• Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.
  • Castle Flipper: Screen zum Spiel Castle Flipper.


Du musst angemeldet sein
Demo auf Steam verfügbar!
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 26.05.2021
Zum Shop
Preis Update 28.09.23

Über das Spiel

Castle Flipper bietet dir die einmalige Möglichkeit, ein mittelalterlicher königlicher Handwerker zu werden. Bau dir ein eigenes Königreich und richte das Schloss nach eigenem Ermessen ein. Hauche den alten Gemächern ein ganz neues Leben ein und bereite ein großes Fest für den König vor!

Entdecke neue Orte
Du möchtest sehen, wie die Schlossgemächer an verschiedenen Orten aussehen? Nichts einfacher als das! Wählen den Ort aus, den du näher entdecken möchtest. Wähle ein Gebäude aus und gehe hinein. Schau dir an, was sich innerhalb der mittelalterlichen Mauern befindet.

Werde Landschaftsarchitekt!
Gestalte die Umgebung des Schlosses. Wählen Bäume für die Höfe aus und pflanze sie ein. Du bestimmst, welche Form und welche Muster deine Fahnen und Wimpel haben.

Reiße die Wände ein!
Dir gefällt nicht, was du gebaut hast? Keine Sorge! Reiße einfach die Wände ein und fang von vorne an!

Leite den Wiederaufbau!
Du musst viel Arbeit in den Wiederaufbau des eroberten Schlosses stecken. Führe eine Gruppe von Arbeitern an und repariere die beschädigten Wände, Brücken oder Türme.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3 3.0 GHz
  • GFX: NVidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB VRAM
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows(64-bit) 7 or Newer
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i7
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1070 8GB VRAM or better
  • RAM: 16 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

233 Produkte im Account
46 Reviews
1276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.22 16:23
So nach 21 Std hab ich nun alles geschafft im Spiel.

Was soll ich sagen ? Es ist echt ein super Spiel und macht einfach Spaß. Drauf los Spielen und entspannen. Kein Plan was die Leute immer nur zu nörgeln haben. Es ist ein Flipper Spiel und dafür hat es ne Menge zu bieten. Nicht nur das man im Mittelalter Häuser oder Burgen wieder auf Vordermann bringen muss sondern das es die Möglichkeit bietet selbst ein Königreich aufzubauen ! Man wird selbst Herrscher und baut von Grund auf sein eigenes Mittelalter Dorf in dem man Leute Wohnen lässt und sogar Geld verdient. Das alles wird dann noch abgerundet durch Helfer mit denen man dann es Spielerisch einfacher hat. Zu dem darf man sich seine eigene Burg bauen.

Also ich kann es nur empfehlen auch wenn man anfängt während des Spielens sich zu sagen das könnte man noch verbessern oder dies und das würde ich mir noch wünschen.

Ich Persönlich würde mich freuen wenn es dazu mal einen 2 Teil geben wird mit noch mehr Spieltiefe.
58 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.22 15:34
Zuerst einmal, das Spiel fühlt sich - unfertig an. Es hat Ecken und Kanten, ruckelt in jeder Einstellung. Bauelemente passen nicht so 100% aneinander, und es könnte generell mehr Inhalt geben, mehr...Möglichkeiten.

Ich fange an zu lästern, ob wohl ich das Spiel eigentlich gar nicht so schlecht finde, im Großen und Ganzen. Die Missionen nehmen einen gut an die Hand und bringen einem alles bei was man braucht. Das anfangs kleine Grundstück kann bis zu 5 mal erweitert werden, was baulich jede Menge Platz und Freiheiten erlaubt. Mit den vorhanden Einrichtungsgegenständen kann man sich recht gut austoben - Die Schwerkraft macht das manchmal schwer, aber das wollen wir auch nicht anders!

Falls ihr gerade am überlegen seid, ob ihr euch das Spiel kaufen wollt: Spoilerwarnung!
Ihr werdet mehr als die Hälfte der Zeit jemandes Putze sein - bzw. Fachkraft für Raumpflege und Reinigung oder wie das so schön heißt.
Die andere Hälfte der Zeit werdet ihr versuchen Gebäude zu errichten, die nicht alle gleich aussehen, denn das wäre langweilig, oder eine Burg aus Einzelteilen hochzuziehen. An diesem Punkt macht das Spiel dann mehr Spaß - versprochen!
Aber das Putzen hört niemals auf....
121 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 09:49
Das Spiel hat viele Ähnlichkeiten mit House Flipper, ist durch neue Spielmechaniken (wie z.B. Möbel reparieren) trotzdem einzigartig. Auch die Grafik ist ganz okaay, es macht Spaß die Welt zu erkunden. Einige negative Dinge am Spiel sind zum einen die Musik, die zwar zur Stimmung passt aber in Loops abgespielt wird, die schnell nerven können. Die deutsche Übersetzung klingt auch an manchen Stellen ein bisschen nach Google Translate. Leider gibt es zurzeit auch nicht viele Aufträge/Häuser/Burgen und man kann in ca. 5 Stunden das Spiel beenden. Ich hoffe, das durch die angekündigten Updates & DLCs einige neue Inhalte dazu kommen, weil das Spiel selbst macht echt Spaß und ich würde es gerne noch einige weitere Stunden spielen.
379 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 17:39
Kleiner netter Simulator.
Schön sich seine eigene Burg und das Hofgestade aufzubauen und Miete zu kassieren.
Das Sauber machen und Bauen ist super unkompliziert und macht wirklich viel Spaß. Es ist unglaublich befriedigend und süchtig machend diese Missionen zu machen.
Hier und da hätte ich noch ein paar Verbesserungsvorschläge (wie Angestellte die beim Miete eintreiben oder Sauber machen helfen, mehr oder zumindest wiederholbare Missionen) und die Steam Errungenschaften scheinen teilweise Buggy zu sein :(
Trotzdem empfehlenswert für Zwischendurch, zur Abwechslung.
276 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 09:24
Herzlich Willkommen, der Elron bringt Euch Gummibärchen und eine Bewertung zu:
Als grosser Freund des House Flippers habe ich mich natürlich auch auf den Castle Flipper gefreut. Ist nun schon ein paar Monate draussen und nun war er im Angebot. Gut für mich das Bundle Angebot mit dem House Flipper.
Einige negative Bewertungen kann ich hier nicht ganz nachvollziehen. Allen vor ran die Spieldauer. Klar der Vollpreis mit 16 Eddies ist Ok aber wenn ich mich sagen wir mal 4h unterhalten fühle bin ich bereit das auszugeben. Wenn ich ins Kino gehe zahle ich das auch incl. Popkorn (naja hier in Minga). Aber zum Spiel.
Etwas erschreckt hat mich UNITY jeder versucht mit dem Baukasten aktuell schnell ein Spiel hinzuw.....! Vieles geht schief, einiges ist ansehnlich.
So auch CF, ich wusste gar nicht was man alles aus der Engine rausholen kann, sogar bewegte Gräser und Bäume, weiterhin verschiedenste Wetterlagen, die zwar keinen Einfluss haben, aber nett anzuschauen sind.
Die Menues sind klein aber völlig ausreichend, die Syncro der Deutschen Sprache ist etwas holprig. Beispiel: Schalten sie die Strasse frei. Als Aufgabe ,,, Wo bitte schalte ich die Strasse frei??? Gemeint war natürlich Räumen Sie die Strasse frei.
Aber allein der Willi zählt und ich hätte die Deutsche Übersetzung nicht erwartet.
Weitere Funktionen sind zum Beispiel das bauen und vermieten von Häusern auf seinem Gelände, was ein OPEN END bedeutet, denn nach Abschluss der Krönung kann man munter weiter bauen und durch MiniPuzzlespiele sich die Zeit vertreiben.
Die Steuerung ist präzise und nicht klumpzig. Springen und kriechen sind sogar vorhanden.
Es gibt keinen Fallschaden ... ja vom Turm seiner Burg zu springen ist also gefahrlos möglich :-)
Weitere Elemente sind das Reparieren von Gegenständen und der Abbau von Holz bzw. Stein. Muss man nicht, weil kaufbar, aber man kann.
Also wer House Flipper mochte und sich einen Tag bei entspannter mittelalterlicher Musik verwöhnen möchte sollte hier unbedingt zuschlagen. Klare Kaufempfehlung. Viel Spass Euer Elron.
160 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 10:30
Hatte dieses Game schon länger auf der Wishlist, im Summersale hat es mir mein Freund nun gekauft.
Ein sehr positiver Aspekt ist für mich die Auswahl der Musik. Sie hat mich wirklich abtauchen und genießen lassen.
Die Anzahl der Aufgaben ist winzig, wenn diese auch mit schönen neuen Orten Spaß machen zu erkunden. Doch hätte ich mir mehr davon gewünscht, um mehr Zeit mit diesem Game verbringen zu können.
Die Baumöglichkeiten sind stark begrenzt, da Teile nicht für alles genutzt werden können und auch teilweise nicht gut zusammen passen. So werden die Gebäude mehr oder weniger zu Einheitsbrei.
Noch dazu würde ich mir um einiges mehr an Möbeln und Zubehör für Deko wünschen, gerade im Hinblick auf das Mittelalter und seine archaischen Stile (z.B. Ketten usw für Kerker), einfach Dinge um mehr zu gestalten und Gebäude voneinander abzuheben.
Hier und da sind ein paar kleinere Bugs zu finden, die an sich aber nicht in das Spiel eingreifen und man die Aufgaben trotz allem abschließen kann. Wegrollendes Holz, nachdem man einen Baum gefällt hat, hat mich dann schon etwas geärgert, denn man musste dem Holz dann auch hinterher rennen und der eigene Körper wird auch nicht als Hindernis erkannt.
An sich eine kurzweilige Ablenkung, aber nichts, wenn man ein längerfristiges Spiel sucht, denn ich war selber in 4 Stunden soweit fertig mit dem Game.
4188 Produkte im Account
199 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
149 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 11:40

????Castle Flipper????

Bau Simulation. 26.05.2021 erschienen


Wer kennt sie nicht? Die bekannten Flipper Spiele. House/Garden Flipper ist ja ein super Spiel. Hier in Castle Flipper von Pyramid Games spielt man quasi wieder eine Aufbau Simulation mit Mittelalterlichen Setting. Ob das Spiel gut ist erfährst du nun im folgenden Text

Das Spiel

Wie auch im House Flipper startet man vor der eigenen Ruine, Bruchbude oder wie man es eben nennen will. Rechts sieht man einen Aushang wo man im Laufe des Spiels Aufträge findet. Für die Aufgaben stehen uns verschiedene Werkzeuge zur Verfügung wie zum Beispiel Reinigen, Zerstören, Reparieren, Axt, Anpassen die wir im Laufe des Spiels freischalten und nutzen müssen.
Hier ist mir gleich die Steuerung aufgefallen. Mit dem gedrückten Tabulator öffnet man ein Menü wo alle verfügbaren Tools als Icon angeführt werden. Nun muss man mit der Maus auf das Werkzeug anzeigen und ungewöhnlicherweise das Tool dann auch noch anklicken. Ich brauchte eine Zeit um das zu verinnerlichen, da ich es gewohnt bin auf das Icon zu zeigen und dann den Tabulator loslasse um ein Werkzeug zu wählen.

Als Aufgaben gibt es unter anderem Dinge reparieren, Häuser und später auch Burgen bauen, Holz fällen, Aufräumen, Vermieten, Einrichten, Zerstören, etc.
Mir ist jedoch aufgefallen, dass die Aufgaben normalerweise recht schnell erledigt sind. Dann gibt es aber Missionen wie zum Beispiel zerstöre x Gegenstände. Hier galt es zerstörbare Objekte auf einer großen Map zu finden. 120 davon müssen wir zerstören. Leider ist die Map ziemlich riesig, zum anderen kann man nicht alles zerstören. Mir fehlten nur noch 3 Objekte die sich dann als Geschirr am Boden herausstellten die ich nur im geduckten Zustand zerstören konnte. Außerordentlich mühsam, da im HUD oder in der Spezialansicht einen nicht angezeigt wird was das Spiel zerstört haben möchte!
Wie auch in House Flipper gibt es einen Talentbaum mit einer Handvoll Verbesserungen. Innerhalb von 3 Stunden habe ich alle Talente freischalten können. Die Verbesserungen sind unter anderem Rabatte, Gewinn von Ressourcen bei Zerstörung, Mehr Gegenstände tragen, Erweiterung der Spezialsicht. Das Freischalten geht also definitiv zu schnell, jedoch lohnen sich die Verbesserungen kaum. Zumindest hatte ich keine allzu große Motivation die Dinge freizuschalten.

Durch die Kombination schnelles Freischalten von eher unspektakulären Talenten und den Kategorien sehr schnelle oder mühsame Mission kam leider wenig Spielspaß auf. Das Beste am Spiel ist das Bauen eines Hauses oder einer spektakulären Burg. Die Missionen sind dafür das nötige Übel. Ich hoffe hier gibt’s noch ein paar Verbesserungen.

Grafik: auch auf Ultra nicht unbedingt das spektakulärste, aber ganz passabel
Sound: die mittelalterlichen Loops werden im Laufe einer Mission recht schwierig. Da sich die Musik in Missionen nicht ändert und wenig Abwechslung bietet nervt sie etwas. Die Optionen sind gewöhnungsbedürftig (Musik und HUD waren bei mir auf 200%, dafür die Effekte auf 56%?). Die Geräusche beim Bewegen, Zerstören, Bauen etc. sind recht abwechslungsreich wenn auch nicht „poliert“. Geheim Tipp: Schaltet die Musik ab und spielt nebenbei eine mittelalterliche Playlist ab!
Steuerung: gewöhnungsbedürftig aber nicht kompliziert
Spaßfaktor: Ich hoffe das Spiel ist nicht wie beworben fertig, sondern es kommen Verbesserungen, Abwechslung etc. dazu. So bringt es mir leider wenig Freude
Achievements ✔️


CPUAMD Ryzen 9 3900X
RAM64GB RAM 3000
SSDSamsung 1TB M.2 SSD
OSWindows 10 Pro



+ Mittelaltersetting
+ umfangreiche Möglichkeiten (Reparieren, Bauen, Zerstören, Vermieten…)
+ Bausystem für Häuser und Burgen mit recht viel Möglichkeiten sich kreativ auszutoben


- Missionen bringen wenig Motivation (entweder sehr schnell oder einfach nur mühsam)
- Musikloops nerven
- Talentbaum unspektakulär und viel zu schnell abgeschlossen


• Optionen und Steuerung überarbeiten (Soundsettings, Werkzeugrad seltsam)
• Schöneres Interface (erfüllt den Zweck hat aber eine unsaubere Auflösung und sieht unscharf aus)
• Talentbaum überarbeiten (zu schnell freigeschaltet) vielleicht mit weiteren Möglichkeiten wie zB. Baugeschwindigkeit (bedarf einer Justierung der Standardgeschwindigkeit), Verhandlung beim Vermieten um mehr Miete zu erhalten, …
• Abwechslungsreichere Musik
• Abwechslungsreichere Missionen. Bessere Mischung aus vielen Aufgaben, Geschwindigkeit und Abwechslung. In Kombination mit einem interessanteren Talentbaum motiviert das bestimmt auch mehr
• Vielleicht kann man noch ein wenig aus der Grafik rausholen.


Das Spiel hat definitiv Potential. Man erkennt, dass sich die Entwickler was gedacht haben, doch leider bietet das Spiel derzeit noch zu wenig Motivation und Spielfreude. Bitte, Bitte überarbeitet das Ganze nochmal und verlangt dafür dann gerne auch mehr. Für ein tolles Mittelalter Flipper Spiel zahlt man bestimmt gerne etwas mehr!
★★★★☆ ☆☆☆☆☆ 4/10 Sterne

Herzlichen Dank für die Bereitstellung des Keys, ich prüfe gerne zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt den Fortschritt des Spiels und ergänze meine Bewertung

So besuchet mein Kuratorenprofil um die wunderbaren Klänge der Reviews mitzuerleben. ???? Hier eintreten ???? .

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1224 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 20:47
Etwas wenig Content. Nach ca. 2 Stunden hat man das Spiel durchgespielt. Außerdem gibt es einen Sehr blöden Bug. Wenn man bei der Mission bei der man ein Mietshaus bauen muss, vor Abschluss zurück zu seinem Haus geht, kann man nicht mehr weiterspielen.
58 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 12:49
Schönes Spiel um auch abzuschalten - ohne viel Hektik gemütlich eine Burg bauen, Holz sammeln und den eigenen Hof ausbauen
200 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 19:32
Leider ist es im aktuellen Zustand kaum mehr als ein Gelegenheitsspiel mit sehr begrenzter Spielzeit und geringem Wiederspielwert.
Die Missionen sind selbst mit allen Zusatzzielen in ca 5 Stunden erledigt, danach folgt die Abschlussaufgabe in der man einige Häuser zur Vermietung sowie eine Burg bauen soll.
Ersteres ist weitgehend simpel zu erreichen, schwierig wird es bei der Burg. Die Baumöglichkeiten bei der Burg sind zu rudimentär, die Bauteile passen so schlecht zusammen, das es unmöglich ist eine geschlossene Grundfläche zu erzeugen. Generell fehlen wichtige Bauteile. Es gibt leider auch keine Möglichkeit den Untergrund zu verändern um beispielsweise Büsche und hohe Gräser zu entfernen, geschweige denn Straßen anzulegen.
Zusätzlich gibt es noch kleinere Bugs. Im aktuellen Zustand ist das Spiel maximal 10€ wert. Ob noch Nachbesserungen erfolgen bleibt abzuwarten.
246 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.21 10:23
Das Spiel besteht aus aufräumen, putzen, bauen und erkunden.
Mir macht sowas Spass. Und gehört zu meiner lieblingsliste der stressfreien Spiele, die man ohne zeitdruck gemütlich vor sich hin zocken kann.
656 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.23 19:21
While it was fun at first, this has little replayability and I cannot get back to playing this.
This is my own personal review, I've played similar games before but this one ended being disappointing

The game is pretty much abandoned, the publisher is the one that holds the rights to this and controls whether there's an update, and the last one was in 2021. You go to their page and they're still publishing games, ignoring the problems and complaints of this one. This sounds great!

My 3 points about this game:

Firstly, the missions are short and it's like a scavenger hunt, pick this, put it there, clean this, bam! Done.

Secondly, it's incredibly tedious to build houses because things don't fit perfectly or they're just not good to look at, no aestethics.

Lastly, becoming king...I need the castle but everything is SUPER costly and nothing fits well, I couldn't even build a full connecting corridor. Reselling those because nothing fits, loses value, which means I am left with nothing and I still don't have money, now I need to grind 2 houses just to get enough pennies to half-build another? No thanks.

That last one was the reason why I never played this again. Please don't expect much from this, it's also not worth complaining, it's been far too long and all people have gotten is silence.
258 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
23 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.22 12:13
Cannot really argue the $2 price. I did have an issue right away in the first map where i completed it all except two trees did not count, tried to exit thru the wagon since it said i only needed 80% and this reset the map actually.

But my main issue is why does this not support controller? Why make such an awesome game and then not have controller support leading to a lot of people not being able to fully enjoy it? This would be bigger than h0use fl1pper if it had controller support and a little more love.
5 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
582 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.22 16:24
continuously crashes.
108 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.22 01:19
pc version is a blast, ps4 however is completely unplayable due to bugs and crashes. there are a few things that could make this game more enjoyable such as more building options/ decorations (horizontal beams, curved roofs, stain glass windows etc.) and bigger rugs. you can't build the houses you see in the different quests which is sad. decorating a large scale building looks silly when you only have 4 foot rugs... other than that, not a bad game at all. very cozy and great for killing time.
88 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
1903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.22 19:53
Disclaimer: If you're looking to buy run down properties and renovate them a la House Flipper (another superb game) this is NOT going to satisfy that need. If you ARE looking to *build* houses or castles and decorate them with a somewhat limited range of medieval options, become a monarch of your own kingdom, and collect rent from your tenants to fund your projects, then this IS going to make you happy. It's graphically pretty, only a tiny bit clunky, has some varying locations to visit to generate income and materials, and the music is EPIC. I'm enjoying it and I can see the continued playability. The only annoyance I have discovered so far is that you have to clean up / repair around your tenants to collect the rent, and that's basically a full time job. Otherwise, solid game with a lot of room for expansion.
13 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
271 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.22 13:50
Fun when you just want to chill on your own
111 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
770 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.22 18:28
This is a fun, quirky game when you're looking for a casual sim. It's well done and great to play with older kids. Hope to see this game keep building and new DLC being added.
95 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.22 22:14
Game has a fun premise, but it's clunky and needs some improvements. However, apparently the devs don't actually own their own game, and whoever does own the rights doesn't seem inclined to allow any updates or improvements. So it looks like this has devolved into a money grab, and as such, I can't recommend this game. If the situation ever changes for the better, I'll happily reconsider my review. For now, save your money and look elsewhere.
112 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
717 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 15:39
To be honest I'm not completely sure if I recommend it or not. When I've played House Flipper I missed building houses, and Castle Flipper gives us that opportunity, which seems great at first few hours. But later... Gosh, it's really lacking options. I would say rn it feels like alpha version with good idea but not-so-good realisation. I hope the devs will add more content to the game.

Still was fun to play, though. I just need more quests and furniture.
584 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 10:11
I'm stuck with zero quests and no way to make my house.
63 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 01:19
I went into this thinking it would be similar to House Flipper, and if you did the same, you'll be disappointed if that is the kind of game you are looking for. I, however, was not. There is a lot that could improve if you want honesty, but it does kill time and is fun to play around with and do a dark medieval version of House Flipper.
13 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
7304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.22 02:29
I am enjoying the music, and all of the quests. It is a game for those of us that like building, without having to fight off enemies at every turn. I would recommend this game to those who just want a nice paced game to build in.
1794 Produkte im Account
68 Reviews
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.22 21:40
it's not what I thought. it's not really a Castle Flipper it's more like a shed flipper. the quests are repetitive, you do the same thing over and over. Look it up on YouTube. it's fun it has a nice soundtrack but it's not a Castle flipper. you don't get to build what you want you build from a list, you fix things and craft things clean up a lot of trash, fix fences, collect money, but it's not a castle flipper. I'm hoping they are still creating stuff for the game it will be interesting to see where it goes from here.
39 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1446 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 04:21
It's a pretty good game if you like builders. The graphics are pretty good but not spectacular. There could be a lot more decorations to use, but I will admit I'm not too far into the game so that might change as I move along. I think you will like the game if you like house flipper.
694 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.22 12:27
If you like simulator games like house flipper etc, it's very fun to play.

I liked the different levels that they had, it was more of a variety than just the standard stuff you do in house flipper. You can also replay the levels when you finished the quests, however the levels are completely different in what you need to do.

Finished the main game in about 6 hours (including some AFK time that I had the game open), and there are some achievements that are pretty grindy that you can get afterwards.

Overall fun game to play for a couple of hours and then to add to the 100% completion backlog.
12 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1697 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.22 08:55
I recommend this to people who would like their own village and build said village. You can build castles and houses which are very nice. I would like to see more farm choices, family medival style lol and of course can we have a donkey the walks around with you with carriage that takes the crates to the storage outside of the village, it's annoying having to collect with no invetory.
31 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
587 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.22 00:39
I wish there were more quest but im working on my second play through. Its a fun game and enjoy looking forward to playing when i get home from work.
257 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
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385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 02:25
got this Game to flip castle to find that there is a very very small amount off places to do ans the rest was to build your kingdom. dissapointed
65 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1361 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.21 10:07
yes it's a bit of a slow boil but I've enjoyed the game quite a lot. watching the game get better and I've seen a somebody standing around was a good surprise the game seemed so lonely and quiet so having some life in there is quite enjoyable.
882 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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308 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 18:13
Such a great idea ruined with poor performance and optimization. The idea of the game, the setting, it all great. The game suffers from side to side/strafing//circling stutter. While the game will list a constant 60 fps even while stuttering.. The graphical settings have zero effect on this. Tested on two computers. They are aware of the issue but have stated they have yet to find a fix. Also, once you start to build upon and expand your home area, it will start to drop FPS. I checked out a few lets plays, and sure enough same thing. Settings once again don't matter. I can't recommend a game where optimization is not a key tenant in game creation. Thumbs down.
196 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
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672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.21 13:52
Unfortunately the building is rather limited. The house pieces are decent but there could be more. However, there are too few castle pieces to building something decent, and you won't come close to replicating the castles you visit. Furthermore, there's no real 'flipping' of the castles. You just clean them and keep the resources. As buggy and abandoned as Medieval Engineers is, it has a thoroughly more enjoyable building aspect than this game.

A decent distraction for an afternoon, but not something I think I'll return to.. Buy it on sale if you really have a desire to check it out.
328 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 05:27
Build castles and peasant homes, clean filth, visit medieval locals.

Not as much content as House Flipper yet but certainly promising.
The small interconnected stories is a nice touch.
50 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.21 17:49
Nice chill game.If you like the old world look then this game is for you.Take on odd jobs as a carpenter then take your earnings to build your own village.Renters come in and you rake in the money.
680 Produkte im Account
636 Reviews
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 10:41
It was ok I enjoyed the cleaning up part more than building and furnishing the house or castle.
179 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
672 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 11:36
I really enjoyed this game. So far I have 7ish hours played and already finished all quests besides the last one. within the first 4 hours I has already unlocked everything in the workshop, it really needs more. It felt really short and I really wish there were more decorations and stuff like that :( BUT if you enjoy cleaning, then you'll like this game. I bought it on sale so it was worth what i paid for it. it's not as detailed as house flipper but maybe oneday they will get there :)
30 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.21 07:14
Good game, it differs to house flipper in a few ways, you can actually build houses and furnish to your liking. Once you get through the tasks of cleaning up properties you can build houses and rent them then you can build and flip. You can hire a cleaner, storeman etc to take some of the load off when you get busy.
83 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
2760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 22:01
I like house flipper, and this is like it..but set in medieval times.
631 Produkte im Account
576 Reviews
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117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 18:30
Dusting up castles should be pretty fun, but it goes on for only an hour or two. After that, the bugs, the clunky controls, the messy interface, the 10 year-old animations, get old really fast.

In sum: its poorly done, bugged and fun for about one hour. Tops.
303 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.10.21 14:58
It had mixed reviews so I was concerned. Picked it up on sale to give it a shot.

- Fun times cleaning up castles
- Fun times building my own village and castle
- Graphics are decent
- Good castle design for the most part

- Short. The levels are well done and they are adding content to expand it out but I'm 7 hours in and completed everything minus building out my own castle
- Random issues, for example clicked too fast repairing walls while carrying 3 stones and it used all of them for two slots. There were no more stones and had to restart level.
- Can move completed houses. Built a woodcutter hut then expanded my town for more space. Once maxed out my woodcutter hut is almost in the middle of my kingdom. Cant move it. would have to tear it down and worried I'd lose the woodcutter so His house is just an eye sore.

Bottom line:
Despite the quirks, its a good game if you like this type of game. No crashes, and nothing amazingly annoying. Once you complete the levels, replaying them you'll find them expanded for further game play as well as additional levels. They are adding more and maybe one day will open up the steam workshop to allow community created levels to play. For the price, I'd pick it up.
528 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
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359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 18:20
Castle Flipper could have worked, but doesn't live up to the promise. It presents itself as a sequel to House Flipper (even though the developers of *that* game are not involved), but lacks the charm and player freedom of that HF. Rather than going from lot to lot, decorating a varied selection of houses, the missions in Castle are mostly just cleaning up, and sometimes fixing a broken chair. Most of the building and decorating takes place in a village which becomes your base. Building your own hub town sounded neat at first, but after three or so houses, I could not be bothered anymore. Rather than being given a bunch of houses, and building within that limit, you as the player are required to build them yourself, and the options are horribly limited. There's a lack of variety in the furniture, and even pieces that look like part of a set often do not go together, almost as if they're pre-bought Unity assets. There are also almost no decorations: a few paintings, a few carpets, and no tapestries, so rather than giving each room and each house its own unique look, all your houses end up looking the same.
Overall, while Castle Flipper seemed a good idea on paper, the end result feels cheap, and lacks the charm of the game it is obviously trying to ape. With no further customisation and a lack of variety and option, Castle Flipper feels less like a casual simulator, but more like one of those cheap survival games, but without any of the adventure.

250 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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166 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.21 15:31
Thats not a Flippergame its just cleaning simulator
153 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.21 05:00
I can't recommend Castle Flipper as it stands. One large and very subjective peeve I have is the ridiculously loud footsteps and no way to adjust it without killing all the other action sounds. It sounds like wooden clogs on wooden floors no matter where you walk. However, the real game play killer is the bugs. I finished the tutorial missions including building your first home. Only 2 crates collected and placed in the cart ever showed up at my base (out of about 7 or 8), after the second quest I had to reboot since the quest never updated, & there was no instruction at all on how to collect the materials to build a new blank home.
13 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
60 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.21 21:16
I really like this game and I can recommend it!
6131 Produkte im Account
880 Reviews
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 22:22
Become the royalty you've always wanted to be, without the bloodshed and conquering!
Gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIfZRXwEYC8

Castle Flipper gives us the experience to build our own castle/kingdom,
clean up the mess, destroy broken buildings and rebuild them from scratch!
Do all this in a cozy medieval atmosphere with very nice accompanying music.
Graphically the game is also very nice and in some places you also have wild animals that you can spot.
Like in this screenshot: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2553799866
19 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1247 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 22:30
Entertaining enough to pass the time. Knowing that improvements and more content is coming is why I purchased it.
237 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
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297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 00:09
I wouldn't recommend it in its current state. Please check out my youtube channel where I play it and the bugs I encountered. The game idea is GREAT! And the story, small as it is, is amazing. But there are so many functions I want to see that isn't in the game. Including adjusting roads, fences that are bugging completely, carpets that are bouncing all over the place or sinking halfway through the floor, to things are impossible to move, lamps falling down. The way the items are structured don't make sense to me either.. bathroom has for example the only shelves with books. Some furniture, like fireplaces are MEGA huge.. some furniture you can't place where you want.. moving stuff is a huge hassle.. so after polishing and more content with items and building pieces and the bugs fixed.. I would LOVE to recommend this!!!!
514 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
187 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 01:39
Great start. Needs like... a LOT more jobs, though.
6702 Produkte im Account
227 Reviews
243 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 02:49

Build, renovate and repair buildings, fences and furniture as you create homes for people all while earning enough gold to build your own castle and kingdom in Castle Flipper.

From the main menu screen selecting Play will take you to the next screen where you can choose a New Game profile save slot. Next you can name your Kingdom, after which clicking on Create Kingdom will start the game.

You begin with a small plot of land that you inherited from your grandfather. It doesn’t look much now but with a bit of hard work you could turn it into a mighty kingdom. You may own a plot of land but you’re going to need money and resources if you’re going to transform this land into a future kingdom. To help you achieve this you can find a Quest Board near the entrance to your land. Here you can find jobs for people and you’ll earn gold for completion of each quest.

Taking the job note off the quest board will then allow you to select that job, there may be multiple quests on the board at any one time. You can select which quest to choose to do first from the Quest Log. You will be able to see what each quest will require you to do in order to complete the quest. A quest will have you do things like collect garbage, scrub stains from off walls (sausages) and the floor, repair furniture, fences, remove logs, barrels and generally clean up a place.

You will also have to build or complete houses and castles, if you have to build from scratch you will need to lay a foundation on which to build upon, next you must add walls (sausages), roof, doors and window frames. Then you can select the type of finish to apply to the walls (sausages) etcetera. Some buildings will require repairs and you will find the parts used to make the repairs somewhere nearby. You will also have to make repairs to furniture and other items as you progress.

As you as build them you can create furniture and other household items to decorate your homes or castles. To help bring in some gold you can even build housing which you can then rent out to clients. The clients may have certain requirements before they’ll rent your homes. These could be the size of the house, they could want certain furniture within the home, or they may only want to spent so much. You will also have to go collect your money from them, clean and make any repairs they have made to your homes.

The more quests you complete and the more gold you get in from rent, the quicker you’ll be able to upgrade your plot of land. You will have the chance to increase your plot of land as you as you earn enough gold, you can buy the surrounding land. This will allow you to increase the size of your personal home, until eventually you have your own castle from where you can rule your kingdom from.

Scattered around the areas you visit maybe some Treasure Chests and Notes. There are a number of these to find if you want to complete all achievements, although they are not required to complete a quest. If you find a treasure chest, open it and you will find some gold which will come in handy as you build your own place.

As you progress you will unlock new buildings such as the Workshop. Here you can change the name of your town, create your own banners and unlock new furniture. At the Trade Market you can exchange materials you need with other materials.

You do have some talents such as Special Sense, this will allow you to see garbage and stains close by. You can unlock new talents from the Talent Tree as you progress, you’ll earn points which will allow you to unlock these.

In the settings you will find options for Gameplay - Language (English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Russian and Spanish), Full Screen, Borderless and Windowed options. Invert Y-Axis, Always Display Objectives, Mouse Sensitivity and Field of View Sliders. Graphics - Resolution, V-Sync, Graphics Quality (Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High and Ultra), Shadow Quality, Shadow Distance, Texture Quality and Anti-Aliasing. Sound – Music, UI Sounds and Effects Volume Sliders. Controls – Keybinds for Gameplay, UI and Hotbar keyboard shortcuts, you can rebind these keys and reset them to Default should you wish.

Castle Flipper is an ok game if you just remember it’s NOT about flipping castles for profit. You will spend a lot of time cleaning up places, building and renovating houses and castles so that you can earn enough money to build your own castle and furnish out the way you’d like.

The game is easy and relaxing to play for everyone, as you build homes and castles from the 16th and 17th century. Furnishing them with tables and chairs, beds, closets, paintings, jugs and whole lot of other items as you build your prefect home.

+ Nice graphics
+ Build and design your own plot of land
+ Relaxing to play
+ Has achievements

- You don’t Flip castles for profit
- Crashed to desktop twice
- No cards currently

As a medieval craftsman, build, repair and renovate buildings, homes and castles as you earn enough to transform a small plot of land into your own Kingdom with decked out castle.


Key provided by developer/publisher for review purposes via THE CPT FROGGY CLUB!

Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

For more reviews, great game giveaways and much more.

Come join us @ and The Cpt Froggy Club Steam Group
235 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 15:24
I would love to recomend this game. It Enjoyable and has decent graphics and gameplay but not enough content. This game really feels like an early access title and not a full release. (If it was an early access title then I would recomend it)

It has the basics very well, but there just isn't enough to do.

What's Missing
- Many more missions
- Possibly the ability to buy and sell properties (like other flipper games as the title suggests)
- Ability to sell unwanted furniture
- Ability to rotate misplaced structures/frames (before the texture/building material is added)
Ability to replace frames change solid wall to a window (without demolishing) for a fraction of the cost.

Possible Future Updates
- More of a storyline
- Ability to construct special buildings (well to have special items that make a building have a special function) that can be rented out a generate either more materials/items or more income. E.g. smithy/brewery/bakery. I love that we are encoraged to build our own medival village, but at the moment this feels like a half-hearted effort. So much lost potentail.
- Village event's (fire/bad weather) that can damage structures so that they need repairs before rental income can be found again (so we have more than just cleaning)

17 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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661 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 13:19
Not enough quests in the game. Once the 8 quests are done and you become king there are no other quests to unlock. Very disappointed.
160 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
1579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 21:51
Pros: Fun, varied, clever building methods for both houses and castles. Never crashed or hung on me.

Cons: Short, slightly buggy, limited in choice of items. Can't be used with a trackpad.

Worth its price. Not a work-alike of House Flipper in any way, in that it uses different methods, presents different types of tasks, and has a very different feel to it. Includes one or two backstories which don't seem to be complete.

This review written when version 1.0.3 was current.
731 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 17:05
As its name suggests, Castle Flipper is similar gameplay wise to the more well known and more polished game House Flipper.

Now, I haven't gotten as far as some of the other people in the game as I am playing on a potato strength laptop, so it takes a loooong time to load up and transition. But, I have enjoyed what I have played so far.

House flipper is so good and so polished that you would be foolish to try and go head to head with it. So, I think a medieval theme was a good way to go, as it does feel like a different game rather than a pale copy. Some of the items don't seem too historic (e.g. some of the baths) but if you want a choice of different items, what can you do ?

The developers are frequently updating the game, which you can take as either great - new content - or ooops, this should probably have been included or fixed during release rather than after it. Right now I can't mine stone despite there being a mine up the road from my house, although this may unlock with further progress perhaps ? Additionally, I did finish the ship mission and didn't get the achievement for it, for example.

I'm not disappointed I bought the game, and I would recommend it based on what I've played so far. That said, you might want to hold off for a summer / hallowe'en sale, because (a) it might be cheaper and (b) there will be more content and fixes than there are as of June 2021.
1152 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 21:34
This game was fine up to the point where you realise it's only 4 hours of very average content. It really feels like you're playing DLC by the time you're at the end point. I liked what I played but there's just far too little to recommend it at full price at this point in time.
260 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
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331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 14:37
Who ever heard of a landlord that cleans their serfs houses? What madness is this?

Jokes aside, not really sure why this game is called Castle Flipper, you don't flip castles, you clean houses. It's more like Viscera Clean up Detail which is fine, but there's not a whole lot to do atm. There aren't many places to clean and the ones you get are pretty small and not very dirty. (I finished them all in under 5 hrs) You can also build your own house and houses for tenants but the building pieces and land you are given to build on is very limited right now.
Hoping this will grow into something cool with future updates.
191 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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249 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 09:52
Castle Flipper is not House Flipper in a Medieval setting. It is at the same time more than that, and less.

To Preface:

I understand the negative reviews completely. I’ve been struggling to pick a ‘side’, since neutrality isn’t a choice offered by Steam. Though the premise of the game is ultimately very similar – you take missions that have you renovate a property to some set specifications, this game has less of this sort of content, with only a few assets by comparison to House Flipper. Instead, Castle Flipper introduces a new concept building on the part of House Flipper where you built your own houses and sold them off at a profit. In Castle Flipper, while you still build your own houses, you now do so as a landlord to rent them out to tenants in the confines of a kingdom you own instead.



Starting here, Castle Flipper is actually a really pretty looking game. It probably helps that more of it is outdoors, and I love the Medieval aesthetic, but I far prefer the graphics of this game over House Flipper and would argue that they are just better. More effort was certainly put into vegetation and things like wood and stone than in the last game, but this is also to be expected as technology improves and because the game has less assets overall, so there was more time to make the few that were there higher quality.


The HUD in this game wasn’t too bad. It was easy to navigate and not a complete mess, but it could have been better, too. To build things you get a selection of ‘areas’ in a book (so ‘bedroom, ‘bathroom’, ‘house’, ‘castle’, etc.) You click on one of these and it opens up a scrollable list on the right-hand page with the assets you can place and their value. This did work better than the tablet in House Flipper, which I found cumbersome and slow, but it wasn’t all an improvement. You cannot (or I couldn’t work out how to) search for items and in some cases I was left going through everything twice to try and find them. And when you are on a job, you do not get a list of the things you’ll need pop up that you can just click on to buy the stuff immediately, unlike in House Flipper. This game wasn’t in itself long enough for this to be a major issue but had there been more content this would have impeded gameplay somewhat, I feel.


The gameplay loop in this game is, just like House Flipper, very repetitive. Both games will get very boring if you don’t enjoy the act of doing that said loop – cleaning a place, destroying broken stuff, and placing things there the game tells you to (in missions) or building your own kingdom from scratch in sandbox. They are, for me, the sort of games I play for 30 minutes at a time or something, although this one did keep my attention for over 4 hours in one sitting.


Progress in the game is incentivised mostly by the accumulation of money which of course helps you build your own kingdom as you like it, but you can also put this into research an unlock a few more unique assets as the game progresses. They are not many, and I didn’t find myself bothered by it, but I did them for the achievements.

This game also has some ability upgrades as you play it, like in House Flipper where you could ‘paint three walls at once’ or ‘increase pay by 10%’, etc. I actually forgot about this playing the game and beat the entire thing without any except the first one. That doesn’t say much for how useful these perks were, but it should tell you how unneeded they were that I never found myself sat there thinking, “god, please let there be a perk for this, it’s painful.”


When you start to build your kingdom and rent houses you build out to tenants, the rent is collected in a bowl that hangs on the front of their houses. It can hold a set amount of money, usually between 60 and 325 coins in my time playing, before it’s full and you need to empty it. This is quite burdensome when you have a few houses and you’re doing missions too, and I wasn’t a fan of the execution. There’s also a very immersion-breaking display above that bowl that tells you how full it is and what the tenant is paying, but I’ve never seen such HD electronic information screens in any depictions of the medieval era I’ve seen. This isn’t a massive issue, I admit, but it was a bit lazy when the developers could have just made it a readable note and nailed it to the wall as an asset instead. Which they’ve already done for other things in the game.

This kingdom building mode is the sandbox part of the game, but it won’t provide endless hours of playtime because the size of the kingdom you can have is limited. Eventually, once you’ve filled it with houses paying rent and met the requirements of the last mission, there is just nothing to do. No more missions and you can’t build anything else in your kingdom.


The maps in this game are somewhat open-world, in as far as you aren’t just stuck in the house and garden area like you were with House Flipper. On most maps, there are a number of collectibles either in the form of notes or chests. There’s two achievements pertaining to these if you collect all of them, and the notes tell a little bit of backstory about what’s going on in the game, but if you’re like me, you didn’t bother reading them. It’s a small reason to explore the maps and the chests give you a nice bit of gold, but it’s otherwise pretty pointless.


I really enjoyed the music in this game. Although none of it was very memorable, it did sell a Medieval-themed atmosphere and I didn’t mute it to listen to Spotify instead, as I usually do with games like this. I can’t say a lot else for this since I never heard anything worth mentioning otherwise. Environmental noises were fine, but nothing exceptional. Audio was generally just ‘good’.

In Favour:

- Achievements that are pretty easy to 100%.
- Very nice graphics.
- Very nice music.
- Sandbox mode and missions.
- Miniature exploration encouraged in semi-open world maps.
- Collectables.

In Opposition:

- Limited assets compared with House Flipper.
- Short game by design. Few missions and limited sandbox mode.
- Side-strafing causes stuttering that really affect some players.
- UI lacking search makes some items hard to find.
- No incremental saves means that if you miss a collectable in a mission you must restart the entire game because you can't load on old save, or replay the mission. Devs, fix this one.

Final Thoughts:

Ultimately, Castle Flipper comes of feeling a bit like half a job at the moment. It is early days, but the game feels incomplete in itself and doesn’t really offer very much playtime unlike House Flipper. No doubt they will remedy this in some part with paid DLC, but that doesn’t make the game any better to me when there really ought to have been more stuff at launch. If you are playing just for the achievements this game might give you 4 hours of playtime, and for that it’s overpriced. I did enjoy it, but I also knew it was going to be short and that once I’d got all the achievements, I was uninstalling it. By design, this game has tightly limited the number of hours you could get out of it, and any solution in the form of paid DLC is going to make this problem worse. The return in hours off the money you pay is low here, and would be lower still with DLC unless they really were great value.

While I did enjoy this game, I don’t think I can recommend it to the average player. This is for people who don’t mind most of the negatives in my review – it’s not a good value for money game. Castle Flipper is not House Flipper in a Medieval setting. It is at the same time more than that, and less.

Thanks for reading. Please leave a like it this was helpful. :)
159 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
327 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 22:31
Sad to see it getting bad reviews because people are comparing it House Flipper. Well, I like it. It's peaceful and fun and i'm excited to see what all they continue to do with it with future updates.
888 Produkte im Account
109 Reviews
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 11:19
Nice game.
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