• Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel
  • Chernobylite: Screenshots aus dem Spiel


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 16.10.2019
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Preis Update 20.01.25

Über das Spiel

Chernobylite is a new game from the creators of the critically-acclaimed Get Even.
It's a science-fiction survival horror experience, mixing the free exploration of its disturbing world with challenging combat, unique crafting, and non-linear storytelling. Play as a physicist, one of the Chernobyl Power Plant’s ex-employees, and investigate the mysterious disappearance of your beloved. Try to survive and reveal the contamination zone’s twisted secrets. Remember, the military presence is not your only concern.

Get ready for a thrilling adventure of survival, conspiracy, horror, love, and obsession. One that will prove to you that it’s not about how you face your fears, it’s about how you survive them.

Ally or compete with other stalkers of the Chernobyl zone to survive. Remember that life is fragile, and it’s your decisions that determine the fate of your companions. You can spend as long as you need preparing, however, be aware that your story is still being written. Every passing moment, your chances of success are dwindling: comrades are dying, supplies are running out, or an unexpected patrol could discover you. And on top of all this, supernatural dangers are arising around you in mysterious patterns. Each day brings new challenges with the ever-increasing severity of your current situation. Plan your strategy carefully if you want to survive.

Craft your gear and weapons to protect yourself from the hostile military personnel and supernatural threats lurking in the zone. Make use of the sophisticated tools at your disposal to aid you in your struggle while navigating the rough and contaminated environment. Stay undetected and gather all the evidence you can to piece together events from the past.
Decide what happens in the world around you by making choices and finding, or avoiding, the truth.

Maintain your resolve and keep your wits about you – the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant is not what it once was. No one can foresee the horrors that may have befallen your beloved.

  • Explore the beautiful and horrifyingly accurate 3D-scanned recreation of the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone.
  • Collaborate or compete with other stalkers of the Zone, but whatever you do, never fully trust them. Remember – everybody has a hidden agenda. Always.
  • Face and survive the natural and supernatural threats.
  • Immerse yourself in the thrilling non-linear science-fiction horror story.
  • Make good use of your character’s physics and chemistry knowledge to craft your equipment and manage your supplies.
  • Fight against the savage creatures pouring from the alternate reality.
  • Investigate and collect data with a set of sophisticated environment and substance analyzing tools.


  • CPU: Intel Core i5-2500K CPU
  • GFX: Geforce GTX 770 or AMD Radeon HD 7870
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1 (x64)
  • HD: 45 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7 4790k CPU
  • GFX: Geforce GTX 970 or AMD Radeon R9 290
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 SP1 (x64), Windows 8 (x64), Windows 10 (x64)
  • HD: 45 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

182 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
1962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 16:28
Ein Spiel zum Mitdenken. KEIN stumpfsinniges Geballer mit Klischee-Figuren. Eine überaus interessante und auch spannende Story mit einigen Twists (wovon man einige aber auch kommen sieht). Sehr atmosphärisch, auch dank der hervorragenden Musik und dem stimmungsvollen Voice-Acting.

Von der Grafik sollte man nicht zuviel erwarten, aber für ein Indie-Studio wirklich gut. Das Gameplay ist cool, auch wenn einiges davon etwas zu viel des Guten ist (beispielsweise der überbordende Basisbau). Eigentlich ist es eine in Sektoren unterteilte Open-World, in der man immer wieder die gleichen (leicht veränderten) Gebiete besucht.

Alles in allem war ich super unterhalten und bereue den Kauf zu keiner Zeit, daher eine klare Empfehlung.
25 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.22 00:10
238 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 02:47
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☑ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☑ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10

27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 21:29
Vielleicht bin ich ja mit falschen Erwartungen an das Spiel ran gegangen, habe ihm aber mit 88std. Spielzeit wohl mehr als genug Zeit gegeben sich zu beweisen. Aber ich muss leider sagen dieses Spiel macht nichts neues, die Story halte ich bestenfalls für B-Movie Qualität, die Optik ist Ok schaft aber selten eine tolle Atmosphäre, was auch mit den kleinen Arealen mit unsichtbaren Map-Begrenzungen zu tun hat die man dann tausend mal stupide abrennt. Die Gegner KI ist nicht als solche zu bezeichnen (Gefühlt war die KI in den Alten Stalker Spielen aufregender) Das Team für die Endmission zusammenzukriegen ist eine elendes Gefrickel das nun wahrlich keine Freude ist. Gruselfaktor gibt es nur bei der ersten Begegnung mit den Schatten, dann machen sie immer wieder exakt das selbe und sind bestenfalls nervig.All das nachdem man halb Chernobyl vermessen und gescannt hat, soviel Potenzial verschwendet. Schade!!!
1435 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1060 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 09:49
Macht wirklich Spaß und das die Sprachausgabe auf russisch ist passt genau. Auch wenn es nicht viele Gebiete gibt und man immer sie selben bereist ist das völlig OK. Es ist auch nicht sonderlich kompliziert, man hat etwas management das passt alles. Tolles Spiel!
829 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
798 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.21 01:07
it's good
198 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 21:12
Gute Grafik, noch bessere Schreckmomente.

Düsteres Setting, Basenbau, Begleiter mit verschiedenen Ansichten, Puppen, Waffen modifizieren, gut gemachte Schreckmomente, etliche Entscheidungen, viele Lösungswege, heftige Story, gruselige Puppen, die Option Entscheidungen nachträglich zu ändern, viele kranke Dinge, habe ich DIE VERDAMMTEN PUPPEN SCHON ERWÄHNT?!

Habe das Spiel in 2 Tagen durchgesuchtet und werde es wohl nochmal spielen um für die Erfolge ein Paar andere Entscheidungen zu testen.

Klare Empfehlung meinerseits
430 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
916 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 21:37
Einfach ein klasse Spiel. Die Atmosphäre ist unglaublich fesselnd und es macht sehr viel Spaß Prypjat und seine Umgebung zu erkunden :)
105 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
2374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 20:42
Manchmal trashig, manchmal etwas glitchy, aber lohnenswert es einmal zu spielen!

Die Geschichte und das Intro sind eher Mittelgeil und für meinen Geschmack etwas zu spacig, aber alle Dialoge sind sehr lang, haben manchmal guten Humor und sind eigentlich gut durchdacht.

Der Umfang des Spiels ist doch recht gewaltig. Von Basenausbau und Rekrutierung und Verwaltung deines Teams, über Herstellung und Verbesserung deiner Waffen und Rüstungen auf einer recht großen Karte die zwar immer die gleichen Abschnitte / Maps bietet, sich aber immer in Wetter, Tageszeit und Geschehnisse verändert.

Je mehr Soldaten du tötest, desto größer wird die Militärpräsenz.
Je mehr Nahkampfkills du mit dem Messer machst, desto mehr schlägt dies auf deine Psyche.
Je nach dem wie du in deinem Lager das Essen verteilst, verhalten sich deine Mitglieder.

Dazu kommt dann noch ein innovatives Skill-System, bei dem du deine Fähigkeiten tatsächlich erlernen musst. Also du gehst auf den Schießstand um z.B. mit dem Revolver mehr Schaden zu machen. Auch hier manchmal etwas trashig, aber weil völlig neu, irgendwie cool.

Was mich etwas stört ist die geringe Waffenauswahl (3 plus 2), auch wenn die Anpassungsmöglichkeiten aus der AK eine Sniper machen können. Das Schussverhalten ist auch etwas schwammig und die Gegner sehen einen oft durch tiefste Waldbüsche, während man selbst nur Grüne Blätter vor sich hat :D

Zudem kommt, das sterben und Gefangen genommen werden zum Spiel gehört. Man kann ausbrechen und naja .. wieder .. weiter leben, aber ich will nicht zuviel Spoilern.

Manko ist, das die Save-Games nicht 100% korrekt sind. Speichert man vor 3 Leichen die man noch looten könnte, sind Sie nach erneutem Laden weg. Genauso resetten sich Soldaten, man hat den Sargent getötet, läd neu und da steht er wieder. Auch gerne mal ganz woanders. Also wird eigentlich nur eure Position gespeichert und die Welt kommt dynamisch neu.

Eure Entscheidungen haben echte Konsequenzen, es fühlt sich zumindest so an.

Insgesamt: Aufjedenfall spielen. Auch wenn nicht perfekt und manchmal ärgerlich, geht dieses Game mal einen etwas anderen Weg, den man mal gegangen sein sollte :)

PS: Hmmmm nein, ist nicht wie Stalker. Das Feeling ist etwas identisch, aber alles drum herum doch sehr anders.
46 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1002 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 22:13
Die Story Geschichte war richtig nice.

Auch die Übersetzung vom spiel kann man überhaupt nicht meckern.

Grafik Top

Leider zu wenig Story 16 Std im Jahr 2021 ist schon hart,

Kann man weiter empfehlen.
1480 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
1661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 15:49
This game is a great piece of art. Loved the simple survial, crafting, basebuilding concept. The story was very good and creative. The choices and character narrative of the companions were well told. Underrated game
63 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 12:00
Chernobylite ist ein richtig gutes Spiel.

Eines Vorweg: Es ist kein Open World Spiel und kein HC Survival Titel. Es ist weder ein Stalker, noch ein Metro, noch ein Tarkov sondern etwas ganz eigenes.

Grafik: Die Grafik von Chernobylite ist richtig gut. Klar hab ich zwar auch ein paar wenige matschige Texturen gesehen (ultra selten), die Landschaft vor allem sieht jedoch unglaublich authentisch aus. Besonders in Bewegung ein richtiger Augenschmaus. Die Bäume, Blätter und Gräser bewegen sich im Wind, Licht bricht durch Nebelschwaden, Regen lässt das Szenario diesig erscheinen. Die Innenräume zeigen den Zerfall und wirken herrlich düster. Selten sah Prypjat so real aus (was nicht zuletzt daran liegt, dass die Entwickler vor Ort waren und die Gegend mit 3D Scan abtasteten).

Ton: Neben der Optik eine weitere Stärke des Spiels. Die Musik ist sehr gelungen und trägt massiv zur guten, drückenden Atmosphäre bei. Egal ob Grusel, Melancholie, Hoffnung, Glück oder Spannung, die abwechslungsreichen Musikstücke sind sehr gut und passen perfekt zu den Situationen. Ich hatte bei einem Stück sogar Gedanken an The Last Of Us. Die Sprachausgabe habe ich auf russisch mit UT gestellt, um die Atmosphäre zu verdichten. Waffen, Gegner und die Umgebungsgeräusche sind ebenfalls auf hohem Niveau.

Gameplay: Chernobylite hat eine sehr gute Steuerung (XBox Pad) und geht gut von der Hand. Die Steuerung ist eher langsam angesiedelt, was zum Spiel passt. Denn das Spiel ist in erster Linie ein Stealthgame und kein Ballerspiel. Es gibt viel Schleichen, lautlos ausschalten, entdecken und sammeln. Das Spiel selbst ist wie schon erwähnt kein Open World Spiel, sondern in Abschnitte unterteilt. Nach dem Intro besitzt man eine Basis, die sich nach und nach ausbauen lässt. Von dieser Basis aus, kann man in vorgegebene Areal reisen, um dort seine Missionen oder Ressourcenbeschaffungen zu erledigen. Man kehrt also immer wieder in eines der Areale zurück. Diese verändern sich je nach Missionsfortschritt und Spielweise. Wenn man beispielsweise viele Gegner ausschaltet, verschlechtert sich nicht nur die Psyche des Protagonisten, sondern es sind in Zukunft auch mehr Truppen unterwegs, die einem das Leben erschweren. Der Basenbau wiederum ist nicht nur kosmetischer Natur, denn als Anführer müsst ihr eure Gruppe bei Laune halten. Ihr sorgt dafür, dass sie genug Essen haben und einen Platz zum schlafen. Sollten ihre Bedürfnisse nicht befriedigt werden, zeigt sich das an der abfallenden Moral oder der Verschlechterung der Gesundheit (ebenfalls können durch eure Entscheidungen die Verhältnisse zu den Menschen im Team verschlechtert werden). Zudem dürft ihr in eurer Basis (sowie in den Abschnitten selbst) Items, Waffen und andere Gegenstände herstellen, um besser zu überleben. Bei bestimmten Crewmitgliedern absolviert ihr zudem Trainingseinheiten, die ihr mit erhaltenen Eigenschaftspunkten bezahlen könnt (besseres Zielen, leiseres Schleichen etc.). Die Anpassungen wie schwer das Spiel sein soll, kann individuell angepasst werden.

Story: Mir gefällt die Story bisher sehr gut und natürlich verrate ich keine Details dazu. Oberflächlich gesagt, finde ich die sie spannend und interessant erzählt und es kam bisher noch keine Langeweile auf. Ein Mischung aus Thriller, Suspense-Horror und etwas Geschichte würde ich sagen.

Preis/Leistung: Ich habe Chernobylite im EA gekauft für 30 Euro und dafür bekommt man ein sehr gutes Spiel. Laut Info soll der offizielle Release am Ende diesen Monats sein und danach der Preis auch ansteigen. Zudem habe ich gelesen, das die Entwickler Käufer der EA Version belohnen wollen, da diese nicht für DLC's bezahlen müssen.
Was ich auch noch positiv hervorgehoben möchte, dass Spiel läuft einwandfrei. Ich hatte keine Bugs oder Abstürze zu vermerken in den bereits vielen gespielten Stunden (viel offline gezockt).

Also, wer keinen brachialen Shooter, kein gigantisches Open World Spiel oder einen Hardcore Simulator sucht, stattdessen eine tolle Geschichte, mit sehr guter Technik und guter Spielbarkeit möchte, sollte unbedingt zuschlagen. Am besten noch im EA, wenn ihr es für einen fairen Preis erwerben wollt.
371 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
1703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 21:19

Chernobylite - Ein kleines Stück Stalker von Hand gemacht.

Polen hat mit CD – Projekt wohl eines der renommiertesten Videospielentwicklerstudio der letzten Jahre inne, die mit Witcher 3 und Cyberpunk wohl ein Stück Videospielgeschichte geschrieben haben, wenngleich mit letzterem Titel nicht so wie sie es vielleicht erhofft hatten.^^

Umso erstaunlicher ist es, dass es mit The Fam 51 einen weiteren polnischen Spieleentwickler gibt der scheinbar im Stande ist großes zu leisten und auch den Mut besitzt dieses zu tun. Im Gegensatz zu den großen Mainstreamstudios deren Spiele in Sachen Innovation und gameplay die letzten Jahre 10 Jahre stagnieren erfindet the Fam 51 das Rad nicht neu, schafft es aber die Spielmechanik und die Story mittels eleganter Stilmittel auf ein gutes Niveau zu heben.

Chernobylite wird vom polnischen Videospielentwickler The Fam 51 entwickelt. Das Spiel wurde teilweise über eine Kickstarter Kampagne als auch über Steam Early Access finanziert. Chernobylite ist ein Survival-Horrorspiel das nach dem Reaktorunfall in Tschernobyl spielt. Für alle die beim Wort Survival jetzt schon Schweißausbrüche bekommen, und weiterklicken wollen, kann Entwarnung gegeben werden. Zumindest auf dem normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad ist man nicht ständig vom Hungertod bedroht. Vielmehr richtet sich der Survival-Aspekt an das hervorragende Crafting-System, aber der Reihe nach.

Chernobylite spielt in der Gegend rund um die ukrainische Stadt Prypiat. Diese liegt in unmittelbarer Nähe zum Kernkraftwerk Tschernobyl. Am 26 April 86 wurde die Stadt evakuiert aufgrund der Explosion im Reaktor 4 des Kernkraftwerks. 30 Jahre später beginnt Chernobylite. Prypiat ist mittlerweile eine Geisterstadt verstrahlt, verseucht, verlassen. Diese Postapokalypse, der Charme, den die Geisterstadt versprüht wird vom Entwicklerstudio unglaublich gut eingefangen. Die Schauplätze werden eins zu eins dargestellt, mit tollen Lichteffekten und einer Atemberaubenden Grafik unglaublich gut in Szene gesetzt.

Keine Open World aber besser.
Im Gegensatz zu den heutigen Triple A Produktionen in denen die Open Worlds immer größer und leerer werden, setzt the Fam 51 auf kleinere handgemachte Areale in die man immer wieder gerne zurück kehrt. „Ein Stück Computerspiel von Hand gemacht, noch von einem echten Menschen mit dem Kopf erdacht.“ – Die älteren Semester unter den Lesern werden die Abwandlung des vorangeführten Zitats verstehen. Es macht unglaublich Spaß die Areale immer wieder zu erkunden. Dabei verändert sich oft das Wetter. Vom „strahlend“ blauen Himmel bis zum nebligen Novembertag ist alles dabei.

Man spielt einen ukrainischen Wissenschaftler der nach seiner Frau sucht, die er aus den Augen verloren hat. Die Storyline vermischt elegant ein reales Szenario mit einem größerem Hauch von Science Fiction und es entspinnt sich daraus eine interessante Geschichte die in sich schlüssig ist ohne zu abgefahren zu sein.

Mit Werkbänken kann man Waffen modifizieren, mit anderen Geräten Munition herstellen. Der Basisausbau macht unglaublich Spaß und ist wahnsinnig motivierend. Nur noch schnell eine Mission damit ich mir noch die nächste bessere Rüstung craften kann. Schnell noch ein Stromaggregat bauen damit die Basis noch genug Strom hat. Sofern man die Nebenmissionen annimmt hat man zumindest auf dem normalen Schwierigkeitsgrad keine Probleme mit den erforderlichen Materialien – eher das Problem dass die Basis zu früh voll ausgebaut ist. Dem wird wahrscheinlich ein höherer Schwierigkeitsgrad Abhilfe schaffen.

Huch um die Wahrheit zu sagen habe ich nicht gedacht, dass irgendwer so weit liest daher lasse ich das mal aus und gehe gleich zu Fazit.


Chernobylite fängt die Atmosphre von Pripiat unglaublich gut ein und ist neben dem Basisausbau, dem Crafting- und dem Levelsystem, außerdem noch ein unglaublich guter shooter geworden. Das polnische Entwicklerstudio zeigt eindrucksvoll was man mit Einsatz und Leidenschaft erreichen kann – nämlich ein hervorragendes Spiel.
198 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 15:28
Die Puppen auf einem Spielplatz haben ihre Köpfe zu mir gedreht 10/10.
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 13:17
Im großen und ganzen ein hoch interessantes Spiel für Spieler die das Setting Chernobyl mögen und sich
auf eine leicht Sci-Fi angehauchten Story einlassen möchten :) !

Ich hatte in meinen aktuellen 27Std. Spielzeit jedoch bereits leider meine Basis auf das max. Ausgebaut - daher fehlt mir hier etwas der Anreiz weiter Rohstoffe zu Farmen.. Ebenfalls bin ich leider bereits an dem aktuellen Ende der Story angekommen.
Hier hoffe ich das die Entwickler noch weitere Missionen einbauen werden da ich ansonsten die doch etwas raren Missionseinsätze bemängeln müsste.

54 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
972 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 00:31
Sehr gutes und geiles Game, wer stealth liebt wie bei Assassins kommt auf seine kosten, oder wer Action liebt natürlich auch! für mich eine absolute kauf Empfehlung!
685 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
1021 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 21:10
☑ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Paint.exe

☐ Very good
☑ Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Starring at walls is better
☐ Just don‘t

☑ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ Earrape

☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Human

---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Top Notch
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

☐ Just press A
☐ Easy
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding

☐ Story?
☐ Text or Audio floating around
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It‘ll replace your life

---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

☐ It’s free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ Cyberpunk
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
122 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.05.21 15:59
Wer die Stalker Spiele mochte, wird das hier abfeiern. Die Entwickler haben ein interessantes Game abgeliefert, auch wenn es in Sachen Gameplay und Framerate hier und da mal ein paar kleinere Aussetzer gibt...es sei ihnen verziehen :)
87 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 12:19
Sehr geil das Spiel!!
28 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 15:30
oiioioi, its gud
834 Produkte im Account
310 Reviews
226 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.21 15:40
Chernobylite ist ein Survival Horror Action RPG angelehnt bzw inspiriert von den STALKER Games.
Wie im Namen erwähnt spielt das Game in Tschernobyl bzw paar Jahre nach der Katastrophe.
Unser Charakter war ein Mitarbeiter im Kraftwerk und sucht seine Geliebte.
Hierbei Erkunden wir die Speerzone und stellen uns militärischen und übernatürlichen Gegner.

Der Schwerpunkt des Games liegt im Erkunden und Ausbau der eigenen Basis.
Von der Basis aus reisen wir in kleinere Gebiete der Zone und erledigen Aufgaben um neue Gegenstände zum Überleben zu bekommen.
Das Game ist keine Open World, aber die einzelnen Gebiete sind groß genug und laden zum Erkunden ein.

Die Stimmung des Games ist sehr düster und erdrückend.
Es gibt auch Horror Elemente.

Gameplay: 9/10 (Das Erkunden und suchen von Items macht Spaß.)
Steuerung: 7/10 (Kämpfen muss gelernt sein)
Grafik: 10/10 (Optisch macht das Game viel her und fängt die Stimmung gut ein)
Story: 7/10 (Sie ist gut, aber eben schon oft gehört)
Musik: 9/10 (Musik und Sound gehen Hand in Hand)
Atmosphäre: 10/10 (Das Setting ist stimmig und fängt das Seltsame an diesem Ort gut ein)

Fazit: Trotz EA Status macht das Game schon Spaß.
Ich hatte wenig Bugs, wobei beim Beenden des Games das Game sich manchmal aufhängt.
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 09:06
Hallo Leute,

ich bin mittlerweile schon 53 Jahre alt und spiele immer noch gerne diese postapokalyptischen Spiele. Leider kann ich das Spiel nur mit Untertiteln spielen, da ich weder russisch kann noch vernünftig englisch. Werdet Ihr eventuell auch mal eine deutsche Sprachausgabe ins Spiel einbauen? Beim spielen ständig die Untertitel lesen zu müssen, raubt dem Spiel die Atmosphäre.

352 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1875 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.21 02:57
Am 3 Januar 2021 leider immer noch sehr sehr verbuggt. Hat aber Potenzial
414 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 13:10
Wer Stalker und Metro Fan ist, sollte es sich unbedingt antun!

Ja es ist noch in der Entwicklung und es hat noch mehrere Schönheitsfehler ( hier und da mal ein kleiner Bug und das Item balancing lässt noch zu wünschen übrig ), aber im großem ganzen ein Hammer Spiel mit Grusel Faktor.

Alleine die Atmosphäre die das Spiel rüber bringt ist Atemberaubend.
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 16:53
dafür dass es eine Alpha ist und es nur ein kleines Entwicklerstudio ist, soweit ich weiß, hat diese Spiel meine Erwartungen enorm überstiegen.
Der Aufbau des gesamten Spiels ist einfach sehr gut umgesetzt, das Lootsystem ist optimal, die einzelnen Gebiete sind super schön und in manchen Abschnitten sehr realistisch nachgestellt worden.
das Game läuft sehr stabil, ich zum Beispiel habe die GTX 1060 und kann das Game auf hohen Einstellungen nahe sauber spielen ohne große Einbrüche oder sonstigem.
ein paar negativen Punkte gibt es aber meiner Meinung nach.
1. Die Sprache ist nicht immer gut übersetzt und manchmal switcht der Untertitel von Deutsch auf Englisch.
2. Es gibt momentan nur 3 Waffen ( AK, Shotgun und Revolver ), hat aber zusätzlich die Möglichkeit die Gegner mit einem Takedown auszuschalten.
Das Basebuilding-System ist soweit auch stark umgesetzt worden und es gibt eine Menge an der Basis, von der man immer wieder in die Missionsgebiete reisen kann zu tun.
das einzige was eventuell nervig sein kann ist das es keine linearen Übergänge und Strukturen beim Basebuiling gibt.
Ein Beispiel: Stellt man eine Wand auf, muss man per Augenmaß die zweite Wand an die vorherige anbauen ohne das ein genauer Übergang dabei gewährleistet ist, ich hoffe man versteht was ich meine xD
das sind aber nur Kleinigkeiten, die auch an sich keinen Einfluss in das Spielgeschehen haben, sondern es da eher rein um die Optik geht.
An sich sehr gut von den Entwicklern entwickelt und durchdacht.
Auf einer Skala würde ich momentan 8 von 10 Punkten vergeben und dazu muss man bedenken, dass das Spiel in einer Alpha ist.
Der Kauf ist absolut zu empfehlen und für 25 Euro absolut gerechtfertigt.
Alle, die die S.T.A.L.K.E.R Teile gespielt haben, werden sich in dem Game definitiv zum Teil wiederfinden können.
533 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.20 20:29
Gute Atmosphere wie die alten Stalker ist halt nostalgie Pur.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 07:39
Also mal vorweg ich habe das Spiel gleich beim Early Access Release gekauft und war anfangs sehr angetan vom setting sowie dem ganze drum herum.
Leider ist es von Patch zu Patch nicht besser geworden würde sagen sogar schlimmer. Die Steuerung ist ein wenig fummelig aber die kann man ja selbst nachstellen aber ich finde durch den Sprachenmatsch (Russisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Platzhalter Untertitel) geht viel verloren und manchmal weis ich nicht was ich überhaupt machen soll. Ich habe es jetzt deinstalliert und hoffe das es vielleicht in einem halben Jahr bis Jahr mal spielbar wird denn so macht das momentan wenig Spaß. Sorry falls es jemand anders sieht ist aber meine Persönliche Meinung. Lg
79 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 12:28
nice game
26 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
1670 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 18:41
Das beste Shooter den ich jemals gespielt hab.Die Grafik, Atmosphäre, Story einfach der Hammer.Im Moment noch early access von daher einige bugs aber das wird noch.Viele die das Spiel schlecht beurteilen sollten sich intensiver damit beschäftigen, es ist nicht nur durchladen und los gehts. Man braucht schon einige Zeit um sich einzufinden da es jede Menge zu entdecken und basteln gibt :).
191 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 12:38
Trotz Übersetzungsfehler und Early Access ein verdammt atmosphärisches Spiel! Kaufempfehlung für jeden der sich ffür Chernobyl interessiert und gerne den eigenen Touch von den Entwicklern dazu sehen will :)
81 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
4748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 23:45
top entwicklerteam nimmt ideen an und setzt diese auch ins spiel ein wird und ist schon ein gutes spiel mit sehr sehr guter handlung und spieleweise
77 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
725 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 18:04
Sehr ausgefallenes und abwechlungsreiches Game welches ich schon lange suche. Die Entwickler haben sich einiges einfallen lassen ohne es jedoch zu sehr zu übertreiben. für ein EA Spiel wirklich erste Sahne hoffe jedoch das die Missionsgestaltung und die düstere Atmosphäre bei behalten wird.
85 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 00:59
72 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.20 14:46
hey erstmal ist es echt schön mal wieder zu sehen, dass Spiel Entwickler endlich wieder einmal so viel Energie und Leidenschaft in ein Spiel rein stecken wie in Chernobylite, vielen Dank dafür.

Noch eine allgemeine Frage, arbeiten Sie bereits daran, das Spiel auf Deutsch zu machen, oder haben Sie das gar nicht vor?

und jetzt zum Spiel, Sie machen es einem wirklich nicht leicht, Sie bringen fast wöchentlich neue Dinge ins Spiel, da fragt man sich wirklich, wann man endlich spielen kann, ohne dass man es immer und immer wieder neu anfangen möchte, um so mit den neuen Dingen alles noch einmal zu erleben... nochmals danke dafür :D

Ich werde zunächst nicht mehr darüber schreiben, weil sich das Spiel sehr oft ändert und es in 1 Monat zum Beispiel anders aussehen könnte

( Aber es wäre schön, wenn Sie ein langsames Gehen einfügen würden und ich finde
dass es zu tief ist, sobald er sich hockt. Ich glaube nicht, dass das realistisch ist.
Stattdessen könnten sie das Hinlegen und Hocken einfügen
um die Höhe beider Positionen korrekt einzustellen.
Die Taschenlampe etwas größer und etwas heller machen :D
aber drehen Sie das Licht nicht zu hell auf, ich finde das
persönlich, gar nicht mal so schlecht) :D

ansonsten Hammer Game weiter so

Ich kann das Spiel nur empfehlen
96 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 14:15
Ein sehr gutes Spiel.
Es hat noch einige Bugs und etwas fehlenden Kontent.
ABER man sieht und merkt das die Entwickler konstant am Spiel arbeiten und neue Elemente und Quest usw einbauen.
Wenn die Entwickler weiterhin am Ball bleiben wird das Spiel mit Sicherheit ein großer Erfolg
64 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.20 15:19
Am Anfang war ich sehr begeistert von dem Spiel aber mittlerweile ist es absolut nicht mehr spielbar , nach jedem Update wurde es schlimmer egal was man einstellt nur noch ein geruckel und gezucke so macht es absolut keinen Spaß mehr.
70 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1064 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.20 14:09
Atmospärisches Ego-Adventure mit Schock-Effekten

Vorweg, man muss im Hinterkopf behalten, dass dieses Spiel noch in der Entwicklung ist!

Doch schon jetzt weiß es zu überzeugen:
tolle apokalyptische Stimmung, die Zone um Reaktor 4 ist so gut dargestellt.
Interessantes Gameplay, welches Lust auf die nächsten Entwicklungen macht.
An der ein oder anderen Stelle gibt es immer wieder mal Probleme wie Crashes und andere Bugs, auch die Vertonung sowie die Untertitel bedürfen noch einiger Überarbeitung.
Im Ganzen gesehen, bildet sich aber schon jetzt sehr gut ab, was dieses Game am Ende sein will:
Ein Survival-Adventure mit Potenzial.
Hoffen wir mal, dass das Entwicklerteam so weiter macht und wir schon bald das komplette Game genießen dürfen.
416 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
540 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.20 10:41
Dies ist ein kleiner Einblick in mein Review zu Chernobylite. Das vollständige und viele weitere ausführliche Early Access Reviews findet ihr bei den Early Access Addicts: https://early-access-addicts.de/review/chernobylite/

Was das Gameplay angeht ist Chernobylite sicherlich keine Revolution im Survival-Crafting-Genre. Das Crafting- oder Base-Building-System haben das Rad zwar nicht neu erfunden, machen aber dennoch Spaß. Und gerade das aktuell selten genutzte Setting rund um das Kraftwerk Tschernobyl mit allen Mysterien hat es geschafft, mich nach langer Zeit wieder für ein Spiel dieses Genres zu begeistern.

Zusammen mit der großartigen Grafik, den Wettereffekten und dem allgegenwärtigen Klicken unseres Geigerzählers schafft Chernobylite eine wirkliche gute Atmosphäre zu schaffen. Aber auch die Suche nach Hinweisen zu unserer vermissten Frau oder das Aufdecken von Geheimnissen rund um das mysteriöse Mineral Chernobylite, die Portale in der Raum Zeit und die Mutanten in der Zone fesseln schon nach kurzer Zeit

Early Access typisch gibt es noch einige Probleme mit Bugs, der Gegner-KI und der Performance, was sich aber im Laufe der Early Access Phase hoffentlich verbessern sollte. Außerdem sind bisher nur eine Hand voll Hinweise im Spiel implementiert, ebenso fehlt die Finale Mission zum Testzeitpunkt, dadurch bekommt man natürlich Lust auf mehr. Dennoch hat Chernobylite wirklich großes Potenzial, frischen Wind in dieses seit Jahren hart umkämpfte Genre zu bringen.

Zwar ist der Preis für einen Early Access Titel nicht ganz ohne, dennoch denke ich, dass die Entwickler jetzt auf ein mehr als solides Grundgerüst aufbauen können. Ich bin wirklich gespannt, wie es mit dem Abenteuer in Tschernobyl storytechnisch weiter geht.
104 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.20 14:06
sehr guter anfang! Ich hoffe die werden weiter so machen, und der spiel wird bestseller
1062 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
830 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.22 00:25
An incredibly atmospheric, lovingly constructed survival horror RPG. I love the gameplay loop which reminds me a bit of Fallout 4's a little. It has you exploring and constantly finding items you can break down and use to make items, improve your equipment, home base, or even alter the environment (through traps or altering the actual atmosphere of the area) to your advantage.

The story is rich and generally well written, with a lot of choices that have meaningful impacts on the plot and the gameplay. The companions to me also felt well developed and I was always interested in talking to them more.

Visually, the game is almost immaculate with highly detailed locations (to be expected, they literally scanned in parts of Chernobyl for it) and excellent art direction on the whole. My only real complaint is that sometimes navigating the world can be confusing, especially when you go indoors. The map does not provide enough detail of building interiors to help you navigate, and their layouts can be a little mazelike with shortcuts and dead ends that I found hard to commit to my mental map. That may just be me, though.

Sound design is perfect, though your mileage may vary when it comes to the English dub. I like the dub fine but it has a much different vibe from the Russian audio that you might dislike.

I love this game very much and wanna sink more time into it. The devs seem really passionate about this project and have continued to improve and add on to the game since its launch, which I have a lot of admiration for. Highly recommend checking it out!
69 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
36 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.05.22 15:53
Looks very interesting and it looks amazing, however the stutter ruins the experience, completely! I refunded it due to the fact that the game stutters constantly to the point where it becomes unplayable in certain situations. I hope the devs fix this, but this is UE4, so I won't hold my breath.
897 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
949 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 04:06
Chernobylite is basically STALKER but less of a grimy survivalist shooter and more of a trippy dream Chernobyl heist game whose structure feels influenced by Mass Effect 2. It's rad; even if the game part of the video game wears out its welcome before the end, the writing and characters are a bunch of delightfully memorable weirdos and more than kept me going until the end. Mikhail is best boy and I will brook no argument.
18952 Produkte im Account
1547 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 07:10
Post apocalyptic survival with base building, missions, crew management & a heartfelt time paradox storyline with twists, disaster and horror spooks a-plenty. Cool to scavenge & explore the wastelands
418 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
2553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.22 07:24
Really good game, base building isn't over extensive , you can run side missions and ignore main missions as long as you like to gain resources to set your own pace for things and develop equipment which i enjoy, i saw someone put that enemies are bullet sponges? Only played on normal dunno i found it too easy with a single bullet to the head being an instant kill from the revolver at close range, even with the suppressor on, so spent a lot of time breaking down ammo in the recycler for extra resources, although if you do find it too difficult there are 3 individual sliders for difficulty so you can adjust what you want and it doesn't punish you for it , ie less building materials to gather, or fewer and weaker enemies.

Weapons can be customised extensively to suit you , want your revolver to be a sniper? sure np change out the barrel , trigger system and put in a sniper sight and your good to go, can do the same with your AK-47, or leave that as is, change it to have a drum mag and make it mow down enemies , or have different ones on you that you enjoy for different styles, and keep in mind there's a shotgun to play with too, and they recently added a railgun with customisation options. There's another gun but you can't customise it, it's a big one hit BFG style weapon that's quite fun too.

The final thing i loved is the ability to mess with time, i wont go into too deeply as it strays too close to spoiler territory, but when your balancing a group of people and how they feel towards you , the ability to change past choices is a must have so your not put in a position of losing members of your team to decisions they don't like or restarting your game, which frankly would have made this game a firm thumbs down or only playable with a walk through.

As it is a firm 8/10 from me, for the price maybe even 9/10 . well worth picking up, although leave the voice acting in Russian for the atmosphere imho.
298 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.22 15:28
Wow, i was not expecting this at all. I figured i was getting myself into a simple FPS horror game. boy was i wrong. lets see if i can break this down.

The game is surprisingly complex, and changes dynamically as you play through. rather than levels, the game has areas which change as you conduct missions within them, varying by time of day, enemy presence, weather, and radioactivity levels. choosing stealth in earlier missions can impact the number of enemies you have to fight on later missions, reminiscent of the dishonored series. If you cant access a particular area on the first go, simply remember to pass by the same area again on a later mission with better equipment. Scavenging for crafting is an absolute must, adding a significant amount of excursion time to mission playthrough. crafting can both be used within missions, where you can make and improve weapons, or build traps and distractions, and more importantly back at base where an entirely different aspect of gameplay takes place.

your base (and your team) must be constantly managed. As you play through, you can recruit additional members to help you out, and they, in turn, can teach you skills to adapt your playstyle. the catch is you have to manage them, starting with things like making sure youve scavenged enough for them to eat, and youve provided nice enough rest facilities. want to build weapons or armor? you can develop crafting stations, but doing so brings down the comfort level for your team, requiring additional improvements. later crafting can even impact your radioactivity and necessitate protective posturing. but its all for a good cause. you can arm your recruits and send them off to complete missions for you, with better equipment lending a higher chance of success, especially if you match the mission to their style of combat.

This is a sizable plate of spaghetti if we stopped there, but we cant! you also have to manage the health and sanity of both you and your team! taking damage, exposing yourself to radiation, and even treating radiation poisoning can have a detrimental impact on your psyche. as that drops, expect additional hallucinations, voices, and jumpscares ON TOP of the existing horror element in the game. And there is all sorts of weird stuff going on in this game. As if the real horrors of chernobyl werent enough, the game includes a sci-fi element and otherworldly monsters that roam free as the radioactivity increases. some of these are scary enough on their own, but there are ghosts, creepy talking dolls, twitchy lovecraft quoting zombies, and a slew of other creepers to keep you on edge as you stroll through the wasteland that is the exclusion zone.

I was idly curious about this game initially, and bought in as part of the effort to raise money for ukraine, but MAN i was not expecting this level of quality. Not that the game isnt without the occasional, bug, glitch, or lack of polish- there is room for improvement. But holy cow, the content is fantastic. I really hope the Dev team and studio arent impacted by world events and can continue to make new material! they have my complete support and appreciation!
5379 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 05:46
-Good Russian voice acting.
-Use real buildings and structures in Chernobyl.
-FOV adjustment.
-Base building mode.
-Photo mode.
-Multiple endings.

-Jump scares.
-DLSS looks blurry and the graphics don't look great either when it's disabled.

-Mediocre gameplay, gets repetitive fast.
-No option to delete saves.
44 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 13:19
Stand with Ukraine
1087 Produkte im Account
53 Reviews
1847 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.22 18:35
Chernobylite is a very unique indie game. It is important to realise that it’s not some triple A game. It’s not very advanced, it’s not perfect but it is definitely fun to play. I enjoyed most of its 30 hours long gameplay.

The strongest feature of Chernobylite is its visuals and music. Imagine running around in 3D scanned areas of the real place! It’s so dark, so atmospheric, so tense, in some parts even spooky which was nicely used for some well done jump scares. You got me there, Farm 51:


As you progress through the story missions, you meet people and they can be recruited to your team. Every day you can choose one mission for yourself and each of your companions. You are left with a couple of memories but nothing makes much sense until the end game. It’s a sci-fi game so don’t expect only realistic things happening. It goes so far that you can even change the decisions you made and with it your past. Does it mean that you don’t have to worry about making the wrong calls? Yes and no. Sure you can change it later, but the game has a mechanic where every decision pleases one companion and displeases another one. So no matter what you choose there will always be someone really angry with you and your relationship with that person might go to hell. For me it was the worst part of the game. I could understand if it happens sometimes but in every single mission? You are basically forced to choose based on your relationship status and not based on what you think is right. You can’t really have a companion leaving the team when it gets really terrible between you two so you are usually trying to please them so they stay to help you with the final mission.

It gets worse, I accused one of them of something and we got into a really bad argument. He said he will stay and help us with the final mission but that I can forget about being friends ever again. Well after what he said, my relationship status with him didn’t even get worse. It was still the best one I had with a companion. It never really felt like the relationship status influenced anything. It could be really bad, but when you tried to chat with them, it felt like they are your best buddies. So what’s the point of the whole game mechanic? Just to make you stressed that you might lose someone and get some terrible ending in the end? I think it’s the typical mistake of some indie developers. They think that they need to have it all to make a good game or to compete with the big games, but I disagree. Fewer and deeper game elements are better than more of them but shallow ones.

The combat in Chernobylite is not very interesting. You don’t get that many weapon options. I actually prefered stealth and non-lethal takedowns rather than getting into messy gunfights in foggy areas with many bushes where you can’t even see where you are getting shot from. At least until I was able to get weapons modified with heat signature. The difficulty setting for combat is separated from the rest - survival and management - so while I was keeping those two on medium difficulty I increased the combat difficulty to hard. It was the right call, because at least it felt like a fight for survival rather than me playing a god against many enemies. The final boss fight was disappointing. The boss had some easy patterns of appearing, attacking and disappearing at the same spots so I was camping in the corner and it was easy peasy. The boss never really did anything that would make me leave my spot. But anyway the final mission was really fun and I would have liked it much more without the unnecessary boss fight. Again, not all games must have that. The developers should not be afraid to make things differently.

The base building part of the game was my favourite. Not everything I built was super useful but it was still fun to build all those special machines I never heard about before and also some things to make the base more comfortable for my companions. I wish they worked more on increasing the customizable options of the base rather than the above mentioned relationships with companions.

I can’t really judge the survival parts of the game that well. On medium difficulty, we always had plenty of food for double portions for everyone which is the max for every day. We had plenty of healing items, too much ammunition. It was almost not needed for my companions to go out there every day on missions to gather those resources. They should have added something unexpected happening. Like your base gets raided when you are all out there or something else that would put some pressure on you. My companions never even failed a single mission. I should have probably played on hard difficulty to receive at least a little bit of challenge there.

I still would like to recommend you to play Chernobylite. It has plenty of great gameplay to offer - interesting story missions every day where you can walk in the Chernobyl’s Exclusion zones. You can explore the map before you start doing your objectives, gather materials you need for survival and base building. You can visit question mark areas on the map where special side events usually happen. Everything that you do makes you gain levels and with it skill points. Then you can exchange those points for various training sessions with your companions depending on what suits your playstyle more.

I heard that they will be adding a DLC with a new map showing the cooling towers of the Chernobyl Power Plant. It is always so exciting to explore a new map for the first time and of course I hope that they will make another game in this environment. I hope they will read the feedback we are giving to them and focus on the most important aspects which define their game rather than on everything. That little bit is missing for the game to be 10/10 right now, but go buy and play the game anyway!
199 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1375 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 14:43
I can only recommend this game for people wanting to get immersed into the atmosphere. The game-play itself was rather boring and tedious. The story was better than average but i feel as if 5-10 hours could be cut from this game and it would be for the better. Get it on sale and know what your signing up for as this is not Metro or Stalker.
776 Produkte im Account
81 Reviews
1588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 17:31
We all chase the feeling of starting a new game, then falling in love with it, only for it to end so shortly, leaving you wondering what could've you done differently?

The entirety of this game is a one big plot twist, lots of questions left unanswered, but in the end you'll understand everything, or nothing, depending on how immersed you were in your play through.

Graphics: 9.5/10
Story: 10/10
Soundtrack: 10/10

Its sad to see another gem go, I'll probably go back to grinding some of my other games, but for now my itch for another excellent story game has been satisfied.
985 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 20:38
Not Great, Not Terrible

As a gamer who is hungry for post apocalyptic settings, I did enjoy Chernobylite, but it has some flaws. I was actually almost going to refund it in the first 15 minutes as it started very weirdly but it quickly got my interest afterwards.

Game is not really buggy but I got stuck in bushes couple times and had to load from last checkpoint (not much progress to lose anyway)

If you don't play it in hard or above setting, it won't be much challenging but it will be thrilling nevertheless and sometimes gives you goosebumps. But it is not really full on horror side.

This game has some cool concepts but didn't execute all of them nicely.

To unlock perks/skills you are asking your companions to teach you stuff. Which is really cool concept. But the mini tutorials your companions make you go through are mostly boring and doesn't really teach you something that you don't already know. But still I liked this concept.

Being able to change the past, or forget it to experience it again is a cool concept. With a little twist at the end :)

Voice acting was cool (original Russian option) but sometimes it feels like unnatural, very exaggerated.

World consists of couple of small open world maps, environmental design is good too. It is nice to discover them in the first half of the game but in the later missions since you have discovered almost everything, you are just going quick in an out missions, would have been better to unlock more unseen places as the game advances. At least the game is not that long so it will finish when you started to get bored.

There are lots of times you have to make decisions but apart from 1 or 2, I didn't see effects of those decisions. And sometimes the dialogue options or mission decisions you have to choose doesn't make much sense. You manage your squad of people to send them to missions but up until the last mission you never see them in action. You also have relationship level with all the companions but haven't seen any bad or good consequences depending on it.

Game has stealth concept, and it works but nothing special. AI is not smart at all, if they see you strangling their companion they wait until the end of animation (which feels like taking forever), and it is funny to shout in your comms while next to enemy and somehow they don't hear you at all? (I guess this is same for most of the games).

Nothing special about the crafting functionality, bit similar to Fallout 4 but much easier to manage.

I also wish there were more practical use for the gas mask as in Metro, but in this game gas mask felt like decoration. Maybe it is needed more in hardest difficulty but me as a person who finished all Metro games in hardcore, didn't feel like challenging myself with this game.

If you don't expect this to be a successor of Metro or STALKER games, then you won't be disappointed. With all the flaws in mind, it is still a nice game and worth its price.
86 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 01:54
fun game. got scared walking into a green thing. stopped playing. 10/10
51 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.21 18:46
Chernobylite is a decent addition to the Roadside Picnic inspired genre of games such as the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. & Metro Franchises, featuring an environment that is wacky, grim and dangerous, with a reasonably engaging story arc.
I am however filled with trepidation whenever Chernobylite requires an update, as my copy of the game always seems to end up being corrupted, requiring re-installation and I am forced to start a new game. A minor gripe I concede, but enough to inspire dread and frustration in an otherwise immersive trip through 'The Zone'.
While aspects of base building and the focus on the emotional regulation of your companions can get a little tedious, the voice acting (I found the Russian dialogue with subtitles more engaging than the English dialogue), game play and environment combine to create an atmosphere sufficiently bleak and nihilistic to appeal to fans of the Roadside Picnic inspired genre.
66 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
1195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 16:32
Over all this is a good game however it does have a few minor flaws but also has one big drawback which in my opinion is just about the only thing that stops me from giving this game a perfect review but we can get on to that later, for now lets talk about what they got right.

The story line is brilliant, kept me entertained and interested from start to finish and as you play the game it certainly makes you feel like you're actually there discovering clues and documents as you explore the world and go on missions. It also fits the description of a horror game with a few jump scares but not so much that it becomes annoying and some eerie environmental sounds as well. The game also has a mechanic built into it that actually allows you to alter choices you made previously in the game in a very immersive way and it certainly was the first time I've encountered a game that allows you to do that without having to revert back to loading an old save game file. The graphics are good and what one would expect from a radioactive wasteland, there's a good balance of color but not too much so it gives that feeling that the place is devoid of life.

There are multiple weapons and modifications to try out and a leveling system allowing you to gain a few perks as you progress. There's also a building system for both your base and for when you're out in the world and want to make a fire to craft some medicine or place a few traps allowing you to adopt multiple different play styles however this building system can be a little annoying as you find yourself having to go out and grind another mission just to run around picking up mushrooms so you can place yet another mushroom/herb box till you have enough boxes that you no longer need to worry about running out of them anymore.

Now on to the drawbacks, while background music is nice from time to time in games like this I find it much more immersive when it's silent, allowing me to listen to the environment around me as I explore and keep my guard up for any possible enemies. The other drawback is the lack of verity when it comes to the different kinds of enemies there's only two monster type enemies [some spider looking thing and the lurkers] and in terms of human enemies there is a little verity in the armor and types of weapons they wield but it would be nice to see a little more. But the biggest drawback to this game is it's AI. The enemies are incredibly stupid, the human npc's will never push your position unless they're searching for you allowing you to easily take them out one at a time or escape. The monster AI are a little more challenging however sometimes if you're crouched on the stairs they seem to have difficulty hitting you. As for the black stalker he is incredibly easy to defeat, and I don't mean the final boss fight but rather when he's hunting you after spending too long on a mission. I noticed that he doesn't move at all, he takes not a single footstep during combat instead relying on portals to move around, this makes it easy since all you need to do is stand next to a wall, wait for him to appear and pump two shotgun rounds into him and run behind the wall before he has a chance to shoot back, then repeat till he is dead. This game sorely needs better AI and better pathing and doing so would greatly enhance the combat experience offering more of a challenge.

Now onto the brass tax, is the game worth buying, honestly, just from the entertainment I got from having a world to explore and immerse myself in yes it is and if they decide to continue to develop this game, maybe make some DLC's and improve on the AI it most definitely will be worth buying.

Over all I'd give it an 80/100 it could easily be in the 90's if the AI was smarter but thankfully the other areas of the game made up for this shortcoming.
319 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 04:22
Chernobylite is one of the best games I played in 2021, but it is not for everyone. Don't but this game expecting more STALKER because the gameplay loop is not the same, chernobylite is about exploring for resources, upgrading your base, doing mission and the final assault to the nuclear plant. It will never develop further than that and its focus is not gameplay but story and exploration. It looks amazing, it has an interesting story and character, the soundtrack is really good and the gunplauy is serviceable. If you like the idea of exploring, gathering resources and building your base while in the meantime learning about the backstory of your friends and wife, then get this game, you won't regret it, looking forward for 2022 and the DLC coming for it.
4079 Produkte im Account
998 Reviews
1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.10.21 07:53
Chernobylite puts you in the shoes of Igor, who after 30 years is looking for an explanation as to what happened to his fiancé. To do this he will travel to the desolate and still radiated area of Chernobyl where he will form a team along the way to investigate what exactly happened when she disappeared all those years ago. Note that the game has some horror elements, but these are kept to a minimum and are never scary, with only monsters being real threats.

You’ll quickly gain your first member during the first hour of the game or so, and from then on your choices will affect the story.
The game is divided into a set of medium sized open world levels that can be explored at will whenever you enter one. You can enter the levels by accepting missions that are provided by your team or by radio transmissions. The team and radio are always located in your base, where you can also put things like furniture, crafting benches and equipment. Think of devices to make ammo, upgrade weapons and to create Chernobylite (which I will also discuss in a little while), for example. In your base you will also have to take in account happiness (called comfort here), power, radiation security, air quality and number of beds. The more devices and crafting benches you place the more power it will use and the worse the air quality will get. Most of the times one thing affects another so you will have to keep a careful eye on things. You could do without ever building anything at all, but believe me, you won’t get far in the later missions where you need more powerful weapons, first aid kits and other important accessories, although you can find a lot in the levels themselves (even weapons with some upgraded attached to them). But prepare to build stuff.

Once you decide to go for a mission you can tell your team what they will have to do in the meantime. So you could send your ally/allies out to find medicine or ammo, or let them rest if their psyche and/or health is low. These missions are automatically completed and you’ll know beforehand how big the chance is they’ll actually succeed. Later on, when you have more allies, these decisions are easier as you can then split them up more evenly with bigger successes. When your main mission finishes (which can be finished the stealth or action way) theirs will also automatically finish and you’ll get the rewards you send them out for, and share the base provisions next. Sharing provisions is a nice idea, but I never ran out. After finishing a mission you can choose to meet your team’s demands for your base, build/upgrade some stuff for yourself or go to sleep which will trigger the next day and usually the next mission(s) with it.

When you’re doing missions you can also choose to explore. You have an Elder Scrolls-like compass that shows you question marks if you haven’t yet discovered it yet. These questions marks can range from important persons/traders to finding clues. With these clues, provided you have found all of the required clues, you can trigger a memory (which is basically a little preset story set in a walking simulator kind of scene) to unlock more of the backstory. There are several of these memories to be unlocked.
During exploration you also have a Geiger counter that can measure if you’re exposed to radiation. Getting exposed lowers your health (not your maximum health) unless you use food to restore it. Same goes for psyche which lowers when you see monsters or whenever you kill enemies, but it can be restored by eating and drinking as well.
Your Geiger counter can also scan the environment for specific types of collectibles like herbs, mushrooms, electronic boards and gas cans. And these naturally can be used to upgrade your base and weapons and to create consumables and ammo.

All of it; exploring, base building and completing quests earns you experience that, when earned enough, levels you up and allows you to unlock skills by talking to your team members. Each member has their own skills they can teach you so if you lose a member during the story you won’t be able to get those skills unless you can get him/her back. Some examples of skills are the ability to run faster, have the Geiger counter scan faster or have weapons do more damage. All of these skills have a nice, although unnecessary, scene where you’re told (and taught) the skill in person. It doesn’t add anything, but definitely adds to the immersion.
It’s not entirely clear how much experience you earn from what exactly, you sometimes can see it in the corner of your eye, but this definitely could’ve been improved during its Early Access period.
Making decisions during the missions can also influence your relationship with usually two of them. Killing or sparing a certain enemy might make one person happy and another one angry, for example. Make enough bad decisions and the team member might not join your heist in the end so it’s important to keep things balanced and keep everyone as happy as you can. Members can get lost or not join you on your heist.

But a heist you say? That’s right. When you’ve acquired enough tools, members and facts during your missions you can initiate a heist near the end of the game. Every member of the team will have a task assigned to him or her, by you, before the heist begins that will trigger when the right moment has come during the heist itself. It’s not required to do all of the main missions, but to pull off the perfect heist you need to have everything set up perfectly in advance, including the aforementioned requirements.
Having only two members will fail the mission, no matter what you do. Don’t despair, however, because if you die during the heist you’ll have the ability to change the past. This kind of makes making choices seem meaningless unfortunately, especially when you think you made an impactful choice early on. But anyway, what you’ll do when it happens is you enter a memory-like state and you can pass stones that each show the choice you made in the past. Activate a stone and - provided you have found or created enough Chernobylite (which is also used for creating portals back to your base) - you can alter the past and make a different choice. You then get transported to the exact same moment the choice was made and choose the alternate one for three Chernobylite. And then you get transported back to the same memory-like state as before where you can make more choices if you want. If a stone is red then a different choice has to be made: it’s required to finish the story.
If you try the heist again eventually you’re also able to continue from where you left of (i.e. died). So the checkpoints are generously placed, and I applaud the developers for not artificially lengthening the game by making me redo the entire missions.

Chernobylite is a very pretty game with immersive first person moments and a moody, radiated setting. The characters all have masks because of this radiation, and only have portraits with human faces during conversations. While it’s an understandable choice it does feel a bit like an easy way out as far as character design is concerned. Besides that they’re nicely animated with the exception of Sashko who has some awkward animations. The world, base and basically everything else looks pretty great, though.
The music is solid and even sounds a bit ominous at times. The voice acting, in Russian, is strong, and convincingly delivered, even if I don’t speak the language.

Chernobylite successfully mixes several genres into one greater, medium sized game. It has a lot of ambition and the game’s mechanics all work together in almost perfect harmony, miraculously. Don’t sleep on this game as it’s one of the better games of 2021 and I think it will fly under a lot of people’s radars.

If you enjoyed this review please consider following me: curator page
200 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
3639 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 17:09
Cheeky breeky with more cheeky and bit less breeky
465 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
1423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 03:42
Full disclosure that I am a Kickstarter in the Cold War Stalker tier for this game.

I have found myself enjoying this game and have not been let down at any point by the progression or story telling of the game. There's a perfect amount of Euro jank to the game, but do not confuse the game with STALKER. The game feel is more along the lines of an RPG, think Fallout 3 more than STALKER. There's more of a foundation around base building and social/choice management in this and it will punish you accordingly.

The audio design is great and the gameplay loop/base building is very fun and addicting. The developers have a good track record and have been receptive to bug fixes & QOL improvements. Give this game a shot if you enjoyed the immersive atmosphere of STALKER, just understand you are getting a completely different experience.The story is pretty captivating imo and had some great twists. I am curious to have another run on the game just to see what changes.

A solid cheeki breeki experience worthy of your time.
103 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 15:42
8 hrs in, every map has been explored completely. Now, every mission is just going to be rerunning the same maps, like in tarkov, but the enemy threat doesn't keep you engaged. The enemies are awful, their AI is awful and the way they shoot you is awful. The mutants are completely negligible. The maps feel empty and can run across the whole map no problem. The story is boring, just some scientist being strung along by the annoying quips from his wife. The black stalker mechanic is beyond stupid and his AI is completely garbage.

As an stalker genre enthusiast looking for something to hold me over until 2, this was a fat disappointment. If I knew what I know now, I would have not bought this game.
171 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.21 19:50
Good start that ends up repetitive as hell. Stayed for the Story and Characters which in the end was really the only good part.

Sadly I cant really recommend it
59 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 18:23
Best storyline I've had since Metro games. Respect to everyone who worked on the game and even went to Chernobyl to make every single bit of Pripyat in the game 1:1.
759 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
1989 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 00:41
Wow this game really took me by surprise. I did not expect this level of polish in early access. Now just days away from release I'm excited to start from the beginning again. I don't play too many games more'n once. Where to start.. this game has about everything I look for in games but have never found all in the same package. Survival horror fps, exploration, choices matter, crafting, base building, stealth, team management, story, audio.. everything, par excellence.

The 3D scanned environment is just amazing. Words fail. Not only is it stunningly beautiful but is so accurate. It is a real thrill to explore all the apartments and former housing, it even feels a bit intrusive and disrespectful to rummage about in the former homes of the departed. The audio and light are very enhancing to the experience. Play for the first time on higher than normal difficulty and it will scare you.

This is it, THE Chernobyl experience right here folks. Can't be done better than the real thing. My #1 favorite new game in 2021. Well worth the full asking price.
2088 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 16:52


not with this game....it's T H A T good,

what do i mean?

do you like;

-METRO 2033



i want you to understand the blend of the comparison of above two mentioned games,
i was surprised this game is nicely engaging, & engrossing.

My recommendation is now during EARLY ACCESS, as this game is looking up, in this state here IT IS

A few details of the game;
-there is narrative that is catchy & occupying,
-DLSS, in it's current state,
-First person perspective (stealth kills),
-i liked the VOICE acting, it was warm & interesting..
-there's a little base building,
-you have your map..
-I'm impressed, so i talk, YOU should too,

[spoiler]HERE IN EARLY ACCESS....*before it's released...D E V's I'm ringing the bell for Chernobylite 2 :))) LOOK HERE, LOOK @ ME, if this game is purchased before coming out OF early access, YOU GET ALL FUTURE DLC freeeeeeeeee[/spoiler]

this is nice
237 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
657 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.21 22:56
i will say thisss,
thisss game is one heck of a nice game, good(the best) graphicsss, gameplay isss top of the shelf, the ki is ,if you want, human like but not over the top and lastly the comrade npcs and managment of your base its hard and nice.
the story is heavy like real heavy and thats something i like that not many games have.
if you want to test your stalker/manager skills play this game on 1 setting over hard like i did and have fun.
this game is in my eyes one of the gems of little studios that still try to make good stories because games without a story are sometimes just lame, for example CS:GO.
other games like (all) call of duty and most of battlefield have a singleplay coop mode with good story but not really much.
this game on the other handy is one hell of heavy on the heart if you feel your character to the T
133 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 21:34
Its great, love the tension and scares at points. The story is confusing but interesting and keeping me wnting to know more. I love it so far and looking forward to playing it again.
112 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 16:47
Really impressive.
I bought this game a while ago, because i thought it looked a lot like stalker/metro but with better graphics. i havent played in a while now and just started playing again. this is my general conception of the game.

This game looks amazing. while there are a few graphical bugs from time to time, the game still looks amazing in general, and the textures are incredibly high resolution. light and filters fit the setting really well.

The menus and different GUIs look very clean. i remember them beeing a bit weird and not visually appealing, but i think a lot has been improved in that regard.

the gunfights can feel a bit weird, and stealth can be chalenging. also a lot of resource gathering but generally very enjoyable. base building feels clean and is a lot of fun.

i will not rate the story as i dont feel like i have gotten far enough in the game to understand it.

The general atmosphere is great. while it cant quite compete with metro or stalker in my opinion it gets really close. Very well done. also, the horror factor is a lot higher than in these games which really adds to the general spookynes of the world.

The support for this game has been incredible, a lot of updates and new content have really improved this allready great game.
If you are a stalker/metro fan or just want to do some sightseeing in an amazing virtual version of chernobyl this game is for you.
176 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
429 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 07:17
I bought this game around a year ago and was fairly disappointed. The game looked cool but was so poorly optimized that playing it on low yielded around 40 fps on a rtx 2070 and i7 8700. That being said, after booting this game up again and playing... i love it. Pretty graphics, immersive gameplay, fun looting system, decent gun play, and fairly decent stealth. Don't even get me started on the crafting options when you get back to your base! To top it all off, it even has great replayability. cant recommend this game enough
60 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1977 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 23:14
Not open world, not stalker, not metro, but not bad. This game is a vibe and scratches an itch I didnt know I had.
151 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.21 23:19
This game is utterly STUNNING, and I don't just mean graphically. The atmosphere is spot on, the graphics are beautiful, the music and sound design are masterful - this game is just incredibly immersive and absorbing. It is also the most polished early access game I've ever played.

The developers are very active; this is clearly a labour of love and they are engaging with the community, including a weekly report on their progress. There is currently already an enormous amount of content for the low asking price, I've been playing for hours and there's a real sense of progression and scale - the game evolves as you play it, introducing new mechanics, areas, characters, companions, enemies and of course quests.

Did I mention the game is beautiful? The forests are incredible, light rays shining through them as you'd expect and reflecting off the puddles, which make a satisfying sound as you step into them. Interiors are still being worked on but most of them are just so detailed - no low-res writing on posters here, you can read just about everything that's plastered on walls, or on the spines of books that litter the long forgotten shelves of Chernobyl's many buildings.

The fact the devs actually 3D scanned the exclusion zone for this shows their commitment and dedication to the project. I'd buy this game again just to support these developers. I cannot understand any of the 'mixed' or negative reviews; this is early access people! They are constantly working on the game and informing us of their progress, and just to note, I have not experienced ANY BUGS in my playtime so far. Not one. So that's already about 1000 bugs less than the first hour of AAA games like Fallout or Cyberpunk, right?

Buy it. Support the devs. Experience the best Chernobyl game since S.T.A.L.K.E.R and enjoy its many differences, as this is far from a copy of that series (which is wonderful in its own right). Moan when it's finished if you still don't like it, but appreciate what they've done so far, because it's amazing.

Gushing over, I'm going to dive back in to this immersive world!
27 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.21 15:24
glitchy voices, easy to glitch out of bounds, and overall no improvement in the game play, ive been re playing this over the past 10 months, but not seen any improvements, ive also passed vids onto developers, who have seen the things i speak of, but still the same. its not worth the price. just my opinion.
my system specs
ryzen 5 3400g
rtx 2060 6gb vram
32gb ram

so my system can deffinatly handle the game.
41 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1278 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 21:52
82 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
236 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.21 14:59
As a big fan of the Stalker series i immediately bought this game when its first released its early access on steam. though it was pretty awkward and extremely buggy it still felt like home seeing people with gas masks, the famous ferris wheel and the geiger counter going off every second. i even played the game when there wasnt even a storage option for my loot. this is still an early access with its flaws but i fully support the devs of this game and wish them the best of luck!
52 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 03:09
Awesome game, i saw this about a year ago and it wasnt in early access yet and i was so upset, but now that i can play it i love it, beautiful game, does need some polishing, there are some bugs and some spelling mistakes but overall very fun game to play, not too hard, combat is fun and the building mechanic is similar to fallout 4, keep up the good work! cant wait to see what the finished product is gonna be like:)
117 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 02:30
This game has massive potential. The storyline is good and even in its early stages it is really fun to play. The AI needs work, it lacks polish, but it will be a great game when all is said and done and, as it stands currently, is worth buying to enjoy the game.
148 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
711 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 09:46
In first hour of the game I was so invested to the game I didn't even notice it was an EA game. When the prologue ended the EA showed it's colors. 3 hard crashes on the same map, got stuck couple of times in a specific building and there was missing voice lines very often. Even with these problems I still continued playing because I was so invested to the survival aspects and the mystery of the story. Gun play and gun customization is also pretty good.
Hope they continue to support the game and i'm sure this will be one of the greatest EA stories.
155 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 17:00
TL;DR: A fantastic Early Access title. Beautiful graphics, a very active team of developers, a fair amount of content, an interesting storyline, a unique combination of gameplay elements, a fair amount of available quests. I recommend grabbing this title - get in on the ground floor, play the living shit out of it, and give the devs some constructive feedback.

To begin with, this isn't a STALKER clone - it isn't intended to be. If you're going to buy this and complain it isn't the next STALKER installment, move along. While it bears obvious similarities, it is its own game. This is the first Early Access title I've purchased, and I have to say I haven't been disappointed once. The devs are putting a lot of work into this game, with regular fixes and content additions that improve the quality and scope of the gameplay - in short, it's clear this is a genuine labour of love.

FPS and stealth elements across a variety of zones that change in various ways each time you visit them. While it isn't a fully open world, each area has a lot to explore and collect - I've spent a lot of time avoiding the quest objectives in favor of wandering around and gathering materials and collectibles. The crafting system is decent - would like to see more items added, especially in the way of weapon and base customization.

In a word, stunning. The devs have gone to great pains to faithfully recreate the Exclusion Zone, and have done so with great attention to detail. The optimization continues to improve - I typically only see FPS drops with things that require heavy rendering (such as weather changes). I should note that I play the game at max settings, and am running it on a dated rig (AMD FX-8350/16GB DDR3/GeForce GTX1050Ti), but I still have decent overall performance - haven't had any random freezes or crashes during gameplay.

194 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1839 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.11.20 07:09
Great scenery & atmosphere. Would recommend if you were a fan of the Metro or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.
1921 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 00:18
The game is actually really enjoyable.
However, extremely performance heavy.
In the end I had to stop streaming it because it
caused the stream to stutter a ridiculous amount.
29 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 15:43
highly recommend it very story driven , gives a very spooky vibe to where your always watching your back constantly beautiful scenery and its only getting better!
65 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 15:14
Chernobylite is a passion project by a dedicated studio of independent Polish developers that, even if rough around the edges, is worth checking out. Although in its current state I don't consider the game playable ALL day, I certainly had a lot of fun figuring out my bearings when I first bought the game. Having finished the story, I would recommend this game to STALKER and Metro 2033 fans alike who don't mind sometimes having to take a break from the main missions to make sure you and your crew don't starve, or so that you can make an equipment station to be able to handle those nasty NAR soldiers better.

One thing the developers are doing fantastic work on is the environment. Like any STALKER game, the environment is a big part of portraying what kind of situations you can get yourself in. In Chernobylite, the environment may not kill you as fast as a NAR carbine, but conditions can sneak up on you and weaken or even kill you if you don't pay attention.

Finally, I appreciate the world looting system that Chernobylite uses. While not exactly as refined as something like STALKER yet, as you can't loot many new weapons or equipment for Igor, you can gather materials from literally anywhere in the Zone that you have access to. The materials you gather here will feed your crew, be used in creating health items, fashioning new attachments for your weapons, armor, or improving the living space for you and your crew.

All in all, for an indie game, I would definitely recommend it to STALKER fans.
264 Produkte im Account
67 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 12:52
Bought the game long ago right after it came out, only played it for 4 hours because of performance issue (which was expected because it was pretty early in its Early Access phase), so I can't say much about the quality and the content of the game itself, but I'm still giving it a fair positive review because of the fact that the devs are constantly patching and updating the game with new stuff and new features, and writing reports on the development to keep the community in the loop.

I write this review for their dedication to this game.
398 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
323 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 00:51
Absolutely stunning gameplay & the first hour of story telling is very well done. Relatively solid FPS mechanics with such immersive zones of Chernobyl. Stop comparing this to the next S.T.A.L.K.E.R. as it's something niche even in it's current state.
Sneak like Far Cry. Manage your companions. Base build & modify weaponry like Fallout 4.
Highly Recommended -Mega Patch #7 Early Access
1604 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 20:57
Do not buy this if you think this is the next stalker. This is not open world or Survival (the only survival mechanic is using first aid kits) it has heavy liner gameplay with segment like levels that are empty and useless to explore since you will hit a wall that will stop you. Not to mention an AI that is pretty bad it isnt a challenge more so exhausting trying to play.

And everyone already knows about the bugs it is early access and all.

My biggest issue with this is the actual game design which is not my favorite as it feels forced do to low level development and quick action that really does not do much to reward you,
20 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 17:10
Unparalleled game Unparalleled graphics Unparalleled story
The game has a series of bugs that need to be fixed and the only criticism is that the game's artificial intelligence is very awful
131 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
198 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 03:11
If you like Stalker or Metro games
get it on the next sale

no regrets
30 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
2177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.09.20 09:57
is reerlly good game and have not stop wroking on it from day 1
88 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1557 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 18:51
I was hesitant to buy this game since from other reviews people didnt really like it because the game was lagging for them,sure there were times for me aswell when I had a lagspike for 3 seconds to load the textures in,but other than that The game is in a decent state for an early acces port.
The devs made a wonderful job around the athmospheric part,when the game starts to get a little foggy and you can see monsters slowly walking in the forest at the distance really creeps me out!But the storm's textures could use some work because they look like they came from 2004.
It is a promising game,for me the price is a bit too much,this is why I waited for a cheaper price,I suggest you do that too while it is in early access.
244 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 00:46
I want to like this game. But unfortunately, there are game breaking bugs. The two I encountered were mid way through my game, my pistol began not causing any damage, at all, tested with multiple upgrades and at point blank range. It was like I wasn't even holding a gun. Picked up a new, unmodified handgun to find that the bug continued. This is for a weapon that you find the most bullets for in loot and off bodies, in a survival game. Very Frustrating. I posted a bug report only to go unanswered. Nice. Second. The loading screen would go on forever. I waited an hour to see if maybe the game really did need that much time to load. No, some odd bug that doesn't even cause a crash, just puts you there indefinitely. Others made bug reports claiming the same. No response. My rig had no problems running the game on ultra, which I found interesting considering most people had issues running it at all. The translations in the game are also pretty bad. It's hard to tell sometimes what is going on. The environment, graphics, and mechanics are cool, and I would like to come back and give a good review. Time will tell.
98 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
962 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 20:18
Чернобылит получился даже круче Сталкера! Нелинейный сценарий, интересный сюжет, модификации оружия, постройка базы.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
882 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.08.20 10:03
The story is a little convoluted and the English voice acting is woeful however, this game has plenty of potential and is getting more and more playable with each update.

121 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 04:34
if you liked STALKER you'll like this some bugs here and there but so did STALKER i like it a lot
258 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
782 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 12:14
299 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
884 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 12:35
I pre-ordered the game, it has been in development for several years now I played it the day the beta was released for a few minutes there was not much content at the time I just logged several hours it is currently 2020 I still see alot of room for improvement and things missing/not working. However that being said the best part about this game is the story line and the emphasis on your choices and how they effect things. The story line is deeply immersed with star crossed love, tragedy, reflection and nostalgia. The developer is improving the game and still working on it so I will remain patient for the final product.
353 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 21:25
Certainly one of the most unique gaming experiences i've had in a while.
At first I thought developement was going nowhere and the game would just be a scrambled mess of ideas, this however changed over the last couple of updates and the game is heading in a good direction.
Right now it's still pretty buggy and a bit rough around the edges but the story is pretty interesting and some mechanics (like death) are handled quite differently from what you would expect from most games.
I would certainly reccomend this game (with caution because of early access). Let's hope the full version will deliver on the premise and they don't fuck something up.
111 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 05:18
Chernobylite is an Early Access game that I believe will release and be really good. While optimization is lacking here, I do think the Devs are juggling between player feedback and adding new content from their development map. The dev map looks short for what they're wanting to accomplish. Leaving a lot to be desired this late in development.

The content is great. Being able to explore certain maps to gather resources and return to base and use them to make your weird, ruined building livable and making new guns is a refreshing take on survival horror. The only issue is the execution on the technical side of this game.

I'm leaving this as a positive review with a warning.

You've been warned.
67 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
322 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 13:19
Game is worth the price just for the 3-D scanned tour thru the exclusion zone alone. So surreal and haunting walking thru the ruins. Visuals and audio are well done. I havent played much but and happy with it so far. Bugs are being worked on.
73 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 19:10
So far so good. This game has a ton of potential. Just a few things I like to point out. The Inventory system isn't really that good. STALKER Anomaly mod inventory is more user friendly and superior.
*Assigning missions needs to be easier.
*An issue came up when my inventory was full but it kept on prompting me to take an item. Then at the same time I was being attacked by a monster and I could hardly move to shoot it.
*This is a big one for me. When you shoot the guns, I would like to see the shell casings go on the floor and stay. Same with the magazine.
148 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
140 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 00:55
Hard 5/10.

Intro: Very strong and fun intro/cutscene.

Graphics: Runs decent on modern hardware but may slow on some some older CPUs/GPU's. Mine is 5820K@4.2GHz paired with 2080 and 16GB ram and ran most of the time around 80fps sometimes dropping as low as 54 in some buildings. Game is pretty to look at but may need improvements before DX12 works quite right. I was able to solve some stuttering by allowing the game to run on an M.2 SSD.

Gameplay: My relation to companions seemed poor as though they didn't mean anything to me. I was quick to dismiss them because of that in addition to their general uselessness for missions. The combat was by far the most frustrating thing to deal with and the UI definitely needs some work. The inability to craft while on a mission also grossly impairs mission capability when I wanted to explore more instead of continuing to run away.. However the concept of the game is very unique and seeing the radiated site was awesome.I couldn't quite get the base to be much for home either.

Audio: It's there but seems to lack any real character. There is at least an audible cue when something sneaks behind you when you're not looking.

In conclusion, looks great but needs better characters and better combat to go with the RPG bit of it.
291 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.20 01:02
Well, it's kind of like Dying Light except no parkour and in Chernobyl. No, nowhere near finished. Ton of bugs. No save/load function, crappy savepoints. Russian voiceover is downright cringeworthy. Do not buy unless you want to support the devs. Will wait for release.

EDIT: Played a bit more. I have to admit, the game looks absolutely gorgeous, love the atmosphere.

A lot of things ruin said atmosphere. I'm not going to talk about bugs, lack of voiceover or poor translation quality. We're in early access after all.

Scanner breaks immersion, instead of looking around and enjoying the view you end up running around spamming the RMB and chasing yellow glowing things. It's a terrible mechanic that gets boring quickly. Resource spawn needs to be rebalanced IMO, it'd work better if resource spawns were fewer in number but higher in value.

Scanner is not the only thing that breaks immersion, same goes for looting dead enemies. I mean, when you kill a NAR merc you'd expect him to have a bit more than 2 rounds for AK and some broken electronics.

Also, guns. I don't really understand why would you have a Nagant revolver as the only pistol available in the Zone. What happened to TT and PM? Need moar weapons in general. 4 generic firearms is simply not enough, I hope there'll be more. Game feels very minimalist otherwise. Inventory doesn't make much sense. How come the gas mask takes as much space as the body armor? How come you can only stack 10 revolver rounds at a time? Those actually come in boxes of 14: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/a0/93/79/a09379aeb256f56955e249717322f3ae.jpg

Speaking of minimalism, the Zone feels very empty and dead. There are Shadows you can hear stomping from a mile away and there are mercs. Sometimes there are other stalkers, but they're marked on the map. No animals, no birds or fish.

Don't get me wrong, this is a good start but this game needs a lot more work before it becomes the next S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
724 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 09:16
Let me turn off the terrible Motion Blur! This is a very normal feature in this day, and age. Shouldn't have to ask for it to be a feature.
712 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
178 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 04:48
I really wanted to like this game... the sound design is great (minus some audio bugs in the speech), it's very good looking, there is a semblance of a story, nice flash back scenes, some neat mechanics and a convincing zone environment. Despite all that, it's unplayable...

Had a bug on the hack the NAR servers mission where interacting with the second laptop caused my character to look towards the building and be locked in that way until I shut down the game (I waited 15 minutes for something to happen).

This game was definitely not worth the 36$ CAD I payed for it in it's current state. Once this game is polished, and QoL issues are dealt with I'm sure it'd be great, but right now I'd give it a pass.
26 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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87 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.20 11:13
Has the makings of a decent game, but there is almost no help or guides. Spent some time before I even knew that I was hurt and had to heal myself to move on in the game. Then spent more time jumping around trying to work out what was next. Very confusing and needs more help, in either text pop ups to show whats next to do, or even a hint box to say so.
Game also reverts back to Russian and is somewhat broken and half digitised. Couldn't understand as I don't speak Russian.
36 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 21:41
Other than framerate issues i'm having for some reason, doesn't matter what graphics setting i put it on, it lags randomly, the game is very fun, some of the key binds are a little wonky than what i'm used to. If you want to Buy this game, i recommend waiting until the full release.
28 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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127 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 00:59
I understand this is a early access game and all, but this game, as is right now in early access,
is unplayable and broken. I am extreemly displeased in how the game was given to us VS how it was advertised

NPC dialog is missing selectable options and audio. not even subtitles come up.
I had to press every button on my keyboard one at a time to get past oliver on day 1.
had to reset the game atleast twice
had to hold a mouse button 1 to be able to look around and move for sometime until it went back to normal
there is lag between what the NPC's do and say
game play is also bugged as you progress through the game when you press and hold the enter button (both
numpad and regualr enter button) will minimize and fullscreen the game.
keybindings are unable to be changed
game lags hard during cutscenes. one of the begining cutscenes looped for 5 minutes
following cutscenes also lagged for atleast 1 to 2 min
audio lags slightly
UI is confusing to learn

I would like my money back as $30 USD for early access to this game is not worth it in the games current broken state.

309 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 21:40
If you're a fan of the Stalker series or have never played them, this is the best homage you'll find, even if its still in early access I haven't run into many problems and none that were game breaking. Really looking forward to the full release.
80 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 10:28
If you expect the gameplay to be similar to S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or Metro, you will be disappointed. The game is purely stealth, and as far as I understood, this will not change in the Final Release. You have very little chance of winning against enemies who found you in the grass, and they will, because frequently there's no logic in how the enemies detect you - you could even be found hidden behind the walls. There's no option to mark enemies, they often make no sounds or noise that you could use for guidance. When I go undetected, I feel that it's not a matter of skill, but mostly luck.

So, if the game will remain 100% stealth, and not mixed-approach like Metro or S.T.A.L.K.E.R., then they should work hard to make it much more comfortable than it is right now.
190 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 22:28
Played for 1 hour and my first impressions are this.

The game is beautiful and the resemblance of Chernobyl NPP and Pripyat are amazing. The story is detailed and captures your interest immediately. As a die-hard fan for Chernobyl this game really does it for me.

Some problem I have with the game:

- Missing Textures in some regions (No floor, translucent walls).

- The combat system (Takes 3 shots with a revolver to kill someone without any head protection).

- Flashlight limit? Devs, please rid of this function. Make the flashlight unlimited as this ruins immersion.

- Voice acting could be a little cleaner (English) and there were some cuts to Russian from English. I will stick to Russian Dialogue as sounds better and more fitting to the environment and characters.

- Maybe add a free-roam option? Even with sub-section borders? (Like in S.T.A.L.K.E.R)

This game took me by surprise massively and I can't wait for the finished product. So much potential here!
271 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 02:42
it got way better since i purchased it. developers are working too hard, this game deserves support!
1669 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
90 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 00:53
Was in the real Zone in 2013 for 4 days and with this great game I returned there! Devs are great and always listen the fans. Highly recomended for all S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s out there.
63 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 20:03
Would Not Recommend as is...
Was expecting something on the level of STALKER in terms of free roam and exploration.
but really.. its more like a level loader.. and the areas aren't that big to roam around in.
The most annoying part of playing this game has to be the Green Room Parts.
Anytime you load up a mission you have to walk through is Jolly Rancher-looking room, which is slow and laggy. It would be so much better if the dev's could figure out how to stitch all the different parts of the world into 1, and makes us travel by foot.
238 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 04:41
Great game, still a long way to go but looks very promising!
304 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
9921 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.20 15:02
This is certainly not S.T.A.L.K.E.R, but the game is not even terrible at all. The graphics for early access are not even bad, which I can’t say about the voice acting - it’s fig, here everyone talks more like gopniks. The plot is as if there is, but as if not. The locations are small, even in S.T.A.L.K.E.R you can walk well than here. There is craft, and by the way it’s not even bad, probably the developers looked at a game like Follout 4. 2 things pleased me. 1) there are moments 4 where you can put in pants. 2) Attention to detail, not like in Metro Esxodus, but not bad at all. And what do we have? We have a game in which at the moment there is almost nothing to do, I advise all fans of S.T.A.L.K.E.R to buy the game later. I don’t think it makes sense to buy this game on early access. Ask why? Because the plot is worth going through in a good, optimized, full game. If you buy the game right now and try to get out of it, in the future it will not be interesting to replay the game. But if you want to help the project in its mobilization, then you can safely buy, the price is quite cheap. In a word - the grandson of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, I recommend it to all fans.

Это канечно же не S.T.A.L.K.E.R, но игра вполне даже не ужасная. Графика для раннего доступа очень даже не плохая , что не могу сказать про озвучку - она фиговая, здесь все разговаривают в большей мере как гопники. Сюжет как бы есть, но как бы и нет. Локации маленькие, даже в S.T.A.L.K.E.R можно хорошо погулять чем здесь. Есть крафт, и кстати очень даже не плохой, наверно разработчики смотрел на такую игру как Follout 4. Порадовало меня 2 вещи. 1) есть момента 4 где можно наложить в штаны. 2) Внимание к деталем, ни как в Metro Esxodus, но вполне не плохо. И что мы имеем? Мы имеем игру, в которой в данный момент почти нечего делать, всем фанатам S.T.A.L.K.E.R советую купить игру позже. Не думаю, что есть смысл покупать эту игру на раннем доступе. Спросите почему? Потому что сюжет стоит пройти в хорошей, оптимизированной, полной всего игре. Если игру купить щас и попытаться во всё ввыкнуть, в дальнейшем игру перепроходить будет не интересно. Но если вы хотите помочь проекту в его мобилизации, то можите спокойно покупать, цена довольно дешовая. Одним словом - внук S.T.A.L.K.E.R, всем фанатам рекомендую.
95 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
1822 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.20 01:56
This game is still in Early Access so there are bugs. A decent amount of them at that. I won't go into detail on the bugs themselves as the game is patched quite often and it seems to get more stable with each patch.

The game takes some time to really get going and it works really well for this specific title. You have a central HUB type area and you have to build shit after collecting resources in the world, so you are very weak at first. But it won't take to long to get the resources you need to build all the good stuff.
The graphics are pretty good but the game doesn't seem to be optimized very well.
The combat with enemies is clunky. The enemy soldiers have terrible AI, as of writing this review (March 2020).
The story seems interesting enough and will keep you wondering.

But know this... This game has moments where all of the sudden you find yourself in terrifying situations. I mean that true horror good good. Where the tension is just mounting and you aren't even sure what the hell is going on but you know something really bad is going to happen and then it gets worse.
You always have an option to escape and end the level, but you are punished by failing the mission. Which honestly makes the horror more intense because you may be torn, thinking about just getting the fuck out right now and trying to focus on the moment. And if you do decide to wimp out and use your portal gun you know that eventually you'll have to go right back to that same spot. Except maybe when you make your way back there, and your ready, and geared up. Now it's just an empty building with nothing going on... And as you go to exit the building a little doll in the corner laughs at you. You turn your camera to look but its gone.
48 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 11:35
This game is not ready. Far from being ready. It has potential, but needs at least 6 months more work.
UX is terrible. If you mis-click to New Game, it immediately deletes all your saves. You die? It immediately deletes all your saves. Movement is glitchy - you can trip in your own feet and die. Or worse - get into a fall-standup infinite loop.
This is not a pre-release - not even a beta. This is in alpha state at best. Wait till the official release, and some.
168 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
65 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 10:31
A great game that still needs some bug fixes, but it is a great and imersive experience.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2242 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 21:39
Early Acces. Good direction, this has all it takes for becoming a very good game. A one of a top ones.
55 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
787 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 22:09
Nice visual and audio content. I'm really looking forward to the story. It's in Eartly Access, so I don't mind the bugs. Keep it up!
454 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2851 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.20 02:48
Decent game with lots of flaw(bugs) however dev are doing their best to polish it.
152 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
669 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 12:07
after each update game keeps crashing or can't use any of the keyboard buttons to pull a gun or walk most quest items are broken and can't even proceed if i manage to somehow move.
111 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 22:01
Chernobylite follows a man named Igor who returns to the eponymous Exclusion Zone to find his fiancee (I think?) who disappeared there nearly thirty years prior. I'm very excited to see the finished product.
At the time of writing this review, it's still very much in early access. The plot seems to be structured in three stages - a prologue, an investigation and preparation in parallel, and a final mission. Currently, there is one investigation 'arc' (might be one of multiple, or the only one, I'm not sure) and some limited crafting and base building, both of which are likely to be expanded in the future.
The player may spend each 'day' visiting different areas of the exclusion zone, as well as dispatching up to two (at the moment) companions to do likewise elsewhere, gathering intel and/or resources.
Overall, I like the premise of Chernobylite, but there are a few minor things that I would do well to mention to interested players.
Firstly, this is not an open world game. Personally, I'm fine with that, but a curious onlooker would not be amiss to discover the project and have that impression. You have a central hub area, from which the player and companions conduct operations, and several areas to which the player may travel.
Second, death is handled... rather oddly. Dying causes the player to be returned to Day 1 (after the prologue) with mission progress reset, but with all building and resource gathering progress intact, and with some alterations in the missions which are now available again. The player may craft an adrenaline syringe to dodge death, at a considerable resource cost, though. It's not permadeath exactly, but it is... odd. Again, I'm fine with this way of handling progress, but others might not be.
Third, being an early access title, it's light on content. In addition to several small radiant quests for gathering resources, there are maybe ten missions in total, each being at most maybe a half hour long, depending on your pace. There are more coming in the next Mega Patch, and ostensibly those that will follow, but we are still a while from the final release, which is supposed to contain the final chapter of the story.
If you know what to expect from Chernobylite, are interested in what it promises and know what you're getting into, feel free to play it.
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
86.86% 4086 618
Release:16.10.2019 Genre: Action-Adventure Entwickler: The Farm 51 Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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