Citadel: Forged with Fire
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Über das Spiel

Dabei hast du stets die Freiheit, dein eigenes Schicksal zu wählen: Greife auf List und Tücke zurück, um in den Rängen deiner Verbündeten und Feinde gleichermaßen aufzusteigen, mache Jagd auf andere Spieler, errichte massive, nie zuvor gesehene Schlösser, zähme mächtige Bestien oder erkunde völlig unerforschte Gebiete, um ihre Geschichte zu erfahren und ihre Reichtümer für dich zu beanspruchen. Der Pfad zu Macht und Einfluss ist vielfältig – und immer triffst du die Entscheidung!
Willkommen in der Welt von Ignus, einer 36 km² großen Landmasse voll weiter Ebenen, dichter Wälder, zerklüfteter Berge, modriger Sümpfe und gefrorener Tundren. Drehe jeden Stein um und erforsche gefährliche Höhlen und uralte Ruinen, um mächtige Artefakte zu bergen und der Geschichte einer Welt auf den Grund zu gehen, die tausende Jahre zurückreicht. Begib dich auf eine Reise um die Welt, um den perfekten Ort zu finden, der dir und deinen Verbündeten als neue Heimat dient.
Meistere jede Menge mächtiger magischer Sprüche. Finde heraus, welche Waffengattung du bevorzugst, indem du mystische Zauberstäbe und Stöcke, magisch verzauberte Äxte, Schwerter, Streitkolben und Hämmer, sowie magieerfüllte Kampfhandschuhe ausgiebig auf den Prüfstand stellst.
Schließe dich gleichgesinnten Hexenmeistern an, um eine mächtige Dynastie aus dem Boden zu stampfen. Werde Teil einer internen Hierarchie der Macht, entwirf die Flagge deiner Dynastie, teile deine Bauressourcen mit deinen Verbündeten, um riesige Schlösser zu errichten, und gehe mit ihnen gemeinsam auf die Jagd nach legendären Kreaturen. Ziehe offen gegen feindliche Dynastien in den Krieg oder schmiede im Verborgenen Pläne, um in den eigenen Rängen Chaos und Missgunst zu fördern, die dir bei deinem eigenen Aufstieg helfen.
Verwende den „Befrieden“-Zauber, um wilde Kreaturen zu zähmen und eine Armee dir völlig untergebener Lakaien aufzustellen. Gezähmte Begleiter erhalten Erfahrungspunkte und wachsen ebenso wie du, während ihr gemeinsam die Welt bereist und in Schlachten erfolgreich seid. Belagere die gegnerische Festung mit einer Horde wilder Orks, reite Pferde und Düsterwölfe, um schnellstmöglich die weitläufigen Ebenen zu durchqueren, oder reite auf dem Rücken eines feuerspeienden Drachen, um Flammen auf deine Gegner niedergehen zu lassen.
Konstruiere das Schloss deiner Träume, indem du auf hunderte verschiedene Bauteile und einen ebenso komplexen wie leicht zu bedienenden Baueditor zugreifst. Oder mache dir die dynamische Zerstörung der Engine zunutze, um das eines anderen zu zermalmen. Verbessere deine Festung mit magischen Zusatzmodifikationen wie defensiven Schilden, Angriffstürmen, Manapfuhlen und Steinen der Wiederkunft. Schalte neue Befestigungsmaterialien und Bau-Features frei, während du Stufen aufsteigst: Mit all diesen Materialien und Bauelementen gibt es nur eines, was dich daran hindert, kreativ zu sein – deine eigene Vorstellungskraft! Du kannst dich also völlig frei entfalten und bauen, wonach dir gerade ist!
Hast du dich schon immer als alten, bärtigen Hexenmeister gesehen? Oder eher als einen jungen, ambitionierten und dynamischen Magier mit einem eisernen Willen? Nutze eine Riesenauswahl an Kleidung und Waffen, um deinen favorisierten Charakter Realität werden zu lassen. Entdecke mithilfe des Beutesystems von Citadel eine schier unendliche Menge an Gegenstandswerten: Jede Beute ist unterschiedlich – und sorgt so dafür, dass du nie die Lust am Erkunden von Dungeons und Aufreiben von Monstern verlierst. Bist du bereit für eine spannende Suche, die du nie vergessen wirst?
Warum zu Fuß gehen, wenn du genauso gut fliegen könntest? Verwende deine magischen Fähigkeiten, um dich in die Lüfte zu erheben. Komme in den Genuss der Vorteile von speziell gefertigten Besen oder zähme Bestien wie Drachen und riesige Adler, die sich in die Lüfte erheben können. Oder verwende gar deine alchemistischen Kenntnisse, um mächtige Elixiere zu brauen, mit denen du dich ganz einfach selbst – also ohne die Hilfe von Besen und Bestien! – zum Schweben bringst.
- CPU: 2.0GHZ or better
- GFX: GTX 950 equivalent or better
- Software: Windows 7 or better
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Chinesisch
- CPU: 3.0GHZ or better
- GFX: GTX 970 or better
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 7 or better
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch, Russisch, Japanisch, Chinesisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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2070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.23 11:21
Zu Farmen per Magie ist mal eine schöne Abwechslung, wenn du auch genug Mats bekommen würdest.
Game 5/10, verschenktes Potential
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6183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.23 19:42
3772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 12:07
6334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.21 18:37
Ich hab auch erst gezweifelt und ewig überlegt ob ich es mir hole. Habe zuvor ARK ca 400h und Conan Exiles 1500h gespielt. Und ich muss sagen Citadel ist endlich mal ein sehr tolles, unverbrauchtes Setting mit viel Magie und einer tollen Optik. Manche Bewegungen sind zwar etwas Hakelig und die Steuerung ist echt gewöhnungsbedürftig, aber ich hatte schon lange nicht mehr so viel Spaß an nem Survival Game. Wir spielen auf nem PVP Server. Mit einem haben die anderen aber recht, es ist anfänglich ziemlich viel Grind. Aber es wird besser und man kann einfach jede Menge entdecken, Quests machen, Zauber kombineren und herum experimentieren. Ich kann nur sagen, es ist das Geld einfach Wert und wird ziemlich unterschätzt!!!!!
39797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.21 19:00
++ Der Fantasie beim Burgen bauen sind kaum grenzen gesetzt, auch wenn wir uns alle mehr Deko wünschen.
++Immer wieder neuer Content (auch wenn es mal was dauert, das Spiel ist NICHT tot)
++Eigene Tiere zähmen (seit dem neuen update kann man auch mehr als 4 haben)
++Auch auf dem Max lvl sind die Dungeon's nicht einfach
-Zeit zwischen den Updates ist leider lang ( liegt wohl am kleinen Team)
-Ressourcen sammeln für groß Projekte ist aufwendinger auf normalen servern (Empfehle da sowieso welche mit höheren raten)
-Leider unterschätztes Spiel, darum sind viele Server nicht sehr belebt ( Augen auf bei der Serverwahl)
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39565 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 00:33
+ Open World
+ Nice Spells
+ Good Updating and Skilling Feature
- Drains Power from your CPU (Your PC will get hot from this Sh!t)
- On PVP Server, there is NO WAY, for a normal living person to defend their looong built base
- Gameplay is rough: Many Times lagging or 1-2 sec freezes
- Maaaaaaaaaaaanyyy bugs, such as: Log in fails, crashes, dropping under the world.
- No life, no work guys, griefing this whole sh!t
- Updates take at least 3-6 months to appear
- Endless Grind
- Your base is, if you are not all the time online, undefendable
- Dungeons are fun for the first time, but getting boring after u do them 10000 times to get some Sh1t
- PVP is unbalanced af
- and many more
If u wanna play a game, which is abandonned, full of russian or chinese Hackers, then play this game! its really fun 2 get simply nothing. Totally not worth 35 ,-
DONT BUY IT! (unless u want 2 hurt yourself)
6927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 14:46
ps: bisschen mehr content wäre schön
24250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 12:44
Wenn man das spiel alleine spielt dauert alles sehr viel länger und es sind viele Sachen schwerer
zubekommen oder schwerer zu Farmen aber man bekommt alles hin
Spielt man Citadel mit mehr Leuten dann kann man alles schneller bekommen muss aber nicht sein und dennoch kann man gut über 100 Std in Citadel verbringen und hat immer noch nicht ansatzweise alles was man haben kann und machen kann
wer nach 20 std sagt bin fertig und beschwert sich nichts mehr zu tun zuhaben kann garnicht ernsthaft versucht haben das spiel zu spielen Sachen zu entdecken
Klar gibt es noch punkte im spiel die verbessert werden können oder die noch fehlen/stören aber es wird immer noch weiter entwickelt und weitere Updates raus gehauen
durch die Einführung der Haupt-Quest reihe hat man einen klaren roten faden denn man im spiel folgen kann
es ist nicht flächendeckend was Quest´s an geht bis auf die Haupt-Quest reihe sind alles nur Daylis und bringen nicht viel Erfahrungs Punkte aber das ist auch garnicht schlimm da ALLES andere Ep generiert egal ob abbauen/anbauen/herstellen/ernten/bauen alles bringt Punkte die man auch braucht um weiter zu kommen
alles zusammen ergibt ein richtig gutes spiel im Open World Style indem man nahezu alles machen kann
2733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 10:30
Das bau System lehnt sichbstark an das von ark an genau so wie das leveling System oder das Freischalten verschiedener Gegenstände aber alles in einem ein Top Spiel es währe nur besser wenn man etwas mehr Support für das Spiel hätte wie zum Beispiel beibark das man mit Freunden über einen dedizierten Server spielen kann was scheinbar nicht möglich ist ohne selbst einen Server zu mieten oder einen selbst zu schreiben
5948 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 20:10
4787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.20 02:00
72763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.23 06:27
4036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.23 19:38
There is actually a lot to do, and feels a bit like Hogwarts meets open world survival-lite with crafting and building. There is food, but it seems to be meant more as a buff, which I like. I spend my time fighting, exploring, and flying around instead of trying not to starve... which I don't think you can do.
It's too bad this game isn't still being worked on with more content and fixes. It could be a gem. I would say this game is worth the $40 asking price, but it still feels like it needs a tad more work. Get it on sale if you can! :)
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312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 01:52
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1935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 21:25
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68250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 20:53
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929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.21 05:43
The game looks nice, but all the post processing in the world isn't going to save this one once it moves. It might stand up to a little scrutiny... in 2011. So lets get to the meat of it. You have 4 faces and 4 hairstyles to choose from, go ham.
The spell system is a really cool concept and I loved applying unique and modified spells to my various weapons to see how they changed or acted differently and you can apply up to 4 weapons at a time so you can scroll between 4 sets of magic abilities and spells- problem is your magic drains extremely fast and regens extremely slowly so you won't be taking on anything massive without a buff or a group (of Players). I played this completely solo so I had to crank a lot of things up to the 5x area to manage to get anywhere.
Problem number two I noticed right away is that the taming system is... unbalanced? Your tames are so incredibly weak they aren't even worth the effort. You'll be literally wasting mana left right and center trying to keep them alive and frankly you're player character is more effective than they will ever be. They get in the way, they block your spells and they die constantly.
If you're riding them you can't cast spells from their backs so you are actively discouraged from bothering with the task. Get a broom. It's less of a waste. (Most of the time your pets are going to get stuck on terrain. Small rocks, tiny branches, a 45 degree incline, inside rocks... Just. Just don't.)
The game does have a main quest but you get blocked every other five feet by this or that. Items you need to complete the quests are frequently in areas 20 or 30 levels above where you're going to be at the time of accepting the quest and guarded by things with AI so deliciously Aim-Botty and wild you'll be lucky to approach alive.
If the game had it it's way you would spend the first 10 hours of your game killing boars. I'm not kidding. I spent 6 hours running around trying to figure stuff out and do these quests before I even put down a temp home.
And that brings us to how insufferably grindy the game is. It's just so bad. Even at 5x so I could pretend I had a group it took forever and trying to explore I went from level 12 areas to level 30+ just across the street and it was awful.
Animations are not polished at all. Animal, Mob, and Tame AI are not polished. Tames are exactly the same as when you tamed them so they suck at doing anything. Flying tames are useless even for flying around because they die so easy and you can't cast from their backs. Running anywhere is painfully slow even sprinting.
I wanted really badly to like this game because the spell system and the magic system is so damn cool but the rest of the *entire game* drags it down so hard and so far I will likely never play it again. The grind. The useless tames. The tedium of quests not recognizing you already did something. I couldn't even get to the caves and decided I probably haven't missed anything because it'll be the same Dead Brain AI Tank and Spank Watch My Pets Die garbage being int he overworld was.
Save your money. The screenshots are cool and that's about it.
4799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.21 01:47
Still, the journey to max level was long and hugely enjoyable. Highly recommend.
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2383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.21 20:30
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.21 16:24
Nr.1. A survival game without the need to eat or sleep. FINALLY.
Basically its Conan Exiles, or Ark Survival, combined with Harry Potter and Valheim,
as if Lichdom Battlemage, couldnt handle being a corridor shooter, wanted more, upgraded itself, merged all before mentioned games and became Citadel.
unique, has all other games combined.
You can CRAFT your own spells, not just your own tools, mounts, pets and castles. Combine magical essences and be whoever you want to be.... if you like magic and wizzardry, combined with crafting and base building, theres no better game than this.
SO, if you want to play in a mystical world, like AC Valhalla, only you are Garry Potter, Harry Potters extremely talented wizzard cousin, riding the Nimbus 2000 while slaying dragons near the unlimited base you built on top of a mountain in a Minecraft world without creepers, this is the game for you.
Dont forget to feed your griffins and water your crops. You can also, teleport, or mess around with the elements,,,if you research deep enough into the magical arts.
You dont have to chop wood. you can use magic.
you dont need to eat, drink or sleep.
Why ?
You can chop down huge trees just by pointing your magically enchanted whatever item at it.
May as well you can instantly conjure food in your belly.
So what are you waiting for ?
Build your necromancer tower up in the sky then go burn the whole map.
3146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.21 11:42
You can ride boars. You can ride dragons. You can feel like a disney princess by taming up to 4 creatures.
You can fly on a broomstick. You can cast colorful spells.
The spells are pretty nice and you can mod them with extra range, damage and life-leech by adding ingredients.
The performance is good compared to other Ark-likes.
Decent choice of materials, crafting stations and decorations to build with. One of the better grid-snap systems.
Optional Quests that can help you skip some grinding for materials (especially Iron Ingots in the early game).
Has official servers, supports private servers and local play.
PVP servers have fair raiding times by default.
Random Events (treasureful chests or xp-drenching elite monsters) that encourage PVP. In PVE you get the benefits too, just without competition.
You can successfully play the game alone.
The AI is barely acceptable.
Your pets will consistently kill themselves by walking into environmental hazards like acid lakes or campfires, which can become frustrating quickly when you become attached to a pet.
World feels rather empty.
Has some minor bugs like T-posing or floating entities.
Has major bugs like headbobbing increasing over time, even if you stand still, to the point where you feel sick. (Can be circumvented by disabling the feature completely, but this issue existed for at least 6 months).
Overall I recommend it if you're looking for a 1st person survival game with magic combat and creature taming.
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764 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 15:06
3453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 13:12
Still has some rough edges, but is beautiful and colourful otherwise.
Enjoyable for short or extended play-throughs.
Best with friends but most servers have some sort of player base of die hard fans.
Each facet of the game seems to have its own depth; whether crafting, taming (dragon riding is BOSS), fighting, or building.
Seamless changing between first-person and third-person view makes exploration enjoyable.
Broomsticks make for excellent traditional wizard/witch transport.
Unique perks of this game(I'm sure there's more,these come to mind):
Instant teleportation (no loading screen),
taming and riding of almost any wild beast (actual ability to ride your tamed pets),
great variety of crafting and building,
quidditch(yes, u can play broomstick football).
If you want to kill time in a great fantasy rpg without feeling the pressures of a busy server or player based markets this if fantastic. Everything feels relatively intuitive and streamlined, and no need to chase any particular goal.
Often feels like a far better looking wizard minecraft.
20348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 14:55
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1332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 21:57
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4100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 05:25
It has potential, and the concept is great but.. its just not there. it lacks any sort of server tweaking or mod support, so if you want to fix something up about the game that bugs you, you just can't.
I could go into a long winded rant but, let me give you an example of one problem with the game.
To tame a creature, you make a channeling spell to tame it. the less hp it has the easier it is to tame, but the effect is minimal. theres ways to increase its effectiveness with bonuses and stats, but again, the effect is minimal. theres also no way in singleplayer or serverside to increase the speed, and for better tames it can take a really long time to tame them. they can also freely move and attack you with no hinderence during the entire process. so... this leads to you needing to use cheese tactics like building on top of them in order to be able to tame anything remotely decent. it just ends up with you holding down left mouse button at a dragon for 30 minutes while you chug mana potions and wonder if the pain in your fingers is something you might need a doctor for.
this translates to alot in the game. this isn't the only problem, but it mirrors alot of problems in the game.
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4604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 22:16
There are a lot of bugs and either they aren't currently being taken care of, or they are at a very slow pace. Devs aren't doing a great job here. It isn't even just the bugs, the lag as well. When someone picks high amounts of materials from a chest your game will freeze or even kick you out of the server sometimes.
Mobs get bugged quite often. Dungeons are weird and also buggy, also there is not much to do after reaching mastery levels. You can't rotate decoration items freely which makes no sense in a building game. The character creation is very limited and it looks pretty bad.
You may enjoy the game but the entire thing gets frustrating after a while. It is quite fun if you have someone you enjoy playing games with but not so much alone.
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3504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 10:31
-Very poor character creation.
-Lack of pve content.Lots of very tiny caves without any other kind of variation.A few world bosses.Boring quests such as kill x amount of that , cook x amount of these.
-Lots of graphical bugs such as sometimes doors replace with walls , hoods show heads for other players or when you gather the resource , it still shows that resource from the distance
-Ground mounts sometimes stuck on trees and such.
-You can only cast 2 different spells unless you carry 4 weapons because only 2 spell usable per weapon.
-Lack of inner decorations.There are very a few to decorate.
-No mod support
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5364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 01:01
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.21 19:13
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.21 02:20
5815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.21 11:03
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1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 01:25
npc's are sparce and don't really add anything to the game and are still buggy as he11.
quests are bland and repetitive and lack any effort.
world is large but again it just feels hallow and empty so becomes pointless
theirs still potential but i doubt it will ever become reality
1816 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 14:15
Nice theme
Decent graphics
- Very slow / grindy
Compared to other survivals, you can only augment exp and ressources x5. The progression is slow
- Not a lot of monsters around.
It gets a LOT better when you can fly from camp to camp.
- Limited crafting
I would like to see a lot more customization, more furnitures and objects to craft.
- Limited magic
I was only able to add 2 spells on a weapon. So I have to switch between 3 weapons in the fight to get more abilities. It is a little bit annoying. (not sure if I didn't understand something in that mechanic)
If you are not in a rush. It gets better after reaching level 30+
Later on there are really cool objects like : to protect your castle, transmute ressources, etc.
The theme is original and it is nice that we can tame animals :)
The game has a lot of potential if they decide to add more stuff in it.
- More taming options
- More esthetic items / cutomization
- More furnitures
- More monsters (population by areas)
- More Magic spells
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9656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.21 18:05
14423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 10:11
They also have vanilla servers and faster rate servers. I love that because im not much for grinding and the developers have a great choice of servers. Some people would say they have too many servers but if you filter them you see the different rates of progress for your region so just need to play the one you want. I think they have auto xp servers so if you are extra busy there you go.
13861 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.21 00:23
PROS: Base building, farming, gathering, taming, flying (Mounts, brooms, Voldemort style), PVP is great (The people complaining about PVP are just bad and don't know how to properly utilize their different abilities and equipment), there are even group dungeon/raid bosses.
CONS: Firstly, tames can be buggy at times (not game breaking, but can be annoying). The biggest frustration I've seen is the amount of lag that MASSIVE bases causes on servers, however they have made specific servers that only allow so much building to counter this. Lastly there are too many servers for the amount of players.
Summary: Great game with very little bugs. Fun and engaging. Suspenseful at times. Basically the child of ARK and Harry Potter. Don't let the bad reviews turn you from this game, I did for the longest time but after trying it I'm hooked!
190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 11:13
But I was quite surprised to see that it has changed a lot for the better!
It is listed as a MMO but can be quite fine as a single player game, in fact that is how I play!
There is quite a bit of depth to it with much to do, such as questing, lots of exploration, crafting and much more... The game looks good and plays quite sooth. There is plenty of magic as well all that can be crafted!
You can host your own game and have a lot of fun with your friends as well.
Well worth it, just get it when it's on a discount sale! :-)
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3126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.21 00:22
Step 1: Spirit of Flight
Step 2: Spirit of Frost
Step 3: Spirit of Fire
BONUS: Create a bare bones skeleton update to add artificially difficult endgame by denying players the use of most of the tools, powers and tames they've earned. Bonus points if it tricks newer players into thinking your game is alive and pisses off older players for having made them wait so long for nothing.
Most importantly, have a free weekend and make suckers out of people with your deceptive early game so they can't get refunds when they eventually realize your game is a boring, horrendously unbalanced trainwreck with dead servers. Don't be me. Don't be a sucker.
1570 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 09:39
Citadel: Forged with Fire feels like some things I am very familiar with. Before I bought it 'Harry Potter grown up meets Skyrim exploration' was a common description. After playing it a little I will refine that description a little: Ark 'lite' in an Aion-like world. I should explain that last part: to me Aion (I played Eylos) always had this AMAZING feeling to the areas that were part magical and part surreal. Somehow they pulled that off with the graphics, which look quite good on max. If I had a gripe it would be that its too dark, so I cranked the gama up and boosted the brightness to completely fix this.
In this game you have no quests. There are a few DAILY optionals but its a freeform sandbox. You gather, you craft, you tame, you build, you loot and you compare gear. The overworld is rich in wildlife with a few camps that hostiles spawn in along with chests. Various biome regions has its own materials you can get in the wild. Certain camps (regional) have loot tables for a few unique things. Areas are level range specific and it tells you when you cross the boundries into a new one. A wild boar that was in the safe zone was lower level then the one I fought down that way.... speaking og that way, I believe I heard the game world is 36 square miles? Pretty big but again a lot of it is empty... still, its got wild resources, the world terrain is nice and PLENTY of places for people to build in.
So yes you gather. If you know how 'mining' trees and things in No Man's SKy is, its exactly like that. The only diff is you can kind of augment the gathering spell to behave slightly different a few ways through extra resources when you build that spell in a weapon. Speaking of weapons, you get 4 weapon slots and each can hold 2 spells. A sword and a wand both have a few DIFFERENT spells .... well, I am getting ahead of myself. This is one of the best features of the game so lets take this slow.
Spell crafting. Kinda. So you have essences and each essence creates 4 spells. Its the same spells for that weapon. But same essence in a different TYPE of weapon and a few of the spells may be different. I know there are at least 5 weapon types and there may be more. You always have access to the ARCANE essence which does stuff like magic missile, arcane bolt and stuff like that. Growing in the wild, some caves (likely hidden locations too) you can find A LOT of different kinds of essences. Nature, light, summoning are ones I've gained access to, right around the newbie starting area (low level). Each weapon also has a melee attack as well. A sword is a good combat tool on its own but a wand? Nope. In addition to melee certain enemies seem to have various resisteces, like D&D. My near max damage hatchet was GREATagainst boars and orcs but against a skeleton it was terrible. This makes me think enemies have spell resistences to various schools of attack spells (arcane, nature, light/holy). Right! So there's a lot here.
Weapons, armor, trinkets... everything gets 'rolled' for when its made. You can make a pair of EPIC boots or a wand at the lowest damage end with 0 extra stat rolls on it (things like magic find chance, armor, crit rating and so on... kinda like Diablo!). I made about 8 wands because I had resources to make that many. Each one I crafted was different. And then you can 'design' spells to the weapons you want. Items you get from lewt can effect spells certain way: better range, bleed damage, leech... There's 6 slots for items to add 'stats' to the spell when you make it in the weapon. Doing it over would overwrite the spell, not enhancing it further.
Gear also has stats on it too. Like getting random results on a weapon craft, armor, trinkets and other equipables are the same thing. You can craft food and potions as consumables to refill your 2 pools health and mana. Items also have durability in this: always wack stuff with your hatchet and it will break! Have to repair it. Your buildings you make take daage too and must be repaired (like ARK, WURM, Conan and all those other survial games). You do NOT have to eat in this one.
Taming. There's a ton of animals and monsters in Citdel ranging from bunnies to dragons. Someone that was doing a video said there was only a few creatures you could not tame. Taming is simple! There's a spell to slowly turn something into your ally/ tame. Takes a bit but like pokemon, get it down to like 20% health and it gets tamed much faster. After it is yours you can access an inventory for that tame! Giving it meat and food will extend the length of how long till it becomes an enemy again. 336 (or 14 days) is the max. Many things you can MOUNT if you give them a saddle. I was riding my direwolf around chomping on elf, looting them and picking forest plants all on my mount! Coming from Skyrim flower picking I have to tell you this is GREAT.
So you hit camps, do little caves, tame stuff (of tames can level up! and die), leveling to make better gear and get more points to unlock more things in the research trees, build... that's all there is here. And resource grind (harvest/ collect).
Compared to other games like this, Citidel is a good introduction grade game because its not jam packed with systems and features. Personally, that is a giant plus to me. While the building here is not on par with the grandness of Conan Exiles, its still robust but not 800 pieces robust.
If you like exploration, collecting, leveling up animals you tame and feeling like you are a real sorcerer then I'd say Citidel is for you. Be warned that the community seems very very small, even on the offical servers. That is yet another plus for me though. I give Citadel: Forged with Fire a very strong 4/5. I'd maybe even be generous to strech it to a 4.5!
And I am sure you say but you can fly on brooms and even some creature tames.
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59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.21 07:50
Fucking shit game, my friend got a broomstick though so that's cool.
6406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 00:39
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8616 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.21 22:49
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6981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 01:50
I do not understand what the develops are doing. They are literally letting their game die. Its sad because this could reach a vast audience if the advertising and pricing of the game were changed. Honestly, $40 for a dead game is too much. I got it for $16ish and the only issues I have is that the Devs are not here.
658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 19:08
14119 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 23:24
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5736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.11.20 11:07
8739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 05:46
9909 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 23:21
I've noticed a couple of bugs but runs great, no fds, no loading screens...
Not the best looking game, clunky animation... But it's visually appealing and fun
Progress is a thing in this game which it makes it kinda grindy but you'll find fast srvrs if that's what you want
Low player base, regular updates from time to time, not the best game but.. Luving it!
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162342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 21:39
Exploit?, yes unfortunately so. The game does not encourage social game play so many anti-social players that have exploited a free server for a while end up treating the 'free' server as their own personal space. They do this by linking bases all over the map with pillars and build bases close to all of the known mutant spawns etc allowing them to quickly port to the location and kill the spawn before anyone else has the opportunity. The pillars also restrict other player by expanding using a similar method due to you being unable to build anything close to one of their pillars (so they can effectively cut off whole sections of the map). BlueIsle for their part view the game as finished and are unwilling to remedy this as they fear player backlash (so essentially they are paying for a few players to monopolise servers. From their viewpoint its £30 well spent as they don't have to pay for the upkeep themselves). Dont get me wrong, there is still room to build a base and a large one, but you wont be able to do so all over the map and a significant portion of the server build limit is used by very few players that have been on the server for some time.
The game unfortunately encourages this as after level 60 there is nothing much to do except try and get max level gear (good luck finding a group to go dungeon crawling with) and build, build and build some more.
Taming dragons is practically impossible for the higher level ones unless you have more than 1 person and the dragon is on the ground. This is a pity and has never been rectified as so much of the movement in game involves flying potions, broomsticks and pets the first 2 tick away at your mana supply and if you run out you fall, if you get hit in the air you also fall (but can click to fly again). Mobs in the air are very difficult to hit as your spells dont auto-track and they duck and dive, meaning you have to try and predict where they will be and manoeuvre whist keeping an eye on your mana. Conversely they usually don't have the same issue with you, so overall fighting dragons in the air is generally ill advised.
If you are looking for something to play to chill now and again, or for some short term enjoyment then give this game a bash. If its longevity you are looking for though, don't bother.
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3682 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 19:46
This is a mages game a good one... for the MP. Usually in the intro section I put plot details but for CFWF it's a bit difficult because it was born as a MP game and then at a certain rate SP features were added. So If you're a fan of the MP then maybe you'll like the game and my No about buying the game should transmute in Yes but if like me you like plot in games then I would think twice before trying CFWF... not for the price which is cheap after all but to not be disappointed.
- Early Access game with a good update frequency;
- battles between mages is not so widely spread as game concept so it's cool to do;
- building is very satisfying and there is a good variety of crafting benches;
- intuitive use of magics.
- AI of creatures is not good, better than years ago but still not enough to help game immersion;
- some quests are really basic and definitely even after doing some you'll not be interested in discovering anything more than standard exploration;
- in SP PvE there isn't a real challenge: creatures won't attack and other players cannot even steal from your chests;
- MP doesn't have an offline protection and as of now the game doesn't have anything which can really protect your base from 3 or 4 players smart enough to attack together.
CFWF could've been one of the best game ever: unfortunately the devs didn't think it as a SP from the beginning and the later addition seems just something nice to have instead of something cool for an SP game. MP PvP is cool enough but leaving the game unattended even for the night could be a nightmare but after all a lot of MP games are like that.
So in the end: if you intend to put up your own server and use it with a trusted number of friends then CFWF is a great game; if you intend to play a mage game in SP or MP PvE then you'll be disappointed after 15-20 hours of play (unless you're a fan of building huge bases just for the sake of building those). Basically playing in SP is a continuous question about why should I do something here? That's bad for an SP game.
1607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 16:41
right now id say don't buy full price, buy at a discount, and let this boy sit on the shelf and age a bit more. a good game in the making for sure.
3129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 23:46
3093 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 21:34
The sad part is that the game is no longer actively developed, which is a shame because there is a lot of potential. At least make it possible to mod!
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8986 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 15:57
Hell even flying a dragon, which you would think would feel rewarding, turns into a huge joke as your character clumsily bounces around on it's back like an idiot who never learned how to fly.
357 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 06:19
This game is basically Harry Potter + ARK; Survival Evolved... but WAY different from ARK. Some better features are: NPCs and an actual (optional) story line, Safe Zones, Fast Travel, actual easy areas, More expansive easier to use already half-unlocked crafting system, not as much grinding, simpler and more helpful world settings, the map generates procedurally instead of all at once like ARK (hence the ultra lag from ARK), and better character customization!
Some of the many cons though include: EXTREMELY grindy to go from mid-game (lvl 30) to end game (lvl60). No interesting story. No option to play with friends on your world, you can only play on paid servers for multiplayer! :( VERY underdeveloped and appears to be abandoned to no longer be developed any further. :'-|
7/10 recommend only if you highly enjoy playing games like The Elder Scrolls series or ARK on solo!
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7529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.20 15:03
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1059 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 16:56
2574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 03:41
If you don't mind playing on dedicated servers, it's wonderful, even with the lack of voice acting.
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2918 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 18:40
1128 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 00:31
i still hope they will fix thing but as you guys know they dont most of the time
6603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 23:37
- Optimized and runs well , 0 Crashes so far
- One of the best base building systems i've ever experienced among all the survival games i've played and I've played lots of them.
- Fun to play with friends
- Lots of creatures to tame , pretty anything that you can kill can be your SLAVE
- Good number of skills , spells and equipment to use
- Base raiding
- Can get rubberbandy and glitchy at times when you're flying or trying to land
Highly Recommended
6987 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 19:42
Being able to tame just about any enemy is also a very cool system, and the game completely changes when you have a few dragons flying around by your side.
The building system feels familiar, but offers a lot of cool magical flavor when it comes to defenses, and the magic equivalent of an electric grid.
The downsides are, there are a ton of menu/ui bugs that you get used to after a while, but the fact that they happen so often you really do just stop noticing them probably isn't a good thing. Pretty often you'll come across loot spawned inside cliffs that you can't get to as well.
Also, with the player base being so small, the few experiences I've had with other players have not been enjoyable. While the PVP is fun, when one person wins a fight, they tend to just keep hunting you down trying to kill you repeatedly instead of just taking the win. It really does feel like a lot of the remaining players try to run new players off which just seems really strange.
Personally I'd recommend playing a custom server with friends, or playing solo on a low population server until you feel comfortable enough to deal with potentially get sat on for multiple hours by someone with nothing better to do than afk in your yard.
Overall though, I would say the good still far outweighs the bad with this game, and it is probably my favorite sandbox game out there.
2664 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 13:18
There is something missing to get the game to retain players, would advise the developers to keep pushing into addressing that.
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2888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 08:41
Massively Multiplayer Online
Blue Isle Studios
Blue Isle Publishing
Unreal Engine 4
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
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