“The present is theirs; the future is mine.” – Nikola Tesla
Welcome Explorers!
Close to the Sun proudly joins the Rome VideoGame Lab 24 festival, where experts and fans of video games gather to share their experiences and knowledge, explore Italian and UK video games, and take part in discussions, and finally, play video games on dedicated booths, test new technologies, and more!
Close to the Sun developers are Storm in a Teacup, a studio based in Rome, founded in 2013 by Carlo Ivo Alimo Bianchi. To celebrate Italian games week, Close to the Sun is now 78% off!
Buy Close to the Sun with 78% off!
We look forward to welcoming you on board the Helios!
Get on board, help Rose to find her sister, unveil the truth and survive the horrors that are hidden in the belly of the gigantic Helios.
Close to the Sun contains all the ingredients that aficionados of horror games crave: an original setting with beautifully-rendered environments, atmosphere by the bucket-load, a strong narrative and moments that will make you jump out of your skin!
You can watch the launch trailer here:
Learn more about the festival in its native Italian here: https://www.auditorium.com/it/festival/romevideogamelab24/