Code Vein: Blutdurst
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Über das Spiel

In diesem herausfordernden Action-Rollenspiel übernimmt der Spieler die Rolle eines Wiedergängers. Nachdem man in Vein hineingestolpert ist, wird man damit beauftragt, sich mit einem Gefährten, den man aus den verschiedenen Bewohnern Veins aussucht, in die Welt aufzumachen, um verlorene Erinnerungen zu entdecken und einen Ausweg aus dieser neuen, verrückt gewordenen Welt zu finden. Die Welt von CODE VEIN ist gefährlich und voll von bösartigen Gegnern sowie monströsen Bossen, die dem Kampfgeschick des Spielers alles abverlangen. Glücklicherweise können in der Welt eine Vielzahl von Nah- und Fernkampfwaffen erworben werden, die gegen kleine und große Feinde getestet und gemeistert werden können.
Wiedergänger haben außerdem Zugang zu Blutschleiern – Apparaturen, die den Gegnern der Wiedergänger ihr Blut entziehen kann, um sie selbst zu stärken. Mit Hilfe dieser verbesserten Fähigkeiten, die als Gaben bekannt sind, kann der Spieler seine Gestalt verändern, um seine Stärke zu erhöhen, Gegner zu schwächen oder neue Waffenformen mit überwältigend starken Angriffen heraufzubeschwören. Durch die Ausnutzung des Waffenarsenals im Zusammenspiel mit den Gaben jedes Charakters kann sich der Spieler an eine Reihe von Kampfsituationen anpassen, und die Strategie entwickeln, die zu seinem Spielstil passt.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-2300
- GFX: GeForce GTX 760 or Radeon HD 7850
- Software: Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 10 (64-bit)
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-7400 or AMD Ryzen 3 2200G
- GFX: GeForce GTX 960 or Radeon R9 380X
- Software: Windows 7 SP1 or Windows 10 (64-bit)
- HD: 35 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible soundcard or onboard chipset
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1766 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 21:02
Spoiler-freie Review des Anime-Souls aus Sicht eines Soulslike-Noobs
Über die Story will und kann ich nicht viel sagen, da ich nach der Hälfte des Spiels die Zwischensequenzen einfach übersprungen habe. Die Story-Schnipsel, die man durch das Finden und Verbinden von Items freischaltest, waren auch zu uninteressant, als dass ich wirklich lesen wollen würde, was dort passiert.
Aber das, wo das Spiel glänzt, ist der Combat. Als Mensch, der für Dark Souls zu schlecht bzw. zu ungeduldig ist, ist Code Vein für mich gerade richtig. Ein Partner, der dir die ganze Zeit hilft, dich heilen kann, mit starken Angriffen attackiert und allgemein sehr viele Kämpfe erleichtert hat. In der Overworld labern sie zwar die ganze Zeit irgendwelchen Unsinn, aber in den Kämpfen waren sie für mich Gold wert. Und das Spiel war für mich, als absoluter Souls-Noob schaffbar. Die Bosse mit 1–7 Versuchen gelegt und die Random Mobs waren auch schnell kein Problem mehr. Nur der letzte Boss hat mir alles abverlangt und war kurz davor, aufzugeben.
Aber das ist nicht die Schuld des Spiels, sondern vielmehr die, meiner Ungeduld bzw. meiner Skilllosigkeit.
Das Kampfsystem macht Spaß, geht gut von der Hand und (fast) immer weiß man, dass man selbst derjenige ist, der den Kampf jetzt versemmelt hat.
Für Souls-Veteranen ist dieses Spiel sicher nichts, weil es zu einfach ist. Aber für diejenigen, die bei Dark Souls überfordert sind, kann dieses Spiel wirklich ein toller Einstieg sein.
1749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.21 16:22
Ein wirklich klasse Spiel. Wer Spiele wie DS und Bloodbourne liebt und eine Anime-Geschichte in Richtung FF mag (nicht vom Umfang, der Wendungen oder der Bombastik her, eher vom Stil), muss Code Vein spielen.
Ich mag das Leveldesign, die Charakteren, die Idee mit den Erinnerungen, die extrem vielen Blutcodes bzw Talente, die wirklich jeden Spielstil zulassen. Die nicht Ausufernden Materialien für Verbesserungen, den Koop-Modus etc.
Code Vein hat das geschafft was viele Blockbuster Titel merkwürdigerweise nicht schaffen. Ich habe den positiven Drang und Willen, dass Spiel zu beenden.
5952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 21:49
Nicht Empfohlen
1314 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.21 11:27
Selbst das melancholische Setting konnte mich nicht überzeugen, da weder die Story noch die Charaktere es schaffen eine emotionale Beziehung zum Spieler aufzubauen. (Das könnte mitunter auch daran liegen, dass die weiblichen Charaktere unnötig so übersexualisiert werden, dass man sie nicht mehr ernst nehmen kann.) Das bekommen andere Spiele wie zum Beispiel Nier:Replicant bedeutend besser hin.
Wer das Spiel mal für 10€ im Angebot findet, kann es mal ausprobieren. Aber ansonsten holt euch lieber ein FromSoftware-Spiel oder eins der Nioh-Spiele.
118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 19:13
Hatte es bereits auf der PS4 durchgespielt und mir einfach nochmal für Steam geholt. (daher die wenige Spielzeit)
Erstmal zur Charaktererstellung: Damn, man kann so viel damit machen. Entweder man erstellt seinen eigenen Traumcharakter oder man baut einen Charakter aus einem anderen Franchise nach. Code Vein besitzt genug Möglichkeiten dafür.
Gameplay ist sehr angenehm und auch die verschiedenen Talente, die man nach und nach erlernen kann, bieten viel Abwechslung. Grafik ist natürlich tip top. Ich liebe diesen Anime-Gaming-Stil.
Auch die Story gefällt mir sehr. Hier ist der Fokus sehr stark auf die verschiedenen Charaktere gelegt, was ich persönlich toll finde. Auch der Verlauf der Story ist super und spannend.
Alles in allem ist es ein super gelungenes Spiel. Es hat mir sehr viel Spaß bereitet, die Bosse sind cool gemacht und da man mit den Charakteren gemeinsam durch die verschiedenen Missionsgebiete sich durchkämpfen kann, werden auch Anfänger dieses Franchises keine großen Probleme haben voran zu kommen.
Nicht Empfohlen
7686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 09:02
Es läuft auch wie von Bandei gewöhnt herausragend Stabil bei 111 Spielstunden ist es nur einmal bei einem Ladefehler abgestürzt.
Bisher sind mir auch keine nennenswerten Bugs aufgefallen.
Auch sie Storry ist für die kürze recht Interessant und gut gestaltet.
Das Problem ist das Gameplay und Kampfsystem an sich.
Die Ausbalancierung zwischen Verteidigung Angriff Schaden Geschwindigkeit und Heilung ist unerwartet schlecht ich würde es sogar als lieblos bezeichnen.
Zum Beispiel:
- Die Ziel Fixierung wählt immer den Gegner aus der am weitesten weg ist und nicht der direkt vor einem Steht
- Block und Konter sind bei dem Schaden, welchen die Gegner Verursachen, komplett unnütz im Gegenteil es wird eher zur Gefahr wenn man es benutzt.
- Die eigenen Aktionen und Angriff -Skills einschließlich Heilung werden bei den kleinsten Berührungen abgebrochen im Gegensatz dazu führen einige Gegner (normale Gegner) regelrechte Tänze auf ohne diese Abzubrechen egal wie viel Schaden sie während dessen erleiden.
- Mir ist aufgefallen, dass es effizienter ist sich von Gegner töten zu lassen um danach von einem Mitstreiter wiederbelebt zu werden als Heilung zu benutzen. Während der Heilung kann man sich in Schnitt 4 Sekunden gar nicht oder nur eingeschränkt bewegen was bei der Kampf-Geschwindigkeit Selbstmord gleich kommt besonders da Heilung bei der kleinsten Berührung abgebrochen wird.
- Die eigenen Aktionen lassen sich aber durch eine selbst nicht abbrechen (durch Block oder Ausweichen Kommando) was einen in der Reaktion sehr einschränkt.
Das Mehrspieler-Koop-System ist in der Theorie interessant und einfach zu bedienen
In der Praxis aber nicht vorhanden.
Das spiel ist vom Optischen Eindruck und Feeling sehr gut
aber dies kann das lieblose Kampfsystem nicht überdecken
so dass ich dieses Spiel so gern ich es würde nicht weiterempfehlen kann.
1299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 14:45
Tolle Grafik , Abwechslungsreiche Gebiete , Viele verschiedene Klassen , Tolle Story
Anspruchsvolle Kämpfe .
und das mit Abstand beste an dem spiel ist der Koop Modus , man kann einfach alles zusammen machen
ob zum Alleine spielen oder zu zweit empfehlenswert :)
1707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 09:30
Vor allem für Einsteiger lohnt sich mit Code Vein der Einstieg ins Genre, da der Schwierigkeitsgrad niedrig ist. Es gibt nahezu keine Frustmomente, was einen durchgängigen Spielfluss gewährleistet. Somit kommen auch Storyfreunde hier auf ihre Kosten.
3162 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 15:13
Code Veins spiel Mechanik schwer zu lernen, einfach zu Meistern... erfordert etwas Einarbeitung und Köpfchen oder ein gutes Let's Play von jemanden der Ahnung hat... Die Klassen (Blood Codes) haben Fähigkeiten die freigeschaltet und verinnerlicht werden können, sind die Fähigkeiten nach Besuch der Aussenwelt verinnerlicht, können diese mit jeder Klasse gespielt werden, solange die Waffe dazu abgestimmt ist... Was sehr viele Kombinationen innerhalb der 12 Slots die der Charakter hat ermöglicht... und sehr viel ausprobieren mit sich bringt, was zum Spielspaß gehört...
Die Story ist für mich als 50+ mit ADHS, erwies sich als gut verdaulich im Gegensatz zu God Eater 3, der Fan Service stimmt, auf Nexus Mods gibt es sogar Nackt Mods für die holden Weiblichkeiten... (wer's eben braucht)
Grafisch ist es Ok und auf Augenhöhe mit dem letzten God Eater... Die Stimmen sind angenehm... Die Musik nichts besonderes... Die Steuerung mit einem XBOX ONE Controller ist ok....
Es gibt drei Enden... CV unterstützt New Game+ damit alle Enden erreicht werden können...
Die Kamera spinnt im Kampf an Wänden oder engen Räumen herum... Was Orientierungslos machen kann... und zum Tode führt.. da viele Gegner den Avatar mit einer einzigen Attacke umnieten können....
Und die AI Kollegen die mit ins Feld geführt werden sind zwar Kompetent und Heilen, Buffen und killen viele Gegner aus eigener Kraft.... hören aber nicht auf zu reden, was nach kurzer Zeit nerven kann....
8/10 Deluxe Edition ist für meinen Geschmack etwas überteuert, hab's für 26€ Digital gekauft... und dass ist für mich OK...
6998 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 14:39
Ich finde es sogar besser als DS in der Hinsicht, dass man jederzeit seinen Build komplett ändern kann, indem man sein Bloodcode austauscht. Talentbäume und Waffenskills sind sehr vielfältig. In DS3 konnte man nur begrenzt alle Skill-Punkte zurücksetzen und auch dafür musste man zu einem bestimmten Ort reisen.
Die Musik ist episch.
Macht auf jeden Fall großen Spaß und hat Wiederspielwert(Ng+)
Klare Kaufempfehlung!
1347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 09:05
3300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.20 17:26
16228 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 19:30
Wundervoll und episch.
Die Charakterbildung überzeugt mit vielen Details, die ich später auch noch anpassen kann. Note 1
Nach einigen Spielstunden kann ich sagen, es gefällt mir sehr.
Tolle Storyline.
Die Grafik überzeugt mich sehr.
Die Kämpfe sind anspruchsvoll, schnell und flüssig mit guten Effekten.
Es gibt bis jetzt keinen Bug.
Das Rufsystem ist um Längen besser als bei Dark Souls.
Einziger Minuspunkt: ich kann nur mit einem Freund spielen.
Das finde ich sehr schade.
Würde ich jederzeit wieder kaufen!
4023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 17:11
Code Vein
TokyoGhoul-artige Krallen, vielfältige Skills und Charaktere im Animestyle ergeben Code Vein. <3
Man wird durch eine Stimme angeleitet sich an seinen Namen und Aussehen zu erinnern. Danach erwachen wir in den Armen einer Unbekannten in einer zerstörten Welt. Um bei Besinnung zu bleiben ist man auf Blutperlen angewiesen, doch diese zu finden wird schwierig. Denn auf unserem Abenteuer begegnen wir zahlreichen Monstern, aber auch anderen Wiedergängern, welche alle das selbige Ziel verfolgen. Trinken und Überleben. Es steht uns frei einen Verbündeten zu erwählen, der uns beim Erkunden begleitet. Die Gruppe ist zunächst klein, wächst aber mit fortlaufender Story heran. Nach und nach erfährt man die Geschehnisse, die zu der zerrütteten Welt um einen herumgeführt haben und welche Rolle man selbst und die Mitmenschen darin spielen.
Das Kampfsystem ist dynamisch und macht wahnsinnig Spaß.
Mit jedem neuen Blutcode erhält man mehr Auswahl an Skills und Talente, welche dann mit verschiedenen Waffen und Blutschleier kombiniert werden können. Wie geil ist das bitte? Selten so eine riesige gute Auswahl an Möglichkeiten für einen Charakter gehabt.
Es wird mit jedem Spieldurchlauf schwieriger und [spoiler]durch die drei verschiedenen Enden ist[/spoiler] der Anreiz für ein Wiederspielwert gegeben.
Code Vein hat für mich alles was ein gutes Game braucht. Anime Charaktere, düstere Grafik, passende Story und Vielfalt im Kampfsystem. :)
Spielzeit (erster Durchlauf) ca. 40h
3559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 13:57
Kann ich wirklich jedem empfehlen der bock auf ein spannendes und ein herausforderndes Spiel hat
Nicht Empfohlen
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 13:37
High difficulty is fine, but artificial difficulty because of poorly implemented basic functions is hot garbage.
5845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 16:06
A nice souslike where 90% of budget got into physics for titty, jokes aside, ost in this game its good, and you can make use of different sets of abilities to have a variety of ways to play, BUT, i didnt feel joy trying to play it a second time, so i think its a really good only run experience and isnt worth doin' 100%.
- Good char creator, a lot of features to create a really unique char
- Story
- I think its cool how you have a cutscene for every parry and backstab you do
- building and learning the story of the NPCS
- Have some nice boss designs
- You have the option to refight some boss fights if you want(with other builds i think you get the most profit of this feature)
- You fight basically the same mobs the whole game, a really bad design for normal enemies
- The dlc are kinda reskins with good weapons....sadly
Note : 7/10
630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 18:10
Stuck in character editor :3
p.s. The temple of the holy blood just pissed me off, I hope the lvl designer will have an apartment with the same layout, even Anor Londo in the first dse is faster and clearer
1789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 20:27
1315 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 23:37
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☑ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 23:03
It's good if you want more of the dark souls-y gameplay and you like anime aesthetics / characters / stories. Otherwise I'd probably avoid as it doesn't offer anything unique beyond that.
2908 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 10:19
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 12:52
4245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.11.21 02:29
966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 01:13
If you're looking for a soulslike to scratch the itch, this is certainly an experience. There are lots of interesting things here, not limited to characters with giant anime tits. There are a ton of memories (classes) that you'll acquire through your playthrough. These lend themselves to cool build variety, all of which are viable ways to play. Once you master a classes' gifts (skills), you can mix and match them onto other classes to create some seriously overpowered and fun combinations. To provide an example: upon activating a particular skill, it will allow you to regenerate any damage taken overtime. Another skill lets you convert a chunk of your life into ichor (mana), effectively giving you infinite mana to use other skills. Pretty cool.
While we're on the topic of ichor (mana), this is something that the game did particularly well. Hitting enemies recovers ichor, allowing you to use your skills more. Parrying and riposting enemies increases your total ichor until you touch a mistle (bonfire). This is a great alternative to something like a traditional mana bar or ashen estus flasks.
The areas are extremely hit or miss with the Anor Londo ripoff near the middle of the game being the worst offender of the bunch. Bosses are serviceable. Some are great fights that will stick with me for some time and some are just damage sponges that you get to wack repeatedly until they die. The enemy design is okay. There's nothing too offensive here. Many are copy-pasted with different skins, but they all suit the environments that you'll find them in.
The map system was a good idea but verticality could've been handled better within the map screen to better show the areas' height differences. The cathedral desperately needed something like this.
Overall, I recommend it. There's too many cutscenes and the anime cliches are through the roof. The gameplay is good enough and the systems it presents are different, interesting and varied.
1826 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 19:30
I know I'm being harsh, but It's quite enjoyable for one full playthrough. I'm just being forward about its problems so anyone who reads this knows what to expect. I can't see myself picking it up again for quite some time.
Get it on a sale if you're a souls fan, I'd skip it if you're not. Not everyones cup of tea. Also, avoid the DLCs, they're trash.
1711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 18:35
5411 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 16:44
A ton of selections for creating your very own waifu
A ton of fun after you get used to the controls
A ton of classes and abilities to play with
A ton of replay-ability and post story content
A ton of boob-age
Minor technical design flaws
A bit overwhelming from the start
Not mean't for coop but its just there
The type of game where you'd have to look at the wiki in order to not stress yourself with a few maps and bosses
6190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 06:49
Overall the game presents you blood codes with skills that you can inherit and use in other bloodcodes to mix and match skills in your build as long as you meet their requirements. Leveling is simplified so you don't manage stats like in darksouls since stats depend of your bloodcode.
One of the thigs that make the game more welcoming to new soulslike players is the fact that you can have an IA partner to fight alongside you. He can revive you (with a cooldown) and buff you besides being another target for the enemies. However, you can discharge him if you want. The game also has its own challenge but I still consider it a bit easier than other soulslike games.
Storywise the game was pretty good actually. I would have loved a few more things to be clarified but its good enough for what you get. DLCs are more of a tryhard thing since they feature bosses with challenges to get rewards and stuff, weapons and cosmetics are more of a recolor than anything and the dungeons are not that big. HOWEVER, DLCs provide a few more bloodcodes to mess around with. I would recommend getting them on sale since you get more bloodcodes and skills to play with.
Overall, a great souslike game that identifies its own style. You have liberty to mix and match skills and weapons. Character customization is quite detailed in some aspects. Friendlier to new players of the genre but still challenging. Buy it on sale and get the DLCs if you want more skills and an extra challenge to aim to after beating the game.
2909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 17:55
1683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 17:33
While the music and atmosphere is great, gameplay-wise it is a bit clunky and definitely falls short against its counterparts. However, it is not unplayable by any means.
The Good:
+Boss and enemy designs are great,
+Character Creation is phenomenal,
+Unique skill system unlocked by gaining allies and finding memory shards,
+Beautiful graphics and atmosphere (especially Sacred Blood Catherdal a.k.a Vampire Anor Londo)
The Neutral:
*Story is not bad and some moments are badass ([spoiler](Jack vs The Gang)[/spoiler]) but its not great either.
The Bad:
-Some bosses have cheap insta-kill attacks and are just unfair,
-Companions except Yakumo die instantly to endgame bosses and are useless after mid-game,
-Underground, dungeon-like areas are boring
Do not buy them.
The game offers great fun for both Anime and Souls fans alike, While some parts are repetitive and boring, there are enough moments that will make up for that. I would recommend getting it on a sale since it drops pretty low.
Nicht Empfohlen
2972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 21:28
The Good
Anime waifus. Character customization is easy and hilariously intricate.
Character and gear art design is coherent and stylish.
The class system is fun to progress through, and the abilities are varied. Weapon and gear variety is ok, but all the weapons start to feel the same 3 options: heavy weapon, spear, sword , and gun™ which is just a magic wand shaped like a rifle.
Finishing moves are cool (the first time you see them). Thankfully you can turn off the cinematic camera setting when it gets annoying.
The Bad
Movement has no weight to it. My character feels like an ice skater sliding around. The movement makes it so easy to walk behind enemies and start the back-stab animation. While locked in animation, you are immune to incoming attacks and damage. It is about as satisfying as stealth archer in an elder scrolls game.
The difficulty is all over the place. The AI partner trivializes most of the game. Playing without the AI is more fun, but the encounters are scaled to two people.
Boss fights feel like a completely different game and are very tedious. Their attack patterns, game mechanics, and even aesthetic in some cases, don't mesh with the other enemies in the world. Fighting them solo is a nightmare. Even in Co-op, every boss is the same loop of: wait for opening, hit boss a few times, don't get hit by boss followup. Repeat this for about 10 minutes, or until you die.
Play style variety dries up quickly. Blocking doesn't really work, even with all the gear and skills possible to compliment it. That leaves you with dodge rolling constantly, parrying (really fun but risky and gets me killed constantly), and simply strafing into constant back stabs.
The story didn't engage me enough. It uses little cut scene hallways; Your character has to RP walk through a haunted house style diorama while voice over explains something. There is no player engagement, so making me walk through the hallway feels like a chore.
The Verdict
Game is more tedious than fun. I played with a buddy who really likes the game. After 30 hours, I was ready to stop, but kept going because he liked it. I kept changing my play style, experimenting with gear and abilities to try and find the fun. I pushed through the boring story to see if it got better. After another 20 hours, I ended up back where I was: I don't recommend this game.
2892 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.21 20:22
Genre: JRPG
+ A robust set of options and clean interface to customization your character. I was very surprised just how good the character creator was given the type of game. This game has a better character creator than most other RPG’s that need one.
+ A variety of weapons, armor, classes and skills to fit any character build. Even better, you can mix & match anything you want so long as you meet the stat requirements. This is a flexible system because you are never locked into any one build. You could play a melee build, realize its not for you and switch over to a caster or range build. Choices are endless and with over 150 skills there is plenty of room for experimentation.
+ Like any other ‘souls’ game combat plays out very similarly, you have light and heavy attacks, blocking and parrying and most skills feel satisfying to use. Almost any character build is viable.
+ The story is decent, finding items allows you to revisit people’s memories which in turn unlocks new skills for you to use. It would be hard not to mention that given the post apocalyptic setting, the women wearing skimpy clothing and absurdly large breasts feels very out of place.
+ The mixed environments with solid level design you always feel rewarded for exploring the map, whether its new items, weapons or unlocking a new shortcut. One particular map, Cathedral of the Sacred Blood is a sprawling level filled with walkways and spiral staircases that often feel confusing to navigate but also very rewarding when you unlock new shortcuts and make real progress. I particularly like how the mini map is blacked out until you find a checkpoint which then fills in a particular aspect of the map. It’s a great technique so that you don’t overly rely on the mini map to navigate the environment but also gives you a good incentive to explore and reach the next checkpoint.
+ You have a choice of an AI partner who will aid you in combat. The game is designed around 2 people but those looking for a challenge can also play solo. Your partner is incredibly competent, they will use skills, dodge, revive you when needed, attack the enemy. Not once did I ever feel frustrated by their presence.
+/- Side quests have people telling you to collect an item or kill a monster which results in average item rewards at best.
+/- Certain in-game gameplay mechanics could be explained better.
This is a solid, more accessible ‘souls’ type game. Its easier than your typical ‘souls’ game but that doesn’t mean it’s a walk in the park either. This game finds the right balance between fun and challenging. Highly recommended for any fans of the genre.
1969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.21 08:50
All and all a fun experience, although alot of the areas felt simple and short, short enough to be ran through in under two minutes once you navigate the maze design.
The Gameplay: Plays alot like a easier dark souls one but instead of magic you have equitable skills that range from melee move sets to magic and buffs; Of which are modified by a in game class system that changes your stats. The game can feel rather easy at times due to the AI Partner system that can often hold its own against anything short of a boss, however I wouldn't go into the game expecting an actual Dark Souls Experience as alot of the bosses never felt very challenging and in the late game had little to no trouble with them due to their often forgiving moveset.
The Story: You play as a Generic Anime Mcguffin hero with Amnesia after the events of a world ending event with the ability to relive the memories of others through their blood. My main problem is that throughout the story I often felt like the player character was playing more of a assistant role to the side characters and that the story had no idea where it was going up until the ending. Code Veins story probably would have done better as an anime as such, but was still incredibly interesting for the parts actually related to the player character.
i'd give the game a 7/10.
Its fun enough as a game, a tad short and the story could have been an 8 or 9 easy, but its good for what it is.
Nicht Empfohlen
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.21 21:31
TL;DR: If you are buying this co-op DO NOT BUY
1498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 15:16
Weeby soullike
As I mentioned, it's kinda like a dark souls story happened in anime world, similar to isekai,XD.I must say that Bandai did a cracking job making this bizare but fantastic game.Compared to Dark souls franchise, this game has many interesting features.
First, it's anime.For the character creation. we get boobs, booty, even cat ears!That's fabulous.You could also modify ur appearance in game!TBH, I could spend a whole day creating my own ultimate badass neko girl.
Then, we get our fantastic soullike gameplay experience.Just like what we will bump into in Dark Souls, there are countless fierce enemies while we are weak as heck.At the beginning, even the skinniest foe could kill us within two rounds!About the boss fight, those badasses are powerful, just like those chunky dudes in DS who always force you to keep dodging all the time in a small arena, intense and challenging.
What's more, the story is interesting.You being a poor guy, who needs to save the collapsing world, defeating those gruesome monsters and then inheriting the queen's willing and something, just like the old Dark souls stories.
Last but not least, there are a lot of interactions between you and ur teammates.You can chat with them and even give them gifts.In return, they would tell you their stories or give your something valuable, like unique weapon and new gears, which is quite interesting.Who don't want to flirt with cute ladies?
inferior modeling and vain dialogue
Although you can make ur own fabulous character, there are many flaws while playing the game.My hair is clipping through my chest all the time when I am running, and sometimes when I have a conversation with NPCs, I could see my weapon poking into my face, which is disastrous.Similar situations happens frequently, sometimes are also coupled with frame dropping.
Also, when you are teaming up with NPCs, you can hear them murmuring all the time.I mean, we definitely don't want our fellows to be dumb and mute, some adlibs and short monologue are pretty helpful.But, if they talk about something all the time, that would be a completely different case.There's an NPC called Yakumo, who is a handsome muscly dude with a greatsword.I found him really into friendship.He talks about it all the time, like every time i summon him out, he would go like blah blah blah friendship this friendship that.Yes, friendship is important, but can we have another topic from time to time?The diversity of conversation is also very significant!
Last but not least, this is quite a good game, shout out to friends who recommended this to me.If you are a big fan to soul like games and wanna have a special experience in the anime world, this is a great game for ya!XD
1512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 09:38
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1552 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 23:13
To be fair it doesn't deserve a big fat thumbs down, what steam needs is a thumb in the middle. cause that wold perfectly describe CODE VEIN as well. Mediocre.
But why?
To be honest CODE VEIN starts off pretty well, The combat is decent and the worldbuilding seems interesting, but after a few area's the game quickly starts losing that charm. The main reason this happens is the lack of variety. A lot of the levels give off the same vibe and don't look that diffrent from eachother. it's mostly just a destroyed city again but this time it's on fire or it's covered in sand. and it's like that for basically the whole game with a few exceptions. For example each time i travelled to a new area in a dark souls game i was looking forward to how it would look and feel. after the first 3 area's i just couldn't get that feeling for this game. now area's aren't the only variety problem in the game. Enemy variety is also very weak. most of the enemies get recycled every few area's and that coupled with the samey area's just makes for an unnapealing boring world to be in. The game also just misses that bit of polish you want in a game like this. some bosses have some bullshit instakill moves with zero to none foreshadowing wich can make some fight very frustrating in the wrong way. Honestly the game isn't complete trash it's just not amazing either. It can provide a decent amount of fun if you can overlook some of the bs happening in the game but don't expect polish or level design on the level of dark souls games
- Fun combat
- Great character creation
- Online works better then most souls games
- No enemy variety
- Level variety is weak at best
- Feels very unpolished in some area's
If you can get it on sale and you like soulslikes sure give it a try.
At full price you's be better off spending your money elsewhere.
3979 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 02:02
First the caveat, you're going to want an SSD, performance wise the game runs like greased lightning on even older GPUs and CPUs, but that comes at the cost of minutes long load times on HDDs with loading going both in and out of cut scenes, this will quickly become an annoyance.
Second, the warning, the game has a good, ostensibly cannon ending that only completionists will discover on their first go. [spoiler] Gather all of the shards before fighting the boss, then after the boss but before leaving their memories, USE their statue, you have to remember to do this for EVERY BOSS, you ALSO have to collect ALL Eos shards, and do their cut scenes with Io before the final boss.[/spoiler]
3719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 12:58
Story and Characters:
Code Vein has a pretty decent amount of ways for you to design the protagonist, and an array of supporting cast characters that all look unique and different, but that's where all the praise for this section goes. I do not feel that this game's characters or story are worth writing about. Even for a Japanese anime game, Code Vein has a convoluted story-line with main characters that all just so happen to be involved with the main plot. The story really just exists to somehow link each area with each other, and the story really just couldn't keep my attention.
Exploration and Level Design:
I think Code Vein's gameplay save it from its story, but it still has flaws. Exploration is important to any sort of game mimicking Dark Souls, and I think it's done pretty well here. Each area has a decent amount of paths, littered with upgrades, items, map fillers, or simply the way forward. I was engaged battling my way through Code Vein, as it took me from ruined cities to claustrophobic corridors. The one gripe I do have with the Code Vein is its over reliance on verticality - you'll learn to look down at dead ends eventually, but until you realize you must, you'll end up backtracking paths to find a path towards your goal, if you're anything like me.
Combat and Classes:
Instead of a stat allocation system as seen in Dark Souls, you simply invest your currency into your level, and your stats are determined by your equipment and, more importantly, the blood code, or 'class', you equip. Every class allocates stats slightly differently, and comes with a few different active and passive skills per class. The combat itself is nothing to write home about - typical stamina based dodging and attacking, but the weaving in of class building and skill sets make it a little bit more interesting.
While Code Vein doesn't compare favorably to Dark Souls, it still comes off as a very enjoyable, but flawed, take on the genre.
4842 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 04:24
I can't really comment on anime dark souls, mainly because I haven't finished a dark souls game. It's got the same vibe though, with 20 different enemies jumping at you and you dying a non-zero amount of times. The combat has a large variety to it, with loads of different weapons and build options but comes across feeling kinda flat**, and whilst the blood codes are a cool idea, I found myself only really sticking to a few as the game progressed. This game really shines when it comes to the story though, it's very cheesy, but it kinda loops around to become unironically good. Think of a classic cliche anime type story, it's engaging in an endearing way; with lovable characters and classic villains. Everything is very 'turn your brain off and enjoy what's happening', which is probably why I enjoyed it so much as someone very new to the genre at the time.
The companion system is weird too, basically you have a partner that joins you and helps you out during the story. Keeping it on makes the game easy and turning it off makes it really hard, there's no real inbetween, so I guess it comes down to what you prefer; It's nice you're given the option though.
To summarise, if you're not the most hardcore souls gamer and just looking for a challenging weeb game with a good story, this is a really good game for you. If you're the most hardcore souls gamer and want a game that challenges you with a variety of weapon options and blood code combos, this can be the game for you, if you make sure to turn off your companion and don't walk in expecting a deep lore with a nuanced story that will get you watching explanation lore videos for hours.
**When I say flat, it's not bad, but it doesn't feel that satisfying to fight enemies. Maybe I've just been spoilt with Sekiro, but I thought i'd add it anyway.
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 16:16
I just started the game but I love the combat because it resembles dark souls in a way. The art style along with music and cut scenes are beautiful they make you feel immersed in this experience with in this cruel world. The voice acting and the character customization are also really well done.
I spent my first 80 minutes of the game making a character, I'm still at the start of the game but this has impressed me beyond my expectations. I will update this review after I've done all the mission and played the DLC's.
Get this game if you are a fan of dark souls / anime rpg's.
*TLDR: Anime darksouls that I can recommend*
2918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 06:10
++ Positives ++
• Character customization is pretty solid. I would've liked a bit more variety in base outfits, but thankfully the game is pretty easy to mod, which helps. There is a lot of accessory variety and fine-grain customization for those as well as fairly solid general appearance options.
• There is a lot of support for a wide variety of playstyles, and a lot of mechanical character customization is also available, including a wide variety of weapons.
• I personally enjoyed both the main story and the setting, finding both interesting.
• While there will likely be mixed feelings about the companion system, I personally enjoyed it. The companions that can join you also have a nice variety of mechanical styles and personalities.
-- Negatives --
• The stats are extremely confusing. I highly recommend looking up a guide so that you can understand them. (Why everything uses a letter grading system is beyond me, and leads to unnecessary confusion.)
• Almost every boss has a near instant activation, high damage charging attack. This gets very tiresome.
• The level design in the game is overall fairly weak. There are too many mazes, composed of narrow, twisting corridors and cliff edges. So, while the visuals are distinct and vary a good bit, too many fights end up taking place in tight hallways.
Final thoughts:
I didn't try out the multiplayer, since I'm not interested in that, so I have no thoughts on it. I do like the Depths idea, but I also feel it could've been a bit more variant. I'd absolutely love to see another, similar game from this studio, hopefully with better level design. (To be clear, I overall didn't hate the level design, but it is a weaker part of the game.)
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616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 19:11
This alone would make for a good or even great game if the narrative didn't try to shove itself down your throat every 5 seconds. EVERY action involves a cutscene of several minutes, with characters explaining in ridiculous painstaking detail every facet of a story thatI couldn't care less about.
For fun, after one boss, I actually timed how long it would take me to get back into game play and it was over 20 minutes of cutscenes with trite, cliche, anime high school drama before I got back into playing the damn game.
I could get picky about the repetitive enemies, boring environments, and cheap boss moves, but the grating forcefulness of the cringe worthy plot makes it unplayable. PLUS you have to watch even more scenes if you want the TRUE ending
TLDR: Combat is OK, play only if you can stand the insufferable characters, or if you earnestly enjoy an anime dressup simulator hacked onto a combat based visual novel
1330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.20 08:54
Dark souls Anime *o*
4405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 21:19
- incredible character customization. I have never played a game with so many customizable physical characteristics, clothing and accessories. and the option to save multiple core physical traits and multiple clothing/accessory loadouts, separately. But it doesn't stop there. Nexus mods has great clothing and character mods. If you like character customizatoin, making every detail exactly how you want it, especially making super hot bombshell female characters, that other games think aren't appropriate, you've found the mother ship for this.
-Next, graphics. WoW! incredible art design coupled with incredible graphical quality. I'm not an anime fan, but other than some of the NPCs looking fairly anime, your own character doesn't have to (your choice) and the monsters and the world certainly DOES NOT!! This game is so visually appealing. Recommend a couple Nexus mods to enhance shaders and there is another one that amplifies graphics with max Draw Distance, sharper, higher resolution, more shadows, max quality textures and boosted TAA, plus more.
-Fighting is super fun, especially if you experiment with all the different builds and abilities. This game has a complex attribute system with many possible build/gear combinations. It also has the ability to upgrade and change stats on weapons and gear, which allows you to dial in builds, if you want to geek out.
-It's challenging at times, but not over the top like Dark Souls are Sekiro. Save points come often enough that if you die, it's not the end of the world, but enough of an inconvenience to try super hard not too! Also you can go grab your dropped cash upon death so you don't lose anything.
-The story is actually really good! I'm enjoying the story and feeling some emotional connection to some of the main characters. However, one downside is that your own character doesn't talk, just nods , shakes head, etc. which results is zero emotional connection to my own character. It's strange because there are so many conversational and other amazing cutscenes, like HUNDREDS, and if only my character spoke, it might have made it to one of my favorite games ever! The other positives of this game allow me to overlook this.
There are many more positives to this game, but if you're feeling what I wrote above, this game is for you.
3375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 17:21
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.20 13:53
2151 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 22:29
9264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 20:54
This is personally one of my favorite games of all time. A masterpiece that perfectly sings to the Action RPG Adventure, Science Fantasy nerd in me.
Final score 9/10
3983 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 19:27
3492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 19:48
The game is incredibly fun, allowing for a lot of customization ranging from the appearance of the playable character to the playstyle that you run. (Seriously I spent like an hour in the character customization) It is basically an Anime Souls-like game, with punishing combat if not careful, though not to the extent to other souls-like games. If you are attracted to either anime-esque aesthetics and story, or the souls-like combat but with a small twist, then this is something to look into.
Despite being a souls-like game in terms of combat, Code Vein does do a few things differently that sets it apart from some other titles:
- Blood Codes and Gifts (Basically classes and skills)
- An explicitly told story
- Companions
The game has a feature called Blood Codes, which are basically classes that favor a particular style of play, ranging to being a tanky two-hander weilder, a long range magic user, or a fragile caffine addicted sword user. Blood codes provide the player with an assortment of passive and active skills that can be used while using that blood code. If there is a particular way you want to play, you will most likely find a blood code for that style.
And if not, you can make it. The passive/active skills, or gifts as they are called in the game, can be mastered by using them in battle, and once mastered can be used with ANY blood code, with only a few exceptions. There are plenty of builds that people have developed that take these into account, and you can always be creative with how you want to build yours. This encourages players to both explore different options and playstyles and also to build a playstyle that fits for them.
Another thing that Code Vein does is actually tell a story. The souls-games and some others in the genre tend to focus on environmental story telling, where you will find the story of what has happened/happening through the items, people, and places that you will see. Code Vein however will be far more explicit, and tends to be more like one would expect from an anime, fitting its aesthetics.
The story itself is not too complex, and while not the best, is enjoyable. Especially as it has multiple endings depending on what you have done, further encouraging multiple playthroughs.
Lastly, the game also features companions that accompany you throughout the story. This can be a mixed bag depending on how you feel about the difficulty. Having an AI companion certainly makes things easier, as they can help take the heat off you in a fight (especially group fights), but sometimes that can lead them to being overwhelmed as well and dying in 2 seconds. It can also make the game almost game-breakingly easy if you are used to other souls-like games that have you lone-wolf it in their entirety. You do have the option however to leave all your companions to the side and go it alone, if you do wish for that, so its nice the game has the options for you.
The AI companions are not that bad, and the game does a good job in helping you get to know them a bit and understand them a bit more through events that can take place in the game. If you prefer to enjoy the company of some of these NPC's, the option is definitely open for that as well. (And certainly not just because some of them are......gifted)
There is also an online component where you can have another person join your game, if that tickles your fancy, and certainly lead to fun times. Players have the option to have random people join in, or if you have a friend, you can set a password so that only those that know it can join your game.
One thing to add that the game does well is that it feels a little bit more accessible in its difficulty because of the AI companions, as it makes the combat a little bit more manageable and provides a sense of not feeling alone (I'm sure there is a word for this, but it escapes me at the moment).
All in all, Code Vein is an Anime inspired Souls-like game that has fun and engaging gameplay, with a story with multiple endings. You can customize ALOT in terms of appearance and gameplay and the NPCs, while it can subtract from the difficulty, are a welcome addition. If you are looking for a fun experience, and don't mind dying a few times, Code Vein is something worth looking into.
P.S. Just...don't get the DLC, its content that you can literally finish in under an hour and does not offer much. If you HAVE to get it, do it during a sale as it is not really worth its current price at the time of writing.
Base game is good, DLC is not...
2618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 22:51
3183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 21:48
One nice change is you can basically change class and skills at any time, so you can play around with different builds and new moves.
The game doesn't have difficulty settings, but has a kind of indirect difficulty select:
1. Go solo- this is really very difficult, significantly more so than Demon's Souls, or DS 1,2 and 3 in my opinion. Invasion enemies can overwhelm you, the bosses are aggressive and mistakes will result in quick death.
2. Coop online with a friend- this was how I played most of the game and I feel this is the best experience- we still got destroyed by some bosses, but the game felt quite nicely balanced.
3. Bring AI companion Yakumo- the game is quite easy as he will do most of the work- he was more effective than me or my human companion.
4. Bring any other AI companion- the game feels reasonably well balanced, not too punishing or too easy.
4. Bring an AI companion and invite a friend at the same time- super easy mode.
I found I wasn't really invested in the story and I was honestly skipping cutscenes to get back to the fighting.
1912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 02:13
Robust character creator made someone like me who is terrible at them interested in making my own character.
Mix and matching classes/skills/gear was a fun twist to the formula.
Clocked in at 32 hours for NG without doing all the content nor seeing all the endings.
13880 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 06:04
+ You start with a lead pipe.
+ You can do this game at level 1.
( I don't recommend a level 1 lead pipe only run)
- It's too easy when you're not level 1.
- Game is not explained too well
+ Game can be figured out and learned for all of its mechanics pretty quickly
+ You can make characters that are pretty when they stand still.
- Characters with accessories (hair extensions) will not look as pretty when moving.
- You will almost never hear your character except for a few reactions to being destroyed.
+ I once fought and beat a samurai by rolling in his face while he attacked and attacked him hoping I countered on the right string.
+ Fire Bad.
+ Female Boss Design
- Male Boss Design
+ Kill the animals
+ Characters feel alive...
- Characters feel alive during cut scenes only
- Co-op is you, an NPC if you want, and another person.
+ Co-op is easy to set up
Don't compare this to the Dark Souls series other than the maker and the expecting to die aspect.
If you want freedom in a game, this isn't for you.
If you want a story that you can casually follow while throwing yourself into some challenge every now and then, you should consider this title and buy it on sale.
If you have money to blow and a lot of time to suffer (yes, suffer) if you're stuck at home, buy it.
So, if this game had a part 2 what would it look like?
3890 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 13:19
- Great character creator
- Surprisingly deep customization
- The ability to switch said customization on the fly
- Pretty likable characters
- Story
- Level designs (Crypt Spire can go burn in hell)
- Not very well balanced, solo play is just frustrating and annoying while with an AI partner you will pretty much breeze through everything
- Lack of weapon variation
4846 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.20 08:50
To me you really need to find ways to go about fighting enemies/ bosses instead of head-charging in! But I wont mind the head-charging in strategy either :D
2301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 05:55
1605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 07:47
2011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 17:55
- Focused art direction makes the maps feel crisp and distinct.
- Combat feels tight
- Ability mixed with typical ARPG elements feels great
- Weapon mix is great, providing very distinct gameplay styles for variety
- Character builds are flexible allowing for easy experimentation.
- Rewarding and challenging
-Limited enemy types
- Some recycled bosses
- Story is forgettable
All things considered the game was enjoyable mechanically, and kept me hooked for my 33 hours. The story is truly forgettable, but that didn't keep me from just having fun smashing baddies and trying out different builds. I recommend picking this game up. I'm not too sure about the dlc, but the base game is quite enjoyable!
6283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 23:42
3358 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 15:18
if you can't defeat bosses, try lock target mode.
BTW. I played this game on Linux box with Proton. worked excellent. there was no problem from start to ending through whole playing.
Nicht Empfohlen
1982 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 05:10
The Pros:
One thing I really enjoyed about Code Vein was how every NPC you come across, whether they be a passing one on the field, or one you are around many a times, is given a story. Each one has a backstory that will make you care for them by shedding new light on their pasts, and most of them are legitimately fascinating, heart-wrenching, and touching. It was refreshing to say the least.
Another is the story itself. It is easy to follow, being much less convoluted than Dark Souls’, and being relatively well designed in that it keeps you interested and wanting to play more to see what else happens. And if you ever forget anything, like if you take an extended break, there’s a special room you can enter to get yourself back up to speed. Pretty well done for the most part.
While playing, you can have a companion with you, whether it be another player, or a select NPC from a relatively large cast. They do make the game easier, and god do they talk a LOT, but it is fun having them around and interact with the environment/you. And you can go solo as well.
I think the biggest pro I can list is the absolute craziness that is the play style system. In short, you aren’t locked down by stats like you would traditionally be in Souls games. Instead, you are able to choose from MANY classes, and are able to augment those classes with all sorts of cool weapon types and armor, plus “gifts” which act as spells (weapon, actual spells, passive, etc). If you want to be a wall and tank every hit while keeping on swinging, you can. If you want to be a highly mobile and evasive gunner, you sure as hell can. There are TONS of builds you can play with which was so refreshing to see. Plus, leveling all of what I mentioned is honestly easy, so you won’t be nearly as burdened by the loathed “what should I level/ spend resources on?”
The Cons:
If you were to tell me that there were budgeting issues when it came to any design in the game, I wouldn’t doubt you. It’s normal for developers to reuse assets, but the amount of reused assets in this game is utterly astounding. You’ll see the same 6 enemies reskinned to fit their environment, with the same moveset, and even see many reskinned bosses. The only variation here is in some movesets, but even then those are reused as well, many with just different ailments attached or some other BS. Enemy design is an utter joke.
Another thing is level design, namely a middle level, and the ending one. I swear a developer gave a kid an etch-a-sketch for 5 minutes and used that as reference to design it. It’s a maze that is frustrating to navigate, seemingly only there to artificially inflate play time numbers, which is a damn shame considering how interesting it looks. But this problem also applies to the other areas. All of them are very maze like, and honestly boring to explore. Other than some story-related items or other valuables, you won’t feel rewarded for exploring, even so much as the “wow, I’m glad I spent 10 minutes of my time getting here!” It’s just… lacking.
This one is a hate or love one, but your character doesn’t feel too important. I can’t say more than that, but I know some people care about that, so I wanted to mention it. Speaking of..
The story felt… a little uninteresting. It feels like there should have been more in it, whether it be more fleshing out, or just better ways to get the story across in general. Again, the story was okay, but I can’t help but feel that it wasn’t presented in a way that made me say “Wow, I’m glad I played this.” It just makes me feel “Well, that was okay.”
And finally, don’t by the DLC. Buy literally anything else with the money, no matter how much it is on sale for. All you will get is some half-assed “”””level””””” with a super boss that has gimmicks in the shape of “challenges” slapped on it. It’s not fun, it adds no story, no must-have items, and no substance of any kind. What a damn shame.
For what it’s worth, Code Vein was an alright game to play. The characters were fun to interact with, the environments were visually nice, and the story was okay to play through, especially the parts where you get to know your companions better. It's worth a buy for about $20 bucks total for the base game only, maybe even $30 if you're feeling it. Anything more and you'll be disappointed. Just skip the DLC no matter what.
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