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Über das Spiel

Folge Nara, wie sich der Vergangenheit stellt, die sie quält. Reise durch die Galaxis und jenseits der Grenzen unserer Wirklichkeit, um die Widerstandstruppen gegen den Zirkel und dessen Großen Propheten zu vereinen.
Betritt ein neues dunkles Universum voller Mysterien und Konflikte. Erkunde epische Schauplätze wie ausgedehnte Raumstationen und geheimnisvolle Existenzebenen. Erlebe mitreißende Zweikämpfe in der Schwerelosigkeit an atemberaubenden kosmischen Schauplätzen. Chorus kombiniert das Spektakel epischer Weltraumerkundung mit schneller, packender Action.
- CPU: Intel Core i3-2120 | AMD FX-4100
- GFX: Intel Iris Xe Graphics | GeForce GTX 750 | Radeon HD 7770
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 36 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 12
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core i3-7350K | AMD FX-8350
- GFX: GeForce GTX 960 | Radeon R9 285
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 40 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 12
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 17:48
Gewünscht habe ich mir ein neues Freespace (Ja Freespace nicht Freelancer), gefunden habe ich in Chorus eine gewöhnungsbedürftige Mischung aus Descent und Aquanox. Zwei Spiele, die für sich allein Spaß machen, in Kombination mit einem fragilen Raumschiff ohne 6 Degrees of Freedom Steuerung aber in Frust umschlagen können.
Die Story wünscht sich tiefgründig zu sein, scheitert jedoch am beschränkten Budget der Entwickler.
SPOILER der Introsequenz:
Nara, die Protagonistin, war einst die Top-Pilotin des Zirkels, ausgestattet mit mächtigen Sith-Kräften – äh Ritualen. Der Zirkel hat sich unter dem Propheten versammelt, der der ganzen Galaxy Frieden bringen will. Nur kennt der Prophet den Unterschied zwischen Frieden und Befrieden anscheinend nicht. Nara bringt einem ganzen Planeten mit ihren Kräften den Frieden und tötet so mindestens 1 Milliarde Menschen. Jetzt erst zweifelt sie am Propheten, entsagt ihren Kräften und flüchtet in ein friedliches Leben in eine der hinteren Ecken der Galaxy. Nur gehört diese hintere Ecke auch zu der Galaxy, zu der der Friede gebracht werden soll.
Diese Kyle Katan Geschichte hat das Problem, dass sämtliche Nebencharaktere nur als Raumschiffe im All und in den ständig gleichen Raumschiffmodellen und Farben existieren. Selbst die Bilder des Piloten bei Funksprüchen zeigt diese meist nur mit dem gleichen Raumanzughelm. Somit sind Nara und ihr intelligentes Raumschiff Forsaken die einzigen beiden Charaktere von Bedeutung. Man merkt deutlich ein beschränktes Budget, dass mehr gewollt wurde aber kein Geld dafür da war. Zudem kommt es nach einer beindruckenden und durchaus spaßigen Schlacht zum Win-in-Gameplay-Lose-in-Cutscene Problem. Unterste Schublade und dazu noch völlig unnötig und Story unrelevant.
Das Gameplay hat seine Höhen und Tiefen. Wie in Aquanox gibt es ein eindeutiges Oben und Unten mit einer Menge Geröll dazwischen. Wie in Aquanox macht das Ballern in den offenen Gebieten Laune. Ständig muss zwischen den 3 Waffen gewechselt werden, um den Schwachpunkt des anvisierten Gegners etwas entgegenzusetzen. Minigun gegen Hülle, Laser gegen Schilde, Raketen gegen Panzerung. Die nach und nach freigeschalteten Rituale machen Nara noch mächtiger. Nur das Anvisieren von Gegnern selbst ist für den Allerwertesten. Kleine graue Markierungen deuten auf alle Gegner … und Verbündete … und Missionsziele … und Collectibles. Manuelles Aufschalten von verschiedenen Gegnern existiert nicht. Nur das was man zuletzt getroffen hat wird rot hervorgehoben. Wenn zum Beispiel unter Zeitdruck ein paar Bomben aufgesammelt werden sollen (graue Markierung) während man von mehreren Gegnern (graue Markierungen, die sich bewegen) attackiert wird das überaus frustig.
Dazu gibt es die Descent-Abschnitte. Mit ihrem fragilen Hochgeschwindigkeitsraumschiff ist Nara dann in engen Tunneln unterwegs und muss sich zudem kleiner Grauer Punkte erwehren. In Descent waren Wandberührungen egal und Gegner waren bunt und groß und man konnte einige Treffer wegstecken. Zudem konnte man in alle Richtungen strafen. In Chorus stirbt man schnell, aus unbekannter Quelle, während man nur geradeaus fliegen kann. Besonders Bosskämpfe sind ein Graus. Gleich der erste findet in einer engen Höhle statt. Der Gegner hat starke Frontschilde und legt Minen. Man selbst hat noch keinen Laser aber gerade das Ritual des Driftens erlernt. Gewünscht ist mit Hochgeschwindigkeit auf den Gegner zufliegen, dann driften und ihn rückwärts schlitternd von hinten beharken. Nur sind die Mienen mit großen, roten Sphären markiert, unter denen man den roten Punkt des Gegners nicht mehr erkennt und rückwärts fliegt es sich leicht in Wände, nachdem man ein Minenfeld durchquert hat. Frust pur und es wird eher schlimmer als besser.
Aufgegeben habe ich das Spiel in einer engen kugelartigen Höhle mit etlichen Gegnern mit Sniper-Angriffen, die man per Ramm-Attacke ausschalten soll. Enge Arena plus Ramm-Attacke – Gegen so etwas bin ich in vielen Spielen schon angetreten. Das waren immer die leichtesten Zwischenbosse. In Chorus ist man aber selbst dieser Trottel. Ich bin zu alt, und mein Blutdruck zu hoch, für diesen Scheiß.
I wish for a new Freespace (Yes Freespace, not Freelancer), in Chorus I found a weird mix of Descent and Aquanox. Both games are fun on their own, but in combination with a fragile spaceship and without 6 degrees of freedom controls fun turns to frustration.
The story tries to be deep, but the limited budget of the developer prevents reaching.
SPOILING the Intro sequence:
Nara, the protagonist, was apex pilot of the Circle, empowered with mighty Sith Force – eh faceless rites. The circle, led by the Prophet, wants to bring peace to the whole galaxy. Unfortunately, the prophet doesn’t understand the difference between peace and pacify. Nara with her powers brings peace to a whole planet, killing at least a billion people in the process. Now questioning the prophet, she goes AWOL, burns her rites, and flees to a peaceful life in a far corner of the galaxy. Problem is: That corner belongs to the galaxy the prophet wants to bring peace to.
End of Intro.
This Kyle Katan story has a simple problem. All side characters are just visible in their ships of only three ship models with only one color scheme. Pictures of the pilots, while radio communications happen, show them in the same space suit with the same helmet. That is why Nara and her intelligent spaceship Forsaken are the only two characters of meaning. It’s literally visible, that the developers wanted much more, but didn’t have the money to do so. Another gut punching problem: After a big and fun space battle you encounter a win-in-gameplay-lose-in-cutscene problem. I hate that stuff, and it wasn’t even necessary for the story.
The gameplay has heights and lows. Like Aquanox Up and Down exist in this space game – with a lot of floating stones in between. Like Aquanox shooting stuff in open areas is fun. You have to change between your weapons to tackle the weak spots of the enemies. Minigun for hull damage, Laser for shields, rockets for armor. Additionally, you learn more and more rites that empower Nara even further. Just … locking on to enemies is garbage. Little gray marks (on black and gray background) indicate enemies … and allies … and mission markers … and collectibles. You cannot manually lock on to a specific target or color code stuff. Just the last opponent you hit gets a red marker. For example: in a side mission you have to collect 5 bombs (grey marks) within a time limit, while being attacked by multiple enemies (moving grey marks). Very frustrating.
Then there are the Descent sections of the game. With her fragile highspeed space craft Nara navigates narrow corridors and fights little grey dots. In Descent hitting the wall was no big deal, the enemies were big and colorful, and you could take a few hits. And you could strafe and roll in all directions. In Chorus you die quickly, without knowing what hit you, while only able to fly forward. Especially boss battles are pure agony. The very first one takes place in a narrow cave against a ship with strong front shields, that spreads a mine field around itself. Nara doesn’t have the laser at this point but learned the rite of drifting prior. Intentionally you should charge at the enemy drift around and shoot the backside while sliding backwards. Only: the mines are indicated by a huge red warning sphere, within you can’t see the actual foe and you fly backwards possibly into a wall after crossing a minefield. Highly frustrating and it gets worse with each boss.
I quit the game in a spherical cave with multiple enemies with sniper attacks you should defeat with the newly learned charge attack. Narrow arena with charge attack? I defeated multiple of those mini bosses in any number of different games – they were the easiest. In Chorus you are the dumb ass yourself. I am to old, and my blood pressure is to high, for this shit.
1430 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.22 20:28
Das Gameplay fühlt sich sehr gut an. Die Kämpfe machen durchweg Spaß. Zu Beginn wird man in die Story geworfen, keine langen Texte und keine großen Erklärungen. Das Spiel schafft es durchweg die Geschichte um einen tolle weibliche Hauptfigur spannend zu erzählen, wobei es für mich wirklich überraschend war, wie lange die Story andauerte. Trotz nur weniger Zwischensequenzen und der Tatsache, dass man sein Raumschiff nie wirklich verlässt und alle Unterhaltungen über kleine Bildchen stattfinden, ist das Spiel sehr atmosphärisch.
Ich hatte super viel Spaß!
1777 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 15:52
Klar ist die Story ziemlich abgekupfert (Star Wars lässt Grüßen), aber die Präsentation ist launig und sehr kurzweilig gestaltet. Die arcade-lastige Steuerung fand ich sehr angenehm.
Alle Orte und Systeme sind sehr schnell und einfach zu erreichen, wodurch langweiliges hin und her fliegen praktisch weg fällt.
Das Spiel ist trotzdem nicht zu einfach. Auf dem Schwierigkeitsgrad Mittel stellen manche Bosse und Flugeinlagen durchaus schon eine Herausforderung dar.
Für das Durchspielen der Hauptstory + aller Nebenquests habe ich 30h gebraucht. Für mich also vom Preis-Leistungsverhältnis durchaus gut.
Wer schon lange mal wieder ein paar rasante Weltraumschlachten bestreiten will: Zugreifen!
1313 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 21:48
Spielerisch sowie Grafisch super umgesetzt.
Hatte meinen Spaß und hab mich nicht gelangweilt.
Einzigen FETTEN Minus Punkt für mich ein Deutsches Studio und keine Deutsche Sprach Ausgabe.
Sowas geht ja mal gar nicht nächstes mal Daumen runter egal wie gut das Spiel ist.
845 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 16:53
Gute Atmosphäre, gute Grafik, gute Sprachausgabe, bis jetzt interessante Story und spaßiges Gameplay mit guter und durchdachter Steuerung (arcadig). Bin froh, dass es endlich Mal wieder so ein Game gibt, dass nicht völlig überladen ist, man sich nicht erst 10 Stunden an die Steuerung gewöhnen muss und man sich nicht sinnlos durch die Gegend grinden muss.
Dennoch hat das Game durchaus Open World Elemente mit freier Erkundung, Nebenmissionen und der Möglichkeit die eigenen Schiffe anzupassen.
Für mich Daumen hoch :)
1703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 21:31
Das ist erstmal etwas irreführend weil so viel gar nicht gesungen wird.
Stattdessen hat man ein Raumschiff, was mit einem redet, ein bisschen wie in der Ritterreiter-Sendung aus den 80ern, das ist ziemlich cool! Man fliegt damit durch die Gegend und klickt auf andere, rote Raumschiffe, bis diese ein Feuerwerk machen und verschwinden. Dabei helfen einem sogenannte Rituale, weil das ganze nämlich auch eine religiöse Geschichte hat! Davon will ich aber nicht zu viel verraten.
Sehr spaßiges Spielkonzept, erinnert ein wenig an an das Freiberufler Spiel von Mikroweich von 2003, nur eben mit Ritualen. Ich hatte viel Spaß dabei!
Nicht Empfohlen
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 16:22
Buy this game if you like repetitive aircombat (right, aircombat not spacecombat, since the dynamics are more like an ill tuned plane than an spacecraft) consiting of rolls to evade fire and powerskills to jump behind the enemy to shoot it down. That was fun at the beginning and thereafter mega boring.
This game is not balanced at all.
Buy this game if you do not like maps with clear displayed POI or mission markers but a blurry look instead, making you wonder, why your map looks like when photos still had 28kB.
Basicly this games consists of the above two mentioned features: die and repeat or repetitive easy aircombat.
Sounded too negative? Ok, here is what i liked. In game graphics are nice, story is ok.
697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 13:31
Ein toller Soundtrack wirklich gut! Hat was von Tron
Tolle Raumkämpfe, teilweise echt fordernd
Gute Grafik, und es gibt ähnlich Freelancer eine Art Starlanes.
Leider ist das Genre der SpaceShooter etwas tot, aber Everspace2 und Chorus sind wirklich Super wenn man Freelancer totgespielt hatte... :-)
1467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.22 20:19
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.22 00:49
FYI the demo s*cks, it just throws a list of descriptions at you all at once and confuses you. Meanwhile the campaign does a much better job at it by introducing you to the mechanics one step at the time. The demo needs improvements, I almost avoided the game because of it.
Nicht Empfohlen
1930 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.22 14:18
The fighting is nice - and a lot of the missions. But many are just a grinding and repetitive as hell.
Many game design decisions are annoying.... I.E. You have a super advanced fighter - but it is hellish slow so that you need to burst to follow carriers and transport ships... The icons - well - there is no differentiation. What about friendly/enemy and big / small? No... Scanning at some point becomes annoying AF.....
And why the hell would all big fights take place in a confided space?! Rly?
Do something like that in the vain of Wing Commander - and please give Freud a break....
1390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.22 06:17
Story and world building not the greatest.
Arcade space combat is pretty good, and the finale mission is pretty fun and challenging. There's not a lot of games in this genre, so it's worth picking up on sale.
973 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.22 16:39
Abbreviated Review:
Under the Radar
Despite being a notable part of the story and a word repeated no less than 50 times in the dialogue, Chorus is not a particularly alluring name for a game. It also doesn’t help that it has a V instead of a U in the name which made me wonder was “chorvs” meant before playing. However, that possibly poor choice aside, Chorus doesn’t do a great deal to differentiate itself visually from its contemporaries either.
It can be challenging in this modern era of space games to look all that different when space has a pretty distinct feel. With so many games achieving a mostly-realistic design, usually more stylistic or even cartoonish looks stand out more. Chorus’s one notable distinction is that most of the areas you visit are squeezed into a moderately narrow slice of 3D space that includes a ton of physical structures giving it a lot of texture. The first map is in a densely packed asteroid field and, despite its incredible fields of brown, it does have a certain level of appeal. Yet, when you advance into new regions, you get massive orbiting cities, icy fields of frozen rocks, and areas with large central landmarks to add some spice to the otherwise fairly standard look.
That bit of spice is only part of what makes it disappointing that this game didn’t get as much fanfare as it deserved though. The story elements make a notable departure from the normally loose introductions many open-world space games deliver. Rather than just being a ‘nobody’ caught up in some big event, you’re a former powerful warrior of a cult that commits a genocidal act and decides to abandon that life. You leave behind your powerful ship and extreme psychic capabilities in favor of middle-of-nowhere life. The only thing that brings you back into the chaos is that cult’s continued spread and its now (more) deranged leader. However, the most unique and interesting part of this game is the combat.
Mind Bullets
The combat of Chorus is frantic, vicious, and best of all, satisfying. With pacing through the rest of the game fairly slow, every fight is a welcome experience. I even found that I had done so many of the side quests that randomly spawn as you’re flying around the universe that I unlocked an achievement for it rarer than the one for finishing the actual game. The action feels almost as if it would be the space combat equivalent of what you’d encounter in a Platinum Games title like Bayonetta or Metal Gear Rising. Something where spectacle is as much a part of the fun as the victory. The only thing it’s missing is a letter grade rating system.
Chorus achieves this by mixing a blend of a rock-paper-scissors weapon system with the use of a growing arsenal of powerful psychic abilities. While you can upgrade to different varieties of weapons, you’re always going to have available lasers, missiles, and Gatling guns. These serve to effectively take out shields, armor, and ship hulls respectively. With this design, you may be facing three or four different types of enemies attacking at the same time all possessing varying levels of shields or armor (or neither).
Once the game has eased you into the concept of using and swapping these weapons dynamically, it starts to introduce the powers. At first, you gain the ability to teleport behind a targeted enemy – instantly giving you the advantage. Later, you gain a sort of “shock” ability that can temporarily stun enemies and strip their shields. There’s even one that allows you to charge through swarms of weaker enemies ripping them apart. While all of these are incredibly useful and effective, they are also necessary since your ship isn’t that much stronger than anyone else’s. Getting caught in crossfire or maneuvering poorly for just a bit of time – even on medium difficulty – can result in a quick death.
A Star in the Shadows
Chorus has plenty of appeal, but it is slightly overshadowed by some of the quirks of the design. The first is that, despite having a decent voice acting crew, plenty of characters, and a competent story, it doesn’t deliver the impact that it should. Part of that is that so much of it, including nearly all of the characters outside of the protagonist and the ship’s AI, are rarely represented in anything but a small picture with a glitchy filter over it. There are moments where people lose loved ones, sacrifice themselves, or are subjected to terrible events that are conveyed wonderfully in audio, but are just a floating ship and a static image visually. When the rest of the game is high-intensity action conveyed wonderfully through audio and visuals, this feels weird. When you do encounter full cutscenes, they are much easier to appreciate and absorb – though the animations do feel a little stiff.
That limited medium through which the story is told makes it a little more difficult to follow than it should be – especially with several characters and faction references. It comes together toward the end in a satisfying way, but the journey can be rough. Honestly though, if the balance between story and combat included a bit more combat, I probably wouldn’t have noticed. While I did do my fair share of fighting, it felt like outside of a few key moments, I’d finish off enemies just when I was getting in the groove.
With these quirks, the odd name, and a price that seems a bit high for a new franchise in this genre, it’s not surprising that not many people were talking about Chorus. However, the quality is there and, even though there isn’t the polish of a AAA game, it’s something to check out if you’re looking for a space sim where the focus is on dynamic and exciting combat. The story and mild RPG elements are a nice addition, but this is probably the first time in a while that I’d like an extra mode dedicated just to fighting. Maybe one with weekly challenges or something. As long as I can turn off the in-combat chatter where you and your ship AI keep finishing each other’s sentences…
If you'd like to see more of my reviews, check out my curator page here:" target="_blank">Endyo’s Indies," target="_blank">Abbreviated Reviews, and online at BagoGames
Nicht Empfohlen
188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.22 08:58
The mouse control is pretty almost feels like there's some kind of acceleration impeding accurate aiming.. I'll change my review if they manage to fix the mouse sensitivity/precision.
1016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 03:17
Graphics are decent, voice acting is above average, sound is decent... it's an overall decent little game.
If you liked Freelancer back in the day, you will probably like this one too.
1731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 15:23
Some of the boss battles can get irritating and repetitive, especially the final battle. Certain bosses remove or are immune to powers you've come to rely on in the game, and that gets frustrating because you're punished for using a particular play style.
The controls take some significant getting used to. There's not a smooth curve for how strong you're turning. So you'll go from turning slightly to taking really sharp turns, making fine aiming with a controller difficult. I need to dig out my flight stick and see if I can't use it, or xmod to emulate a controller, as that might make the dogfights easier.
I love the hunt rite, and there are custom parts for your ship that can turn you into an unstoppable, fast-paced, space witch death machine. I found myself upping the difficulty in later missions to increase the challenge level once those powers are unlocked.
The story is pretty okay, although it starts stronger than it ends.
All in all, this is a fun space sim you can spend a couple of weekends beating.
1070 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 22:21
Performance is great! I played it to completion on my laptop, maxed out and for once it didn't sound like a F-16 about to take flight. Visuals are also really good for what they are, with only minor texture pop-ins during one section late-game.
There are a few things that could've benefit from being more fleshed out, like the ship modules, rarity and sets, and perma-death. I ended up sticking the the same line of modules I got at the start of the game, because changing things up is both not required and often forgotten about. And perma-death brings with it no benefit or extra rewards that I could see, aside from requiring you to die for 1 achievement lol
But yeah that's mostly nitpicking, when it comes down to it the core gameplay of flying and shooting feels really solid, but most importantly: It's FUN!
So if you've been eyeing this game for a while, I'd recommend it. And if you're not quite sure you'll like it, wait for a sale and check out the demo.
1458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 18:41
625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 19:49
That being said, when it comes to the flying and combat mechanics, graphics and the eerie music, this game doesn't disappoint. This is one of the best optimized games ever released with Unreal Engine so far. It plays great and looks great.
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 15:13
More HONEST REVIEWS | | [/tr]
????Space based 3rd person combat game with excellent story + background mechanics.
????Soundtrack is magnificent (Hollywood standard).
????Progressive story led gameplay.
????I could not get past the controls; needs HOTAS & an advanced flight model.
✔️Looks fantastic
✔️Audio is fantastic
✔️Soundtrack is Really fantastic.
✔️Voice acting fluctuates but is Mostly decent or better.
✔️Environments are spectacular.
✔️Upgrades, loadouts and ship variety are decent.
✔️Emotionally fuelled story keeps you pushing forwards.
❌No HOTAS Support.
❌Flight Model is clunky and restrictive (No Yaw and no Reverse).
❌Tracking enemies and objectives can become confusing.
❌No Multiplayer Co-Op
❌No first person cockpit view.
❌1660ti @4K stutters in combat.
⭐Soundtrack + Game Audio + Graphics
????HOTAS SUpport
????Advanced Flight Model for more advanced players looking for more realism.
???? POI | ✔️ Pos | ❌ Neg | ???? Ideas | ????Video | ⭐ STAR ITEM | [/tr]
1170 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 02:39
Whipping your arm across your mouse pad as you do a tight drift turn and blow up 3 space shifts feels soooo good.
The satisfaction in the dogfighting in this game is almost comparable to character action game like Devil May Cry or Bayonetta.
Unfortunately, that's about where my praise for this game stops.
One last thing before I go over the negative: The game is very pretty. Having a space sim where you can free fly around and see and imagine the void of space is really cool. I love the atmosphere of this game and being in space at all times is really cool and a fun direction.
Onto the negative: the story and writing is pretty bad. I figure you can mostly ignore it but the characters, writing, voice acting and cutscenes are boring and amaturish. I will give them props for voice acting the entire game, though.
This game also sucks when it's in tight and cramped spaces and expects you to fly at high speed. You don't have much control about manoeuvring left and right when you're traveling at high speeds and I died more to crashing into things.
Yeah, that's about it. I think Chorus is a game with fantastic controls and space combat for the most part but it falls flat in other areas. And that's okay. 20 hours for a playthrough feels perfect and like it didn't overstay its welcome.
I'd possibly recommend waiting until it goes on sale unless this is a game that seems to really speak to you.
Also, try the demo if you're not sure!
1444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.22 23:07
The side quests are surprisingly quite good, but the storytelling can be a little wonky. I mostly like that aspect of the game so far, but from some of the other reviews I can tell it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.
1147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 11:24
+ very fluid controls (mouse + keyboard)
+ combat feels very good and fast-paced
+ all NPC lines are voice-acted
+ great story and character development
+ gradual skills progression
+ ok variety of weapons, nothing too special
+ but awesome additional powers on top of space shooting
+ very solid graphics
+ epic orchestral music
CONS (only really minor things):
- 1 single crash in my entire playthrough
- One thing that was annoying when my achievements progression reset when reloading an older save, so I had to do more enemy farming in order to get 100%.
613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.21 22:07
1079 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 05:03
The only downside that I wish to express is mainly the protagonist itself: I don't like the constant chatter involve with her inner thoughts. I understand that it has to do with the main storyline of who she is, but I wish I didn't have to hear it so often. It can ruin the game experience over time for players who would get irritate of this (no offense).
This game is great for its space combat experience, but the scripts on the inner thoughts needs to tone down.
625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 04:19
I haven't run into any instant kill scenarios mentioned in another review that I saw before buying the game. I'm not sure why, as the ones described in that review were things like ships appearing on the fast lanes before they could move out of the way, but I can see them clearly coming. Could be a system spec or settings thing?
I do wish that the docks has a specific hud marker when using a certain ability. Also, there was one side mission where a npc voice actor, who luckily only had maybe a single line of dialogue, clearly did not care to try acting the part. But that's a small, and really nitpicky complaint.
Very enjoyable, 9/10, would fly rage ship again.
1096 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 16:58
IF YOU PLAYED DEMO: START A NEW GAME. Demo save is incompatible with full game and won't progress any further. You'll be locked to the second map, one of the smallest in the game. Game never tells you that.
Writing is a bit simplistic but not too cringey.
Controls are fine and ship is responsive (you need to keep your head on though)
Combat is flashy and at times you can suck and crash into stuff, but if you pull off some stunts, you'll feel really badass. I loved it and never skipped a fight.
Random events are occasionally rewarding (you can get good upgrades instead of money, so dont skip them)
Some quests design was questionable (like you're told to follow a ship very closely, but then it suddenly stops and you crash into it).
UI is weird, you use E for various actions, like talk to someone, scan environment and DECLINE QUESTS. Accepting is Q. There is no way to change that, and it sucks. I've declined 3 quests (you can restart and accept them) and 1 random event (can't re-accept these ones) due to this bs.
Otherwise it feels like a good double-A game.
328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.21 01:05
Chorus is a very fast paced and fun space fighter with interesting characters and story to follow it up. I honestly fell in love with the main character Nara and her companions, sentient AI and Forsaken. They both add a lot of interesting dialogues into the missions and the overall exploration segments.
I bought the game as soon as I played the demo, so it really scored into my quirks. The narrative, voice acting and animations are spot on and the story is progressing in a way that you want to know more and more.
Overall I recommend this game to anyone who enjoys space fighter games and open ended worlds. Game seems to be pretty polished as far as I have played it, I haven't encountered any major or minor bugs so far, so currently I'm pleased with what I got.
759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 20:19
Also you only get 1 ship for most of the game but if you like sharp angled designs it's arguably way better looking than all the procedurally generated ones in Everspace 2.
Every weapon upgrade has its own unique behavior and isn't simply generated with new stats so you can get back into the action and proceed to the next objective without any need for grind or feeling like you need to use a weapon you might not like because it has the highest dps. Like Everspace, there are different weapons to handle different hitpoint types (hull, shield, armor) but you are always appropriately equipped with all 3 as they are introduced to the player. There is very little need for inventory management and you spend much more time playing the game instead.
Control wise it's a different flavor in that you're controlling a jet fighter that has the benefit of being able to slow to a halt and it has Project Wingman's Angle of Attack Limiter except you have infinite duration and no cooldown on its usage. Whereas Everspace allows you to freely strafe left and right here you can only shuffle left and right when stationary or aileron roll when moving.
Rites or what's more easily understood as spells can be cast from your slowly regenerating mp pool adds a level of strategy and aggression not found in Everspace or other dogfighting arcade games. You can get the immediate advantage on the fly or disable enemies with a press of a button which makes you feel like an anime ace pilot when used in combination with drifting and other combat options.
The story is very much like an anime plot with all the weird and wild plot twists in addition to the over convoluted character backgrounds for the main characters. Some people will complain about the whispering internal monologue but I consider it an artistic license. Everything is voice acted which is a major plus and there are a surprising number of voice lines considering the price tag of the game.
Scenerio wise, the game makes a great effort to make every main and side quest a little different and there isn't anything that feels exactly the same. You're often collecting memories and dogfighting but the sequences are never the same which is enough to keep the game interesting.
The game is also running extremely well. I can maintain 120-144 fps on a GTX 108, the load times are minimal, and I have not run into any bugs or crashes. I'm honestly very impressed considering the state of gaming today. Outside of the pre-order skins bonus, no microtransactions or external contrivances. Just download, install, then play like the good ole days.
I haven't reached the ending yet but I'm already hoping for a spiritual successor that improves on the gameplay and gives us even more interesting and varied things to do as well as more boss encounters. I would appreciate somewhat smaller maps or maps with a denser number of quests as traveling from destination to destination can sometimes take a few minutes of waiting for your ship to move there.
166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 16:16
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 03:16
Deep Silver Fishlabs
Deep Silver
Engine:keine Infos
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Franchise:keine Infos
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