• Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.
  • Chronos: Before the Ashes: Screen zum Spiel Chronos: Before the Ashes.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 01.12.2020
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Preis Update 01.02.23

Über das Spiel

In Chronos: Before the Ashes bist Du der Held, der sich in diesem atmosphärischem RPG aufmacht, seine Heimat von dem tückischen Bösen zu befreien! Erkunde die Tiefen eines mysterischen Gewölbes und gewinne dabei an Weisheit, Stärke und Macht. Aber sei vorsichtig: Jeder Tod, den Dein Held erleidet, verkürzt dauerhaft seinen Lebensfaden!

Adventure-RPG – Eine erfrischende Kombination aus Adventure-Elementen und RPG-Spielmechaniken.

Wilde Kämpfe – Dem Spieler steht bei seiner Aufgabe eine Vielzahl an Waffen, Fähigkeiten und Mächten zur Verfügung.

Einmalige Alterungsmechanik – Jedes Mal, wenn der Spieler stirbt, altert er ein Jahr. Die Spieler müssen sich ans fortschreitende Alter anpassen, während sie ihren Charakter voranbringen. Sie beginnen jung, geschickt und flink, werden dann aber immer weiser und wenden sich mehr und mehr der Magie zu.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD FX-8320 (3,5 GHz) / Intel i5-4690K (3,5 GHz) or better
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 660 / Radeon R7 370 with 2 GB VRAM
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64 bit
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Koreanisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: AMD FX-8320 (3,5 GHz) / Intel i5-4690K (3,5 GHz) or better
  • GFX: AMD Radeon RX 480 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 with 4 GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 / 8 / 10 64 bit
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Koreanisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

496 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 17:27
Ich kann es nur weiterempfehlen gutes Spiel.

+ Deutsche Sprachausgabe
+ Tolle Atmosphäre
+ Verbesserungen (Waffen)
+ Schöne Grafik
+ Abwechslungsreiche Schauplätze
+ Knifflige Rätsel
+ Gute Spielmechanik
+ Spannende Bosskämpfe
+ Gute Steuerung (Xbox One-Controller)

- Keine Rüstungen oder Kleider
86 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 20:46
Es war kein Dark Souls, aber trotzdem nett und an manchen Stellen originell, allein die Idee mit der verteinerten Figur, die einem nur folgt, wenn man nicht zuschaut, gänsehaut pur, doch leider zu weinig von solchen spannenden Momenten, Fazit, gut aber es hätte mehr drin sein können..
102 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 16:32
Ist das Geld und die Zeit nicht Wert
398 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 14:58
Chronos ist ein klasse Action Adventure alter Schule. Was hier an negativer Kritik geäußert wird lässt mich an Spielern erneut zweifeln. Das Gerede von altbacken, schlechter Grafik, zu teuer usw. macht mich fassungslos. Chronos ist ein sehr gutes Action RPG mit Abenteuer Flair. Das Leveldesign ist klasse, die Rätsel plausibel und logisch, das Kampfsystem präzise und taktisch. Das beste ist die Entwicklung des Helden durch die Erhöhung der Attribute nach jedem Level Aufstieg. Da es zum Glück keine Levelgates oder Autoscaling der Level und diesen Mist gibt, ist die Entwicklung des Helden sehr gut spürbar. Mann merkt deutlich das der Kerl immer stärker wird. Es gibt nicht viele Waffen im Spiel, ABER der Unterschied ist extrem und es macht Laune anstatt dem schnellen Schwert den Hammer raus zu holen. Die Waffen lassen sich verbessern, ABER nicht wie in den ACH SO MODERNEN Spielen der AAA Fraktion, wo das ja im Minutentakt passiert, sondern selten, ABER extrem spürbar!
Wer gut versteckte Geheimnisse lüftet oder versteckte Schätze findet, freut sich darüber denn es ist bedeutungsvoll was da entdeckt wurde. Eine Weitere Möglichkeit der Vollheilung, seltene Splitter die Waffen deutlich verbessern, bessere Schilde usw. Großartig ist das, wie die Gamedesigner den Spieler hier belohnen. Ja, es ist puristisch, hat aber Bedeutung für den Spieler. Keine tausend Kisten mit Schrott zum Dauerlooten oder Zufalls generierten Loot nach jedem Meter. Wenn der Verzicht auf die inflationäre Ausschüttung von sinnfreiem Loot altbacken ist, dann liebe ich altbacken. Die Kämpfe in diesem Abenteuer sind anspruchsvoll, aber durch die deutliche Entwicklung des Helden werden Sie im Laufe des Spiels immer einfacher. So muss das sein! Bugs habe ich nicht erkannt, das Ding läuft bisher sauber und fehlerfrei. Die Grafik finde ich schön, wie in einem Zeichentrickfilm, ich mag das. Tolle Animationen und eine super Licht und Schattenstimmung.
Ich finde Chronos klasse, es erinnert an die Zeiten wo Games ganz ohne Open World, den Spieler in ein fantastisches Abenteuer verwickelt haben.

51 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 18:14
Ich finde das Spiel an sich gut und hab auch Remnant sehr gerne gespielt dennoch muss ich sagen der Preis ist zu hoch da man ungefähr 8 Stunden braucht um das Spiel auf dem Normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad zu spielen es ist ein klassisches Souls-Like spiel mit schwierigen Gegnern und guten Mechaniken hat aber leider kein Wieder Spielwert dadurch das es nichts mehr zu entdecken gibt nachdem man den Endboss besiegt hat die Story hat mir eher wenig gefallen da man im Grunde schon von Anfang an weiß wer der Endboss ist und es auch bis auf 2 Story Relevante Npc´s keine Npc´s gibt die weiteres zur Story erklären
264 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 14:39
Für Linkshänder ist das Spiel definitiv nix :-))
Man kann sich nur mittels WASD bewegen, eine Änderung der Tastaturbelegung ist nicht möglich.
Ich habe keine Ahnung was sich Entwickler dabei denken, wenn man im Jahr 2020 keine frei wählbare Tastaturbelegung für die Bewegung in das Spiel integriert. Wahrscheinlich gar nix .-))
Die ersten 1-2 Stunden im Spiel waren relativ langweilig, kaum Gegner und außer 2 Drachensplitter auch kein Loot.
Sollten sich die Entwickler erbarmen und es ermöglichen die Bewegung über die Pfeiltasten zu steuern würde ich das Spiel weiter testen und auch diese Rezension dementsprechend ergänzen.
266 Produkte im Account
64 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
110 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 21:45
Habe mir das Spiel jetzt knapp 2 Std angeschaut und mein Geschmack trifft es überhaupt nicht. Den das Kampfsystem ist einfach zu langsam und träge als das es mir fun macht. Drachenherzen füllen sich nur nach einem tot wieder auf, das Eigenschaftensystem setzt immer eine bestimme anzahl an tode voraus, ab 20 Jahre erhält man das erste das geht bis 80.

Wer sowas mag der kann es sich ruhig holen.
132 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
295 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 19:21
hab erst begonnen zu spielen, aber ja, es macht spaß und es läuft 1A
die ersten kämpfe hab ich schon hinter mir auf dem schwierigsten modus, ist fair und spielbar obwohl ich mit diesem genre nicht viel erfahrung habe.

mischung aus dark souls und Zelda kann man sagen
768 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 21:50
(Edit) DISCLAIMER: After taking a gander at the other reviews and their complaints with the game, I just want to add that I wouldn't really classify this game as a souls-like or -lite. Bosses, melee combat and enemies respawning upon player death aren't enough to warrant such classification for me. I find it much closer to classic action adventure games such as the Gamecube Zeldas or the first few Harry Potter games, so much so that Chronos: Before the Ashes evoked my nostalgia for them. If you're going in expecting an experience akin to Dark Souls, you'll be disappointed for sure.

It's not often I play and finish a game multiple times back to back and hunt down as many achievements as I can muster, but both Chronos: Before the Ashes and its sequel (careful, their genres differ) Remnant: From the Ashes managed to motivate me to do so through a compelling world design, fascinating lore, appealing aesthics, and last but not least, simply solid, satisfying gameplay.
If you loved Remnant: From the Ashes, you're likely to love Chronos: Before the Ashes as well, so long as you're aware that this is a smaller game, and a basic (but mostly good) port of a 2016 release for VR.
My biggest gripes lie in the porting work, as available button inputs are not fully conveyed during certain puzzles and left me completely clueless on how to solve a few puzzles, when I did in fact know the solution, but not that I could enter it already, and how.
But if my only complaints are that not all possible buttons inputs are displayed during a few puzzle screens, then you know this game is a good package! In particular, this game managed to spark my dormant love for console action adventure games of ye olde early 2000s.
459 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.01.22 00:35
Chronos is so incredibly difficult to enjoy.
Let me give you some advice before buying it, here:
1. If you consider getting it because you liked Remnant: From The Ashes, don't. The games are nothing alike, except they take place in the same universe.
2. If you consider getting it because you're interested in the Remnant universe, don't. Watch a video playthrough on YouTube, or look up all the interesting pieces of lore.
3. If you consider getting it for any other reason, probably don't, anyway. It's buggy, it's void of life, and overall just a pretty bad experience.
974 Produkte im Account
696 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 09:56

Information / Review English

Chronos: Before the Ashes is a role-playing game developed by Gunfire Games and THQ Nordic.


Gameplay / Story

Before the Ashes is the narrative prologue to Remnant: From the Ashes. So you explore the same game world that once again links our modernity with a fantasy world: Something went so wrong in the 1960s that civilization took on medieval features. At the moment you are still typing something on an old computer before goblins and wizards run around and you teleport into areas over smoldering stones. At the beginning of the adventure you also feel like you're in a Dark Souls light: You can use your sword to deliver light and heavy blows, block with the shield or counter at the right moment. Although this ensures that the goblin-like enemies briefly open cover. But the situational tension and force is far from the model, the evasive action and parrying seem a bit tough. Nevertheless, it is praiseworthy that, in contrast to VR, endurance now also plays a role, so that you can no longer hit it endlessly and have to fight more tactically. While you unlock more teleport stones and areas, you can sometimes explore pleasantly picturesque, but mostly sterile-looking backdrops. Jumping etc doesn't work like in Dark Souls. The story is accompanied again and again by smaller puzzles that have to be solved in order to move forward. If you die, enemies will also spawn again.


+ Dark Souls with smaller puzzles
+ creative and visible aging principle
+ tactical combat system
+ Develop characters evolve
+ Charm is present
+ good speech output
+ several levels of difficulty
+ Achievements and trading cards


- I think playing time is too short
- no map
- bland backdrops


Chronos: Before the Ashes mixes puzzles and Dark Souls elements in one. Clear purchase recommendation for this genre.

Information / Review Deutsch

Chronos: Before the Ashes ist ein Rollenspiel, welches von Gunfire Games und THQ Nordic entwickelt wurde.


Gameplay / Geschichte

Before the Ashes ist der erzählerische Prolog zu Remnant: From the Ashes. Man erkundet also dieselbe Spielwelt, die erneut unsere Moderne mit einer Fantasywelt verküpft: Irgendwas ging in den 60er Jahren so schief, dass die Zivilisation mittelalterliche Züge annahm. Gerade tippt man noch an einem alten Computer was, bevor Kobolde und Zauberer umher laufen und man sich über glimmende Steine in Gebiete teleportiert. Zu Beginn des Abenteuers fühlt man sich zudem wie in einem Dark Souls light: Man kann mit seinem Schwert leichte und schwere Hiebe austeilen, dazu mit dem Schild blocken oder im richtigen Moment kontern. Zwar sorgt das dafür, dass die goblinartigen Feinde kurz die Deckung öffnen. Aber die situative Spannung sowie Wucht ist weit entfernt vom Vorbild, das Ausweichen und Parieren wirkt etwas zäh. Trotzdem ist es lobenswert, dass im Gegensatz zu VR jetzt auch die Ausdauer eine Rolle spielt, so dass man nicht mehr endlos draufhauen kann und taktischer kämpfen muss. Während man weitere Teleportsteine und Gebiete freischaltet, erkundet man mitunter angenehm malerisch illustrierte, aber meist steril wirkende Kulissen. Springen etc geht nicht wie in Dark Souls. Begleitet wird die Geschichte immer wieder von kleineren Rätsel, welche gelöst werden müssen um voran zu schreiten. Wenn man stirbt, spawnen auch die Gegner erneut.


+ Dark Souls mit kleineren Rätsel
+ kreatives und sichtbares Alterungsprinzip
+ taktisches Kampfsystem
+ Charaktere entwickelt entwickeln
+ Charm ist vorhanden
+ gute Sprachausgabe
+ mehrere Schwierigkeitsgrade
+ Errungenschaften und Sammelkarten


- Spielzeit finde ich zu kurz geraten
- keine Karte
- fade Kulissen


Chronos: Before the Ashes vermischt Rätsel und Dark Souls Elemente in einem. Klare Kaufempfehlung für dieses Genre.
79 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.21 20:27
The game lacks content completely different that the previous game there`s not enough to do with puzzles created on a second grade level. Not worth your time if you like souls-like games the enemies have extremely predictable attack patterns literally just looking at their weapons and none of the bosses are hard.
336 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.21 22:55
This is more of an exploration game than a souls-like despite what it looks like, I had a lot of fun with it even if it is pretty small.
196 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
837 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 21:49
If you've played Remnant: From the Ashes and enjoyed THAT game's LORE, then I do suggest this game. If you're just lookin' for a new game to try, this ain't it. You're either going to die a billion times and hate it, or beat the shit out of it and regret it.
172 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
460 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 12:46
Great little game. Good wordbuilding and atmosphere. Combat is taken straight from dark souls so its good. Only bad thing is the stupid mandatory sliding puzzle in the third or fouth level

The game is a Souls lite with more focus on puzzles and exploration.
1014 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
56 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.21 18:55
I loved Remnant it is super high on my list as favourite games. This just feels like a child's puzzle version of the original and it is not worth your money. Not only I was disappointed but I was left with a sour taste in my mouth. The gameplay is boring, bland and feels honestly like a downgrade from the original. If you played it for the story. Go for it. But if it's for the gameplay that you got it? Save your money.
93 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.21 05:51
It's got some pretty neat mechanics and puzzles, otherwise the combat is severely lacking, no customization for character or build, overall not very fun and not really worth buying unless its on an 80% sale.
115 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.21 18:15
This game is came out first than remnant from the ashes, Originally it was a VR game and this game is just a non VR port to it so don't have high expections.

Actual Review:

Now that's out of the way the game is fun, its if we removed the gun aspect of remnant of the ashes and balanced the gameplay around melee. The art direction is really neat and the Cel shaded graphics suits it.

Don't expect anything in-depth like remnant, this game is one of those games you pick up and play it until the end and done.

I would only recommend this game to people that have enjoyed remnant and want to know a bit more of the world or if you want to get into remnant and would like to play the prequel.

I give this a 7/10, Not a perfect game but a enjoyable game until the end.
263 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 21:27
It has some sort of jank to it that I felt the entire time I played it, Sometimes you would get hit while dodging or blocking, also it does not help the only way to get back healing items is by dying and some parts even seem to expect you to just die.

But I will still say it's an okay game. If you like the artstyle i say get Remnant from the ashes instead, for gameplay i am sure there are better games than this.
225 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
3086 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 05:07
Level design is extremely clever at times, at one point you have to shrink yourself to get a key out of a bookshelf, and you have to fight evil wind-up toys while doing it.

There's this awesome part where your character gets the power of lightning and then has an epic lightning-powered duel with a queen boss. With epic boss music. Get it.

Just beware, there are two seriously frustrating moments of the game that are terribly designed. One is a 3x3 sliding puzzle which I had to use an online puzzle solver to beat, the other is the final boss which disables estus healing during the entire fight.
253 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 19:19
I Really like this game, it's just a simplified version of Dark Souls.
If you came to expect the Remnant 2 then you're mistaken, it feels more like a small indie game, and thats a good thing.
1752 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 12:58
Remnant: From the Ashes was great. This one is just a disappointment. Animations are clunky and combat feels like you're hitting a hammer on a brick wall with how the enemies react. The aging mechanic is interesting, but the rest of it is not. Cannot recommend.
838 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
612 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 07:11
People say it's slow and clunky like dark souls isn't. Other than a few bugs I ran into, and a repeatative stretch I think it's perfectly fine. Not a ton of content at the $30 price point for people who care about such things, so get it on sale.
235 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 00:36
It tries to make itself into a fun Souls like experience, but the combat is generally easier and more forgiving. Whats frustrating is how half the mechanics, puzzles or environment pieces in the game are an auto kill.
665 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1082 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.07.21 05:36
I first played this game on the Oculus Rift when it came out in 2016. It's a fantastic game and really holds up well in the action/adventure/souls-like genre. The combat is very methodical and presents a real sense of danger, especially when enemies can kill you in a few hits. Even though dying isn't uncommon, it isn't very punishing (in a good way). You get to keep your exp, items, etc. and you don't have to worry about losing all of your souls (like in Dark Souls).
The controls are a bit clunky at first (seriously, running with B and trying to use the right stick to move the camera doesn't work well at all), but it's not too bad once you get used to it. Or, you could remap the controls through Steam's settings for the game.
The ambience and lore is very captivating and thrilling. I really like how the fantasy-esque monsters and creatures are integrated with the sci-fi / apocalyptic environments.
Overall, it's a fantastic game and I'd give it a 9/10.
45 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 09:35
first, this is not the fast-pace, guns-a-blazing Remnant from the Ashes (which was awesome). This is the melee focused version. It is a souls-esque, and has you run around the map solving puzzles, collecting items to open new doors. It is rewarding to find a new area, solve a puzzle which at first seemed unsolvable. This game is slower, but it is not bad, and still somewhat challenging. You can learn the various enemy attacks quickly, blocking will save your life if you are not into parrying and counter attacking. So far I am in 8 hours and believe I am about 2/3 way completed.

This is not a hardcore game. I has a casual feel. You will run around the map a lot. I do recommend the game if you are looking for a change of pace, a light story, and some puzzles that are not too difficult.
72 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 22:41
don't listen to the people crying about puzzles, they're so easy I swear these guys are actually stunted, ANYWAY! If you have played remnant from the ashes and had no clue what was going on story wise, this clears up a lot. combat can feel sluggish if you're using heavier weapons, I used the starting weapon and *spoiler* a spear for agility. I beat the game within 7.5 hours, and I definitely believe it was worth my dollar, $29.99 CAD. The game was originally for VR, exclusively the oculus in 2016, but they've formatted it into a souls-like rpglite.

Pros: game fills you in for the sequel game
souls-like feeling for people wanting to experience this style of combat without the FS price-tag.

Cons: You can definitely tell the game was made in vr, many empty rooms and camera angles when locking on is very janky.

overall I enjoyed the game, if it's on sale for under $34.99 I recommend; as I said it can feel sluggish and you cannot refill healing items. I give it a 80% for overall gameplay and enjoyment level.
3002 Produkte im Account
330 Reviews
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 14:58
Great beginner soulslike. I actually liked the smaller scale and the basic mechanics. There arent complicated builds or stuff that you have to study on end.


+ the aging mechanic is great

+ loved the combat, although I have seen it executed better in other games

+ great music

+ love the world and level design

+ nice variety of enemies

+ definitely has that Remnant feel, which I liked

+ puzzles are mostly good, the additional stuff is great too


- combat is not super on point, but far from being bad

- very few weapons, but on the other side, its more accessible to newcomers this way

- final boss combat mechanic spoiler: [spoiler] the final boss made me tear my hair out, then I figured out that you are far more agile when not auto targeting the boss. Kinda hard to figure this out. [/spoiler]

- Puzzle spoiler: [spoiler] One of the final puzzles is a slider puzzle....my god do I hate these, its only time consuming and nothing more.....such a cheap way to include a puzzle [/spoiler]

I liked this game a lot, it feels great and rewarding. Graphics are nice, some interesting and memorable parts. Would love to have even more Remnant related games.
166 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
607 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 06:19
While its combat is definitely a little more clunky and exploitable than a Souls game, Chronos is a fantastic pre-cursor to the world that exists in Remnant: From the Ashes.

Fair warning it IS NOT anything like Remnant. It's neither a looter shooter or a co-op game. So please temper your expectations when diving into this.

Death is only punishing in the sense that it makes you retry from a checkpoint (World Stone). So don't worry about losing resources or dropping equipment. The more you die, the more your character ages as well, which in turn unlocks unique traits that you can select to help you tackle the challenging enemies that are in-game.

If you're having trouble, build strength/vitality, find the Hammer and heavy attack the hell out of all the enemies.

There IS also a parrying system but tbh, it's easier to just dodge or block and punish enemies that way. Finished the whole game on Heroic like that and it was a pretty smooth experience.

If you're a fan of souls games and you also love Remnant than this is a pretty decent title for you. Finished it in 10 hours of gameplay and...I found pretty much everything. So yeah. Hour to dollar ratio is a little off but I did enjoy my time with it.

You get what you pay for with this title.
113 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.21 13:22
While I played the hell out of Remnant: From The Ashes and loved every second of it, I cannot really say the same for Chronos: Before The Ashes.

While enjoyable it is woefully short. I beat the game in roughly 9 hours. The lack of player build customization also was a huge dissapointment to me as RFTA was exactly what I was looking for in a game in terms of progression and design.

If you want a short one day romp without having to really apply yourself then Chronos is a good pick. but there is a good chance I will not be picking it up again.
236 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 16:33
Wish I read more of these reviews before I purchased it.

It's not a new game.

I hoped it would be like Remnant, which I loved and replayed dozens of times to get more items.

This game feels dated. Oh,it is dated...wish I knew that before...The controls are not the same, but easy enough to master. The fights are repetitious.

I bought the game for half price outside of Steam. I would return it if I could.

With all that said...I will play it through. Its a puzzle game and not fast paced at all... Im also playing Control right now which is a better game and feels more recent by far. I also purchased Control for the same price.

If you want a slower puzzle game and don't expect it to resemble Remnant at all...get this. I can't recommend it..I'm on the fence.
68 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 21:47
I bought this game as I honestly enjoyed Remnant: From the Ashes. I knew of Chronos before hand, but did not have VR to play it. So when I learned it was coming to Steam, I was excited: my mistake. Feels Horrific and a complete cash grab, riding the success of Remnant, clunky, unoptimised, crashes, and generally unresponsive. Watch a play through if you are interesting in the lore, just please, do not buy it. Or at least wait till a 90% of sale.
117 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 22:41
I enjoyed it a lot, having already played through Remnant and its DLC a few times. The game play is pretty simple and straight-forward but translated pretty well for a remake of a VR game. It's pretty short and the replay value is limited, but if you liked the lore behind Remnant this will include some interesting bits for you to find.
482 Produkte im Account
121 Reviews
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755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 17:08
As a big fan of Remnant: From the Ashes, this is a disappointment.

Set in the same mysterious world and Remnant and the same art style, the atmosphere and world-building is the best aspect of this game, but that is about it.

It is very much a souls-like but it is bland, clunky and slow. There are some cleaver moments and twists during but otherwise it is just jogging down a corridor and stun locking enemies with the starter weapon.

I played up until the final boss, fueled by curiosity regarding the lore and backstory, mostly in relation to Remnant. After several tries I gave up and watched the ending on youtube which was a resounding meh.

It is a compentent but souless game, not worth anybody's time and it is way too long and slow for what it is.
188 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 17:22
The game is too short in content while looking and feeling underdeveloped while playing. Only get this game at a big sale and after a few major updates.

The game has issues with camera controls where half the time it's making you motion sick or getting stuck behind things that you can't see through.
This game felt like it was supposed to be a DLC for Remnant: From the Ashes but instead was turned into a overpriced Souls-Like game that spent too much time making long and slow animations and moon logic puzzles instead of working on making the game play more fun or adding more content.

The only time I had fun was when I got to fight big monsters/bosses in a big open areas.
636 Produkte im Account
61 Reviews
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642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 09:15


As I love Souls-like games, despite hating calling them like that, Chronos: Before the Ashes naturally piqued my interest, so I wanted to give it a shot. It is supposed to be a prequel to Remnant: From the Ashes, which I have not played yet. Unfortunately, Chronos: BtA did everything it could to make me uninterested in the sequel, as it is just a half-baked action-adventure game with an absolutely minimal amount of proper RPG mechanics, on which I just wasted my time. What could this game do so atrociously that it left me in such a negative state of mind?

Well, first things first, Chronos: BtA is not actually a new title because it originally released under the name of Chronos on VR in 2016. So, the game is now playable without VR, with an added subtitle Before the Ashes to its name. Yet, it is not mentioned on the Steam’s Store Page at all, and you have to find it out in discussion threads.


The plot is pretty simple. There is a mysterious labyrinth in which dragon, and their three guardians, await to be slain. And you happen to be that unfortunate individual who has to deal with it. As if it did not sound difficult enough already, you are only allowed to enter this labyrinth once a year. Will you be the successful hero, or will you perish along with others?

And that is it. I honestly did not care about the plot at all. The very little of the presented background is uninteresting and generic, and even though there are readable notes and books scattered around, it tremendously fails at trying to be mysterious. The dialogues are pretty rare, so that does not help, and there is not any proper character development either. However, I have to appreciate that it sticks to its simple premise, instead of trying to be overly complicated. Still, it is quite a shame.


Chronos: BtA plays similarly to other Souls-like titles. There are classic light and heavy attacks, as well as blocking, parrying, and dodging. Unfortunately, the combat feels clunky and cumbersome, without any satisfaction from progressing through the game, which I would expect from such a title. Also, the lock-on system is atrocious because the screen locks itself, while the fixed camera starts limiting your whole movement, and sometimes switching between opponents did not even work for me. However, it is the only way how to see enemies’ health points, as the game will not show it otherwise, except for bosses. It is very unintuitive compared to other similar games. Dreadful.

Well, despite these issues, the game is still pretty easy even on the hardest difficulty, on which I finished it in ten hours. The problems start right from the customization menu, which only offers two choices: changing your gender and having a sword or an axe. Such a choice is utterly useless, as you will find the other weapon soon anyway, and the game has only eight of them, and all of them are melee. You are also stuck with the shield forever, so that limits you even more. It is possible to upgrade the weapons five times, and that is all. You can forget right away about changing your armour and such.

The problem is that the game is unbalanced even with such a minimal amount of weapons and mechanics. You can literally stagger most of the enemies with a heavy attack, and the hammer is the best choice for that, as it obliterates every enemy type. However, you can stagger enemies with fast weapons too, but it will only take a bit longer to kill them. Only a few enemies sometimes try to counter-attack you, but it is rare. Apart from weapons, there are four abilities, which recharge after successful dodging and such. You can put your weapon on fire, drain enemies’ life, or become invincible for a few seconds. Yes, invincible. As if it could not get easier. Sure, I do not have to use such overpowered abilities, but then I am just stuck with two attack types, one of which staggers your opponents. After all, you can see it on a video below.
Why am I provided with choices that go against this genre’s philosophy? It does not make sense, and it is not enjoyable to play. Sure, you can cheese in some other games by creating weird build combinations, but most of the players will not find that out on their own. Here? You can do it without even trying. It is not like the enemies are something special, as they are pretty generic. You have agile ones with swords, heavy ones with shield and slow movement, and something in between, which gets staggered anyway. It does not matter who will you face as the combat is the same with all of them.

One of the game’s selling point is the ageing of your character. You age by one year each time you die, so you apparently become weaker but wiser, which influences the magic. I honestly do not understand how this feature is supposed to work, as I only got a few traits that made me stronger in melee combat. It is just a gimmick feature, which does not really change the gameplay, or you have to become one hundred years old to see the effect, I do not know, as I was doing perfectly fine with my hammer at the age of fifty-five. Speaking of dying, you respawn at glowing stones, which represents bonfires, and your heal items replenish there.

The whole game is rather linear, so it is not really hard to progress through it, except one or two times when it is required to backtrack a bit. There are several puzzles, which are pretty boring, as they mostly revolve around taking an item to a different place. I only remember two puzzles, which were a bit more sophisticated, but not very unique. There are shortcuts here and there, but I rarely used them as there was no reason for me to go back in the first place.
Well, I honestly do not have anything positive to say about the gameplay. It is utterly primitive, unbalanced, and boring to play. Maybe this works well on VR, and my thoughts would be completely different. However, as a standalone non-VR title, it does not work well, and I do not see a point in playing it.

Audovisuals & Performance

I pretty much like the game’s art style and visuals, as they are quite colourful and simple, which fits the game’s narrative about a bit naïve fairytale-ish journey. Sure, some of the visuals look outdated at times, as it is a four-year-old game after all, but it still holds up well. Locations visually differ from each other a lot too, and the second half of the game manages to feel a bit atmospheric. As for the audio, sound effects seemed pretty average to me. Nothing extraordinary, but it does its jobs finely. And while the game soundtrack underlines the game’s theme effectively, it is not memorable.

Now for the performance. I tested the game with an i5 8300H, GTX 1060 6GB, and 16GB RAM, running at highest settings, at 120 frames per second, at 1920x1080 resolution. Framerate drops were quite rare, and mostly only down to 113-118 frames, so I am, overall, satisfied with the optimization.


Chronos: BtA is an unbalanced, badly designed mess. Sure, you can play it from start to finish without any game-breaking issues, but that is hardly enough for a recommendation. Uninteresting lore, generic enemies, broken combat, and wasted ten hours of my life is all I have on mind when thinking about this game. And that is a shame.

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174 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 06:24
Remnant from the Ashes Dev Team Trash:

The same broken and clunky engine letting you ride through boring corridors in the most clunky and broken way you can imagine.

it is a VR port for non VR users and you should avoid to buy it.
573 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 01:37
If like me, you playing Remnants: From the Ashes, was a high point of 2020 (Low bar for out door stuff but for games it's been a good year overall.) this game will disappoint. I have nearly 500 hours in Remnants: From the Ashes and I LOVE the original. But this prequel, if it was set in different universe and not a game that I have played with my spouse and friends and had some of the most enjoyment this year from, I would give it more time. I know this one isn't co-op but still the combat and exploration of the original with some enhancements, new weapons, enemies and lore would have mostly satisfied me. Now if you wanted Remnants to have more puzzle's, less visceral combat, with worse controls and be solo only then (while in my opinion being stripped down, nearly no customization and a lot less pretty.) this game may be for you.

(As of this writing I have 30 minutes in the game and that's enough time for me to tell you I personally don't enjoy what was done to the game. Control scheme, graphical style and game play wise)
6519 Produkte im Account
196 Reviews
434 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 12:46

“Come. Sit. Listen all. Listen well. Tonight, I speak to you the Tale. Tale of the Scouring. Long past, world was different. Towers of metal and stone scraped the skies. People roamed free. Never hid. Never feared. Thousands of us. Tens of thousands. Not like our tiny tribes. Then came the beasts. From inside one of the Rusted Places. Hunted us. Drove us into the cracks and crevices. Came the beats on orders. Directed by the will of one. The Dragon. Was him Scoured our world. Scours it still, from where he hides.

You’re our bravest, young one. Smartest. Best. Once a year, in the darkest of the Rusted Places, the Great Stone wakes. Opens the way to the other world. When it does... you will go through. You will find the Dragon. And you will kill it. Get thrown back out ‘fore the deed is done, you might. But you use that year. Grow stronger, wiser, till the Stone wakes again. And you keep going back. To your last breath, you keep going back. Till the Dragon dies... ...or you do.”

Selecting to start a new game you will have the choice of deciding whether to play as Male or Female, your weapon type, Sword or Axe. Each weapon has their own abilities, the Sword is an agility-based weapon, allowing you to strike and dodgy. While as the Axe is a Strength-based weapon which will allow you to stand your ground and block incoming attacks. Next the games difficulty is required, Adventure (balanced difficulty) or Heroic (the purest form of the game).

You begin by finding yourself on the cold wet floor of a cave entrance, behind you stone columns and rocks are bashed by waves of some sea and the rain is pissing it down. All that you have with you is your weapon of choice and a wooden shield. With nowhere else to go you head into the cave, following its winding path until you reach the entrance of a compound. After a couple of lift rides and follow a couple paths you arrive at a dark stone (World Stone Crystal) with symbols etched into it. Cables run from a pad beneath the stone to a computer control panel opposite the stone. However, you can’t access the computer as you don’t have authorisation and the place is in lockdown.

After you find a way of gaining authorisation and removing the lockdowns, the stone with the mysterious markings starts to float and glow orange. Placing your hands upon the glowing stone a building appears within the stone, a labyrinth where you can travel too. Your adventure to defeat the Dragon begins as you travel through the stone.

Making your way through the labyrinth, you will come across some mysterious characters. Most will attack you once you move within a certain distance of them. You have your sword or axe along with your shield to use to protect you and fight back with. There are two types of attacks, Normal and Heavy, both will require precision when executing, otherwise you’ll leave yourself open to enemy attacks. You can use your shield to block and parry incoming attacks but again timing is key. Dodging out of the way of an attack is also possible, although it might be best when trying to avoid being hit by not being locked onto a target. Not being locked onto a target will allow you to roll out of the way, while locked on will only allow you to shuffle a couple steps. There will be some puzzles throughout the labyrinth will you will have to complete in order to move forward.

You will die at some point; however, you will respawn back at the last World Stone Crystal you visited. When you do respawn though you’ll be one year older, you are eighteen when you begin your adventure. Starting from age twenty and then every ten years after that until you’re eighty years old you will have the choice of Three Traits to choose from. Choose wisely though as you’ll be stuck with your decisions until your dying day or you kill the Dragon.

By defeating enemies you’ll gain experience points and level up your character. Each time you level your character up you will gain Attribute Points. You can use these points in four categories, Strength, Agility, Arcane and Vitality, these will have an effect on your Damage, Block and Defence of your character. You can also upgrade your weapons by using Dragon Shards, these can be found and are dropped from enemies. Dragon Hearts can be found and these will replenish your health when used, use them wisely though as they are only replenished when you respawn.

In the options you will find settings for Graphics - Rendering and Resolution Quality (Low, Normal, High and Epic), Brightness, Display Mode, Resolution Size, V-Sync. Advanced Graphics - Anti Aliasing, Effects, Post Processing, Shadow and Texture Quality (Low, Normal, High and Epic), View and Shadow Distance and Maximum Frame Rate.

Sound - Sound Effects, Music and Dialog Volume Sliders. General - Text Language (English, German, Spanish, French, Russian, Polish, Portuguese, Chinese, Korean and Japanese). Voice Language, Intro Subtitles, Camera Sensitivity, Scale Terminal Text, Invert Camera X, Invert Camera Y and Vibration. Input - Keyboard Bindings and Controller, keyboard bindings can be rebound, however controllers' binds cannot be remapped.

I have enjoyed playing Chronos: Before the Ashes, although I found the combat a bit frustrating at first. I think the recovery time when hit or trying to recover some health using a dragon heart seemed too long at times. I’d just recover when I’d be hit again and then it’s back to square one and before you know it your dead and another year older. Once I started levelling up my character and upgrading my weapons and stopped running like a bull in a china shop it became less frustrating.

The only other problem I had was when starting the game up it would load up on my second monitor. This wasn’t a real problem just more of an inconvenience, I would only need to turn my second monitor on and off to fix it.

+ Nice graphics
+ Good music
+ Has achievements
+ Has cards

- Frustrating at times
- Started up on second monitor

Will you be able to find and kill the Dragon and free your homeland from its evil before you get old and die in Chronos: Before the Ashes.


Key provided by developer/publisher for review purposes via THE CPT FROGGY CLUB!

Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

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1121 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 21:00
Great Game, full of fun puzzles and learning the backstory of Remnant: From the Ashes. Game can be challenging at first until you start to level up your character and find better weapons (there are 3 hidden ones to find).
1846 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 16:42
I kinda don't recommend this game, I guess? I kinda do? I've been enjoying it a bit, but mostly comparing it to Remnant and finding it lacking. Ultimately, it depends what you want from it.
First, do note that this was originally a 2016 Oculus-exclusive VR game that predates Remnant: From the Ashes, to which it is tangentially related.

If you're looking for something similar to Remnant mechanically, give it a pass.
If you're looking for more content from the same setting... honestly, it has nothing that stands out in that front so far, either. Probably due to this game being released three years before Remnant, originally.
If you're looking for more interesting guns or melee weapons, it doesn't seem to have any of that, either; no guns at all, and the melee combat is all very much stab-stab-stab-[dodge/block]-stab-stab et cetera. You have a very limited selection of activated abilities compared to Remnant, and a sorely-limited supply of traits, too, that are only doled out after you die a given number of times.
It doesn't even have multiplayer, either.
Looking for exploration? Technically it does have that, but it's really linear so you're going to end up going everywhere anyway. No randomly-selected side-dungeons, either, as far as I've seen.
Looking for VR? That's not here either. Whilst Chronos was originally an Oculus VR, this is a revamped version of the game that added I have no idea what because I don't have the original to check, and removed VR functionality because platform exclusives, I guess?

The game has some interesting individual things that you'll look at and feel impressed by, but the rest of the experience is pretty bland compared to Remnant. As it released on Steam after Remnant, it feels like the arcade machine heavily-watered-down adaptation of Remnant rather than a proper successor or prequel to it.
2320 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 03:02
An average soulslike that doesn't do anything out of the norm, but doesn't hit it out of the park either. If you're coming from Remnant to this, you're going to be disappointed as there is very little DNA shared gameplay-wise.
143 Produkte im Account
50 Reviews
470 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 21:30
DISCLAIMER: Folks, this is a game made for VR back in 2016. This is not a new game. It is basically a port. Furthermore, it was made with VERY different design sensibilities then Remnant, which is a COMPLETELY different experience. I almost feel like Gunfire shot themselves in the foot - pun intended - by not being explicitly clear with their marketing for this game. But for those of you thinking about getting this game - and I think it is worth your time - please keep that in mind! This is an OLDER game! This is not a brand new game! Ok, now you can read my compliments.

It's fun! A straight Soulslike - environmental storytelling, difficult combat, exploration through interweaving environments - with some truly innovative and interesting mechanics. If you've played Remnant: From the Ashes like me, don't go into this one expecting a similar experience. The flow of this game is entirely different, with a more methodical approach to combat. Attacks feel weighty and significant, and when you get into the rhythm of the combat, it can be quite enjoyable.

One of the things I was not expecting is how much puzzle solving there is, and it's actually delightful. There a all kinds of subtle clues in the environment that if you watch for can help you find hidden treasure. But you will also need those skills to make progress at times, and even in the first area of the game I have seen some of the most creative environment puzzles I've ever seen in any game, let alone an action RPG like this. So far I've been having a blast, and can definitely recommend.
Logo for Chronos: Before the Ashes
Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
60.08% 146 97
Release:01.12.2020 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: Gunfire Games Vertrieb: THQ Nordic Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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