Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
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Die von den Kritikern gelobte Command & Conquer? (C&C)-Reihe kehrt nun mit Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars? (C&C 3) zurück. Wieder einmal definiert C&C 3 den Standard des Echtzeitstrategie-Genres neu und führt dich an den Ort zurück, an dem alles begann ? das Tiberium-Universum.
Im Jahr 2047 hat das Tiberium die gesamte Erde überzogen, die nun in Zonen, basierend auf dem Grad der Tiberium-Verseuchung, unterteilt ist. Blaue Zonen, die 20% der gesamten Erdoberfläche einnehmen, stellen die letzte Zuflucht der zivilisierten Welt dar. Teilweise bewohnbare gelbe Zonen nehmen 50% der Erdoberfläche ein. In diesen, vom Krieg gezeichneten und ökologisch verwüsteten Gebieten, lebt der Großteil der Bevölkerung. Die verbleibenden 30% des Planeten sind unbewohnbar ? ein vom Tiberium geschaffenes Ödland, das von heftigen Ionenstürmen heimgesucht wird. Diese roten Zonen erinnern mehr an die Oberfläche eines fremden Planeten.
Der berüchtigte Kane ist zurückgekehrt, um die Bruderschaft von Nod anzuführen und einen gewaltigen globalen Angriff gegen die Global Defense Initiative zu starten. Es geht um die wenigen noch verbleibenden blauen Zonen auf der Erde, und nur du kannst ihn aufhalten. Das Schicksal der Menschheit ? und des Planeten ? liegt in deiner Hand.
Mit atemberaubender Grafik der nächsten Generation, einer von bekannten Hollywood-Schauspielern erzählten epischen Story und der bekannt rasanten Spielweise wird C&C 3 den neuen Standard der Einzelspieler-RTS-Erfahrung setzen.
Wenn du dich schließlich entscheidest, deine Fähigkeiten online unter Beweis zu stellen, entfalten sich weitere innovative Features, wie beispielsweise die Möglichkeit, Online-Schlachten in einen packenden Zuschauer-Sport zu verwandeln.
Willkommen zurück, Commander.
* Schnell, flüssig, einfach genial - Das schnell reagierende, flüssige Gameplay, das C&C hervorgebracht hat, ist jetzt besser denn je und gibt dir intuitiv die volle Kontrolle über dein gesamtes Waffenarsenal.
* Über 30 Einzelspieler-Missionen ? Auf einem gewaltigen Kriegsschauplatz, wo jede Entscheidung, die du triffst, zählt, wirst du eine zusammenhängende, epische Story erleben ? erzählt aus den einzigartigen Perspektiven der drei kriegsführenden Parteien.
* RTS wird zum Sport - Beobachte, übertrage und nimm an spannenden Online-Schlachten teil ? mit Innovationen wie interaktiven Beobachter-Modi, VoIP-Kommunikation, Spielerkommentaren und vielem mehr.
* Eine Story, wie du sie noch nie gesehen hast ? HD-Videosequenzen erzählen die epische Story mit einer unerreichten Besetzung, wie sie facettenreicher nicht sein könnte. Die Top-Besetzung schließt Tricia Helfer, Josh Holloway, Michael Ironside, Billy Dee Williams, Grace Park, Ivana Bozilovic und Shauntay Hinton ein.
* Anpassungsfähige KI - Die KI des Spiels passt sich deiner Spielweise an ? wähle zwischen verschiedenen Spielweisen der KI wie ?Rushing?, ?Turtling? und vielen mehr oder lass die KI ihre eigene Taktik anwenden und dir somit die größte Herausforderung bieten.
* Neue Angriffsmöglichkeiten: Lass deinen Gegner im Dunkeln tappen ? stelle fliegende Schlachtschiffe her, nutze die zerstörerische Kraft von Ionenstürmen und kombiniere Einheiten, um aus ihnen Super-Einheiten zu erstellen, wie sie noch nie ein Mensch gesehen hat.
* Technologie, die eine ganze Welt zum Leben erweckt ? Verliere dich im Lichterspiel der Sonne, während du Stücke aus gegnerischen Panzern, Gebäuden und schlichtweg allem sprengst, auf das man Raketen abfeuern kann. Die Spielwelt erhält eine neue Dimension, und das Schlachtfeld wird zum Leben erweckt, wenn sich die Atmosphäre mit Rauch, Feuer, Nebel, Leuchtspuren, Explosionen und lebensechten Wettereffekten anfüllt.
* Intuitives und fortschrittliches Interface ? Mit dem fortschrittlichen Sidebar-Interface hast du die volle Kontrolle über deine Operationsbasis, ohne jemals das Geschehen aus den Augen zu verlieren.
* Miss dich online mit den Besten ? Mit vielfältigen Online-Spielmodi, brandneuen Multiplayer-Karten und einem komplett ausgestatteten Editor kannst du online herausfinden, wo dein Platz in der Hierarchie der C&C Spieler ist.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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4154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 20:23
1020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 22:13
Das beste RTS.
2450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 22:03
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1904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 07:11
It is just a cheap cashgrab from EA without any effort put into it.
1943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 22:28
58 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 14:00
In keinem anderen Strategie Spiel so viel Zeit wie In C&C.
Die Grafik ist Zeitlos, nicht zu alt und nicht zu Eckig und Kantig.
Das Gameplay Ist Klassisches C&C Gameplay.
Story ist lustig trashig aber nicht nervig und öde.
Wenn du C&C nicht kennst hast du in dieses Genre leider nichts zu suchen, ohne es abwertend zu meinen. Dieses Spiel hat die Strategie game Genre so geprägt wie fast kein anderes spiel. Nicht ohne Grund hat es Fast 90% Gute Bewertungen.
Für echte Strategie Fans ein muss!
2763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 02:59
Klar geht es in Echtzeit, was mir am liebsten ist in einen Strategie Game, allerdings hat es mit FPS Probleme die bis nur 30 FPS auftakt.Es gibt Fan-Patches die es ermöglicht es auf 60 rum hinbekommen aber neue Probleme davon sorgt. Die Server sind auch down, es gibt aber Drittserver, (Hamachi) die ich aber nicht verwendet habe da ich bloß gegen AI-Brutal gebattelt habe^^
+ RTS wie damals
+ Rassen Verschiedenheiten
+ Gute Singleplayer-Kapagne
+ Die kleinen Filmchen sind toll gemacht :3
+ Einsteiger sowie Profis haben hier was zum fighten!
+ Einheits-Modele haben die Entwicklern nicht gespart, somit sehen alle fresh aus und nicht billig
- Missionen Karten wurden manche recycelt!
- Zu viele Sammlern blockieren sich gegenseitig die Wege wodurch Sie Null-Brain stehen und abknallen lassen...
- Sammler wird angegriffen
- Balacing Problemen. Beispiel: Die GDI Infanterie Einheiten sind viel zu schwach gegen die NOD oder Scrin oder die NOD AVATAR sind extrem krasser Zerstörer, die machen jeden Happs KABUUM und lachen dreckig richtiger Dreckseinheit xD
Fazit: Das Spiel kann man sich heute ohne bedenken gönnen nur Win10 macht Probleme laut Spielern da kann ich nicht bestätigen, da ich noch mit Win8 durchbrenne! Kane Glatze Strahlt heute angeblich heute noch lul
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1497 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 02:21
This is not the original C&C 3 from 2007.
There are a lot of things that are completely gone.
and some Missions.
Singleplayer is hard to beat on EASY and all this because of stupid E - Sport BS.
Thanks EA for nothing
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.20 07:22
Fazit 8/10
14614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 12:49
3014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 02:59
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289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.21 05:40
2390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 18:54
It's the high water mark for the C&C series and still plays well more than a decade since release; but it will never be rebooted thanks to the cro-magnons at EA wilfully butchering the sequel.
1791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 17:16
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344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 23:04
The game felt very different. It use to be collecting resources, build defense, build big army, attack and win game. Now, i feel its more like, collect little resources, rush ai and try to win with what little you got. Building defense or big army is not really part of the formula since there is not enough resources available.
I really wished they re-release the earlier version instead or at least give us an option to change the versions.
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 08:22
There was no C&C Released after this unless you count Kanes Wraith
6187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 20:11
Definitely worth a buy if you are looking to play the series on Steam!
2234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 23:32
Definitely worth a buy if you are looking to play the series on Steam!
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1762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 08:00
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842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.21 04:35
The balance of the campaign missions are also completely out of whack, unless you're already proficient at the game it is no fun as some missions are hilariously easy and others are frustrating beyond belief as balance changes to the functionality of units and structures skew the challenge of many missions, especially when you're expected to rely on defensive structures.
1741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 20:36
Multiplayer: Yes, network up to 8 (online requires 3rd party help)
Completion: 27 hrs
Cards: No | Cloud: No
Save Location:AppDataRoamingCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
as well as Saved GamesCommand & Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
Must copy to both with same profile name
Notes: use command -win to play windowed
Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is the third installment of the main timeline in the Command and Conquer series and takes place in the year 2047. Most of the world is covered in Tiberium, and Kane is back to ensure the Tiberium flows and to wage war on the Global Defense Initiative. Before long, another presence makes itself known and all hell breaks loose.
C&C3 is a real time strategy game with all the features you've come to expect. If you've played C&C before, much of this will be familiar. Skirmishes are fun. The campaign is sort of a mixed bag. The first few maps are perfectly fine, but as you get deeper into the the campaign, you'll start to run into some downright infuriating maps. One of the biggest offenders off hand requires you to defend your base from all four sides while managing a shortage of power.
I played the game on normal difficulty, and definitely got my butt handed to me a few times. I might be mistaken on this, but it sure seems like the computer is given an infinite supply of cash and/or free units. And they always seem to know where your units are or aren't. On some missions the computer attacks you within seconds of starting. Typically the battles last 30 mins by the end, so you can expect some long slogs.
I love the live action segments in this game, but they're something of an anomaly. The video quality is quite good, yet the sets and costumes look like something dug out of a theater closet. And on occasion, you'll see game cg mixed in. On the plus side, there's some top notch actors playing the parts.
The graphic design is quite good in this game. All the units look good and effects are well done. It can get difficult to see who's firing and being fired upon with all the clutter though. The music isn't as catchy as original C&C, but it gets the job done. The game does not work ideally under Windows 10. Specifically, I've had game freezes when trying to alt tab a few times, and clicking the Multiplayer Online option automatically freezes the game and becomes impossible to close by traditional means.
Overall I rate C&C3 a B. The campaign's ridiculous maps hurt a lot, and the online multiplayer does not appear to work, but it's a fun game. Personally I had more fun with C&C Generals, specifically Zero Hour. That was a blast.
681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 10:20
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440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 12:35
Its one of the best C&C games imo.
If you are a fan of the series, then you should not miss it!
The reason why I rate it down is simply based on the Edition EA has choosen to release here.
I have no clue, why EA does not release the Kane Edition. Everything would be fine.
But they decided for the censored german Version - so how can I recommend it?!
The english version is not censored. You can just swap the language via steam.
Maybe you can replace the language files easily, too. Since I always played the Kane ed, I never took a look.
Technically It runs so far I tried. Had a tricky hang-up when I first played around with the graphical options, but it worked on the second try. We will see what comes...
So, great game and price totally fine in sale but bad decision from EA so thumb down earned very well . Easy like that.
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 20:20
Game itself is among best C&C releases with interesting plot, useful cut scenes and wide variety of units so combined arms approach is the key for victory.
1382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 04:45
+ The single player story line is really good. All three campaigns are canon and overlap each other in neat ways.
+ The in game graphics hold up really well, especially some of the lighting and environmental effects and it flies on modern hardware.
+ The updated UI is the best of the C&C games with individual tabs for each production facility and a planning mode that lets you somewhat coordinate attacks across multiple units.
+ Lots of different units/abilities to try out, although rushing with tanks is still usually the best plan.
- Some of the campaign missions have huge difficulty spikes, requiring cheesy tactics to beat. Apparently this is due to the game using the same rule set for single and multiplayer so when it got patched to balance multiplayer it made several of the missions frustratingly hard, even if you lower the difficulty.
- The music is really dull for a C&C game, I don't remember even noticing it.
- There seems to be a slight delay between when you select a unit and when you can issue an order. It's only a fraction of a second, but it's noticeable if you cycle through groups really quickly.
- Some of the hotkeys are really strange, like Ctrl+S for the commando jump-jet ability.
- The FMV was recorded pre-HD and it shows. It doesn't look bad at 1080p, but you can tell it was intended to be DVD quality.
- The in game UI and most of the menus work perfectly in HD, but the map screens and intel menus are locked to 4:3.
Technical Notes
* On Windows 10 it crashed on me the first time I switched the resolution and changed the graphic detail settings at the same time. The second time I changed just the resolution and it was ok. Then I changed the graphics details and it was stable and never crashed after that.
* You can still play online but you have to use C&C:Online to do it.
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1590 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 23:13
1786 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 22:58
6655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 00:44
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171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 05:10
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556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 15:35
I got this specifically for the campaign mode and am disappointed to find that the patches have made campaign unplayable, or at least disproportionately difficult, even on a normal mode setting. The game is fine, up until around mission five where you'll face a massive difficulty spike. From this point on every mission will involve you desperately trying to defend your base from endless waves of enemies. The game is outright cheating behind the scenes to be able to attack your forces with ten or so tanks every couple of minutes. It doesn't matter how well you defend yourself, they'll hit you and hit you until they get through your defenses and kill you. I had a battle base, three machine gun turrets, two vehicle turrets, 3 mammoth tanks and about 5 regular tanks dedicated to defending a single entrance to my base and even they were slowly being chipped down to nothing. I was able to complete this game back on the Xbox 360 system with a clunky controller and yet I can't get anywhere near the end now on PC. It takes away any sense of tactics or strategy and reduces the game to mindless grinding until you get lucky enough to break through.
The only solution is to play on easy mode, which actually makes the game far too easy. Hopefully they'll one day get around a remaster to restore the original sense of difficulty, and the game really needs a quick save option.
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978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 12:12
i pay for game and gifts i want to have fun with my bros not a hell of setting to be set
12791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 02:29
The frame rate is locked at 30fps.
I have an RTX 2070, Ryzen 5 2700x, Win10, SSD and 16gb ram HOWEVER THE GAME STILL HAS MAJOR LAG.
When you have many units on screen the game struggles to cope.
Anyway, good game.
Get as many refineries and harvesters out as possible and spam infantry rocket squads to win the game.
3148 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 12:29
1925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 08:17
Amazing Game!
- Graphics that hold up well, even in 2020.
- Sound is fantastic
- FMV cutscenes are full of amazing scifi actors you'll recognise
- Even near the end of both the GDI and NOD missions... you'll still be finding new tactics and strategies to build that army and demoooooolish the enemy!!!
Can't rate this game high enough... A gem from the golden age of gaming that holds up so well today!
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 09:10
The main difference between this C&C and original ones is that this one seems to have lost a lot of the main
original sci-fiction focus that the original C&C series used to have.
Yet you can find amazing mods made by fans (totally appart from the game creators) that can mimic very well many aspects of the original series.
2604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 14:30
Supervisor: I tought it was Earth, Overlord.
Overlord: Yes! Is the invasion force ready?
Supervisor: No, EA does not want to fund our Invasion Force.
Overlord: Oh well. Let us drink some Liquid Ichor from a good year!
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510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 16:26
13327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.20 13:57
943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 20:00
If you have never played a CnC game and don't care about the story, this is where I think EA peaked on this franchise along with its expansion (which is also very, very good).
9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 20:16
This is the last good C&C game we got and the closest we ever game to Generals 2.
Highly Recommended!
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5343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 19:24
You can still play the campaign, but its just bad and unbalanced to be honest.
And I loved this game.
Thanks to community modding it is still possible to play multiplayer.
what you get from EA
- sort of broken campaign
- no multiplayer
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689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 06:30
2289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 14:14
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.20 20:30
So to anyone thinking they're going to get a nostalgia-trip: BE WARNED, THIS IS NOT THE C&C 3 YOU PLAYED AS A KID.
23582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.01.20 23:15
C&C 3-Series holds a plethora of great content and innovative gameplay that will surely last for years to come as the finest example of industry-best-practice for both Creative Directors and Jr. Developers alike from Westwood. In the time that this project was released, this was an incredibly innovative, amazing, and mind-blowing game to respect and totally enjoy...
Ask any true fan of the C&C franchise where this game went in the 4-series, and you will receive an overwhelmingly negative response about what went pretty wrong, and why top game developers know that EA has lost their best creative directors and content creators on Earth.
Game on Warriors!
319 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.19 03:36
FFW to 2019....
I decide to buy this on Digital Distro, (can't be dealing with CD DRM). It holds up. The cutscenes are more awkward and less cool than it was as a kid, but it holds up. I'm much better at RTSes now I'm in my twenties from online AOE and MOBAs, and its actually more enjoyable - like a reheated lasagne.
Anyway, thank you EA for giving us this. Shame you trash and burned the franchise later, but you know... thanks for this.
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