Broken Age
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Über das Spiel

Vella Tartine and Shay Volta are two teenagers in strangely similar situations, but radically different worlds. The player can freely switch between their stories, helping them take control of their own lives, and dealing with the unexpected adventures that follow.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 17:30
1084 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 12:54
Das Spiel wurde zum Release in 2 Phasen veröffentlicht: Die erste Hälfte des Spiels wurde zuerst veröffentlicht und einige Monate später kam der zweite Teil (mit dem Ende). Der erste Teil war absolut grandios und hat mir sehr viel Spaß gemacht. Auch die Rätsel waren nie unfair und man kam mit einigem Überlegen auch ohne Lösung dahinter.
Einigen schien das aber zu leicht gewesen zu sein und die Community beschwerte sich, das die Rätsel zu einfach seien.
Der Entwickler entschied sich also den zweiten Teil schwieriger zu gestalten und ist dabei weit über das Ziel hinaus geschossen.
Den zweiten Teil ohne Komplettlösung zu schaffen ist so gut wie unmöglich. Die Rätsel sind sauschwer und unmachbar. Das trübt zumindest mir bei einem Adventure absolut den Spielspaß, denn ich habe den Ehrgeiz die Rätsel selbst zu lösen und es widerstrebt mir absolut in eine Lösung zu schauen. Um das Spiel zu beenden musste ich das allerdings.
Die Story ist trotz alledem toll und ich empfehle das Spiel. Allerdings sollte euch klar sein, dass ihr später in der zweiten Hälfte des Spiels wahrscheinlich oft in die Lösung schauen müsst, um weiter zu kommen.
Aufgrund des hohen Schwierigkeitsgrads würde ich dem Spiel nur eine 7 von 10 geben, ansonsten hätte ich volle 10 Punkte verteilt.
Der Preis des Spiels (aktuell 12,49€) ist absolut angemessen.
663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.15 14:12
Wir spielen Shay und Vella, zwei Teenager, die einen nicht ganz normalen Alltag haben. Während Shay stets von seinen ,,Roboter-Eltern,, zu sehr versorgt wird und endlich was erleben will, muss Vella sich einem Monster stellen, und gegen dieses kämpfen. Klang ziemlich interessant, dieses Szenario, zumindest in meinen Augen, und genau da wusste ich, ich muss das Spiel haben. Wie schon oben geschrieben, der erste Akt endet nach ca. 4 Stunden, und besaß eher einfache Rätsel.
Jetzt aber mal zum zweiten Akt:
Der zweite Akt ist von der Spielzeit her 8 Stunden lang, was in meinen Augen eine gute Idee ist und ich auch angemessen finde. Für ein Adventurespiel zumindest. Daraus ergibt 12 Stunden, wenn man sich nicht ganz so blöd anstellt. Die Rätsel hier sind viel kniffliger, und es kommen auch oft welche vor, besonders das letzte Rätsel gefiel mir sehr gut. Also ja, die Rätsel hier sind deutlich anspruchsvoller, und auch ziemlich schwierig teilweise, aber dafür gibt es den AHA! Effekt, und der macht das vollkommen wett.
Leider, und das ist ein extrem großes Leider, verschenkt die Geschichte hier ihr Potenzial. Was am Anfang wirklich großartig war, erlischt hier. Und das schlimmste: Die Story endet einfach abrupt. Ohne große Worte oder irgendwas spannendes oder weiß der Geier, es ist einfach vorbei. Das ist mein größtes Problem: Wenn ich nach vielen Monaten und mehreren Verschiebungen kein gutes Ende bekomme, dann werd ich sauer.
Grafisch gesehen ist das Spiel aber richtig gut, und der Sound ist ausgezeichnet. Die Synchronsprecher sind sowohl in der deutschen als auch in der Englischen Version exzellent.
Außerdem ist mir kein einziger Bug aufgefallen, während des gesamten Spiels.
Wie ist das Spiel denn nun?
Wie ich schon sagte, es fiel mir echt schwer, das Spiel zu bewerten. Warum aber jetzt eine Kaufempfehlung?
Das Spiel hat mich gefesselt, ich wollte eigentlich nicht aufhören und ich wollte unbedingt wissen wie es weitergeht. Das ist etwas, was mir nur selten passiert. Dazu ist die Grafik gut und der Sound sowie die Sprecher sehr gut. Die Story ist durchaus gut, auch wenn sie am Ende schwächer wird. Und wie ich schon sagte, das Spiel endet einfach abrupt. Das wusste ich zwar im Vorraus (danke Gamestar) aber ich hab nunmal nicht gedacht, das es so schnell endet.
Ich kann das Spiel somit durchaus empfehlen. Nur muss man selber wissen, ob man 23 Euro ausgeben will. Im Zweifelsfall einfach im Sale kaufen! Man sollte das Spiel zumindest kurz angespielt haben!
Danke fürs Lesen!
1937 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.14 10:21
Leider etwas kurz und die Rätsel könnten ruhig etwas schwerer und zahlreicher sein.
Außerdem würde ich mir an manchen Orten mehr Hotspots wünschen einfach nur, um auch mit mehr
Dingen usw. interagieren und rumspielen zu können, die ich jetzt nicht unbedingt zur Lösung des nächsten Rätsels brauche.
Aber die Atmosphäre, die schrägen Charaktere, die witzigen Dialoge und der Grafikstil sind echt top.
Auch die Story finde ich vor allem zum Ende hin echt gut.
Ich hatte das Spiel auf Kickstarter gebacked und bin bisher sehr zufrieden mit dem Spiel.
Jedenfalls wurde ich vom Spiel bis zum Ende von Teil 1 sehr gut unterhalten. Ich habe die Hoffnung, dass die Rätseldichte im 2. Teil noch zunimmt.
642 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 17:02
872 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 16:36
Do you like Double Fine's quirkiness?
Are you willing to look at a walkthrough when you start to get frustrated with a puzzle or have no idea what to do next?
If so, you will almost certainly enjoy Broken Age. Individual scenes are pure Double Fine gold. Unfortunately, they do not add up to a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, and there are some incredibly obtuse puzzles that can potentially sour the experience. I recommend enjoying the individual scenes, voice acting, artwork... and consulting a walkthrough as soon as attempting to solve a puzzle becomes remotely not-fun. The fun for me was usually not in the solving of the puzzles, but in watching the animations that resulted from the puzzles being solved.
Maybe think of this more as an interactive television show than a game... perhaps combined with the documentary about its creation.
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105 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 02:24
The gameplay loop feels straight out of the super old fashioned point and click book, where you have to follow these obtuse chain of actions / dialog options in order to advance the story, and it's just as frustrating today as it was then. I simply don't get why this is a thing. It's so dull and repetitive and lacks the actions rarely make much sense.
That aside, I also failed to see the charm in the story and visuals. There is some sort of whimsy to it, but not enough to make it fun, and with the gameplay chore on top, it was just an overall boring experience for me.
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666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.22 18:29
But the second half the game's difficulty increases exponentially making it not enjoyable anymore.
I had to look up the answers online to the puzzles one after another, then gave up on the game because it did not feel worth my time anymore. I ended up looking up the rest of the cut scenes to the game to see how it ended at least and it left me disappointed with multiple holes in the story. Glad i did not waste my time struggling to complete it. This game had so much potential...
531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.02.22 20:24
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1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 21:26
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 20:51
Which adds to the story. As well the puzzles. During the first act I found the puzzles to be very simple. And didn't have a hard time with it. But I enjoyed much of the story then.
The second act improves on the puzzles ten fold. Definitely reminding me how difficult. Adventure games can be. Story however leaves much to be desired in the second act. By the end of the game.
I can see what the story was going for. However it gets lost with it pacing very fast. And while delivering really interesting puzzles. In the second act. It forgets to tell an interesting story.
The first act was too simple. But had interesting story beats. The second act decides to go all in on the puzzles. But forgets the story. Sure there some exposition here and there.
But there isn't enough confrontation. Or any series of events that creates. Interesting scenarios, and drama. The second act feels like it's interested in closing the story. Which left little to distract you from the puzzles.
Regarding the puzzles. I read complaints that they were too obtuse. However I didn't find that to be the case. Even though I ended up looking up a guide. For two different parts of the game.
I still had the answers in my notes that I had taken down. Just didn't click them together. All you have to do is think outside the box a LITTLE bit. If I had any complaints about the later puzzles. Is that some of them are in a sequence.
And when your doing trial and error. It can really drag on. The voice acting is top notch. List of A grade actors. As for the Art itself. I think its fantastic. And really feels nostalgic/respectful towards all those older adventure games.
If your a Double Fine fan. And or is itching for a adventure game with light humor. And some interesting puzzles in the later half of the game. I would definitely recommend a purchase. The art alone, with the VO is fantastic!
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.21 04:00
There's no pixel hunting and all of the puzzles, EXCEPT for ONE of the final puzzles, can be worked through logically. I think that they struck a good balance with the puzzle difficulty. I was never stuck on a puzzle so long that it killed the pacing of the story, and the story is where this game really shines.
Tim Shaffer's writing and humour are always great and there are some really good performances from the voice actors. It's a shame that there were a lot of really interesting and likeable characters that did not have enough time to be further developed.
I have been watching the 'making of' documentary, so I understand why they didn't have enough time to polish a few things, or to further develop characters and character relationships. But that is really my only gripe with this game: I just wanted more. Not that it didn't have a satisfying length, but the cinematic ending felt abrupt (there are some portraits that play during the end credits that do explore what happens to the world and its characters after the finale, which was a nice touch) but... well, I can't say it without spoiling anything. And I don't want to spoil it, because I want you to play it.
If they had had more time to polish this, it could have been as great as one of Tim Shaffer's other adventure games: the classic, Grim Fandango (which I would give an 8.8 out of 10, especially with the commentary tracks on the re-master).
The only other negative for me is that the art is a mixed-bag. I really like some of the character designs, especially Marek and Twyla, but some (not a lot) of the backgrounds have this low-resolution, Crayola look that I am not a fan of. Not a deal-breaker.
Oh yeah, and watch the documentary. See all of the wonderful people who helped make this game. Thank you to all of them and to everyone who backed this game on Kickstarter. Good job!
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346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 18:17
789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.09.21 22:12
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562 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 05:25
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1619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 23:53
The results were very disappointing. The gameplay was okay but I found the whole thing had a very infantile feeling, like it was designed for preschoolers. Maybe I'm just an old curmudgeon now. Like many I also found the some of the second instalment of puzzles extremely frustrating and had to resort to walk-throughs… Actually I had kind of given up at that point and just used a walk through to see the story turned out.
I did find the kick starter documentary very entertaining which is the only redeeming thing that made my small investment worthwhile.
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1200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 22:55
874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 20:12
The good first. To talk about the positives is to talk about the vast majority of the game. As a puzzle point-and-click, the gameplay has you talking to everyone and interacting with everything, as all of this genre does. But Broken Age thoroughly rewards that with the amount of dialogue and animation. if you interact anything with anything, you will get a unique, clever comment on it. Often, interacting the wrong object with characters, will still give you a special cutscene just as queerly rewarding as the correct solution to the puzzle. Being given these wrong attempt interaction was so much fun that, every time a new puzzle arose, I hoped to get it wrong a few times before solving, just to hear the extended cast react to my failure. Never before in a point-and-click has failure and misunderstanding been this much fun.
But what any point-and-click has to absolutely nail to be great is its use of the story to justify and provide context for the puzzles. Broken Age meets this effortlessly. Whenever you find a solution, it genuinely makes you feel like the catalyst for narrative progression.
Aside from mechanics and gameplay, Broken Age bombards you with beautiful set-pieces to take in and interesting characters to meet. At narrative pace, you enter a new biome and meet a new cast of people every hour or so. It's never overwhelming, more refreshing than anything else, and helps to make sure the puzzles have new elements to query the players with.
Broken Age's one flaw is something I have a hard time attempting to describe, to even quantify. The best I've found is to compare it to ensembe films like Love Actually, or The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. These films have a gaggle of main characters, all leading their own largely separate narratives, reaching conclusions with relatively no interplay between each other. At the end of the film, you're given this bundle of disparate emotions and expected to feel for each of them, but the inability to have a catharsis for six different people at the same time is exhausting enough to make none of them feel important. You either shut down mentally or simply ignore the bigger picture; either way, the grand finale is too overwhelming to care about. One death is tragedy, millions are a statistic. And that's what Broken Age suffers from. It's a narrative potluck.
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660 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 04:30
I wouldn't say I hate this game, but I was fairly disappointed with it.
The first act is really good! Puzzles are solvable for the most part and it's not too unnecessarily convoluted. I loved the idea of switching between two characters that have different stories within the same world. I had actually played the first act when act 2 hadn't even come out yet and really loved it. Very nice and likable character design and the story is pretty straightforward.
Act 2 is where I had the most issues. I like to say that a video game that forces you to use a walkthrough guide so much wasn't properly designed, but I had to actually use a walkthrough for pretty much the entire second act. You could easily chalk it up to me being dense, of course, but it seems that the complications of the second act were not an isolated incident. There are many puzzles that are pretty much near impossible to figure out without a guide, and I mean IMPOSSIBLE. Sometimes the parts of the puzzles are blended right into the background, and I would spend a lot of my time clicking in random areas for what felt like hours before giving up, looking at a guide, and rolling my eyes at the impossibly convoluted solution.
The ending felt incomplete, a lot was left unexplained. The main villain just kinda leaves without ever being heard from again, and it's not even because our main heroes fended them off. He just kind of stops being a presence. Also, nothing was ACTUALLY resolved at the end, and it felt pretty rushed to say the least. I was really excited for the story because of the way it was set up at the beginning, only to be disappointed by a mediocre ending. That was really unfortunate.
Overall the game has beautiful art and really amazing voice acting, and the first act would be perfect if it were standalone, but the second act truly ruined the game for me. There were a couple twists that I was really happy about, but nothing that really salvaged the game. The puzzles weren't even difficult, just really annoyingly impossible to solve without a guide, and I found myself getting frustrated to the point of crying and burnout. Second act felt more like a chore than a game, and it felt like trying to do a really long college essay that you procrastinated on. I'd give the game 2 and a half stars, really.
If you can get past the flaws this game has, maybe you'll enjoy it? But all the enjoyment was sucked out of me within the first few minutes of act 2, so I can't recommend this in good faith to anyone.
1043 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 00:58
Additional Details
Operating System | Ubuntu Linux 14.04 x64 | [/tr]
CPU | AMD FX-8350 | [/tr]
GPU | GTX 750 | [/tr]
Game Saves | Manually, whenever you want | [/tr]
Technical Notes | No problems | [/tr]
881 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.03.21 16:32
Grindy Achievement(s): No.
Optional Achievement(s): Yes (~24 achievements).
Difficult Achievement(s): No.
Broken Age is a point-and-click game with a story that was told from two different points of view. You'll be able to switch back and forth between characters and continue where you left off.
- Freedom to choose which story to clear first
- Puzzles are randomized each run
- Most puzzles are confusing to solve
- There isn't any indication that you need to switch characters to solve some puzzles
Should you buy this game?
If you like point-and-click games with good-looking visuals, buy this game at a sale.
In-Depth Review
The graphics use a unique style that may look as if it's drawn of crayons, but way smoother. Characters have a cute, comical look with their simplistic style while backgrounds are given a lot of detail in their surroundings, sometimes with a zoomed-out effect to show how vast the area is. Each location has a certain theme in mind to give a sense of uniqueness, whether it's a town full of clouds, a beach-like area, or a yarn-themed spaceship. Everything is portrayed well with their unique theme and certain aspect as its focus, including the residents who look similar to the environment they lived in.
The story is told from two different points of view. You're free to choose whichever to play first and switch whenever you like, all while retaining your progress. Although both characters share the same characteristic, they both have different values and concerns due to the environment they were raised in. This also stays true to the residents who lived in all areas since they have different rules and habits. The story will have a different focus on each act and although the first one is wrapped up nicely, the game's ending might be lacking to some people due to the emptiness.
The Game
The attempt to promote switching between two characters is unique, yet not working at the same time. As I said before, you'll be able to choose between two stories to complete, and since the game has three acts, you must finish both stories in that act to progress to the next one. While this doesn't pose any problems at first, the game will require you to switch between stories to solve some puzzles in the second act without making it obvious. People who are stubborn to finish the story before moving to the other one will get stuck forever because of this, and some might even resort to brute-forcing some solutions because the answer isn't available anywhere with that character.
The increased difficulty on the second act ruins the whole game. The first act is actually on the right difficulty for me - most solutions are easy enough as long as you remember everything in each area. However, the second act increased the difficulty by a huge margin, introducing the concept of arbitrary puzzles where you either have to brute-force a solution or figure out how the puzzles work from the very little hint that is provided in the game. These ruined my immersion in the game, making me forget about where most things were - the little hint that was given to solve a solution won't be obvious anymore because I was too focused on the difficult puzzles. It wasn't fun to solve these puzzles since you have to figure out what the developer was thinking, especially since the hint for the mechanics is very well hidden in the game.
Puzzles are randomized, making every playthrough to be unique. I didn't understand the reason for the randomized puzzles at first, especially since there is no reason to play the game twice unless if you are attempting the speedrun achievement, which shouldn't be in a point-and-click game in the first place. However, I soon changed my mind after I experienced the difficulty. The randomization will force people to understand how the puzzle works before solving it, giving the sense of satisfaction of solving the puzzle. The difficult puzzle also turns out to be easy, although still annoying to solve, as long as you know what to do.
Length and Difficulty
I finished the game in 12.6h. I believe that the game can be way shorter than that if I didn't get stuck on the puzzles several times. Some of that playtime was also spent reloading my save file because there are a lot of tricky, missable achievements that I tend to miss on. The rest of my playtime was spent in obtaining the speedrun achievement, which shouldn't be hard to do if you remember everything. The game is easy and fun at first although the increased difficulty from the second act might ruin the experience.
Intel Core i5-9300H 2.40GHz, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650
To be honest, the game is a mixed bag for me. The first act was perfect - the difficulty, the introduction to the worldbuilding, the mystery - everything was combined well to make it an enjoyable game. However, the second act was ruined with its puzzles - it wasn't fun to solve them due to how vague they are. The story, visuals, and voice dub are the only things that keep me to continue playing the game, and they did a good job at it. I liked seeing the interaction between characters and while the story turns to be bland at the end, the voice dub covers it up by their quality voices. It was hard to recommend this game as a whole, although I couldn't say that it was a bad game either - it's just that the puzzles are too hard to solve that it affects the experience.
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805 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 23:02
699 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.21 05:45
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 17:55
1280 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 10:18
Art, animation, music, voice acting are all top quality with all the hallmarks of Double Fine's unique style. The puzzles are fun, only getting a bit tricky at the end of the game.
Replaying the game is rewarded with some fun and challenging (but comfortably attainable) achievements.
Overall an excellent game well worth buying.
980 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.12.20 17:25
Twist and turns? Check
Good Puzzles? Check
Excellent Story? Check
To be honest, I had no expectation about the game before I started and I absolutely loved it. The story takes a bit of time to understand, but once you connect the dots - you can't help but admire it a bit. The witty dialogues that come up when you try your inventory items on various interaction points is something you shouldn't miss.
The art work is good, but there are definitely games that do it better. But the core gameplay revolves around puzzle solving and that's where I find this game shines. You need to pay attention to all the dialogues and objects on screen to solve some. Others will require you to think a little outside the box. If you're ever stuck, just remember that you have everything you need to proceed further - you just have to figure it out.
I enjoyed the game and highly recommend it at least for one playthrough.
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760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 21:55
Part one; this is the prologue and introduction to the game and the most enjoyable part of this game. The game does a fantastic job of giving two different stories at the same time; extremely interesting backstory to our protagonists. Double Fine made this game so excellent writing are expected and they deliver, sharp witty dialogue is Double Fine's trademark and this is no exception. You get to play as Vella and Shay, two different people stuck with their own dilemma and you have to figure out how to save them from their predicament. Part one is the best experience of this game, the puzzles are logical and rewarding, short but enough to keep your brain active to connect the dots and pieces.
Part two; this is the middle and end of the story arc, it also comprises the longer playtime out of the two parts as such you will spend a far longer time here. Essentially, this part is a train, steaming ahead non-stop with some very glaring issues. Firstly, this is a puzzle game but the puzzles are sometimes not down to your logical understanding - some puzzles require incredibly obscure background information to proceed that of which the player are not given a clear indication of interaction, bad design here. You will also have to assume major plot points to continue with the story, of which none of it will be explained to you clearly. I unfortunately have to advise you to open a guide if you do reach this point for some of the puzzles that you may find impossible.
Secondly, the controls are not smooth - your actions inputted may not be what the characters would do on screen, minor problem but it adds up in the run time. Granted that this is a puzzle game and that controls are not the main focus, however it detract the enjoyment when you have to move carefully or specifically to a point only for the path finding to interpret your commands in the wrong direction.
Thirdly, graphics. There is nothing with the game's art style but I am talking about the background graphics. There are moments of pure frustration especially near the end when you find out that there is a pathway hidden in plain sight because the background graphics do not convey that it is even there.
In conclusion: This is one of the best introduction to a game only if they didn't butchered the execution and the the second part. Definitely get this game on a sale, it is very worth for the first part of the game at least. However since the majority of the time with the game is with the second act, I cannot justify a recommend if the good stuff is scarcely littered only during the start.
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543 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 20:47
If you're starving for these kinds of games, go for it. It could of used a hint system or something.
2363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.09.20 21:30
542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 14:00
The puzzles were a bit difficult for me at times but when I managed to connect the dots, it was pretty rewarding!
I like the ability to switch characters in between and --later on-- when it's integrated as part of the puzzle/story. Since I finished ACT I with the girl first, I feel like the story had more impact on me when I played the boy. There's a lot of *gasp* moment when pieces starts to fall together.
The comedy is pretty funny. The irony, the sarcasm.
There's a lot of symbolism and sarcastic jabs at what the real world is liking, talking about certain issues about friendship, parental relationship, cult, faith, and so on. I feel like there's a reference to a movie. Maybe that's just me.
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953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.20 01:11
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802 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.08.20 02:57
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2071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 11:18
But by the time Act II came out, I'd forgotten enough that I decided to wait a bit and play again from the beginning.
That time has finally come. Act I is still lovely, and the story and characters are wonderful in Act II as well, but the puzzle have become stupid hard. As in hard enough that even with a walk through they are still hard. Good puzzle design should hint at the correct solutions to puzzles, not obfuscate the solutions to the point where the only way to figure it out (other than a walkthrough) is random guessing.
I want to love this game - it has so much going for it. But the puzzle design in the second half ruins it.
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502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.07.20 07:31
I found the story to be somewhat amusing and charming for the first half. But for whatever reason, the second half feels like the creator's of the game lost interest. There is no urgent sense of conflict or mystery to uncover. The game becomes a platform to stage one fetch quest after another fetch quest.
Broken Age game feels like it's targeting the 7-12 crowd, but the puzzles are so obtuse in the second half, I don't see most people making it through without a walkthrough guide. Again with the second half -- while adults would probably get the puzzles, the writing and humor becomes juvenile at best. Even though I have a hard time leaving games unfinished, this is one exception I'm willing to make.
1652 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.20 05:33
In general good but I recommend buying with discount.
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602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 08:47
This game started out really fun and I was highly impressed with it. The art, music, and talent are beautiful. I was pulled into an intriguing world with an interesting plot and some pretty darn good world building. Some puzzles were simple, which is fine, but others took a bit more thinking. They could be challenging, but not impossible, and were always engaging. If I were to base my rating off just act one, I'd recommend it, for sure.
However, transitioning into the second act, the puzzles became overly complicated and unclear. They took forever with little to no guidance on what you are actually supposed to do. I never would have figured out half of the solutions if I hadn't looked them up. I like a good puzzle game as much as the next person, but I hit the point with this one where I simply stopped having fun and was just frustrated for nearly the whole second half of the game. More often than not, I felt stuck and completely lost in BOTH story lines simultaneously which meant I was making any progress at all. It felt like an absolute chore to finish.
515 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.20 07:49
910 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 23:59
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 02:06
I'm not a fan of point and click. I just wanted to try this game before I watched the documentary about how it was made. Nevertheless, it's really obvious that a lot of love and hard work was put into it in order to make a high quality game. So, if you do like point and click adventures, I would definitely recommend it. If you don't, however, it's worth the experience of trying it out.
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 04:54
7/10 (Like my opinion matters lol)
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716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 11:33
Act 2... Puzzles are too unclear, random and infuriating. Couldn't progress at all a couple of times without guides, and I'm not exactly a puzzle game noob. Plus, story gets much worse in the second half.
It's not a bad game as such, but turns out it's mostly for masochists. And why the hell is there a speedrunning achievement!?
615 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.04.20 05:00
Nicht Empfohlen
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.20 00:40
Nicht Empfohlen
66 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.01.20 02:28
Nicht Empfohlen
701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.20 22:37
I didn't really like the ending either, so yeah it was a bit boring but still fun and lovely sometimes.
888 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.19 02:14
+Art style is great
+Lovely characters
+Really decent voice acting
-Some puzzles can be a little bit annoying
-Honestly, you'll feel the second part not that interesting
458 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.19 19:33
- Some cute characters
- Some funny moments
- Good voice acting
- I found some of the puzzles more difficult and ended up using a walkthrough for parts
- Has a speedrun achievement
Verdict: 7/10
1524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.19 16:42
For starters, the voice acting is incredible. Everyone delivers an outstanding performance, and the cast includes everyone from popular cartoon VA's (Grey DeLisle Griffin, Richard Horvitz) to famous celebrities (Jack Black, Elijah Wood, Wil Wheaton). They all bring their characters to life and I enjoyed listening to them deliver their dialogue.
The story is beautiful and mysterious. With each new development in the plot, I was on the edge of my seat. On the surface, it appears to be an adventure story, but beneath it lies a coming-of-age story. On one half, a young woman struggles with her expectations to please her family and village and how it contradicts her desire to help others and end a brutal tradition. Meanwhile, a young man yearns for freedom from his overprotective mother and distant father, but finds out that the adventure he craves isn't quite what he expected.
The animation is fantastic and it looks exactly like a living storybook. I couldn't get enough of the visuals!
I have one complaint, and it's one that other players seem to share: the ending is a bit weak. I didn't mind it too much, as most issues were addressed and resolved, but at the same time, I think that there should be a sequel game. By this, I mean: I WANT there to be a sequel game.
This is a game that I strongly recommend to all gamers. It's too good to be ignored or overlooked!
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.19 16:14
Beautiful art style
Interesting Characters
Good Voice acting
Fantastic Music
The second half is not nearly as good as the first half.
In the first half, the puzzles feel so rewarding when you figure them out. They are challenging, but not so hard that you need a walkthrough.
In the second half, that rewarding feeling is gone. The puzzles just feel like something to get through instead of part of the actual game. They feel like a chore. I used a walkthrough a lot because i just didn't feel bothered to think through the puzzles.
However, the first half is so good, I still recomend that everyone should play this. I give it a 7/10
Double Fine Productions
THQ Nordic
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
Kein Prisoner hat oder wartet auf das Spiel