Cave Digger 2: Dig Harder
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Über das Spiel

Wähle aus einer Kollektion von Bergbauausrüstungen die Werkzeuge aus, die du für ein bestimmtes Szenario benötigst. Tausche deine Beute gegen Geld ein, um unterschiedliche Ausrüstungsgegenstände zu kaufen und die Wildnis weiter zu erforschen. Mit neuen Gadgets, Upgrades und Karten, die neue Orte freischalten, wirst du bereit sein, tiefer in die Berge vorzudringen als je ein Abenteurer zuvor. Das sagt zumindest die Kaufmännische Handelsgesellschaft, aber sie verkaufen dir auch die Ausrüstung ...
Das Grenzland hat seine Geheimnisse, und es verbirgt sie gut. Wenn der Spieler aber den Spuren derer folgt, die hier früher Schätze gejagt haben, entdeckt er die seltsame Geschichte des Tals und der Höhlen darunter. Sie erforschen alte Minen, nautische Höhlen, Ruinen einer alten Zivilisation und mehr und entdecken dabei die Seiten einer Geschichte voller Gier, unheimlicher Macht und Geheimnisse jenseits von Raum und Zeit. Am Ende wird klar, wer der geheimnisvolle Clayton war und was er im Tal getan hat. Aber ist das wirklich das Ende?
Die Geschichte von Claytons Erkundung des Tals wird im Spiel in Comicform erzählt. Cave Digger 2 bietet mehrere versteckte Enden, die verschiedene Seiten der gesamten Geschichte enthüllen.
Du kannst eine Gruppe von bis zu 4 Spielern zusammenstellen. Deine Rolle im Ausgrabungsteam ist ganz dir überlassen! Solange jeder mehr als sein Gewicht in Gold an die Oberfläche bringt, wirst du großzügig mit offiziellen Kaufmanns-Dollars der Kaufmännischen Handelsgesellschaft bezahlt (außerhalb der Kaufmännische Handelsgesellschaft nicht als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel anerkannt). Koop unterstützt öffentliches Crossplay-Matchmaking und Optionen für private Gruppeneinladungen.
- Entdeckungen, Gefahren und Ausgrabungen
- Bahn dir deinen Weg mit einer treuen Spitzhacke, dem guten alten Dynamit oder einem Hightech-Hammer.
- Prozedural generierte, teilweise zerstörbare Höhlensysteme
- Schnapp dir den funkelnden Revolver und die zum Schild umfunktionierte Goldpfanne, wenn du dich schützen musst. Dynamit funktioniert auch gut, pass nur auf deine Teammitglieder auf!
- Zusätzliche Gadgets als Hilfsmittel
- Werkzeuge, Waffen und Gadgets entwickeln sich durch Upgrades weiter
- Sammelbarer Comic Clayton – Die Gier enthüllt die Geschichte des Tals während der Reise des Spielers
- Mehrere aufdeckbare Erzählungen, die als Endziele in das Spiel eingebaut sind und verschiedene Seiten der gesamten Geschichte offenbaren
- 1-4-Spieler-Koop in privaten Gruppen oder öffentliches Crossplay-Matchmaking
- Individualisierung des Spieler-Avatars mit Dutzenden Elementen von Kleidung über Gesichter bis hin zu Accessoires
- CPU: Intel i5-4590 equivalent or greater
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290 or greater
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch , Japanisch, Koreanisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Thai, Chinesisch (traditionell)
- CPU: Intel i5-7500 equivalent or greater
- GFX: NVIDIA GTX 1060 / AMD Radeon RX 580 or greater
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Software: Windows 10
- HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 12
- LANG: Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Deutsch, Spanisch , Japanisch, Koreanisch, Brasilianisches Portugiesisch, Chinesisch (vereinfacht), Thai, Chinesisch (traditionell)
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 09:53
es sind leider noch recht wenig Items drin aber es ist ja auch noch in der Entwicklung ( Early Access )
runter in die mine fahren
steine Felsen abbauen
mit der Pistole die fielen verschiedenen gegenehr aus dem weg Reumen .
Manche Gegner tarnen sich als Felsen was einem schon manchmal kurz erschrecken kann xD aber sie sind nicht sehr schwer zu besiegen .
Gegner sind eher zur Auflockerung des Gameplay da nicht um einen wirklich zu stressen .
Kleine Rätzel Safes die sogar jemand wie ich mit schlechten englisch und Google Übersetzer gelöst bekommt .
rundum eher ein entspantes spiel was man sogar im Multiplayer spielen kann .
Nicht Empfohlen
19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.22 19:35
True - mineable walls and resources get dropped pretty easily with a pick; The issue is - it's far too easily.
It is to the point where NOT mining out a piece of crystal despite touching it with a pick becomes a challenge. Want to touch a gem without mining? Nope - it will pop out right up.
Threw a pick and it fell sideways on a mineable rock? Say hello to new hole in that rock.
Tried to test out how bad is it and deliberately hit the rock with anything but the pickaxes' blade? Extremely difficult to mine. It takes 3 whole hits with completely flat piece of pickaxe to make a hole. [Difficult is a sarcasm, if anyone has any doubts]. The hit number? It's literal.
I also managed to get stuck in a tutorial, as tutorial mentioned purchase of an item, and I might've done it too fast as the arrow kept pointing towards a place in a shed where gun is supposed to go, at least until a full restart of the game [and reinstall though not sure to what degree the reinstallation took part in fixing the issue].
It is also extremely jarring that the grabbing of chores [or any paper for that matter'] will indeed grab it, but it will be carried exactly like a closed book... as if you were carrying a single folder in your hand by your hips.
To read it you have to turn your hand outwards to turn the paper.
And no - no ability to change it is provided, that or any other tool for that matter.
A bit better is a sound system, only because the loudness of elements can be controlled by type, though I am surprised noone in the closed testing phase told anyone in dev that 'spoken dialogue is extremely quite, while music by default is extremely loud in comparison'. True - it can be fixed with options, though I don't think default settings should be as jarring. Ironically - it might be known by the devs - in some if not all cases the music will outright stop to let the voiceover play... only for music to keep booming from your headphones as soon as the voiceover stops playing.
Having recalled playing it during free beta test almost a year ago [ok, fine, 9 months ago], I had hoped the quality improved, though frankly - I have a weird feeling it fell overall.
1153 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 18:58
Not much written here because I'm not good at creative writing.
I got the game for free because I participated in a play test of the full game hosted by
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 23:23
367 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 19:03
Love all the mechanics and ideas,
but the game does still have one problem...
All those mechanics may be good but the fun lies in playing and using them with friends.
And not everyone has friends that could play this game with oneself. (Including me ;_;)
If this game were to add a sort of matchmaking it could greatly affect the fun a player could have.
Tl;dr: Please add matchmaking because game is way more fun to play with other ppl together
86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.21 02:45
To start off with the game was really well rounded with progression and and a generation mechanic for the mines. I really enjoyed going down collecting loot and coming back up to buy new tools. If you are on the fence about getting this game I hope this review will help you make the deciding factor.
Easy to use controls:
this game provides a nice smooth locomotion option with moving around
consistent picking up gems from a distance with a force grab
Natural swinging to mine for gems in walls
this game provides creatures that are also in the mines that provide a sense of danger
Make sure you pull out that pistol to protect yourself
Replay ability:
each time I entered the mines there was always something different to find
which was great to keep me wanting back in the mines
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 23:53
Just kidding, this sequel of Cave Digger is a really big update that has a lot of news and fun in store for us, what used to be a small minelift room is now a whole underground world with also a part of the outside world surrounded by beautiful cartoon-like winter nature,
AND what definitely makes Cave Digger 2 more interesting on top of this great new stuff is Online Co-op mode where you can enter the mines together with friends or other VR gamers!
Entering the mines in a group will probably be a bit more sensible because people are not the only ones wandering around.
You will also encounter creatures that live underground and will attack you without hesitation.
You can defend yourself with weapons that can be bought and upgraded,
just like many other items such as more inventory spots or even objects for the environment.
In addition to all the valuable minerals, metals and stones that you can cut from the rocks of the mines, you will occasionally find a money safe whose password you have to crack in order to obtain the contents,
this content then contains, yes you guessed it, valuable and ALSO unique minerals, metals and stones.
After each successful completion of your underground route you will have to grind the loot in order to receive the value as money.
Watch my first exploration sessions here:
241 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.21 16:53
344 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 20:02
183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 13:39
Great game if you enjoy the whole miner type game to begin with, but being the actual miner is much more fun imo! I haven't had any issues with the full release/early access version so far, so I can't really speak on the downsides of it... Everything has run smoothly, worked properly and been fun!
I think one of my favorite parts would have to be the multiplayer aspect of it, allowing you to play and talk to 3 other people while rootin' around the mines
269 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 09:38
Cave Digger 2 is a massive improvement from Cave Digger 1 already even though it is in early access and has just launched. I have not tried the multiplayer yet but plan to. They took what was great about the first one and have made an improved sequel, few games manage to do this well and I look forward to seeing more content in this gem after an update or two. Only negative thing I can add is the screen darkens when something like your pick axe is too close to your face, which is often but as you can see in my video it's the only down side I can see so far
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.21 05:11
Experienced on the Oculus Quest 2
You can view my initial impressions review & gameplay here:
I think my video pretty much shows off this game and my initial impressions of it, so I'll keep this review short. I think if you enjoyed the original Cave Digger VR, then you'll enjoy this. It is different though. Plus it's in Early Access so it's still missing some depth to make the game something special.
However, I do think it's a great deal at the current price of only $10. If you enjoy crafting & unlocking & upgrading items, then I think you'll like this game. It's got a simple gameplay loop. Go down the mines, loot & kill any bugs that may try to harm you. Buy new items & upgrade. Rinse and repeat. The levels are procedurally generated.
Granted, the game is a bit on the grindy side, so I definitely think it's better played online with friends where you can just mess around. Otherwise, you'll be doing lots of picking / blowing up / using a sledgehammer on your own. And lots of shooting of flying bugs or shelled crustaceans.
Game is running on the Unity engine. It ran fine on my RTX 3080. I did not experience any major issues or bugs. You do have full locomotion and smooth turning options. However, the game overall could use more polish. Also, the music is very repetitive, so I had to turn it off. The sound effects and the narrator can also get aggravating.
Rate 6.5/10.
Please note: I received a free Steam key through the Steam Curator Connect program. You can join my Steam Curator group here:
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.09.21 13:39
Also it might be cooler if you'd be put with other random players into a lobby upon mine entering, because right now it gets pretty lonely and boring.
EDIT:[strike] I suggest on top of having friend code invitation adding a server browser which allows people to join random peoples lobbies (who make their lobby public) for random rock and stoning! [/strike](Public matchmaking gets introduced in the next update HYPE)
EDIT2: In todays teasered update my before mentioned suggestion has been implemented! Public matchmaking! This is a huge yes from me.
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