Broken Roads Patch Notes - 6 March 2025
Greetings all - another month and another patch sees more features, bug fixes, and additional content added to Broken Roads.

Party-wide skill checks
Many players requested we allow party companions’ skills to be used in dialogue skill-check moments. This is now in, with some still set to player-only where it makes more sense. Expect more skill checks to be added, and the current skill checks in the game to likely be balanced (almost certainly to be made more challenging)

Container naming and (empty) check
This was hotfixed last month, but in case you missed it, another player-requested quality-of-life feature was to know when a container or downed enemy had already been looted. This is now in!

Additional dialogue options on the English-only branch
We’ve started expanding the content from origin stories all the way through the game, changing the tone of some of the characters, adding additional dialogue, moral or skill-check options, adjusting quest design, journal objectives, and more.

Next up will be some specific bugs in Lake Deborah and adjusting Southern Cross according to player feedback. Ideally, the next patch will be live around the 20th of March, but any issues that come up during QA may see this slip into April.
Closed Discord playtesting channel
We’ve got a private Steam beta branch for community playtesting on our official Discord server. If you’re interested in helping out test the game and play the latest versions before they’re released to the public, join our Discord and ask in the #general channel.

Full Patch Notes:
- Added party-wide skill-check functionality. Some skills are still set to be player-only, but where it makes sense, any companion’s stats can now factor into the skill check.
- Fixed an issue where Jasper could sometimes disappear from the game and not respawn back either in Merredin or her office. Players who have experienced this in their current game may need to enter her office, leave, and enter again.
- Removed confusing 'punt' check to kick the ball back to kids in Brookton.
- Adjusted some of the Surveyor dialogue with Tina in Kokeby, giving the interactions a more mature tone.
- Adjusted some companion banter between Ella and Mad at the convoy.
- Adjusted some of Jess and Mick’s responses when first meeting the player in Kokeby.
- Added additional player options and skill checks when first meeting Mick in Kokeby.
- Fixed inconsistencies with some of Mick’s VO and the written lines.
- Fixed missing colliders meaning characters could walk straight through the bushes next to the Brookton gazebo.
- Solved an error where some users were stuck in the convoy conversation the morning after the pub debate.
- Fixed some random encounter maps that were showing a blank white screen when trying to access the minimap.
- Fixed missing language-switching functionality on the default branch (for those wanting to play the latest fixes in English only).
- Fixed another instance of ‘teleporting’ the player when leaving a Merredin interior.
Thanks again to everyone who continues to follow and support Broken Roads!
That's all for today, ‘ol cobber! Follow Broken Roads to stay updated and don't forget, your choices are the key.

- The Drop Bear Bytes team