Call of Cthulhu - The Video Game
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Über das Spiel

Der Cthulhu-Mythos faszinierte schon Generationen von Lesern und wuchs zu einem der größten gemeinsamen Universen heran, die die Welt je gesehen hat. Ihm entspringen unzählige Geschichten, Romane, Filme, Brett-, Rollen- und Videospiele, die alle ihren Ursprung in The Call of Cthulhu von H.P. Lovecraft haben. Sein weitreichendes Vermächtnis umfasst viele Adaptionen und Referenzen, die bis zu den Anfängen des 20. Jahrhunderts zurückreichen und die alle an die Urangst des Menschen vor dem Unbekannten anknüpfen. Call of Cthulhu haucht diesem Mythos nun für PlayStation 4, Xbox One und PC ganz neues Leben ein.
In dieser Welt ist nichts so, wie es scheint. Der Verstand verlässt einen nur allzu oft und wird abgelöst von den Stimmen aus der Dunkelheit. Der Cthulhu-Mythos wird beherrscht von seltsamen Kreaturen, sonderbarer Wissenschaft und dunklen Kulten, die versuchen, ihre finsteren Pläne zu verwirklichen und das Ende der Welt herbeizuführen.
Dein Verstand wird leiden, denn die Grenze zwischen Vernunft und Wahnsinn ist rasiermesserscharf. Deine Sinne werden verwirrt, bis du die Realität um dich herum in Frage stellst. Traue niemandem. Du weißt nicht, was in der Dunkelheit lauert … und währenddessen wartet der Große Träumer auf sein Erwachen.
Wir schreiben das Jahr 1924. Privatermittler Edward Pierce wurde beauftragt, den tragischen Tod der Familie Hawkins in ihrem imposanten Anwesen auf Darkwater Island, weit draußen vor der Küste Bostons, aufzuklären. Zwischen unfreundlichen Einheimischen und fragwürdigen Polizeiberichten wird deutlich, dass mehr dahintersteckt. Schnell wird Pierce in einen furchteinflößenden Strudel aus Verschwörungen, Kultisten und kosmischem Horror hineingezogen.
Geheimgänge, gespenstige Irrenhäuser, illegale Bars und scheinbar verlassene Lagerhäuser machen Darkwater und seine öde Landschaft aus. Die Zeiten des Walfangs sind lange vorbei und heute leben hier nur noch verbitterte alte Seemänner und aussterbender alter Geldadel. Neulinge sind hier nicht willkommen.
Du begegnest Schrecken außerhalb der menschlichen Vorstellungskraft und tauchst tief in die Geheimnisse ein, die sich unter der Oberfläche der Bevölkerung von Darkwater Island verbergen. Sprich mit den Menschen auf der Insel, überstehe tödliche Gräuel und entdecke mysteriöse Spuren bei dem verzweifelten Versuch, die schreckliche Wahrheit über den Hawkins-Fall aufzudecken.
Ermittlungen können ganz unterschiedlich aussehen. Sprichst du eher mit den Charakteren, um ihre Geheimnisse herauszufinden, oder siehst du dich lieber selbst um?
Ein Verbündeter kann dir die nötige Ablenkung liefern oder dir einen neuen Weg zeigen: Genauso gut kannst du aber auch ein Schloss knacken oder den Schlüssel stehlen. Obwohl Pierce im 1. Weltkrieg gedient hat, ist er kein Kämpfer. Du wirst also deine Probleme lösen müssen, ohne die Fäuste einzusetzen oder die Einwohner niederzuschießen.
Wie lange kann der Geist von Pierce gegen diese Schrecken bestehen? Nach all den Jahren schwächt das allgegenwärtige Trauma des 1. Weltkrieg immer noch seinen Verstand, und auch sein Alkoholismus wird ihm auf Darkwater kaum helfen.
Sein Geisteszustand hat große Auswirkungen darauf, wie Pierce die Welt wahrnimmt und wie die Geschichte für ihn ausgeht. Es liegt an dir, ihn vor diesen Gefahren zu schützen. Doch manche Wahrheiten kann nur ein Geist finden, der bereit ist, sie zu erkennen.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-3450 (3.1 GHz)/AMD FX-6300 (3.5 GHz)
- GFX: 2 GB, GeForce GTX 660/Radeon HD 7870
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
- HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7-3820 (3.6 GHz)/AMD FX-8370 (4.0 GHz)
- GFX: 4 GB, GeForce GTX 970/Radeon R9 390
- Software: Windows 7/8/10 (64 bits)
- HD: 13 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.22 09:02
Zuerst einmal die größte Stärke von Call of Cthulhu: Die Atmosphäre. Das Game schafft es von vorne bis hinten eine angespannte Horror-Atmosphäre zu halten, die sehr stark durch den Stil und die Grafik unterstützt. Diese Aspekte ziehen den Spieler sehr gut in die erstellte Spielwelt hinein, die von Lovecraft ins Leben und von den Entwicklern des Spiels verwendet wurde. Auch die Musik, die Dialoge und die Story haben mir beim Spielen sehr gut gefallen. Es bildet alles einen sehr passenden und gut durchdachten, wenn auch teilweise etwas verwirrenden Rahmen für ein sehr gelungenes Horror Spiel.
Die einzigen Aspekte, die mir ein bisschen negativ aufgefallen sind, sind einerseits einige Spielelemente (z.B. [spoiler]dieses Hide and Seek Element beim ersten Kapitel in der Anstalt[/spoiler]) und andererseits wie das Game endet. Im Vergleich zum Rest des Spiels, finde ich zwei Enden sehr unspektakulär und leider etwas langweilig, was bei einem so tollen Spiel dann sehr unbefriedigend ist.
Fazit: Ich würde Call of Cthulhu auf jeden Fall weiterempfehlen. Besonders für Horror- und Lovecraft-Liebhaber bietet das Spiel ein paar Stunden atmosphärischen Psycho-Horror-Spielspaß.
192 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 05:50
Tja, da weißt Du gleich, was Dich erwartet, lieber Leser. ;-)
Und ja, endlich mal gibts ein stimmiges und vor allem stimmungsvolles Cthulhu Game mit einer schön dichten Atmo und einem Wahnsinns Sound. Man ist sofort drin und kann sich dem düsteren Zauber dieser umwirklichen Welt nicht mehr entziehen. Richtig so! Denn wer will das schon?
Viel lieber möchten wir doch alle verweilen in dieser so elenden Küstenlandschaft und nicht nur gefühlt, sondern ab und zu auch wirklich tausend Tode sterben bei unseren Ermittlungen im Fall einer tragischen Familiengeschichte.
Spoilern will ich Dir die mal nicht, sondern Dich alles selbst erforschen lassen. Lass Dich gefangen nehmen von einer wirklich netten Grafik, tollem düsteren Sound, einer angenehm verwinkelten Handlung und richtig stark ausgearbeiteten Charakteren.
Der ganz große Horror Schocker ists nicht, aber das hast Du bei dem Thema hoffentlich auch nicht erwartet. Du kriegst, was man sich hierbei wünscht. Angenehmen Grusel mit stets drückender Stimmung und dem Wissen, dass dort draußen im Küstennebel wer weiß was auf Dich lauern könnte.
Gleich wird es hervorspringen und Dich angreifen...
warte noch...
ganz kurz nur noch...
noch bisschen mehr....
es ist nur schüchtern, aber gleich greift es sicher an...
na vielleicht springt´s hervor, wenn Du Dich selbst vor den Rechner klemmst, also hopp hopp - zock los, das Spiel ist sein Geld doppelt wert, als langjähriger Lovecraft Fan (der Du ja bist, sonst hättest Du schon vor Minuten aufgehört das hier zu lesen ;-) , kriegst Du ein paar schaurig schöne Winterabende mit Kopfhörern auf und im dunklen Zimmer vorm Rechner geboten...
Viel Spaß dabei .... ;-)
Und hey, wenn´s Dir gefallen hat, ne Runde von mir zu lesen, dann klick hier
und da gibts mehr von mir auf meiner Curator Seite. Schmökern for free: Also stell Dir nen Tee bereit und viel Spaß beim lesen...
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 21:22
All in all a great Game about finding Cthulhus Phone Number.
Multiple Endings and alot of Choices but my guess is they dont impact the outcome of the game that much.
597 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 23:05
Ich kenn mich ja im Cthulhu Kosmos nicht so aus aber das hat mir nicht den Spaß genommen dieses Spiel zu entdecken. und Entdeckt wird eigentlich fast ausschließlich in diesem Spiel.
Ich würde schon soweit gehen und sagen das es ein Walking Simulator ist allerdings mit sehr viel Dialog Optionen und Entscheidungen. Es wird aber auch nicht zuviel geredet und die Gespräche sind alle vertont wenn auch nur in Englisch.
Es ist spannend wenn auch ein bisschen Kurz aber für einen kleinen Preis lohnt es sich auf jedenfall :)
835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 21:10
Die Atmosphäre macht einiges gut und auch die Charakter sind gut.
Die Lovecraft Story hat nette anspielungen aber so weit gedacht wie die Bücher war es leider nicht.
Aber ich kann es Empfehlen für alle die ein Atmosphärisches kleines Story Horror Game spielen wollen.
858 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.21 19:48
Als Privatdetektiv und Kriegsveteran Edward Pierce bekommen wir den Auftrag die Wahrheit hinter dem Tod einer gefeierten Künstlerin und ihrer Familie auf einer Darkwater-Insel in Boston zu untersuchen.
★ Positiv ★
➝ düsteres Setting und fesselnde Geschichte
➝ interessante Charaktere
➝ die Geräusche kreieren eine spannende Atmosphäre (mysteriöses Flüstern, Echos oder auch verzerrte Stimmung)
★ Neutral-Negativ ★
➝ zwar erlebt man eine unheimliche Atmosphäre, allerdings kommt der Grusel doch recht kurz
★Weiterempfehlung! ★
Ein gutes übernatürliches Spiel mit vielen düsteren Elementen, welches gut als Einstieg in Horrorspiele geeignet ist. Wer hier ein sehr gruseliges Spiel erwartet, könnte aber enttäuscht werden.
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 14:56
Mehr ein Detektiv-Spiel mit dichter Atmosphäre als klassischer Horror.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn
Es ist bestimmt nicht leicht Lovecrafts Visionen visuell umzusetzen, aber hier ist es vergleichsweise gut gelungen. Die Ankunft in Darkwater, der dicke Nebel und der omnipräsente grüne Rauch der überall umher wabert macht das Ganze sehr stimmig und passend im Bezug auf den ganzen Cthulhu-Mythos.
Ein paar Sachen sind mir trotz dessen negativ aufgefallen:
Die Grafik könnte zeitgemäßer sein. Vor allem die Gesichter der NPCs - (wirken hölzern und im Allgemeinen sehr ähnlich)
Das Lampenöl der Laterne ist sinnlos, weil das Feuerzeug über unendlich Benzin verfügt.
Das Skillsystem wirkt nur halbfertig und versagt an manchen Passagen.
[spoiler] Ich habe es als sehr unnötig empfunden in den letzten 20-30 min eine Waffe in die Hand gedrückt zu bekommen. Das ganze Spiel über hat es ohne ganz gut funktioniert und wirkte im Endeffekt ziemlich erzwungen und technisch überflüssig. [/spoiler]
Als Fan des kosmischen Schreckens lohnt es sich dennoch, wenn man es im Sale kauft.
651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 22:25
Atmosphärisch sehr gut gelungen, wobei man bei der Grafik ein paar Abstriche machen muss.
Ansonsten sind mir keine Bugs während des Spielverlaufes begegnet.
Ohne viel zu verraten... einfach selbst spielen.
Ist auf jeden Fall sein Geld wert!
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 18:45
Feuchte kalte Luft umgibt mich als ich zu mir komme. Entsetzt starre ich zuerst auf meine Hände. Blut. Alles ist voller Blut. Panik steigt in mir auf. Wo kommt dieses Blut her? Bin ich verletzt? Fragend blicke ich umher und sehe Kadaver, Gedärme, Blut...... Ich zwinge mich bewusst hinzusehen und erfasse das Ganze. Es sind tote Fische. Hier ist es so kalt, ich kann meinen Atem sehen, und dennoch stinkt es hier widerlich nach dem verwesendem Gedärm. Ich bahne mir einen Weg durch die Kadaver. Vorsichtig laufe ich über den blutgetränkten steinernen Boden. Schnellstens will ich hier weg........
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 13:45
Düstere Stimmung und eine noch düstere Handlung...
Falls einem das Lovecraft Universum gefällt, dann ist dies genau das richtige....
Im Sale lohnt es sich, den Vollpreis würde ich, aufgrund des Alters und den doch eher schlauchigem Pfaden, nicht mehr ausgeben...
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.20 18:56
gebe ich für das Spiel gerade noch so eine Empfehlung ab.
1298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 12:15
Die Entwickler haben sich definitiv persönlich mal mit okkulten Themen auseinander gesetzt. Aber das nur am Rande. Das einzige, was ich als Kritikpunkt erwähnen würde, wären vielleicht ein paar Animationen der Spielfiguren. Jene sind vielleicht nicht auf der Höhe der Zeit. Aber selbst dies tat für mich keinen Abbruch an der intensiven Atmosphäre.
Für jeden, dem Atmosphäre wichtig ist und/ oder von der Lovecraft-Thematik angezogen wird, ist das hier eine absolute Empfehlung!
453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 19:31
Call of Cthulhu®
Leider nicht 100% Lovecraft
Wir spielen Privatermittler Pierce, der auch schon Mal ein paar Gläschen über den Durst trinken kann.Unsere Aufgabe ist, den mysteriösen Tod der Familie Hawkins auf Darkwater Island aufzuklären. Von Albträumen geplagt machen wir uns auf den Weg in den Wahnsinn.
Die erste halbe Stunde laufen wir herum und es passiert eigentlich nichts Großartiges. Interessant wird es erst beim Hawkins Anwesen.Bin mir bis jetzt noch nicht sicher ob Pierce eine spezielle Gabe besitzt oder nicht, weil bei manchen Schauplätzen wechseln wir zu einem so zu sagen ``Detektiv Modus´´. Dort verschwindet vieles um uns und wir können zum Beispiel durch ein Buch auf dem Boden kombinieren, dass es vom Tisch gefallen sein muss als jemand auf den Tisch gesprungen ist. Wahnsinn oder???
Es gibt auch Schleich-Passagen, die meiner Meinung nach, die besten Abschnitte sind. Eine fand ich ziemlich anstrengend, weil die Sicht sehr gering war.
Sonst fühlt es sich wie ein Walking Simulator an, etwas düster mit wenigen bis keine Jumpscares.
- +Spieldauer hatte ich ca.8 Stunden.
- +Sehr gelungene Atmosphäre.
- +Errungenschaften gibt es 49, also man benötigt mindestens 2 Durchläufe um alle zu bekommen, bzw. es gibt 4 Enden und die schafft man ohne Guide nicht.
- +Die Schauplätze waren sehr gut.
- +Stellenweise hat man Panikattacken, da wird alles unscharf und wir atmen schneller.
- +Sammelkarten.
- o Die Entscheidungen die man trifft haben Auswirkung auf die 4 Enden. Ohne Guide aber nicht machbar, da muss alles Stimmen.
- o Keine deutsche Spracheausgabe.
- o Ich fand die Rätsel etwas zu einfach.
- o Warum besitzt man eine Öl Lampe, wo man Öl nachfüllen kann, wenn man ein Feuerzeug hat?
- -Skill-Tree ist für die Katz. Bringt nix.
- - Teilwiese total veraltete Grafik, vor allem die Haare störten mich extrem. Musste immer bei den Zwischensequenzen hinschauen.
- - Cthulhu selbst stand nur im Hintergrund, leider.
Habe mir großes erhofft, leider wurde ich hier enttäuscht und kann keine 100%Empfehlung aussprechen.Dennoch, wenn der Preis Stimmt (unter €5.-) würde ich es kaufen, Story fand ich OK, nicht herausragend aber akzeptabel und die Atmosphäre war klasse, also gibt es noch ein kleines JA von mir.
Viel Spaß bei/mit Cthulhu
Nicht Empfohlen
931 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 20:22
Nicht Empfohlen
441 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 20:32
I love Lovecraft and I love Gaming so a perfect fit you would think. And this game managed to really capture the cosmic horror Lovecraft is famous for, but not in any sense that makes it an enjoyable game unfortunately.
You assume the role of Private Investigator Edward Pierce who is contracted to investigate the unfortunate death of Sarah Hawkins and her family. The game starts of promising. Nice Story, good detective elements etc. But the more you progress and the more you uncover of the mystery surrounding Darkwater Island the more the cosmic horror takes hold.
As you near the big revelation, the game changes from an interactive story into a seemingly neverending series of unskipable cutscenes where your only agency is to click on a dialog option every now and then or to drag your beaten body and exhausted mind a few wobbling steps along a nightmarish landscape.
This is where the cosmic horror really reveals itself. You are begging for the game to stop, to give you something to do, to give you some agency, but no, everything has been written. Your only choice is to follow the path that your previous decicions have laid out for you. You can only hope to get killed or for the elders to kill everyone else to make it stop.
So if you are into that kind of gameplay, then go ahead, but yee have been warned!
455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 16:11
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!
Nicht Empfohlen
919 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 18:24
+ Cthulhu-Mythos
+ basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Pen&Paper Rollenspiel
+ detailreich gestaltete und gruselig beleuchtete Orte
+ surreale Zwischensequenzen
+ passende Soundeffekte
+ klassische Schauplätze
+ dichte Lovecraft-Atmosphäre und das Gefühl dass mit der Welt oder dem eigenen Geisteszustand etwas nicht stimmt
+ Fähigkeiten in Form von Redegewandtheit, Entdeckung, Stärke, Ermittlung und Psychologie, und die beiden Spezial-Fähigkeiten Medizinkunde und Okkultismus; mittels Charakterpunkten kann man sich verbessern (siehe dazu aber sich unter Negatives)
+ unterschiedliche „Rätsel“
+ glaubhafte und menschliche NSCs
+ viele Gespräche und Ermittlungen
+ interessante Story (siehe dazu aber auch unter Negatives)
+ Buch eines gewissen wahnsinnigen Arabers Abdul Alhazred
+ im Laufe der Handlung spielt man vier verschiedene Charaktere
+ überraschende Wendungen und Spannung bis zum Schluss
+ vier mögliche Enden (siehe dazu aber auch unter Negatives)
- Grafik ist selbst auf „epischer“ Einstellung nicht zeitgemäß trotz Unreal Engine 4 (Release Ende 2018 wohlgemerkt) und ist technisch hoffnungslos veraltet
- hölzerne Animationen der nicht selten wächsernen Figuren
- miese Haar-Physik
- Vertonung nur auf Englisch (mit deutschen Untertiteln) was Atmosphäre kostet
- auffällige und peinliche Fehler in der Groß- und Kleinschreibung bei den Beschreibungen der eigenen Fähigkeiten
- störende und nicht ausblendbare Haupt- und Nebenziele oben rechts in der Bildschirmecke (stirb Entwickler, stirb!)
- detektivische Spurensuche ist nichts weiter als ein Abklappern von Hotspots
- weit hergeholte um nicht zu sagen hanebüchene Schlussfolgerungen bei Tatorten
- Fähigkeitswerte haben kaum Auswirkungen im Spiel und motivieren auch nicht diese zu steigern
- schlauchartige, meist kleine Abschnitte die eine offene Spielwelt nur vorgaukeln und in der es auch kein Zurück gibt
- kein Haushalten mit Lampenöl erforderlich da das Sturmfeuerzeug über unendlich Benzin verfügt und nur ganz kurz zu heiß wird
- Gegenstände müssen nicht kombiniert werden
- nervige „Schleich“-Passagen mit katastrophaler Schleichmechanik und dummer KI der Wachen/Gegner
- eine mindestens genauso nervige „Lampen“-Passage
- Wiederverwertung der meisten Abschnitte in späteren Kapiteln
- kaum Gameplay-Anspruch abseits der unsäglichen Schleichpassagen
- Geisteszustände bleiben bis auf eine übertriebene Klaustrophobie ohne Auswirkung
- fast keine Nebenaufgaben
- Geschichte wirkt irgendwie wirr zusammengebastelt und hat Plotlöcher so groß wie Dimensionstore
- Entscheidungen haben (fast) keinen Einfluss auf das Gesehen, auch wenn das Spiel das anders behauptet
- schlecht gemachter Shooter-Abschnitt ohne eigenes Zielen mit einer Pistole die man aber eigentlich die ganze Zeit schon dabei hatte
- alle spielbaren Charaktere spielen sich gleich und haben sogar die gleichen Föhigkeitswerte (was zwar spielerisch erklärt ist, aber keine Abwechslung bietet)
- Kameragewackel im 14. Kapitel ist zum ????
- kein freies Speichern und nur ein Spielstand, was fatal ist falls man Fehler macht und das Spiel danach automatisch speichert
- man kann zumindest drei der vier möglichen Enden einfach nacheinander ansehen, durch neuladen des letzten Spielstandes, woran man merkt dass es egal ist, was man zuvor alles im Spiel gemacht hat
- geringe Spielzeit von etwa einem Dutzend Stunden für alle Kapitel, wenn man sich Zeit lässt
- kein Wiederspielwert
Man verkörpert die meiste Zeit Edward Pierce, einen amerikanischen Veteran aus dem Ersten Weltkrieg, der durch Alkohol und Schlaftabletten versucht seine Alpträume zu unterdrücken.
Der Protagonist haust 1924 in seiner eigenen Ermittlungsagentur Pierce und soll auf der kleinen, abgelegenen Insel Darkwater, die vor Boston liegt, einen mysteriösen Fall einer toten Künstlerin klären.
Das Genre wandelt sich von Exploration zu einem Schleich-Spiel, das dann auch noch mit Survivalhorror und einem Shooterpart aufwartet, inklusive einiger weniger verworren kniffliger Rätsel hier und da.
Neben dem „Kosmischen Horror“ und der hervorragend umgesetzten Angst vor dem Unbekannten, betritt man hier leider auch tatsächlich den Wahnsinn, wie es einem im Hauptmenü entgegen leuchtet. Nur leider einen Spielefeature- bzw. Gameplay-Wahnsinn. Oft habe ich kopfschüttelnd vor dem Spiel gesessen und die Entwickler verflucht und nur weiter gespielt weil ich den Cthulhu-Mythos mag.
Die erste Schleichstelle, bei der meine Freundin sich dann auch irgendwann weggedreht hat und eingeschlafen ist, war zu Beginn noch interessant aber insgesamt zu lang. Die zweite Schleichstelle war eine stumpfe Trial-and-Error-Katastrophe bei der ich schon kurz davor war abzubrechen. Diese Versteckspielabschnitte machen, den Alten sei Dank, insgesamt den kleineren Teil des Spiels aus. An einer unsäglichen Lampen-Stelle, im ansonsten eher einfachen Spiel, kam ich über viele Minuten sogar nur anhand eines Let‘s plays weiter. Ich hoffe ich kann verdeutlichen das dieses Spiel viele Probleme hat und leider auch unfertig oder zumindest stark gekürzt wirkt.
Es hat auch viele tolle Momente und eine Atmosphäre die in Erinnerung bleibt. Die Örtlichkeiten wie Darkwater und die Hawkins-Villa sind sehr gut gemacht. Dass man aber später fast alle Orte wiederverwendet, war leider enttäuschend.
Die ersten 2 h Walkingsimulator spielt sich das Spiel noch gut, aber mit den dann hinzukommenden, entsetzlichen Spielemechaniken wechselt das Ganze ständig zwischen Spielspaß und Frust.
Deshalb kann ich das Spiel nur Fans des Cthulhu-Mythos empfehlen. Alle anderen sollten sich besser ihren klaren Geist bewahren und was anderes spielen.
Hier mein Review zu:
Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (2006)
Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
488 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 12:59
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl
That's how I'd characterize this game: False non-linear and not well structured soup of mixed emotions and feelings, however, those emotions are wonderful, and as a fan I felt completely satisfied. This is a nice Lovecraftian roller coaster constructed by combining all beloved HP stories into one insane adventure. Even though the plot and endings aren't perfect, the title is a wonderful example of a survival horror/quest game for any Lovecraft lover. Absolutely perfect atmosphere, references, and level design. Also, regarding my problems with plot I'm sure some people would argue that it adds the right feeling of insanity through which the main character goes, like in the Lovecraft works, for example and they will be completely right.
In general, the title is worthwhile, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to anybody who like Howard Phillips works or this game genre.
Nicht Empfohlen
1158 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.22 14:00
That said, the game itself is not so bad, especially its story and lore if you like this genre, but the game mechanics...
It's very easy to even get all the achievements, it's short and the combat isn't challenging at all; nothing horror but more like a thriller.
It lacks a lot of immersion, for example in the sound.
Good story, bad game.
Only recommended in big sales.
719 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 15:52
I haven't finished the game yet but I'm enjoying every minute of it.
Runs fine on Linux with Proton GE 7.0 rc6. I had to install GE and someone recommended this specific version to me to fix the missing cutscenes. Performance wise - the game is playable on maximum possible settings on an Arch Linux RTX 3060 laptop with 120+ FPS in 1080p.
Nicht Empfohlen
105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 21:46
Nicht Empfohlen
189 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.22 10:56
Sure, you can argue that it adds some spice to some areas where you have to apply stealth, and many places where you can choose how to tackle a situation. Mostly they just lead to the same conclusion anyway, making the spice just turn it all to a somewhat foul fish stew.
Graphics are poor regarding when the game came out. Sound effects and music just passed by me. Storywise it's just what to expect - nothing more, nothing less. It's not a horrible game. But it's far from a good one either. Nothing stands out so I can't really find a reason for myself for playing it.
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387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 23:28
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694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.02.22 05:30
I also found there to be way too many dream sequences, but that is just a matter of taste. I don't like dream sequences, time travel or head hopping, and the game includes all three. If you do, then none of it will be a problem.
This is not an action game, and as such, the stealth is hilariously simple, and you can usually outrun whatever is after you. The skill system is interesting, but too shallow to have any important impact. Yes, it will net you different endings and some changes in dialogue, but not enough that it seems worth a replay. It's similar enough that you might as well google the different endings, once you've had one of them.
I don't regret buying the game because I can see what the devs wanted to do with the game, even if I think they didn't succeed in their goal. Maybe they ran out of money, maybe they ran out of time. I don't know which. I gladly support efforts to make horror games of this kind, but that doesn't mean I think they succeeded in their goal, nor that I can justify recommending buying it.
If I would recommend anything at all, it'd be to keep an eye out for their next attempt at a game.
992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 14:38
1. The game is not scary, it's more like detective with horror and RPG elements.
2. It's super easy to get all the achievements. Puzzles in game are also very simple to solve.
3. There are 4 endings and the story was not bad.
I would recommend to buy it with discount cuz, again, the game is really short.
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.01.22 21:59
If you got time to kill, why not summon Cthulu?
879 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.22 04:43
+ Beautiful scenery & background.
+ Quite good at story-telling, tho I think it can be expanded more.
+ The puzzle is quite good, it took me some time.
+ Every choices U made will have impact on Ur fate a.k.a the endings (has 4 endings).
+ OST is a good choice, it match perfectly for me.
- For it's price, it's quite short. Sure, I don't mind since it's not from AAA-dev teams too but I'll be glad if the stories expanded a bit more.
- The expression & details on characters aren't made very well, they didn't match the situation most of the time. Or was it only me? IDK
That's all. Hope I can give another Ctulhu mythos fans to buy this game too 'cause even w/ it's flaws, it's still good. Ah, last one. Never expect good ending from any Ctulhu-inspired & serious theme games, happy endings non-existent in it.
731 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 23:19
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 23:03
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620 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.22 22:52
Call of Cthulhu is a Lovecraftian, psychological horror RPG that seemingly takes inspiration from The Shadow over Innsmouth as you follow a private investigator uncovering the mysteries of a decrepit seaport town that has more to it than what initially meets the eye, in theory anyway.
In execution this game is painfully generic and if you’re genre savvy then absolutely nothing about it will surprise you. This type of story has been done before many times and in my opinion, it’s been done better.
The story is underwhelming and mediocre, although it has a certain charm to it. It never tries anything new, emotionlessly hitting all the beats to a generic lovecraftian story and while part of me wants to say it’s not poorly executed the endings were abrupt and unsatisfying. When I finished the game my feelings were a combination of “meh” and “what?”. It was very anticlimactic.
The Shambler takes up most of the game but has very little to do with the main plot. It feels like filler, which is crazy given how short this game is. You could argue that [spoiler]Sarah summoned it to drive Edward mad but her motivations regarding the creature are never stated and it has no bearing on the house fire or ritual.[/spoiler] Overall it feels like it was added in as an afterthought to kill time.
Sometimes the game is pleasantly subtle but then undermines those moments by spelling it out for you. Whereas other times the game gives you nothing to work with when you’d like some context as to what’s going on.
Certain beats feel ham-fisted, such as the potential romance between two characters which feels like an awkward and blatant attempt to try to make the player feel anything while playing this game.
There’s also the fact that the protagonist has a gun on him the entire time but generally flails about instead while he proves himself to be the world’s slowest runner.
My final note on the story is a spoiler, but in my opinion [spoiler]Sarah Hawkins' motivation is never clear and she doesn’t have a character arc. She just flips sides randomly and tells you that she was always playing you, before telling you that she wasn’t but actually she was and it goes on and on! I get the feeling that the game expected you to care for her as two of the abrupt endings linger on her death but what was there to care for? We barely know her.[/spoiler]
For a horror game, it’s visuals aren’t particularly scary and as a whole the game looks dated even at the time of it’s release.
The characters do not look good and the terrible lip synching does not help. There is something truly disturbing about watching a regular, ordinary human being’s tongue flop about while they speak because their mouth is just a little too open and their teeth are clipping through their jaw. As far as I can tell this wasn’t done intentionally for the uncanny affect, it’s just unpolished animation.
In my opinion, the puzzles aren’t well executed and gameplay is Call of Cthulhu’s weakest element. To be frank, it’s a janky mess.
The game hand holds you through it’s investigation scenes with what I can only describe as superpowers as it’s protagonist has perfectly accurate visions of the past based on minimal information. You’re not given an opportunity to draw your own conclusions and there’s no real need to think during these scenes as they serve as little more than as an exposition dump.
The combat comes out of nowhere and is so poorly executed I wonder why they even bothered. The gun has no way to aim but I was able to shoot every enemy from halfway across the map without even trying. I'm not even sure that you can miss unless you’re trying to shoot at your feet. I feel that the time they used working on this segment would have been better spent trying to improve the stealth mechanics since those came up more often and needed some work.
Your stats mean very little, some lead to new dialogue options but they don’t affect the overall conversation or run of the game. You can have most of the endings available to you on one playthrough. This is loosely based on the TTRPG of the same name but doesn’t do the system justice.
The game autosaves and has no manual save system, so if you want to take a break without having to start from the beginning of the chapter you’re out of luck. That said, during the stealth segments it saves far more often, as when you fail it reloads you to your last checkpoint which made me realise it was doing so quite frequently without telling me so. This is good in theory but in execution it caused me to get stuck in a dead end a few times as it saved at inconvenient moments.
The cutscenes are incredibly quiet and while apparently there is a solution available in the community hub that you can find to fix this issue most people are going to use subtitles to get through the game like I did. They’re an absolute necessity given how quiet the dialogue can be, which is why I find it all the more egregious that they’re wrong.
There are dozens of errors in the subtitles that are blatantly obvious even if you can’t hear what the characters are saying. Some words aren’t capitalized correctly, misspelled or the grammar is off. Sometimes when you can hear the characters you notice that the subtitles are just plain inaccurate and not reflecting what’s being said.
Other than that the character models would frequently clip in and out of each other. Their clothing would clip into their bodies and their body parts would clip into other body parts. It’s very distracting.
I’m usually a completionist but you’d have to pay me to play this game again, it simply doesn’t feel finished and wasn’t fun to play. You’d likely have more fun reading about this game on it’s wiki or watching it on YouTube but frankly there are better uses of your time out there.
Ultimately one playthrough is about 8-10hrs in total which is a decent chunk of time considering how little it actually has to say.
I don’t usually do this but while I’m here I’m going to add in a few recommendations for other pieces of media that you can check out that follow similar elements from this game that you may prefer to use as a starting off point but I fully encourage you to do some of your own research, if this game interested you there is plenty of other media out there for you to discover! Some of you may already recognise my suggestions but if you haven’t heard of them I hope you give them a shot!
TTRPG: Call of Cthulhu, Pulp Cthulhu
My top two favourite TTRPG systems, these both offer up a ton of pre-written material to work with along with the groundwork to build your own horror stories and adventures together with a group!
That said, if you don’t have a group to play with and aren’t interested in joining a new group online then there’s always Alone Against the Tide which is a Solo Choose Your Own Adventure book using the same system!
GAMES: Siren: Blood Curse
Gameplay wise these two games don’t have much in common but storywise there’s a few major beats that are surprisingly similar and in my opinion they’re executed better in Siren: Blood Curse. It’s definitely the better stealth horror game out of the two.
BOOKS: Shadow over Innsmouth, The Call of Cthulhu
Two short stories written by H. P. Lovecraft that this game takes inspiration from. Lovecraft’s work isn’t for everyone and there are definitely other writers who have expanded on the Cosmic Horror subgenre since but there is still value in examining it’s inspirations with a critical eye.
YOUTUBE: Outsiders: How To Adapt H.P Lovecraft in the 21st Century, by hbomberguy
An insightful 30m video discussing the impact of Lovecraft’s work and why people today of all backgrounds are still drawn to it. It’s definitely worth a watch.
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.21 05:32
Just finished-up Call of Cthulhu (2018). Of course, I do have some thoughts on this one, after spending a little over 14 hours with this game. So, here they come: some incoming thoughts on this descent into madness.
In this game by Cyanide Studios, you play as Edward Pearce, a private investigator over in Boston in the 1920's. You have to pay the bills, so you take on this case about the Hawkins Family, who are supposedly died in a try and figure out who did it, why, and all of that good investigative & detective stuff. Meanwhile, Edward has drinking issues, takes sleeping pills & also has some nightmares - and is trying to stay sane. If this all wasn't enough, Edward might be getting more than he bargained for in this particular case, also involving possible supernatural elements, Secret Cults, gangsters, and who knows what else.
The game looks really good & runs great, for the most part. On my PC, this game was no challenge for my rig: i7 10700KF; 16 GB RAM; RTX 3070; and W10 x64. Easily catching 100-200fps while running this one - and also, since it really wasn't necessary - locking it down to 60fps did the job fine here, as this isn't normally an action-paced game. Environments definitely look good and are detailed, for their time period and all, often immersive-ly setting the scene, game, its world, and whatnot.
So, there are a few action sequences here, even in which you do have a gun and will shoot - mechanics are fine, but really simple; and enemies aren't difficult and/or don't have much AI to them at all (which kind of makes sense, given what's going on in the story). There are even sections where you have to run to get out of an area. There's even some stealth sequences, in which you have to avoid being detected. Again, none of these are entirely deep or anything - but they all do function fine. They're just small elements and used to push the plot ahead, often while also used to break-up the bulk of the game's very heavy narrative & character development stuff.
Most of the game, you'll be encountering talks with NPC's; investigating areas for clues; trying to recreate what you think happened in crimes scenes; solving some puzzles *which sometimes can have different solutions); and things of this sort. For the most part, this is an adventure game mixed with some RPG-lite elements and decision-making elements, which can shape the journey of the game and even the endings a bit. I don't know how many endings there are, but I have seen 3 of them already, all which do have much different outcomes.
Based on your decisions in the game, what you say, what you do, Lore you find, and how you do in the investigation stuff - you can also then also in turn upgrade your character's skills, stats, and whatnot in certain categories. Two of those, they're based off what you find in the game-world; only way to upgrade those two skills. Other skills, once you level-up, you can point points in any of the other skills - such as Strength, Investigation, Philosophy, etc. And yes, your skills will matter, as they can also open-up more options for interacting w/ stuff in the game-world and even NPC's, which can also shape your game's journey and outcome, similar to what The Council was doing.
What really stands out here is the game's narrative, character development, story, plot, writing, and often the voice-acting - as most of that stuff's really good here. Besides all of the other stuff, this stuff's definitely one of the reasons to check this game out. Not only all of that, but there's also another reason to check this one out: this game-world is also really interesting & very immersive w/ its location & setting, and game-world, as the graphics look really good and there is a very distinct feel here to a 1920's Boston here, which is right on the docks by the sea in an area ruled by fisherman.
In the game scheme of things here, Call of Cthulhu (2018) delivers a really good story & narrative; really good character-development; and an immersive game-world to explore & investigate. After about 14 hours or so, I've seen a few of the game's endings (since you can re-load your last save and see what other options you have opened-up for endings), though not sure if that's all of them.
Regardless, I was immersed in the world, its setting, the detective work, the decision-making, its story, and its characters - and it was definitely worth taking up this Call, to try to figure out what's going on with all of this game's madness. In the end, this was a pretty good adventure game here, to say the very least and I'm glad I answered the Call that this one made to me.
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398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 23:04
All that said, if you are a Lovecraft fan, like me, then you will no doubt buy this game, regardless of minor criticisms like this one. And for those people, there are some stunning visuals to be had here. You will probably be only mildly disappointed in the failure of the gameplay to reach that same quality. You can shelve it with all the other unsatisfying films and games that never quite captured the feelings of the stories. You really should just watch a YouTube video of a playthrough, because the gameplay elements are just not there to justify purchasing.
As an objective indicator, there is a story-based, steam achievement for getting to the half-way point, and only 51% of game owners obtained it. So many owners gave up on the story, because 82% had finished the first level.
467 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 01:59
Got it for $6. Totally worth it as the game is very short.
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455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 22:00
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 08:37
520 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 17:55
As a fan of the mythos Call Of Cthulhu did not disappoint me.
Lovecraftian horror has always been to me interesting due to how it approaches cosmic horror and bring it such madness that stays with you even after having finished playing/read his stuff. H.P lovecraft is the titan of cosmic horror and Call Of Cthulhu stays very true to what makes Lovecraft's mythos worth getting into but also makes it really fun in interactive form with plenty of mystery, fictional cults and otherworldly imagery and dream inspired madness. Cthulhu is also one of the more interesting deities from the mythos to me and probably the most memorable to most people who are a fan of Lovecraft's mythos.
439 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 22:50
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628 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 21:42
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 16:58
The games takes cues from Layers of Fear and the Amnesia games but never really find it's own voice and that is disappointing because Lovecraft's work of cosmic horror fits perfectly in this sub-genre that is a bit more cerebral and slower then it's in-your-face contemporaries but Cyanide Studios is not daring enough to quite go there all the way. In the last few chapters the game even slides back into trodden game stereotypes.
But despite all it's flaws I liked the game, I just can't recommend it without reservation.
I sincerely hope Cyanide will take a second stab at this with a bit more budget and courage to be subtler, even more cerebral and off-putting. Just like the books. Because I know they can pull it off.
1923 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.21 04:16
This game is not like most games that claim to be Lovecraftian but are just strange, horror games with no real plot or story-line. This one is quite the opposite. This game creates a rich story-line that gleans themes from many of Lovecraft's most loved works, and it has the best sanity mechanic in a game I have played! As someone who has read all of his stories (multiple times) this game is as close as they come.
Story-line, soundtrack, ambiance, sanity mechanic, replay-ability.
Sometimes the graphics can glitch, though is has really good voice-overs.
709 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 15:41
This game may not be perfect, but it really captures the Lovecraftian world accurately and feels almost like a successor to Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (a classic that's worth playing if you haven't already). This game featured on my YouTube channel as a full playthrough, along with also appearing on my game review series Second Take where I go back and revisit games I've completed on my channel to share my thoughts and a sort of final verdict on how I feel about the game.
I'm a non-professional gamer, so enjoy my dysfunctional walkthrough and sub-par review! You've been warned (feedback welcome of course)! And join my gaming community for more average content and gaming shenanigans?
Walkthrough (EP1):
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606 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 00:16
It's limited in it's gameplay. If i compare this to Dark corners of the earth, this game feels like a walking simulator. In this game you mostly look around, sneak around to find stuff. Although the interactions are plenty, it's still pretty stale. People say the RPG mechanics really matter but i managed to get most endings except 1 in my first playthrough. Not worth replaying imo. It's fun on a sunday if you like Lovecraft style games.
EDIT: Revisiting Dark corners of the earth (DCOTE). It is so much more intense, dark and has the Lovecraft feel to it. CoC (2021) just doesn't hit that spot. I wish they looked more at DCOTE and implemented at least some gameplay/action sequences. The only real action this game has is running away from an entity, that isn't even that creepy.
For me, it was a real let down ..
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 21:05
That said, It was an interesting journey. If you like Lovecraftian works, go ahead.
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 19:46
Lovecraftian horror, based on H. P. Lovecraft's works or not, is rarely done well in video games due to the focus on mystery and vulnerability instead of player empowerment. Fans of this niche genre are starved for an adaptation that merely gets its priorities straight, and thankfully Call of Cthulhu gets them very, very right.
Between the appropriately dreary, soggy, slimy, coastal setting, the green color filter, and the oppressive atmosphere, this game really nails its presentation. The writing is good, and the first half of this game is a well-paced, suspenseful, engaging mystery. However, when subtly is dropped in the second half and the fantastical elements are shown front and center instead of left to the imagination, the lesser degree of polish becomes more apparent, though to be fair this is a relatively modest project made by a Double-A developer.
Detective work and the ability to participate with the story are done very well, but stealth and shooting feels dated and stiff. There were characters that had great introductions but then just disappear from the story or weren't given a satisfying ending. That's not to say there weren't payoffs to what was set up, but I guess it's kind of expected that a story of this genre would have a conclusion that was open-ended.
This game is a mixed bag but I feel it got the most important parts right, and it did them so well that I can forgive the previously mentioned problems along with the occasional spelling and grammar mistakes. I enjoyed this game a lot more than the similarly named “Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth” (2005).
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 15:06
It's all about the story. It's a really interesting psychological horror game without jump scares. I think there was one jump scare throughout the game and it really caught me off guard because I just accepted that it didn't have jump scares. The story's really interesting though as are all the characters. It kept me wanting to play the next chapter to see what happens next. It's rather short, I finished it at about 6 hours. If you're in the mood for a scary game, give it a go.
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690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.21 04:24
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81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.21 21:23
Lying to the guards requires more eloquence than I have. Going through the sewers needs a higher spot hidden to find all the pieces of the winch to open the grate. Cat won't talk to me. The bartender won't sell me any alcohol. There's no point having so many approaches if it'll lock you out of most of them for not having the right skills.
I'm now unable to proceed and will just have to start again. I'm going to refund the game instead. It's sad because I wanted to like it but it has prevented me from continuing before I even really got to see the game.
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691 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 17:39
Tip to the devs: This isn't a roguelike game, let me save when I want and load when I want.
734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 23:36
Don't expect an action game though, it's more about narrative and decision than about game mechanics.
561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.21 11:29
The graphics are meh, there's wrongly spelt and recorded subtitles, audio delays, a complete lack of lip syncing to character model's faces, the odd bug, questionable efficacy of character choices i.e. stat allocation (is there any point to Strength at all?)... Extremely linear level progression, no real combat, no real difficulty and 4 endings that are different levels of bad endings in typical Cthulhu fashion. In a word, it's euro-jank.
Everything about this game should make me dislike it... but it has real charm, character and atmosphere. That may just be H.P. Lovecraft's source material (which I'll freely admit, I haven't read). Even though I feel they really over-do the overt symbolism right from begin in the paintings, head sculptures, overly green tinted lighting and liberal use of fart gas effects. I would have appreciated if it attempted to be a little more subtle and built up to that type of imagery as the investigation gradually unfolds but it really starts at 7/10 and it's difficult to keep escalating the weirdness as a consequence because you become so normalised to the very overt horror aesthetic.
All in all though, I would still recommend this. There's moments here and there where they really capture an ambience I've been wanting to see in a Cthulhu game. You get that feeling if the studio had more people, money and time, they could have really pushed this further and made it a fantastic game. Pick this up as a gamble in a Steam Sale, don't pay more than £10 for it and see if it's for you.
459 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.21 00:01
But why single save slot? Why?
You miss one thing and now you have to play the whole game.
I hate that design choice of yours. So many indie game developers did the same thing on the games i completed recently.
It kinda ruined the beautiful journey of mine while playing this true indie gem.
Beside that, story is great, atmosphere is awesome, characters are fine...
992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.21 21:40
It is a more narrative driven game, so the actual gameplay is limited nevertheless it's mostly enjoyable
The biggest problem i have with this game that in order to get the different endings you have to replay from the start
954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 18:08
It's a walking simulator for our lord and saviour Cthulhu with some survival elements, pretty good voice acting (mostly), good music and a perfect length.
Also, the default ending was the best one because how can you fight your destiny? Cthulhu will awake and devour the world!
A solid 7/10.
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400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 16:17
If you have to play a Call of Cthulhu game, play Dark Corners of the Earth. This isn't worth your time
435 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 11:46
749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.06.21 02:17
As a long time fan of the Call of Cthulhu role playing game, this game scratches the itch. It follows the formula for better and worse. Mystery, detective work, and the inevitable descent into madness is guaranteed, and the story delivers on the expectations set by the franchise.
The graphics are good, not spectacular. A specific let-down is facial animation. In general most animations don't seem realistic or well blended. Environments are detailed, good modeling, decent texturing. Colors become a little monotone after a few hours. I get it, it's supposed to be dark and gritty, but that doesn't mean everything has to be green and muted looking.
Shaders are good, audio and music is a highlight.
574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.21 23:51
Very dialogue and narrative heavy but is done extremely well. Lots of loose ends tie nicely at the end and your choices you make do seem to affect how the narrative is told in key moments throughout the story.
Something I really liked was the tidbits of story that aren't explicitly told but are pieced together in the background.
Ultimately and easy recommend, even if it is a bit light on explicit horror for a horror game.
511 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 18:53
2404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 13:41
You play as Edward Pearce - a combat veteran with PTSD. He begins an investigation into an apparent suicide and soon determines there are dark cosmic forces at play. He spirals down into madness as his journey dives deeper into the occult. There are some difficult moments - an extended stealth scene, a couple of 'escape from the monster' scenes, and some gun play. These areas are spread through the middle of the game and I was relieved that, towards the end, the game got easier and there was no major boss to overpower at the climax.
Overall, Call of Cthulhu is about exploration, dialog, and choices. There are RPG elements as character points are earned and applied towards specific qualities (strength, psychology, etc.). You also build your medical and occult skills by finding objects along the way.
The game auto-saves on a regular basis and for the most part, getting killed does not require serious backtracking. There are fair number of collectibles (most of which I missed) and multiple ending achievements depending on your choices and your character profile. There is a 'Sanity' trait that changes based on your experiences. I managed to go from 'on the edge' to full psychosis towards the end. Hmm...
Despite moments of extreme frustration, I ultimately persevered and played to completion. I enjoyed the story and am actually looking forward to replaying it. For a second run, I will pay more attention to collectibles, change my character traits and decisions, and hope for a different outcome. I highly recommend this to those who enjoy an engaging story with a few challenges thrown in...
An added note - After a 3rd play through, I achieved 100%. Playing with different choices and sanity levels created a new experience and the more I played, the more I appreciated what a really good game this is. The sound track is exceptional... put on a pair of quality headphones and prepare to lose yourself in this one!
549 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.21 21:25
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190 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 13:58
1476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 08:59
A Tale of Human Madness and Resilience.
Call of Cthulhu is a psychological horror game, inspired from Howard Phillips Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu and officially based on Chaosium's tabletop RPG Call of Cthulhu, where you play as Detective Pierce who gets warped into cosmic horror while investigating the Hawkins family's death on the Darkwater Island.
• Not very scary, apart from a few parts in some chapters, the end being the culmination of everything horrific in the game.
• Fascinating and very well-written/realised ideas and story.
• Choices and actions taken will affect the endings you will be able to choose.
• Every characters have motivations, emotions and goals.
• Luck-based actions and unique dialogues based on the skill's level required.
• Impressive world-building and atmosphere in every level in-game.
• Multiple Endings (4).
• Fun investigation mechanics.
• Voice acting is really good most of the time, and at some places, not so much.
• Animations are really well fleshed-out.
• Short-ish and pretty much linear.
TL;DR, this is a game that's worth playing, especially if you are into the Cthulhu Mythos, though may be too costly for the length of the game, wait for a sale if possible.
685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 20:50
Genre: First Person - Point & Click Adventure
The Good:
+ The game has an interesting story that slowly reveals itself the more you play. The majority of the game is speaking to characters and collecting items with the occasional easy puzzle thrown in the mix. It all works well enough because the story is mysterious and engaging enough to keep things moving along nicely. The game has a good pace to it, every chapter moves the story forward in a meaningful way, nothing in the game feels like cheap filler or padding and it was somewhat refreshing to play a game that doesn’t over extend its welcome.
+ There is some lite rpg mechanics, you can upgrade certain characteristics which unlock different dialogue options or what items you can discover. Depending on how you upgrade your character there are multiple ways of solving a puzzle and the choices you make will determine what type of ending you will unlock.
The Average:
+/- Due to the budget, graphics, animation and lip syncing are not the highest quality you would expect, however I never felt it distracted from the overall game.
+/- There are some stealth sections in the game and they feel more frustrating than fun. Enemies will often spot you when they shouldn’t, luckily these sections are very few and don’t last very long.
+/- This is more of a disclaimer, but given the subject matter and marketing, this isn’t really a scary game. If you are looking for a truly horrific game that will keep you scared…this isn’t it.
This is a highly focused narrative game that will last anywhere between 7-10 hours. It’s a good game to play to kill a weekend.
622 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 01:35
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่งลี้ลับ-< ความเชื่อที่อธิบายไม่ได้ อ้างอิงจากนิยายสมัยก่อน นี่เล่นจบคือไปฟังประวัติปีศาจ Cthulhu ต่อเลยอะ 5555 โหวตยอดเยี่ยมฮะ เห็นคนหน้าปลาหมึกทีไรก็นึกถึงแต่เ-
มนี้จริงๆ-< 5555
625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.21 18:07
A very good game for anyone interested in the occult, the Cthulhu mythos as well as dark and mysterious places, it's not without a few shortcomings.
[+]⠀While not a hardcore fan of H. P. Lovecraft, I've read most of his works and what I love about them is what's not told, shown or explained. There is this constant confrontation with things beyond our comprehension, both as human beings and as readers, and his short stories feel like access to dangerous forbidden knowledge where there is never any tangible proof of the supernatural and what could be interpreted as proof, like the Necronomicon, is kept under lock and key. This game, while being simple to follow for anyone unfamiliar with Lovecraft's works, respects that. What's not in there, though, is the sense of loneliness in keeping insanity away (Conarium, based on At the Mountains of Madness, does it with style). In Call of Cthulhu, you have friends to help you so it plays more like a conventional adventure game. The graphics are generally excellent, especially the Hawkins manor and the endgame location. The music is very good too. It's soft in the background and nicely adds to the tension. I also quite liked the investigation mechanics, through I expected a little more in that department. Apparently, there are multiple endings. That's good because I intend to play this game again making different choices.
[-]⠀Let's just face it: the animations are horrible. Characters twitch and move like games from 15 years ago, before the age of motion capture. I felt the transitions between chapters were too abrupt. The stealth sections were mostly fine except one where I died over and over from bad design decisions. There is also one weird shooting section in which the protagonist could just as well have clubbed or simply punched the enemies senseless which would have been way more fun and respectful of Lovecraft's writings. Finally, I would have liked to find more hidden occult things, even unrelated to the story.
454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.21 15:57
I enjoyed the game, but I do think the full price is a bit much for what you're getting. If you like Lovecraft and find this game on a discount, it's worth checking it out.
780 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 12:00
What could you expect for your money?:
- A story rich game, with a lot of details, background informations about characters, locations. This is clearly the strongest part of the game.
- If you expect an action packed game, then this is not for you. While it has some, like 2 stealth scenes, one chapter where you need to use your gun to shoot down enemies. I wouldn’t call that FPS part challenging or interesting at all.
- Ok graphic with nice cutscenes.
- Great voice acting.
This is not an AAA game, Call of Cthulhu is literally a story telling walking simulator with minimal stealth and action elements. You might get disappointed based on the amount of money you spent on this game, because I doubt it worth its full price. While I found the story entertaining and had no regrets about playing this game, I would be disappointed too if I would have bought this one without deep discount.
Hey, I am an achievement hunter!
Perfection time: ~11-15h+ and at least 1,3 playthroughs required. To aim this time however, you are not allowed to play blindly without any checklist as the game has many collectibles and 4 different endings, you are not allowed to drink alcohol and so on. While there are steam guides, i found them pretty awful, some list collectibles for chapters as last while it was found at the beginning of the chapter and backtracking was not possible, so the most decent written achievement related walkthrough, with very minimal spoilers, then i would suggest the following:
If you still want to play blindly, it is highly recommended to back up your save file at every single chapter start and once finished a chapter check if you collected everything or not, if not, then restore your save instead continuing your game.
If you liked the review or you like to earn achievements, but in enjoyable, fun and entertaining games, then please follow my Average Achievement Hunter curator or just check out our curated games. Thanks
492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.01.21 16:51
Keeps you on the edge of your seat and does horror well. Apart from 1 very annoying section, it was a very enjoyable experience. A good interpretation of the Lovecraft Mythos.
Would recommend it to anyone who doesn't like the standard horror media affair and is looking for something that might possible click in the genre.
468 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 22:24
There are elements that remind me of the Sherlock Holmes games (puzzle solving), however, unlike Sherlock it also involves a little more stealth & action (but generally limited - its still an adventure with light RPG elements at its core.
If you enjoy first person detective type games with a horror twist this is good fun.
257 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 07:02
☐ Try not to get addicted.
☐ Very good.
x Good.
☐ Nothing special.
☐ Ehh...
☐ Bad.
☐ Just don't.
☐ You forget reality.
☐ Masterpiece.
x Beautiful.
☐ Good.
☐ Decent.
☐ Will do.
☐ Bad.
☐ Awful.
☐ Paint.exe...
☐ Eargasm.
☐ Very good.
x Good.
☐ Decent.
☐ Not too bad.
☐ Bad.
☐ Earrape.
☐ Kids.
☐ Teens.
x Adults.
☐ Everyone.
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint.
☐ Potato.
x Decent.
☐ Fast.
☐ Rich boi.
☐ Ask NASA, if they have a spare computer.
☐ Nothing Special.
☐ Not greatly told.
☐ Average.
☐ Good.
x Lovely.
☐ Will make you cry or smile a lot.
☐ Just press a bunch of buttons.
☐ Easy.
x Significant brain usage.
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master.
☐ Not so easy.
☐ Difficult.
☐ Dark Souls.
x Nothing.
☐ Only if you care about leaderboards/ranks.
☐ Isn't necessary to progress.
☐ A bit grindy sometimes.
☐ Average grind level.
☐ A bit grindy.
☐ Insanity.
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of tea.
☐ Short.
☐ Average.
☐ Long.
x Depends on you.
☐ Endless.
☐ Just buy it.
☐ Worth the price.
x Wait for sale.
☐ Maybe if you have some spare money left.
☐ Not recommended.
☐ Don't throw money into a rubbish bin.
x Never had any.
☐ Minor bugs.
☐ Few bugs.
☐ Can get annoying.
☐ Ruining the game.
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs.
1530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.20 07:16
Nicht Empfohlen
448 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 01:41
This game is, by far, at its best when you're exploring, solving puzzles, and talking to people. While this is a reasonable chunk of the game, it gets bogged down by rare sections of stealth, running from monsters, and shooting. The enemy AI is possibly the dumbest and slowest in any game I've ever played. Even the monster that half of the game builds up to can effortlessly be outran. This game does reasonably well at selling the illusion of a threat, but it's hard to not quickly discover how dumb the AI is. Most horror games make the big bad monster obnoxiously powerful, but this game takes the polar opposite path.
In addition, this game has skill checks that you only have a probability of passing. This means that there's a chance a character specced into strength can fail a strength check, but a character without any strength investments can potentially pass it. The game is pretty cruel in this regard, because it tends to autosave after failed checks. It's sometimes not even clear if you passed the check in the first place. On top of all of this, most choices tend to only have immediate effects, if any. Two dialogue options may seem like they would yield vastly different results (threatening cop vs siding with him), but the same thing happens either way.
This game's graphics are about as mixed as it can get. While there's some segments that have some great atmosphere (like the bookstore, Hawkins mansion, and art gallery), most of the game is incredibly green and blurry. So many visual effects are present at once that the game is hard to look at. It feels like a simulation of being slightly nearsighted at times. In addition, I hope you like caves and repeated visits to the same locations.
I'm really not sure about this game. I really liked what I did like, but the rest of the game feels so substandard. Replay value is harmed by the bizarre skill system and the fact that most choices don't make much of a difference. The alternative, harder to obtain endings are rather disappointing. Imagine replaying the game for a weak 10 second ending! I can really only recommend this game if it's on sale for very cheap.
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 18:44
You play as a detective investigating a suspicious death on an old whaling island in the late 1800s. As you investigate and find clues, the story unfolds into so much more. Think of it like playing a choose your own adventure book! The skills you have can help you find more clues or persuade people to give up information.
You have to make choices throughout the game that will affect the story and your gameplay experience. The loop is pretty much searching an area, talking to the people there, searching for clues and hidden items to boost your skill levels, then finding the exit. Kind of like one of those escape rooms.
Anyway, for the price I recommend it. Just don't go in expecting a fast-paced experience.
1146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.11.20 01:00
The game itself ran me about ten hours but I feel like if they had focused less on replay ability they could have made a shorter, better game, or had they gone all in on the RPG aspects they could have bulked the game up more, and we could have gotten a more well rounded experience. Either way the game firmly sits in the middle of the road for length and quality.
Not to be too critical, I end up enjoying most Cyanide Studio games, so it was a given to me that I would probably like it, even if they usually have a low budget vibe. I found Call of Cthulhu to be one of the best games by the studio yet, by far. I have to say the game really seems like an indie game pretending to be big budget to me. It pulls it off well I think. Aside from my opening remarks I dont really have any complaints about the game. I hope we get more games like it from Cyanide in the future.
Nicht Empfohlen
2370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.20 06:17
946 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 19:44
352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 00:48
This game almost has it all. The story is intriguing. The sound and atmosphere are great... But what ruined it for me is the AI stealth detection. I'm at chapter 5 and have lost progress enough for me to call it quits. I don't like horror games, but after playing SOMA, I realized what I'm missing out. I want to go further in this game, but if I'm going to have to face monsters in later chapters (who can detect me for bullshit AI) then I'm just going to stop while I'm head.
I'm going to recommend this game because it enjoyed it for what it was, but I don't see myself ever going back to it. I don't have the time.
688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 06:40
But if you're looking for a good narrative/adventure game with horror and madness, go for it.
Excellent atmosphere, perfect color palette, innovative sanity system that can change the game world around you and not for the better... This is definitely not a Disney game.
Call of Cthulhu is one of the best game using the Lovecraft universe.
534 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.10.20 21:32
Nicht Empfohlen
471 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 22:31
This game though, its hard for me to say that... unless you are a massive fan like me, its probably better off skipped.
For one, since nobody is saying it, it is very loosely based of the tabletop game CoC and not the lore of Lovecraft. It is a original story and has some cool moments and ideas, like the revelations that come with Leviathan. Ultimately, though, its utterly insane how its cobbled together. Things will happen that make no sense, and characters will dip and dive out of mortality with only a couple really having explainations as to why. There is this entire plots dealing with 'The Shambler' that goes nowhere, and was clearly just some early ideas that the developers/writers didn't want to let go of - evident by the fact that its also called The Wanderer at points. It doesn't matter, the stupid thing is just a monster that the game wants you to think is smart but it is not, its a dumb monster that hits people to death for no reason. Some characters have something to do with it, but good luck finding out what that is. Like, why did Cat have it locked in a offshore cave randomly and send people to die there? Who knows, you never find out. And it comes out of nowhere.
Necronomicon comes out of nowhere, but no one seems to care about this horrific book enough to keep it around. It pops up like once and has nothing to do with anything afterwards. In fact, the stupid thing HELPS. Which is not right at all, not even close.
There are choices that matter at first, but ultimately they make a mess of the game and I swear to god they break it. I think most of the plotholes and random people living when they shouldn't be alive was due to the choice system not being tight enough, nor tested enough. It would make more sense that when I was left with - a plot where people help me for no reason, I have a fate tied into a God that seems not to really have a clear end-goal. Choices that don't really matter and some of the most anti-climactic endings I've ever seen.
I'm honestly just a little peeved, I was hoping to replay this but its a janky mess that needs to be redone properly or get some decent writers to tie things together better. Also, pacing helps - I'm just saying.
1133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.20 03:39
Nevertheless, Call of Cthulhu definitely redeems itself in atmosphere and story. It's patterned more after adventure modules for the tabletop RPG than Lovecraft's actual stories, but it does suitable justice to both, relying far less on jumpscares and the sensation of being hunted and far more on just a general sense of impending and inevitable doom.
Since the gameplay is merely unimpressive rather than detrimental, the story is able to save the game. I think this is a welcome addition to the library of anyone who is a fan of Lovecraft's stories or wants a taste of cosmic horror, but if you want something tense or gory stay away.
Nicht Empfohlen
1454 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 14:41
You are private investigator Pierce who is sent to look into the tragic death of the Hawkins family. Therefore Pierce sets sail for Darkwater Isle, once a well known port for whale hunters, now a nearly forgotten isle.
The story is just ok. The game last around 6-7 hours.
Choices you make during your gameplay do not really affect the outcome much at all.
The voice acting is good but the lip sync is horrible. The animations are not good.
Graphics are looking good in some parts but mostly they are bad.
Call of Cthulhu is not a good horror game but a decent walking simulator.
Fans of horror games will not be really satisfied, it might be worthy of checking out for H.P. Lovecraft fans or people who like walking simulators. 29,99 € is still too much, if you want to get it, you should wait for a sale.
Sounds 8/10
Graphics 4/10
Gameplay 4/10
Atmosphere 6/10
If you liked my review, please feel free to follow me and/or my curator group:
1510 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 06:35
More than an adventure this game is a real path into madness and at the level of fiction in my opinion this title reaches absurd heights, I have lived the experience alone in the house, with lights off and I can assure you that if you are immersed by the setting, if you really imagine being there, you feel a minimum of madness that grows in you, beginning to no longer distinguish the real from fiction, which is the ultimate purpose of the game. A journey into madness, but really
You don't need to get drunk, you don't need to smoke weird things: play Call of Cthulhu and you'll get out BUSTED COMPLETELY
Buy it, immerse yourself in the story and then once you finish the game you don't leave your house right away, otherwise you could kill someone and start hallucinating and paranoid
Rating 72/100
Premetto che ho comprato il gioco a pochi euro in saldi : preso scontato ne vale davvero la pena-dura poche ore e 30 euro sono troppi
Più che una avventura questo gioco è un vero viaggo nella follia e a livello di narrativa a mio parere questo titolo raggiunge vette assurde, io ho vissuto l'esperienza da solo in casa, a luci spente e vi posso assicurare che se ti fai immergere dall'ambientazione, se immagini veramente di essere li, senti un minimo di follia che cresce in te, cominciando a non distinguere più il reale dalla finzione, che è lo scopo ultimo del gioco .. Un viaggio nella follia, ma davvero
Non serve ubriacarsi , non serve fumare cose strane : giocate a Call of Cthulhu e uscirete SBALLATI COMPLETAMENTE
Compratelo , immergetevi nella storia e poi una volta finito il gioco non uscite subito di casa , altrimenti potreste ammazzare qualcuno e cominciare ad avere allucinazioni e paranoie
Voto 72/100
Nicht Empfohlen
559 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 13:36
H.P. Lovecraft is one of the most significant horror writers of the 20th century. The unspeakable, unknowable terrors driving men to madness, and his creation of the pantheon of ancient gods utterly indifferent to the lives of men, have influenced countless media products in the years since. Call of Chtulu is the last famous one, an intriguing detective story that rapidly spirals down in the well of occult madness.
◼️ Game story writing You follow the plot stream by giving choices and reply to the characters you’ll encounter. All the story is told by the events that develop around yourself and the island of Darkwater. The land is an unsettling place, and you’ll feel its oppressive atmosphere as soon as doing the first steps ashore. The story looks like split into two distinct sessions, the first part is a pure detective story where you have to investigate the “murder” of the Hawkins family, the second part is an acid trip into madness. I liked a lot the first part, less the last. I was hoping for a more subtle introduction to the Lovecraftian horrors but the game gives you a direct kick into the blackness void. ◼️ Characters Edward Pierce is a private investigator in Boston that’s self-medicating the trauma he suffered during the first World War with alcohol and sleeping pills. After the brief introduction, you will meet a bunch of fishermen, cops and local mobsters. Everybody will glance at you over glasses of whiskey. Nobody trusts you and will have to develop a relationship with them by answering in the right way at their questions or request. Overall the character developing is poor. You’ll understand some of the reasons why they act in a way or an another...but the story doesn’t give you a real background at all. ◼️ Dialogues The writing lines are average and forgettable. Not a single time I had the opinion that the dialogue between characters was poor or rich of content.Gameplay
◼️ How it plays
The game plays in first person, the detective Edward Pierce is always defenseless and helpless to the human and supernatural entities. You’ll walk, you’ll run, you’ll hide, you’ll take objects and use them to advance. Usually, the plot gives you one straightforward way to clear an objective, sometimes you can choose different paths, the ending is the same.
◼️ Features
Like every good detective, to find clues, you have to walk around searching and examining whatever book, photograph or bloodstain you have come across. You can also reconstruct the past in certain situations, activating clues one by one to build up a silhouetted version of events.
Other than that, during the story, you will earn and assign skill points to a collection of stats that let you tailor Pierce's detective expertise towards investigation, psychology, eloquence and so on. These stats affect both the dialogue options and the ways you can interact with the environment.
◼️ Overall difficulty
The game doesn’t let you choose between different difficulties. Overall I find the game kinda easy with the exception of boss battles that are kind of confusing and unclear.
◼️ Art Design
Overall the art design is majestic for the environment and the world-building. Buildings, panoramic visuals, objects are expertly inspired by the Lovecraftian folklore. Beautiful and creepy to see, walking by the streets or entering a building is like successfully jumping in the occult.
◼️ Characters
Out of the last century era, the dev tried to recreate clothes, hairstyles in a pulp/noir way. Overall the design is poor and disappointing. Animations and body movements feel clunky and fake. The worst thing of all is the facial animation, like something from the early 2010s games era.
◼️ Effects
The labyrinth illusions during some exploration, the use of dark colour palette, light and darkness create the impression of a real fall into madness. It’s like a spiral kaleidoscope of cosmic horror effects that follow up your steps, starts slow but becomes inescapable near the end.
Soundtrack and Audio
◼️ Audio effects
The creepy background noise and sound effects will make you jump from the chair at each passage near a squeaky door and chair.
◼️ Music
1920s music and esoteric themes, the soundtrack is nice but without a spark.
◼️ Voice Acting
Quality is good but not stellar. Voice actor miss a lot of pathos in some cut-scenes.
◼️ Scaryness level
Overall my scare meter never touched the degree of “put the game in pause and get a relaxing herbal tea”. Recommended to pals with a sensitive bladder like me.
◼️ Replayability
For what I saw there are a lot of different options and choices that the game gives you indirectly. Nonetheless, I am pretty sure that in the end, the story is straight forward in its epilogues. You have four different endings, two are harder to get and needs different choices in the walkthrough.
◼️ Game length
Around 10 hours, maybe a little more if you get stuck on some puzzle or (like me) at the boss fight.
◼️ Achievements
49 achievements, more than half achievable during the main quest. A lot of them are missable and need different choices for each run.
◼️ The story has a lot of illogical points and everything falls in a nightmarish Lovecraftian tale too fast, it feels like a rushed plot where the dev didn’t know how to fill the gaps between chapters, give a good background and evolution to characters and close some of the story arches.
Other than that when you make certain choices or perform certain actions the game gives you the message “this will affect your destiny”. What's never clear, however, is how your destiny has been affected. There isn’t a review at the end of the chapters, there's no recap to crucial choices you made.
◼️ The boss encounter, area puzzles long corridors that you have to walk in the dark, a claustrophobic cat and mouse game with a true Lovecraftian horror, is wonderfully atmospheric and very tense, but so obtusely designed that it was difficult to ascertain what I had to do to progress.
◼️ Overall the characters design is incredibly weak, animation and body movements are clunky and look silly. During the play, you will see a lot of cutscenes, those are terrible, bad made and useless, they kill the mood. The dev should have made all the game in first person without the “cinematic” portion.
◼️ Gamepad vibrations are kind of fake, I felt the pad vibrate rarely.
◼️ Bugs & Issues:
All the time between choices the dialogue and audio clips freeze for a second other than that I had some minor bug after loading a checkpoint, like missing items or gear. You just need to reload the save to fix it.
Call of Cthulhu is a weak detective story of cosmic horror. Nonetheless, the mystery and the intriguing gameplay of some sections make it kind of special. I don’t lie, in the final big decision I just no longer cared about the output. What I cared and what I enjoyed most is the Lovecraftian subplot and worldbuilding, a unique and evergreen theme that influences the game artistic style and keeps me playing. So don’t buy it at full price and enjoy its surreal moments.
291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 03:20
732 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 22:31
- Good writing;
- Voice acting;
- Light RPG elements;
- Horrible lip sync;
- Bad animations;
- Not that scary;
Nicht Empfohlen
347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 18:54
Nicht Empfohlen
640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 01:58
The Good
The story itself is okay. Pretty standard for the Cthulhu mythos, and overall not bad. The variable endings are pretty cool too. Easily the one part that most impressed me though was the subtle detail in the environment. Things shimmering in the background. The appearance of blood or other strange things that disappear when you look too close. The on-point illustration style of the paintings. As far as atmosphere goes, they nailed it.
The Bad
Unfortunately that's where the good ends. The facial animations are terrible, the voice acting is some of the worst I've ever heard in a game (and the ham-fisted script just makes it even worse), and the cinematics range from average at their best moments, to awful at their worst.
The game is largely a walking simulator with some investigation and stealth mixed in. The one brief time they added combat, you don't even have to aim to shoot, and your gun one-shots everything.
The worst of it though is the half-baked skill tree system they've implemented. All those cool endings? The interesting background lore? Good luck getting them unless you're following a guide word for word; you have no way of knowing what skills you'll need or when, and they're almost exclusively used for dialogue checks. The core gameplay is so dull that I looked up the different endings rather than put myself through playing the game again to get them (and that's saying something given how much of a completionist I can be).
Overall? I could see some people liking it. If you're REALLY into Lovecraft and don't mind bad voice acting or dull gameplay, it might be worth picking up on a steep sale.
Nicht Empfohlen
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 07:21
Nicht Empfohlen
521 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.20 10:28
Horrible animations that repeat over and over again, awful voice acting, choices that don't matter, boring plot, ancient game mechanics with skill point matrix that is useless, oversimplified puzzles that eventually lead to opening doors simulator.
The only stronger side of the game is horror element but we get so little of it.
I'm disappointed.
1104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.20 01:09
- Graphics are Okay. Nothing special, but nothing bad either.
- Plot is quite engaging, although the ending was not satisfactory.
- The game is extremely linear. This is very obvious and hurts the gameplay.
- The atmosphere is pretty good.
- The game features no fights(per se), so you can focus on investigation. There are sneaking moments though.
- Character development could've been better.
I enjoyed playing the game and got my money worth, but I won't be boasting about it.
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 21:16
The Good: The atmosphere is fantastic and pairs beautifully with the narrative. The Cthulhu cult stuff is good. The plot is a slow burn which is perfect for this genre.
The Bad: The voice acting is not great other than the protagonist. The Horror is lacking as, personally, it never fully captures the dread of Lovecraft. I believe this to be a lack of time spent with the characters and world as the game is quite short.
I snagged this game on sale for $8 and for that price point this game delivers. definitely purchase on sale.
436 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 20:04
Definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but would recommend to pick it up for Lovecraft fans, at discounted price.
646 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 19:29
541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 13:49
[ Fun: 6 | Plot: 7 | CTRL: 8 | GFX: 7 | SFX: 7 | Stable: Y | Replay: 4 ] = 6/10
+ Solid plot line
+ Really atmospheric
+ Good voice acting
+ Some wonderfully creative and disorientating sequences
~ Awkwardly written inter chapter descriptions dont feel Lovecraftian and have to explain whts going on
~ Saves are controlled by the game but not overly punishing
~ Areas of insta-kill events with little explanation
~ Bolted on RPG element feel unnecessary, trying to create re-playability
~ Very linear by design
~ Ends are somewhat underwhelming
~ Choices seem to have very little imapact
- Really poor animations let down the tone, character design and immersion at key moments
525 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 13:01
It is worth it getting to the end just to see the astonishingly impressive and utterly terrifying apparition of you-know-who ([spoiler] Cthulhu [/spoiler]).
1369 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 04:20
791 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.20 12:07
The entire atmosphere of this game screams Lovecraft so I enjoyed it 100%.
Audio was very eerie and it just sounds great in general.
Dialogue surprised me with how good it was as well.
Graphics can be great and other times they look a bit strange. This didn't bother me though. I don't mind graphics as much as I do other things like story and gameplay.
I never had any troubles with the game. No crashing. No bugs.
So if you're like me and you love mystery, a vintage setting, Lovecraft, and Cthulhu then definitely buy this game.
650 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 03:25
Focus Home Interactive
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos