough foundation to make even the most absurd concepts believable. this provides ground for an infinite potential for storytelling.
Too bad this potential doesn’t really translate into the main plot, where many of the characters fell flat, including Jesse’s. Many of the members of the bureau feel one-note, and some are just straight-up quest dispensers. Remarkable characters are the exception rather than the norm.
There are two outliers: The first Dr. Casper Darling, head scientist of the FBC, which. The second is Ahti, the janitor who obviously knows more than he lets on. His aura of esotericism and friendly demeanor somehow makes him really likable and one of the few people Jesse can trust.
Where the main game fell flat, the various 2 DLCs included in the Ultimate Edition improves the characters and explore more of the FBC’s past. The improvement isn’t huge by any means, but I enjoyed the DLC’s central conflict more than the vanilla experience.
Bugs and Technical Issues
Specs: GTX 1080, Ryzen 3700x, 16GB, 1440p
Control proves to be smooth sailing from start to the end. The game is polished and I didn’t encounter any bugs during my 50 hours with the game. Running it proven to be a somewhat daunting task for my aging GPU. I some areas, using medium-high settings, it sometimes dips under 40 FPS. It’s still playable for me, but you definitely need a beefy PC to run it decently.
Graphics and Visuals
Even without a cutting-edge PC to run it with ray tracing, Control is an absolute feast for the eyes. The game excels both in its technical competence as well as art direction. In action, impacts from both projectiles and powers will shatter floors and walls, sending various debris flying, and interacting with ongoing physics and lighting.
The Oldest House’s architectural design is purposely mundane, giving you a false sense of familiarity until it pulls the carpet below you and reminds you, that logic is invalid the moment you step into its lobby. Cement can fold like origami, a bathroom that looks like a section has been sliced, and the hole connects into some astral space that stretches infinitely, and a section overrun by bizzare mold growth that turn office space into oozing forest of mold and unearthly flora. It keeps pulling new tricks from its sleeves to keep your eyes entertained. Up until the end and beyond.
Audio and Sound
Control handles its audio with the same excellence as its visuals. The audio in combat has the same weight and sells the chaos particularly well. Voice acting is generally good, with some really great performances from some characters. The game uses its music really well too, with its ambiance tracks and the occasional licensed songs pops in the perfect situations.
Control feels like the culmination of various lessons from previous Remedy games. It is action-packed, dense with atmosphere, and has masterful visual presentation. Some elements prevent it from being THE perfect 3rd person action shooter but it’s still one of the best that I have ever played.
148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 04:18
1511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 16:53
Control Ultimate Edition
=== [ ???? Difficulty: ] ===
☐ No Difficulty
☐ Easy
☑ Standard
☐ Big Learning Curve
☑ Hard (When doing challenges)
☐ Impossible
=== [ ???? Audience: ] ===
☐ Everyone
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Mature
=== [ ???? Graphics: ] ===
☐ What Is This?
☐ Bad
☐ Acceptable
☐ Good
☑ Great
☑ Stylistic
☐ Beautiful
☐ Masterpiece
=== [ SOUND/MUSIC ] ===
☐ Bad
☐ Nothing Special
☐ Good
☑ Great
☐ Beautiful
☐ I´m Gonna Cry
=== [ ???? Story] ===
☐ This Game Has No Story
☐ Nothing Special
☐ It´s Alright
☑ Well Written
☐ Epic Story
☐ Thinking About It, When I Sleep
=== [ GRINDING ] ===
☐ Nothing To Grind
☐ Isn't Necessary To Progress
☑ Average Grind Level
☐ A Lot Of Grinding
☐ You‘ll Need A Second Life For Grinding
=== [ ???? Price ] ===
☐ Free
☐ Underpriced
☑ Perfect Price
☐ Could Be Cheaper
☐ Overpriced
=== [ ☣ Requirments: ] ===
☐ A Toaster Could Run This
☐ Low
☐ Average
☑ Above Average
☐ High End
☐ NASA Computer
=== [ ⏰ Game time/length ] ===
☐ Really short ( 0 - 4 hours)
☐ Short ( 4 - 12 hours)
☑ Average ( 12 - 24 hours)
☐ Long ( 24+ hours)
☐ Multiplayer/Neverending
=== [ ???? Bugs ] ===
☐ Game itself is a bug
☐ Lot of bugs
☐ Few Bugs
☑ Nothing
=== [ ENJOYMENT ] ===
☐ I´d Rather Watch Grass Grow
☐ Hard To Enjoy
☐ Repetitive
☐ It's Okay
☑ Fun To Be Had For Sure
☐ The Kind Of Fun You Will Remember
☐ Life Changing
☐ One-Time Experience
☑ Only For Achievements
☐ If You Wait A Few Months/Years
☐ Definitely
☐ Infinitely Replayable/Multiplayer
=== [ WORTH PLAYING ] ===
☐ No
☐ Wait For A Sale
☑ Yes
☐ I Can´t Recommend It Enough
⭐️Using abilities.
⭐️Roaming around a strange company.
⭐️Trying to figure out what the heck Ahti (The janitor) is saying.
????A very baffling story.
????Shape shifting business.
????A gun that chooses the next director?
????Female Protagonist.
Control has got an fantastic gameplay experience but a very confusing story, things are explained in a very complex way and a lot of players found it confusing (un-folllowable), I recommend going with the flow and things do slowly get explained later on in the game. It's still a very well thought out story but not for the weak-minded players, especially the ending.... It's a divided debate.
This gameplay gives the same vibe as Fallen Order (Star Wars) which I hugely appreciated due to how good that game was, obviously there's a lot of difference between the two but the vibe is certainly there. On top of that, the abilities are very smooth and I enjoyed using all of them.
The biggest problem I experienced was by far the map layout and the save points after death, I got a little confused by just roaming around so when you die and you spawn a fair distance away from where you were. Let just say things turned into a maze (There is actually a maze in the game), not the most fun to be had.
Total Score = 81/100.
Star Wars: Fallen Order, Horizon, Outriders.
The game revolves around the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC), a secret U.S. government agency tasked with containing and studying phenomena that violate the laws of reality. As Jesse Faden, the Bureau's new Director, the player explores the Oldest House and utilise powerful abilities in order to defeat a deadly enemy known as the Hiss, which has invaded and corrupted reality. The player gains abilities by finding Objects of Power, mundane objects like a rotary phone or a floppy disc imbued with energies from another dimension, that have been at the centre of major paranormal events and since recovered by the FBC.
■■■■■■■■□□ 8 / 10
What is this music in this game!? (You won't regret it)
OS: Windows 10
Processor: Intel Core i5-7600K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
Memory: 16 GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660/1060 / AMD Radeon RX 580 AMD
Storage: 42 GB available space
3024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 15:31
The protagonist is Jesse Faden, she is the current director of the Federal Bureau of Control (FBC).
Well I won't give any spoilers about the game itself what I can say is that is amazing! if you liked Quantum Break,
you'll definitely love this one even more.
Also Control has 2 DlC's and they are great!
The Foundation
AWE aka Alan Wake Expansion
I loved both :)
“ We live in a room, and there's a poster on the wall. We stare at it and we think that's the whole world. The room... and the poster. The picture’s something nice, a landscape, a famous person. Like in that movie, what’s it called, the prison movie? The room’s a cell. And the picture, it’s different for each of us. It can be beautiful or terrible, but we’re all transfixed.
But it's all a lie. Something to distract us from the truth. The room's not the world, the world... is much bigger, and much stranger. ”
–Jesse Faden <3
Control 10/10
1480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 18:37
And up until Quantum Break, their previous title, I’ve also found their games consistently fun to play on their most basic mechanical level. I still find Alan Wake boring as a whole, yet the combat feels so satisfying. Max Payne 2 has way too many tedious and annoying sections, but it can be so gratifying to play. Quantum Break, though? It was… bland. Boring. Full of awesome visual flair, but feeling empty. And I was worried that Control might be the same. Luckily, it’s not the same this time.
What works best in the game, however, is its mood and style. The visual design, the architecture, the creepy urban horror theme paired with genuinely impressive usage of the newest technological advances leads to some truly breathtaking scenes that look great in action even more than they do on screenshots. The destruction that follows every shootout is something to see, as things break, parts of walls and columns fly around, explosions and the main character’s superpowers tear the rooms of the Federal Bureau of Control, where the game takes place in, apart.
The story, as simple and primitive as it is, works really well too. Probably specifically because it is so simple, yet channeling all the usual horror stories, creepypastas and conspiracy theories in an interesting way. As people often compare, this really is in many ways like an action take on the fictional SCP Foundation, where a simple faucet you see in a bathroom may turn out to be an Altered Item, capable of sucking you into an alternate reality if you turn it the wrong way. It also works because it perfectly balances between acknowledging how silly all of this is and taking itself seriously, as a real horrible threat to the world outside the walls of FBC. It does get a bit too meta in terms of Remedy titles, as the second expansion directly ties into the Alan Wake universe, essentially creating some Remedy Entertainment Universe brand, which can get tedious, especially when you consider that Control is, so far, the only actually interesting bit of storytelling there. But it’s not too heavy on this element, even in the “crossover” second expansion, so it works out fine.
More than just fine are the mechanics and superpowers. It’s simple, but effective set of powers that you can get (most of which are, actually, optional) and they make the mix of combat and exploration of this game work well. Remedy avoided using any time slowing powers and abilities this time around and for the better, as even the simple telekinesis is so satisfying to use. The exploration aspect is fun too, with lots of side-stories and ‘side-missions” to partake, optional weird bosses, some creative levels and enemy designs and overall lots of pleasant variety, both visually and in terms of gameplay. And even though some of the elements, especially some of the platforming in certain parts, felt a bit poorly designed, overall the game was fun to play.
That said, for whatever reason all of the cool levels and base mechanics were tied to a really bland and boring action RPG-ish structure of combat encounters and “loot”. While there is a fair bit of variety in enemy types in general, the game also uses the “levels” and, because of that, damage scaling models which mean that the combat always feels more or less the same, leaning towards bullet-spongey by the end. It never really gets there thanks to the focus on superpowers (upgraded telekinesis is far more efficient than the guns usually), yet, the combat simply stops feeling satisfying after a certain point and becomes a slog. It doesn’t help that enemies constantly respawn in certain spots after some time and, the game is full of “endgame” crap and infinite quests that are there to probably motivate you to grind for more pointless loot. But it never feels rewarding or fun in any way and becomes annoying very quickly. Due to this focus, boss fights tend to work out with either you just easily killing off a gigantic enemy without it even having a chance to hit you, or drag on until you might accidentally die to something unexpected and stupid, since you lose health in this game ridiculously quickly.
And in the end it feels as if you bought a really simple bland fast food pizza that was packaged in some amazingly designed box with AR elements and self-cleaning innovative cardboard. And you’ll remember that amazing packaging forever, but the pizza is forgotten almost immediately. It’s a really cool game that is definitely worth checking out. With really amazing mechanics, levels and features. Except all of those are never really used in a way that feels truly fun. Just satisfactory at best. I’m glad I’ve experienced it, but can’t help but hope that Remedy will finally remember how to make gameplay fun again.
Nicht Empfohlen
1383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 19:31
The story of Control is rather underwhelming and doesn't really draw you in to care much about the character, those around her or her motives. While collecting objects of power and gaining/upgrading abilities is fun and interesting with clear progression, the characters/story aren't. It just feels cold and you just hope it picks up further in the game (but it doesn't).
I did have some minor performance issues on this game though it seemed to be in specific locations. I'm running pretty good hardware and even when lowering down my settings (and turning off ray tracing) or trying between DX12 and DX11 made no difference either.
Oh also, the map design is quite confusing and overcomplicated.
Overall, I wouldn't recommend getting this game.
2249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 12:38
The graphics are extremely pretty/pulchritudinous.
The voice acting and storytelling are incredibly well done/terminated.
The story itself is super fascinating/siren.
The gameplay mechanics are amazingly fun/boisterous to play with.
Overall a great gaming experience/thoughtlessness.
1802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 20:07
The DLC provides even more content with both expansions adding new mechanics for each area to mix up the gameplay a little. AWE in particular also unlocks a new (and my personal favourite) Weapon Form. I also really enjoyed how it tied into the Alan Wake games.
I really enjoyed my time with this game and thoroughly recommend it
Nicht Empfohlen
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.20 19:20
Game has excellent writing and graphic direction. Would have liked it as a book or webseries. Format as a video game is not enjoyable for me.
7070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 21:17
A game with a story of Altered World Events which is described nicely throughout the environment, creepy music and with various kind of deadly enemies with supernatural abilities.The main protagonist Jesse Faden has some unique supernatural abilities that makes the game more enjoyable. The more you deep dive into the game more new abilities like levitate, evade, shield etc will unlock throughout the game. The story takes place in an Organization named ' Federal Bureau of Control ' where supernatural entities has been studied by the bureau all over the world. As a result an unfortunate event occured on that bureau and It's up to Jesse Faden to figure out what happend there. The game world is amazing in one word, level design is mind blowing and many places to explore and hidden location and puzzle to discover. Gameplay is so much satisfying. Protagonist can unleash destruction through transforming weaponry and telekinetic powers. Story is little bit confusing but it will make you stick in the game to find out what the hell happened here and why. There are three DLC's which are so much enjoyable. Each DLC's has its own story with more twists and new enemies with more Explorable Hidden World. Overall a masterpiece with it's excellent way of storytelling, fun superpowers and huge world.
+ Great Concept.
+ Fun Gameplay.
+ Fun Superpowers.
+ Excellent Level and World Design.
+ Fun Hidden Locations and Secrets Challanges.
+ Fun DLC's.
+ Fun Side Quests.
- Checkpoint System Sucks.
[ N.B - I was fighting with my depression and somehow Control I mean this game just I dunno how always cheered me up. Always hooked me up with the story, with it's gorgeous world. I enjoyed a lot. Thanks Remedy Entertainment for this masterpiece. <3 ]
6480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 18:59
Love the strong female main protaganist with Courtney Hope returning from the previous title by Remedy Entertainment.
The visuals are really good and almost photorealistic at times especially the textures alongside the suburb use of lighting.
This feels almost dream with each of the various expansive levels and their structure kind of like if The Matrix had sex with Inception.
Control takes heavy inspiration from Secure Control Protect or SCP making this one of the most unique experiences I've ever been a part of. Also reminds me a little of another recent mind bending piece: Death Stranding.
Photography mode is always a plus and adds more to the replayability same with all the different cool outfits.
Ultimate edition is well worth the price since it comes with the other expansions and is overall just a badass title.
4282 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 20:07
Control Ultimate Edition
Control is incredibly atmospheric due to the clever layering of events, the wonderful visuals and sound, and the sheer number of collectibles and lore.
First Impressions????
Control is an all-rounder. It just about has something for everyone. Combat is enjoyable with responsive and accurate controls; exploration is plentiful with hidden areas and puzzles to solve; the story is intriguing and has a cornucopia of collectibles, audio logs, and lore, and the visuals and sound are amazing.
The game very much can be tailored to your needs too. The difficulty level can be cleverly adjusted using aim assists, percentage gains in energy and ammo recovery, damage reduction, and even full on invincibility and one hit kills. These can be altered without penalty whenever you like and are an excellent way of getting through a tough part of the game.
The additions of the DLC “The Foundation” and “AWE” seamlessly fitted themselves into the base game and it really wasn’t apparent that they were separate entities. The “exploration” content appeared more of an add on and was extremely challenging with numerous enemies and a very tight deadline.
The story entices and adds layers of intrigue as you progress. I loved the paranormal background and the theme of using ordinary objects as a vehicle for horror; Normal, everyday objects becoming dangerous, controlling and powerful, locked up in impenetrable cages and guarded. The idea of a secretive government agency dealing in supernatural events fascinated me and the references to other worlds was eerie and unsettling.
Read all the documents and listen to the audio logs. There are hundreds of them to find, some in challenging places to locate, but they all add so much more to the story. It’s best to read them when you find them as they often refer to events in the area you are situated and events you are currently dealing with.
Characters are interesting and are voiced particularly well. I’d recommend having the subtitles on as there are some weird dialogues that are mostly incomprehensible which the subtitles will help with.
The characters are developed well. I particularly liked hearing or reading about the gruesome demise of some staff members whilst working in the bureau. I tried to talk to as many characters as I could and even listened to others having conversations about staff members turning mad or disappearing. It all added to the mystery of the building and events.
The more you drink in, the more you will be intoxicated.
Combat felt quite varied, with six completely different weapons which can all be enhanced with up to three mods. You can also add another three personal mods which effect a whole range of abilities. The mods can also be upgraded to be more powerful. You can create your own mods or they can be dropped by defeating enemies or opening up hidden chests.
There is something immensely satisfying about hurling large objects at enemies, but even more gratifying when you are floating in the air, and even better when you first attach three explosive devices on it then hurtle it from miles away to watch an enemy explode. Once you advance your launch abilities you can throw up to three objects simultaneously. You can even launch enemy projectiles back at them or launch an enemy at somebody else if their health is low enough.
You can use your supernatural abilities to defeat enemies such as turning defense into attack and rushing at enemies with your shield and taking control of enemies when they are weak so that they fight on your side.
Enemies come in all shapes, sizes and difficulties. Some have special abilities, some have shields you need to destroy first, some replenish their health if not killed quickly enough. More powerful enemies tend to be slower and easier to hit but their return fire can wipe your energy down to almost nothing. Others run or launch themselves at you with immense speed.
Difficulty does ramp up with flying enemies being particularly challenging. The combination of aerial and ground troops results in frantic combat with dashing becoming particularly important. Throw in some pesky grenade launching dudes and a high-level demon that camouflages itself and re-appears next to you at just the wrong time with a loud shriek then you get the idea. It can be incredibly manic!
Towards the end your character does feel a little overpowered but any boss battle is usually very challenging and will involve a tactical approach to find weaknesses.
Ultimately you will be using a combination of everything in your arsenal and that’s what makes the combat so enjoyable and varied.
Your skill tree contains seven facets with further branches off some of them. You can cater your style and approach choosing to specialize in certain areas. The further down the tree, the more impressive the rewards are but inevitable more costly too. You can improve your health levels; energy levels; melee strength; launch capabilities; shield strength, with powers such as shield burst and shield rush; seize, where you can control enemies for a set amount of time, and levitate, which also includes a ground slam.
Completing missions and finding hidden areas gives you ability points which you can spend on the tree. Abilities can be reset at a cost.
Exploration and Puzzles????
I was happily surprised by how many puzzles there were in the game. These usually involved finding alternative routes to blocked exits but there were some other clever puzzles I wasn’t expecting.
The number of collectibles is astonishing. There are five different categories to collect namely Research and Records, Case Files, Correspondence, multimedia and hotline cutscenes. These are all stored to be viewed or referred immediately.
Environments and objects can be destroyed which is always fun, sometimes revealing hidden areas.
I’ve done almost everything in the game taking around sixty-five hours. There are around forty-five missions to complete and a lot of these are multi-layered. Not all of these have to be completed though but the more you complete, the more satisfactory the whole package becomes with extra story lines and lore.
There are also bureau alerts and counter measures to attend if you so wish which involves defeating a large number of high-level enemies in a true fire fight scenario.
Negatives ????
???? The map was a little confusing. Different shades of colour note different heights rather than separate maps for levels.
????You lose ten percent of your currency whenever you die. If you are in a particularly difficult boss battle this can quickly wipe it out. It negates perseverance and encourages you to use the difficulty adjuster instead.
???? Save points can sometimes be a couple of minutes away from where you died.
???? Loading times between deaths were too long.
Control Ultimate Edition was immensely enjoyable with varied combat and gameplay, and multiple ways to adjust your difficulty and how you approach the game.
I became fascinated with the story and the copious amounts of lore attached to it. I just didn’t want it to end and will be eagerly awaiting more. I'd recommend this at full price.
I became fascinated with the story and the copious amounts of lore attached to it. I just didn’t want it to end and will be eagerly awaiting more. I'd recommend this at full price.
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2167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 14:45
Take Control
In Short: Control succeeds in crafting a thick, mysterious atmosphere. While its story falls short, its unique presentation acts as a saving grace. The fast-paced gameplay relies on groundbreaking physics. With exceptional graphics and visual direction, it truly is a taste of what next-gen games might look like, and after playing it, I can't wait to see what Remedy Entertainment will achieve next time.
Rating: Good
How I rate games
Full Review: Remedy established themselves with Max Payne, and later reassured people of their craftsmanship through Alan Wake, a mysterious, narrative-driven experience considered a classic by many. Their next project, Quantum Break, didn't live up to the expectations. Some liked it, others didn't, but most could agree that it wasn't up to the standard the Finnish studio had set. Control released last year to critical acclaim, but the game wasn't successful commercially. It's now on Steam, but is it worth a buy?
The Oldest House
Our story begins with Jesse Faden entering The Oldest House, an obscure building housing the elusive Federal Bureau of Control. To find her long-lost brother taken from her by the bureau, she must brave many dangers on her path to answers. Right from the get-go, this intricate building is wrapped in mystery. Documents detailing mysterious events are numerous, and the workers seem to have vanished into thin air.
The characters you meet along the way are not as intriguing as the building itself. Some of them felt stereotypical. There is your upbeat and passionate scientist, the badass military woman, and a confident security guard. There are exceptions, such as our protagonist Jesse, but it's clear that complicated characters weren't Remedy's focus. Fortunately, the game's setting is fully realized and is, without a doubt, one of the best things about the game.
What isn't great is the conclusion of the narrative, which disappointed me immensely. The game introduces a lot of unique concepts throughout its runtime, but it doesn't manage to do them all justice. It's setup without payoff. The first half relies on the mystique, an aspect of the story later abandoned. One character is shrouded in mystery, and the game even hints at them being more than meets the eye. It never follows up on this.
Each location you visit feels like one small piece of a larger puzzle. Even though the office setting is apparent at any given moment, the developers managed to make each location feel and look distinguished. If you wish to understand what's going on, you'll have to do a bit of reading. You can find notes and reports in every corner of The Oldest House, each gives some insight into what it's like to worth at the place, the research done there, and the discoveries made.
And it's this that matters most of all, as a fearsome illness known only as The Hiss has found its way into the building, corrupting most of the workforce. Only those wearing protective gear remain sane, and Jesse finds herself in an unexpected situation as she must defeat this mysterious phenomenon. The story took me 22 hours to complete. I did a considerable amount of side quests. Therefore, this number may vary from person to person.
Straight out of a comic book
Jesse relies on the Service Weapon, a shifting handgun capable of variable ways of fire. There are five in total. While it starts as a handgun, you can craft new variants with collected resources. It can quickly go from a heavy-hitting shotgun to unleashing quick rates of fire. I was satisfied with the selection, but I would've liked to see a type based on something else than a gun we already know from real life. Nonetheless, the concept works and fits the quick flow of combat.
Along the way, you'll unlock multiple supernatural powers. The most prominent is the ability to grab and launch almost any object in your vicinity. It's powered by Control's advanced physics. Each object behaves realistically upon a collision with another object or a person. While less impressive, the other powers are still fun to use. Jesse can dodge incoming projectiles by teleporting in any given direction. She can also control enemies' minds, forcing them to aid her in combat. These are only some of the abilities.
Everything gameplay-wise sounds perfect so far. Well, it nearly is. My gripe is the lack of actual challenge. There are only a few bosses, and, on a scale from lackluster to well-designed, they fall in the lower end of the spectrum. Most of them are bullet sponges with no unique mechanics. Even if only once, I would've loved to encounter a challenging foe that would test my capabilities of using Jesse's abilities.
Is this what next-gen looks like?
Remedy has a habit of going all-in on the technical aspects. It doesn't matter if low-end machines won't be able to run the game - as long as it's one of the best looking titles on the market, they don't care. Control is a shining example. Never before have I seen an office building this beautiful. The countless hallways and rooms emit a horrific atmosphere, thanks to a superb visual direction.
The game also supports ray-tracing, which allows for realistic reflections. While it halts performance by a significant mile, it does result in a more immersive experience, as objects reflect Jesse when she's close. Wall paintings behave strangely, mirroring all nearby objects. It can detract from the immersion, but I didn't find it to be too big of an issue. I was impressed when I discovered that videos played by projectors will also be cast onto Jesse if she's in the way, just like in real life.
Blending in-engine cinematics with live-action recordings, the game finds a standout approach to delivering its story. By exploring, the player can locate tape recordings of the enthusiastic Dr. Casper Darling explaining the concepts of the supernatural discoveries while carrying forth an ongoing plot. There are also times where a moving image will be played on top of the gameplay, which is something I've never seen done before.
Technical Details
Intel Core i7-10700K, RTX 2070 Super, 16GB DDR4 RAM @ 3200Mhz, Intel 660P NVME M.2 SSD | 1920x1080
- Performance: I tested the game on both a 1080p and a 1440p monitor. I was able to reach a steady 60 FPS with medium ray-tracing enabled in 1080p. If you wish to utilize this technology on higher resolutions, DLSS is a must. Closing the map overlay often results in a lag spike.
- Polish: In one of the latter areas, the walls of another area glitches in and out. There's also an issue with text being rendered in low resolutions when standing just a few meters away.
505 Games
Engine:keine Infos
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