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Explore and save the mind in Figment, our new adventure game!
21.03.18 13:16 Community Announcements
If you're craving more surreal adventures with loveable characters,
give a look to our new game, Figment! It is available on Steam for PC, Mac and Linux.

Figment is a musical action-adventure set in the recesses of the human mind...

This mind has been quiet and calm for many years. But something has changed. New thoughts have started to emerge - taking the shape of nightmarish creatures who spread fear wherever they go. The only hope is for the grumpy Dusty, the mind's former voice of courage, to get back to his old self and help the mind to face its fears.

Join Dusty and his ever-optimistic friend, Piper, on an adventure through the different sides of the mind, solving puzzles to set things straight, beating back the nightmares and seeking to restore the courage that's been lost.

Learn more on Figment's Steam page.

Hope you will enjoy our new game!