• Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.
  • Conglomerate 451: Screen zum Spiel Conglomerate 451.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.05.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 06.06.21

Über das Spiel

Conglomerate 451 is a grid-based, dungeon crawling first-person RPG with roguelike elements set in a cyberpunk world.

You are the CEO of a Special Agency, instructed by the Senate of Conglomerate city to restore the order in sector 451, where corrupted corporations have established their turfs. Thanks to the last constitutional decree, you are allowed to create human clones. Build your own team, manipulate DNA, train your agents, equip them with high-end weapons, choose what cyberlimbs to implant, and send the squad to the field with only one goal: eradicate crime and restore order at any cost.

  • Manage your resources - Make use of your own personal R&D department to research advanced technology, unlocking new features, powers and options for progression
  • More than just body mods - In addition to upgrading weapon and armor proficiencies, augment your body with interchangeable cyber implants that completely change your agent’s skills and utility
  • Pain and Trauma system - Even the smallest wounds can have a lasting impact. By taking damage in combat, agents risk generating permanent Traumas that will follow them between missions
  • Diplomat - Talk with the strange and obscure character, the Diplomat, to face special missions
  • Nark - Talk with the Nark in the city, to improve your Drone
  • Drugs and Disorders - buy synthetic drugs to temporarily empower your agents, with the risk that they develop Mental Disorders
  • Procedural cyber dungeons - Experience the dungeon crawling you love, mixed with future technology as you take on procedurally-generated dungeons and missions
  • If you die in the game... - Each mission could be your last thanks to agent permadeath. Consider every move, because if an agent dies in battle, they will be lost forever
  • Hack the world - Enter cyberspace mid-mission and hack your way ahead of the competition to get crucial intel and give yourself the advantage


  • CPU: 2.5 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Processor or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 500 series 1GB video card or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 6 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows: Vista SP1 (64-bit), 7 (64-bit), 8 (64-bit), 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 3.5 Ghz Intel® i5 or AMD equivalent
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2 GB video card or AMD equivalent
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows: Vista SP1 (64-bit), 7 (64-bit), 8 (64-bit), 10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 10 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

16 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 01:35
Grafik: 6/10
stellenweise recht gut, aber die Level sind etwas zu steril. das geht besser. es kommt trotzdem ein gewisses Cyberpunk Gefühl auf.

Sound und Musik: 5/10
gibt ein paar passende Musikstücke aber ansonsten eher völliger Durchschnitt auch was die Geräuschkulisse angeht so wie im Kampf.

gameplay: 9/10
die wahre Stärke des Spiels. man hat seine Basis, kann dort seine Truppe ausstatten, forschen, verwalten, neue Klone produzieren, sie heilen, ja sogar von psychischen Effekten. die Kämpfe sind sehr gut gemacht und man hat auch eine Portion Taktik dabei. hier greift eine richtig ordentliche RPG Mechanik. wirklich alles gelungen in der Hinsicht.

Umfang: keine Wertung

noch nicht bis zum Ende gespielt. man kann mit und ohne Zeitdruck spielen. auch die Schwierigkeit kann angepasst werden.

Steuerung: 8/10

Tastatur ist etwas Einarbeitung nötig aber man kann es vollständig mit dem Pad spielen. leider kann man dieses nicht anpassen. Kamera lässt sich leider nur bedingt bewegen während der Erkundung. alles in allem aber gut.

Fazit: 7/10

aus dem Sale für 5 Euro kann man absolut nicht meckern und es macht wirklich Spaß. ich weiß nicht wie das Spiel vorher ausgesehen hat, aber die aktuelle Version ist zu empfehlen. Bugs konnte ich bis jetzt keine entdecken, aber sie werden mich sicherlich aufsuchen:)
353 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2938 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.20 00:18
Volles Review in Videoform:

Gute Idee und Konzept, allerdings erhebliche Probleme bei der Umsetzung mit vielen Mechaniken, die in sich schlecht funktionieren, darunter ein schlecht balanciertes Charaktersystem, uninteressantes und unübersichtliches Lootsystem, extrem schlechte Soundabmischung, holpriger Kampf und einiges mehr. Man ist zudem gezwungen alle 75 Wochen im Storymodus durchzuspielen um zum Ende zu kommen, wobei man jedoch bereits zu Woche 40 alles erreicht hat. Es folgen 20 Stunden Grind und das enttäuschendste Ende, das ich seit Jahren erlebt habe. Empfehlen kann ich es daher nicht.
Wesentlich genauer erfahrt ihr es im Video.
1247 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 16:08
Conglomerate 451 ist ein Roguelike Dungeon Crawler und dementsprechend ein Spiel das mich vom Genre her eigentlich nur zur Hälfte anspricht. Mit Dungeon Crawlern könnte ich nämlich einen ganzen Tag totschlagen, vor allem wenn es viel zu entdecken gibt. Das ganze mit Permadeath und zufallsgenerierten Levels zu kombinieren klingt auf den ersten Blick aber nicht sonderlich einladend, auch wenn es hier zumindest permanente Upgrades gibt man auf neu geklonte Charaktere übertragen kann. In den 5 Stunden die ich gewillt war in dieses Spiel zu investieren habe ich darauf allerdings nie zurückgreifen müssen.

Obwohl ich auf Normal gespielt habe, gab es nämlich keine einzige Stelle die ich auch nur annähernd als herausfordernd bezeichnen würde. Nicht mal die wo ich ausversehen 6 Gegner auf einmal bekämpfen musste weil ich kurz nach Kampfbeginn von einer zweiten Gruppe flankiert wurde. Im Gegensatz zu vielen Genrevertretern hat man nämlich nicht nur eine HP-Leiste, sondern auch eine Schildleiste. Sprich die Gegner müssen erstmal die Verteidigung durchbrechen bevor sie einen direkt angreifen können. Bevor es dazu kommt sind die meisten Gegner aber häufig tot. Und solange man noch Energie hat kann man die Schildleiste problemlos wieder auffüllen bevor man jemals Schaden nimmt.

---> Das vollständige Review findet ihr auf meinem Blog
609 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 00:58
Ein schönes Häppchen, um sich die Zeit bis zum großen Cyberpunk Bruder totzuschlagen.
345 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
727 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.20 07:40
Cyberpunk, rundenbasiertes Kampfsystem, Truppenverwaltung, Cybertech, Forschung,.... was will man mehr?
X-Com gepaart mit Legends of Grimrock und entspannt-rundenbasiertem Kampf. Grafisch ist das Spiel ganz hübsch, legt allerdings dafür einen relativ hohen Hardwarehunger an den Tag.
Gegnertypen und Umgebungen leicht repetitiv, was bei den Roguelikeelementen aber nicht verwundert.
2590 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.20 17:45
Dies ist ein kleiner Einblick in mein Review zu Conglomerate 451. Das vollständige und viele weitere ausführliche Early Access Reviews findet ihr bei den Early Access Addicts: https://early-access-addicts.de/review/conglomerate-451/

Conglomerate 451 bringt viele Elemente aus bereits bekannten Spielen zusammen. Es ersetzt Fantasy und Magie durch Metall, Mutation und Cyberpunk, um eine eigene Identität zu erschaffen. Die Spielidee finde ich großartig, doch hapert es noch an der Umsetzung.

Die Entscheidung, einen Dungeon Crawler mit Action und Roguelike-Elementen zu verknüpfen ist sehr gut, bedarf aber eines besseres Storytellings. Viel zu oft sind die geschriebenen Texte eher mittelmäßig oder uninteressant, obwohl die gegebenen Voraussetzungen Raum für elaboriertes Schreiben zulassen. Es gibt einige Spiele, die beim Thema Cyberpunk eine bessere, homogene Welt erschaffen haben.

Grafisch vermag Conglomerate keine Welten zu bewegen, überzeugt aber auf weite Strecken. Größte Kniffe sind für mich bisher das allgemeine Gameplay, das innovative Hackingtool und nicht zuletzt der stimmungsvolle, passende Soundtrack. Je weiter man im Spiel vordringt, umso interessanter werden die Möglichkeiten, Gegner auszuschalten oder andere Missionsziele zu erledigen. Genau da liegt aktuell auch das größte Problem.

Um die interessanten Features zu erreichen und in Bereiche abzutauchen, die dem Spiel aus der Mittelmäßigkeit verhelfen, muss ein langatmiger, monotoner Anfang durchgespielt werden. Ich bin nicht sicher, ob viele Spieler dazu bereit sind. Insgesamt besitzt dieser Titel dennoch viel Potential und ich hoffe, dass RuneHeads sich weiter ins Zeug legt, damit Conglomerate irgendwann mehr wird als die Summe seiner Teile.
463 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 14:31
Cityscape scenery I like. Bizarre that there are no npc crowds. This could look SOOOO much better if there were people... in the city. Distractingly empty.
Combat is okay, but nothing special about it.
Right click and hold interface is odd.
Not a complete waste of time, but forgettable as it is. I hope improvements are made because the looks of the game is very good.
147 Produkte im Account
276 Reviews
235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.22 20:46
The game has a beautifully cyberpunk surrounding and some interesting cloning. A bit of a mix of Grimrock or Starcrawlers with a turn base battle system
there are two way you can play the game Story witch you got complete in so many weeks or Endless Mode
you can also research technology , health , special skills etc

If you like dungeon crawlers, especially futuristic (Starcrawlers) there is a good chance you will like this game too.
341 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 17:04

I’ll be blunt here: Conglomerate 451 is crap.

I will spare you the anguish of a video, as I don’t wish to subject you to such an auditory and visually assault, but just know that Conglomerate 451 features:
Poor sound Design, horrible UI design, and even on “fast” mode the combat is super slow, and looks like crap in action ????.

The combat feels so bad, the abilities feel so weak, and they just lack impact.

I cannot recommend a game where the combat is crap, I just can’t. I can forgive much if the combat is good, but that is no where near the case here. ☹
Combat should be something you look forward to, ya know, IN A GAME ABOUT COMBAT!

In short: This game really feels like it just wasn’t playtested. ☹
It feels like no one actually took the time to really look at the game in a thoughtful and thorough process and ask the fundamental question: Is this game fun? My answer is no, no it is not. ☹
It is a real shame you did not receive the feedback you needed during development, but better later then never I guess.?
There is a reason you don’t skimp on this part of the process devs! ????

Now, if you really want to play a grid based, turn based, Sci-Fi Wizardry with Procedural Dungeon Generation, play Star Crawlers, it is SO MUCH better than this.
I think I just might do that myself; I have to get this disgusting Corporate taste out of my mouth ????!
333 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 10:35
Some very good ideas and nice cyberpunk graphics held up by a sometimes clunky interface and a repetitive gameplay loop. It gets a thumbs up because it is clear what the gameplay is from the start so people should not be expecting a AAA game. The lack of variety in the enemies is the biggest drawback and the devs should have done something about that. It is a C+ game that could have been a memorable B+ game with some more effort.
627 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 17:21
First Person RPG Dungeon Crawler, similar base idea to the likes of Etrian Odyssey and Persona.

Exploration is a bit janky, there didn't appear to be any mechanic to heal while in a dungeon outside of combat, and the aiming mechanic felt really clunky.
You are offered options to aim at different body parts, however, it only felt beneficial to target the head and body.

There are mechanics at play to make the game more difficult, but they aren't difficulty swings that provide any satisfaction to the game.
Loot feels unsatisfying because it's all random %stat boosters that get erased when you upgrade the equipment.
Combat doesn't feel satisfying because the game starts you off with a 20%-25% chance to miss your attacks.

A great idea, but only for hardcore genre fans.
932 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 03:09
- UI is poorly laid out and confusing
- Game mechanics are poorly explained and dumped on the player in rapid succession
- Combat kills the flow of the game
- Exploration is boring and the environments are pretty but functionally empty
- Graphics are poorly optimized and it runs badly with settings all the way down
117 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 17:10
I'm not into turn-based games, but this one's easily worth the Humble Bundle price I paid. Much more fun than I expected. I'm an hour or so in, and kind of addicted ATM.
405 Produkte im Account
337 Reviews
4726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 12:21
I've won this game through Steamgifts website.
Dear developers. Could you send me those 2 city bunnies? ...it looks you have planty of those ...you can keep the masks though. Or even better, just send me one of those cloning pods instead. ;)
The game is unfortunately a passable experience. There are so many great ideas here, but most looks like without conclusion. A wasted potential which ends with game becoming really boring quite fast. Worth buying only on really large discount or bundle.

There are 6 areas where you'll do the missions+unique bosses areas. The graphics is not bad, however I had impression that cyberpunk elements are somewhat mixed with old industrial ones. The main problem is that after doing few missions in the area I have seen practically everything. I understand the roguelike elements, but putting together few rooms and few enemies is not enough. And it goes on.
Drone? At first it seems funny, but after you discover there are only few repetitive lines, it becomes major irritation. Software? After few maps you'll see only few really matters. Same goes with programs, city console, chems.
Archivist? It looks somewhat cool and scary, there is some challenge to find and extract echoes, and the decryption costs are somewhat insane (not that it matters in the end). The result is just a few lines of text...really.
There is a nice skill tree and upgrades, it could be larger, but is that really matters? I believe not as you'll soon discover money is not a problem, actually techs and l lifeine soon fallows with the sales of programs and SPUs. Reputation seems the only solid gain, but the benefits ends quite quickly, and it doesn't matter if one have thousands of it or not.
Clones? You'll probably use two types all the time, and rest as situation involves (pain,intoxication healing and so on).
The attacks? Sure, one do have some choice, but clones don't learn anything new in this field. Too bad one cannot exactly train them to the players needs.
Puzzles? What is the point of hacking the doors when only time is a reward. SPUs extraction seems the hardest even with Techie.
Animation? There is move here and there, but the major are static textures and text. Come on, really I was hoping for at least great ending, and even that fails.
The difficulty is somewhat spread. On normal playthrough the main maps are quite easy even on hardest levels, but bosses, especially Hunter requires quite some preparation to face them.
It is nice to have a multi-platform support. Haven't noticed any issues under Linux.

Overall I had some fun at the beginning which turns into frustrating boredom towards end. Wondering if anyone actually plays endless mode. Better to add few more coins and play The Bard's Tale IV IMHO.

688 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 02:54
The game has a beautifully doen cyberpunk surrounding and some interesting cloning. A bit as if Grimrock or Starcrawlers had a child with Syndicate but without the persuadatron.
That said:
No saving the game while in mission. Something happened, you have to turn off the PC and take care of it? Tough luck, mission failed. Not, save and continue from that point, just failure. Not a game for people with responsibilities.

Also, difficulty is all over the place. first few missions the enemies didn't even get through the shields. Did a higher difficulty mission, still easy. Went back to some difficulty 1 missions, suddenly the enemies resist everything, crit a lot, even have spawns right next to one another so you can't engage them sepparately. The joy of random missions? You can always hit escape and leave the mission. Another failure added to the tally, but at least you didn't die... So the game becomes a series of sending three agents onto a mission, hope the mission spawns enemies not resistant to their attacks, hope the enemies will be reasonably placed, and if not, hit escape and try again.

If the save system was different and the difficulty rating understandable, perhaps I'd give this a thumbs up. I like the atmosphere.
1345 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 02:43
This is a good indie game, that I do recommend. It has detailed systems with the base where you have alot of control on tech, recruits and such. The turned based combat is in depth. The grid based exploration is fun, but I can see where budget was saved as there is as not as much variety as you would like.

If you want a run based exploration/turn based combat/home base mechanics then this is a good game for you .
231 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 19:03
This could be a really good game. If you see it on offer, buy it for later.
The graphics are acceptable - not beautiful or highly detailed but reasonable - I'm running everything at max on a GTX1080.
Environmental sounds need an increase.
Nag bot needs to be muted or given a much larger larger pool of snarks. Maybe just a setting for how many times she comments per minute.

The biggest issue is the game saving. I have now 'failed' 2 simple missions due to power outages. Instead of the game figuring the PC crashed and reverting to the point in the game before a mission started, it just clocks up a 'fail' the next time it starts.
Until that's addressed, I can't recommend playing unless you
a) have a UPS
b) don't mind leaving your PC on until completing the mission you started.
138 Produkte im Account
51 Reviews
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 10:38
Cyberpunk for the win! Challenging missions, a lot of squad management, tech development
330 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 07:39
The game got very repetitive for me. The concept was nice and the visuals look fun but the gameplay couldn't hold up for me.
174 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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1163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.10.20 14:07
The basic combat is completely broken. Temporary buffs (like defense, damage, crit and so forth) DELETE your passive bonuses gained from equipment upgrades.

For example you reach 100% crit on your Infiltrator which is cool and all. but when you use the buff to increase her accuracy, crit and damage it REMOVES the same percentage of crit gained though the buff from your passive gear bonuses UNTIL THE END OF THE MISSION.

This happens WITH ALL STATS (Damage, Crit, Accuracy, Defense) so you have to actively avoid picking up upgrades and perks which do ANYTHING TEMPORARILY. Unless you want to run around with nothing but your base stats to keep you company

Damage vs Cyborgs, Androids and Humans (Racial damage buff) and Damage vs Radiated, Stunned etc just picks the lowest percentage so it seems. Having your soldier deal 65% more damage to irradiated enemies is pretty cool until you plop in an upgrade to fürther increase that by 10%...now your cool anti Radiated dudes shot only deals 10% bonus damage. FUN

I love finding out combat mechanics in these games but THIS........its madness
736 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.20 02:19
Not a bad game, just kind of meh. The combat is simple, and the campaign has light base building/research mechanics. There's nothing really outside of those two mechanics other than a couple of minigames.

The most damning thing I can say about it: Playing it for two hours made me want to play Legend of Grimrock (because of the similar movement style). This game was so meh that I did, and I enjoyed playing Legend of Grimrock a lot more.
210 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
96 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 18:54
I had high hopes for this one, but I am going to refund it. The theme, core visuals, and game mechanics structure are all sound, but in execution it fails to be a fun game. The interface is rough and not enjoyable to use, the sound design is C+ at best, the music is repetitive and forgettable, the equipment/upgrades are uninteresting and forgettable... that's pretty much my problem with this game.

It's a great idea and theme with some good visuals... but then it feels like everything else was made in a hurry or by people who didn't care. Finally, the agent customization is trash, practically non-existent, you can't even choose hair/eye/skin color options, let alone outfits. Sadly, thumbs down + a refund.
275 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 07:01
The Story Mode for this game lasts 75 weeks. You are asked to kill the bosses of four corporations.

Each week is a procedurally generated map, with one of three missions. Kill a guy, Kill all the guys, or find items.

After about 20 weeks, you'll have seen as much of this as you would ever want to.

You have a base where you can upgrade your technology, agents, etc. You can get to a point where the difficulty (on hard) becomes pretty trivial around week 40. Have two agents spec for 100% crit chance and 80+% defense. Have a third agent that can spam shield healing, and 80+% defense. Done and done.

So by week 40, you'll be ready to finish the game.

There are four boss stages. They aren't much harder than ordinary stages if you have a decent build.

Ok, so it's week 45 of 75 and you're done. That's fine, actually, and if the game ended at this point I would say get it on sale for $5-10.

The problem is that the game doesn't end. You get to keep doing the procedural stages which I was tired of at week 20, for another 30 stages. Finally I just failed a bunch of missions to move things along.

Also, it turns out the endings are brief text walls, which was disappointing considering the beginning had some graphical sequences to introduce things.

I think the developers had a good concept but failed on the execution. Pass.
211 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
205 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 17:50
I got this game for only 4,99€, so I actually have a bit of a bad conscience for this rather negative review.

Anyway, Conglomerate 451 is in many aspects a typical 1C games: an interesting premise for a game, but a flawed execution.
For example these things stod out for me after around 3 hours
  • the UI is messy and tedious to use
  • the wound system is needlessly complicated (just like other things in this game)
  • the character 3-d models look like the imported directly from the Unity asset store
  • the game GFX overall look uninspired and very much like the standard low-budget unity game
  • the core game-loop starts very quickly to become repetitive
  • can't save during missions

There are a lot of little things like these that quickly add up and make the game much less an enjoyable experience.

For all these problems I mostly blame the publishing company 1C. I'm convinced that with a bit of helpful criticism from 1C during the development, this could have become a much better game.

Finally, I don't regret buying it for 4,99€. But even if I'm a big Cyberpunk fan, that's all I'm willing to pay for this game.
316 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 16:23
This game has great visual design, and some good ideas behind bodypart targeting and hacking, choosing DNA for cloning. Even some interesting hacking mini games. But the core gameplay just is not fun. I really wanted to see what would happen with the story and the rest of the features this game had to offer, but the combat was boring, and the music is just uninteresting. I found myself just wishing I was doing something that I enjoyed.
89 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1066 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 14:17
Sorry, but I cant reccomend this game. Its a far weaker variant of star crawlers.
Goal is to defeat 4 bosses before week/turn 75.
I did it on hard week 45. SO I had just to speedrun missions after that to wait for week 75.
There is very little challenge. Even on hard.
I did not upgrade my team to the fullest, far from it.
Graphics are ok.
Gameplay very weak. Same thing over and over again. Exact same attack order.
So, sorry to the devs who made it that I did not like it. Its far too shallow.
765 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 18:49
I finally completely abandonned the game after spending more than 24 hours in endless mode... Permanent trauma on one of my character even after healing him right away is a no go.

This game is a slow game and the investment in any character takes times... It's not like you're able to create a replacement with the same level in 15 minutes : it takes hours...

I have other games to play or replay with a cyberpunk vibe.

JPR out!
93 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 22:21
If you are an older gamer and like Cyberpunk, give this one a try. It's like cyberpunk Eye of the Beholder with turn-based combat. I have played a lot of trash cyberpunk games on Steam. This is not one of them.
377 Produkte im Account
113 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 17:31
The game does a poor job explaining itself, has very bad English localization, and the voice acting is so annoying I wonder who thought that a good idea.

There might be a good game in there, but I bounced off in the early minutes. Refunded.
I might retry it one day, when I have more patience.
1105 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 13:45
Conglomerate 451 is a great Cyberpunk Grid-based Dungeon Crawler with a lot of potential if the developer continues to support it with updates and/or future DLC.

- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -

- Atmosphere
General level layouts and design provide a good Cyberpunk vibe

- Random Level Generation
Although you will see repetition as you explore these randomly generated levels

- Character Progression System
This reminds me somewhat of XCOM 2 where you can pick certain perks as your characters level up, you can also upgrade the weapons and equipment with modifiers you find as loot while exploring

- Soundtrack
I've enjoyed all I've heard from the soundtrack so far and it all fits the general atmosphere and setting the game is trying to provide

- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -

- Combat System
There's not enough visual or audio power behind a lot of the attacks which make the combat feel a bit on the weak side

- Translation Errors
These will pop up now and again but it's never anything too bad that would prevent you from progressing

- - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - -

- Character Designs
Most characters in your roster and in the menu screens look very generic and bland, but enemy designs tend to be more interesting (which is more important in my opinion)

- The Drone
You have a little drone following you around that comments on almost everything you do. This can be muted as far as I'm aware, but it wouldn't be so bad if the voice actor sounded more believable and less corny

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My rating for Conglomerate 451: 7/10

Recommended to people that either love the Cyberpunk setting or who are big fans of RPG Grid-based Dungeon Crawlers
534 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
6882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 17:06
Hey guys,

TLDR: If you like dungeon crawlers, especially futuristic (ala Starcrawlers) there is a good chance you will like this game too.

Conglomerate 451 is set in and under (water) a cyberpunk style city. Actually my favourite map is the 'entry' cityscape. I love the look and the rain/water effects are pretty nice. Would liked to have had missions based in an offshoot of the outdoor area but currently all missions are enclosed. After the tutorial mission you can skip this part and head straight to the mission, which i do not recommend as buffs and map hacks and shopping can be done in the city and can make the mission itself more rewarding and easier.

You as the Director of your corporation are in charge of recruiting agents to perform the main missions of the game. This is done by creating your own clones. They each have a class, four skills to pick out of a small list (which you can swap out later if you wish - losing any advancement in them though) and a select dna trait. You do not start with any but with research you can unlock more. So essentially the clones that come later will have a bit of an advantage in this matter.

The initial classes you can pick are the Soldier (DPS/Tank), Infiltrator (Sniper) and drifter (support) but others unlock as you progress. These are the Splicer (healer), the Bodyguard (Tank/support), the Techie (Hacker/support), the Juicer (Nutjob... i mean someone who gets much stronger when abusing drugs but will suffer for it) and finally the Binary (mini DPS/Support).

You can go through the game with no problems with just the initial three but i prefer the Soldier/Infiltrator + either Bodyguard/Binary. Credits and tech (Tech essentially a crafting/training resource needed for pretty much everything except unlocking memories (more on that later)) are the resources you need to advance.

Aside from the usual shield/hit points you have two smaller bars for Pain (combat damage) and intoxication (drug use and some enemy attacks). As these build up you can end up with negative trauma/disorders which if not treated in healing/detox tanks within a certain amount of weeks these problems become permanent. You are given a percentage chance of how successful treatment for each issue can be resolved per week in the tanks.

Between missions you spend time at your Headquarters where you can clone more troops, heal and detox your agents. try to unlock memories, research the various trees (Clone/health/training/Military and Cyber), view the agent graveyard where your failures go, Directors office (overview), train and manage agent skills and slot mods into weapons, shields, cyberdeck (for hacking - doors, containers and people) and even cyborg parts you can unlock via research. Careful though add too many new body parts in a short time can cause the agent to die of cardiac arrest as i found out :) though you are given a heart rate que which of course ignored first time!

There is a background pre-story which i wont spoil and to find out about it you must find and unlock (hack) memories of the past. You find on occasion these pulsing orbs on a level which you can hack and if successful you end up with one of the 20 memories that need decrypting at H.Q. To do so you decide how much money you are going to throw at the problem with a min of 5k. Essentially you are buying a better percentage to unlock but RNG being what it can be i have spent fortunes before finally managing it.

The main goal is to take out the Leaders of four rival factions to make allegedly the city district safer. There is no story that runs concurrently with the present.

Wow review getting to long (you can probably tell i dont usually write them :) ), so i will sum up in the usual fashion.

Pros +

Cyberpunk (for me anyway).
Stable - not one crash in 87 hours or so.
Pretty decent looking for what it is on max settings and fluid gameplay.
Decent controller support.
Lots of customisation.
Good price. I certainly got my moneys worth!
Trauma/disorder mechanic that feels Darkest Dungeon esq.

Cons -

Cannot customise agent other than tattoos with a change of portrait direction.
The five biomes (random gen) other than the city could use more variation in my opinion but is ok.
Once you take out the 4 bosses which you can do fairly early (20-30 weeks), even on hard you are left with just random content to finish the game at 75 weeks. Some achievements do not unlock till you do this. So if you are an achievement whore you must grind for it.
Endings are to the point but compared to the intro upon starting a new game seems rushed and VERY abrupt, though hints of a sequel maybe in the offing :)

Im sure there are more things to say both positive and negative but i do recommend the game, it is addictive and im planning my third replay to get the third ending.

326 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 23:46
2 hours gameplay... great game in crawler style well made...grafics, zillion of upgrades trees,, costumizations, 8 research labs, good music. Nice game to use a lil bit of brains and chill. There is still some good story and cut scenes. As i said still a noob review.
969 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 13:15
Conglomerate 451 is a cyberpunk turn based dungeon crawler with an arcade-ish old school feeling.

You move in a grid based environment that is visually stunning while fighting enemies in a tactical approach.
It offers great in-depth customization as you d expect from an RPG & the roguelike element adds quite a lot.
Story wise , personally it left me uninterested , without that being a turn down to progress the game
since the gameplay is surely enjoyable and the battles interesting.
Soundtrack is a real killer here , great synthwave tunes befitting the atmosphere!

To top it all off , devs actually listen as well as reply to the community while constantly updating and tweaking the game,
i m sure if they keep going like that the game will easily shine

Would easily recommend to all fans of the genre and not, expect to burn a lot of hours into this one!
113 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
2332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 13:06
In my opinion this game is a little gem! It combines resource management with strategy and casts all this in a retro-style-game set in a cyberpunk environment. 9/10 from me for the game and 10/10 for the amazingly fast response from the developer! It literally takes less then 30 min to get a reply. and that way faster then any of my other 100+ games ever managed to do!!!
748 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
3759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 13:25
I'm a big fan of sci-fi and cyberpunk games, so this one was right up my alley. I also like RPG elements, which this game has plenty of.

Instead of a free first person view it has a grid, which gives this game a retro feel, but in a good way. Kinda reminded me about the first Might and Magic and Lands of Lore games.

The game is still a bit rough around the edges - it has a few bugs and problems, but it's only been a week since the release. The robot companion has too few voice lines which it repeats too often, and the game itself can get repetitive if you play it for too long. I will unlikely go for a second playthrough, but I find the first one enjoyable so far (playing on Hard difficulty).

It's also worth noting that the game developers are very active on the forum (I got a response from them within an hour on a Saturday), which shows how much they care about their game and community.

So, all in all, I definitely recommend giving this game a try.
228 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 01:31
The games story line is actually pretty decent for the genre but when you tie in the atmosphere and the audio, it kind of brings it to life. A refreshing take in today's market.

The combat is where I have a personal bias. I completely require the ability to see my own units during combat.
This game does not have that. With this being said, this is the only negative part of my review and it's completely preferential. If you don't mind that- you need to buy this game.

The skills work in tandem and as such you can really get creative with your character builds. When I played, the enemy could not even pick a booger without talking DoT damage. Enemies can be very strong so watching them melt was so satisfying.

Equipment adds a bit of element to your character design but it's randomized so it may take more or less time to find things that you want. You can use all of it but if you're looking for very specific stats it may take some time.

You can research a lot of things to help in multiple ways. There's a lot of detail in the research so I'll just leave it at: it also helps to specialize your squad or help cover weaknesses.

All in all, this game is made with quality and care that you will both see and feel throughout your experience. It's worth the release price and I recommend purchasing it. Great job, devs!
408 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 03:52
I wanted, very much, to like this game. I really, really did. The premise was really cool and the concept of clones and the imprecise science of creating clones seemed like it would make for a very intriguing bit of gameplay, and character creation was... well, alright. At best.

The game starts to look less and less appealing as you start playing, though. There's almost no point to exploration at all-- there's nothing clickable, nothing interactible, nothing to reward you for really looking around. The game, despite being a dungeon crawler, feels terribly linear, and that's not a good feeling for what it touts itself as.

And then there's the crashes. I've had a few times in my short time playing the game where the game would crash after a mission ended, and I'd lose my progress. This is not fun. This is not enjoyable.

Maybe in future updates the game will be better, but... I can't in good conscience recommend this game, as much as I really, REALLY wanted to like it.
3469 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 09:58
Cyberpunk-themed gridder with turn-based combat and procedurally generated missions linked by a story and permanent progression and research. You manage your roster and level up and customize them. Agents can die permanently during a mission.

The atmosphere is cyberpunk enough overall, but the music is repetitive and environments are pretty but lifeless: no npcs besides enemies and merchants, almost nothing that you see is interactable..

The roster management layer looks fairly detailed, with around 6-7 agent classes with full customization of skills and passive upgrades. All this happens over static 3d backgrounds of your base which adds atmosphere. It didn't really grab my attention though, due to multiple obvious flaws:
- Mutually exclusive mutations that offer only a small bonus, and seems to be arbitrarily disposed in a tree, despite the more advanced and expensive ones not seeming that much more useful at first glance.
- Zero weapon loot or customization at the start, and it seems that there are only upgrades later on.
- SPUs, the procedurally generated passive upgrade chips you can gather during missions, only have a big sequence of numbers as their name. You have no clue of what they offer besides their level without checking them one by one, which promises long tedious sessions of going back and forth to compare.

Loot is actually pretty boring overall in this game. You can't check out what you picked up during a mission, and half the stuff is SPUs with numerical IDs with no indication of what it does besides rarity. You're still happy to see your tech points ticking up towards the next unlock, but it doesn't compare to the excitement of finding a new weapon in Grimrock or Wizardry.

The level design so far is really bland, besides the occasional door to unlock and loot crates and stations that give you resources there's nothing interesting, no secrets, spinners, teleporters, riddles, or any of the staples of games like Grimrock or Wizardry 6-7.

Combat is overall fun with good (but very slow) animations. It is however rather simplistic since you're limited to three agents that only have four skills each - in contrast Darkest dungeon has four characters with four skills each, JRPGs like Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky and Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey have four characters with a lot more spells and skills.! Combat hacking adds a few more abilities, but you won't have enough battery to use them a lot, so overall you're stuck with 12 abilities between the whole team.

Mouse and keyboard controls are good but controller controls are not really usable since you have to move a very slow reticle around to target enemies.

At the moment, it's not possible to close the game during missions and come back to it later, you'll be back at the base and any mission progress lost.

Overall it gets a cautious recommendation, but I'm not confident that any aspect of the gameplay will have lasting appeal for me, due to its lack of depth. The controller being unusable and the lack of a save-and-quit are not helping.
428 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.20 10:28
if u like cyberpunk games like Syndicate (Amiga), Satellite Reign, Shadowrun, or just dungeon crawlers genre, RPG's, u will like Conglomerate 451 ! and there is gamepad support ! Recommended ;)
819 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
9224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 01:29
I liked this game a lot in the beginning. However as it opens up harder and harder missions for your teams, you do not have the ability to select what level or which specific mission you want to engage, which is a major flaw from my perspective.
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64.89% 85 46
Release:23.05.2019 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: RuneHeads Vertrieb: 1C Company Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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