• Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.
  • Cloudpunk: Screen zum Spiel Cloudpunk.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 23.04.2020
Zum Shop
Preis Update 29.05.24

Über das Spiel

Dein Name ist Rania. Heute ist deine erste Nacht als Fahrerin für Cloudpunk, einem nicht ganz legalen Kurierdienst in der pulsierenden Metropole Nivalis. Dein Job führt dich in alle Ecken, vom Marrow ganz unten bis hoch zu den Türmen, welche die grauen Wolken über der Stadt durchstoßen und am Rand der Troposphäre kratzen. Kein Auftrag ist zu gefährlich – und niemand ist schneller als ein Cloudpunk-Kurier.

In diesem storybasierten Cyberpunk-Game bekommst du es mit einer Reihe ganz unterschiedlicher Charaktere zu tun, unter ihnen Androiden, KIs und skrupellose Menschen aus allen Schichten der Gesellschaft. Jeder von ihnen hat seine eigene Geschichte zu erzählen – und eine einzige Nacht in Nivalis wird alles verändern.

  • Erkunde eine gewaltige, vertikale Cyberpunk-Stadt – zu Fuß und in deinem Hovercar
  • Durch die Augen von Rania deckst du Mysterien auf in einer Welt voller korrupter Konzerne, Hacker und abtrünniger KIs
  • Triff eine Reihe ganz unterschiedlicher Charaktere und tauche ein in ihren Alltag in der Metropole
  • Deine Entscheidungen werden bleibenden Einfluss auf die Einwohner von Nivalis haben
  • Entdecke verborgene Orte und Gegenstände, die neue Geschichten offenbaren


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD / Intel CPU (AMD FX-4300 or Intel i3-4130 or newer)
  • GFX: AMD / NVIDIA dedicated graphics card, with at least 2GB of dedicated VRAM and Shader Model 5.1 support (AMD R9 285 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or newer)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7/10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • Peripherie: Controller or keyboard + mouse
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD / Intel CPU (AMD Ryzen 3 1300x or Intel i7-930 or newer)
  • GFX: AMD / NVIDIA dedicated graphics card, with 6GB of dedicated VRAM and Shader Model 6.0/6.1 support (i.e. AMD RX 580 8GB and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or newer)
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 (64 bit)
  • HD: 7 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: Integrated or dedicated DirectX 9 compatible soundcard
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • Peripherie: SSD drive, Controller or keyboard + mouse
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

131 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 09:47
One month later and I still think a lot about this game. The atmosphere is incredible and I loved the stories and the slow gameplay. I get that it is not a game for everyone and some mechanics may have their flaws. But overall it is a true gem!!
409 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 22:16
Der Star dieses Spiels ist seine einmalige Atmosphäre, die zur Hälfte allein durch den bombastischen Soundtrack erzeugt wird. Man steckt hier echt mittendrin in der Dystopie dieser Zukunfsversion.
Zusammen mit der kontrastreichen neonbunten Optik ergibt sich eine dynamische Welt Marke Bladerunner. Doch zum Glück sind wir diesmal nicht im Ballergenre tätig, sondern als Lieferservice/Taxidienst ala Das Fünfte Element.

Die Aufgaben der Story verlaufen recht linear mit gelegentlich leichten Wahlmöglichkeiten, wodurch eine gewisse Dramaturgie entstehen kann, was hier besser zum gameplay passt, als man Anfangs denken würde. Zusätzliches gameplay gibt in Form von Einsammeln von verstreutem Zeugs, wodurch auch manche Nebenquest gelöst werden kann.

Für die Fahrwege braucht man etwas Geduld bzw. den Willen, die Atmosphäre erleben zu wollen. ebenfalls für die Zustellungen zu Fuss, plus dann auch Orientierungssinn, um sich in den Fußgängerzonen nicht zu verirren, die anfangs klein sind und später multilevel groß werden.

Bin mit 14std glücklich+zufrieden ans Ende gelangt und kann es weiter empfehlen.
231 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.22 11:01
Whansinns game ! der Inhalt ist einfach nur packend und genial gemacht mehr kann ich dazu nicht sagen ,eines der besten games die ich jemals gespielt habe
258 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 14:40
Ziemlich zäh. Die Story ist ok aber man läuft und fliegt nur von Punkt zu Punkt. Manchmal gibt es Entscheidungen aber man bekommt nicht das Gefühl, dass das einen Einfluss hat.
283 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 11:34
Und wieder ein unterschätztes Kleinod da draußen in den untiefen des Steam Universums.

Der Grafikstil hatte mich zu Anfang erstmal abgeschreckt. Weil ich Spiele normalerweise nicht Games, wie Minecraft, die in dieser Optik trotz alledem spielerisch absolut überzeugen.

Und das Spiel hat mich gepackt.
Vertonung und Sound sind absolut sehr gut gemacht.
Die Geschichte weiß zu überzeugen und die Charaktere, wachsen einen an das Herz.

Ich spiele gerade noch die Erweiterung: City of Ghosts durch.
Die Haupthandlung hat mich in jeden Fall sehr gut unterhalten.

Eine absolute Spielempfehlung.
271 Produkte im Account
86 Reviews
576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 00:45

Anfangs war ich ziemlich abgeneigt wegen der Pixelgrafik, doch als ich es gespielt habe, war ich total begeistert.
Das Spiel hat so eine unglaublich dichte SciFi - Blade Runner Atmosphäre, dass es Cyberpunk fast alt aussehen lässt. Ich kann es jedem der auf SciFi Genre oder Blade Runner abfährt empfehlen. Der Grafikstil, sowie die Musik im Spiel, sind übertrieben gut. Das Gameplay ist sehr simple, man spielt die Frau Rania, die von ihrem Hund (KI) namens Camus begleitet wird und für die Firma Cloudpunk arbeitet, für die Sie Pakete ausliefern muss. Dabei wird eine humorvolle und emotional packende Story erzählt, die einen stark in die Stadt versinken lässt. Die Stadt Nivalis ist unglaublich groß, es gibt viel zu sammeln und es macht Spaß, sie zu erkunden. Das Auto und Apartment, lassen sich upgraden und verbessern.

Klare Kaufempfehlung!!!

152 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 20:00
Ein absolutes Kleinod in Sachen Indie-Pixel Spiel im Cyperpunkgewand.
Tolle Charaktere, ein treibender Synthwave Soundtrack und eine verregnete Mega-Metropole.

Cloudpunk war für mich ein absolutes Highlight jenseits der Tripple A-Titel, das mich tief in seinen Bann gezogen hat und mit seinen toll geschriebenen Charakteren und der düsteren Story überzeugen konnte.
357 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 18:01

tl;dr: 7/10

Sehr tolle Kulisse mit solider und spaßiger Flugmechanik. Es gibt zwar ein paar Ansätze die leider zu flach ausfallen oder schlichtweg unnötig sind, aber dennoch kann man in Nivalis gut unterhalten werden und für etwa 10h eine entspannte Tour durch eine eindrucksvolle Cyberpunk Welt antreten.

Die Stadt

Nivalis fühlt sich glaubhaft wie eine imposante Cyberpunk Metropole an. Es gibt mehrere abwechslungsreiche Distrikte die ein überzeugendes Gefühl von Größe und horizontaler wie auch vertikaler Komplexität vermitteln. Die meisten Gebäude haben mehrere Ebenen die man zu Fuß erkunden kann. Durch die wundervollen Farben der unzähligen Gebäudefronten und Fahrzeuge, die mit dem ständigen Regen einen fließenden Schleier bilden, und vor allen Dingen, durch einen herausragenden Synthwave Soundtrack - den ich für den wichtigsten Pfeiler dieser Kulisse halte - wird eine nostalgische, lebendig wirkende Atmosphäre erschaffen.

Leider zieht sich diese Atmosphäre nicht gänzlich durch die Stadt. Denn man kann außerhalb der Quests eigentlich nicht wirklich etwas tun in Nivalis. Es gibt zwar ein paar NPCs mit Nebenquests, aber ansonsten wird man von den anderen NPCs vollkommen ignoriert.

Dealer, Shops, Essensverkäufer und Upgrades für das eigene Appartement gibt es auch - aber die sind alle vollkommen nutzlos. Man hat keine Lebensanzeige, keinen Hunger, keine Interaktionsmöglichkeit mit Appartement Upgrades, usw. Also absolut keine Notwendigkeit irgendetwas zu konsumieren oder zu kaufen. Das hat mich wirklich sehr überrascht, weil ich nicht verstehe, wieso es das ganze Zeugs gibt, wenn es mir nichts bringt.


Die Hover Steuerung ist sehr gut gelöst und nach einer kurzen Eingewöhnungsphase zischte ich schon ohne Probleme durch die Wolkenkratzer und das hat mir so viel Spaß gemacht, dass ich oft die HUD-Anzeige ausblendete und ziellos umher flog. Man muss auf den Zustand des Hovers wie auch auf die Tankanzeige achten und man kann sogar ein paar Upgrades wie einen Speed-Boost oder stärkere Stoßstangen kaufen. Hier ist die Auswahl allerdings wirklich sehr klein und schnell ausgeschöpft.

Wie schon zu Fuß, wird man leider auch in der Luft ignoriert. Während es zu Fuß noch egal ist (da die NPCs einfach durch den Spieler hindurch schwinden) wird man im Hover viel zu oft von anderen gerammt, ohne dass die auch nur ansatzweise versuchen würden auszuweichen. Als würde man nicht existieren. Hier hätte ich mir schon etwas mehr erhofft und es hat mich dann so sehr genervt, dass ich die Luftstraßen so weit es ging mied.

Dank der letzten Updates kann man über einen Button jederzeit zwischen 3rd-Person seitlich, 3rd-Person Schulter und Ego Ansicht wechseln. In der Schulteransicht kann man sogar mittels Mausrad (bzw. Dpad) den Abstand der Kamera einstellen. Ein sehr brauchbares Feature, da ich definitiv lieber in 3rd-Person flog, aber in Ego Perspektive zu Fuß erkundete. Außerdem fallen mir keine Spiele ein bei denen man so eine Auswahl an Kameraperspektiven hat.

Story & Charaktere

Für mich irgendwie der enttäuschendste Teil. Einige Charaktere leiden unter schlechtem Voice Acting, andere unter mittelmäßigen Dialogen. Manche Quests waren ziemlich fad und belanglos und dann gabs wieder Quests die lustig oder spannend waren - wie die, in denen man Entscheidungen treffen musste, was mit einem Paket oder einem NPC geschehen sollte. Doch dann werden diese Entscheidungen nicht weiter verfolgt und ihre Wichtigkeit untergraben. Hier finde ich das Spiel eindeutig zu zerrissen. Die Hauptstory fand ich ok, aber nicht sonderlich herausfordernd oder überraschend.

Die Charakterentwicklung gestaltet sich, mit sehr wenigen Ausnahmen, leider etwas mager. Manche Nebencharaktere könnten durchaus spannend ausgebaut und vertieft werden, aber dienen schlussendlich nur als 3-5 Minuten Füller bis zur nächsten Hauptquest. Die Hauptfigur, Rania, fand ich verwirrend. Oft war sie unverständlich bissig und distanziert und dann auf einmal wieder sehr empathisch und zugänglich. Ihre Entscheidungen wirkten dadurch manchmal recht grundlos.


Im Gesamten würde ich sagen, dass es noch viel Verbesserungspotential gäbe, aber es dennoch ein unterhaltsamer kurzer Ausflug in eine Welt war, die mich nostalgisch an Blade Runner und The Fifth Element erinnerte - und das kann ich nur befürworten.
121 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 17:53
Das Spiel ist ein absolutes Juwel. Man beginnt das Abenteuer als Rania, die fernab ihrer Heimat in dem großen, pochenden Pfuhl der Stadt Nivalis gelandet ist und ihre erste Nacht als Paketzustellerin für die illegale Firma Cloudpunk erlebt. Und es ist einfach großartig. Keine Waffen, keine wilden Ballereien. Nur man selbst, sein Fahrzeug und der ehemalige Hund, der mittlerweile als elektronischer Assistent im Speicher des Hoover-Schlitten wohnt. Man bekommt von der Hauptstelle seine ersten Aufträge, lernt, wie man mit dem Fahrzeug umgeht, wie man repariert (dämliche Brücken....), tankt und sich schnell in der Stadt bewegt. Man trifft viele Menschen, Androiden mit ihren Geschichten, ihrem Leben, manche verbunden, manche nicht. Man findet in den vermüllten Ecken jede Menge Kram, den man an Händler verkaufen kann um sein Konto aufzubessern, lernt schräge Auftraggeber und Passagiere kennen. Die Grafik ist wunderschön und sehr atmosphärisch, klar muss einem die Klötzchengrafik zusagen. Doch trotz dieser Grafik verbreitet Nivalis mehr Stimmung, als es ein Cyberpunk je können wird. Es ist Nacht, es regnet meistens und man hat oft nur die Geräusche und Lichter der Stadt um sich, da erwischt man sich schon mal, wie man in Gedanken weit oben am Geländer steht und die Schnellstraße beobachtet, während man sich vom Stand gegenüber leckere Miso-Nudeln gönnt. Die bewusst eingesetzte Synthwave-Musik passt wie die Faust aufs Auge und sorgt auch mit dafür, dass man sich wunderbar in der Stadt verlieren kann. Jeden Cent wert, ein absolut grandioses Spiel. Chapeau.
153 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 17:59
Ja ich empfehle das Spiel auf jeden Fall!

Anfänglich war ich etwas skeptisch, lasst euch aber auf keinen Fall von der Optik(Pixel) abschrecken!
Die Lichteffekte sind so genial und auch die Artworks für die Charaktere.
Das Spiel ist grandios von vorne bis hinten. Die Nebenquests erzählen schöne kleine Geschichten und man möchte ihnen auch ernsthaft folgen; und die Hauptstoryline rundet das Spiel perfekt ab <3
Ich empfehle das Spiel für jeden der das Cyberpunk-Setting mag.
31 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 23:06
Sehr zu empfehlen...macht echt sehr viel Spaß. Ich mag diese futuristische und düstere Aufmachung des Games. Werde ich definitiv öfters spielen ;)
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 17:20
auf jeden Fall!
366 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 13:54
I bought this game after listening to various people hyping it up.
Cloudpunk is a way better cyberpunk game than that other one with Cyberpunk in its name.
The graphics are cute, the voice acting is good and it is clear that a lot of love went into making this game.

It is also very clear that this is a 20€ game. The worldbuilding doesn't make much sense, visual representation of the world often differs from what the characters are saying, the driving (which is a huge part of the gameplay) is just mediocre, the top down camera is bad and when in first person you notice a lot of graphical issues, like the fact that the rain is just a layer over the camera and not actually part of the world. Because of this, it even rains through roofs and nobody is carrying an umbrella. The game obviously wasn't made with first person camera in mind.
These are all just minor issues though and nothing gamebreaking.
I can recommend this game to every fan of real Cyberpunk.
46 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 13:27
dog do be kinda epic
492 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.20 18:16
❤ Eine riesige Stadt voll mit interessanten Geschichten und Charakteren
❤ Tolle Atmosphäre
❤ Liebevolle Voxel-Optik
❤ Großartiger Synthwave Soundtrack
❤ Cyberpunk-Genre
❤ Erinnert bisweilen an Blade Runner
❤ Perfekt zum Entspannen und Abschalten
225 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 17:35
In Cloudpunk, einem Spiel aus dem Cyberpunk Genre, schlüpft man in die Rolle einer Kurierfahrerin, welche Lieferungen erledigen muss.

Was zunächst nicht sonderlich spannend klingt, entwickelt sich zu einer zwar kurzen, aber liebevoll gestalteten Geschichte.
In kleinen Nebenquests wird einem außerdem veranschaulicht, mit welchen Leiden und Problemen Mensch und Maschine in dieser Dystopie zu kämpfen haben.

Auch grafisch weiß das Spiel eine gute Atmosphäre zu verbreiten.
Die verschiedenen Kameraperspektiven lassen es jedem frei zu entscheiden, wie man diese neondurchflutete Welt erleben möchte.
118 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 08:40
Love the setting and the story is pretty nice so far. Not a big fan of the graphics but that's just me. Overall it looks nice but the voxel art is not my type.
70 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 17:30
Das Spiel ist schön gemacht, smart und chillig für nen ruhigen Spieleabend.
2314 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 12:05
Sehr schönes und atmosphärisches Spiel
739 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 19:00
Du spielst eine Taxikurierin in einer KI-gesteuerten Stadt und musst deine Lieferungen erledigen.

Wir haben eine Pixel 8-Bit Grafik, die dem Spiel im Cyberpunk-Stil einen nostalgisches Aussehen gibt. Was dem Spielspaß keinen Abbruch macht. Die neuen Updates bringen neue Perspektiven und sind schön anzuschauen.
Wer den Cyberpunk-Stil mag, dem kann ich dieses Spiel nur empfehlen.
1082 Produkte im Account
59 Reviews
1055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 07:53
Ohne Worte ! Dieses Spiel ist ein Must have für Science Fiction Fans !
Die Story Elemente sind genau richtig und wer sich langweilt(und dann untolerante Kommentare schreibt) sollte halt vorher ne Bong rauchen ^^

Klare Kaufempfehlung

nach mehreren Stunden kann ich sagen dieses Spiel ist bei mir grad die Nummer 1

Warum ? Weil es geschafft wurde die Zukunft mit unserem heutigen Leben zu verknüpfen schonungslos wie wir eben sind ;)
Weil ich mich nicht einmal auch nur eine Sekunde gelangweilt habe und die Story umwerfend ist mit Pädagogischen Wert ^^

und ich hätte nicht gedacht doch noch mal ein Intelligentes Spiel zu finden was mich regelrecht packt !!! Definitiv mehr Wert als das was ihr bezahlt
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 18:20
War anfangs etwas skeptisch.
Aber nach 2 Stunden war ich gefesselt.
Das Herumfliegen mit dem Hova macht Spaß, ist am Anfang aber echt schwierig.
Die Story ist relativ kurz, aber echt gut, bin jetzt nach 10 h fertig.
Es gibt allerdings noch einiges zu erledigen.
Empfelung das Spiel im Sale zu kaufen, sonst etwas zu teuer.
178 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 07:30
Spielerische Tiefe wie bei einem AAA-Titel darf man bei Cloudpunk nicht erwarten. Aber das Liefern von Packstücken von A nach B ist für mich auch nicht der Kern des Spiels, sondern die Atmosphäre, die ich dabei erleben darf.

Ich mag die von Neonlicht beleuchtete düstere und veregnete Stadt Nivalis, deren Glanz, wenn sie diesen je besessen hat, weit zurückliegt. Zur Atmosphäre trägt auch der spacige Soundtrack bei. Die pixelige Voxelgrafik tut der Atmosphäre für meinen Geschmack keinen Abbruch.
Abseits der Hauptmissionen lohnt es sich auf jeden Fall hier und da eine Zwischenlandung einzulegen, über die Plattformen zu schlendern und mit dem einen oder anderen NPC zu sprechen um hier und da einen Storyhappen aufzuschnappen.

Wer also das Cyberpunkgenre mag und eher wenig an spielerische Tiefe, dafür aber an Atmosphäre erwartet, für den kann Cyberpunk durchaus lohnenswert sein. Die Grenze zwischen Spiel und begehbares Kunstwerk sind hier allerdings auch fließend. Ich habe abends nach einem langen Tag eine Runde durch Nivalis sehr genossen.
104 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1014 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.20 09:01
Als Rania die Stadt und die Geschichten der darin lebenden Menschen und Robotern zu erkunden... ich hätte ehrlich gesagt zu Anfang des Spiels nicht gedacht wie sehr mich die Geschichte, die sich entwickelt, gefangen nimmt, aber nach 16 h und immer noch einigen offenstehenden mir fehlenden Errungenschaften finde ich hat dieses Spiel wirklich Suchtpotential, ich find´s absolut wunderbar :D
280 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 22:01
Wer sich entspannen möchte und einer Geschichte lauschen will ist bei diesem Spiel richtig. Aus diesem Grund habe ich es mir zugelegt. Man fliegt von A nach B, ein paarmal unter Zeitdruck, während die Geschichte ihren Lauf nimmt.

Wer Action möchte ist hier falsch. Versteckte Gegenstände gibt es nicht, alles was man finden kann wird auf der Karte angezeigt. Ein „langweiliges“ Spiel, aber ab und zu möchte ich das auch, deshalb einen Daumen hoch von mir.

Haben zwar schon einige erwähnt, ich mache es aber auch noch mal, deutsche Sprachausgabe bei einem deutschen Entwickler wäre wünschenswert!!!! Die englischen Sprecher haben sich professionell angehört, da ist bestimmt die Hälfte vom Budget bei draufgegangen :)
653 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.20 04:23
Dieses Spiel hat mich nach kurzer Zeit durch sein Flair in den Bann gezogen.
Mit seinem Blade Runner Feeling, der passenden musikalischen Untermalung und dem Setting konnte das Spiel punkten.

Spielerisch müsst ihr als junge Kurierfahrerin für den Untergrund Lieferservice Cloudpunk diverse Dinge von A nach B bringen. Man könnte sagen, dass wir einen kleinen DHL Simulator spielen. Das Spiel punktet weniger mit seinem ausgefeilten Spielprinzip, denn dies ist wirklich simpel, sondern mehr mit seiner Story und den Dialogen. Während den Fahrten steht ihr oft in Kontakt mit z.B. eurem Fahrdienstleister CONTROL. Unterwegs habt ihr auch oft irrwitzige Dialoge mit der KI Eures Fahrzeuges sowie Kunden und auch Zufallsbegegnungen.

Bei Cloudpunk muss sich der Spieler einfach auf die Atmosphäre einlassen. Sehr positiv ist der Kontakt der deutschen Entwickler mit der Community. So kann man mit den Entwicklern auf deren Discord quatschen. Sie sind für Verbesserungsvorschläge jederzeit offen und diskutieren diese auch gerne. So wurde z.B. eine 3rd Person Kamera bei zu Fuß Aktivitäten auf Wunsch der Community eingefügt.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
995 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 19:51
ich kann es empfehlen weil es hat pixelkrafik trtzdem schaft es mit seinen tollen und stimmigen licht effekten und seinen kleinen details wie z.B. überall in der stadt sind echt grossartige grafities verteilt und roborter die putzen.
ich wurde sobalt ich verstanden habe wo das spiel spielt wahr ich vom spiel gepackt und verschlungen worden in der Stadt Nivalis eine distopische cyberpunk stadt mit undendlichen hohen und tiefen gebauden
grossartig kann ich aufjedenfall allen Bladerunner, Shadowrun und Distopische 80ger jahre regenwetter Stadt liebhabern Herzlich Empfehlen
65 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.20 13:01
Sehr schönes Spiel zum entspannen!
2210 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 06:29
Cloudpunk versetzt uns in die dystopische Metropole Nivalis, in welcher wir die Rolle von Rania annehmen. Rania kommt ursprünglich aus einer eher ländlichen Gegend, ist bzw. war Musikerin und arbeitet nun im riesigen Neon-Großstadtdschungel Nivalis für den gelinde gesagt zweifelhaften Lieferdienst Cloudpunk. Waren für Cloudpunk ausliefern und dabei auf keinen Fall nach dem Inhalt der Pakete fragen, wird quasi die Hauptaufgabe für Rania darstellen. Begleitet und unterstützt wird sie dabei von ihrem Hund Camus, welcher in echt eine KI darstellt und mit dem sie sich regelmäßig charmant und liebevoll über das Erlebte unterhält.

Cloudpunk ist ein Cyberpunk-Adventure des Berliner Indie-Studios Ion Lands und der Flair, den das verregnete Nivalis und seine vielfältige Bevölkerung in jedem Moment versprühen, erinnert thematisch als auch atmosphärisch stark an Film-Klassiker des Genres wie Blade Runner, was mir auf Anhieb gefallen hat.

Das Spiel bietet neben der regulären Story und mehreren Entscheidungsmöglichkeiten viele Nebenquests und lädt in jedem der detailreich gestalteten, stark unterschiedlichen Distrikte von Nivalis zum Erkunden ein. Generell gefällt mir die Liebe zum Detail für die Stadt und die Belange der Bewohner, wie auch deren Diversität, extrem gut. Ebenso passt die Voxel-Grafik wie die Faust aufs Auge. Der Synthwave-Soundtrack rundet das Cyberpunk-Setting perfekt ab.

Mich hat Cloudpunk durchgehend sehr gefesselt und die von CorpSec totalitär überwachte Stadt Nivalis absolut in den Bann gezogen. Ich empfand es als ungemein spannend und entspannend immer wieder mit meinem Hover die Waren an die jeweiligen Ziele auszuliefern, die Bezirke zu entdecken und dabei immer mehr über die Hintergrundgeschichte zu erfahren. Ebenso sind mir auch einige der Charaktere teils sehr stark ans Herz gewachsen, ganz besonders Huxley und Camus.

Wer Lust auf ein starkes Cyberpunk-Setting hat, dem kann ich Cloudpunk wärmstens empfehlen.
114 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1076 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 06:11
  • + Amazing setting.
  • + Good story and dialogues.
  • - Poor and repetitive quests.
57 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 13:14
great game, would be improved by (potentially toxic) fishing mini-game
131 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.22 00:55
The game itself is fair. The driving is fun, but becomes extremely tedious. The plot is so thin you cannot help, but guess it. The mechanics prove frustrating because you cannot repair your vehicle while making a delivery, some dialogue cannot be skipped and the writing is just passable.

The world itself is quite colorful, but unfortunately this game has nothing to offer you couldn't also experience by just watching a youtube playthrough. I would not recommend it because it has so little to offer in terms of variety. I'm glad the developers tried something different and applaud their beautiful world.
1425 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 00:23
This is a little gem. A unique art style and interesting stories from various characters you meet during your first shift in Nevalis, a cyberpunk-ish city. You are a delivery driver flying a HOVA, taking orders from Control, meeting Humans, Automatas and Androids. The city looks great and you should look up into the clouds: they look amazing!
Those two things, optics and stories make the main part of the game. It is very enjoyable to fly through the city which gives you totally Blade Runner vibes when you put the ca view into first person view.

The game does have some minor flaws though: In the city it is always raining and the constant same sound of rain is a bit repetitive. Same accounts for the sounds of the cars that are flying by. Steering the HOVA needs time to adapt, as it's kinda weird to fly left and right with the right stick, but up and down with the left stick. Even when I reached the end of the game, I still struggled a bit with the controls. Unfortunately you can only interact with characters that do tell stories or give missions, all the other people walking around are just empty shells, not talking, just walking.
Nevertheless, this creates an interesting (in a good way) atmosphere, and especially when you leave Nevalis and go down to the Ventz, it totally reminded me of the sewers in Matrix.

I enjoyed this little game on my Steam Deck from start to finish in about 11 hours. Apparently I missed a few characters here and there, but got most of the stories. It works flawless with Proton 7.0-2.
A little tip for saving battery life: reduce FPS to 30. On the Deck's screen it is still very smooth but almost doubles the battery life.
91 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 23:56
A truly beautiful game with great music. The atmosphere is incredible, however this game has laughably bad writing and voice acting. This game gets SO boring SO fast. I tried to finish it. I put in as much effort as I could, I just cant. I give up.
72 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
48 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 10:40
I did my due diligence before purchasing this and looked up some reviews. I was well aware that this game involved nothing more than driving about delivering parcels while listening to dialogue. But nothing alerted me to the fact that the driving, the core and only gameplay element of this game, handles poorly.

My main gripe is that you cannot tilt your vehicle up and down.

Listen, a car, that you drive on the ground, navigates on a two-dimensional plane. It can accelerate or decelerate, and it can turn left or right. Mathematically this gives it two degrees of freedom in a two-dimensional space.

A flying vehicle moves in three-dimensional space. A properly designed flying vehicle should allow you to accelerate or decelerate, turn left or right, and in addition to that, tilt up and down. This gives it three degrees of freedom in a three dimensional space. That's how flying any flying vehicle in any video game works, and also in real life.

Unfortunately in this game, where driving is what you do most of the time, and is the very core gameplay mechanic, they decided to disallow tilting up and down and replace it with a very slow and unsatisfying mechanic where you just slowly float or sink your flying vehicle up or down. Sure, this allows you to adjust your height, but as a result you never really are able to have a satisfying way to move through the world vertically. This is akin to having a car on the ground not be able to turn left or right, but instead only able to slide left or right slowly while always facing the same direction.

For a world that has such verticality to it, not being able to quickly move yourself along the vertical axis feels stifling. I want to go high, go low, weave through between the buildings among the traffic, go to high places, and down to low places. Unfortunately you can't do that with any kind of dexterity. Just look at how Mile High Taxi handles driving for instance and the contrast is night and day.

I didn't even care that this game would be only driving and listening to dialogue. Sure, I don't mind doing just that and driving through a pretty cyberpunk world. In fact, I was looking forward to exploring a pretty world without having to fight or kill people for once. But the driving just does not cut it, and I can't bring myself to continue no matter how pretty the world may be.
1235 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 12:03
Free therapy.
70 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 21:32
Overall, a good experience. it is fun. Great art style, and idea. It captures a feeling.


The controls were awkward for the HOVA (the car), and there are upgrades to purchase, but they do not make a noticeable difference. While the art style is very nice, there are some weird discontinuities- the profile pictures for the characters, menus, and font. They do not seem to fit, while not bad on there own, they don't mesh well with the world environment.

This game is dialogue HEAVY. Much of it is skippable, but there are many times you just have to sit and wait for the characters to finish their lines. It drags a bit. I felt like I was sitting and listening to dialogue while stuck in my HOVA until the characters decided they were done.

The story is 6/10. Not amazing, not horrible, just meh. It didn't really impress me, and this game seems to lean heavily on the story instead of game play mechanics, although I think you could argue that the driving is the meat of this game, which also is not impressive. Hence this is the reason I would not recommend purchase.

The scrap parts you can find are never really explained, some have uses to get around the world but everything else can just be sold for currency.

I completed the main story, I took my time playing casually. I did not complete the game, I did a few of the side quests, but I do not want to return to this game.
107 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
2383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 11:40
How do I begin? Hmmm...

A game with it's own universe. Although somewhat dark, you get to interact with most of it's residents. You get to understand the world, hear people's life stories as well as help those in need. You are offered choices throughout the story. There is decent amount of exploration and the map is decent enough in size. Imagine a city, divided in 5 sections with each section having it's own map.

A very very beautiful game with beautiful and deep voice acting. Sometimes it makes you cry, sometimes it makes you laugh.

Definitely worth the price, even without discounts.
167 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 11:04
1 10 hour walking/driving sim with 7.5/10 story. the game is rough and could use a bit more polishing. the gameplay is incredibly boring and there's not enough variety in the landscape beside the shift in contrast. some QoL features missing.
1902 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
675 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 19:59
The game: Not so great. Go from point A to B and listen to/watch dialogue. Repeat. The story is okay, some characters are funny, some are not, there is a great dog (which is also your car), all of it is at a extremely plodding pace.

The city: Absolutely INCREDIBLE... cruise through the neo-punk city with a great soundtrack flaming away, and you wont want to leave this voxelly world.

It is rare that I would put the graphics above the gameplay, but this is a definite thumbs up for me anyway. It's not just graphics, it's a wonderful vibe, unmatched by anything I've played in a long time. You will spend most of your time wondering why you can't DO more in this lovely place, but heck, I enjoyed it anyway. And the story was nice, the mechanics of it just don't hold even the smallest candle to this world they've created. The fact that most of it is just eye-candy just makes it more eye-boggling.
1233 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.22 01:21
The art style in Cloudpunk isn't the most unique, but the way they tell the story through a delivery driver in the Cyberpunk universe is really unique and interesting. The art style just adds to it after you get used to it.

The story telling mechanics are fairly good too and makes you learn more about characters and later on care about them too. There's a few choices you have to make throughout the game and some usually feel meaningless, but you do end up seeing your choices having a tiny effect later on in the game.

The only complaints I have of Cloudpunk is that the loading can take a bit long (even on NVMe drive) and that you probably walk more than you drive. Both walking and driving do feel slow though, but there are some food and drinks you can take to speed it up a bit.
152 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 20:53
Atmosphere is OK, gameplay is boring and can get very tedious, had to force myself to finish it to get money worth.
80 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 06:47
I didn't expect to like it this much, the atmosphere sucks you right in. Great if you like driving sims and cyberpunk themes and visuals!
111 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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64 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 02:55
I really wanted to like this game, and for a bit of it, I do.

The soundtrack is unarguably at least better then average for this theme, and some of the characters have hints of being interesting, and the voxel style works when you're driving.

However; the driving, the most important part of this driving based delivery driver game, is absolute trash. The corners are tighter then a pair of skinny jeans being worn by a fat dude, but you turn so poorly that it makes 200cc Mario Cart look responsive. That comparison is particularly apt because just like 200cc Mario Cart, the NPCs have super snappy turning while you are sliding into a guardrail.

I do not need to talk about the awful way the camera works when walking, or how unusable First Person Mode is while driving, which sucks because that is undoubtedly when the ambiance is at it's best, or how repetitive it gets after three deliveries, because, at the end of the day, this driving game sucks to drive in. I can't recommend this game to anyone for any reason, because even the parts that are okay require suffering bad gameplay to get to.

Not all games can be winners just because the devs care. This is an unfortunate example.
343 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
266 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 12:04
Less a game, more a delivery device for pure neon drenched half remembered cyperpunk atmosphere. The voxel aesthetic really works at creating a sense of scale and sprawl and the soundtrack sounds like a half remembered version of every other synthwave thing that makes some connection in your brain.

Narratively and mechanically, making you an insignificant delivery driver makes the monolithic size and scale of the megacity Nivalis - the real antagonist of the game - really work. You have little you can do to interact with, much less change, the immutable city.

It's not for everyone but it's a great way to spend some time, flying about, picking up snippets of backstory from the various characters and street vignettes, chill in your cab using the (essential) in car first person mode. Take in the view.
794 Produkte im Account
89 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.22 15:07
I like the look of the city, they added first person mode as well which is cool, if you like chill out games then i'd recommend it, but it is just flying around the city and delivering packages to people, you can get out of the Hova (flying car) and find collectibles, but it's limited.

The story and voice acting isn't that great, the woman you play as Rania doesn't deliver most of her lines in an believable or organic way, it's hard to describe but i'd assume whoever the actress is that it was her first job voicing a character.

There's another guy who voices an A.I dog companion that you talk to... he just comes across as really creepy to me, seeing as it's a guy pretending he's a dog, i dunno that didn't work for me, maybe if they modulated the voice more or something it would have worked better.

Still it's fun to fly around, and it actually has flying cars unlike Cyberpunk.
566 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 17:48
Cyberpunk Euro Truck Simulator but with great characters and story.
206 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 14:17
Its good,

There are strong SJW vibes that make it pretty political though, so if you arnt into that this game is not for you. All missions dwell on stuff like cultural appropriation, gun rights, gender issues, theres even a mission about labeling people the wrong gender.

Regardless, this is a fun game, I would recommend it. If you lean left, youll love this game, if you lean right, theres nothing here for you.
370 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 02:39
The aesthetic of this game is nice, and it's very impressive that it has full voice acting, but at the end of the day it just isn't engaging.

Never-ending fetch quests combined with a narrative that doesn't reflect the gameplay in any meaningful way. Your character constantly talks about money being tight, but you never have to make any difficult decisions surrounding that - you can afford nearly everything after 30 minutes of play. The graphics also get terrible the closer you look at them - the voxel aesthetic looks great from a distance, but on NPCs it looks goofy.
89 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
21 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 00:28
As much as I wanted to like this game, I kept feeling like I was playing a student game developer's project than a full fledged indie game. I have incredible respect for the work that was created as an artist, but as a consumer, I can't recommend this. Would love to see this game be more interactive and have another year or two of development. If you have the means to support this developer solely for their attempt, I'd definitely do so, but otherwise I can't justify buying this game, even at discount.

-The voice acting feels forced and uninspired
-Menu screen feels bare bones
-Unnecessary walking could be avoided by a car calling game function
-Map design isn't interesting and uncomfortable
-Camera angles are worse than PS1 era games
-General lack of sense of direction playing the game
-The flying car thing gets boring fast

-Soundtrack is nice
-Game's pixel style aesthetic is beautiful
-Flying controls feels decent
580 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
934 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 22:56
This game has the most intense Blade Runner vibe I have ever seen in a game. It features a huge cyberpunk city with different districts and different art styles based on the district you are in. The graphics are blocky, but I honestly didn't notice it at all after a couple of hours. The soundtrack complements the atmosphere extremely well, and it just makes you fall in love with the game all together (and makes you want to watch Blade Runner all over again). It also has a story that starts relatively slow in order to teach you the basics, but it builds up to something intriguing that makes you want to take the next delivery job in order to progress the story.

You meet a lot of different characters during your package delivery adventure, some are super fun and some are just regular people. There's also all kinds of loot you can pick up, some are quest specific, some are not. You also get to upgrade your HOVA (your main vehicle) by progressing though the story; Such as speed boosters, Vertical and lateral boosters etc. Basically it makes your HOVA go faster :)

You fly around in your HOVA most of the time, but sometimes you also run around on street level in order to pick up deliveries, loot, quests and other stuff you may find. This is (I think) sort of an easy mini puzzle, because there are different floors when you run around in some places. You then need to take an elevator to go up or down, look at your map and carry on. It gets more complicated the more your progress, but it's simple enough to figure out. Also food acts as a speed booster, which you'd wish you'd had some in your inventory when running around for a long time. Stock up soda cans in your inventory :)

8/10 from me.
Solid game that starts a little slow, but grows on you.
64 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 18:21
the story. the achievements. the lore. the atmosphere this game creates both in and out of the screen is unmatched. if you enjoy a good story, mediocre graphics, but really great quality content to play through, then buy this game. I waited forever to purchase and I'm so glad I did. I don't have many hours in the game as of yet, but what i've played so far has been fantastic.
112 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 19:03
Good game, even though it's on rails the entire time it never feels boring or repetitive. The cast is very interesting and captivating, and the game overall is made very well. Highly recommend for anyone into story games with the cyberpunk setting.
219 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 16:52
Gorgeous aesthetics with abysmal fetch-quest gameplay set in an eye-candy world full of buildings and objects you can't interact with. Recommended on sale.
119 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
563 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 16:24
The cyberpunk we needed
106 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
700 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 07:28
if ur debating whether to get this game or not DO IT RN!! i played this consecutively throughout 3 days in a row & i could not get enough of the story, the atmosphere, the music, and the playful characters (both annoying & hilarious). while it is a shorter game than most, it is a ROLLER COASTER that plays with ur emotions. please try it out!!
1958 Produkte im Account
174 Reviews
335 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 14:08
Cloudpunk is a beautiful game and a hidden diamond.
+Graphics(looks very good i really like it)
+Gameplay(easy to learn)
+Voice Acting

Cloudpunk is a simple game that gives you the cyberpunk atmosphere of movies, and an interesting story.

10/10 Must Play! I recommend buying it at a discount worth every penny!

216 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 16:15
Really like the art and graphic. It's amazing how the developer can build such a beautiful world with simple elements and complex lighting.

I'm fine with no combat, I actually like story telling games very much. But if a game has no combat and little game mechanics, the story better be SUPER good for me to spend 10 hours into it. The problem with Cloudpunk is, the story has no hook. It's really bland. There's no reason for me to find out what happens next. It's just a bunch of walking and driving and people rambling. Yes, there's this ongoing murder mystery about my coworkers gone missing, but I don't really care.
189 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 14:07
Walking simulator of sorts. Beautiful voxel world. Just drive and chill out

Wasn't my type of game but wanted to leave a positive review because I can see the appeal.
422 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 21:56
Cloudpunk and Cyberpunk 2077 share similarities, but there are two things that set Cloudpunk apart. Firstly, I can fly a vehicle in Cloudpunk and secondly, I actually finished Cloudpunk. Do not underestimate its looks, there is some really solid writing here, great atmosphere and a great soundtrack.
175 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 20:25
I started to write a review for this but then came across a review on Gaming Trend ('A wallpaper engine with walking mechanics') that expresses everything I wanted to say much better than I could.
90 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1767 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 04:50
I absolutely loved this.

To be clear ... it's about 80% movie, and 20% game. The story is *everything* ... if you're looking for gaming thrills, look elsewhere; don't expect them. But what it does, it does *extremely* well.

Others have finished the story in 9 - 10 hours; I took my time, completed all the sub-quests, didn't want it to end, and managed 18 hours. And then I immediately loaded the DLC (Part 2).

Worth every penny. 10/10.
108 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 23:35
I hesitated a long time before purchasing this game, and got it only once it was discounted.
The look and feel of the world had a real appeal to me. Well I now feel that that was all there really was to it.
Visually, the neon minecraft cyber world is cool, it really is. Unfortunately, it becomes repetitive very quickly. The different areas look all the same.
The characters lack any depth, and the voice acting could be better.
The thing that bugged me the most: it is only about getting from point A to B, over and over and over. That is it. No, I mean really that is it, nothing else. You do pick up some items along the way, you can eat or drink, but none really have any type of influence on the character (that I could tell).
Within my first couple of deliveries I had fully decked out my car and couldn't upgrade it more. I bought practically all my home improvements... then what?
212 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.21 02:14
this game is beautiful and the i enjoy the music but everything else is lacking in alot of ways , the main character rania is unlikeable and the characters are boring imo and the story is meh
319 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 05:17
Okay, let's get this out of the way

Cloupunk looks gorgeous.

Despite being fully voxel art, it carries the theme and atmosphere really well! As far as style is concerned, the one that the game uses is already probably the most common idea of cyberpunk everyone has. High rise buildings, futuristic vehicles and roads, neon lights, rain...you get what I mean. The execution however is done almost perfectly. Each area has it's own story and theme that's reflected in the infrastructure. The fact that you can take in the sights from afar with you hova (hovercraft) and a closer look on your feet, is really cool. Also, it has first person mode now YAAAYYY! There's a lot of detailing put into in the game and boy, do I appreciate it. The almost retro sounding synthwave music playing in the background just adds to the vibe. The characters are also voxelized, so they look...eh. They also look veeery different from their dialogue portraits.

Let's look at the gamplay. This can be a hit or miss considering that this game has been compared to Death Stranding a lot. However, keep in mind that Cloudpunk is a lot weaker than Death Stranding in terms of both story and mechanics. The core gameplay loop is just you, playing as Rania the main character, working for a delivery company. You have to walk to a place, pick up the package, drive to the destination and walk again to deliver the package. The story happens mostly in the background, or while you're picking up stuff, via comms. It's extremely simple. Maybe too simple? Sometimes, you have to wait around for a conversation to end to be able to talk to anyone else. Sometimes you only get the delivery location after the dialogues are over.

That being said, I don't necessarily think that it's a bad thing. I didn't mind the simplicity because what I was expecting was a really chill game where I can vibe with the game and the simplicity helped me get exactly that experience. You also won't have timers for most of the deliveries, so you can take your time, cruise around, talk to people or visit your house. Yes, you have a quaint, cozy house that you can decor and furniture to as you progress through the story.

The story is...alright. There were parts of it that were written really well to show how depressing and dreary a cyberpunk themed world can be. Some of the character growth and treatment is also really good. Good enough to make you care. While you cant interact with much in the world while driving, you get characters to talk to, traders, vendors and items to pick up while you're on the ground. Sometimes, it can lead to unexpectedly interesting interactions, so check them out. Story is liner with some quests that have choices with consequences. There are also some side quests you can pick up that you can mostly do at your own pace. The ending of the story does feel rushed and not as impactful as you would expect. If it weren't for an interaction with one of the characters that you'd been bonding with, it would've been the weakest part of the story. The voice acting for a LOT of characters is also very bad. It's so bad it's almost hilarious.

Despite the very obvious flaws Cloudpunk has, I can't help but like the game. Everything else and the overall experience more than made up for these flaws and I was, like I mentioned before, very much vibing with the game. Don't go with too many expectations and the game might be a really good experience. I'd definitely recommend it at least on sale, It's a good 8-9 hours of gameplay and you can extend it by going sightseeing during the missions or after the game itself.

Just remember.

Two rules: Don’t miss a delivery and don’t ask what’s in the package.

197 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 21:27
This is a game with a pretty impressive city to fly around but the story, if you can call it that, is at the level of filler side-quests you find in AAA games. I don't want to sound aggressive, as I feel that the developers definitely tried (there're a ton, a ton of cool ideas), but the execution and writing, oh my god writing, is just bothersome.

There's always a whole region to cross in between going through 1-3 portals that are essentially loading screens, just to get from where the mission starts to where it ends. And there're tons of such tiny missions that take long time to complete just because of long flights. The pay off is once again NPCs telling short, mediocre stories in a very mediocre way. The biggest problem with video game dialogues is that developers think that they can do creative writing just because they can speak English. You don't simply write the way you talk or imagine other people talk. All of us would have been Tarantinos then. Writing is a skill of its own and please for the love of CORA, hire a talented writer.

I don't know whether this was intentional or not but I genuinely didn't like the protagonist. First, she was often inconsistent, sometimes she'd be weirdly cold and insensitive, sometimes the opposite. She frequently lacked basic human curiosity, friendliness and brain too. Often she'd ask such stupid questions that I couldn't believe. She was simply annoying to me. The only enjoyable NPC was Camus. Well, he is a dog. So... He is automatically cute.

The fact that I stopped playing this game, even though cyberpunk is my favorite genre and it's cool to take in the beautiful scenery of Nivalis, shows how boring and tiring the missions are. I kept going for 5 hours, but just couldn't get through.
269 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 20:37
i want to like the game for its immersion and atmospheric flight. I wanted to reenact Blade Runner.

But the conversations and story is a meh for me, its a black and white world (which is anything but neo-noir, maybe neon-noir is the opposite) , Corps are all stupid and bad, where as the poor, androids and homeless are good-hearted.

The game does the judging for you, Rania would sound obviously upset for decisions the player makes, conversations mostly revolve around : Racism, Segregation of androids, class separation, you get the idea. If only those issues are addressed in a subtle manner instead of inelegant cliche deliveries that feeds the protagonist's opinion for you.

125 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 22:27
I bought this game on sale but i wish i didn't, it's worth the price. With simple graphics and simple objectives, this game has what 90% of games lack: immersion and atmosphere. The music is good too. Sure, you are a delivery driver and you have to go from A to B, but don't be fooled, every package has its own story behind.. and also decisions. Everything is very well written aswell, dialogs are pretty good.

If you are into the cyberpunk universe, you like to chill and explore while having an immersive experience, go ahead and buy this, you won't regret it.
529 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 16:14
I'd say this is more of a short story than a game, that's not bad though.
160 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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376 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.09.21 06:50
This game had a lot of potential, and if it had more of a community and mod access maybe someone could make it good - maybe one day I'll bring myself to finish it - but honestly wish I could have returned it. I do not understand how it has such good reviews. Just fetch quests, poor controls and game balancing, walking simulator with awful dialogue and equally poor voice acting. Kept expecting the story or gameplay to open up, but instead things kept feeling more and more tedious, and the characters made less and less sense. The little bit of messaging the game might have is so heavy handed it just feels patronizing.

The world is well constructed, but story and gameplay are shallower than an inflatable kiddie pool.
1560 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.09.21 10:09
Forget the visuals. The game is a minecraft with twice the resolution.
The point of it all is the writing. The story and the characters.
Unfortunately everybody - seriously hard to think of exceptions - is a cliche cardboard cutout.
Nothing interesting happened in my playtime. No friends, no relationships, no personal goals, no hardships, no tough choices with tangible outcomes, no setup or payoff for anything. Just a sequence of cringe dialogue with stereotypes.

Whenever there is a hint of something interesting happening - it's always off camera, and it always stays ambiguously unresolved.

I think the point of the story is to empathize with the protagonist. But she experiences about as much hardship and is about as likable as Rey Palpatine. She also wants to do the right thing all the time...

16 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 06:54
Super chill. Good for a Sunday hungover game or for before bed. Really enjoy it, :)
276 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 22:30
Its relaxing like Euro Truck but with good writing and Cyberpunk aesthetics. I love this.
192 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 15:54
An amazing atmosphere and setting, ruined by some of the most excruciatingly cringe dialogue I've ever experienced. I wanted to crawl into myself.

Again, very cool game, very relaxing, until there's dialogue. Just turn Voice off. Get rid of the whole thing.
604 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 02:52
A good cyberpunk. Controls are a bit wonky and take some getting used to, camera is usually fine but sometimes VERY wonky, but the story is nice and the aesthetic is incredible.
1462 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
1058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 17:57
I bought this game on a lark when an ASMRist I liked tried it in one of her videos... I just expected a peaceful game I could play in the background while I was working. I was in awe of the visuals of the game world, just using the simple blocks - I was transported to a space-age futuristic city. An incredible ambiance formed by the rain that made the lights glow. The music choices were an excellent addition and complimented the scenery quite nicely. What really sold this game was the storyline - the heart of the main character and the intriguing stories of the people you meet along the way. I enjoyed the game right up till the end, and was left wanting to play more... and you can! Because the world is open after the storyline concludes, yay!
508 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 15:53
Definitely not for me, but you may enjoy it. Gameplay wise, you're delivering packages. Think Truck Simulator, but you're flying in a cyberpunk city. Now that alone I could find relaxing, but this is primarily a story game, so the story needs to keep you engaged but it just didn't work for me. I didn't care for the voice acting, and the story itself didn't catch my interest although I did run into some clever parts. Atmospherically the game is fantastic, and it does a great job of capturing the cyberpunk world.

I would probably prefer the game more if they had leaned into the 'Truck Simulator' type aspect of it, and made it more of a game about struggling to make ends meet as a delivery driver in a world where only the extremely wealthy really make it. It certainly has that element with the story, but in my opinion it should be more of a show then tell.

Overall it is definitely *not* a bad game. If you think you will enjoy it, give it a shot. It just doesn't work for me, and can't recommend it.
468 Produkte im Account
131 Reviews
790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 20:24
+ Beautiful, looks way better than in screenshots.
+ Music
+ Atmospheric
+ Voice acting
+ Good side missions
+ Optimization
+ Big map

- Short

Overall 87/100
If you like cyberpunk genre this is a must buy.
943 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
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91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 04:59
I really tried to give this game a chance because the aesthetic is fantastic, but this game just proves that looking really nice doesn't mean much when there's no interesting gameplay to back it up.

And that's where this game fails. The gameplay. Cloudpunk is one long fetch quest. You pick up a package, you take it to where it needs to go and you listen to little talking heads in the corner of your screen talk at you. This might be more tolerable if the voice acting/writing/voice direction were better, but it's not. The writing is serviceable, but the voice talent delivers everything with an overwhelming lack of inflection. Not a single person that did VO work in the 90 minutes of the game I managed to sit through had any emotional range whatsoever.

Bonus points go to the the three consoles schemes, all three of which are technically and functionally lacking.

In the default fixed third-person camera mode, the game will change cameras angles (ala old school Resident Evil) automatically, but it doesn't retain your direction of movement, so if you're moving when the camera suddenly reverses, you'll run yourself into this weird camera shift loop. This happens way too often.

In the traditional third-person OTS mode that was added later, the character moves around like she's ice skating. There's also no sensitivity or deadzone options for either thumbstick when using a controller.

When using the first-person camera, it becomes painfully obvious that the game was developed on and designed around a 16:10 or ultrawide aspect ratio. The default FOV in FPS mode is way too high (and there's no way to change it easily), creating perspective distortion at the edges of the screen. And again, there's no options in game to adjust thumbstick sensitivity so if you're using a controller, you just have to go with what the developers have decided for you is the right setting.
100 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
64581 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 02:58
One of the best story driven games I have played in a long time. No special skills needed to enjoy playing, just making choices and see where the story takes you. Great visual design, control layout, sound design and a downright amazing soundtrack. Well done.
17 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
202 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 17:13
It has trains, it's already better than Cyberpunk 2077
91 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 04:58
This game took me 15 hours and it was heavily story based. Listen closely, the story is in the telecommunication. If you don't listen to the story the game will be repetitive. Get involved and delve deep into the characters to get the most out of the game.
871 Produkte im Account
249 Reviews
593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 04:37
It's pretty good at what it is. A chill cyberpunk walking simulator/looking at things simulator. If I had to critique one element of it I'd say it needed some more on foot movement tech, it got a little dry walking everywhere, at least a run augment or something.

Anyway, don't go in expecting a guns blazing story, that's not what this is, but I enjoyed it for what it is, even if it took me a bit to get past the art style, but I'd say it was to the game's benefit in the end.
35 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
990 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 18:37
more cyberpunk than cyberpunk 2077
958 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 21:17
What a short and sweet little surprise this game was!

In terms of gameplay, it revolves around simple fetch quests on which you fly around in an upgradable floating vehicle delivering packages. And this is the only less exciting part of the game, which in my view, is just a relaxing means of delivering a pleasant short story about a rural woman who is pushed by debt collectors into a big AI driven city.

Visually, don't let the voxel style deceive you, I found it very enjoyable to fly around the city and sometimes crashing into other vehicles or buildings because I found myself distracted appreciating the scenery.

The soundtrack is also fantastic with its synthwave style which, of course, fits very well. The voice acting is superbly done, nothing felt out of place.

In general, the game developers excelled at creating a damp, rainy and lively cyberpunk city atmosphere with plenty of interesting characters and their short stories. The futuristic visual and audio design are interwoven perfectly for most players to feel immersed in it.

If you enjoy cyberpunk themed entertainment, the small amount of hours you put into this game are surely worth it.
212 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 12:11
Being a deliverer in a Cyberpunk world way better than i expected.
-Great soundtracks
-Impressive Story and Story-telling
-Voice acting is also great
-Gameplay is nothing special,it's not bad either
-And if you like pixel games/pixel art you should consider to play this game.It's really mind blowing at some point,i really like it.
Cloudpunk is one of the best game experiences that i ever had.I strongly recommend it.
637 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 16:01
As a driver, you can earn $100 per order, so I'm just wandering how much delivery fee they will charge each package lol

btw, the city is so gorgeous, if you are a big fan of cyberpunk style games, you will love it. 8.5/10
730 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 12:23
I really like the visuals and the sound.
The city looks awesome!


The rest. It´s so boring.
Maybe if you had some kind of dialog choices... But i was most of the time just waiting annoyed for the dialog FINALLY to end.

There is a LOT of dialog. And it´s most of the time pretty boring.

You drive to point A, pick up a package - dialoge - run to your (car?), still waiting for that dialoge to finish... Drive to point B while listening to DIALOGE, get out of the car running to point B while still waiting the DIALOGE to finish, drop the package wich results to a dialoge wich still DRAGS on while you already stand back at your car and just want to CARRY ON!
That´s how this game plays. A non-interactive visual novel with some point A-B sometimes C driving. You sometimes get choices but they all feel as if they don´t really matter~

It´s not all boring, there are some interesting storys woven into, but not enough to keep me hooked. Maybe if the main protagonist would be a little more likeable, but somehow i can´t connect with her. There is something that ticks me off with her attitude~ Can´t tell why don´t know.
1497 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1197 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 12:38
Cloudpunk is an outstanding delivery game! It delivered me to the old days of playing Omicron: The Nomad Soul and Anachronox. And those ancient games that you had to load by holding your breath and pushing the corner of a plastic cassette for five minutes.
327 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 09:00
its a glorified walking simulator. If you like that its not so bad. dont expect too much terms of gameplay. Its a little bit like reading a book but less interesting most of the time
312 Produkte im Account
58 Reviews
533 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 20:25
More Cyberpunk than Cyberpunk 2077. Alot more honest too.
117 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 16:51
8-bit Death Stranding in an atmospheric cyberpunk city. I love it.
639 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 12:55
While I'd love to recommend this for the aesthetic, music, and look - there isn't much game beneath the surface.

Overall, the voice acting is as jarring as the plot.
I suppose I can't complain finishing the game felt like a chore, as that is pretty much what the job of a delivery person might feel like. What this game could really have benefited from was a truly great protagonist, and writing that made better use of the fly A to B gameplay loop. In the end, the existentialism never grounded the experience.
108 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
751 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 17:28
Super basic gameplay, just driving around in a hover car or walking around on foot, go from point A to point B.
But the world, atmosphere, music is all really cool.
Just a simple chill little game with great vibes.
Nice way to wind down after a long day.
208 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
843 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 20:47
Your dog is your car. 10/10

Actual Thoughts

You're a delivery driver in a Blade Runner themed sandbox dealing with the collapse of society, existential crises of humans and androids alike, at the mercy of an oligarchy of corporations that live above the clouds.

Very chill game that is about the atmosphere and dialogue. My playtime was roughly 14 hours, but I tried to complete as many achievements as possible. You could easily complete the main quest line within 6-8 hours.

Worth the money if you're looking to scratch that 80s synth itch.
631 Produkte im Account
249 Reviews
1092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 19:06

The city of Nivalis is wonderful, it feels alive, is fun to drive around and explore, meet interesting (and often strange) people. Truly great worldbuilding.

I loved most of the characters and they are well acted/voiced. Some are hilarious like Huxley. In a city where money and social status is the only thing that matters, honest people should be treasured, and true friends are often rare.

Bear in mind this is an exploration and story oriented game, there's really not much gameplay depth here. You just drive around the city (driving can be a bit annoying sometimes), walk, talk to people and do errands, and that's pretty much it. Is fun tho, very good for a change of pace.
871 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.21 10:07

A disappointing story and gameplay that gets boring fast, sadly takes away from the amazing setting an immersive atmosphere

First, I should say that I really wanted to like this game. I had it on my wishlist since it first appeared on Steam, before you could even buy it.

And second, I haven't finished the game yet. I think that says a lot about the game itself.

The rainy cyberpunk setting is beautiful. The pixelated graphics take nothing away from the beauty or the immersiveness of the game. The world feels very populated, fast paced an alive.

The story and voice acting is what takes me out of the vast world around me. The story starts off slow and really never gets any better. There's an illusion of choice that you can see through right away. Choices never effect the story.

Example: [spoiler] There is a package you acquire that turns out to be a bomb, you are suppose to make your deliveries no questions asked. The game gives you the option to deliver the package as requested or you can drop the package somewhere no one will get hurt. I chose to not deliver it and dropped it off somewhere safe. I was expecting to be yelled at by my employer or somehow punished for disobeying. But nothing happened. And no one talked about it again. [/spoiler]

The characters range from just okay to pretty boring. But I think that has more to do with the story, or lack there of, then it has to do with the characters themselves. We don't get to know enough about them. I never really cared about any of them. Not even Camus an I love dogs!

The voice acting is pretty bad too, in my opinion, especially the main character. She doesn't talk with much inflection in her voice, making her sound very mono toned and bored. She was by no means the only one but the others were just NPCs.

The game play can be quite fun. You feel like you're driving that cab from The 5th Element. But the gopher fetch quests (Go here Go there) and the drive around to find all items get old really fast. I know making deliveries is the basis of the game but more variety might have helped.

I do want to finish the game. I plan to keep playing, probably only in small increments. It might get better an if it does, I'll change my review. But as of now, after 2 hours, I've had my fill an am moving on to something else.

I would definitely not recommend this game at $20. Wait for a sale or just pass on it altogether.
147 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 10:57
Stunning game, mesmerizing atmosphere, well-thought NPC interactions and a beautiful cyberpunk metropolis...

You should buy it if you are a cyberpunk fan.

Yet, there is this frustrating thing that I must tell you about.
I am already invested in the story but the dialogues are endless. They just don't end and they don't actually say anything about the story. Almost every character is a bit sarcastic and they never SHUT UP. Stop speaking if you are not going to say something that matters. Long dialogues do not weave anything into the texture of the game. Every time someone starts speaking including Rania, they just go on and on and never stop. I don't know why you went with this but please, it is sucking my life energy. shuuut uuuup.
68 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
891 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 16:09
good game
828 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 02:46
It's simple, sure.

It still manages to rise above its simplicity.

You wanna fly around a futuristic cyberpunk city and do some simple A to B questing with fun upgrades and the simplest and loosest of plots ever? You're in the right place. You want something (... legit anything) more than what I just said? Well, um.
472 Produkte im Account
104 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.21 21:44
First off, the dialogue and voice acting was so bad that I muted the dialogue and just listened to the music while I drove around the city. Aside from the that, the music/graphics are nice and the driving is fun for the first two or so hours. Unfortunately, the game play loop gets very repetitive/boring and after 3 hours I personally just felt too uninterested to even finish the rest of the game. Worth playing if you're into cyber punk aesthetic, but wait to get it on sale for under $10.
My score 5.5/10
129 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
564 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.21 20:19
Silnik przyjemnie mruczy. Za oknem przewija się futurystyczny krajobraz zdominowany przez gigantyczne wieżowce i kolorowe neony, a między tym wszystkim przesuwają się miliony ludzkich sylwetek. Moja pierwsza nocna zmiana w Nivalis - jest pięknie. Choć czuć, że z tym miastem jest coś nie tak. Ale podejrzliwe myśli mogą być jedynie wynikiem irytacji wywołanej ciasnym ruchem ulicznym, który spowalnia mój poduszkowiec. Nie mam na to czasu, muszę dostarczyć tę paczkę na czas, by zarobić na nowe ciało dla mojego psa. Tylko czemu wszystko jest zbudowane z klocków?

Moja recenzja na blogu: https://pandibbler.wordpress.com/2021/01/25/recenzja-cloudpunk-pc/
1074 Produkte im Account
105 Reviews
921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 15:12
Pour un jeu qui est une succession de quêtes FedEx (tant décriées et souvent à raison), Cloudpunk est une excellente surprise. La conduite est très agréable (moi qui attendait d'avoir un simulateur de taxi façon Le Cinquième Élément...), l'ambiance (sonore, visuelle) de la ville est très bien retranscrite et le jeu est suffisamment long pour ce qu'il propose ; à savoir un générateur à histoires bien foutu qui aborde des thèmes parfois attendus (transhumanisme, inégalités...), parfois moins (immigration, rapport à l'autre...). Alors, certes, les phases à pied sont perfectibles, quelques événements sortent un peu le joueur de sa bulle mais sinon, c'est du beau travail.

Je préfère préciser : il faut quand même aimer les jeux un peu lents et contemplatifs et prendre le temps de se perdre dedans, ce qui reste la meilleure façon de l'apprécier (et c'est sans doute pour cela qu'il n'y a quasiment rien de chronométré).
313 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
609 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.21 19:46
Great writing, very compelling story. Only issue i had was that the rain effect is a 2d effect on the camera instead of a 3d effect around you. Can break the immersion when you look up and the rain starts falling sideways.
66 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 15:46
So full disclosure, i play so many games i cant even keep count. My backlog is filled to the brim. I play everything from 2$ indie games to fully priced triple A games. I stopped playing almost everything else when i got into this game. Cloudpunk is officially now one of my favourite indie games of all time.

Warning: This is mainly a driving game which is 95% fetch quests and a collect-a-thon. You play as a delivery driver in a cyberpunk dystopian city. You can get out of your vehicle only at designated parking spots to explore but theres not much to do besides talk to NPCs a pick up items or deliver your packages. If this sounds boring to you then do yourself a favor and skip this game. Don't force yourself to play a game you know you wont like just to leave a bad review.

The soundtrack is amazing and all the screenshots of the game fooled me. I thought the graphics were realstic until i jumped in and everything resembled minecraft. To me, that just added to the charm of everything.

I've seen a lot of folks complain about the voice acting, but remember , depending what country you live in, this game is between 10-30$. Its an indie game. And i think for that price, the voice actors did a fantastic job. Objectively speaking, i can't say that the voice acting was amazing but i did start caring about the characters, especially after a few hours playing the game.

So a great soundtrack, open city with beautiful colours and landscapes, places to explore, a great story, fun driving mechanics and for a great price.

To anyone who likes a good indie game with a great story but little to moderate action, this will be for you. However if you're a triple A gamer mostly, and you have high expectations for gameplay variety and voice acting, do all of us a favor and pass.

To me, this game was a gem and i believe to the right people , its a game worth cherishing a dumping a ton of hours in. That being said, the game is only 10-20 hours long depending if you skip talking to npcs and you just follow the main quest.

TLDR: experienced and seasoned INDIE game lovers, dont sleep on this game, however if you only play Triple A games usually and you're looking for a cheaper game/ want to branch out into indie gaming, approach with an open mind, if you should even approach it at all.

28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.02.21 07:24
The game has pretty aesthetics, but unfortunately it is marred by poor storytelling and very poor voice acting. I don't usually write reviews but the voice acting for the main character was so bad that I was motivated to post this to thumbs down this game.

Also, the characters are extremely cliche, and the social commentary gets very annoying. It's always CEOs bad, technology bad, streamers bad, etc, and poor guys good. The main character is also very very annoying, especially in the way she interacts with all the NPCs.

Really the aesthetics are the only thing going for the game.
102 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
125 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 03:15
Really lovely atmosphere, but pretty much no gameplay to speak of. The driving feels clumsy and not enjoyable, and after 2 hours of playing I think it's pretty much the only interaction mechanic in the game.

I appreciate the world that the devs created -- I wish I could have participated with it more.
164 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1008 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 04:55
Certainly... not... GOTY material, However, a small gem in it's own lane. Absolutely a pleasure to experience, the setting, the sprawling metropolis, the views were of a dream. the flying cars, very simple but very fun. The story overall wasn't spectacular but it had moments of intense intrigue. Occasionally amusing dialog complemented by bad voice acting. Sometimes the dialog was a bit more than you wanted to endure, and the city didn't have as much content to disembark your vehicle and explore as you would hope. Still absolutely delightful and i don't regret playing this one.
246 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 23:42
Cyberpunk 2077? Nah. You mean Cloudpunk 2077.
334 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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450 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 04:13
Cloudpunk presents itself as a series of intertwining stories that paint a picture of a cold and unforgiving city. You play as Rania, an indebted delivery driver on her first shift as she finds her way around the cyberpunk dystopia of Nivalis.

My issues began when Rania opened her mouth. Now, I’m not a stickler for voice acting so imagine how truly awful it had to be for me to even mention it. Conversations in no way sound natural and instead sounds like two people purposefully hamming it up for the sake of a video game. Additionally, the audio is somewhat distorted to make it seem like its being made over a communicator of sorts, but this becomes especially jarring when characters are standing right next to each other. I suggest watching the first mission for yourself online and seeing if you can stand the voice acting.

Of course, my hatred for the voice acting may be partly due to how much I dislike Rania. Never before have I disliked a playable character more than Rania with the core reason being how judgmental she is. Even before the events of that fateful night, she actively admits to how much she hates Navalis. So while we, the player, are trying to come to grips with the city and all its complexities, she’s snarking away about how the city sucks all the joy and life out of its citizens. Why not let us come to this conclusion for our self? And it’s not the funny type of snark either. She’s actively rude towards people looking for a conversation (even if they deserve it) and routinely brushes them off. And for someone who preaches about how uncaring the city is, she comes off as a massive hypocrite. This is especially evident when Rania meets a certain popstar for the first time, who she berates because, obviously, rich people cannot have problems, only to do an about face seconds later. The 180 is enough to give anyone whiplash.

I cannot say I cared much for her companion, Camus, either. While Rania is supposed to be the jaded hero, Camus serves as the naïve foil who asks questions and pokes holes in her logic. However, more often than not, he comes off as annoying and this may partly be due to him taking on the form of a dog, complete with annoying dog jokes which almost always fall flat. There is not a single character I enjoyed in Cloudpunk, only a very small handful I tolerated such as Huxley. The best of the bunch is probably the city of Nivalis itself as it literally crumbles before your eyes despite the best efforts of Engineer to keep it afloat.

And I suppose this is where we must talk about the story. Going back to the opening paragraph, Cloudpunk consists of a series of stories that are intended to provoke you into taking a stance on a particular issue. For example, should you allow people to continue doing what they love, even if it’s detrimental to their health? While a deep question with a lot of potential nuance, these questions are presented surface level at best in Cloudpunk with the game wanting you to make a decision having only met said presenting character a mere five minutes ago. How can you expect the player to make a meaningful choice with so little build up? Without us having gotten to know the characters and how they feel on the subject? And to make matters worse, again, Rania judges you when you pick a decision that doesn’t align with her own ideals. If you’re going to try and make us feel bad for a decision, why bother giving us the ability to make decisions at all? If the developers wanted us to experience the story exclusively from Rania’s perspective, then they should have eliminated all the choices and told us the story they wanted us to experience.

This makes the final decision of the game especially weightless. You talk to this character maybe three to four times tops and between missions at that. And you’re expected to make such a large decision based on that alone? I’ll be honest, I picked whatever option was closest to me because the game hadn’t made me care enough.

Aside from the subpar characters, subpar voice acting, and subpar story, there were a few minor nitpicks that were immersion breaking for me (though the story itself is immersion breaking enough). Vendor trash can be picked up throughout the world and this can sometimes sell for an exorbitant amount of money. It makes me wonder why Rania is a delivery driver when she could make so much more as a trash collector. Additionally, Cloudpunk contains one of the worst side quests ever designed. A character asks you to collect 20 of a particular item and upon doing so, guess what she asks you to do? Collect 20 MORE of said item. And you wouldn’t believe what she wants you to do afterwards. You have to do this FOUR times in a row in what must the biggest test of patience ever conceived by another human being. By the fourth time, I gave up. My patience had run dry and I wasn’t going to collect 20 more macguffins for two more lines of dialog from a character that had not endeared herself upon me.

In the end, I cannot recommend Cloudpunk. Even if it was free, I would not recommend it unless you were trying to get some impressive screens shots. While one could argue there is some cathartic fun in driving around and taking in the sights, I play games for the story they can tell and Cloudpunk’s story left me cold.
536 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.21 17:16
the first thing i did was find a drug dealer and i managed to get high pretty good game 10/10
551 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 05:46
This is not a game. It is a visually arresting chunk of non-stop linear fiction with few choices, and none that seem to matter beyond the story that unfolds in your own mind. That's not a dis, just a straight-forward assessment of something that I wanted to fall in love with, but had different ideas about our relationship.
422 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
160 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 16:12
This game's writers seem to think the arguments they act out and inevitably win in their heads make for good dialogue. When they want to make some point about contemporary society or politics, which is frequent, the thin veneer of inhabiting a futuristic world crumbles to make way for mediocre arguments that can be found more-or-less verbatim on social media in 2020.
232 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.20 17:29
I really enjoyed this game. I'm not going to compare it to cyberpunk 2077 because it's not really comparable, in the fact that they are just 2 different games. When you first launch it, you might think its a minecraft cyberpunk ripoff, but it isn't. It has its own thing going on. The story was engaging, i really liked Camus. The setting was nice and the city looked pretty cool most of the time. i liked that all dialogue was voice acted. I liked driving around the place in my hover car.

It is quite a short game. I completed the main story in 9 hours (including some side quests too), sort of wish it was a bit longer, and really wished i could have seen the city in daylight, not just night time! Some of the upgrade options etc didn't really add much to the game play, like clothes/ car upgrades - they didn't really add anything and to be honest if i'd gone the whole game without upgrading my car at all, im not sure it would have made much difference to me. I wish the world was a bit more interactive at times, and wished there were more upgrade options like, running faster, driving faster, as i did find it a little slow in places (movement speed wise).

I'd say its like, a step above a visual novel, there's not tons of game mechanics involved etc, but you get to fly around and move about etc, but i think the main point of the game really is its story, everything else is just sort of filler for the story. Driving around gives you something to do while you're in dialogue on the phone. I didn't mind that at all. There were some choices to make which was nice, they don't change the overall main story, but they do change some of the characters you're interacting with, and their story. No dialogue choices though, so for the most part it is very linear.

I think this game really has potential. It was fun and i enjoyed the story, but i think it did feel a little bit hollow at times. Would have been cool if a little more time had been spent on adding in upgrade options that made a real game play difference, dialogue options maybe, more side quests, more interactable things / people, but for the low price tag (i paid £11 on sale), i can't really complain too much. If they make another, i hope to see it a bit more fleshed out to reach its full potential.
156 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 15:08
You play as a delivery driver and it's your first night on the job. Also, your vehicle's AI is your pet dog.
139 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 09:35
Looking for an actual cyberpunk experience? If yes, look no further.

Easily one of the most visually & aurally pleasurable open-world games in the market. Core gameplay is fairly minimal (driving/walking around from A to B with set objectives) but it gets quite immersive with character dialogues, story plots and overall ambience.
The sort of game you'd launch after 11pm with all lights turned off and have your monitor illuminate the room.

288 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 04:17
I wanna be clear that this game is flawed, I feel people have been far too lenient with its story and characters.
I do recommend cloudpunk, if the trailer looked interesting then the game is exactly what you expect.
It's highly engrossing, the atmosphere and tone keep the simple and calming gameplay loop plenty interesting for the games entire runtime.
The problem is, this game and its world feel like they would be better suited to a more straightforward delivery rpg with some simple short storylines, and neat crap to spend money on; instead what we have for a plot is a very bizzare and often heady mess of preachy bullshit.

I did enjoy several of the characters but rania was not one of them, her I absolutely hated, so much so I ended up taking sick pleasure in making her a complete hypocrite every chance the game allowed me to make a pointless moral decision.

The story beats do land in spite of the cringey dialogue and annoying cartoon strawmen this game keeps trotting out, the cora stuff seemed like it was going somewhere interesting and while the ending was more discomforting than conclusive it did still feel like an ending.
Just when I had grown tired of what felt like the main plot the game decided to cool down with a bunch of smaller storylines that vastly improved the overall feel.
when the main plot did pick up again it was largely improved, they introduced several characters I liked just in time for them to have meaningful payoffs and an ending.
I even got some surprising validation for earlier choices I had made without really thinking.

so in conclusion this game was a solid 8/10
I'm surprised to admit I thoroughly enjoyed a game despite hating its protagonist and mostly disliking its plot,
the gameplay truly had me on this one, the sideplots that were engaging kept the primary loop fresh and lifelike. There were few mechanics in total but I felt like they all became essential at some point and by the end I was driving around like a pro, just as dispatch had promised.
Most importantly I do want to encourage this sort of game, there need to be far more like it, maybe next time someone will make one without such a predictable dystopia, seriously can we not just have crazy taxi in a scifi utopia?
seems like a missed oportunity.
274 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1012 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.20 22:33
After playing Cyberpunk 2077 for several hours, I realized Cloudpunk is the game I truly wanted.
995 Produkte im Account
103 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 23:10

????Positive Aspects:

  • Unique art-style.
  • Great atmosphere.
  • Amazing voice-acting!
  • Interesting storyline!

????Negative Aspects:

  • A game not for everyone as it’s basically just a walking simulator.
  • Despite being excellent as far as voice acting goes, Rania’s voice lines were a little pale and stiff compared to the other ones.


Cloudpunk is a storyline focused walking simulator set in a futuristic city called Nivalis. Your goal in this game is to deliver packages using your HOVA which is basically your vehicle. It is a beautiful title to try out before Cyberpunk drops as it just oozes with atmosphere in every corner. The game was developed and published by ION LANDS .

Release Date : 23rd April, 2020

Last known update: 27th October, 2020


An amazing game hiding so much atmosphere behind its simple game mechanics!

Truth be told, I thought that this would be another mediocre “atmospheric” walking simulator, but I was so wrong, the game has a totally unique world with its problems and you can learn stories from every perspective in this world. Speaking of the world, it is a rare occasion that a city can feel so alive, everything is just spot on. The game manages to tell an amazing story with great and unique characters.


Yes the gameplay is pretty simplistic, the best way to describe the impact of this game’s gameplay mechanics would be to mention Euro Truck Simulator. Yes it isn’t the best comparison and the games differ in so many ways but keep in mind that both games have a simple task and that is to deliver things. That’s basically the entire thing.

Delivery missions:
Well as mentioned you are a delivery driver for Cloudpunk, only rules are to deliver the packages and never ask what's inside of them. You start off with a pretty bad HOVA (vehicle), it is slow and only offers basic features. After collecting your package from the HQ or another Nav point you will have to drive through the highways of Nivalis most of the time. This may sound like an easy task but trust it isn’t as easy as you may think, the entire traffic resembles the streets of India where it's basically a luck game if you’re going to crash or not. The best way is to fly real low in order to avoid unnecessary accidents. After avoiding all of the crazy Nivalis drivers you will have to park your HOVA on a parking lot, you cannot leave your HOVA on a random location as they are programmed to only accept the traditional parking spots. After doing a perfect parallel parking maneuver you will have to continue on foot in order to successfully deliver the package to the corresponding customer. A small dialogue will trigger which will probably give you some ideas of the person, after that the delivery got approved and you will get paid. There usually isn’t a time limit which means that you can casually explore the locations, in order to trigger more useful dialogues and find items that you can sell in the future to a trader or use these items in order to fix random lifts that are broken in the city of Nivalis.

Open-World and driving around:
There are other secondary things you can do after completing a mission. You can easily upgrade your HOVA or even buy a new one. There is a decent variety in order to improve your HOVA, you can make it faster, more efficient or even buy bumpers in order to pay less in order to fix it. Outside of that you can find various Punch cards for Evelin which is an android that lost its memory, by collecting these items you can help her regain her lost memories. The city of Nivalis offers the chance to buy and consume food which is a pretty nice addition. The Open-world mechanics aren’t amazing but they do have a charm that will probably keep you interested for a while.

Other aspects:
  • Really loved the recent cockpit view addition that was included in the latest update.

  • You do have an apartment in Nivalis that you can decorate with various objects available. I decided to buy the stylish aquarium.

  • https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2281475610

  • The game does have a decision system, no idea if it is impactful but it does give you options.
  • [/list]


    Due to the Steam character limit I had to move the Storyline section . If you would like to check that one out as well be sure to click down below!

    Cloudpunk Storyline section!

    ????Graphics / Audio:

    Cloudpunk makes use of the well-known Unity engine which in all honesty is a pretty popular Indie game engine that usually works pretty fine.

    • Graphics: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2281475790 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2279179691
    • Audio / Soundtrack:
    • The Voice-acting is truly a masterpiece, every character talks in a unique way while being totally indistinguishable, you could recognize a character just by the sound of his voice. Literally all of the voice-actors are crystal clear which is rare for an Indie game. Only a small nitpick I have is with the main character Rania, there are some rare occasions where she does sound a little out of place, other than that I can’t really hide it but this game truly touches perfection with the voice-acting and amazing soundtrack.


      In Game:
    • AMD Ryzen 7 3700 X, 32GB Ram, Nvidia RTX 2070 Super: I was running the game on Maxed out settings in 1080p while maintaining buttery smooth 160 fps.
    • AMD Ryzen 5 3500 U, 16GB Ram,Vega 8:
    • I was running the game on the Lowest settings in 720p while maintaining a solid 30+ framerate.

  • Bugs / Glitches / Crashes:
  • I had absolutely no problems with my High End Pc but I do have to mention that Loading times, random freezes and some pretty rare crashes were a small problem with my low end Vega 8 device. Keep in mind that I finished the game in 8 hours using my main PC and played around for 1 hour with the Laptop.


    Cloudpunk was a big surprise for me, the atmosphere is spot on and it just consumes you, I always wanted to start dialogues with all of the characters and I was actually getting sad sometimes for making some drastic decisions. The game is truly great, obviously it does have some minor flaws, the entire walking simulator thing isn’t a thing everyone is willing to play through but that is obviously not the game’s fault. Lastly the performance on low end devices leaves a lot to be desired but still this game is a wonderful experience!

    ????Overall rating: Save ( Very good. Buy at full price, 70-90% )

    Date of the Review: 10.11.2020

    Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
    7 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    491 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.09.20 01:33
    Well built story centered on characters that make me think of myself when I go to a city, lost, unfamiliar, and afraid. makes you feel as if you were sitting in the side seat the whole way
    65 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    2560 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.09.20 19:16
    This game turned out to be way more than I expected, in a great way. The characters, story, and themes in the game are all well-done and the driving aspect is amazingly fun. All of these elements combined have made Cloudpunk one of my new favorite games. I'm currently on my second playthrough, if that tells you anything... ;3
    76 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    55 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.09.20 19:12
    Funnily enough, this game feels like what a cynical megacorporation would produce if they decided to make a cyberpunk game. It is a game without soul and just uses the aesthetics of the genre to mask its mediocrity.

    The gameplay is boring rather than relaxing, especially since a few minor inconveniences such as the map and waypoint system constantly interfere with moment-to-moment gameplay. The voice acting is at best passable, but more frequently stilted and jarring, a problem made worse by the fact that every piece of dialogue is voiced and unskippable.

    Most of all, the game treats you like you are an absolute moron. There is no subtlety in its themes, worldbuilding, or dialogue; instead the game seems to think that the player is incapable of understanding any point unless it is drawn out for them in crayon. Cyberpunk as a genre embodies revolutionary ideals where the disadvantaged (the poor, disabled, queer, non-white, etc) have the means to revolt against the capitalist oppression we see reflected in our own lives. Instead of tackling difficult and controversial topics, Cloudpunk opts to frame its moral lessons in such a childish and facile way that its points become meaningless. This is not helped at all by writing so awkward that I cannot tell what is supposed to be natural human dialogue and what is stilted android-speech.

    In Cloudpunk's favour, it is a rare game with a WoC lead, and the scope of the city is ambitious. This game is, from a distance, gorgeous to look at. I hope ION LANDS can take the solid foundational work they have and in future present a game with something more meaningful to say.
    79 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    668 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.09.20 04:57
    Enjoyable game. Really amazing world that the devs built. Bang on the noise Cyber Punk/ Blade Runner/ 5th Element. Super fun to drive around the city, the art team did an outstanding job.

    Story is pretty interesting. Starts of great and intriguing but then slowly fades off into not much.

    Unfortunately the game play is pretty rubbish, very lack luster. Driving around and delivering packages is fun but that's it... there's literally nothing else the dev's could think of? Weird.
    Why not street racing!? What's the point of the food? Or the items? So weird. It's like they built a big beautiful world that is empty of meaning.

    Definitely worth a play, but it could have been so much more with further development of the game play.

    92 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    668 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.09.20 04:19
    I mostly liked this game while playing it, but it's really not for everybody.
    The controls are kinda janky, the story is mediocre and short, and to top that off I only just found out that it's an online-only game.
    There are times where I might actually be disconnected from the internet where I kinda wanted to play this, to tidy up the side-stories, and now I can't.
    1140 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    950 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.09.20 00:26
    I was starting a new chapter in my life and this game was a great escape. I was learning to let go and this game was a good atmosphere to do it in. If you want to dive into a whole new world where you are alone trying to figure out how you fit as an outsider, even in your own skin, then this is a good game for that. Take care of these second lives when you play as other characters and you might find out a thing or two about yourself.
    15 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    776 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.09.20 21:23
    Great story, awesome characters, and very simple gameplay. If you like story driven games and cyberpunk, then this is the game for you! 10/10
    5878 Produkte im Account
    767 Reviews
    76 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.09.20 20:32
    Cloudpunk has been a very adventurous and relaxing cyberpunk-style gaming experience. Playing far in the future in the era of flying cars, you'll deliver packages for a company who seems to have a secret agenda. In game you'll be confronted with a lot of choices, choices which will alter the story and the fate of your character.
    338 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    365 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.08.20 01:29
    I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Garbage trucks on fire off the shoulder of the Marrow. I watched corpsec security gates glitter in the dark. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.

    Was honestly expecting a gimmicky car driving game, with little to offer other than racing around a blocky city.
    Glad i was waaay off target. This game has depth, and heart, and very nuanced characters. It sucks you into this living breathing world, where you start diving headlong into a tale of trying to survive in a morally questionable society. Plus, you know, its basically set in the same tone as Bladerunner.
    548 Produkte im Account
    57 Reviews
    1151 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.08.20 13:25
    I enjoyed Cloudpunk a lot. It is a great game to play with a controller, without any real challenges, just for the story and cyberpunk feeling.
    You are playing as a delivery driver, everything happens during your first night shift. You will meet a lot of memorable characters, a lot of missions will have jokes and easter eggs. I liked voice acting too.
    Gameplaywise it is pretty simple. You can ride your HOVA (flying car), park it and explore locations on foot. Dialogues and deliveries. Everything to concentrate on a story.
    The only downside for people that do not like votrex graphics will be visuals.
    Highly recommended!
    42 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    388 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.08.20 20:19
    Game looks visually great, I love the setting and artists did a great job. You know who did not do a good job? Writers. This is the worst written piece of content I have ever had a displeasure to experience. This should've been a very concise and streamlined story, instead it just drags on and on and on up to a point of nausea. The main character is the most obnoxious person I have ever seen, only the person who wrote the script could top that. I had more fun writing this review than reading through any line of dialogue in this game. Abysmal. 510 for visuals
    262 Produkte im Account
    27 Reviews
    394 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 03.08.20 18:38
    If you feel any attraction to the Blade Runner world, you can safely buy this.
    The story isn't related to BR, the city also is not. Yet the atmosphere feels satisfying familiar.
    The colors, the graphics, the sounds...you will deeply enjoy. And the soundtrack...is a masterpiece. Some of the tracks could easily be advertized as some lost songs from the BladeRunner2019/2049 original score and you wouldn't doubt it.

    The story has its lengths some times but overall offers interesting characters. Some of them are funny, some are sad. You share enough time with the more intense written characters to feel connected to or in case of the not so happy ones to feel sympathy for them.

    Regarding some of the critics:
    - The voice acting is very ok in my opinion. It matches the characters perfectly and promotes emotions.
    - It's true you don't have any real choices, most of the content is scripted and your interactivity is limited to acknowledge communication and steer the vehicle. Personally I didn't have any issue with this. Consider it to be a book that you read, experiencing the book's story in magnificiently animated 3D environment.
    - If you try to find every side quest or collectable there is in the game world, you might feel increasing exhaustion in the later quarter of the game. Yet it's your choice. Personally I wouldn't have minded if the story would have been somewhat shorter.

    Steam says I logged only 6.6 hours with the game. Which is true from the Steam server's perspective, as I played it through offline within several days while my ISP couldn't fix the line...

    This game is underpriced.

    If there ever will be VR support, I hope to be able to walk through Nivalis city, sit down on a bench and enjoy the view...
    421 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    976 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.08.20 02:11
    10/10 probably best cyberpunk city simulation we're going to get. We may not get flying cars in that triple A title game that's coming out in September but we get it here While it's simple in design there is so much depth to the world of cloud punk. Each city district has unique quirks that differentiate from each other so you can tell there was care put into each level and it wasn't just a copy/paste job. The entertainment district is flashy, the business district is organized and cold, the slums are on fire, really summing up the entire cyberpunk genre nicely.

    The music and audio engineering is fantastic. The game knows when its time to play some atmospheric music to set the mood or just let you wander the city tops and let the ambient sounds of the stores/street life takeover.

    The characters in the game portray the standard tropes of cyberpunk life. It didn't hit me until the main character is being dismissive and sassy to a rogue AI who's threatening to blow up the city. Normally you would take these threats seriously but then you realize that this stuff probably happens everyday and the people in this world are used to it. SHODAN from System Shock 2 wouldn't have that much clout in this universe. Much praise to everything about this game. The developers dreamt of electronic sheep and made a spot recreation of the Blade Runner world.
    591 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    539 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.07.20 14:10
    This is a great game if you want to experience the atmosphere of being in a Blade Runner-esque city. The driving around in your HOVA car, and even the on foot sections really do feel like you are in a living breathing city.
    The actual game itself is good, but not great. There is often not a lot of choice to be made in the game, just going from point A to point B, but the incidental conversations you have on the way really add to that atmosphere.
    Some of the writing is really great, such as the 'detective' part of the story (I'll say no more than that) and some is just average.
    There are certain parts of the game that feel like they could be fleshed out more, particularly the collectibles aspect, it almost feels a little tacked on, but given it is optional, I don't think it detracts from the main gameplay.
    I would recommend this game wholeheartedly if it's on sale, and even if not, if you want to feel like you're in some sort of mega futuristic city, this is the game for you.
    1360 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    321 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.06.20 06:21
    Despite all the flying cars, endless night, and blocky voxels, this is the most realistic open-world game set in a city, because a big part of almost every mission is just trying to find parking. I was a delivery person for 15 years. I am qualified to make this assessment.
    69 Produkte im Account
    19 Reviews
    123 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.06.20 03:10
    This is a sexy-ass game with great voice acting. It made me feel like I am submerged into the universe of Blade Runner 2049. The game is incredibly detailed oriented. As the badass female protagonist you get to fly around the large dystopian city of Nivalus in a hover car, there are a lot of different themed districts to visit, and a lot of NPCs with touching stories you can talk to. You even get to decorate your little futuristic apartment with a balcony that offers a great view of the night city. Definitely a game worth getting if you are into cyberpunk.
    95 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    920 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.06.20 02:30
    I just want to say thank you to the dev team for all their hard work.

    This game helped me through quarantine, this and moons of madness

    Were the only games I've completed so far.

    Thanks for everything guys, I hope we get a sequel, or at the very least some DLC.

    I'm very curious to see if Rania's story is not over.
    623 Produkte im Account
    13 Reviews
    9210 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 08.06.20 16:57
    This is an unusual little game that I almost quit after an hour or two. As I played on, though, I started enjoying it more and more and found myself playing some really long sessions until I finished it. I'm moving on to some other games I want to play but I could keep playing this awhile longer.and still enjoy it. It can be really addicting.

    The story is pretty slim and there's no combat but the environment and mechanics drew me in and held me. The few controls can be customized which is always a bonus for me. I think the game is priced about right, has roughly an 8 to 1 positive to negative reviews ratio and I think most players will enjoy the relaxed and unique gameplay. All and all, it's a pretty cool little game and I'm glad I played it.
    1084 Produkte im Account
    477 Reviews
    640 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.05.20 21:46
    The driving took me a little bit to get used to. I expected something much faster. Instead, the car is pretty slow and the turning radius is wide if you don't slow down. You end up veering into oncoming traffic which can be frustrating when you're trying to go fast and not crash. If you crash too much you will need to repair the car. But I got used it and if you are going slower your turn is so much tighter. I ended up enjoying the driving and once you have a feeling for it you can get around the city quickly.

    Now, you will be getting out of the car a lot. So much of your job is to chat with someone about the package. That means trying to find the closest parking spot, setting it down, then running to the spot. Cloudpunk doesn't make it easy because most of the time the meeting place is not close to the parking. The locked camera can get a little weird too because it moves a lot.

    Anyway, the city is the best part of Cloudpunk. It looks fantastic from all directions and I can tell a ton of work went into laying everything out. There's always something interesting to see. Especially when you're running around on the ground, it's probably why the developers chose to lock the camera. The angles they set provide some beautiful shots. The city feels alive with all the traffic and lots of random people walking around.

    Overall, Cloudpunk is a well-made game with a beautiful city. If the idea of completing jobs for a delivery service sounds interesting then you should strongly consider it. I wish the writing was more to my preference and that I could look past some of that voice acting.

    For the more visual, a video review,

    Click to see my curator for more reviews!
    21 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    465 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.05.20 16:20
    I am just 4 hours in so it might still be way too early to talk about the story. However, through those 4 hours, I can conclude that the story develops slowly so this game certainly requires patience. As for the vibe and gameplay, it is quite solid especially with its A E S T H E T H I C the only downside is the fixed camera which can be annoying when the views shift, and the A.I drivers also don't take it easy for you so you'll likely bump into others in this game.

    Would recommend especially if you are Outrun/Vaporwave/Cyberpunk fan
    419 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
    767 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.05.20 04:44
    This is a magnificent experience, and a great but flawed game. The world is breath-taking, and it's a joy to just drift around and explore, taking in the sights and sounds. There's so much potential here, and the developers said they are exploring their options and where to go from here, which is definitely something to be excited about.

    It's a walking/driving simulator with heavy dialogue, all voiced over. The voice-overs are generally OK, sometimes quite good, and in a few cases quite bad. You play a delivery driver in a cyber-punk city where things are falling apart, and end up entangled in some schemes as the story goes along, reaching up to a satisfying if a bit rushed conclusion.

    From a mechanical perspective, the game suffers from issues with camera and driving controls. The camera angle is fixed in the current build, which makes it harder than necessary to take in the beauty of the city. The devs are working on a fix for that.

    The driving controls are rather unresponsive, especially the ascenders (going up/down vertically). Your vehicle moves horizontally, and you hover upward/downward like a helicopter with a couple of keys (or the right stick), but it never felt good. The default xbox configuration is confusing since my brain is hardwired to treat the right stick as the camera control, so I spent a lot of time accidentally going up or down and ramming things.

    Most missions are OK, and are mainly an excuse to explore the city and build the atmosphere through dialogue with the mission NPCs. A few were exceptionally fun (e.g. the whole Huxley arc).

    The game felt the right length overall, if a bit stretched toward the end.
    14 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1840 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.05.20 02:36
    I played this game for 7 hours and beat it (I guess) and I have to say, I am sad that it's over. Seems like a short game. I understand you are free to roam the map after you complete the story, however the blimps on the map aren't promisingly -there- all the time and I lose my apartment so easily. The blimp for the apartment disappears while you are in the vehicle so it's hard to find it, maybe there is a way to fix it but I'm not sure. Great game and great story. This game is worth it for the atmosphere and mechanics of flying a futuristic hovercar (HOVA). As I look out the window beside my computer desk, I am disappointed to see cars on wheels drive by my house. It's 2020 where is the future!? Props to the creators of this game.
    258 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    379 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.05.20 00:51
    Humanity is not ready for flying cars, and this game proves it. The story is great, the acting is fantastic, and the visuals are interesting. Even though there isn't much action other than driving I got wrapped up in the game.
    141 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1263 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.05.20 00:12
    Great Game! Only wish it was longer
    285 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    24 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 18:02
    I don't know what I was expecting, but this was it.
    423 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    37 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 17:59
    a little confused of eveything the story & gameplay
    but the environment of cyberpunk town look very good
    235 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    90 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 17:56
    Good game. It satisfies my fantasy of utopia cities in my dreams countless times.:)
    377 Produkte im Account
    95 Reviews
    39 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 17:33
    This game is pretty amazing. A hard....hard dose of Blade Runner, mixed with a bit of GTA makes for a highly enjoyable sci-fi experience. Honestly, this is an instant buy for any cyberpunk, and even more so, Blade Runner fan.
    3475 Produkte im Account
    187 Reviews
    132 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.04.20 16:05

    Video Review (2 Min)


    Written Review

    Cloudpunk is a delivery service game set in an interesting and dark world.

    The game is set during your first night on the job. You are given two rules to follow. Don't miss a delivery, and don't ask what's in the package. The second rule obviously sets an underlying tone to the game, and how shady your job is.

    The game is heavily story driven, and there is very little actual gameplay. Most of your time will be spent driving around the beautiful cyberpunk city. You can fly around freely, including changing your altitude. You can speed up on highways, and have to occasionally buy fuel for your car.

    The other half of the gameplay happens once you've arrived to your delivery destination. You'll have to disembark at the closest available parking, and walk on foot. During these moments you can talk to select optional NPCs. And then hand-deliver the package to your client. Everything is voice acted, and you will be hearing conversations for most of your time playing.

    Unfortunately, for a game that has such an emphasis on conversation, I didn't think the voice acting was the best I've heard. It was quite hit or miss. It was never awful, but there were times where I felt like emotional delivery wasn't quite right, and the pacing of the writing was off. It could have been better, but didn't ruin the game for me.

    That's because the overall world and story is really intriguing. Some of the stuff people say can paint the city in quite a grim light, and there are some disturbing concepts in this dystopian city. You also quickly see the grey area that your delivery service operates in. You will occasionally have to make moral decisions, without a direct consequence being visible to you. The game kept me interested for that reason.

    Overall, I think it's a lot of fun. There is very little actual gameplay, and it's quite a chill game, despite some of the topics I discussed.
    If you're interested in being part of a world like that, I recommend it!
    As I play through more, I will update the review accordingly if needed.
    Logo for Cloudpunk
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    88.6% 5215 671
    Release:23.04.2020 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: ION LANDS Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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