Children of Morta
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Über das Spiel

Die Geschichte von Children of Morta spielt in einem weit entfernten Land, doch sie beschäftigt sich mit Themen aus unserem alltäglichen Leben. Sie greift Emotionen auf, die wir nur allzu gut kennen und uns mehr bedeuten, als wir manchmal zugeben möchten: Liebe und Hoffnung, Sehnsucht und Unsicherheit, Verlust und Aufopferung für diejenigen, die uns am wichtigsten sind.
Nimm teil an dem Abenteuer einer Familie von Helden: Aufgrund einer sich im Land ausbreitenden Fäulnis müssen sich die Wächter des Berges Morta einer uralten, finsteren Macht entgegenstellen. Allerdings … ist dies keine Geschichte über die Rettung des Universums. Es ist eine Geschichte über eine tapfere Familie, die zusammenhält, während die Welt um sie herum in Dunkelheit versinkt.
Die Familie Bergson ist bereit für ihren bevorstehenden Kampf. Entdecke die einzigartigen Kampfstile und Persönlichkeiten der Charaktere. Werde Zeuge ihrer sich zuspitzenden Emotionen, während sie verzweifelt versuchen, einander zu unterstützen, um zusammen den Frieden im Land wiederherzustellen. Erlebe, wie eine Familie über sich hinauswächst.
Alle Familienmitglieder haben einen eigenen Hintergrund und unterschiedliche Stärken, was sie zu einer Gruppe vielfältiger Wächter macht. Manche von ihnen bevorzugen den Nahkampf mit einem gewaltigen Hammer, einem scharfen Schwert oder einem tödlichen Dolch, andere wiederum greifen gekonnt aus der Ferne mit einem Bogen oder beeindruckenden Zaubersprüchen an. Entdecke den einzigartigen Spielstil eines jeden Charakters und wähle deinen Favoriten!
Großmutter Margaret und Onkel Ben – die Seherin und der Schmied der Familie. Ausgestattet mit dem Wissen der vorangegangenen Bergson-Generationen stehen sie den Helden mit Rat zur Seite. Profitiere von ihrem uralten Wissen über die Wege Reas, dem Geist des Landes, das den Berg Morta umgibt. Nutze ihre Fähigkeiten, um die Ausrüstung der Familie zu verbessern und ihre Attribute zu steigern. Setze die Weisheit deiner Ahnen zu deinem Vorteil ein!
Der gewaltige Berg ist für die Dörfler und Bewohner Reas von größter Wichtigkeit. Seine Geschichte, Legenden und Magie sind ein Symbol und eine Quelle von Leben, Gesundheit und Wachstum. Erforsche den Berg und lüfte die Geheimnisse in seinem Inneren. Bringe die Wahrheit über die Fäulnis ans Licht und finde heraus, was sie an diesen scheinbar friedlichen Ort geführt hat.
Die Fäulnis breitet sich auf der Welt aus – und verändert diese dadurch fortlaufend. Die Wälder, Dungeons und Tempel, die du erforschst, werden sich für immer verändern, wodurch sich jede deiner Spiel-Sessions einzigartig anfühlen wird.
- CPU: 2.8 GHz Dual Core CPU
- GFX: GeForce GTX 660, Radeon R7 370 or equivalent with 2 GB of video RAM
- Software: 64-bit Windows 7
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: For best controller experience please use an Xbox One or Xbox 360 compatible hardware.
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: 3.2 GHz Quad Core Processor
- GFX: GeForce 960, Radeon RX 570 or equivalent with 4GB of video RAM
- Software: 64-bit Windows 10
- HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- SFX: DirectX compatible
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: For best controller experience please use an Xbox One or Xbox 360 compatible hardware.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1901 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 05:44
Tja, lieber Leser - so flott kanns gehen, Du bist jetzt offiziell ein Bergson. Und das ist nicht etwa ein skandinavisches Hügel Volk, sondern die Familie von der ALLES!!!! abhängt.
Ja wirklich alles, das Schicksal der Welt und so. Du weißt schon, an irgendjemandem bleibt der ganze Mist ja mal wieder kleben und rate, wer ob der düster dräuend drohenden Dunkelheit, die sich über die Menschheit legen will, mal wieder den Tag retten soll!
War eh klar, an Dir bleibts immer hängen, aber das liegt nicht etwa daran, dass wir anderen Feiglinge wären oder etwa faul oder so.
Wir... nun ja... ähm... tja... wir sind eben nur sehr beschäftigt. Ich zum Bespiel trinke gerade nen richtig ekligen Tee und schreibe hier ein bisschen vor mich hin. Und hörst Du mich etwa jammern?
Ich würde sofort zur Rettung der Welt eilen, aber Du merkst schon: Es geht eben grad nicht, ich hab zu tun. Also hab Dich mal nicht so, denn Du hast offensichtlich sowieso viel zu viel Freizeit, denn sonst würdest Du das hier gar nicht alles lesen.
Ätsch, jetzt hab ich Dich!
Also hopp, hopp, komm in die Gänge, schnapp Dir Dein Schwert und los gehts, dem sicheren Tod entgegen.
Ähem... ich meinte natürlich: Los gehts, auf zu Ruhm und Glorie...
Wie war das also nochmal mit diesen Bergsons?
Die sind eine Heldenfamilie, son bisschen wie die Kelly Family ohne Instrumente, dafür mit echt vielen scharfen und spitzen Waffen.
Und tut die erstgenannte Familie nur in den Ohren weh, hauen die Bergsons gleich die ganze Rübe samt Ohren von den Schultern.
Die sind echt hardcore, diese Bergsons und das müssen sie auch sein, denn wieder einmal hat eine schreckliche Fäulnis sich über die Welt gelegt. Monster schießen aus dem Boden, wie Pilze und das Schicksal der gesamten Welt steht auf dem Spiel. Da heißt es: Nicht verzagen, Bergsons fragen - Oder so.
John heißt der Chef der prügelnden Sippe, ein echter Veteran und bewährt in tausenden Schlachten, weiß er sich stets seiner Haut zu erwehren. Mit stählernem Blick und Stahl in der Hand stürzt er sich ins Gefecht und zieht jedem Dämon, Monster und Ungetier nen neuen Scheitel von rechten Ohr bis zum linken Fuß.
Er ist ein Mann der Tat, quasselt nicht viel und blickt dem Feind im Nahkampf von Aug zu Aug ins Angesicht.
Ihm zur Seite steht seine stets überbesorgte Frau Mary, eine echte Helikopter Mom, immer um das Wohlergehen ihrer Kinderlein besorgt. Doch am Ende sieht auch sie wohl ein, dass das Schicksal aller Wesen auf dem schönen Erdenrund dann doch ein bisschen wichtiger ist, als eine behütete, gewaltfreie Kindheit.
Das kommt der unruhig mit den Hufen scharrenden Heldenbrut gerade recht, die lieben Kleinen brennen bereits darauf, Vater John bei seinen Abenteuern beizustehen. Linda schwingt ihren Bogen wie keine Andere, Kevin, Mark und Lucy gehen dem Tötungshandwerk als Assassine, Mönch und Pyromantin nach und Cousin Joey ist ein stupider Front Klopper mit einem Herz aus Gold.
Typisch Großfamilie wuseln auch noch Onkel, Bekannte und die lieben Großeltern im Haushalt herum und versorgen die Monster plättende Sippe mit allerlei Equipment und Perks. Nett von denen und so trägt ein jeder was zum Familienunternehmen bei. So solls ja auch sein.
Und da kommst Du dann ins Spiel, lieber Leser, keine Sorge, ich hab Dich nicht vergessen. Du darfst Dir Deinen höchsteigenen Bergson aussuchen, aber weil aller Anfang im Heldenbusiness schwer und das ja hier ein Rogue Like ist, fängst Du erstmal mit John, dem Vater, an.
Den hast Du schnell im Griff, er ist ein eher unkomplizierter Typ. Benutzt sein treues Schwert als Argumentationsverstärker und debattiert so jedes Monster zielsicher in sein frühes Grab. So leicht, so effektiv. Ist eben ein Mann der Tat, nicht der vielen Worte.
Und jetzt kommt der Clou: Durch irgendeine wundersam telepathische Familienverbundenheit profitieren alle Bergsons von Johns Erfahrungsschatz. Toll, oder?
Levelst Du einen Bergson, leveln alle anderen mit.
Und es kommt noch besser: Stirbt ein Bergson im Kampf, wacht er quietsch vergnügt zu Hause wieder auf und tut, als sei nix gewesen. Echt Überlebenskünstler sind das also auch noch.
Und so kannst Du dich auch gerne hundert Mal durch einen zufällig generierten Dungeon kloppen, schneiden und zaubern. Geht die Sache schief, fang halt nochmal von vorne an und nimm lieber den einen oder anderen frisch gekauften Perk mehr mit auf die neuerliche Reise. Dann geht das Morden und Zerstückeln gleich viel leichter von der Heldenhand.
Und ganz nebenbei erfährst Du alles über Diese gar wundersame, heroische Familie, von ihren Ängsten, Hoffnungen und Wünschen. Du vollziehst Entwicklungen nach, knüpfst eine enge Bindung zu jedem einzelnen Bergson und erhüllst Stück für Stück die Geschichte um ihren höchst besonderen Platz in der Welt.
Und das macht richtig viel Spaß, nie zuvor waren Protagonisten so nah an einem dran, selten so herzerwärmend verschroben und leicht verrückt, aber dennoch sympatisch und plastisch greifbar.
Ganz großes Familien(Kino) ist das, Du wirst immer noch eine kleine Story Wendung mitnehmen wollen, das garantiere ich Dir.
Und dabei steckt auch noch richtig viel Spiel im Spiel, die Steuerung ist wirklich on Point, geht perfekt von der Hand und die Rogue Like Mechaniken motivieren zu immer neuen Heldentaten und zu immer neuen Helden, denn schließlich will man auch alle Bergsons mal gespielt haben. Nur noch schnell den einen Perk freischalten oder das eine Souvenir mitnehmen fühlt sich extrem belohnend und spannend an.
Das alles wird gehüllt in eine tolle Soundkulisse und grafisch ists einfach mit Abstand das schönste Pixelart Spiel, das mir je untergekommen ist. So Detail verliebt und perfekt ausgearbeitet hab ich derlei noch nie bewundern dürfen und man kann sich einfach nie satt sehen an all den kleinen Wundern und winzigen Besonderheiten von Landschaft und Bewohnern. Einfach toll!
Und jetzt kommt was kommen muss, lieber Leser, die Empfehlung. Ja, zock sofort los! Es gibt ganz frisch sogar nen Koop Modus, als packt Dir jemanden zum mitzocken ein, schnappt Euch zwei Bergsons und los geht die wilde Reise...
Und auf der wünsch ich Euch wie immer...
... viel Spaß, Ihr Helden ;-)
Und hey, wenn´s Dir gefallen hat, ne Runde von mir zu lesen, dann klick hier
und da gibts mehr von mir auf meiner Curator Seite. Schmökern for free: Also stell Dir nen Tee bereit und viel Spaß beim lesen...
Nicht Empfohlen
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 20:11
Aber warum ist man nur am Gegner kitten....die Nahkämpfer machen gar kein Spaß und man wird einfach zu schnell getroffen. Für mich einfach Zeit und Geldverschwendung.....
Nicht Empfohlen
621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.21 08:18
1078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 13:16
Eine Geschichte über Familie
Children of Morta verbindet alle Elemente, die ich mit einem spannenden, kurzweiligen Rogue-Lite verbinde: Ein abwechslungsreiches Kampfsystem, eine geradlinige Progression und eine schöne Story rund um die Familie Bergson.
Dead Mage zaubert hier einen Pixel-Artstyle hin, an den man sich eventuell erstmal gewöhnen muss, aber gerade das Haus der Familie sieht einfach nur wunderschön aus. Auch die verschiedenen Areale (3 Hauptareale) sehen abwechslungsreich aus, obwohl hier Luft nach oben ist.
Das Kampfsystem
Wer mit Spielen wie Diablo gut zurecht kommt, der wird auch hier einfach reinfinden. Es ist ein klassisches Hack & Slay-Spiel aus der Isoperspektive. Der Kniff ist, dass man fast alle Familienmitglieder spielen kann (und auch muss), welche sich im Kampfstil unterscheiden. Auch hat jedes einzelne Familienmitglied einen eigenen Skilltree und eigene einzigartige Fähigkeiten. Schön designt ist aber die Tatsache, dass sich alle Familienmitglieder gegenseitig unterstützen, auch wenn sie gerade nicht am Kampf teilnehmen. So gibt John, der Vater, allen Kämpfern eine Lebenspunktregeneration oder Mark, der Mönch, mehr Ausweichmöglichkeiten, wenn er zuhause bleibt. Das animiert alle Familienmitglieder mal auszuprobieren und einzeln zu leveln. Zurück zuhause baut Onkel Ben eigene Rüstungen oder bessere Waffen für das Gold, welches man aus den Dungeons mitnimmt.
Story & Fazit
Schlussendlich geht es nämlich darum die Fäulnis des Gottes OU, welcher vom Berg Morta kommt, aufzuhalten. Dafür müssen 3 Naturgeister gefunden und befreit werden. Die Story ist nicht wirklich verworren, sondern eher geradlinig, aber die Familie mit ihren Sorgen und Nöten wächst einem einfach ans Herz. Auch die kleinen, unrelevanten Zwischensequenzen, die nach einem Dungeon eingespielt werden hauchen jedem Charakter ein eigenes Leben ein.
Ein durchschnittlicher Spieler wird vermutlich knapp 10 Stunden in diesem Spiel verbringen, für die vollen 100% auf Steam habe ich knapp 19 Stunden benötigt.
Mir hat Children of Morta aber definitiv sehr viel Spaß gemacht und ich würde einen Blick ins Spiel definitiv empfehlen!
1134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.21 13:44
2251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 04:56
Pro :
- mehrere spielbare Charaktere mit unterschiedlichen Waffen & Skills zum leveln
- mit dem gesammelten Gold können zusätzliche Bonis freigeschaltet werden
- verschiedene kleine Quests neben der ganz großen Story
- Koop Funktion: zusammen durch den Dungeon rauschen = unbezahlbar
Contra :
- musste zwei Mal das Spiel abbrechen, weil ich in der Wand hängen geblieben bin
- einige Gegner spawnen an unerreichbaren Orten
- Heiltränke spawnen zu viel oder gar nicht - in Truhen/beim Töten der Gegner -
- Bedienung des Controllers mit diesen vielen Funktionen ist überladen (bin kein Controllerfanatiker)
1638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 21:35
636 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 22:24
2917 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 17:23
Children of Morta erzählt die rührende Geschichte über Zusammenhalt, Emotionale Bindungen und, nicht zu vergessen, eine Geschichte über Hoffnung ;).
Als das Land von einer merkwürdigen Fäulnis zu verschlingen droht, muss die dort seit Generationen ansässige Familie Bergson zusammenhalten und rasch handeln, bevor die Fäulnis sich weiter ausbreitet. Von den älteren Familienmitgliedern wohlbehütet groß gezogen und ausgebildet, müssen sich auch die jüngeren der Familie in ihren Kampfkünsten unter Beweis stellen, um die Gefahren der Fäulnis zu trotzen…
Was sonst Genre-Typisch immer nur selten anzutreffen ist , bildet beim Action RPG „Children of Morta“ eine positive Abwechslung. Während wir in anderen Vertretern der Hack n‘ Slash Spiele uns gut und gerne mit nur einem Charakter durch einen Story-Run herumschlagen müssen, dürfen wir uns hier direkt mit einer kompletten Familie durch die Monsterhorden prügeln, schießen und schnetzeln. Vor jedem Dungeon haben wir unter anderem die Wahl, ob wir lieber mit dem Familienoberhaupt John, oder lieber mit der kleinen Lucy, Mark den großen Bruder, oder dem energischen Kevin (JA hier heißt jemand Kevin!) durch die Welt schnetzeln wollen. Zu Beginn stehen nicht alle Familienmitglieder zur Auswahl. Nach und nach, jedoch sehr rasch, werden alle spielbaren Charaktere des Familienbundes freigeschaltet.
Ist eine Mission erfolgreich oder erfolglos bestritten, tagt im gemeinsamen Anwesen in possierlicher Sequenz oftmals der ganze Familienrat und sinniert über das Geschehene , oder das was noch kommen mag.
Die Dialoge sind hier besonders hervorzuheben. Man hat sich offenbar Gedanken darüber gemacht, eine authentische kleine Geschichte über Verbundenheit, Hoffnung und Selbstzweifel zu schreiben.
Das ein PixelArt mir so Gänsehaut bereiten kann, hätte ich niemals gedacht, doch Children of Morta hat genau das geschafft, dass mansche Triple A Titel nicht einmal Ansatzweise schaffen konnten: Emotionen hervorrufen.
1286 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 03:39
The character skills tree made progressing fun as unlocking family passives will allow you to share them with everyone else, which does make things easier. The blessings and relics were also really helpful and can make runs easier which meant that runs can always be really good or really bad. Overall I feel like playing through the stages were not painful chores like many other games. Leveling also gets significantly easier on the later stages.
I highly recommend the game to people that would enjoy having a friend that is willing to sit and watch the story progress and unfold and play through the story together. It is not punishingly difficult as a game so eventually you would be able to beat the game without trying or being able to perform any special mechanics to progress.
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 04:16
Children of Morta is a fun little game to play - albeit with a rather steep learning curve early on. You will start with access to two newbie friendly characters and gain several more on your journey. Each of the characters has their own distinct playstyle and it is worthwhile to play with each as to get the benefits they give to the other family members in the Bergsons party.
The game really shines in coop as players with inherit weaknesses can be buffered by characters to counter those weaknesses - Joey for example is quite weak against stuff that stays out of his range while lacking the mobility to go chase down foes; paired up with Linda though who is weak against hordes attacking her and likes to have room to kite (made very easy for her when she can dance around Joey).
One can also save the progress as a guest, even if they can't manage what the host of the game is doing. This is useful if for example the other player needs to be the host - you don't lose all your hard earned progress. It can also be useful if you need the other person to host because they have the DLCs.
There is also a lot of care given to the story elements of the game and the neat little family life one can explore with the Bergsons. This is as much of an action role playing game as it is one about learning the story of the family, the lands, and the other people they meet along the way. The Events one will experience and do is also quite fun.
The only real drawback to the game is the start - expect a bit of 'dying' to occur early on as you jump into the game with unleveled characters. The Boss 0030 was also a bit hard to understand as to how to approach it - even with the hint of what to do from the previous fight. Overall though there is little to complain about.
Highly recommended - even if you just buy the base game to play.
1421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 19:45
Not as refined as the likes of Hades (but that's not surprising since Hades is one of the best games ever), but it plays and sounds pretty well.
Absolutely recommend it. One of the games I felt compelled to 100%.
2023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.22 10:43
The story: Really really good story and fits the theme well, I am not used to roguelites having decent stories but this is where this game shines. It weaves the character unlocks in to the story really well and both progress at a decent rate.
Meta-progression: Implemented really well and does require you to grind them out here and there, there are certain abilities you can stack £££ in to to make your runs a lot easier and I would reccomend thinking about what you are buying. Again, implemented really well, good diverse possibilities allowing you to pick how you want to improve all characters base stats to your liking.
Characters/skills: Really nice diverse character type and their skills compliment their weapon sets and styles really well. The skill tree system is also really well implemented and there are base skills that all characters gain a bonus from, which is really cool. This falls nicely in line with how they force you to play all characters by implementing a fatigue system to make sure you can't just stick to one character. They clearly thought this through as they also added the ability to remove fatigue through grinding out a certain item, which is nice. 100% make sure to level all characters to gain their passives that approve all runs on all characters.
Music: Music fits really well and didn't find myself turning it off at all.
Graphics: Really well implemented pixel style graphics.
Gameplay: The combat is smooth, no jank at all resulting in deaths. The skills are all relativly fast and don't really punish you for using them. All boons that you can find on your runs are really cool and some of the more powerful ones are offset by a negative effect, making sure you don't just pick up everything as you go. The game definately gets easier as you go along as your base health and armour increase in stats.
The bad
I experienced a few infinite loading screens between floors of dungeons, which were few and far between granted, however, when you are 30-40 minutes in to a run this can be quite annoying to lose all progress (EXP, money etc) as your only option is to kill the gmae from task manager. Again, only happened a few times in my 24 hour play time.
100% completion: There is one particular achievement that requires you to unlock 10 secrets, I am fine with having post-game grinds to finish games for acheivements but the secrets are all but impossible to see, espeically with the roguelite standard screen clutter. I would just kill all the enemies to make them easier to find but you actually have to save some enemies to kill on top of the secet so it can be a bit annoying. I ended up changing my monitor RGB values to help but at the time of writing I am only half done and 3 of these were accidental during the campaign and 3 took around 10% of my total play time to find. I can imagine people with visual impairments have no chance at all. It would be nice to have an in game item or ability to spend animal treats on increasing their RNG possiblity.
The meh
With the DLC you are able to add further temporary buffs to your runs that slowly depleat, the one that I used the most was increased EXP, however, one thing that was kind of annoying was that these were reduced immediately after entering a run, meaning if you quit the run without progressing the run, it still reduced the buff down a level despite not doing anything particular in the run. It would be nice if this could tell how far through the run you progressed and then decided how much to reduce the buff by. Then again, you rarely run out of the material needed for these buffs so it is no biggie.
The events for the golden eggs to reduce characters fatigue: There was only one as far as I could tell and this was trivial at best as you could just run past the mobs. Seems a bit of an after though to force you in to playing other characters (which, the mechanic of that I actually like - see good above), but some variety would be nice.
100% completion: Not a fan personally of forcing people to play coop for acheivements, however, with remote play together it at least makes it possible and the acheivements are not exactly hard to finish for coop.
Don't skip this game, its cheap, I got about 25 hours out of the story and really enjoyed every minute of it. Fantastic purchase.
1118 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 21:19
Fun combat paired up with amazing art design and an engaging story.
The game offers multiple characters with vastly different playstyles, an array of creative enemies and a healthy amount of unlockable upgrades. A very well designed and entertaining roguelike.(and the soundtrack is also great)
3708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 07:11
The Bergsons, who live in their expansive house, are subtly heavenly warriors who have known how long they have secured the world from era to era. The family matron had envisioned that she may rest within the grave before the new battle, but the thing is different: the total family, from grandma to children, must be tackled to utilize the sacred war to spare the world.
In expansion to this horrid story, Children of Morta has cited a storyteller from the Darkest Dungeon. There is no dialogue between the characters in the game, but the story is taken through silent films in which the dramatic narrator makes his own staging. The storyteller moreover includes a voice amid the amusement, commenting on its occasions and telling the foundations and history of the different cells, beasts and scenes.
The effect worked great in Darkest Dungeon, and it also works in Children of Morta. Pure narrator-driven storytelling brings a unique vibe to the game, and because the narrator has been successful in their role, it also conveys a great desperate and gloomy struggle.
At first, Children of Morta’s utilization expenses appear to be exceptionally restricted. There is only one member in the family - that is, a character class - and the gameplay is exceptionally straightforward.
However, it is soon revealed that this is just a step-by-step introduction to the secrets of the game, as well as the desire of the development team to run into the course of the game and the underlying features of the story. As the game progresses, more and more Bergsons join the battle, eventually offering seven different characters, each with their own style of play, their own abilities, and the ability to gain experience.
Influences in particular have also been borrowed from run-based Roguelite games, as when one of the Bergsons is in the corner croaking of an unfortunate dungeon run, he is teleported back to his family home. The coin you earn during the run can be invested in an ever-expanding array of permanent enhancements that increment the harm, speed, plausibility of basic hits, and so on caused by all the characters.
Once the pockets are purged, it’s time to jump back into the adventure, which shows that while the body of the game is always the same - the first dungeon has three layers and a certain boss at the bottom - the contents of the dungeons are redrawn...all the time. There are lots of random events and encounters involved that can provide little entertainment and something to see or reopen the game with new features.
Children of Morta does not specialize in changing the characters weapons or equipment at all. Instead, there are uncommon caves, running abilities as well as a variety of active and passive buffs. Exceptional abilities and bonuses are versatile and add color to the adventure and allow it to be designed and executed.
This creates a gaming experience that feels secure on the one hand, but moreover refreshingly distinctive. Cave Adventure has plenty of depth and also a lot of new value if you want to try different characters and experience them all. The game also encourages this, as every 5th talent point, each character permanently unlocks some sort of reward that upgrades all of Bergson’s abilities during the adventure.
- Deep combat, item and upgrade system.
- A working narrator.
- Phenomenal presentation.
- A gloomy story.
- The course of the game.
Children of Morta is emphatically reminiscent of the action-packed combination of Diablo and Darkest Dungeon.
- Less replayability than other roguelites.
- A few uncommon design solutions.
- A bit unfair at some points.
- Difficulty curve is too steep.
Children of Morta charmed me with its lovely and nitty gritty energized pixel illustrations, tight atmosphere and experimental storytelling, as well as functional and smooth action punching?
And that good feeling stayed for quite a while.
However, it is worth giving Children of Morta a chance, as it has clearly deserved its place. There's continuously room within the world for useful, engaging and individual activity.
555 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 18:32
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 14:28
1508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 20:35
I am not the biggest fan of roguelikes/roguelites, though I do end up playing a quite a bit of them. This game was just the right amount of rogue for me. I like that the level is the run, not the entire game. The random power ups you get feel like they help your game, and you can get good enough at the game to do well, even without great power ups, unlike some rogues.
The music and sound effects are great. The pixel art is really impressive, though my 4k monitor had some issues with zooming in and out and panning during cutscenes. I appreciated the interaction between the family members; they really felt alive. The story was interesting and kept me engaged as it unfolded. I am patiently waiting for this game to have actual remote co-op, as I would love to play the other more roguelike mode with a friend.
2770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 02:41
1594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 15:08
Nicht Empfohlen
1410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 20:31
Abilities and dodging are clunky and have a weird delay/cast animation.
Player's hitbox is clunky. Some things will damage you if they don't hit you.
Many enemy attacks and abilities do damage before actually landing, which make dodging even clunkier than it already is. Enemy attacks are poorly telegraphed and seem to damage you at random.
Enemies don't have a set attack animation speed. Sometimes attacks will be faster, sometimes slower (which could count as a feature I guess, but personally I don't like it).
When playing with a controller, sometimes it gives you aim assist, sometimes now.
I feel like it wants to be a souls-like game, but it can't be souls-like with such clunky combat.
Also, the first boss is by far the hardest, except maybe for the last boss, which I couldn't bother to beat because of how clunky this fight is.
On the bright side, the characters are different and fun to experiment with and quite balanced, even if their abilities are weird at times. Like, for the character Mark - his ability is to whip in a cone and stun the enemies. The problem is - the cast time is so long that at rank 1, enemies' stun finishes before you even finish the cast animation... you don't have time to use that stun on the enemies. Which kind of defeats the purpose.
The other characters are all fine from this point of view. Personally I couldn't for my life do anything with Lucy, but I heard other people like her so that's ok.
I feel like Children of Morta should either A. fix the clunkiness of the game and make the game feel smoother or B. make the game more Diablo-like - put emphasis on killing _lots_ of enemies and loot and longer dungeons and make boss attacks more forgiving, but give them more HP to compensate.
I hope this review helps improving the game, because it has a lot of potential!
3513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 07:59
Strongly encourages playing with all of the characters, who are all unique and interesting in their own way.
The story and narration was enjoyable.
Not too difficult! For me I don't usually enjoy roguelikes where I have to grind to get good, and in this the learning curve was very comfortable, and later on maybe even too easy. Exactly my style.
I pretty much never fork out full price for a game, but I did for this, which speaks volumes!
Nicht Empfohlen
2583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.21 12:33
It does have a high rating, so you might like it, but after revisiting it and some hours playing through the story, I just feel like uninstalling it.
1886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 21:21
This game has a nice story, a great narrator, easy to learn game mechanics, steady progression system and many small and big challenges to keep you on your toes.
1815 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 19:50
2500 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.21 16:09
I don't say that lightly either. I've been a gamer practically since the was such a thing. I cut my baby teeth on ultima 4. I played diablo 1 on release day. I've gotten picky over the years. A game really has to be something special before it impresses me.
At it's root, Children of Morta is a fairly standard hack and slash loot grind a la Diablo (no, it is not a roguelike- those are turn based. This isn't). If it were JUST the base mechanics of the game, I'd put it at a fun but middle example of it's class. Not many dungeons, fairly standard mechanics, ect.
But the gameplay is just the medium for what makes this game unique. This is one of the most engaging stories I've encountered in a game in a long time. The concept is brilliant, and very well executed. It has dark and gritty moments, touching moments, even funny moments. The characters are enjoyable, and the narration is superb.
I strongly recommend playing every character, and keeping every character leveled up. The mechanics encourage doing it that way, but more importantly it will help you feel connected to each character, and make the story that much richer.
This is a superbly crafted story with a fun game as the vehicle for delivering that story. I'm very glad I finally got it. If you like a good story, this one is a must.
Nicht Empfohlen
604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 09:22
A very expensive game given we haven't played it other than through the very hit and miss remote play.
If you want to play an online co-op game with your partner or friend then look elsewhere they seem much more interested in expanding the machines this works on and releasing DLC. From the 10 hours we played using remote around 8 of those were trying over the course of a day to get remote play to work and stay working.
My trust in this companies integrity is gone. A shame because the game would be great with online co-op.
1800 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.21 17:58
Overall it has some slight negative points, but these are insignificant to the positive points of this game.
1141 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 17:26
In CoM, every characters become more interesting and fun to play with as they level up, but Lucy is still the best!
As the characters level up, you can choose to unlock their abilities that will help you when you use another character, so you get more options on how you can handle things on your runs.
1624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.21 14:36
The two areas where the game faltered for me were boss fights and lack of endgame content (hopefully future updates will address this). My main issue is that beyond the first boss, I was rarely challenged in any boss fight. This was a particularly a problem because even if I lost in my first try against a boss, I was generally powerful enough to wreck the boss the next time I encountered them, so I never really had to learn anything about the boss's attack pattern to win. This became a bigger problem during the endgame because by the time I made it to the 3rd portal (I thought I still had a third of the game left), I was able to steamroll through most enemies.
1915 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 05:45
The game has amazing DA.
The story is great and immersive.
The characters are great to play with differents styles of combat.
A great rogue-like and RPG.
After 15h : the story is fantastic (i have not finished it yet)
994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 16:23
So, more than machinery we need humanity. More than cleverness we need kindness and gentleness. World deserves more games like Children of Morta.
920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.21 23:56
It is not only about the action, the gameplay mechanics and graphics which are really stunning, it is also about the well written story and the ideas presented, it shows how wonderful can it be to have a real bond with family members and to have love in life.
I got this game as a birthday gift, and it turned out to be an amazing one :)
Thanks to everyone who worked on this game and wish them the best.
2532 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 23:34
Good music
Good visuals / environment
Does require some quick reaction time or will be grinding quite a bit and relying on the luck component of pick ups.
Only negative I can say at this point is the fatigue corruption mechanic that forces you to play other characters.
1020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 01:59
2683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.21 20:10
The storyline is 10/10.
The gameplay and the fighting style is 10/10.
The art style is a solid 9/10 and if this is my biggest criticism it's only due to its incredibly unique aura.
The environmental art and the monsters are so fluid and dynamic that it makes up for everything else.
All of the skills you acquire throughout the run are fantastically animated and also FLUID. This is coming from someone who's played a plethora of dungeon crawlers (Enter the Gungeon, PoE, Diablo, Hades, Torchlight, Binding of Isaac for instance). So it means a crap ton when you find a game that makes the movement so FRESH and well paced.
And finally, the progression system, the entirety of the upgrades that you accumulate throughout the campaign is so INCREDIBLY well done. 10/10. It gives you a significant sense of accomplishment and development throughout. No coin spent felt unused, as well as the individual character's progress and the amount of options you have to value your best fighting style seemed well-balanced. Also, the family bonuses are such a beautiful touch, I'm surprised that nobody else has taken influence from this type of progression system so far.
10/10 Will absolutely play again
2234 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 10:20
One unique selling point is the art, it is meticulous and detailed. You could say it looks like moonlighter, but you’d not be doing it any justice. Children of Morta is on a whole other level. See the Bergsons’ house interior for example.
Roguelite not Roguelike
Children of Morta is considered a roguelite because every few levels you gain – all characters gain a “family trait” effect. Improved movement speed, shield effects, extra damage, you name it. Spelunky for example falls more in the roguelike category. In Spelunky your runs are randomized like in Morta, but you start from mostly the same level and power every time. In here your power increases as you can permanently improve your armor, health pool and many more statistics as you obtain morv (gold) to spend on the forge. You’ll be forced to return to the house and enjoy the story as it unfolds, the woods around the house become more corrupted and more drama regarding the family members is explained. All fully narrated and very involving.
Every act you complete has the house itself change as new characters arrive or are allowed to join the fight. Various souvenirs are to be found in the caves as well. It’s worth keeping an eye out for random events as some of these will give additional perks. Like a shopkeeper, a dog pup that’ll give you a health potion, and a pack of robots.
Full review at:
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.21 09:57
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 16:00
New content introduce actual rogue-like mode without story telling.
Not bad at all.
Difficulty is not easy, but not too challenging.
A decent game to pass time with a friend via 2 player local co-op.(and online co-op in the next update feature)
218 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.21 00:15
2721 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.21 14:51
12698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.21 04:59
Gameplay is dungeon crawler-type. A bit of grinding necessary if you wish to get all the content.
Wasn't able to make use of the co-op play (no local gaming friends, boo-hoo), and there is no indication they will expand it to outside local.
Generally fun play and wonderfully told story.
1248 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.21 12:40
My one and only misgiving is the ending. It's not bad, but I expected something slightly different as a capstone to the whole adventure. The journey was still more than worth it, so don't let it dissuade you from trying out something rather unique among a whole slew of rougelikes.
Highly recommended!
Also make absolute sure to get the Paws and Claws DLC.
1602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 13:28
Nicht Empfohlen
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 03:08
Children of Morta is clearly a wonderful idea shaped into a beautiful game with very mediocre and frustrating mechanics. I liked the graphics, they're beautiful pixel animations with lots of details in the characters and in the house, but you can tell this game was not tested enough, not because of bugs (I've only encountered one), but because of how unbalanced the gameplay and progression are.
Roguelites are supposed to be frustrating, but this one is frustrating for the wrong reasons. They should be frustrating in the sense that they're pretty hard and you die when you thought you were in control, then you just want to play again and show the game who's boss. Children of Morta is frustrating because regardless of how skilled you are, you're still going to die, because the game mechanics are not designed for you to be able to avoid being hit. For example, combat is clunky, melee characters can attack, and they get 1 or 2 chances to jump-dodge. Once you spend those, you can't avoid being hit until you take a few moments to rest. Oh, but the troll with the huge mace does not need to rest, so after your second jump, he's ready to punch a hole in your head and one-shot kill you. One character is supposed to quick-teleport towards close enemies when attacking, but he usually misses because enemies are moving. So often you find yourself attacking air or walls while enemies are kicking you in the butt. Oh, and there's not nearly enough healing in the game for the amount of damage you're being dealt. The only way to avoid damage is to kite, which of course makes the game super slow and boring to play.
You'll find tons of chests in the game, and tons of items that turn keys (gemstones) into money. The only problem is that you'll not run into many gemstones while you play. The most I've run into is 4. Then you spend your precious and rare gemstone into a chest and what do you get? Money! Which you can easily get from punching random pots. And you free this shopkeeper, and what does he take, money? No! Rare gemstones please. 3 of them for this cool item. Basically, it makes opening chests a very bad idea, why risk getting money (which is almost always the case) when you can just save them up until you find the shopkeeper?
You'll also find lots of early items that give you bonuses for getting high kill combos. Good luck trying to keep those combos up. But not only the numbers of monsters do not justify kill combos (there aren't throngs, at least not early on) but also the fuse goes quickly and ends the streak even in the middle of combat. It'd be nice for the fuse to last longer and not die out if you're at least punching a monster.
Progression of most of the unlockables so far is way too haphazard, instead of being sort of accomplishments that you have to fight for to earn. You just happen to go in a room where the old lady is and voilà! Now you have a new thingamabob to spend your money in for a small boost.
On the good side, there's like 7 characters in the game, though I got bored before I could unlock all of them. So I regretfully don't recommend the game. It's a shame, as this is a game I was very much looking forward to, as it has beautiful graphics and I love roguelites, but to me it just felt like a huge letdown. I might keep playing it since I already have it, but I advise all good people interested in fun roguelites to steer away from this one and look elsewhere, at least for now. Hopefully devs are still working on polishing the game, it has the potential to be a gem!
912 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.21 20:57
When I took it in hands, the pixel art and fluid gameplay and movement seemed surprising to me for some odd reason. The music was nice, overall art style was just as much.
The story Is good and.. at some points rather engaging.
There are different family members with different skills that will slowly join the battle, And somehow all of them I had fun with.
The only downside I see is how short the game seemed to be. I had come back to the game at some point to play a round or two, but having finished the story, The roguelike aspect doesn't seem as engaging, it feels like you should entirely restart a game to thouroughly enjoy it agian.
Other than that, it's a good game. You can grab it if you so wish.
576 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 16:49
Final words are that I am proud that a Persian studio could achieve this achievement to make a great game for us to enjoy.
1397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.21 12:53
And that's perfectly fine. The characters play differently enough that you'll have fun switching between all of them, if only for novelty. Each character basically builds only one way.
The plot and characters are cookie cutter, but they serves their purpose and doesn't get in the way.
There's about 10-15 hours of content here; longer than that and it'll wear out its welcome. But for these 10-15 hours, the gameplay loop is simple and refreshing and the difficulty self-balancing. You could do a lot worse.
2105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 06:04
I'll cut the to the chase. The game's very pretty. The art style, colors and overall aesthetics of the game is beautiful. The story is narrated very well and while it's a beautiful story, it's also very short. Fortunately, I'd say this works as one of its strengths and is one of the reasons I prefer this game over Hades.
Let me explain why.
While Hades has an excellent story, it's given to you in short bursts. I feel like the roguelite aspect doesn't work for it because to progress though the main story, you'll need multiple successful runs. Few and far apart, basically. This game on the other hand doesn't make you do that. You complete areas to unlock more story. When you finish the final area, you're done with the main story. It feels more satisfying. There are quests you get in game where you have to look for certain items, but the game makes sure you get those items in the next run or two. The story is also very compelling and makes you fall in love with each of the characters and the family as a whole. It makes you appreciate the bonds they have.
The gameplay is nothing too special, but good nonetheless. I'd suggest playing it for the story rather than just the gameplay if you do pick it up. While I prefer this game over Hades in terms of story presentation, it has nothing on how snappy and satisfying the combat in Hades is. I miiiight prefer the item diversity in this game over Hades when it comes to the rogue-lite aspect , however.
It's ARPG combat where you get to play as member of the family. They all have unique weapons, skills and dynamic. The roguelite aspect of the game is quite alright. There are a bunch of items (skill modifiers, use items, passive bonus items) you unlock as you progress but it need not affect your run all that drastically. You might also get aid or interact with other family members in the dungeons and the dynamic is quite nice.
Maxing out a character's skills can get grindy, but it's not required to beat the game. The game also has couch co-op which works quite well.
I'd definitely recommend this beautiful game. It's an experience. A good one.
1199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 21:10
The combat is not the deepest of all combats, the game definitely seems made for the more casual players than the hardcorest of roguelite players, but there's still a lot of fun to be found for them even if it can feel a bit repetitive at times.
For starters, no this isn't a mindless button masher, you won't succeed just mashing away the LMB and your abilities and thinking you'll breeze through the levels, there is a strategic level to the game where you most focus on positioning and using environmental hazards to your advantage.
Enemies come in hoards and their variety is good. They will bring in all sorts of trouble, so focusing on certain enemies first also adds to your decision making. Since you can't trade hits a lot since potions can be rare you need to focus on evading attacks as much as you can using your roll moves, so this element adds a nice feeling of pace almost like Dead Cells.
Add in randomized items that can synergise with your characters kit, like black hole runes or a drone that stuns enemies, as well as runes that can alter your abilities (like making your critical attacks summon giant swords from the heavens) the game does a good enough job of making a simple combat feel fun and fluid, masking the repetitiveness nearly entirely.
I don't even need to mention the other part of the game because everything else, visuals, story and music are superb.
1287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 21:20
-Interesting world I liked the Lovecraft inspired Cosmic setting
-Great pixel art style
-Story elements and character building make me invested to progress beyond solid core gameplay
-Interesting events and side quests included in the levels so it's never monotonous.
-Well designed progression system. Sometimes rogue-like/lite games can feel a grind following several failed 'runs' but here you accumulate resources to upgrade your skills and abilities at a good rate. These upgrades apply across the whole family of characters, so these are always meaningful upgrades if you decide you prefer another character.
-Combat is simple but not simplistic - new abilities are introduced steadily and the combination of applying these alongside core dodging mechanics makes it rewarding.
Will be returning to play again, especially as a New Game Plus mode unlocks upon completion.
267 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 12:56
803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 06:14
The game is a Roguelite ARPG with each character having a simple skill tree. They all have varying playstyles though. The gameplay is fast but not too hectic. I Played it with a controller and even though i tend to like the accuracy of the mouse, this game has a decent aim assist for ranged characters. You are not required to play all characters BUT it is recommended.
The Art Style though is one of the best usages of Pixel Graphics. After playing Crying suns, which i thought has good usage of Pixel graphics, this takes it to another level in fluidity specially for animations. Though characters dont have their own Voice Actor. The Narrator has the right tone and empathy in his voice for you to listen and appreciate what the story tells you about.
- Artistic and great use of Pixel graphics
- Different characters with their own style
- Great Controller Support
- Good Narrator voice to guide the story and players
- Part of the current HumbleBundle Choice (FOR $6!!!)
Needs improvement
- Really wish there is a way to EXP Boost characters whose play style you dislike aside from using Trainers
- None
2167 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 01:43
I'm a little mixed on this game overall. But I like it.
Children of Morta is an atmospheric-story-driven-diablo-lite-with-rogue-elements. But action rogue-lite works, too.
Premise: You'll control the Bergson family, residents of Mount Morta. A threat known simply as the “Corruption” needs to be thwarted.
You select a character and set off into a portal to fight the corruption. It has 3 main areas. Each harboring a spirit you need to free to aid you. Each area then has procedural levels within it. [spoiler]The last area is seems a bit inspired by the Dwemer Ruins of Elder Scrolls.[/spoiler]. All the areas have a distinct feeling.
Each run you do adds something to the proverbial pot, be it more morv to the family bank or more XP for the character used. You're always making progress. The only thing you lose on death are temporary things like relics, charms and graces.
Story is told generally in between runs back at home. But there are a number of in-run side quests that will show up in the procedural generated environments.
I don't particularity actually like the art style but the animation of the sprites is really nice.
The Bergsons:
Playable Bergsons:
- John — Traditional sword and board character. The Father.
- Linda — Ranged bow user. Uses stamina while both attacking and moving. Has passive bonus to damage when not moving.
- Kevin — Uses daggers, stealth and assassin type attacks.
- Lucy — Juxtaposed to Linda, the other ranged character, Lucy cannot move while attacking but has numerous ways to trick or impede enemy movement. She throws fireballs.
- Joey — Uses a large sledgehammer. Dodging does damage.
- Mark — “Monk” type. Unarmed attacks, can pull enemies closer. (He looks like Sokka from Avatar.)
- Apan — Mid-range, AoE-crowd control character. Numerous ways to slow enemies. (Technically not a part of the family. Added in a free update.)
- Grandma Margaret — Provides exposition. Knows about the “Corruption”. Unlocks things in the Book of Rea.
- Uncle Ben — Takes Morv and creates permanent upgrades like armor, damage, crit chance, etc... Effects the whole family.
- Mary — The Mother of the family.
At rank 4 and 20, every character unlocks significant passive buffs for the rest of the family. But each tier for every character has some unlock for the whole family. There is also a mechanic called “corruption fatigue” that incentivizes you to use other characters. What it does is reduce the maximum health of the character you're using often. It'll naturally go away in time. But it dissuades you from using one person all the time. Personally, I found Linda, Lucy and Joey to be the most enjoyable to play as. Though, using Apan's charged thunderclap is quite fun.
All characters have an active dodge. They all have a similar trajectory as far as progression and leveling until very high in the tree. All playable characters also have stamina to manage as well as a Rage meter that builds to enhance attacks when used. (Once unlocked.)
This game has a lot of idiosyncratic language used to describe relatively traditional concepts:
- Divine Relic — These are additional offensive or defensive abilities you can carry to the abilities of the character. Need to be activated.
- Divine Grace — These are passive bonuses.
- Charms — These are activated and have various functions, but generally are one use.
- Runes — These augment attacks. They run out from use. Ex: Linda firing 3 arrows instead of 1.
- Morv — This is just what the game calls gold.
- Gemstones — These are used in the in-run shop as well as to open certain containers.
- Obelisk — Grants temporary effects in-run.
- Book of Rea — This is where permanent upgrades can be purchased with morv, things like more morv dropped, more XP gained, rune durability, gemstone proficiency... essentially increasing all the temporary things in-run. Aside from Morv and XP. Those are the main currencies.
I do feel like this game falls into the “Book of Demons” trap. That being that there isn't as much depth as a 'Grim Dawn' would provide but it's also too complicated for more casual play near the end. So it ends up sitting in the middle of two extremes, not really satisfying either audience.
The Gist:
It's grindy and that will push many away immediately. Admittedly, I kind of like grindy games and I feel like the gameplay is fun and diverse enough to be relatively enjoyable to account for different playstyles.
The story is kind of “meh” overall, but it's really more about the character moments than anything else. I've also heard that some people have finished the story in 14-ish hours. This was not my experience but I spent a lot of time leveling most of the characters and trying to do in-run quests. I do think the plot gets more interesting about half way through. Heavy spoiler:[spoiler]It's revealed that in order to stop the corruption, Mary will have to sacrifice her baby...[/spoiler]
Speaking on the game's replayability factor — There is an NG+ mode that allows you to keep your character progression, Book of Rea progress and Uncle Ben upgrades but lets you re-start on a higher difficulty with increased level caps — I normally don't include “roadmaps” as they're essentially only promises and they're liable to not come to fruition. However, the devs purport to have a few more free updates coming in the future and one more paid DLC expansion. So I'm looking forward to that. Though, at the time of writing this. It's just the NG+ mode.
If you've read this far, consider following my curation — Station Argus
I'm aware that Children of Morta has shown up in the Humble Choice (of which I am a subscriber). However, I feel it must be stated that I purchased Children of Morta outside of that bundle once hearing about their “Paws and Claws” DLC where the proceeds went to the Humane Society International charity. I know this type is disclaimer affects many people's opinions of things stated otherwise. I did not pay full price, though. I paid $17.26 total for the game and DLC.
177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 16:17
The gameplay is fun and force you to have a different approach with each family member. You ever get in so deep it's like you pull yourself in another world where you feel your the actual character going on adventures and conquering to fight.
2157 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 18:27
The amount of creativity, love and content put into this amazes me. There's always something touching happening. I'm glued to my screen, gasping, after almost every run. Thank you, developers! Bought your first DLC (which I'm finding essential, since it adds just so much charme), will buy the next. Can't wait!
2524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 19:11
Pretty pixel art, great music, interesting story, enjoyable dungeons, bit of underwhelming boss fights specially the final boss.
I loved the exploration and leveling all the characters; while not all of them are equally fun to play as some felt more like a tedious task; most are fun. You don't need to level them all up, but I wanted to 100% the game so I did.
I liked the story and the gameplay, I never had the chance to play in co-op but I think it's a lot funner that way.
I'm looking forward for the next updates and the new DLC; I'd like to revisit the game tbh.
1615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 20:49
There are multiple dungeons to go through and you only need to defeat 1 boss to complete a run through the dungeon then you go back to the base. As a result, the overall difficulty is easier but there is a bit of a learning curve. The initial playthrough was pretty rough and it took quite a few tries before I could ever make it pass the first boss. This was due to a variety of factors. I was still learning the game, and also did not really have anything unlocked yet.
At first you only have two characters; as you keep playing you eventually can use more of the family to play as and some methods of upgrading the entire family to make new runs easier. Things like increasing health, attack, etc. Each character plays pretty differently too. There are some similarities between some like the two ranged characters but even they have a major difference where one can attack while moving and the other is stationary All of them were fun for me to play and the game really does encourage using the entire family instead of sticking to one. You are rewarded for doing so, as when a family member reaches a certain milestone, they provide a new buff for the entire family. Some are better than others, for example health regen is great. But I really loved this slow but steady progression and could feel myself getting stronger and stronger.
As a result though, the game really does get easier as you get higher level. The beginning is probably the most challenging and while each new area takes some new learning for new enemies and such overall you feel stronger from all the upgrades you make along the way. I completed the game within 27 hours which was a pretty decent playtime. I did not do much intentional grinding. There was some frustration in certain events not triggering and had to keep replaying levels for those, but it was still fun to play. In reality, I probably beat the game closer to 20 hours and just kept playing to mop up achievements for fun.
The pixel art is a huge highlight - it is gorgeous. Overall the atmosphere is great and really feel absorbed into this world of fantasy super heroes. I enjoyed the story. Like Hades, there tends to be new scenes and dialogs after each run whether win or lose. But then there is usually a lull where nothing happens until you manage to beat the highest dungeon available. I enjoyed the story a lot though. Game play was still really fun too, its somewhat akin to Hades where you may gain new powers/relics throughout a run so each play through a dungeon will end up being different even if you run the same character.
Overall a really good game and I highly recommend it. Would love to see more story-based roguelites that are as fun to play with a rewarding progression system.
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 07:24
1429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.20 13:08
Children of Morta is a story-driven hack & slash game with roguelike elements. Developed by Dead Mage and published by 11-bit studios. The game, about the Bergson family struggle against the darkness that leaks from Mount Morta, with both family ties, character diversity, and roguelike elements, is an indie production.
You’ll be playing as the Burgsson family. All of the playable characters in the family have their play style and unique progression.
The game has Diablo-like hack & slash inspirations, we strengthen our characters with the gold we collect when we die, and we dive straight into caves again. Also, as we chop enemies, we can access special abilities for that character.
Different playable characters and their unique abilities provide a new way to play the roguelike genre.
For the full review
304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 10:51
2069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 15:27
820 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.20 22:31
The thing that caught my interest, though, was the story. It is an original and loving story about the importance of the family, and it brings some lessons to us.
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 13:12
So how it went?
1. We died, a lot ...
2. Then we got to the first boss, guess what we died again ...
3. At this point if I got down my girlfriend started panicking and soon followed me.
4. But soon she got better and better and even managed to resurrect me by sacrificing herself.
5. And then it happened, my girlfriend started to believe and to see the Matrix like Neo and single-handedly beat the elit monsters and then resurrected me with a grin on her face.
That is a 10/10 experience!
So but why is this a good game?
While first I was expecting a no-brainer diablo like hacking and healing game mechanics I soon had to realize that this game was all about precision and tightly working together, otherwise every mistake you made in dungeons had a serious effect on the boss fight.
So you must master the CC skills of both players, but if you do you can make sooo satisfying combos and just eat through the enemies.
The only offside for me was that as we got better even on hard difficulty the game wasn't that demanding anymore.
(Haven't tried the new game+ mode though)
But if new maps/enemies will be added we will revisit the game for sure.
2108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 15:32
2179 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 23:15
You can only play as one family member at a time (or two in local or online coop) but the advance that each member makes unlock benefits that boost the entire family. Also, advancement for each family member is saved on their death, or upon completion of the area that they are exploring, so you are always rewarded for your time, no matter how slightly.
In spite of all the combat, which is wonderfully balanced and paced, this is primarily a story about relationships and family, and one that is well told. Strongly recommended for all fans of action RPGs, especially those looking for a story that's brighter than the doom and gloom fare one so often finds in the genre.
1024 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 17:51
This game tells the story of a close, loving family that works together to defeat the coming dark forces in the world. It is a story of love and loss, adventure and setback. You interchangeably play as the different family members, who all have their own unique skills and strengths that they add to the family. The developers have gotten some flack for pushing you into playing characters you might not like via a fatigue system, but honestly I feel this suits the theme of the game -- no one person is the lone hero and as each member grows stronger, the entire family does through shared bonuses. Plus it challenges you to get better at playstyles you might not be good at.
As a roguelite, you will fail. A whole lot. Especially in co-op as I feel the difficulty ramps up compared to single player. You don’t lose progress, you’re sort of rewarded actually. The blow is softened by frequent story vignettes played between dungeon runs and by a currency/skill points system that allows you to constantly upgrade so that eventually you will get there. This is not a game for hardcore roguelike fans that prefer permadeath.
Every character earns skill points to unlock new tiers of individual skills, and at set levels they also grant global bonuses to all characters. There are also two global bonus systems to buff things like armor, damage, speed and so on. Each adventure area consists of three randomly generated dungeons to traverse ending with the requisite main boss battle with their own combat pattern. There’s often random encounters to be found, with puzzles, merchants, story events, and chase sequences you have the option of doing.
The game is still in active development with a roadmap of upcoming free updates, and I’m a fan of the paid charity DLC that raises money for the Humane Society. All in all, I’m very pleased with my purchase for giving me some great evenings during covid lockdowns.
818 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.20 06:38
The mixture of these elements and the narrative is where the game really shines. I genuinely care about the Bergsons and their mission, and I love checking in on each family member. I will admit that sometimes the family cutscenes can be a bit annoying when you've just died on a run and you immediately want to run back into the dungeon. But nothing is better than seeing a family member go through a little mini-arc and then become available as a playable character, or finding something important down in the dungeons and incorporating into the home and family.
I'll update my review as I play more, but I'm really into it for now!
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 21:51
1404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.08.20 11:37
Rating: 8/10
Amazing rogue-lite! I was very much bowled over by the intricate 2D graphics of the game in the initial minutes of gameplay and the kind of attention they put in animation. All characters in the game have life in them despite being drawn in a handful of pixels! This game surely goes to show that you don't need next-gen 3D graphics to make a visual stunner!
The meat of a rogue-lite, being its gameplay, feels tight! The controls are responsive on a mouse and keyboard despite it giving out the vibes of a console game. All the characters in the game play differently and I personally enjoyed playing with all of them! What I enjoy the most about levelling up all your characters is that their talents add to the strengths of other characters as well and they also come in aid to others when the need arises! This mechanic incentivizes you to replay the game to strengthen your characters further.
Another aspect of the game that I enjoyed the most was the narration! The narrator did a fantastic job at it and the way he narrates the story and every cutscene adds to the quality of the game. Speaking of quality, the Bergsen's house by itself has some idle animations that adds a lot of charm to the game when you are not playing it and just upgrading the Bergsen's family (upgrades that apply to all the characters). Although this should not be seen as a feature, it surely does add to the overall experience for me!
The only factor that takes away 2 points from the overall rating is the content. There are limited environments in the game and I also find the need for more enemy types. If the game didn't lack in this department, it certainly would've become my favourite rogue-lite of all time. Nevertheless, the developer has released a development roadmap and more free updates are on their way, so I have my fingers crossed that the new content makes up for it!
I would still recommend this game at this stage if you're into rogue-lites. You will certainly not regret the purchase!
1729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 13:37
Gameplay itself is fun and each Bergsons has distinct abilities and skills, so I was never bored, despite facing the same enemies multiple times (there are 3 main areas, each with 2-3 dungeons).
The game kinda punishes you for selecting the same character over and over, so you'll have to level several (if not all) family members along the way.
I loved the narrator's voice and the little story bits each time you returned to the house. I was also really impressed by the art style, great job there!
All in all this is very good game and I'd recommend it to anyone looking for a more relaxed rogue-like game with a nice story.
1557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 12:49
Price/Value: FULL
Time: 25 hours (includes item hunting, leveling additional family members, etc.)
Difficulty: N/A
Actual Difficulty: Easy
Children of Morta is a beautifully made ARPG with rogue-lite elements about family and a tale of love. Aesthetically pleasing with its style of art and wonderful soundtrack - Children of Morta takes you on a wonderful journey with the Bergsons family to save the land of Morta
Children of Morta is a title that ended up being a much needed surprise in quality and entertainment. You play as members of the Bergsons family who have been tasked as the guardians of the Mountain of Morta by the Goddess Rea Dana.
Diablo and Binding of Isaac are the two titles this will remind you of the most in terms of comparing mechanics. Diablo in how the combat and skill point system functions, while Binding of Isaac vibes shine through in the various items, runes, relics and charms that can be collected and used by the Bergsons as well as the dungeon designs. Each character has a primary attack (Left Click), a secondary attack/skill (Right Click), a tertiary attack/skill (Shift) and a 'Rage Mode' (Ctrl) which buffs damage, speed or defense depending on the family member.
You start the game with two members of the family unlocked; John the Warrior and Linda the Archer. There are five additional members of the family that can be unlocked as you play though the game for more playable classes:
~ Kevin the Assassin
~ Mark the Monk
~ Lucy the Pyromancer
~ Joey the Brawler
~ Apan the Healer
The game has rogue-lite elements - meaning there is no death. Instead any items and morv (currency) you have found upon death is brought back with you to base in order to upgrade the families stats. Status upgrades such as:
~ Health
~ Weapon Damage
~ Movement Speed
~ Experience Gain Rate
~ Currency Gain Rate
are all shared between the family; meaning a single point in a health upgrade counts for the entire family. It doesn't take long at all to gain the necessary upgrades to minimise the difficulty of the game. There is no equipment such as weapons or armour to find and equip, with skills and status point upgrades being your only option for upgrades.
The real treat of Children of Morta is the wonderful pixel art that is on display. From the highly detailed home to the excellent wee pixel art cinematic as you progress through the game and the corruption spreads, everything is on point. Each of the family members grows and has a part to play in the story.
I would highly recommend this to fans of Diablo, Binding of Isaac and The Legend of Zelda.
1569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 20:21
The story and the roguelite elements are intertwined in a way that they perfectly complement each other!
Add in the amazing narration and beautiful design, and the result is a great game that will stand the test of time.
1678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 10:51
3789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 01:27
803 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.20 23:08
If you're looking for a true roguelike experience, Morta might not be it. It's very forgiving, as your characters don't really die and just teleport out to a safe place instead, while keeping all of the gathered xp and gold. If you're a seasoned roguelike player, you might want to crank up the difficulty to hard, as the normal one was a bit too easy for a Binding of Isaac veteran like myself. If you instead look to get through the story, while not sweating too hard, you'll be happy to know that there are no challenges in this game that you can get stuck on. It's mostly really smooth sailing with a retry or two peppered in between chapters.
The game plays like a rather simple Hack & Slash, it's solid, but nothing revolutionary. Abilities are unlocked and/or enhanced when the characters level up. Runes can be gathered to mildly change how the spells and attacks play out. There are also some items to be gathered that give passive boosts or special active abilities. Personally, I found them a bit uninspiring. Not bad, but don't expect complete shifts in how the game is played like you would in Binding of Isaac or Enter the Gungeon.
The twist comes from the fact that even if you find a character with a playstyle you're fond of, you can't play him too much or he'll be weakened by the contact with corruption. This and the fact that levelling your characters gives specific bonuses to all other family members, encourages you to frequently change the hero and learn them all. Some may find that annoying, personally I found it refreshing. Then again, I genuinely enjoyed playing all of the characters except for maybe the 'fire girl'.
The enemies are generally okay in terms of looks and require you to get to know their attack patterns to not die too soon. I found the bosses to be very well designed, they hit hard and require figuring out the right tactics in order to beat them. They're also NOT bullet sponges as often is a case in roguelikes, there are no gear-checks, just smart plays.
Graphics and Music
I've gotta say, Morta looks simply amazing at times. The Bergsons house might just be the best pixel art piece I've ever seen, period. It's so detailed and alive, I could stare at it for hours. Generally, all pixel art in the game is really solid, characters are detailed, the dungeons are grim, but full of small objects that set up the tone and build atmosphere.
I've also thoroughly enjoyed the music in the game. The tunes range from very warm and welcoming, through some really nostalgic pieces to more sinister ones. The Bergsons house theme was definitely my favourite.
Special kudos goes to the narrator whose sandpaper-like voice sets an amazing mood for the game. Definitely reminded me of Bastion and that's a good thing!
As I mentioned before, don't expect a classic roguelike experience from Children of Morta. However, in terms of story, that is definitely a compliment. It's the first roguelike I played with such a strong focus on the story. And quite a story it is. I was truly enchanted by the narrators voice and coming back to the family house was all pleasure after each completed (or not) dungeon, to see what changed and what happens next.
Morta is definitely a great game to play if you're in need of some positivity in your life. It put me in a very cosy, family mood and I think it should be a beautiful experience for anyone to play through it.
Children of Morta might not satisfy you completely in terms of gameplay, if you're an experienced roguelike lover. However, the game does make a good use of the roguelite elements to deliver an engaging, beautiful story and some of the best pixel art to be seen in a game. I'll definitely be back for the DLC, when it's there!
Find more reviews at Balance Patch.
Nicht Empfohlen
638 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 21:23
But, I hate playing this game. Every character basically ends up doing the same thing over, and over and overrrrrr. Dodge, attack once or twice, dodge. Rinse and repeat. The attacks are slow and clunky, which isn't a bad thing, but the enemies don't die quickly, so even though you are barely moving across a pretty small map, you are spending 20+ minutes per area to keep going. This makes the very stale, repetitive gameplay stick out like a sore thumb. And then they have the gaull to force no-life runs with non-leveled characters due to corruption eventually subtracting 60% of your health. Again, forcing you to repeat the same, tired, broken formula again and again.
Triple damage for your character, and make enemies do 5 times damage. I think that would very quickly fix most of the issues. So you can feel tense during fights, instead of just running around in a circle waiting for your spell to come off cooldown, or just swinging a single time, and running in a circle again. I have only died due to impatience in this game.
I really wanted to finish this game, but I just got bored with the combat so quickly. It makes me sad to say unless you can withstand a rather tedious experience, this isn't for you. Or if you can dive deep into the story, and just have to see what happens. I couldn't do either, so I gotta give it a thumbs down.
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 10:46
This game has a lot going for it that i personally liked:
Unlocking more characters as you go
Characters progression assists other characters by unlocking global perks.
The standard spend your point post death to level up your base stats.
Very unique experience on replaying older zones with weaker and newer characters.
ever changing hub that grows with what you do in the game.
What i did not like:
Multiplayer was weird and not not able to work
having to play older zones without at least an EXP buff for new characters.
1339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 11:32
1400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 15:16
4158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 03:57
So many awesome design decisions. The story nuggets are delivered in a very interesting way. The upgrades you buy apply to the whole family. Leveling characters gives you passive buffs for the entire family.
The story is unique. The pixel art is great. Excellent two player coop that works well over Remote Play Together.
Highly recommended.
836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 01:38
296 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 05:46
You start off with a family in the woods defending corruption from spreading and fighting off nasty things the corruption have spawned.
You start the adventure with John, he is the sword and shield type. After playing along you soon unlock Linda the ranged class with her bow.
I soon realized Linda will get you through the game much faster than the others. Once I unlocked Kevin the rogue/assin type and then soon after Mark the monk fist fighter, I realized that some mobs like the bats and spitting spiders were way too annoying for Mark and Kevin. I found that John was able to progress further as melee class because of his shield and high health, also his swings arc nicely to cleave multiples much better then the brothers.
I have not unlocked Lucy the fire mage and Joey the Brawler with his big hammer.
Right off the bat I got this Diablo 2 vibe playing. I mean john looks like the warrior in D1. I couldn't help to notice the skeletons died in a similar fashion with their bones collapsing and pile of gold shinning on the floor. But then once you get pass the first levels it soon felt more like D3 now. As in the mobs started to get more annoying. Some mobs are high threat but it makes it very hard to single them out sometimes because trying to close the gap you ended up pulling more mobs.
I felt I was playing the game in a very cheese way by peaking the corners and agro melee mobs then poke and prod the ranged classes next.
But not always easy to do so when the dungeon it self is very confined. The map is good length and lots of clay pots to smash, but the map felt claustrophobic in the sense it was hard to move around the map carefully while clearing mobs. The game gives all characters a dodge mechanic, which I felt I only needed in emergencies and it has limited uses but refills quickly. Occasionally my rolls were getting hung up on the decore of the dungeon and can get you killed sometimes. I just want more open freedom if a mechanic like this is in the game.
I think the bats need to do less damage and have a longer delay before that charge, it just hard to read when you trying to look out for so many things. The spiders that lay babies and spit, the spit need reduce damage and would be better to like let the player know she is spitting by maybe letting the bulb on her back glow green then it shoots out. More visual indicators to let the player know, ok this thing is shooting now... dodge! So when your fighting a pack it would be nice to ignore the shooters in the back if there was a easier way to know something is coming. But right now I feel like because I am new to the game, I am rushing to these mobs to hurry and burn them down, but I get surrounded easily due to the game has such a high amount of mobs. I do like killing a lot of mobs but the claustrophobic of the levels makes this a little overwhelming at times.
It's a decent game with nice combat. But claustrophobic levels mixed with high mob count can get overwhelming for some characters. Can't wait for online coop, that should make this game well worth it. But for now get it while the discount is here.
After playing more today, I noticed my beloved Linda was getting corruption sickness, so now her max hp is reduced. I noticed the more I played the more corruption she would get. There is no timer that I can see and it looks like the cure is some stone I need to get to cure her. I am not sure why this mechanic exist but it kind of sucks. My best character is now gimped and why? so I have to play the other characters? that's lame.
Edit2~ As I am playing more I notice the more I play the other classes my Linda corruption is going down. But now my John has 12% corruption which lowers their max HP. So the game is forcing me to play the other classes I don't want to play or suck at playing. The difficulty for melee characters is out of whack. Too many mobs that I feel I need to cheese my way through the level by waiting for my aoe running around and aoe again. The only way to really progress is to grind the same cave over and over to afford upgrades back at home that effect all characters equally. But it takes so much gold and now I am feeling the grind and repetitive nature of the game. The other 2 caves are really hard without a range class.
Some rooms feel like death rooms. As in you will enter a room thinking of reward, but you will stumble across a large group of really deadly mobs in a small room that you can not leave until they are dead. I just wish they would not do this. Linda dies in these rooms so easily but the melee classes seem to do ok. But you walk out of this room with a chunk of hp missing for sure.
With all the large amount of mobs, the difficulty with melee characters, dealing with corruption, the grind for gold, then the levels are just crazy. Too many spike traps, too many gravity totems, too many eploding flowers. Just upping the notch on maneuvering through the level is a pain. I kind of over the game now because of this corruption thing, and I never feel much stronger every time I went back to the house. I upgraded at least one thing when I came back each time. But it felt like the next time I went out it wasn't enough. I still recommend but at a discount. It still needs to be balanced with numbers at least.
1022 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 08:03
The combat is really fun and the different characters really help with the game becoming too tedious. The customization is really nice too. Of course more skills are always welcome but this worked.
Music is great and easy on the ears.
The story telling is amazing, the narrator's voice is great to listen to which is really rare for me.
684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 02:12
The Story: Not bad, gives a good strong family vibe. Little house on the Prairie meets a tame Diablo 2.
The Game Play: It's polished, and the combat is fun and engaging.
I don't feel cheated when I lose a round, and the addictive elements are there.
Minor Cons that ultimately don't really matter: The art is too messy in places and some of the area's lack perspective or depth, the value in the colors make it easy to lose some enemies (1 or 2) in the terrain, and honestly that's all nit picky stuff on my part.
432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 22:35
1389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.20 22:48
+ Beautifully rendered and animated pixel graphics.
+ Creative and effective incentives to play all characters.
+ Procedurally generated dungeons and random items each run.
+ Effective integration of gameplay and cutscenes; great pacing of excellent storytelling.
The Bad:
- Grinding is pretty heavy early on and a lot of players will lose interest before they get any momentum.
- Bosses are easier than dungeon runs.
- Character balance starts to fade towards the end.
- Only 4 overarching tilesets for locations (forests, caves, desert, industrial)
- No build variety within each hero; basically a game of passives.
The Ugly (Nitpicking; Also SPOILERS):
- While the story is probably the best thing in the game, it has a try-hard attitude when it comes to character development and often misses the mark. The family dynamic is really sweet but it feels like Oscar-bait. There is virtually no real dysfunction in the family, which makes it feel less believable or impactful. Even Uncle Ben's drinking is glossed over and when his son, who was raised by his ex-Wife alone, shows up, they are just love-dovey and that relationship is not explored any further. Eldest daughter Linda has no character development whatsoever. What's worse is that the patriarch, John, is also given negligible development. I think they tried to fit too many family members into the game and basically shot themselves in the foot. I only nitpick so much because I love the story and it's otherwise very well told.
1457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.20 17:45
The content is well timed such that it keeps feeding you the next upgrade, next character or the next bit of story and you never really feel like you're grinding away at the same thing over and over again.
The story is not too deep but is interesting and emotionally engaging.
The game play is solid and simple to pick up. Your mistakes are your own rather than issues with the game.
I'd prefer more items/runes/charms and less 'rage' mechanics as I found them relatively useless.
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.20 09:15
-artistic, pixelated, high quality
Enemy types:
-Enough variations to keep sharpening your characters' tactics.
Boss Fights:
Every walkthrough after being dead:
-Totally different
225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.20 21:25
It's fine. Good for killing a few hours.
2592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 20:35
Major updates are incoming and it will be a joy to fight with the family once more. Children of Morta easily became my GotY 2019 and I highly recommend everybody to give it a try because it is a well executed and highly rewarding indie title.
1513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 14:28
Story telling - very well done, a lot of cutscene and many surprises. It just amazing.
Animation - I have to say it is very satisfying to see such pixel game with this extreme animation
Gameplay - Diablo like, easy to control and manipulate,grinding, when you die you lost nothing but relics and buffs.
+to clarify in normal mode you get to keep the golds and artifacts you found when you die.(havent try hard mode)
Other things:
- The game allow you to play 6 characters which need time to level up every single one of them but the gears you upgrade are applied to all the characters, which is amazing for leveling low level character.
- Customizing character is not an option, you get to level up skills though, but not in cosmetic way, you have 6 characters with default skin from begin to end.( i hope this is an option in the future).
-Grinding as said, you will die a lot and have to gather a lot of money to make your characters strong.
556 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.20 14:08
The story is very cool though, and you can actually feel the things the members of the family do, and each character while having no voicelines (The narrator does a hell of a job though) feels different and special.
776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 19:49
- touching story in a very interesting setting
- smooth gameplay, great action and good variety through different playstyles
- I love that runs last 30-40 minutes before you go back home. As opposed to other roguelikes like dead cells, you do not need to play through the whole game in one go
- balancing is off: casuals will be put off by the first half, players that like a challenge will be bored by the second half. the game started out pretty tough. The very first boss was the most difficult for me by far, still took only 3 tries. Without any grinding, characters become stronger much faster than the levels though. Besides the first boss, I only ever once died to another boss at all. By the end, the last 3 bosses I simply stood in place and spammed primary attack, because I out-dps'ed everyone else. A pity, because I really liked how intense the game was in the beginning.
- Variety in mobs: similar to the point above, I really enjoyed the beginning of the game, where you had to learn the attack patterns of mobs and react accordingly. At some point the mobs start repeating though.
definite recommendation. I will remember this one for the story and setting alone.
1955 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 00:20
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 03:55
Where the story unfolds by leveling up all characters together,which is important because all the skills and traits that are unlocked
help the whole family do better in combat and unlock the story.
Which in the end mastering the combat makes you feel like a bad ass.
Game is totally fine to do single player and great co-op as well.
Well worth it even at full price.Dead Mage made a rare gem of a game here,
check it out you will not be disappointed.
My low hours on Steam are because I played this on Xbox Game Pass.
But thought the dev's deserved at good review since I enjoyed the game so much.
I still bought it on Steam first,but didn't get into it right away,glad I gave it another shot.
Dead Mage Studio
11 bit Studios
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos