• City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.
  • City of Gangsters: Screen zum Spiel City of Gangsters.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 09.08.2021
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.12.24
City of Gangsters
  • Plattform: PC
Zum Shop
Preis Update 31.01.23

Über das Spiel

In diesem neuen Management-Tycoon-Spiel geht es darum, eine kriminelle Organisation aus dem Nichts aufzubauen und sie in eine wahre Goldgrube zu verwandeln! Dazu musst du Mondscheinkneipen und illegale Destillerien bauen. Verwalte die Herstellungsketten und die Verteilung der Ressourcen. Schmuggle Güter von außerhalb ein und besteche die Polizei, damit sie dich nicht hochnimmt. Du musst dir eine starke Crew zusammenstellen, damit du deine Rivalen in Schach halten kannst. Lösche sie aus und übernimm die Herrschaft über die Stadt. Das Wichtigste jedoch ist, dass das Geld immer weiterfließt.

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1920 und die Prohibition hat in den USA gerade begonnen. Durch den Erlass des Kongresses wird über Nacht ein großer Teil der nationalen Wirtschaft illegal: Bars und Kneipen müssen schließen, Destillerien und Brauereien lassen die Geräte ruhen und Lieferanten orientieren sich um. Doch eine neue Ära steht in den Startlöchern: das goldene Zeitalter der Schmuggler, der Schwarzmärkte, der illegalen Herstellung und des organisierten Verbrechens.

Jetzt bist du an der Reihe. Du bist zu Beginn der Prohibition in der Stadt angekommen und hast große Ambitionen. Hinter vielen der Fassaden basteln die Menschen an provisorischen Destillerien, geheimen Laderampen und an Mondscheinkneipen. Schaffst du es, dir deinen Weg in dieses Netzwerk hineinzubahnen, dann liegt dir die Welt zu Füßen.

Aber du musst das größere Ziel im Auge behalten und darfst dich nicht vom schnellen Geld ablenken lassen. Du musst mehr wollen. Viel mehr.


Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

250 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 10:57
Ich mag das Spiel. Ist für mich ein schöner Zeitvertreib. Der Gangster Anteil ist nicht unbedingt groß, macht aber trotzdem sehr Spaß. Es kann für manche nach einiger Zeit langweiliger oder repetitiver wirken, für mich ist es ein Anreiz ein neues Spielstand zu erstellen und mich zu verbessern!
80 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3484 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 22:50
Bombe... Mafia vor 30 Jahren auf C64
32 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 16:57
Ich bin total enttäuscht. Mikro-Management ohne wirklichen Bezug zur Mafia. Eigentlich eine reine Handelssimulation. Keine Sprachausgabe und die mäßige Grafik erledigen dann auch den kleinsten Spielspaß. Empire of Sin ist dagegen ein Juwel.
233 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
9516 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.21 11:45
Klasse Setting. Sehr viel Logistiktätigkeit, aber wer das mag geht darin voll auf. Automatisierung durch Routen möglich.
Viele gute Ansätze, die kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt werden. Sehr aktiver und Community-naher Entwickler.
58 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
285 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.21 19:17
Ich hatte so sehr auf eine Neuauflage von Gangsters I bzw. Gangsters II gehofft, dass ich das Spiel noch vor dem Release gekauft habe, was ich sonst nie mache. Das war ein Fehler. Denn die anderen Kritiken sagen es inzwischen deutlich: Es ist kein Gangsters-Nachfolger. Und das ist wirklich schade. Denn seit 2001 warten die Fans auf ein neues Mafia-Taktikaufbauspiel. Seltsamerweise bedient kaum jemand dieses Genre, und wenn doch, dann ist es nicht gut gemacht. Zuerst Omerta und nun City of Gangsters. Dabei wäre es so einfach. Nehmt den Tiefgang von Gangsters I und die Livespielaspekte von Gangsters II, gestaltet eine lebendige Open-World-Stadt, legt ein zeitgemäßes Grafikdesign drüber und ihr hättet viele zufriedene Abnehmer für das Spiel. Stattdessen will man den Rouletttisch neu erfinden und vermasselt es. Aber auch wenn das Spiel nicht in die Schuhe von Gangsters I und II tritt (und das wollte es wohl nie wirklich), könnte es ja auf andere Art gut sein. Das ist es aber leider auch nicht.
Mir gefällt zwar an dem Spiel: die Stadtgröße, das Stadtdesign und die Idee mit den Beziehungen.
Aber ansonsten kommt kein Mafia-Feeling auf. Keine Überfälle, keine echten Kämpfe und Hinterhalte, kein Streitigmachen von Revieren und Geschäften, alle Geschäfte sind reduziert auf Alkohol, übertriebenes Mikromanagement der eigenen Wirtschaft (und eigentlich mag ich sowas), zu viel Textklicken und immer das gleiche lesen, kaum Abwechslung und langsamer Fortschritt. Ich habe schon dreimal von vorne angefangen und auf eine bessere Startposition gehofft. Denn wenn die zentrale Ressource nicht da ist, war es das. Ärgerlich.
Sicherlich gibt es auch Leute, die das Spiel mögen. Ich nicht. Ich habe deutlich mehr erwartet und hoffe weiter auf ein würdiges, spannendes und schönes Gangsters III.
510 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
168 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 19:03
Ich weiß nicht so recht...

Es fühlt sich irgendwie komisch an.
Nicht so recht wie ein PC Spiel.
Viel eher wie ein Handy Spiel wo man mal ab und zu bissel Zeit mit rum klicken verschwenden will.
Das macht am Anfang schon nicht sonderlich viel Spaß, wenn ich mir jetzt vorstelle das ich die ganze Stadt kontrollieren will. Dann käme man aus dem klicken gar nicht mehr raus. Da kann ich mir unmöglich vorstellen das dies dann mehr Spaß machen soll, wenn es doch am Anfang schon so öde ist. Und das führt dann direkt dazu das man gar kein Bock drauf hat heraus zu finden ob dies Tatsächlich der Fall ist.

Da hätte ich mir eine Gewisse Automatisierung gewünscht, gepaart mit Lieferkosten.
Ich will einfach nicht immer und immer wieder das gleiche machen und mit jeder Expansion noch mehr dieser gleichen Tätigkeiten Erledigen müssen.

Na tut mir leid, das macht bestenfalls auf dem Handy ein bissel Spaß wenn man sowieso nur irgendwo bissel Zeit überbrücken muss. Am PC möchte ich so etwas echt nicht spielen...

523 Produkte im Account
197 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 14:06
Für 30€ ist es schon sehr wenig Inhalt. Im Kern ist es eine Wirtschaftssimulation mit wenig Tiefgang und KEINEM taktischen Kampf, nur Klick und fertig Kampf. Man handelt hauptsächlich und das über ein RPG Rollenspieltextfenster, was jede Interaktion zu einer Qual macht. Ich habe auch keine sinnvollen Wirtschaftskreisläufe gefunden. Einmal hatte ich einen Exklusivdeal mit einem Händler, das er nur von mir kauft. Aber die Nachfrage war nicht höher danach.

Daneben will das Spiel historisch angehaucht sein, aber das wird vollständig unterwandert von Frauen, die einen Großteil der Arbeiter, Polizisten und Gangster ausmachen. Hier wurde offensichtlich versucht die politische Agenda des Entwicklers dem Spieler aufzudrängen auf Kosten der historischen Genauigkeit.

Alles in allem sehr langweilig zu spielen und die Politik des Entwicklers verdirbt es noch weiter. Dazu dann 30€ und das ganze ist leider ein kompletter Flopp aus meiner Sicht.
130 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 11:40
In diesem Spiel geht es leider nur um Mikromanagement. Ich mag Tycoon spiele, aber wenn man ständig eingreifen muss damit produtkionsketten laufen, dann macht das ganze einfach keinen Spaß.

Die Spielmechanik ist immer gleich. Fahre zu Shop X und hole Ware Y. Auch nach 6 Stunden Spielzeit hat sich daran nichts geändert.

Für mich ist das Spiel eine sehr große Enttäuschung.
190 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 11:11
Ich habe jetzt mittlerweile fast 13 Stunden im Spiel verbracht und bin mir selbst nicht ganz sicher, ob COG das richtige Gangster Gefühl in mir weckt. Logistisch gesehen und vom Management her, bietet COG so ziemlich alles was man sich wünschen kann. Aber dann fehlt doch noch hier und da eine Kleinigkeit. Zum Beispiel fehlen mir Casinos, Bars, Nachtclubs usw.
Auch das Kampfsystem ist mir im allgemeinen viel zu einfach gehalten. Sicher man wollte kein Empire of Sin, aber ein bisschen mehr hätte es schon sein können.
Ich habe früher Mafia Game auf dem C64er gespielt und muss sagen, dass ich selbst damals bei der Pixel Grafik mehr das Gefühl hatte, einen Mafia Boss zu spielen als bei COG. Es muss ja kein komplexes Kampfsystem sein. So hätte man vielleicht einfach ein 2D Kampf via Rimworld implementieren können.
Wo Empire of Sin seine großen schwächen im Logistischen Bereich hatte, da fehlt es COG an den Feinheiten im Kampf. Persönlich vermisse ich auch, dass man seinen Leuten keine Gebiete zuweisen kann, welche sie dann selbständig kontrolloieren können. Zum Beispiel ein Rangsystem wie Capo, Leutnant etc. So etwas hätte meiner Meinung nach dem Spiel gut getan. So wie es jetzt ist, ist es ok, aber es fehlt der letzte Schritt um ein perfektes Mafia Spiel zu sein.


I've now spent almost 13 hours in the game and I'm not entirely sure myself whether COG awakens the right gangster feeling in me. Logistically and in terms of management, COG offers pretty much everything you could wish for. But then there is still a little something missing here and there. For example, I miss casinos, bars, nightclubs etc.
The combat system is also generally far too simple for me. Sure, they didn't want an Empire of Sin, but it could have been a bit more.
I used to play Mafia Game on the C64 and I have to say that even then, with the pixel graphics, I had more of a feeling of playing a Mafia boss than with COG. It doesn't have to be a complex combat system. Maybe they could have just implemented 2D combat via Rimworld.
Where Empire of Sin had its great weaknesses in the logistical area, COG lacks the subtleties in combat. Personally, I also miss the fact that you can't assign areas to your people, which they can then control independently. For example, a rank system like capo, lieutenant, etc. Something like that would have done the game good in my opinion. As it is now, it's ok, but it lacks the last step to be a perfect mafia game.
370 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 17:09
Also ich konnte vorab das Spiel schon ausgiebig testen. Das Spiel ist ne Art Gangsters(wer das von früher noch kennt) gemischt mit Ressourcenmanagement und Rundenbassierenden Gameplay. Die Karten der Städte sind rießig. Du hast jeden Tag Zeit deine Schritte zu planen. Du hast klassisch Aktionspunkte zum ausführen deiner Handlung und Bewegungspunkte um dich dorthin zu bewegen wo du hinwillst. Später nachher im Spiel wird es alles ein wenig komplexer grad mit den Ganzen Ressis ect. Das Spiel ist sehr gut für Leute die sich mit dieser Art Ressimanagment befasst haben aber auch für Anfänger zum einsteigen. Das Tutorial ist sehr sehr ausgiebig. (noch nie so ein langes Tutorial gehabt:) ).Es wird einem alles erklärt bis ins kleinste Detail. Finde auch den Preis recht angemessen für City of Gangsters da es echt viel beinhaltet.
Also Meinung zum Abschluss ein recht solides Game mit echt viel drin zu nen angenehmen Preis
94 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.23 16:39
There are some nice elements to this game and it has glimmers of hope. But it's a slog. An utter slog of a game. I like micro-management, but this is more just tedious running around management.

How much money do they need? Go to them to find out. Then go to your warehouse for cash. Then get caught by the police and lose your money. Then go earn some more money. Then take that. Take over a corner. Have a bad guy take your corner with no way to stop them. Repeat ad infinitum.

It also keeps losing my saves for some reason, so I keep having to retread a lot which makes it even worse. Your game ends if you die, but you can kill all an enemy outfit's people and somehow it remains. Why? Just o many questions like this.

It's click heavy and labour intensive just to feel like you're standing still.
257 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.23 15:03
This game plays like a mix of Gangsters 1 and Gangsters 2. It's got a lot of the depth and management that G1 had, and the real-time environment G2 had. Unlike G2 though, CoG is flexible with how you can use spaces, and expansion isn't just endless drive-bys (though I do kinda miss those).

A few tweaks could certainly be made. It's got a sliding cost scale (like Heroes of Might and Magic level creep) where new buildings etc cost significantly more as you grow. I guess this keeps you and the AI from building sprawling empires with dozens of buildings (which probably helps performance), but it feels really artificial.

Some expansions could also be made to the game info. Like better info on what the difference is between different sorts of cars. More depth in areas like policing, courts, jail, etc (like G1) would also be amazing.

Even so, CoG has more depth than any other prohibition era gangsters management game since G1. SomaSim definitely understands the genre. Hopefully they can take the depth further with expansions or a sequel.
46 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
7393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.23 14:40
This is a thinking person's game. More focused on logistics than combat however I would recommend if you are a role player. I like how realistic the maps are and they even have my home city in the game. Not a lot of story so it's up to your imagination, if your looking for a relaxing game to create your own story than this is the game for you.
20 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1235 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.23 23:42
Its okay really, and I think some people that like managing games will enjoy this perhaps.
Otherwise its a simple game, that relies on a few mechanics that get old pretty fast.
It has some potential if they put the time to overhaul things a bit,
pleasant 1920s aesthetic
72 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
408 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.23 02:25
I have been looking for a prohibition era crime sim/management game for the longest time and unfortunately this attempt is not the answer for me.

I play Paradox games and this is a menu heavy nightmare for me. I cant get into the repetitive dialogue which is required for every single transaction. Buy/sell should not require as many button presses as it does.

I could see this being fun if I were more interested in the RPG elements as the game allows you and as a game mechanic forces you to get to know the characters you interact with. Personally, I would rather take over the city than continually help my cousin by catering his birthday parties for JUST ONE more person to sell to.

Not the worst game out there and if you don't have any problems with what i just described you could have a good time. Not for me.
656 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.23 00:43
Tedious and repetitive. I felt more like a professional button clicker rather than a gangster.
304 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.23 15:50
The idea has a lot of promise but the execution is way off. The automation that is in the game is not actually that efficient. It should understand what resources you're working with but instead you must scroll through lists to complete tasks. It also has a strange production cycle. Once you have a decent enough foothold you just runaway with income and spreading of your area. Combat system is very boring and to be honest for how basic all the features are you would think they could have made it look nicer.

Overall, i don't recommend this game and don't foresee it getting any better. If its $5 bucks, sure but full price, stay away.
700 Produkte im Account
122 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
224 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.23 03:28
Another heartbreaker. Running a gangster empire should be thrilling, but this game makes it a tedious chore. There are lots of clever bits, including a very impressive automation system where you can program your goons to do their routines, but then all that you're left with is pretty silly and repetitive. Want to give us 20 barrels and 5 bricks for some scheme? No? OK....how about giving us 20 barrels and 5 bricks for some scheme? Lot of promise, and good UI. But I just don't want to play any more after 4 hours.
357 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
45 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.23 08:49
Not great i could not get into this game, i wanted to but it was so clunky. And this comes from a guy that plays paradox games so i dont know ... somthing is missing in this game .. perhaps not enough play testers
269 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 01:21
The major issues with this game for me are the pacing and the UI. It feels very cumbersome; everything feels difficult to do and it takes a long time to achieve. Add to that the unending repetition of tasks and it feels more like a job than a game. I think the core idea and framework of the game is good but in practice it's just a slog without enough variety to keep me interested.
251 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.22 00:46
It feels and plays too much like a board game instead of a PC game after a while.

It seems like game play is far too restricted and nothing is really convenient to help immerse you into playing.

The biggest challenge lies in actually playing the game the UI becomes the enemy and the game play itself, there is none.

The developers of this game should have hooked up with Empire of Sin and made a great game, instead we get 2 games both of which kinda suck.
252 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 17:53
This game could be brilliant but right now three things are holding it back.

1) The combat - violence and force is an important part of any gangster game. Here it is deeply one-dimensional and underwhelming. So much more could be done with it.

2) The micro-management seems endless and becomes just a grind - And I'm someone who likes 'grindy' games!

3) There isn't enough depth in general - you can bribe the police but what about local politicians? Diplomacy - what about being able to set one neighbouring gang against another? The cloak and dagger side of things? What about illegal trades other than alcohol? - Robberies? Heists? Prostitution?

So it feels a bit bare bones and repetitive right now but COULD be amazing with more work.
88 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3665 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 23:25
Great game! Very impressed with the level of detail - number, types and upgrades of booze operations available, crew progression and traits, the favors mechanic, etc. I was hesitant to purchase it at first because it seemed to me to be more of a booze simulator rather than a gangster simulator. I enjoyed Gangsters Organized Crime way back when and was looking for something similar. I went ahead and purchased it on sale and wow I am glad i did! There is plenty of gang on gang violence to be had as well as the ability to damage the store fronts of uncooperative shop owners to help them see things your way. Many of the reviews complain of a lot of micromanagement. This is true so if you don't prefer games like that then probably best you stay away from this. However if you are like me and don't mind some micromanagement do yourself a favor and get this game, you wont regret if you are looking for a solid 1920s prohibition era experience.
59 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 11:23
Not at all what I expected - I really was hoping for something similar to the original Gangsters games, but to no avail.

This is a frustrating turn-based action point buster and I wish I never played beyond the 2 hours Steam limit :(

It could be fun I'm sure, but I don't think I'll ever re-download.
338 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 07:01
While I like the idea of the game, it's just micromanagement hell for me. You can hire crew members to automate tasks but just getting to that point requires a lot of running around. You still have a lot to do manually and the game feels more like a chore than fun. This is the first game I've requested a refund for.
249 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 07:29
If you like turn based strategy games like Civilization games, but based in the 1920's during the prohibition, then this is definitely the game for you. The graphics are simple but fun. It keeps you sucked in and involved because, at every turn, something is bound to happen. You need to stay on your toes if you dare to compete with the other Outfits who have that same entrepreneurship, ambition, and drive as you do, to give you that leg up, on the competition. I bought this game and I'm glad I did. This game has so much packed into it! Pay off the cops so they look the other way as you build your Alcoholic Empire, hire new muscle, managers, delivery people, mechanics, and rank them up as you go about your business learning the tricks of the trade! What are you still doing reading this! GO BUY THE GAME ALREADY AND SPEND HOURS OF FUN ENJOYING THE PURCHASE YOU MADE!!! I KNOW I AM! Goodluck!
226 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
2337 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 00:39
I can't decide if I like this game or not.

So what's there is good. You have somewhat well rounded production chains, you have tons of weighty decisions to make with a limited number of resources and actions per turn and you have decent rewards for actions done. The core of the game is accumulating favors from people that you then cash in to get something. You have a decent chance of accumulating a favor with any positive interaction, and you can spend favors on tons of things.

The game is also primarily a management game. Combat is sticky and honestly kind of unrewarding, and as much as this is a hot take I think that was a great decision. Early combat is hand to hand, so fights mean everyone gets hurt and it doesn't really solve your problem. It's better to intimidate and talk people down. The management is also great with gang members being either operatives or managers. Managers have some a significant on the businesses they manage and operatives roam around with a million things to do between balancing your needed resources, doing missions, running errands, exploring, and occasionally even fighting. The core gameplay loop, that is interacting with your duders and doing the tasks is solid.

So the problem is balance and variety. I would say a lot of parts of this are horrendously balanced. Here are 4 ways of making money:
1.) Casinos: To get a casino you need a skill that lets you build one. This takes time to get, as you'll need to do a number of favor missions to get it. Then you need to establish the location, get a manager, build each individual game in the casino (The size of the casino dictates how many games you run, the lowest level is like 4-5 games), and then keep a minimum amount of cash in the casino. The casino kind of acts like a bank, in that it's mostly a place to keep funds that can then accumulate value slowly. At the lowest level expect like $100 a turn with 3 games running. I would say that you're probably going to need 100 turns at that rate to pay back the probably $10,000 it costs to start the casino. You'll also need to go track down people that run up too high of a debt in the casino, which gives you money or goods to sell usually. All of this takes at minimum like 8 turns to make, with 2-4 turns per game added.
2.) Liquor production: Get a building. Now build in that building, a liquor still. The still then needs resources, get resources. Now you've made the liquor, sell it to shops. Shops accept varying amounts per commodity sold, which isn't labeled at the outset. So when you go to sell something, you then figure out if you need to go other places or not. Randomly, you'll find some place that will accept 100s of cases of liquor. The low level liquor returns like $8-12 per item, with resources needed from 2 source buildings. If you're smart you've built your first building on one of those source buildings so you only need 1 recipe item to be bought from elsewhere. That usually is going to run you about under 100$ per load of liquor produced. So you're making around 4k per load every 5 or so days. Tier 2 liquor requires tier 1 liquor and a whole other list of things, but sells for about $20 per commodity item... and so on and so fourth.
3.) Foreign Liquor from contacts: Favor mission pops up with the random german baker that is in your territory. He asks for $250. You actually don't have to give him $250, you can give him less and it just impacts how much foreign liquor you get. For every favor you have with this guy, he'll give you between like 10-20 commodity items of liquor that sells for 20+. Take that to a place that buys it and get $2000.
4.) Extortion: Set up a front in a legitimate buisness. Get that front to expand your territory by paying them a small amount. After a few turns they do, and you can go extort in that new section of territory they expanded to. Now, repeat. This pays out about once every 4 turns, under 100 per front. You could with a great map spawn have 5 fronts cover 20 corners, which would mean about $500 per 4 turns. TBH this isn't cash you use in practice. I use it as petty cash my operatives can get on the way to do something else.

Options 1 and 2 take multiple turns to do. Option 3 takes 1 turn and about 5 minutes. Since Option 3 is more map dependent and random though, you may get like 3 people in your territory that give you liquor like this, you may get 20. It really kind of undercuts any need to go into liquor production when it's such a quick and easy payout.

So you have easy money that can be made like that, and extremely fiddly money that can be made besides that supports a greater network of items.

This is all... Fine. Ish. But, what I described is also the entirety of the crime you can do. Produce Liquor, open casino banks, favor cash items, and extort money from businesses by growing your territory. So it's a newish game, the devs are continuing support, etc. etc. but the first new mechanic, Casinos (The banks I mentioned earlier) were a DLC. The volume of things not covered here makes this a problem. There's no prostitution, no real smuggling outside of favors, no need to clean money, no selling of arms, no stealing, no real interaction with other gangs practically speaking, and while I could keep going here I think you get the point. Will all of those be dolled out in DLC as well?

So in scoring I'm docking 1 point for balance, 1 point for variety, and 1 point for the Monetization model. I'm hesitant about dropping it lower, because honestly I do enjoy this title greatly... but it's closer to a 6 than an 8 for me. A lot of promise, it's far better than a lot of gangsters games to come out in the last 2 decades, just... it's not sticking the landing.

Overall score: 7/10
16 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
18333 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 04:51
only if you are a simulation junky who is cool with building your own supply lines with a coding level of detail... still a little buggy and unrefined in spots but i love it enough to spend 300 hours tinkering with its mechanics. lots of depth and fun nuance. interesting game to be sure.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 16:21
The management lawyer is not fun. Having played a lot of simulators and also gangster genre games, including Gansgeters Organised Crime which is the classic, this game just doesn't hit a good balance between managemnt and strategy.
171 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
12536 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.21 01:08
An amazing game overall. I would like a few more features though, such as the ability to export goods to other cities, mansions that you can buy, maps based on Boston, New York, and Philadelphia, and the ability to buy off the mayor or even run for office.
48 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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1150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 17:46
I keep waiting for a game to reach the heights of the classic Gangster’s Organised Crime (GOC). While this game isn't terrible, sadly it also isn't game to take us back to the heights of GOC. This has potential but it’s basically just a trading game. Other than the fact you collect protection money, and can see the area you control, you may as well be playing shop manager.

With GOC, you feel like you are playing the boss of an outfit, with this you not only feel like you are running a shop, but you have to the day to day chores of running the bloody thing. I don’t mind the running about hustling at the start but once you have a crew the system for automating this away is dreadful, as ultimately you still have to micromanage the whole thing. WTF is the point in having hoods who have developed great organisation skills if you still have to micromanage everything. It should be a case of… Here is 5k, now bugger of and get this all running for me.

I don’t want to be pissing about with picking up apples because someone messed up their delivery and doesn’t have the gumption to go back and buy more. I don’t want to have to overcome the challenge of having to source stupid crap like bottles, it’s a bloody bottle FFS, not a nuke.

In GOC you told your hood what to do for the week, and they went away and did it. You could see it all play out and real time; and intervene if need be. They followed orders and acted on their own, sometimes things went well, other times they didn’t, and then you dealt with things. The shootouts were amazing, in this is a 2D screen-over. Yep, one of the most exciting things about these games, reduced to a 2D screen, Jesus.

Of course, the cynic in me thinks he knows exactly why this is. It’s an engine developed game (looks like Unity to me) and no one on the team knows how to programme AI, which seems evident through out the game, hence the need to micromanage everything. Maybe I am wrong, and the next update will transform the game into more than just shop manager, but until this time it’s a no for me, and back to GOC.
210 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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34 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.11.21 01:31
This is not a gangster simulator game. Its a PG-13 bootlegger simulator, which is fine but not what's advertised.
346 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
1052 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 10:59
Much better than another gangster game I recently bought.
107 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 07:14
Underdeveloped. Tedious
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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230 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 23:03
Awesome elevator pitch, but...

*) Too much click-click-click. This is a clicker. All I do is click.
*) Three hours in, nearest rival gang eliminated. Protection racket bringing in thick dough. All I'm about now is corners and protection money, because I can't be arsed to deal with micro of bootlegging and endless stoneware crocks. Better to just click through healing turns, earn protection money, and then go kill next crew.
*) Killed whole enemy crew one by one. They all went down in three to one gunfights to which they brought billy clubs. No casualties on our side. Police didn't care. Heatmap barely cared. No boss-of-bosses cared.
*) Zero interest in tech tree, or micro of setting up yet another version of booze production. Could set up routes to bathe in money, but why? The only reason to have it is to pay off endless quest grifters asking for 1k$ a pop.
*) The map could do with a lot better, and smarter, visibility features. I feel like I never know where I am or where my stuff is. Double-click characters to jump to them would be a basic thing. Try to setup a route when you can't have a clear vision of where crocks and beer goes, to sequence properly. I realize there is a resource overlay, but toggling back and forth is very clunky.

Suggestion for improvements:
*) Let me automate everything without cluttering my character interface with delivery drones. Let me hire errand boys who are not part of the crew per se to go get crocks and shit. Basically I want to be able to connect buildings so that they feed each other automatically, perhaps with a delay dependent on distance. I want to play a mob boss, not crock-stock-and-two-smoking barrels.
*) Work on UI. Do everything to reduce number of clicks, and increase contextual readability of the map.
*) Add actual and real challenges. My gang should have been broken up long ago. I should have failed the game for being as ruthless as I was.

I wish the devs the best of luck, and gladly give them some money, but I can't say this is currently a good game.
212 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
7735 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 09:29
I absolutely recommend City of Gangsters. Rarely in recent years have I taken to a PC strat/management (with a hint of RPG) game so quickly - Ive already sunk over 100 hours into it (which is a lot for a guy like me in his early 40s with a full time job and family). The replayability factor is one of the big positives for me - every game is different as the campaign map is procedurally generated (ie: it's not the same Chicago each time you play), and I cant wait to see what additional systems the Devs add to this beautiful game. I hope the Devs release the Bootleg Bourbon DLC as a stand alone ASAP - will buy it the moment I can get my hands on it and regret not getting the Deluxe version. Cheers. 9.5 out of 10 for me.
238 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 23:21
There's a joke about Germans: that we spend 40 hours a week doing our dream job of driving a forklift truck in a warehouse, before going home and spending all weekend playing Forklift Truck Driver Simulator. This game has absolutely made this joke a reality for me.

I work as a data scientist in the food logistics industry. I study the movement of products from production to depot to retail, trying to get it as efficient as possible, trying to keep availability high and maximising sales while minimising waste and inventory. When I bought City of Gangsters, I didn't know it was anything like that. I bought it because I played the old Gangsters strategy game and thought this was a spiritual sequel.

(As an aside, am I the only person who's begun to realise that Gangsters wasn't as good as we thought? I played it again recently and the game doesn't live up to my memories of it. Maybe it's the difference between the promise of the game, and the inevitably flawed, limited implementation of that dream that every software application always is.)

Is City of Gangsters a true spiritual sequel to Gangsters? No. It plays very differently, the rhythm is different, the UI is vastly better, and the gameplay in general is actually well thought-through. If you want a spiritual sequel to that game, you're going to have to implement it yourself.

However, if what you want is an extremely well-thought-out logistics sim, the sort of thing that's endlessly addictive to someone who literally does the real thing for a living, then this is the right game for you. The gangster setting adds a little spice to this, mostly because it lets me roleplay as the Danish Mafia, but the core of the game is a solid logistics sim. While there are more complex logistics games out there, this one brings up the actual decision points of logistics much better than they do, and focuses on those in a way that's deeply satisfying.

Another thing that's deeply satisfying: the relationship system. Every business in the game is run by a person, and that person will have nephews and sisters and friends. As you do favours for them or screw them over, their relatives will react appropriately. This is really cool and works very well. I got large chunks of the Czech population of Chicago reacting to me very favourably because I gave money to some people to rescue their farms back in the old country, and that's just straight-up awesome.

Thumbs up. Recommend. Buy it or we'll send the boys around.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
75.07% 548 182
Release:09.08.2021 Genre: Wirtschafts-Simulat Entwickler: SomaSim Vertrieb: Kasedo Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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