• Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.
  • Call of Juarez: Screen zum Spiel Call of Juarez.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 08.11.2007
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.03.25

Über das Spiel

Call of Juarez ist ein Ego-Shooter des Genres epischer Abenteuerwestern. Der Spieler nimmt wechselweise die Rolle von zwei extrem gegensätzlichen Antagonisten ein: dem sich auf der Flucht befindlichen Billy und seinem Jäger, Pfarrer Ray. Neben dem äußerst interessanten emotionalen und psychologischen Aspekt durch die Verknüpfung der beiden Figuren erlebt der Spieler in den einzelnen Rollen ein vielseitiges und interessantes Spiel.

Schnelle Revolverduelle mit historisch getreuen Waffen, Reitszenen, Kämpfe zu Pferd und listige Aktionen an unvergesslichen Schauplätzen bekannter Westernfilme gehören zur Tagesordnung. Ein innovatives und faszinierendes Spiel, in dem nicht nur Körper und Ragdolls, sondern auch Flüssigkeiten, Gase, Feuer und Rauch exakt simuliert werden.

  • Eine detailgetreue Umsetzung des Wildwest-Themas sowie eine detaillierte Rekonstruktion der für diese Epoche charakteristischen Merkmale
  • Ein faszinierendes Spiel dank innovativer physischer Simulation von Feuer, Flüssigkeiten, Staub, Rauch und Gasen
  • Modernste Grafiken, die die Spitzentechnologie heutiger Grafikkarten nutzen.
  • Zwei verschiedene Rollen mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften und Spielweisen
  • Reiten, vom Pferd aus schießen und Duelle mit Revolverhelden
  • Mit der Peitsche kämpfen, Gegenstände und die Spielerfigur bewegen
  • Legendäre Waffen der Goldfieber-Ära und vollständiger Akimbo-Modus für starke Schießszenen
  • Spannende Geschichte aus dem Westerngenre mit vielen überraschenden Wendungen


  • CPU: Pentium 4 mit 2,2 GHz, AMD Athlon 2400+ oder Celeron mit 2,4 GHz oder höher
  • GFX: nVidia: GF6600, ATI: Radeon 9800-Grafikkarte oder höher
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM (1 GB empfohlen)
  • Software: Windows® 2000/XP (ausschließlich)
  • HD: 2 GB Festplattenspeicher
  • SFX: DirectX 9 kompatible Soundkarte
  • DX: DirectX 9.0c
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Spanisch, Russisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

949 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.02.22 22:11
Call of Juarez hat einige nette Ideen, so übernehmen wir zum Beispiel im laufe der Geschichte nicht nur die Rolle des vermeintlichen Mörders Billy sondern auch die seines Jägers dem Ex Pfarrer Ray.
Beide Charaktere haben auch unterschiedliche Spielstile, während man sich mit Ray durch Gegner Horden schießt und dabei auf Knopfdruck aus der Bibel zitiert, hüpft und schleicht man mit Billy lieber um Feinde herum.

Das führt mich leider auch zu meinem ersten und größten Negativpunkt, den Billys Platforming Passagen sind mächtig schlecht.
Das liegt zum einen an der Peitsche welche man als Hilfsmittel bekommt mit der man Pixelgenau punkte suchen muss um sich über Abgründe zu schwingen und zum anderen an den kleinen abhängen welche scheinbar wahllos entscheiden ob sie einen Töten, etwas Schaden zufügen oder einen unverletzt lassen wenn man sie herunter klettert.

Dies und andere kleine Frustrierende Spielelemente, wie zum Beispiel die steife Steuerung wenn man Reitet, die viel zu Lange Jagd Mission oder den miserablen Faustkämpfen sorgen dafür das ich Call of Juarez leider nicht empfehlen kann.
69 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 16:00
45 Produkte im Account
147 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
22 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 19:34
Leider schlecht gemacht. Natürlich es ist alt, aber da gibt es bessere alte Games.
137 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
489 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.21 21:49
Sehr zu empfehlendes Spiel.
Zwar etwas kurz, aber knackig und abwechslungsreich.

Ich empfehle es auf englisch zu spielen, damit man die uncut Version erlebt.
Ansonsten prallen zb Pfeile einfach an Gegnern ab, was etwas lächerlich ist.
549 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
779 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 08:13
Die Grafik haut einen immernoch regelrecht um! Dieses Spiel war seiner Zeit lange voraus. Wenn wir mal von ein paar kleinigkeiten absehen, wie die hackelige Steuerung beim Seilschwingen und diese manchmal teils nervigen Gegnerhorden, hat es mir wirklich viel Spass gemacht der Story zu folgen.
1494 Produkte im Account
200 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 16:52

Call of Juarez

Ist der Erste Teil einer grandiosen Reihe von (Western)-Ego-Shootern von den polnischen Entwickler Studio Techland.


Wir spielen in 15 Kapitel immer wieder abwechselnd
  • Billy die Kerze ( Indianer), sind meistens schleich Passagen, aber wir können uns den Weg auch freischießen. Und natürlich sind wir ein Lasso Genie und ein begnadeter Bogen Schütze.
  • Oder
  • Ray (Priester) der mit 2 Colt´s aus vollen Rohren ballert und immer wieder aus der Bibel zitiert.
  • [/olist]
    Durch ein tragisches Ereignis wird die Geschichte Beider Charakteren verbunden. ENDE


    • +Spieldauer 7 Stunden.
    • +Sammelkarten.
    • +Schnell speichern mit F5 und laden mit F8
    • +Abwechslungsreiche Aufgaben ( Feder eines Adler´s steheln) usw.
    • + Wir können auf einem Pferd reiten. JUHU
    • + Waffen können kaputt werden
    • + Duelle als kleine Mini Games.
    • o Grafik ist noch Ok für ein Spiel von 2006/2007.
    • o Zielen mit 2 Colt´s ist die Taste X.
    • o Einzelpreis ist mit €9,99.- zu hoch. Auf Sale warten und das Call of Juarez Bündel abstauben.
    • -Keine Errungenschaften
    • -Sammelobjekte (Geheimnisse) sind nutzlos. Meines Wissens.


    Für mich eines der besten Shooter in den letzten Jahren, die beiden Protagonisten passen perfekt in die Story und das Thema Western geht immer.
    Und dann wäre noch der Fluch…….
    Natürlich sind ein paar Bugs und auch die Cut Scene manchmal nicht ganz gut gelungen aber he, ich bin zum ballern hier.
    Viel Spaß beim finden des Schatzes in Juarez.
    Code Du möchtest mehr Reviews? Dann folge jetzt der German Review Group
    11 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    905 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.01.20 18:52
    58 Produkte im Account
    37 Reviews
    440 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.02.22 19:50
    Good story and lore. But its controls and gameplay are so cluncky and aged.
    281 Produkte im Account
    29 Reviews
    501 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.02.22 21:24
    Caleb submits to be a priest in Ahvaz and eventually goes insane.
    157 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    609 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.01.22 15:14
    you can go to hell
    243 Produkte im Account
    71 Reviews
    32 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.01.22 05:11
    uhm its hard but rllly cool
    1046 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    672 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.12.21 21:27
    Call of Juarez (2006) is the first game in the franchise with the same name developed by Techland, a Western-themed first person shooter, featuring two alternating protagonists, Billy ''Candle'' and Reverend Ray McCall, a former gunslinger turned preacher.

    The plot follows these two protagonists, into a western adventure, in search of truth and revenge in which Billy ''Candle'', after years of searching for the famous ''Gold of Juarez'' and failing gets home, is fakely accused of murder and is being chased by his own uncle, the Reverend Ray McCall, with the plan to bring the former to justice, both not knowing actually who the real murderer is.

    Gameplay wise, the game is split into chapters, alternating between Ray and Billy, each of whom has a different style of gameplay. Billy's levels are partially stealth-based, whereas Ray's are more traditional shoot 'em ups. The main differences between these two is that, Ray is much slower but stronger, he can kick heavy obstacles out of his way and can withstand more damage due to his armor, he also can wield a Bible, using it Ray will quote a random passage which will occasionally cause enemies to panic and drop their weapons, freeze, or run away entirely (fucking awesome), in exchange, Billy is much faster and can move quieter than Ray, allowing him to sneak up on enemies, he can also grip onto ledges and pull himself up, Billy can wield two weapons that Ray can't, a bow and the whip, mainly used to aid Billy in climbing or jumping over large gaps, by lassoing nearby trees. Ray's levels also involve numerous duels between himself and one or more enemies, which can be annoying because of he stiff controls.

    Speaking of my enjoyment with Call of Juarez, the storyline was average, the famous greedy western characters in search of gold, Billy's levels were a pain in the ass because of the stiff controls, but, Ray's character and levels are truly what made me enjoy this game to the fullest, do not play it on the hardest difficulty if you want to keep your sanity tho, lmfao.
    201 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    514 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.12.21 15:27
    Graphics don't hold up now, but it can be managed.
    Characters in this are best, voiceover is incredible. Liked the story and gameplay.
    293 Produkte im Account
    46 Reviews
    866 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.12.21 02:40
    I saved at all parts where you play as ray so I didn't have to play as Billy Candle anymore in the future. (except for the part with calm water)
    776 Produkte im Account
    80 Reviews
    366 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.12.21 01:14
    An amazing game that has some problems of the time
    Shooting feels good, the story is alright, the characters are great, Rey has to be the coolest priest character i've seen, my most common combo was the bible and a gun, even if the bible doesn't really do anything except read lines
    The biggest issue with the game is definitely the whip, which is kind of cool for the time but it just doesn't work all too well

    Overall, a definite, easy recommendation from a good sale, or maybe even without. I got it for 2€ and I consider that an amazingly good deal
    14 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    453 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 18.12.21 18:00
    better than the average triple A games that get released nowadays
    duels and platforming kinda scuffed though
    358 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    620 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.12.21 06:13
    I played this game when I was younger and got curious about it thanks to the Gunslinger giveaway. Unfortunately, it doesn't hold up for me.

    Contrary to a lot of negative reviews, I actually found the gunplay and controls fine, but the Billy chapters completely kill the game for me. They are chock full of incredibly tedious stealth and platforming segments. Several of these chapters have no combat at all. Billy is also significantly weaker in combat than Ray, lacking concentration mode, fan the hammer, and not having the armor that Ray does, making it less fun when you do actually encounter combat as Billy.

    There are also some pretty severe bugs. The quickdraw minigame is half broken when using a mouse. It just doesn't want to work sometimes. There is also an incredibly strange issue where the game will crash if you try to reload a revolver in your left hand during specific chapters, however this only happens when using the DX10 version.

    Overall, if there were a way to only play the Ray chapters, it'd be a pretty solid purchase on sale. But as it stands, I really can't recommend this to many people. This game just suffers too much from the curse of being a mid 2000s FPS.
    106 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    423 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.12.21 22:34
    This is a unique and fun game. I played this game back in 2009, when I was 10 years old, and it was a great experience to play it again after so many years.
    + voice acting, Ray McCall is just brilliant
    + story, atmosphere, Wild West
    + badass Bible quotes
    + shooting bad guys
    + handguns, rifles, shotguns, a Gatling gun, a bow, a whip and a cannon
    + soundtrack
    - few bugs on W10
    - stealth passages
    - jumping/platforming passages
    485 Produkte im Account
    101 Reviews
    695 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.12.21 19:59
    Really fun game for a really good price, on modern hardware in windows 10 i experienced a handful of crashes entering the second chapter of the game. If you want to know my computer's specs they're on my profile description if needed.

    If you want that POSSIBLY fixed try opening the game's directory and making CoJ_DX10.exe run in compatibility mode for windows XP service package 2.

    Modding support for this game seems small but I found 2 good mods that made the game even more enjoyable, first one is a FOV mod with widescreen support and removal of the black boarders found on PCGamingWiki: https://community.pcgamingwiki.com/files/file/1494-call-of-juarez-aspect-fov-fix/

    Second mod lists that it fixes bugs commonly found in the game, has a new menu, new music, player textures, guns, and the whip. This one is on ModDB: https://www.moddb.com/mods/call-of-juarez-1200/downloads/call-of-juarez-1-2-0-0-beta-1-5

    Also turn off depth of field, its bad. Leave a comment and I will to the best of my extent help you play this game and rate this review up so people can also see and get these fixes and hopefully are able to play.
    221 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    614 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.12.21 14:24
    This game has not aged well. It is clunky and buggy, and often takes forever to load. It does have its charm, though, and I played through to completion. The voice acting is so-bad-it's-good, and there are some funny moments. Definitely not for everyone, but I had fun with it.
    3526 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    428 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.12.21 20:27
    Story is pretty good. (15 chapters long, mostly enjoyable)
    Graphics (the game was released in 2005, it still looks pretty good.)
    Variety of weapons (You can use akimbo pistols, rifles, sniper rifle, bow, whip and dynamite)
    Combat ( it has variety and it is fun)
    Puzzles (not too easy, not too hard)
    Mechanics ( vault over obstacles, move objects, you can crouch, lean left and right, kick, punch, jump etc.)

    Bugs (usually after cutscenes)
    Platforming (not well done)
    Stealth (not well done)
    Combat (not always accurate)
    Mechanics ( the horse can run, but you cannot)
    Pace (it felt like they stretched out some parts of the game unnecessarily so that the game can last longer.)

    Summary: It took me 7 hours to complete the game on normal difficulty. I think it's worth playing, Buy it on sale.
    Score: 7/10

    715 Produkte im Account
    305 Reviews
    345 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.12.21 19:59
    pretty cool continuation of bound in blood lowkey decently fucked up in game lore though
    497 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    578 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.12.21 17:59
    A pretty good western shooter. At times showing it's age, but at others bringing interesting touches to what could be a pretty straightforward concept. I really liked the ability to move objects and mantle them to get over obstacles or just get higher ground. As well as the whip swinging and climbing sections, breaking up the shooting to never really get repetitive.
    652 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    860 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.11.21 18:19
    KJV Cowboys
    400 Produkte im Account
    46 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    203 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.11.21 06:10
    First person platforming ruins everything. Call of Juarez has the worst platforming I have ever experienced in a game. Shooting is really bad. The accuracy is bad for no reason. I've encountered tons of bugs. This makes the whole game completely unfun to play. The platforming sections instantly make this a 0/10. Basically have zero desire to finish this game at all and I never stop playing a game unless its horrendous. Skip this go play Bound in Blood or Gunslinger.
    4190 Produkte im Account
    149 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    278 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.11.21 04:33
    I don't know if this is a console port or what, but the game is terrible on PC... I played it on Xbox 360 in 2008, less then a year after it released and it loaded much faster and had far less problems and had features like achievements that the Steam version doesn't. The game was okay back then, but the experience on PC makes me want to puke. The only good thing about this game is that it's cheap and it has Steam trading cards. It doesn't matter if it looks better than the console version, because it plays like trash and hasn't aged well anyways even if it wasn't janky af.
    493 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    78 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 31.10.21 06:19
    TL;DR at the bottom of the review.

    First of all, I want to say that I had high hopes for this game, but I still had my expectations within the 2007 time period, but even my 2007 expectations weren't met.

    Here are the pros:
    - The graphics are fine for the time, I had 0 issue with them. I mean, if I did, I'd be acting really unreasonable.
    - The controls are good, and work absolutely fine. I have no problem with those, they fit up to modern standards for the most part, you won't have any issues with that.
    - The music was fine from my experience, even though I've only played 1.3 hours of the game.

    Here are the many, MANY negatives.
    - The voice acting is awful, like... there is absolutely no emotion or believability in the voice acting whatsoever. You want a game with good voice acting? Find something else, it ain't here.
    - The story is disinteresting. Cookie-cutter BS that you'd expect. Oh noooo, there's a treasure that makes people go insane. How creative. I've never seen a plot like this before! In all honesty, this would be completely fine if you planned to skip all the cutscenes and story bits... but the next point I am about to say will make you realize that that's a futile effort.
    - The gunplay is absolutely awful. Like, really bad. Even by 2007 standards. The guns do pitiful damage, you'll be using about two cylinder's full of bullets in your revolver to kill ONE person. How does it take this many? Well, because half of the bullets you shoot you are basically guaranteed to miss because of how stupidly inaccurate the guns are, and the ones that you DO hit do such a tiny amount of damage that it's frustrating, especially considering the enemies do a pretty good amount of damage to you in return. It's frustrating and if I owned this game back in the day, I'd be taking it back for a refund.
    - The character movement is pure shit. You can climb up ledges but your character can't climb over a God-damn railing without having to climb on top of a box before-hand. Like, come on, how does that make any sense at all?
    - The checkpoint system is ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS. They have checkpoints in the worst spots, and I don't mean that they spawn you in huge groups of enemies where you're almost guaranteed to die. I mean they spawn you really far back so you have to go through really awful cutscenes with bad voice acting multiple times when you die in a gunfight which you're almost guaranteed to do because of previously mentioned things.

    All in all, I was excited to try this game because I played a little bit of CoJ: Gunslinger on the PS3 years ago when it was free on PS+ and I thought it was awesome. I wanted to try the whole series. This was a BAD start to the whole series, and I hope the rest of the games get better. If you really want the story of this game, just don't bother and look up a playthrough on YouTube or something, I don't know if anyone's even posted a playthrough on YouTube or anything. Hopefully someone has, cause it'll save you from playing this absolute mess of a game.

    TL;DR: This game is an absolute mess even for 2007. Just do not bother. At all. Just don't. You aren't missing anything.
    198 Produkte im Account
    37 Reviews
    47 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.10.21 19:40
    25 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    1213 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 30.09.21 21:08
    So far, this game is great! There are some very noticeable flaws, like the dated visuals, and there are the janky mechanics, like the rope swinging and fist fighting. However, despite those flaws, the game features a somewhat cliche yet engaging story. Two sides to one story, what Billy Candle goes through and the Preacher's crazy downwards spiral. Billy has stealth sections (mostly) that are done really well. While I find the Preacher's shootout sections difficult, they are still fun. I wouldn't recommend this game to those who can't stand older games like these, but if you're in for a dated yet interesting game with varied gameplay, give Techland's Call of Juarez a shot. 7/10.

    Edit: Finally finished the game and I'd still recommend this game, same score, 7/10, but the ending was semi-satisfying. The build up to the ending was great but the ending left me wanting a little more, more of what? Not entirely sure. Aside from that, it was a more challenging at the end and the boss fights were okay, they did the job but don't expect much in that aspect. I loved this game, buy it when it's on sale if you want. Now, onto Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood...
    854 Produkte im Account
    201 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    132 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.09.21 06:00
    Seems like it could be good, but I have over 2 hours and just got to episode 3. Game crashes way too much and bugs have gotten me stuck at points where I've had to restart from the beginning. I just don't have the patience to try to get this game to work for me anymore
    195 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    461 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.08.21 20:24
    very good but there are some very long missions that might be pretty annoying to complete but its only like 2 or 3 but i would recommend
    51 Produkte im Account
    5 Reviews
    520 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.07.21 16:05
    Howdy partner, this was a very fun game to play! Cool story, exciting moments, good shooter. ????
    29 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    228 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.07.21 04:10
    pretty cool game. i like playing as the religious nuthead
    225 Produkte im Account
    60 Reviews
    1017 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.07.21 17:42

    There is one candle, but three graves...

    Call of Juarez is a Wild-West first-person shooter, originally released by Techland in 2006. Billy Candle, an impoverished young man who’s down on his luck, is accused of a crime soon after returning to his hometown. The local preacher, a retired gunslinger called Reverend Ray, gives chase across multiple varied locales in order to enact justice via his jury of six-shooters.

    It’s time to dust off some old compadres.

    Back when it was first released, this title was on the cutting edge of technology and graphics for a short while. Its draw distance may not be that impressive even at maximum settings, but the art direction is pleasantly vibrant and nuanced. Most smoke effects respond to force; you can shoot or whip into clouds of dust or steam and see the particles dissipate outwards, a detail that still impresses me to this day. A free DirectX 10 update, bundled with the Steam version, attempts to further enhance the visuals via post-processing effects such as volumetric lighting and HDR eye-adaptation (the implementation thereof being a mixed bag), on top of a general makeover of the base graphics. Past the environments and objects, however, characters look dated thanks to the comparatively low-definition textures, small variety of NPC models and, most jarringly, animations that are various flavours of stiff. The jank has afflicted your own characters as well, as the crude full-body animations show when looking down.

    Notable annoyance when quickly launching the game from the taskbar icon: it defaults to the DX9 version. You’ll have to launch from the Steam library itself and select the option to run in DX10. There are also plentiful reports of either crashes in certain situations or the game not working at all due to CD-key shenanigans. At least from my experience, otherwise, this game runs stable at 1440p on my Ryzen 9 3900X, 64GB RAM, 1070 Ti, Windows 10 system – though it lacks vsync and it cannot be forced on, thus suffering from both screen tearing and excessive GPU load.

    The individual track pieces of the musical score are pretty good: strings, flutes, percussions and piano mesh together and give specific moods for each game sequence. Unfortunately, their transitions are not nearly as elegant and give the impression of a much more repetitive soundtrack. Sound effects are of generally good quality, with the firearms especially being commendable for their authentic yet distinctive firing sounds. Reverend Ray’s dialogue receives high marks for their delivery as the biggest praise I can give to the dialogue, while the remaining characters could have done with both finer audio mixing and better emotion. Billy’s a notable offender of both faults when one accounts for his tendency to speak quickly and bluntly.


    Time to meet your maker, boy.

    The draw of the gameplay is that the two aforementioned protagonists play radically different from one another. A large chunk of the game consists of revisiting common segments if not entire levels, which is done remarkably well overall. Billy Candle puts the “agile” in “fragile”: he is able to climb and use stealth to get around the threats that would easily pepper him full of lead if given the chance otherwise. On the other hand, Reverend Ray is a glorious juggernaut who can shrug off half of any incoming fire with his chest plate, can fan his revolvers to deliver rapid-fire death, and perform bullet time-enhanced quick-draws to dispatch of groups of baddies before the first body hits the floor.

    On paper, these contrasting styles create an engrossing dynamic wherein the levels you snuck and climbed through as Billy can then be near-totally demolished as Ray. The reality, however, is that for half of the time the former’s stages are clumsy and sluggish affairs. The stealth mechanics are functional yet rudimentary: bushes conceal you from your enemies and loud sounds draw suspicion or alert, so you’re reduced to slow crouch-walks to pass stealth sections. To make matters worse, several portions are forced-stealth with no option to murder the opposition, and require a save reload if spotted. The remaining half of Billy’s episodes involve platforming, often aided by a whip to grab onto trees or wooden branches and swing across gaps. These, too, suffer from stiff controls and slow traversal, as if the repetitive climbing grunts weren’t bad enough.


    Nowhere are Billy’s problems as aggravating as in the first episode, where you have to escape a town while under fire. This single sequence has a very high randomness factor; you’re meant to stop behind trees and rocks while the guns run dry, but if the baddies shoot you out of sync, you’ll just have to pray that they didn’t graduate from stormtrooper marksmanship. This is one reason I advise against playing on the harder difficulties and to frequently make manual/quicksaves: Billy can easily be two-shot in this sequence on Hard or above. Later levels as him, thankfully, become more enjoyable when they provide some form of self-defense and opportunities to kill enemy patrols – particularly with the aid of a bow and arrows to silently skewer from afar.

    I came not to bring peace… but a sword!

    Murder is the best solution – just ask Reverend Ray! One of the coolest preachers in video game history can gun down sinners with a six-shooter in one hand whilst uttering quotes from The Bible in his other. His levels are fast and frantic, and his toughness and gunslinging abilities are necessary in the face of enemy swarms. While the enemy AI and their reactions are nothing to write home about, the results of taking bullets to the face are as satisfying as they are hilarious. Seldom have I had as much fun with a game’s ragdolls as with Call of Juarez. Ray unintentionally encourages this kind of tomfoolery with his quickly recharging Concentration Mode: you could kill up to a dozen infantry with well placed headshots, or you can unload all twelve rounds into one poor schmuck’s face, melt it in a spectacular shower of gore and send the hapless body flying well into the distance. That being said, the game is quick to try and punish the player for wantonly attacking non-enemies.


    No self-respecting Wild West shooter would be complete without one-on-one showdowns. While adequately rich in flair and tension, winning duels is accomplished by potentially imprecise mouse motions to emulate reaching for the gun and then bringing it up to shoot – remember this for an unmarked confrontation near the finale. You’re given the chance to lean out of the way of incoming fire, but you may want to shoot first and shoot fast… if only to dump all of your revolver’s rounds into the fallen opponent. Chivalry isn’t the only thing dead, here.

    The story is divided into 15 episodes and a roughly even split between the two playable characters. All levels are largely linear with few distractions, aside from the occasional open-ended Billy stage. Hidden throughout the game are collectible wanted posters of the development team. A first playthrough may take between six and eight hours, with full completion and attaining all posters needing perhaps 15.

    The gold of Juarez belongs only to the brave.

    Call of Juarez is an ambitious and mostly satisfactory romp through the Wild-West, brought down by its dated animations and poorly paced stealth sections.

    You don't wanna check out the curator Devils in the Detail and see more great reviews? Then draw your weapon!
    818 Produkte im Account
    71 Reviews
    662 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.07.21 19:29
    The game that started the Wild West craze (I'll just ignore Red Dead Revolver since it had 0 depth compared to CoJ), and one that put Poland on the big-boys-in-game-development list (with Techland releasing CoJ and CD Projekt RED releasing The Witcher in the same year - now-distant 2007), Call of Juarez was a marvel at the time: with raving reviews praising the tech, the vast (but pretty empty) locales that gave you a sense of freedom, and with Wild West theme that was rarer than a horseshoed unicorn, it won the hearts of many gamers world-wide.

    Having played it recently 'til completion, I can say that it withstood the test of time and is perfectly playable on new systems, offering some 10+ hours of shootin' and sneakin'. The story is nice, although not better than in it's sequel/prequel Bound in Blood (which btw ties the McCall saga in a bundle perfectly), and the music is okay. Be sure to play it on Hard, unless you want a quick & safe ride through the game.
    563 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    81 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.07.21 20:34
    It glitched early on making it unplayable. I understand it's an old game running on a new Win 10 system, but maybe your mileage will vary from mine.
    178 Produkte im Account
    31 Reviews
    564 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.07.21 12:16
    I played gunslinger years ago so I wanted to play the whole series.The Game is really good so far.Kind of scary and curious.If you love Wild west games,you definitely gonna love this
    3982 Produkte im Account
    80 Reviews
    700 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.07.21 08:34
    Call of Juarez is a fun first person shooter in an underused Wild West setting. Game has some annoying features and it is a little bit cliche, but solid gunplay and attention to details make up for it. It is not for everybody, but if you are willing to overlook some shortcomings, check it out.

    - Good visuals (in directx 10 mode);
    - Enjoyable gunplay;
    - Great soundtrack;
    - Good storyline;
    - Varied gameplay;
    - Mostly good voice acting;
    - Decent stealth;
    - Cool (but not very big) arsenal;

    - Janky platforming sections;
    - Visual bugs;
    720 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    349 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.06.21 19:36
    510 Produkte im Account
    134 Reviews
    1231 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 29.05.21 18:59
    A classic Wild West cowboy game from the devs of Dead Island. It is much better than any Dead Island game though. Highly recommended for all fans of first-person shooters.
    561 Produkte im Account
    401 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    100 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.05.21 21:02
    The game is incredibly clunky, with terrible game design decisions all over the place. Its charm is not enough to save it.
    3205 Produkte im Account
    173 Reviews
    600 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.05.21 06:55


    Awkward mix of adventure and FPS meets a rarely seen Wild West setting. As we follow runaway Billy and reverend Ray in a game of cat and mouse former's flimsy whip action and scaling cliffs gets him in more trouble than latter's shotgun and Bible thumping ever could. And yet, and yet. Despite this unevenness, as well as technical problems on the most basic level where loading and saving takes ages, I still liked the variety of gameplay styles included and story taking a turn away from revenge as cards are finally placed on the table. Call of Juarez is a game that could have definitely been better REALIZED, but what we got is fleshed out enough to break out of that dreaded “FPS in setting X” formula. It never managed to bore me even if some platforming bits almost had me giving up entirely. A near hit.

    Full Review

    Wild West games have always been rather obscure efforts for some reason with only couple of higher profile names out there hogging the spotlight. I couldn't tell you why this is the case seeing as, unlike with pirate games, they don't really have the “simulations are anathema to mainstream population” justification the latter enjoys. This gave me great pleasure to finally finish Call of Juarez and oh boy, did it leave me conflicted.

    Looking back on mid-late '00s when military shooters were all the craze seeing something like this attempting an actual story must've been a treat. What we actually have is a sequence of episodes rotating between two protagonists: evasive fugitive Billy and gunslinger reverend Ray. Or should I say we take control of protagonist as well as his personal antagonist because good old reverend is chasing after Billy after seeing him flee a burning ranch where Ray's own brother and wife were just killed. Billy's mixed heritage already raises flags in this time and place so it doesn't take long for the entire town to chase him out and for reverend to swear revenge.

    Even keeping in mind the upcoming series of backstory revelations, character developments and twists, one cannot change his mind just how UNEVEN these two characters are. Maybe I'm biased as I clearly favored one gameplay style over the other, but Billy's incessant “it's not my fault, I gotta run” mentality started to quickly grate on me and his VA didn't help either. He seems out of place and is used as little more than a McGuffin carrier. On the other hand reverend Ray is that guy – gruff zealot who will stop at nothing until he kills his quarry. His episode narration full of fervor is what will unironically stick with me from Call of Juarez. Lord watches over him and he will not fail to monologue said fact along the way.

    Since I brought up game structure I have to point out this is where I had a minor issue escalating into quite a distracting one. Even installed on SSD game takes ages to load and just as long to save sometimes. From what I've looked up it has to do with compiling map files as levels load in while saving is related to frame-rate and object physics spazzing out. Issue came and went randomly which is a problem using level setup where you have one big loading for the entire episode followed by smaller ones for sub-levels + autosaves, on top of whatever also affected manual saves you're doing on your end. You could probably remove good 15-20 minutes from my play time due to this, however. I regularly went and made a cup of coffee to pass the time.

    So, gameplay. This is a FPS throughout, but developers don't lie when they bring up “adventure” in game's description. This... is not good.

    It won't take you long to realize how this works – Billy is the sneaky type while Ray is guns blazing, pray later. This would make for great variety if not for couple of inclusions on Billy's end. I'm talking about platforming. Physics affected platforming. In a first-person shooter clearly not built for it. Let me tell you something – there were episodes where I almost rage quit the game, particularly towards the end where you end up climbing a cliff and relying on finicky whip and dodgy edge detection to pull yourself up. Falling means death and reloading. Another gameplay diversion breaking up the shooting is the ability to ride a horse which is something both characters get to partake in and feeds into timed chases. Surprisingly this didn't turn out to be a problem as long as you maintain vision on your target. Game tripping you up by throwing low visibility turns while you're galloping at full speed did, though.

    Good thing is Ray's episodes function just fine because then it turns into a straightforward shooter with health and ammo pickups. He's the type to take guns from fallen enemies because you've used your own so much they broke down. Yes, there's weapon degradation and it made a difference exactly ONCE in the entire game with replacements are aplenty. There are two noticeable bumps with Ray – dueling mini-game at the end of almost every episode and GOD FORSAKEN last few episodes with him. Dueling is just clumsy as you have to manually draw your weapon and pray slow-mo aim is better than the other guy's while frantically leaning to dodge. End of the game drowns you in so many enemies you'll be grateful you're not Billy with your chestplate pulling double duty. And then there's shooting dynamite sticks from mid-air...

    In my opinion game leans a bit too heavily on bloom saturation which gets in the way as you're trying to aim at things on the horizon, especially towards the end when you're in perpetual sunset level, but this could be due to playing the DirectX10 version. There's also an attempt at cost cutting by making characters use the same levels until about half-way point while giving each a different route as reverend is on Billy's heels and just barely missing multiple chances to catch him. Flipping the Bible open and seeing it confuse enemies just enough to pop them with akimbo revolvers did put a smile on my face, though.
    251 Produkte im Account
    10 Reviews
    509 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.05.21 17:30
    ???? My 90 year old grandma could play it
    ???? Easy
    ☑️ Normal (It's variable with 3 options but in general normal)
    ???? Dark Souls

    ~ GRAPHICS ~

    ???? MS Paint
    ???? Bad
    ???? Meh
    ???? Good
    ☑️Beautiful (For it's time)
    ???? Masterpiece

    ~ MUSIC ~

    ???? Bad
    ???? Not special
    ☑️ Good

    ~ STORY ~

    ????This game has no story
    ???? Like playing Temple Runners for the story
    ???? It's there for the people who want it
    ☑️ Well written
    ???? Epic story


    ☑️ You can run it on a microwave
    ???? Average
    ???? High end
    ???? NASA computer

    ~ LENGTH ~

    ???? Very Short (0 - 3 hours)
    ☑️ Short (3 - 15 hours)
    ???? Average (15-50 hours)
    ???? Long (50-90 hours)
    ???? Extremely long (90-110 hours)
    ???? No ending

    ~ FUN ~

    ???? I'd rather watch paint dry
    ???? Hard to enjoy
    ☑️ Repetitive
    ☑️ Actually pretty amusing
    ????Ride of your life
    (I put both of em because it depends on the player)

    ???? It's a one-time experience
    ???? Only for achievements
    ☑️ If you wait a few months/years
    ???? Definitely
    ????Infinitely replayable


    ???? No
    ???? Wait for sale
    ☑️ Yes
    448 Produkte im Account
    68 Reviews
    442 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.04.21 19:01
    Honest for an old shooter this one holds pretty good.
    A fine line of storytelling and keeping it pure shooting.
    Graphics for its times is good
    Almost if no bugs
    (oh should limit the game to 30-120fps do to main menu runs 1200-2000fps ouch your gpu)
    442 Produkte im Account
    30 Reviews
    492 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 24.04.21 08:45
    Works out of the box with Proton on Linux.

    Obviously a dated game (graphics & mechanics) but worth a playtrough for the story (about 6-8 hours).

    Try to get it on sale.
    72 Produkte im Account
    9 Reviews
    761 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.04.21 20:31
    You can't really say 'Western' in gaming without referring to Call of Juarez. What the Red Dead Series perfected, Call of Juarez pioneered in a more linear way of story telling and world experience.

    If you would review Call of Juarez from today's perspective (and I've seen in many reviews here), you would probably hate the controls and find the graphics outdated. No ****, sherlock. But If you never heard of this game and just discover it today, I can understand you may not warm quickly to its aesthetic.

    Back in 2007, however, this game set some major milestones! It was one of the first to support Direct X 10 (and to be honest, you only want to play this in Direct X 10, because in DX 9 it is indeed not the nicest to look at), and the graphics and lighting really profited from that. So ALWAYS enable Direct X 10 when Steam asks you, for the best experience in textures and lighting. I have to say for a game that is 14 years old, I still find it very pleasing to look at. On a modern PC, the game does show quite some aging with some clipping and graphics bugs, but overall runs very well on a contemporary gaming system (even in QHD).

    Controls wise this game did a lot different than other fast paced shooters of its day (Crysis, Counterstrike GO etc). The devs meant for the controls in gunplay to 'feel' slower, so you would actually get some sense of appreciation of the 'weight' of the gun. Bullet and arrow mechanics were modelled incredibly true to life for its day, and the different guns in-game each felt unique to use. The (few) duels in the game also added a nice touch to the classic western standoff.

    The story: a fast paced runaway gig of 'catching the rabbit' from the perspective of its two main actors, Billy Candle the Mexican bastard child and Ray the self-righteous preacher/pistolero, of which Ray always was the character that grew most on me. The story is told through the loading screen monologues and some in game dialogues and is amazingly voice-acted. Some people suggest playing the sequel Bound in Blood(which is actually a prequel) before this title. But I would suggest it the other way around, as you will really appreciate the story of COJ once you finish with the prequel.

    The music is beautifully composed (albeit repetitive sometimes) and gives you that spaghetti western feeling.

    To conclude: if you have never heard of this game and play it for the first time in 2021, be mild in your judgment and try to see it for what it was in 2007. You will be rewarded with one of the best Western experiences in gaming!
    5 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    2130 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.03.21 13:02
    Beggining this game was amazing times. Playing since 2009
    132 Produkte im Account
    25 Reviews
    566 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.03.21 02:28
    Old Senile Former Gunslinger now a Priest pursues a young boy across the Wild West.

    98 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    284 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.02.21 08:44
    Cool game
    63 Produkte im Account
    4 Reviews
    462 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.01.21 21:58
    5/10 decent story, ok characters, good soundtrack, ok gameplay and awful horse controls

    all in all billy is a wanker
    364 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    74 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.01.21 21:45
    Для игры пятнадцатилетней давности здесь всё весьма и весьма недурно. Разнообразный геймплей: есть и перестрелки, и погони, и вполне вменяемый стелс, и пара-тройка спокойных эпизодов с паркуром, головоломками и охотой на кроликов) К тому же, вестернов у нас никогда не было много, а RDR 2 может себе позволить далеко не каждый. Так что, это очень даже стоящий вариант для любителей жанра. Ну и да, разве в творении R* или вообще каком-то ещё шутере можно, взяв в одну руку револьвер, а в другую Библию, отправлять негодяев на тот свет, сопровождая это цитатами из последней?
    2333 Produkte im Account
    30 Reviews
    614 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 00:37



    ☐ Beautiful
    ☐ Average
    ☑ Outdated (Textures, lighting haven't aged well)


    ☑ Very Fun (very good, source engine like combat style)
    ☐ Average
    ☐ Repetitive


    ☐ High quality
    ☑ Average (Not great mixing, to be expected from an old title)
    ☐ Repetitive


    ☑ Hard (On Hard, it posed quite the challenge)
    ☐ Average
    ☐ Too Easy


    ☐ Amazing
    ☑ Above Average (Sells the western atmosphere well voice acting amazing in some places)
    ☐ Low quality


    ☐ None
    ☑ A Couple (stuttering, not sure what from)
    ☐ Gamebreaking Bugs


    + Great atmosphere, level design included.
    + Weapon degradation, guns eventually break, similar to far cry 2, (this game came before).
    + Gunplay feels rugged, and rough around the edges, just as a western should be.
    + Gameplay is tough, but rewarding, forcing the player to be reserved when facing multiple enemies.
    + Story is well paced, playing out in episodes splitting the narrative from 2 perspectives.
    + Suspense and tension are expertly achieved.
    + Use your whip, or feet to create/navigate the world. A nicer way to advance than just the linear.
    + Cinematic zoom-in, for dramatic effect, similar to that of fallout nv/3.
    + First person full body render, details matter.


    - Engine hasn't aged well, looks a little scruffy.
    - Stuttering isn't great, seems the animations are also capped at 30fps.
    - Hud looks very poor quality, though not all of it looks bad.
    - Your guns get removed after each chapter, (not a fan of this at all).
    - Enemies have over-the-top range/accuracy, shotguns especially annoying.


    Call Of Juarez is the 1st game in sequence of stories told through the classic western lense.
    What i specifically like about this game is the way the story is told through perspective, one character going after another, but both played by the player in the 1st person,
    not many games experiment with this style of 1st/3rd person story telling, and i think it works really well.
    one of the better series of games to showcase the atmosphere in a gritty, but fair light. mixed in to myth and ideals of what it was like, through a ficticious storyline.
    From gameplay to narrative it plays well.
    what i really like is the lack of a health regen, in-place is a tonic based health drop system where you have to find them in the world, though they are not too rare, you often don't know where the next one is, so you have to strategically approach each encounter/mass encounter with a bit of caution.
    The suspense is nailed in COJ in a way most other Fps games fail at.

    Overall this game is one of the strongest in the series, for what it lacks in visual fidelity it makes up for in story, and gunplay.
    Well worth picking up, on sale or not.

    Time Played:

    Story: 8 Hours

    Completionist: 10 Hours
    18 Produkte im Account
    8 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    142 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.11.20 19:40
    + story
    - infuriating controls
    36 Produkte im Account
    52 Reviews
    296 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.11.20 16:01
    35 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    1091 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.10.20 15:42
    Gameplay 6/10
    Graphics, for a 14 years old game 8/10
    Story 10/10
    Main characters voice acting 10/10
    230 Produkte im Account
    38 Reviews
    499 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.10.20 06:29
    Great old gem, had lots of fun with this game, best in the series. Ignore the haters.
    218 Produkte im Account
    57 Reviews
    553 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.10.20 21:45

    TEST : Call of Juarez

    Call of Juarez est sortie le 12 Juin 2007, développé et édité par Techland. Il fait partie de la petite liste de jeu proposant une histoire à l’époque Western, un jeu qui certes commence à dater mais qui propose une expérience originale

    Positifs :
    • - Un doublage de qualité
    • - Un sound design bien géré
    • - Les ragdoll sont maîtrisé
    • - Le slow motion excellent mais pas trop pété (la concentration est efficace mais elle demande à être maîtrisé)
    • - L'histoire est simpliste mais se complète en nous permettant de jouer deux personnages avec deux gameplay légèrement différent et une perspective différente
    • - On a la possibilité de ramasser les flèches sur les corps (nouveau pour 2007)
    • - Le système de furtivité avec les ombres, les buissons et que les flashs de l'orage sont pris en compte
    • - Possibilité de faire des décales (mécanique simple mais utile)
    • - Plusieurs parchemins sont dissimulés où il est décrit quelques développeurs de Techland avec humour et semi-RP
    • - Un système d'escalade plutôt bien foutu avec des animations d'escalade et l'alternative d'utiliser des objets de l'environnement pour créer un escalier par exemple

    Négatifs :
    • - Graphiquement moyen (pour 2007, année de sortie de AC 1 pour comparer)
    • - Des chargements incroyablement longs
    • - Impossible de changer le FOV (sauf Mods)
    • - Les hitbox sont perfectible
    • - La précision des tirs est inexistante pour la plupart des armes (ce qui nous pousse à utiliser la concentration et quelques armes pour s'en sortir)
    • - Un moment dans l'histoire on doit voler un cheval pour faire une longue distance pour enfaîte faire 300 mètres (un défaut très mineur qui m'a fait rire)
    • - On ne peut pas sprinter
    • - Un level design pauvre et plutôt mal foutu (plusieurs fois vous allez chercher quoi faire pour avancer)
    • - Impossible de se déplacer pendant qu'on fait une décale
    • - Les balles mettent un certain temps à atteindre la cible (bonne mécanique mais pas quand la cible est à 50 mètres)
    • - Pas mal de bug de textures (pas de clipping mais des textures allongé)
    • - Les combats à main nue sont ridicule (quand tu as compris comment ça fonctionne, tu deviens imbattable)

    Conclusion :

    Call of Juarez est un jeu correct, il propose une expérience rafraichissante dans le sens original. L’évolution que l’on a dans l’environnement et la scénarisation que l’on a entre les deux personnages est très bien géré (contrairement à beaucoup d’autre jeu qui ont essayé) et rien que ses deux points en font un bon jeu MAIS le revers de la médaille n’est pas très glorieux. Sur tous les points négatifs énoncé, il y a deux points qui se démarques des autres. Le premier est l’absence de sprint, cette absence de sprint rend le voyage quelques peu pénible et le second point sont les chargement qui sont assez long, ce point est surtout frustrant par rapport aux performances qu’a mon PC par rapport à l’année du jeu.

    Il m’est difficile de conseiller totalement le jeu, je dirais que le jeu est intéressant pour ceux qui recherche une expérience qu’ils n’ont surement jamais eu auparavant.

    Durée de jeu : 10 heures
    Prix d’achat : 2.49€ (Call of Juarez – 22/12/2019)
    273 Produkte im Account
    175 Reviews
    421 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.10.20 19:12
    Really good game with fun shooting, a great dual narrative, and great variety in the gameplay with two different main characters. The presentation is pretty great also with some occasionally huge and open world levels that are great looking that have aged very well. The western theme is done very well and is quite a unique theme for the time. Honestly just a really good game that is only barred by some bad platforming sections and weak dueling mechanics.
    1295 Produkte im Account
    191 Reviews
    508 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.10.20 20:07
    ???? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????? ???????????????? ????
    68 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    196 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.09.20 09:36
    Old school western , back in the days it was fun to play multiplayer but now no one plays that. Very good story.
    78 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    63672 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.09.20 11:34
    While this game might be very old, compared to newer shooter titles, it might well be one of the greatest shooter games ever made. At the very least when it comes to the wild west sub-genre. There were countless attempts to catching on to, what Call of Juarez I has achieved over the years. A game, that even 13 years after it's release, despite the ever growing pressure from graphically much superior titles, is still being played and even improved by a small number of wild west enthusiasts. Lags are probably one of the only things that could stop new players from falling in love with this game. However, once you accept the reality, that a game of that age, has to have some sort of a catch, you'll also start to see the vast beauty and the great game-design of what may well be the godfather of all western shooters. No pay-to-win, no level up's, nothing but what it ultimately comes down to for every raw shooter purist - a fair game, where every player has access to the same weapons right from the get go, and it just comes down to what you can make of it. This game is all about angles, strategic positioning, precise aim and fast reaction. Despite all of it's buggs and glitches, it's a game that's magic, can hardly be described. The mood, the simplicity and all the unique types of players from all over the world, make it a really fun and worthwile game to play, still to this day. - Play fair, play friendly and enjoy this old classic like a good glass of original cognac!
    1267 Produkte im Account
    24 Reviews
    1276 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.09.20 21:26
    This game was pretty fun, with a decent story (I thought it was pretty interesting to play through and organically learn about both sides of the conflict), fun gun play, and good variety in game play and environments. My only real gripe with this game (that doesn't involve issues caused by its age) is that the open world segments just felt a little out of place in this linear game, it's definitely pretty unique for its time but i feel like it could have been executed a little better. Don't get me wrong, they were still enjoyable, just a little out of place.

    124 Produkte im Account
    164 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    230 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 09.09.20 16:33
    So the bloodshed and the graphics are great for its era. But for a senseless shooter there are just too many obstacles. Too much annoying jumping that does not always work, having to use the robe and pick up boxes. Just a lot of unnecessary work to run around and kill people. If you like that sort of thing i guess this is your game. But when you have a game like Gun to compare it too; it just does not add up.

    oh and its not open world so that is another thing i dont like.
    30 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    979 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.08.20 14:41
    This one's a little different, story-wise this game was pretty good and enjoyable with two fairly rad playable characters, but my god, there are many and many flaws to this game outside the story, where do I start?

    First off, it crashed randomly with no explanation mid-game about three times throughout the sixteen hours of it I played, then it's the awful controls and mechanics, the camera would stop and not move for me at times even though I clearly am trying to move it, and I also lost my save numerous times despite saving before closing the game, the last time being, when I reached near the end of the story, I did not want to bother at this point and watched the rest on Youtube.

    Overall, it was fine I guess, definitely has not aged well, but it had good voice acting too, great music and as I mentioned earlier, a fairly decent story, but that does not make up for the terrible gameplay mechanics, controls and the crashes, I will give the other games in the series a try as I heard they were good but if you're interested about this one I would just recommend watching it on Youtube.
    419 Produkte im Account
    99 Reviews
    658 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 14.08.20 11:44
    This game collection is one of the most memorable games and the best first person shooter in the Wild West
    90 Produkte im Account
    57 Reviews
    696 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.08.20 18:31
    The game didn't age that well but it still works. It has a nice story to it too and it's fun to play.
    378 Produkte im Account
    131 Reviews
    368 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.07.20 08:03
    I cant lie, this game is a bit bad. Even so, its got a whole lot of charm and a whole lot of personality and I think its worth a playthrough, especially if you plan to play the other games. Personally, whatever you do, I recommend getting the bible in one hand and a revolver in the other whenever you play as the priest, bunnyhopping through the countryside away from native americans and wolves while reading bible verses.

    Also only use the bow and arrow when you have it, trust me, it might feel like cheese but the game really isnt worth not cheesing, even if its fun.
    211 Produkte im Account
    50 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    478 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 10.07.20 20:28
    Sneaking mechanics does not fit for this kind of game. I hate so much playing as Billy.
    169 Produkte im Account
    40 Reviews
    578 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.06.20 23:22
    poor mans red dead
    30 Produkte im Account
    3 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    69 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 17.06.20 02:10
    The in game mechanics are so bad.
    228 Produkte im Account
    20 Reviews
    526 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 16.06.20 07:21
    Amazing somewhat short game, with a weird plot that is pretty funny. Liked it a lot better than the new ones.
    442 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    1350 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 11.06.20 02:15
    A mix of really well done Western-style and incredibly bad / frustrating filler sections. Using the whip to jump gaps for example is a pain (oftentimes not fun at all). I recommend if you love Western setting games and decent shooting gallery combat.
    360 Produkte im Account
    101 Reviews
    334 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.05.20 18:05
    A spaghetti western with meat!
    ...Wait, I am pretty sure that's from their ad campaign, or something.

    'Call of Juarez' is a narrative FPS where you can play as one of two protagonists -- each tackling different sections of the tale, and each with different playstyles and loadouts.
    As a young Amerindian man, stealth is key to your survival -- armed with trusty bow & arrow and the navigation skills of the Brave.
    As an elderly gunfighting preacher, your six-guns do the talking -- with a fistful of dynamite and a boiler-plate vest to soak up any complaint.

    Straightforward and fun, you could do a lot worse than blowing through the game in an afternoon or two.
    712 Produkte im Account
    111 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    543 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.05.20 17:10
    the game its self is 'ok', not unlike any fps adventure game of it's time, not great though - although it would be cruel to say it is bad when that type of linear game has not aged well - as the drawn out linear levels are merely feeding the story.

    Story was good , i guess, given you play one guy, and then the guy who is chasing him in succession - as many good stories have been written in the past. However, the gameplay is not particularly fun but does pass as ok or goodish; it certainly does not feature the sparkle and fun as COJ - Gunslinger has... Which is why I picked it up – because that game is fantastic!

    It does try to allow you to use the Indian equipment as well as the western equipment and requires you to use both characters, in different ways,with the boy using more stealthy gameplay and the man using brute force; sometimes on similar maps.

    I tried to play through, but found the game bugged when I reached a mission in a tomb (Chapter 14)- This was 9 hours in and felt I was nearing the end... and was REALLY annoyed. The bug meant my save game got wiped, and I did not find the game good enough to want to spend time playing through AGAIN - so I have dropped it and without too much regret I'm afraid.

    Its ok, and may 'stretch' a recommend for fps fans without the bugs, but not to have a random crash that ruins all of your progress...(This was not uncommon in the good 'ol days!) No sirree bob!

    I have googled this with bugs and it sure does have a random crash problem, and it happened in different places for each of the posts I read - none were solved.

    So cannot recommend.
    104 Produkte im Account
    68 Reviews
    356 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.05.20 10:40
    Really enjoyed beating this game even in 2020 with its old graphics and gameplay
    351 Produkte im Account
    137 Reviews
    6 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 20.05.20 14:18
    In days of old when Ubisoft were bold they used to have a partnership program to help smaller studios around the world shoot out. One such studio was Polish Techland who had been in gamedev since year 2000 and already recieved success with thier Chrome franchise. Here though? They really outdid themselves.

    Call of Juarez the first is a very special game - because it blurs the lines between a shooter and an adventure game, thus creating a sort of hybrid - something Techland never tried since and something that is generally very rarely seen. Other examples of such enterprises are Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and Peter Jackson's King Kong which coincidentally came out about the same time as Call of Juarez - shows that FPS was really trying to evolve into something else.

    Essentially, Call of Juarez is two games in one - both thematically and gameplay-wise.

    1. Billy Candle. A lost and confused adolescent of Mexican origin - the constantly suffering one. He gets abused, insulted, framed, pursued, beaten and shot at by bigger, stronger, older, more confident men. Henceforth he is constantly in hiding, trying not to rear his head, because even his presence seems insulting for the average white man. His gameplay is stealth, climbing and running away. He is responsible for the adventure part of Call of Juarez. Some of the maps he is put in are absolutely enormous - which is an important thing for the genre western in which scale always matters.

    2. Reverend Ray. A Catholic priest with a taste for hellfire. Lives a regular old fart life in a backwater town until the events of the game kick him off his booty, force him to remember his outlaw youth and distribute the [strike]un[/strike]righteous fury. Ray is the quintessence of all those bigger, stronger, older, more confident men who are out for Billy - and he is spearheading the chase laying waste to everything in his path. With a cuirass that blocks some incoming shots and slow-mo powers, he repserents the shooter half of the game.

    Philosophically, Call of Juarez is a revisionist western with just a bit more compassion and humanity than its cinematographic peers - the Wild West is going straight for your neck, and will scorn you while picking you apart, but the world is not hopeless.

    The most extraordinary thing about Call of Juarez is how many features it has. Horse-riding, expiring guns, rabbit-hunting, climbing, whip-swinging, slapping horses on their rears to create a distraction, trowing barrels to explode them later, throwing lanterns to set enemies on fire, throwing hatchets, quickfiring from the hip, kicking doors, pugilism, slow-mo dual-shooting, slow-mo bow shooting, slow-mo duelling and the star of the show - tactical Bible-quoting. Half of these are either near-useless or are used in specific places during the game, not intended for any emergent gameplay. But to think it is all there! That is what approximates this game to an adventure title.

    Consequent entries in the franchise cut most of it and were regular Call of Duty-style shooters, which broadened the audience, but put the series into 'just another FPS' category. Doesn't mean those were poor games, quite the contrary, latest Gunslinger being the best of them all, but they firmly lost the adventure-game feeling of the first one.
    197 Produkte im Account
    82 Reviews
    667 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 28.04.20 16:16
    A fun and interesting Wild West themed First Person Shooter about the lost gold of Juarez thought to be a myth. Billy Candle just wants to visit his family again after he tried to find the gold of Juarez but failed now broke and miserable he heads back only for him to return to a home that's been destroyed, parents killed, running from the law and making his step-uncle to assume the worst & hunt him down for answers. Story is well written with good twists and turns from 2 different perspectives of a young fugitive and a machinegun preacher without spoiling much. Levels are linear but from time to time open up and are well designed, has nice variety, with good flow though you return to some of the same areas it quickly changes to new sections for either one of the main protagonist's perspective making you utilize each of their own unique playstyles. Billy Candle is more stealth oriented so with his whip can traverse difficult environments, climb obstacles and a bow with arrows to stealthily take down enemies while Father Ray is more action oriented being better armored, can throw or swing heavy objects, use dynamite, kick foes, dual wield sidearms and fan a revolver. Both can use similar weapons except for 2 specific ones for each protagonist but each has their own unique Concentration Mode to deal with different situations like Father Ray's to shoot multiple targets or Bill Candle's to nail headshots with his bow. Weapon variety is good with a nice number of unique revolver types, an iron sight/scoped lever action rifle and a sawed-off or full length double barrel shotgun with dynamite for groups of enemies. Weapons have quality ratings with rusty weapons most likely to simply explode from weapon failure or overuse making you want to aim well and equip newer versions plus you can dual wield any sidearm combination. Melee is also available as sometimes you will get into fist fights but you can melee with your fists in other situations but its not ideal. Some objects maybe interacted with to be thrown or used to melee as well. If your not on foot sneaking or assaulting your on a horse in an intense chase with the occasional Dual mode where you have to manually equip your sidearm and shoot your foe first while dodging. AI is good taking cover and repositioning from time to time but sometimes they can be rather ridiculous due to the enemy able to shoot through tall grass or even mounted on a horse without much problem and great accuracy making you want to play smart & use cover as there's no regenerating health here instead you have to find some bottles to heal yourself with either manual saving or autosaving incase it gets bad thankfully there's 3 difficulty settings to tailor your experience. Enemy variety is the usual from such Wild West games but the enemies, AI, story and mission variety is engaging enough to keep you entertained till the end. Collectables are just wanted posters of the development team incase you want to do stuff on the side Multiplayer is available if you want to play more with different classes with different loadouts and appearances alongside typical game modes like TDM and DM plus new ones like Gold Rush and Bank Robbery up to 16 players but it wont work unless 3rd party solution or LAN. Bugs and glitches aren't a lot and if you do encounter one its nothing that a load last save game cant solve. Graphics still look great with a lot of rich detail, scale and variety especially with the DirectX 10 enhancements makes you feel like your in a real Wild West despite some linearity with good animations thought the audio is decent it has a nice soundtrack if not a limited one. In summery if your itching for a well made Wild West action adventure shooter with a great story this is one of the very few ones available for PC that runs smooth and looks great too without being as intimidating or PC demanding. Highly recommended for fellow Outlaws and Sheriffs.
    322 Produkte im Account
    11 Reviews
    277 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.04.20 12:11
    Nice but buggy wild west rail shooter. Great atmosphere but constant game crashes and stucking in textures were my best guns to beat this game.
    303 Produkte im Account
    80 Reviews
    485 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.04.20 21:43
    This game has changed my life
    189 Produkte im Account
    54 Reviews
    484 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 15.04.20 10:39
    Very very underrated.
    161 Produkte im Account
    80 Reviews
    650 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.04.20 19:34
    Good game. Good story.
    572 Produkte im Account
    92 Reviews
    402 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.03.20 12:05
    Despite the fact it may need a few fixes, I was very pleasantly surprised with the first Call Of Juarez and it's spaghetti western goodness.
    3343 Produkte im Account
    732 Reviews
    281 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 07.03.20 04:35
    Released in 2006, Call of Juarez is the first game in what became a quadrilogy of releases by Techland. The plot is actually based on a real life legend of hidden gold and riches, called the Lost Gold of Juarez; it's rumored to be the ransom for Emperor Moctezuma, gold which disappeared after the Fall of Tenochtitlan. Some believe this treasure is buried somewhere near the city of Juarez, Mexico, but it's also said that Huitzilopochtli, a deity of war, placed a curse on it... leading all those who seek its fortune to insanity.

    The story starts out by introducing the first of two protagonists, Billy Candle, who has just returned to his hometown of Hope, Texas, after being gone for two years searching for the lost treasure of Juarez. Returning empty handed, Billy eventually makes his way to his home to see his mother and abusive stepfather, only to find them murdered in cold blood. As he stands over their blood-soaked bodies, the town preacher, Reverend Ray McCall, notices him and assumes Billy killed his parents. In a turn of events, Billy's stepfather is also the Reverend's brother. Filled with sudden bloodlust and a desire for revenge, the Reverend returns to his chapel to don his pistols once more. After murdering the entire town, he starts chasing after Billy with nothing but vengeance on his mind.

    Hooboy, okay. To put it simply, Call of Juarez is one of those very early 7th-generation games that has not aged well in the functionality department. The mechanics are spectacularly awful by today's standards, and it's made all the worse due to just how many that the developers crammed into the gameplay. Late 2006 was the start of 7th-generation gaming, and as such many of these early game entries feature heavily flawed logistics that were newly developed due to the large amount of engine changes and overhauls. Many of the techniques were unrefined and rough around the edges, especially in cases that consisted of smaller development companies, like Techland. While at the time of its release this title was considered to have a robust set of ideas, almost 15 years later these same ideas are working against it, and making it less fun and more frustrating to play.

    There's everything here from stealth, to platforming, swinging across gaps on a whip, horseback riding, quickdraw fights, fist fighting, and obvious gun play with several methods of shooting. Surprisingly enough, the stealth elements are the only ones that've held up over the years, with everything else having some detrimental flaw. Sneaking around as Billy is fun; the NPCs will hear you if you don't bother to mask your footsteps and sounds, and hiding in bushes actually works. Platforming and rope swinging can only be done by Billy as well, but he takes forever to climb up a ledge. The rope swing is fickle, and if you grab the wrong area of a branch you won't make it across a gap. Horseback riding is okay, but for whatever reason the canter binding is automatically set to capslock; this is just one instance of god awful default bindings that can thankfully be changed. As for the gun play, I witnessed my fair share of bullets and arrows going straight through enemies, and the aiming is notoriously finicky. It should also be noted that the autosave checkpoint system is harsh, and remembering to utilize manual saves is a must.

    Despite the aforementioned, Call of Juarez does get a lot right. It has an enjoyable and engaging story that swaps back and forth between having you play as Billy and the Reverend; not only does this disperse the many mechanics of the gameplay, but it also lets you see the story from both sides. The 15 missions are generously split between both characters, while Billy focuses more on stealth, platforming, and some later puzzle solving as the Reverend is more of a cover-based gunner whose chapters are focused heavily on action. The voice acting and soundtrack are also top-notch, and help to create an immersive experience. The graphics haven't aged terribly if you play on DirectX 10, but the level design is poor and often times it's difficult to determine where to go, as there isn't always a clear-cut path. That said, the levels are very diversified, landing you everywhere from forested areas, to deserts, homesteads, and small villages.

    It's really hard to make a decision on whether or not to recommend Call of Juarez, since it's not a bad game... it has just aged terribly. If you're someone who can handle clunky and awkward mechanics that were unpolished even when they were new, you'll probably find a lot of enjoyment in the story that's offered up here, as well as with the characters and the varied gameplay. The story does set the groundwork for later entries in the franchise, so knowing the plot in this debut release is a necessity if you plan on playing more of the series. That said, if you're unable to handle frustrating mechanics, unforgiving checkpoints, random difficulty spikes, and weird glitches, this might not be the game for you; you'd be better off watching it on YouTube instead. Buy it at your own risk, but not for full price.

    Rating: 3.0/5.0 - Average, can take it or leave it.

    The Horror Network Curator | Group Click for Gore
    197 Produkte im Account
    37 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    110 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 05.03.20 23:02
    Maybe I'm just terrible, but this game actively made me dislike it.
    Everything from the great characters to the open world to the nice stylish graphics made me want to see this through...but then I'd get insta-killed by a teleporting enemy even after I successfully snuck past him in a previous part of the game, I'll fall through the graphics after a cutscene, I'll fall four feet and die, I'd empty a gun into an enemy and they wouldn't die, I'll get lost because this game has a weird combination of free-form gameplay and VERY specific things it wants you to do. More than any other game I had to keep checking walkthroughs just to know where to go. Even walkthroughs have contradicting ideas of how to just survive the cheaper parts of the game.
    Great atmosphere, fun characters, nifty gritty western theme, good music...I just can't play it for very long without getting very angry. Maybe if you're a dabhand at jankier games you might be able to get to the good stuff.
    For me, I just kept trying and trying but games are supposed to be more fun than they are frustrating.
    2356 Produkte im Account
    138 Reviews
    557 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.02.20 21:05
    A really good Wild West shooter, though it peters out near the end. Awesome gunplay, a fun story and good atmosphere.
    232 Produkte im Account
    55 Reviews
    479 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 12.02.20 12:24
    A decent game. The game is pretty good if you like fps games and want a fps western game. I really liked that you played like two different characters. The gunplay is good enough and you have enough vaired weapons. The bow is fun to use. I liked that you had to use the whip to traverse the enviroment , to get from one point to another. The game is just hard enough on normal. Recommended game if you get it for a decent price.

    PS: this game has to have the longesst mountain climb i have ever had in a game.
    355 Produkte im Account
    23 Reviews
    852 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.01.20 15:47
    A good western themed game, with some of the best voice acting I have ever seen in any game.
    153 Produkte im Account
    39 Reviews
    485 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 27.12.19 16:24
    Really enjoyable game!

    + Good story.
    + Fast & straight to the point.
    + Fun gun play!
    + Bow was great fun!
    + Two great characters to play as.
    + Cool levels & environments.
    + Horse Riding!

    - The duel bug! It was horrible. I looked it up and I read to alt + tab the game then go back into it for it to work. I tried this and it worked for me.
    - The platforming was slow and awkward.
    - Long loading times. Not sure what that's about, but I have faster loading times on newer games than this. Wasn't great.

    Overall, CoJ was awesome to play and gun my way through! I definitely do recommend this despite it's few flaws which can be worked around.

    My rating:

    6.5/10 Whiskey Bottles.
    989 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    1104 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 02.10.19 05:54
    This is actually the Xbox remaster of the game back ported to PC, which means :

    DirectX 10
    Shader 4.0
    Native Widescreen, Bump mapping, Godrays, HDR, HD textures, HD shadows, long draw distance, better post process and more effects. Even openAL and eax.

    Never done the original, this is a pretty good out of box experience in 2019, feels like a 2014 game. Looks way better than the steam store screenshots at max settings.

    Gameplay is PC centric, has ledge grab/vaulting, learn left/right, player controlled slow-motion and many free roam maps. Some levels remade for xbox also ported here.

    526 Produkte im Account
    133 Reviews
    640 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 22.09.19 19:41
    Call of Juarez is a beautiful spaghetti western story that despite a few signs of aging can still deliver a hell of a punch.
    Sure, visuals are now outdated, and yes, at some point along the game you wish you could meet and kill the level designer (Eagle Mountain, I am looking at you), but everything is there for a reason.
    Climax builds up in a classic western movie style, and oh boy if it does build up till the very last click!
    Wear the cloak of Billy Candle, the fugitive half-mexican boy and of Reverend Ray, the right hand of the lord and his sword in a crazy adventure along the southern border in search of an assassin, a treasure and a girl.
    I really really enjoyed it even if 13 years have passed since its release. The beauty of the story, the concepts and the flow manage to overcome the few flaws due to the age.
    Gets a 90/100 from me, absolutely recommended, not as a game, but as an experience.
    84 Produkte im Account
    6 Reviews
    667 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.09.19 16:04
    So I've just finished this game, and wanted to share a few thoughts with you guys. It took me 11 hours to beat it on medium difficulty and I do not regret time I spent playing it. In short, its a FPS set in a Wild West climate. The plot itself is pretty good, although sometimes you feel like it's not really interesting as it could be, if polished well enough (no pun intented, game devs are my countrymen). The most annoying parts of the game I've encountered was some bugs, hard jumps and multiplayer, which at the moment of writing has only one server online, up and running. Music certainly does a decent job in creating mood, but either hit-or-miss (0 or 100% shoot accuracy) enemies can make you laugh or tilt. In my case both. I liked the storyline, and it did trigger some reflections and existential thoughs on me, which I consider as an accomplisment as for the game creators. Not much else to say, I reccommend getting this and trying out by yourself.
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    Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
    73.53% 761 274
    Release:08.11.2007 Genre: Actionspiel Entwickler: Techland Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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