• Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.
  • Codex of Victory: Screenshot zum Titel.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 21.07.2016
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Preis Update 02.07.24

Über das Spiel

Die Menschheit wurde gespalten. In der einen Hälfte der Gesellschaft wurde der natürliche Verlauf der menschlichen Evolution unterbrochen. Was als Versuch begann, den Menschen an die unwirtlichen Bedingungen im tiefen All und auf lebensfeindlichen Planeten anzupassen, entwickelte sich zu einem bizarren Volk transhumaner Cyborgs – den Augmentierten. Sie ziehen in die Schlacht, um den Rest der Menschen von den Fesseln ihrer sterblichen Körper zu befreien. Wir müssen unser Territorium verteidigen und zurückschlagen, um unsere Königreiche und all deren Bewohner zu retten!
Codex of Victory bietet eine umfangreiche, storylastige Einzelspielerkampagne, in der Sie eine Hightech-Armee mit Drohnen-Fahrzeugen, Panzern und Robotern ausheben und befehligen. Das Spiel bietet eine spannende Mischung aus Basisbau in Echtzeit, globaler Strategieplanung und rundenbasiertem Kampf. Sie reisen zwischen den Planeten und Territorien mit dem einzigen Ziel, die Augmentierten aufzuhalten.

Mit dem Basisbau – inspiriert von besten Genreklassikern – erweitern Sie Ihr unterirdisches HQ in Echtzeit. Sammeln Sie Blaupausen für Räume, bauen Sie Fabriken, Forschungszentren, Werkstätten, Labore und andere Gebäude, um für die Schlacht gewappnet zu sein. Mit einem Blick auf die Planetenkarte sehen Sie sofort, wo Ihre Streitkräfte eingesetzt werden müssen.

Ziehen Sie in den taktischen, rundenbasierten Kampf auf Hexfeldern. Wählen Sie die richtigen Einheiten und Verbesserungen, nutzen Sie Geländevorteile und Ihre taktischen Fähigkeiten, um jede Mission abzuschließen. Im Verlauf der Hauptstory und verschiedenen zufällig generierten Missionen erhalten Sie Zugriff auf über 25 Einheiten und ihre unzähligen Varianten – dank unterschiedlichster Verbesserungen und Zusatzmodule. Stellen Sie Ihre Ingenieurskunst gegen die angreifenden Augmentierten auf die Probe!

  • Spannende Kombination aus rundenbasiertem Kampf und Basisbau in Echtzeit
  • Mehr als 20 Stunden storylastiger Einzelspielerkampagne
  • Online-Mehrspielerschlachten mit vollumfänglichen Anpassungsmöglichkeiten Ihrer Armee
  • Mehr als 25 einzigartige Einheiten in unzähligen Varianten
  • Hoher Wiederspiel dank zufällig generierter Missionen
  • Neo-Mittelalterliches Scifi im farbenfrohen Cell-Shading-Look


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon 64 X2 4600+
  • GFX: NVidia / AMD / Intel (HD 3000 or better) with 512 MB VRAM
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0c
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Russisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5 3.20 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 805
  • GFX: NVidia / AMD / Intel (HD 3000 or better) with 1 GB VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Microsoft Windows Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (64-bit)
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 10
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Russisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1130 Produkte im Account
699 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
14 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.21 01:35
Kommt mir eher vor wie so ein Android Store Command & Conquer mit null Suchtfaktor, ist mir zu schräg und zu kitschige Grafik. Zu eintönig, macht mir kein Spaß von Anfang an hatte ich eigentlich schon kein bock mehr!
8 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.19 11:33
schade um das geld,

man hetzt in den streng linearen maps, von einer zur anderen aufgabe. wenn man die kurz bemessene zeit, in der man kaum aufbauen oder forschen kann nicht rechtzeitig ankommt game over. Toll.
man kann sich also keine map aussuchen oder eine vorherige nochmal spielen.
das einheitenbalancing ist unter alle würde. diesmal liegt es nicht an der gier des betreibers sondern an der unfähigkeit.
wie kann man ein halbfertiges spiel zum verkauf anbieten, bei solch spielspassvernichtenden anforderungen ?
grafik und idee sind gut, schaue dann mal in 6 monaten wieder rein.
momentan absolut keine kaufempfehlung. ( finger weg )
419 Produkte im Account
205 Reviews
655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.18 17:42

Codex of Victory von Ino-Co Plus entwickelt und von 1C Entertainment herausgebracht.

Ein rundenbasiertes Strategiespiel mit Basenbau. Wer jetzt an XCOM2 denkt, denkt gar nicht so verkehrt. Den es gibt parallelen, auch wen man die beiden Titel nicht miteinander vergleichen sollte.


Aber zunächst zur Story. Diese ist zwar nicht originell aber zumindest ganz nett verpackt. Die Menschheit kämpft gegen die Augmentierten (Cyborgs oder etwas in der Art) und hat Probleme ihrem Widersacher etwas entgegen zu setzen. Du wirst in dieser turbulenten Zeit Herrscher über ein kleines Sternensystem. Bevor du dich am Kampf gegen diese externen Feinde beteiligen kannst, musst du dich zunächst jedoch um renitente Untergebene kümmern. Dies ist allerdings nur der Auftakt zu einem viel umfassenderenden Krieg, bei welchem dir auch immer die Zeit im Nacken sitzt.
Zur ganz unterhaltsamen Gesichte gesellen sich dann noch diverse Figuren, welche leider überwiegend Oberflächig beleuchtet werden.


Basis & Planeten

Bevor ihr euch in irgendein Gefecht stürtzt gilt es, die Basis zu erweitern und die Armee zu optimieren. Hierzu stehen euch Hangar, Lager, Werkstatt, Forschungslabor und weitere Einrichtungen zur Verfügung. Einheiten die im Gefecht verloren gehen müssen neu gebaut werden. Gerade deshalb ist es wichtig, regelmäßig in der Basis vorbei zu sehen und neue Panzer, Hubschrauber und ähnliches zu konstruieren. Damit man aber erst gar nichts verliert, kann man seine Einheiten mit bis zu 3 Modulen verbessern. Mehr Feuerkraft, Leben oder Regeneration gefällig? Kein Problem, die Auswahl ist groß und jedes Modul kann auch jederzeit duch ein anderes ersetzt werden, was zum experimientieren einläd. Zudem kann man durch Forschung Einheiten zu einem höheren Level verhelfen, was ebenfalls verschiedene Werte bufft.

Hat man in der Basis nichts mehr zu tun oder werden die Rohstoffe (Geld, Eisen Uran) knapp geht es auf in Richtung Mission. Dazu schickt man seinen Flieger in ein von Feinden bestztes Gebiet und beschleunigt die Zeit, denn dann heißt es erst einmal warten. Das Raumschiff bewegt sich Stück für Stück in Richtung Einsatzort während Zeit vergeht und somit Bauaufträge und Forschungen in der Basis vorangetreiben werden. Da man zum Glück überall auf die Basis zugreifen kann und nicht extra zurückfliegen muss geht der Basenbau recht flott voran und wird durch das Reisen auf der Sternenkarte nicht behindert.


Ist man am Ort des geschehen eingetroffen geht es nach einem kurzen Blick auf die Gegnerliste auch schon los.

Zunächst sollte man ganz in Ruhe die Lage sondieren. Jede Map besteht aus Hexfeldern und besitzt mehrere Lager, welche AP geben. Da man AP benötigt um Einheiten auf das Schlachtfeld zu schicken und um sie zu bewegen, sowie angreifen zu lassen, ist es besonders wichtig Lager recht zügig einzunehmen. Dabei sollte man allerdings auch keine unnötigen Risiken eingehen, dutzende Einheiten zu verlieren um ein Lager zu sichern macht in der Regel keinen Sinn.

Hat man genug Ap ist die Frage, welche Einheit schickt man auf das Feld und wo. Denn Einheiten können in der Nähe der Basis sowie in oder direkt neben jedem Lager in das Spiel gebracht werden. Da jede Einheit unterschiedliche Werte besitzt (Bewegungsreichweite, Angriffsreichweite, Schaden, Leben sowie Spezialfähigkeiten) ist es immer sehr Situationsabhängig, was man in den Kampf schickt. Natürlich steht einem aber nur das zur Verfügung, was man vorher in Gefechten erbeutet bzw. in der Basis gebaut hat. Vorbeugen ist also auch hier besser als im stehen kotzen.

Was die Kämpfe dann gerade gegen Ende etwas langweilig macht, sind die Helden. Diese werden nicht nur kostenlos nach jedem Kampf repariert, sondern sind gerade, wenn man sie schon weit durch Forschung verbessert hat ziemlich OP. Die meisten Missionen im Late Game kann man nur durch den Einsatz von Helden absolvieren, was die Kämpfe etwas langweilig macht.

Auch das Verteidigen von Provinzen gegen Invasoren wird später leider sehr monoton und repetitiv, was den Spielspaß etwas mindert. Stotytechnisch bedingte Zusatz/Spezialmissionen die hier und da zwischengeschoben werden lockern das Ganze angenehm auf und sorgen für mehr Spannung und ein wenig mehr Herausforderung. Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist dabei angenehm, vielleicht sogar einen Tick zu einfach. Ich habe auf Normal gespielt und hatte nur bei 2 Missionen leichte Probleme.

Was ansonsten für ein wenig Spannung sorgt, ist der schon angesprochene Zeitdruck. Für viele Missionen gibt es eine Deadline, die, sollte man sie verpassen, zu einem Game Over führt oder zumindest dafür sorgt, dass man diesem ein Stück näher kommt.


Der farbenfrohe Cell-Shading-Look hat mir sehr gut gefallen. Die verschiedenen Einheiten und Einrichtungen der Basis sind sehr detailiert gestaltet und alles, sogar die einzelnen Mechs, sieht individuell aus.

Die Gefechtskarten sind praktischerweise sehr übersichtlich angelegt ebenso wie die einzelnen Menüs, was die Handhabe erleichtert.


Musik und Soundeffekte sind nur Mittelmäßig und haben mich nicht vom Hocker gerissen. Die Charaktere und Storypassagen sind zudem leider nicht vertont.


Für den aktuellen Preis von 15€ habe ich ehrlich gesagt mehr erwartet. Das Spiel ist zwar gut und macht Spaß, bietet aber keinen wirklichen Widerspielwert, es sei denn, man will alle Erfolge erringen. Dadurch ist man nach etwa 8 – 15 Stunden definitiv durch, je nachdem wie viel Zeit man sich nimmt. Dank totem Multiplayer ist hier also recht schnell schicht im Schacht. Für Strategiespieler im Sale definitiv eine Empfehlung, für den Vollpreis bietet es in meinen Augen aber einfach zu wenig.

Wenn euch die Review gefallen/geholfen hat dann folgt doch unserem Reviewprogramm und wenn ihr mir etwas zu dieser Review mitteilen wollt dann schreibt gerne in die Kommentare.
414 Produkte im Account
136 Reviews
669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.18 13:33
Wirklich spaßiges Strategiespiel, welches mich an XCOM erinnert!

Zu Beginn sind die Mission in einem angemessenen Schwierigkeitsgrad, jedoch steigt dieser (gefühlt) schnell an!

Schön wäre es, wenn die Ressourcenproduktion zu Beginn höher wäre, da die meisten Einheiten nach einem Treffer zerstört werden. So könnte man zu Beginn langfristiger planen.

Ansonsten gibt es einen angenehmen Basenausbau, mit verschiedenen Tech-Stufen und individuell anpassbaren Einheiten.

Edit zum Thema Story:
Die Story ist eigentlich echt cool, aber leider wird man von Mission zu Mission gehetzt! Es wäre schön, wenn die Zeitlimits zwischendurch größer wären, damit man sich mehr der Forschung, Produktion und Basis widmen kann.
525 Produkte im Account
60 Reviews
1872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.18 11:36
Krachende und kurzweilige Rundentaktik - vergleichbar mit dem Klassiker Battle Island - trifft auf Basenbau a la XCOM. Wundert mich, dass das Spiel nicht populärer ist. Das Entwicklerstudio Ino-Co Plus zeichnete sich unter anderem durch Warlock-Master of the Arcane aus. Sie verstehen also ihr Handwerk und das merkt man dem Spiel auch an.

Ihr kämpft euch als Anführer einer Armee des Imperiums durch eine zirka zehn-stündige Kampagne. Allerhand Waffensysteme, Geschütze, Panzer, Fluggeräte und Mechs gilt es einzusetzen um die Herrschaft über ein Sonnensystem zu erlangen.

Die rundenbasierenden Gefechte fetzen und machen Laune. In der Basis kümmert man sich um Nachschub, forscht an neuen Technologien und wertet seine Fahrzeuge auf. Die Grafik ist im leichten Comic Stil gehalten, dennoch nett anzusehen.

Für den geforderten Preis wird eine Menge Action geboten. Kleine Kritik spreche ich lediglich für die häufig wiederholenden Karten aus. Auch hätten einige größere Schlachtfelder zur Abwechslung etwas gut getan. Alles in allem aber eine klare Kaufempfehlung.

P.S.: Bin bei Steam auch als Kurator unterwegs und freue mich über jeden Follower:
225 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.17 13:40
Sehr gutes Game, erinnert mich ein wenig an X-Com aber doch etwas anders.

430 Produkte im Account
63 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 21:39
Playing this game is like eating cheese, but the cheese fights back and tries to cheese you, so you have to keep finding new ways to cheese the cheese.

Eventually, you get sick of the taste and play any other game where cheese isn't integral to winning.

God help you if you play this game on HARD.
536 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 19:48
You are building the whole game a good army, special tech, items etc... only to get a final fights of the game with no army, no tech upgrades nothing just new level 1 heroes, and after that only your own heroes no army ?!... so wasted hours and hours ... bad game design
412 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2019 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 21:39
Terrible balance and clunky interface. I probably got it for near free through humble bundle or a free key. I have no purchase history for this I can find.
1474 Produkte im Account
226 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 21:28
I had fun with this game.
Although it has too many flaws to recommend it.

It is unpolished.
Forces you to hours of boring grind.
Game breaking bugs happen.

A lot of elements scream: I was a mabile game where you can pay to speed up things. We can't pay for speeding up things, but we can speed up time for free. Sure - laboratories/factories and research faccilities work faster... But also enemies act faster and you have to reapeat defend misions into infinity...

Finishing game on hard doesn't give you achievement for normal and easy - but luckilly you can load last save and repeat last mission with changed dificulty.

People who like turn based strategies might like this one... Although I would suggest to search for something less repetitive and grindy.
124 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 21:06
So straight away I will say I think its me. I think I just suck at the game and I feel a little harsh giving it a negative review. But I just can't get this game. I am normally pretty good at a range of games and given enough time seem to master most games mechanics and workings but with this I just don't get it. I get my beaten badly time after time and I don't get what I can do differently.
294 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
1957 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 04:45
The core game play is interesting and I'm a sucker for games that combine strategic and tactical elements in the vein of XCOM. I do feel the game requires a bit more polish, but can't argue value for the price I paid.

There are a dozen or so paper cut issues that I would like to see ironed out. I also feel the combat system needs to be flushed out a bit more. It does seem to get repetitive after a while. You are fighting the same scenarios over and over again with the only variation is if you have enough of the unit types you like to use. I never found this an issue even playing with the minimum time between missions. One of the main reasons is that you don't want to use your pricey units at all if you can help it. You want to just field as many of your commanders as you can. Even if they are destroyed in combat they are replaced for free and generally they are more potent than any of the other units you can field for the same cost. As for most games, to solve for weak AI, they just increase the numbers of tough units. It's not terrible terrible mind.

I definitely liked the autopause (FF off) when an event triggers, such as a task is complete. It also has a very puzzle like nature. Which is both good and bad. It is forgiving in that you just restart the mission again and again until you figure out the magic formula. The down side is you never have to deal with a loss. If losses were less avoidable but also less catastrophic, they could turn down the difficult a bit but overall have a more challenging game.
1146 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 22:25
If you are looking for an XCOM or Battletech kind of fix, but slightly simpler, it is the perfect game.

There is base building, unit upgrading and interesting tactical decisions. Missions are fairly short, but very well done with plenty of variation.

The mobile heritage of this game is obvious, but it doesn't take away from it's quality and the port to PC is done very well. You can see that most probably first drafts of the game had the usual F2P BS like timers and multiple currencies, but ultimately all of that got restructured into a classic single player game. And very well at that!
297 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 06:46
tolerated this mobile level of mediocrity until the first world boss fight, then the IA started spamming advanced units right in my face while the boss sniped me from all the way across the map. no balance for a pay to win setup for the win.
908 Produkte im Account
96 Reviews
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 06:54
Pretty simple TBS, reminds me a bit of the massive assault TBS games though I did like them better than this. This reminds me of mobile games also just because how mindlessly simple it is from game play to graphics. I mean you don't even need your keyboard that is how simple it is. Buy it on sale if looking for a little time sink for TBS game. There is much better out there and if you are a TBS fan then you probably already have the better games lol (i know I do). So mobile like simple rx580 never left 40c and an intel 10600KF never got hotter than 45c imagine that lol..... Not worth $15 this one them $5 games i only gave like couple cents think i got it from a bundle couple years ago or either on sale for $3, one or the other. Been sitting in my library never played for over 2 years figured I'd try it before I finally uninstall it. Only takes something like 200mbs or something like that else it been uninstalled ages ago. Yeah i became slightly bored of it in 1.2hrs that is just how simple it is. I need something with little more depth and complexity to hold my attention.

With that said though, for a simple pass time and if you can get it $5 and under I recommend it, if you can't or don't want a simple pass time I don't recommend it. It's all about what you are looking for at end of the day.
Take care and Happy gaming!
212 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
62 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 20:15
i presume this to be a mobile port, and a lazy one at that. don't bother with this one.
432 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.21 22:52
I don't like games that spawn units behind your back, near bases you have already taken, for an amount of actions points it shouldn't have, to compensate for the weak AI.
1018 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 10:07
Boring campaign, no players for PVP, a couple of crashes... I had everything bad in less than 2 hours.
Edit: saving and loading doesn't work properly sometimes, both for campaing and PvP builds. Don't trust the autosave!
63 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
77 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 10:50
It's a fun game.
227 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 22:00
Wow :)
X-com meets good old Battle Isle. I'm loving it!
It's just a tiny little bit too simple to be perfect, but all the mechanics work the way they should.
The battles flow nicely, AI is smart enough on Normal Difficulty, the art is simple but perfectly readable.
I have no idea how long it is, but.. just play it. It's awesome!
562 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 07:08
Nice turn-based game strategy game with well known battle mechanics.
The strategic layer with base building, research and travel to battle areas is similar to XCOM. (This is NOT a converted mobile game, as some reviewers wrote - those mechanics have been invented before free-to-play and work very well.)
There is a campaign that is fairly easy at normal difficulty.
Again, nothing exceptional, but nicely done and good motivation to research and optimize units to progress in the campaign.

Overall an entertaining game that kept me busy for 20+ hours and that I may pick up and play through again in a year or two.
306 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
8186 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 05:50
Thumbs up! This reminded me of the original X-COM game in that it alternates base building with turn-based combat. The combat system takes a little getting used to, but it’s worth the effort. You don’t automatically get to move all your units every turn. On your turn, you have a limited number of points to spend. You can use the points to deploy units. You can also use points for movement and attacks/special abilities. There usually aren’t enough points to perform all the actions that you want, so you have to decide which units will get to use points. Some units cost so much that if you deploy them, you won’t be able to do anything else that turn. There’s about a dozen different units though, so you can experiment with different strategies.

The base building phase gives you a chance to build more units or to upgrade existing units. Units start at level 1 and can be upgraded to level 10. Each level upgrade grants a bonus such as longer range or more hit points. In addition to the standard bonuses from upgrading units, there are also bonuses from modules that you can pick from. There are plenty of interesting combinations that you can come up with by trying various modules with different units. One of my favorite combos is to give Lord Lionheart’s battle armor all the modules with attack bonuses. That way he can single-handedly win some missions on the first turn by destroying the enemy dropship with one shot.

The story isn’t too bad, but I thought the graphics were rather impressive indeed. You can zoom in and see how much detail they put in. If you really like the graphics, then you can take a look at the included pdf file with additional artwork.

Almost all of the achievements can be obtained in the campaign. There is only one achievement for playing a multiplayer game, but you don’t have to win. You just have to play one multiplayer battle to get it. Multiplayer mode seemed to work without glitches, but it seems like an afterthought when compared to the main campaign.

The game is a few years old and doesn’t seem like it will get any more updates. However, it seems to run okay under Windows 10. One glitch I encountered was being unable to continue when the computer didn’t finish it’s turn in a battle, but I was able to just restart the battle. The game does have a nice autosave feature, so you don’t have to constantly keep saving the game yourself, but there is a manual save feature also, so you can keep saving the game yourself if you really want to.

Final verdict. If you like turn-based combat, then this game is worth taking a look at.
1195 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 02:27
It's like Xcom and Into the Breach were mashed up into a game. It's an absolute blast and worth your time.
1571 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 04:15
Codex of Victory is an attempt to marry the strategic layer of Xcom Enemy Unknown with the tactical battles of Advance Wars. It's not the worst idea but several issues keep this game from meeting its potential. Let's first look at the strategic layer. Those who have played Enemy Unknown will eventually see how similar it is. I say eventually because a several hour long tutorial segment left me very uncertain as to what exactly the strategic layer was meant to be. Eventually, though, it opens up into thee planets (think continents in Xcom) each with different territories (think countries) that must be defended. Lose too much territory and it is game over. To defend these nations you send attack parties on your handy space carrier. Unlike Xcom, units do not gain experience and at least after 10 hours of play they don't seem to gain much in the way of special abilities either. But we'll get to the tactical layer in a moment. Back at base you build new rooms which allow you to gather more resources and components with which to craft stronger units and gear. Meanwhile the cyborg enemies will attempt to take territories which you will defend and occasionally you will go on the offensive and attempt to take territory back, although this is an absurdly hard thing to do until at least mid game after you have substantially upgraded your units and found blueprints for better ones.

Eventually you will, like Xcom, need to collect the corpses of certain psychic aliens in order to discern the location of a base and then additional missions will progress the story from there and new units, rooms, and gear will unlock. It's all fairly standard, with the one major difference being that some territories provide you with two additional resources, metal and uranium, which you need to build news units and gear or perform some research. So if you lose all of those territories and don't have the units to take them back, that is also more or less game over.

The tactical layer is where this whole thing falls apart for me. Simply put, it is too simple. As mentioned they are going for something inspired by Advance Wars with a series of units placed on a fairly small map, with the usual goal of wiping out the opponent's base. In between are towns you can capture which will give you more AP per turn. AP is used both to move/attack units and to bring out your reinforcements, so there is a bit of a push/pull as you decide whether you need to use your limited AP to attack or if you maybe want to hold back and summon more troops. This is maybe the one interesting part of the tactical layer. Beyond that, the whole thing is just too simple. Units don't have skills. There are some very basic positioning bonuses here and there but you aren't getting flanking bonuses or anything like that. There are no status effects I have seen. You don't have any commander abilities either. So really there isn't a ton you can do to influence the outcome of the battle outside of placing your units in the right position at the right time. And if that doesn't do it then you aren't strong enough to win the battle.

There are no RNGs here. You always hit with full damage unless the enemy has armor in which case you subtract that armor score from your damage score and hit for that amount. You have a healing unit and a buffing unit, and eventually psychic units become a thing. But there just aren't enough options here to make battles interesting over the long haul. Worse, for each planet there are only two or three maps for the defense and attack missions. Only the story missions get unique maps. And you will partake in dozens, if not hundreds, of these defense missions in a game. I finally stopped after defending the same map from the same selection of enemies for the fifth time in a row. It's maddeningly boring and the AI isn't especially reactive. One super easy map can be beaten on the second turn every time as you start with a town within attack range of the enemy's base. Once you have enough units you can take the base out in the second turn before the enemy even has a chance to react. This map also has this whole thing where if you go through the center you take damage from some sort of crystal, but they give you a city on all four sides so why would you ever enter the middle? Well the answer is if you lost this territory then you flip positions. That doesn't sound like any fun either though.

All told, the limited options in the tactical layer, combined with the limited number of maps and unit placements means that the core loop of Codex of Victory gets old fast. I never came close to the end and I don't know if I will. The defense components are just too boring.
394 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 20:41
Picked this one up for a few Euros and it turned out much better than expected.
A lot of upgrading, several hero tier mechs you unlock as the game progresses.
Some interesting base control.
A fun little romp with some replayability.
If you like scifi, 4X / Advance Wars like combat, mecha with some rpg elements and the feudal aspect of Battletech... then you'll enjoy this one.
Definitely recommended at a sizeable discount.
602 Produkte im Account
146 Reviews
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56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 10:04
A horrible turn-based game which I believe to be ported from a mobile app: The idea is that the game forces the player to throw as many units onto the battlefield as he can while burning through those as the player's units always have health than the AI's (and the AI inflicts more damage). Once the battle is over, you'll be forced to spend resources on rebuilding those lost units.

See the potential for earning money here from a mobile app's perspective? You can speed up time in this game to compensate for the lost resources but there's a kill-switch built in every so often so you'll have to act within a certain amount of time. I'm guessing that the mobile game allowed you to spend real money to speed things up.

The base-building is extremely simplistic, you'll mostly just be told what to put down and that's it. You can upgrade your units, slap some items onto them but you'll never really truly customize anything. Poorly copied from X-com.

I like the graphics but I loathe the gameplay and design. It sucks watching three units getting blown up in one turn because you have way too little health. Some don't even fire back, it's all about who gets to whom first. Don't have any AP left to attack? Too bad, unit gone next round. And even if one could attack, there is no guarantee you'll destroy the target because it most likely has 3 times as much health as you can inflict damage.

This game has simply been tweaked in such a way that you'll spend money on it, which really takes away from the gameplay. Once I realize that I'm being taken for a ride and see through the facade, I immediately get turned off by a game as the shortingcomings reveal themselves to me not as flaws but as little traps springed for my wallet. Fortunately for the PC user, there's no monetary exchange but the initial purchase of this game.
68 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
15 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 06:37
I can't, this game has some good ideas going on but it's like playing a mobile game
It feels, looks, and play like a mobile game and it even has time upgrades even though tou don't need to wait having to speed them up, feels out of place.
390 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
20 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 08:50
Simple and relaxing. Recommend.
Easy turn-based strategy with a bit of base building far from the battleground.
Really like the unusual graphics.
194 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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51 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.20 05:22
bad mobile pay-to-win port, uninteresting base mechanics and story
359 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 22:10
It's very unpolished. I bought it because it looked like Military Madness, but so far it features none of the terrain or positional tactics, and includes this strange building mechanic where you must build all the units you will need for battle before selecting a battle to fight in. So there's no building bases and protecting them to build more units and slowly power creep until you can overwhelm the enemy. It's just taking bases by occupying them, gaining more AP per turn which is used to deploy your pre-built units. Then hoping you don't run out of units. Your units don't gain defense while occupying a base, so any enemy can just come over and destroy you in one turn, or if you leave the base (you still gain AP from bases you leave, until an enemy occupies it) the enemy AI just instantly occupies it.

The enemy AI isn't even clever, they just outnumber you and have more health and damage. Admittedly Military madness Nectaris did this too, but you could utilise the various terrain and unit-position buffs to defeat the odds. In this game you just need to grab bases and cram as many units on to the field each turn as possible. I don't really get it, it isn't satisfying and I wouldn't recommend it.
867 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 10:13
Its decent enough graphics but repetitive gameplay which doesn't surprise me as its a mobile game that's been ported to PC, what i find even more bizarre is on mobile this game is only £4.19 and they have the cheek to charge £10.99 on PC
713 Produkte im Account
297 Reviews
484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 14:10
Fun tactics game with different layers. There is time management between planets and travel times, basebuilding and upgrading, vehicle building and resource management, and the meat of the game, the tabletop fights. There is a lot here, and it is quite likable. Visuals are nicely distinct, though they overlap sometimes, battlefields aren't too big, so 10-20 minute battles, and a well sorted (though not extraordinary) selection of strategic options.
It is a good game. It could improve in every single aspect for sure. But it is a good game.

Follow my curator at https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28337205-Fair-Minded-Witness/
126 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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595 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 22:00
Boring game, repeats itself
538 Produkte im Account
135 Reviews
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61 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.20 19:39
At the cost of sounding similar to other reviews, this game is almost there, but fails to be there for me. It's clearly a mobile port, but somehow it's not badly made to be one. It looks a lot like those MMO empire-building stuff, but has some good ideas in it. I A few things are a bit too shallow, other things are kinda ok, but it really doesn't make it to an enjoyable game. The base building is nice, battles are nice until they turn into unbalanced slaughters (of your units), probably where in the mobile unity one was supposed to have bought some IAP I guess. Enemies appear out of the blue or deployed super well, while the player needs to juggle action points to deploy and move and attack (having a sort of global AP pool).
I made it to approx one hour, then I didn't feel like playing any longer. Gets a 50/100 from me, almost there, but not there.
171 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
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614 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 05:15
60/100 ok, but no real fun

Plays like a mobile port, so the upgrading way sucks and is tedious. You earn money to dig new rooms in the underground, then build a facility like foundry or hangar.. then upgrade rooms. Additionally you have to upgrade all units and only one at a time.. lol

Drawn out game design. Otherwise you could finish the first planet in 5 hours.

After all not worth the buy!! The combat is also turn-based and very restricted. You only have a few actionpoints and 2 better tanks already eat that up. Not even to think of movement or attacking..
You can deplete hours in this game without any reward or fun. Therefore, not suggested!
57 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1142 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.19 01:10
Pretty nice strategic game, it's not a long one and after awhile the fights get a bit repetitive, but the upgrade, unit customization options and general combat mechanics are pretty nice albeit simple.
306 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
4852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.17 03:33

+Enjoyable campaign.

+Varied units.

+Units can be varied even more with modules.

+Units can be upgraded in levels which grant bonuses and abilities.

+Nice progression meaning you shouldn't feel overpowered or underpowered.

+Story keeps you on your toes.

+Ant farm base building.

+Solid tactics.

+Lovely artwork.

+Nice devs.

+Nice learning curve.


+Plenty of missions.



-Tough (some may find this a con so).

-Enemy has some units you can't match on harder difficulty without a good understanding of the game.

-Enemy can break spawn rule on story arc missions.

-Some things could be explained a little better (see below if interested).

-Game can crash. It's rare. Happened me only twice in 59 hours (dev said will be fixed in next patch. Due soon).

-A few spelling mistakes.

-Some missions can get repetitive (It's personal choice really. I didn't find it too bad but worth a mention).


Cons list is for informative reasons only, my personal opinion is that none of them really detracted from the game for me.


The rest of the review is more detailed on certain aspects of the game and my personal feelings. You don't need to read it if not interested.


I have to say I really enjoyed this game and it came out of nowhere for me. I knew nothing about it and just saw it as newly released and decided to pick it up.

I'm very glad I did.

A few people have mentioned price but for me I think it is priced fairly and is one of the main reasons I bought it without knowing anything about it.

I have more then got my monies worth out of it.

I know not everyone is into achievements but for me if I enjoy a game they are a way to keep me playing and in this case they worked a treat because I wanted to beat the game on all levels.

This lead to me having a very good understanding of the game and so I can counter some of the negatives people have mentioned. Not to undermine their opinion but instead to give my personal experience with the game.

Unbalanced. I found myself thinking this sometimes but it turns out the game is balanced, you just have to learn it. The game is hard but if you are getting owned you need to rethink your tactics or unit setups/composition.

Some things are a little unclear which can make the game harder at the start and put people off.

I posted my concerns on the forum and the dev was very quick to respond and very nice and a patch is said to be in the works.

Timers at certain points in the game may make you rush but you can use up the time to advance your base and tech just make sure you leave enough time to get to any mission you want to be able to do.

The game informs you of travel times when you hover over destinations and you can also travel to and sit on top of a crucial mission but not take it until you are at the last of the timer.

Hovering over enemy hq's while in a battle will tell you how many units it has left to send into that battle so that helps a lot and is not something that was very clear to me initially but it is there.

There is a point in the game where missions can seem repetitive but this is down to personal preference and I personally enjoyed playing every one because I enjoyed the game so much.

You don't have to do every mission either, you can decide what you are willing to concede.

One of the things that can make the game seem unfair is if you don't re-capture taken territory quickly enough the enemy will reinforce it and the mission will get harder and harder.

It goes from easy (green text and one bar on map), medium (yellow text and two bars on map) and hard (red text and three bars on map).

This was something I missed and couldn't make sense at first, why enemies where attacking areas they already owned and it made me think the game was either bugged or it didn't matter if I let the timer run out.
It turns out that they are reinforcing the area and thus the missions can get very tough if you don't try to keep things in check.

However, how much you are prepared to work and counter really is up to you. If the mission timer is crucial and a must take mission, the game will tell you in the mission text.

There are a few other things I could mention but I would be heading into spoiler territory and I won't do that.

All I can say is that for the few shortcomings the game might have in some peoples view, I really loved it and I think the devs did a fine job.

If you like a challenge try it on normal and if you don't think that is unbalanced or you are finding battles too easy then congrats, you are pretty good at strategy games and should move up to hard.
Please keep in mind that things ramp up so try not to judge too quickly.
I would recommend beating it on normal before going to hard.

If you are not a strategy buff but like turn based games and like the look of this then I would say play it on easy. It should still give you a nice challenge and once you are familiar with the way the game and timers work you will be better able to take on normal and hard. If you so choose.

If you made it this far. I thank you for your time and I hope this review helps you.

313 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
2320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.17 15:07
This is a blast - good old fashioned turnbased goodness. The base management is clearly inspired by XCOM - it's a stripped down version the 'ant colony' from that game. The tactical battles are as in Elven Legacy, cramped spaces in which you must plot your moves in chess-like fashion. I recommend playing on Hard for a nice challenge. The graphics and UI are fine - cartoonish, but serviceable. There's no voice acting and the story is very much to the point. 4.4 hours in and I've completed the first planet, having to retry a couple of missions 4-5 times. Apparently there's 30 or so missions in the campaign, so that's got to be at least 15+ hours of playtime without dipping into multiplayer. All in all, I'm having more fun with this than I've had with a game in months. Bravo!

EDIT: a week later, I've completed the game on Hard in abotu 25 hours of game time. My only disappointment is that I'm finished. Excellent game :)
Logo for Codex of Victory
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
65.27% 109 58
Release:21.07.2016 Genre: Rundenstrategie Entwickler: 1C:Ino-Co Vertrieb: 1C Company Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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