News Liste Chasing Static

Chasing Static Demo - Updated to v1.2
Chasing Static
15.03.21 16:39 Community Announcements

The Chasing Static demo has now been updated to v1.2

First of all I wanted to say a huge thank you for all of your support so far! It's been amazing seeing so many positive comments about the demo. Some of you have helped discover a few bugs that slipped through our testing so I've tried to squish 'em with this patch.

Bug fixes:

  • Rare issue when using item with fuse box blocking progress.
  • Various collision/boundary breaking issues
  • Coffee pot/mug casting shadows.
  • Can look behind during the second car sequence.
  • Inventory accessible in second car sequence.
  • Spelling mistake on torch pickup.
  • Gearstick inconsistency in cafe exterior.
  • Aneira wall placement when returning from cafe backrooms.
  • Entering backrooms prior to equipping lighter blocking progress.
  • Placing cup on counter during fadeout causing visual inconsistency.
  • Car visibility when returning to cafe inconsistency.
  • QOL - Route to cabin is now blocked prior to bunker discovery.
  • QOL - Lighter/torch can now be equipped using number keys/dpad.
  • [/olist]

    If you run into any issues please let me know here or in the game's discussion board.

    Have fun!