• Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.
  • Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead: Screen zum Spiel Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 19.11.2020
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Preis Update 26.05.24

Über das Spiel

Finde heraus, wie viel Spaß es macht, STREUNER UMZULEGEN und dafür dein HIRNSCHMALZ zu benutzen!
Mach dich bereit für das ultimative Crossover! In Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead treffen die legendären, kniffligen Rätsel von Bridge Constructor auf die postapokalyptische Welt von AMCs The Walking Dead.

Schließ dich einer Gruppe Überlebender an und hilf ihnen im Kampf gegen Horden untoter Streuner und gegen feindselige Menschengruppen. Errichte Brücken und andere Bauwerke inmitten einer trostlosen Landschaft voller zerstörter Gebäude. Baue gemeinsam mit bekannten Charakteren wie Daryl, Michonne und Eugene sichere Wege für die ikonischen Fahrzeuge aus der Serie.

Nutze bewegliche Objekte, Sprengstoffe und Köder zu deinem Vorteil, um Streuner in tödliche Fallen zu locken und deine Überlebenden in Sicherheit zu bringen. Genieße die dynamische Spielphysik und Ragdoll-Animationen, durch die Streuner den Gesetzen der Schwerkraft unterworfen werden.

  • AMCs The Walking Dead trifft auf Bridge Constructor™
  • Errichte durchdachte Bauwerke und stelle tödliche Fallen auf
  • Eine fesselnde Handlung mit sowohl neuen Gesichtern als auch ikonischen Charakteren und Fahrzeugen aus der Serie
  • Zahlreiche knifflige Level und unzählige hirnhungrige Streuner
  • Mach dir bewegliche Objekte und Sprengstoffe zunutze, um Streuner in ihr Verderben zu locken
  • Rette deine Überlebenden und zerschmettere die untoten Horden
  • Die Ragdoll-Physik sorgt für brutal komische Begegnungen mit Streunern


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 3 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX10 compatible
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 8, 10
  • HD: 400 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

63 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.06.21 11:26
Macht richtig Spaß
627 Produkte im Account
175 Reviews
659 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 08:30
Ein wirklich gut umgesetztes Bridge Constructor mit dem The Walking Dead - Szenario. Das Spiel ist wirklich stimmig und hat ein paar tolle Ideen bzw. Rätsel. Einen Schönheitspreis gewinnt Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead aber nicht, da ich die Grafik etwas schlicht und mau finde. Bridge Constructor Portal fand ich auch persönlich etwas besser und stimmiger. Eine Vorspulfunktion gibt es aber noch immer nicht. Die Level und Aufgaben sind recht abwechlungsreich, jedoch waren ein paar Level auch etwas nervig und umständlich schwierig gemacht. Für Fans 7/10

601 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
18 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.22 08:22
feels like a chore rather then a game
910 Produkte im Account
95 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
80 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.21 13:30
It's not very fun.
I like bridge constructors and it had some good bones and good concepts but they really ruined it.

Their puzzles demand zany cheese bridges constantly, which is fine; or it would be fine if they didn't with the next stroke of idiotic game design innovation make a buildable area space that is only a fraction of the play space. It takes cheesy silly bridges and some how manages to make them boring and tedious. Made worse by the obvious commands you must give the characters like a chore after building some very budget highly cheese bridge in their tiny nook of space.

They have tried to put some kind of primitive character ai and physics in the game, but both the behaviours of their AI and their physics are not dependable or foreseeable. Ex a cable cannot pass through a beam in construction, but can swing through a building during play. Ex a character will jump a eight foot wall and pull themselves up but wont jump a six foot trash box. This leads you to build in a way that should work based on what you have observed or common sense, but then discovering after you have built a bunch of stuff that the game engine has no respect for its own reality.

The physics of the building material stress's are the worst I've ever seen and feel bazaar. They will force you to build in ways you know would make a real bridge much much weaker in ways I've never seen a bridge building game fail at before.

The last straw is it really just doesn't have anything to offer that isn't done better by another bridge building game.
438 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
518 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 18:13
-Noticed a spelling error within the first 30 seconds.
-Mouse stopped responding during the last level of mission 1. Had to restart.
-Only slightly based on physics, 95% guess-and-check
-Directing the characters can be quite a chore in some levels
-Some levels are so difficult I had to use online guides. Similarly,
-The game doesn't offer a hint ability, or to skip a level if you can't figure it out

+Walking Dead universe
+$10 price tag
+Bridge building sim

It's not a great game, but for the price I got about $1/hr worth of entertainment. At the movies I'd spend $20/hr.
368 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
100 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 18:21
Dull and unrealistic even for bridge contruction collection standards
1920 Produkte im Account
164 Reviews
421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.21 02:34
I loved Bridge Constructor: Portal so I wanted to give this one a go. It's not as good IMO but still a good addition for more Bridge Constructor fun. This obviously takes place in the Walking Dead universe. I can't really speak for the story, I skipped through all of it because I just wanted to play the game for the gameplay. Unlike the Portal version, there are side objectives to complete each stage under a certain amount of resources. Unfortunately, in doing so, I feel like it encourages you to cheese it rather than actually building bridges at times. The last stage can actually be completed by just placing down like 4 planks to knock over the objective. If I wasn't focused on keeping it below a set amount of resources, I would have taken the time to build all sorts of bridges without even thinking of how to cheese it. A big change from the Portal version is there's a command system where you can tell characters to do certain things in certain locations such as use items or change directions. I just wish there was a way to make people wait at some of these key locations instead of forcing you to have them run back and forth because they always have to be moving.

Overall, Bridge Constructor: Portal was all about building. There was no penalty for building too much, you just had to make things strong. This one is about giving characters commands, limiting resources, and solving more physics puzzles (such as making barrels roll down towards targets.) The design is certainly different enough while the core gameplay is the same but I enjoyed the Portal version more. If you haven't played the Portal version, I'd recommend going for that one first. If you have and you want more, give this one a go.
1017 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
953 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 15:05

????Positive Aspects:

  • STEM styled missions.
  • A plot that only matches the Walking Dead series.
  • A soundtrack that was truly matching with the setting.

????Negative Aspects:

  • Mediocre controls which are usually unresponsive.
  • Some levels are too easy, especially the final level against Viper.


Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead is a well-known game series where you build various constructions in order to reach your goal. You build each construction using simple strats and common knowledge of Physics, Maths, Geometry, etc. The Walking Dead is a famous TV show which means that this game will feature characters and settings / Situations of the Walking Dead universe. The game was developed by ClockStone and published by

Release Date: 19th November 2020

Last known update: 1st December 2020


This was my first time playing a Bridge Constructor game on PC!

Well, it sure as hell wasn’t my first BC game as I had played many titles made by ClockStone on Android when I was younger. The only question to me was how would a great mobile game feel on a desktop? To my surprise, it was actually a better experience compared to the first Clockstone developed game I played on my phone called simply “Bridge Constructor” which was released on Play Store in 2012. 8 years now I can assure you that this game feels and plays better.


Even by looking at the title of the series, you will kind of get an idea of what this game is all about. Bridge Constructor basically means that you will build various constructions in order to reach your goal. I think the name Bridge is a little metaphorical as the bridge is a structure that allows you to go from A to B. And lastly, the Walking Dead is a well-known TV series. So yeah, this is a game where you build stuff in order to reach your goals in the walking dead universe. Big Brain explanation!


You might think that this game is pretty easy and straight forward but I will have to disagree with you at that. The game will not explain much to you, a minor message before the start of the game will simply inform you that you will need to kill these walkers and reach point A for example. The game will not help you on how to build anything or even what each character has to do. It is all up to you. Now construction is pretty straight forward you will choose between 3 main resources which are the following ones: Wood which is pretty cheap and reliable but not as sturdy when it comes to heavyweights. Steel is the sturdiest and most reliable construction but the drawback is construction cost which can get iffy with the resource limits if you do want to 100% the game. Lastly, Steel Cables are the best combination with either one of the other resources. It is basically the most versatile material in the game but by itself it is useless. The constructions when finished do look pretty solid especially when these constructions barely hold up and you can see various areas being highlighted with red because of the extreme pressure.

Level difficulty:
Now the level difficulty is a hit or miss. Some levels are pretty challenging which is always a positive in my opinion. On the other hand, you do have some other levels or chapters sometimes that do feel a little rushed or way too easy. Especially the last level in the game was so easy to solve. Some levels are genuinely beautifully constructed with barrels rolling around and explosives going off but at the end of the day, you can simply build a half-assed pole and achieve victory with it? I really feel like this game should be a little more challenging as a baboon like me got into the Top 15 All-time as far as leaderboards go.

Other aspects:
  • In order to hit the “400 walkers killed” achievement you should basically just kill every walker in every level after you have finished the game.

  • I really hope they add workshop support as this will bring this game to the next level.

  • When clicking on a bridge in order to extend it you do get some problems with it as sometimes you end up deleting some of the structure which can get frustrating. Perhaps some work on that aspect would make this a lot more relaxing.
  • [/list]


    The Story features characters that do play a role in the main TV Show.
    Kyra and Miles are the 2 first characters you meet and they were basically helping each other out for some while now. One day a fella named Eugene approached them asking for their help as walkers were chasing him. After a couple of days they all bond with each other. After reaching an old Bus service shop Eugene recognizes his old companion Daryl who was surrounded by walkers there. After some time together the team finds a base and of course they decide to see what is going on there. Suddenly a car with a strange logo carved on its side doors starts chasing Miles but luckily thanks to some great bridge-builder he evades certain death and enters the base with the squad. In there you will meet Naomi, a Female Soldier who was stationed there to aid against the pandemic although things did take a bad turn as she was the only one left and basically built a base by herself in order to survive. After sometime Dayril starts feeling like the 5th wheel in that squad and decides to leave and go on solo. He did mention that if they ever need his help a simple radio call would be enough. Later on, Naomi and Kyra got captured by that mysterious group. They wake up in another base with Killian and Viper awaiting them and telling them that both Naomi and Kyra will be their workers for the “good of the spirit”. Obviously, after some time both Naomi and Kyra escape the base and meet up with Eugene and Miles and a new addition which is Michonne. Sadly the enemy group is hunting down our friends for quite some time. After they reach an inevitable area where someone had to do the ultimate thing. That guy was old man Miles who decided to give his life for his friends in order to escape and reach that safe house and start a new life. After Miles’s glorious sacrifice the team gets Daryl back and they start the final attacks in order to eradicate every walker and enemy there. In the last mission, you do find where Viper was hiding and you decide to end this all. After that, the Squad starts a new life and always remembers Miles as a friend and hero.

    ????Graphics / Audio:



    Audio / Soundtrack:
    There isn’t much voice acting going on outside of some cutscenes which should be used a lot more in my opinion. On the contrary the soundtrack was a treat to listen to. Calm yet matching melodies really gave me some type of The Last of Us vibe.


    Let us be honest, every Unity game is a great performer.
    Due to the steam limit:
    Click here!

    Bugs / Glitches / Crashes:
    In 16 hours of being Daryl Dixon and slicing walkers up I experienced no bugs, glitches or even crashes at all!


    BC-TWD is in my opinion the best Bridge Construction game to date! It offers nice artstyle, a good story and the well known construction physics and all of that in the Walking Dead universe. A great game for every fan of the BC series!

    ????Overall rating: 80/ 100

    Date of the Review: 06.02.2021

    [url=https://store.steampowered.com/curator/37072886][quote]If you’re a big fan of Daryl killing some walkers, follow our curator page Devils in the Detail.
    69 Produkte im Account
    1 Reviews
    1171 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.01.21 06:14
    It isn't AAA by any stretch, but worthwhile for sure if you're into puzzles - resource management is what makes the challenge. It's rewarding getting all the badges.
    198 Produkte im Account
    21 Reviews
    Nicht Empfohlen
    8 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.01.21 07:37
    this is the seventh worst game i have ever played
    1127 Produkte im Account
    100 Reviews
    620 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 01.01.21 12:29

    Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead

    Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead is a fun indie game with a twist, set in a parallel universe to The Walking Dead. It tickled me to the bone thinking how will this play out in the world of The Walking Dead.

    Well, you’ll build bridges while hordes of dead are coming for you!!! Unpractical and stupid, but the game’s pretty good and a good brain tickler as well.

    Plot: The world came to an abrupt holt, something wasn’t right. People started getting sick. Falling sick so fast that they didn’t even have time to realize what was going on. People started dying at an unprecedented rate.

    The media dismissed it and claimed that it was all a lie. But soon they were gone and it all came down crashing.

    Suddenly the dead started to rise. Panic soon followed, the society pushed into disarray and anarchy.

    The dead attacked without fear or remorse. Many fell; the few who did survive the initial wave started regrouping in order to survive.

    Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead lets you experience a tactical side of the survival by building bridges to escape from and to kill the walking dead.

    Gameplay: The base gameplay is simple and comes with a lot of pieces that need to be put into the right spot and put into motion.

    The theme of the game is to construct time and situation-appropriate bridges, ramps, walkways, and contraptions, with the main goal being to ensure the survivors walk away untouched and kill the walking dead at the same time.

    The game progresses through chapters and each chapter consists of multiple stages. At the beginning of every stage, you will be given a purpose and budget allocation of materials to construct bridges.

    In the beginning, it seems there will be no shortage of materials to construct, but things soon become a lot more complex and technical. Therefore, keeping material usage to a minimum is necessary.

    As you start the stage and understand your purpose for that stage, you will need to plan out how to put your bridge together. As you figure things out you can simply left-click and drag one of multiple starting points to construct your bridge.

    As you’re working on it, a good thing to always keep in mind is that early wooden bridges need upper or lower support with wooden beams to support the structure.

    And as you progress further, you will get to use and manage other materials, such as steel cables and such to construct and manage your bridges.

    As you get more materials and larger construction areas, things get more complicated; further planning is required, and on top of that, you will need to adjust to the added complexity of dealing with the dead on each different stage with different scenarios and with different methods.

    Some will let you crush the dead under containers and others might allow you to drop the whole bridge. Some will even let you use scenario-related items.

    Whatever you do, the survivors need to be safe.

    There are three main aspects of the gameplay –

    1. Construction: By toggling the construction buttons, you will be allowed to use all the allocated materials for each stage and construct the necessary structures.

    2. Command: By toggling, you will be able to interact with multiple terminals, which in turn convert into commands for the selected survivors. There maybe one or multiple survivors in each stage that you must interact with and each needs to perform various tasks to complete each stage; by using the command feature you can enable them to do so.

    3. Execute: By hitting the execute button you will be able to let your survivors go and perform their intended commands. Things might go wrong as you make poor decisions, and for that reason the execute toggle also comes with a pause and rewind button, which allows you to pause your survivor's move or just rewind it all to gather.

    The gameplay also comes with camera movement, zoom in and out, cancel construction, undo, redo, and most importantly, material change keys, (which are not changeable).

    Puzzles: Not too complicated, but as you progress this gets a bit heated; since there are no time limits, you can take your time and figure things out with ease. The puzzles were a good balance of simple yet tricky; some took me no time at all and some several minutes (exact numbers of which I would hate to admit).

    A negative that I must mention that you will soon encounter is the dialogue and the guide. The gameplay is simple, and the puzzles are simple enough, and so should be the guide and dialogues between survivors. But they just take way too long to explain things and they explain them in a complicated manner.

    World design: Cartoonish art style world design which you wouldn’t expect from such the theme, but it looks and feels good.

    The world is colorful yet dulled out to give it a post-apocalyptic feel, combined with empty streets, burning buildings, damaged and well-worn structures, etc.

    Sound effects and music: A well put-together assortment of sound effects and background ambient noises. Doesn’t really portray a post-apocalyptic world but does give a feeling of emptiness and uncomfortable chills.

    Background music was a pretty good implementation that fits the game's narrative just fine and created a good immersive experience.

    Considering all aspects of the game Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead turned out to be a good one, after such titles as Bridge constructor: Portal from the devs at Clockstone.

    It’s fun and casual and puts out a good assortment of puzzles with interesting headscratchers. Combined with its appropriately chilling background music selections, it was a enjoyable experience.


    + Decent plot
    + Simple yet effective gameplay style
    + Fun puzzles, not too difficult
    + Decent assortment of sound effects
    + Enjoyable background score
    + Good amount of puzzles
    + Creative Puzzles and level design


    - Clicky and buggy controls
    - Unresponsive Mouse Clicks
    - Not much relation to The Walking Dead
    - Poorly constructed script and guide

    A fun puzzling game set in a post-apocalyptic environment with a tone of interesting content and level design.


    Key provided by the developer/publisher for review purposes. Any opinions expressed are entirely my own!

    248 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    392 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 13.12.20 23:05
    Zombies and bridges fits nicely together.(unexpected) I like the puzzles and the game has a cool atmosphere.
    170 Produkte im Account
    207 Reviews
    33 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 06.12.20 17:11
    Very cool game. I love the setting of it.
    349 Produkte im Account
    85 Reviews
    786 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 04.12.20 23:53
    Bridge building games held no interest for me, but I find this one fascinating. Adding a story built around a franchise really makes this physics puzzler compelling. They have a gold mine on their hands if they can expand into other franchises. Star Wars bridge builder? Marvel bridge builder? TAKE MY MONEY!
    654 Produkte im Account
    7 Reviews
    1077 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 26.11.20 05:56
    Fun, makes you come up with some crazy ways of pushing the limits of what you can do to try and get some of the reward badges even after you've completed the level. Highly recommended :)
    435 Produkte im Account
    33 Reviews
    445 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 15:13
    At first I was really skeptical about having to control the characters. Usually I like my bridge constructors only focusing on the bridge aspect. Controlling the characters is straightforward and easy to understand. I would have liked to see more characters from the TV show. Eugene's motives are kind of basic and I feel like using him as basically the narrator is kind of cheating. His character is very shallow and I get he's the smart one but I would have liked to have seen more motives and character interaction. This could have easily been a zombie bridge constructor and not had The Walking Dead license. My expectations would have been lower if that had been the case.

    Not having a money cap is really nice for fun building. I'm not a fan of trying to min/max my builds to stay under a budget. The money cap achievements are still there for completionists. 8/10
    442 Produkte im Account
    41 Reviews
    1214 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 25.11.20 05:50

    Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead shows there is still life in the zombie apocalypse trope.

    I’ve long been a fan of using fictional post-apocalyptic settings as a way to explore deeper themes surrounding humanity, so even though we’re currently in the midst of a pandemic (a common cause leading to fictional post-apocalyptic universes), The Walking Dead universe setting of this game was guaranteed to immediately pique my interest. My interest was even more piqued when I realized it was a puzzle-solving game, because I thoroughly enjoy the mental stimulation that comes from wrestling with puzzles. This interest was paid off with a delightful experience provided by Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead, which I highly recommend to anyone who enjoys physics-based simulation-puzzle games, regardless of the setting.

    Game Universe

    The Walking Dead universe provides a perfect framework for the challenges presented by the gameplay, although the story is not the game’s primary focus. Fans of AMC’s The Walking Dead will be pleased to see many familiar faces from the TV show, such as Eugene and Daryl. However, the game’s story doesn’t seem quite the same as the show’s, although I confess I’m not fully up-to-date with the television series. The dialogue is exquisitely humorous despite the slightly dark tone necessitated by the post-apocalyptic setting.


    Gameplay and Mechanics

    The game consists of 5 chapters with 8 missions each, and there are three modes used in solving puzzles: Simulation Mode, Build Mode, and Commands Mode. Players can easily toggle between the modes at any time. Simulation Mode is basically to check whether a proposed solution works.

    In the Build Mode, players design constructions using the provided materials. The first material provided is wood, with other materials like cable and steel being introduced later. The material type affects the weight, cost, friction for rolling objects, how much of an impact or load it can take, and more, so the same construction in wood might not produce the same result in steel. The provided grid lines in the outlined build area are very useful for making slight adjustments to angles and lengths when iterating.

    Not all missions use the Commands Mode, but this mode is where the player can plan a logical sequence of orders for a character to perform at waypoints to get from their starting point to the safe zone. In addition to telling characters which direction to go and activating nearby objects, some characters have special skills. These special skills often make sense with the television background of the character. For example, Daryl shoots arrows with his crossbow. A limited number of uses for each skill is available to the player depending on the mission. While timing actions, it’s important to keep in mind the walkers in relation to your heroes. Heroes can only kill walkers when approaching head on, and they can’t fight when they’re climbing, stumbling, lying on the ground, etc. If too many walkers are still alive when a hero approaches, the hero will be overwhelmed and killed.

    Some puzzles are real brain-benders in terms of orchestrating the timing between flexible/dynamic constructions, moving objects, and character commands. I also found it entertaining that some solutions were still considered successful. For example, getting a vehicle to the checkpoint, but it’s upside down and on fire. In reality that car would be totally useless, but the game still counts it as a success as long as it’s in the right location at the end.


    The game is designed to offer multiple levels of challenge to the player depending on how they want to play. At the base level, there is simply achieving the mission objective, regardless of how many resources are used. In order to challenge yourself further, there is also staying within resource constraints while achieving the mission objective or setting up a solution to kill as many walkers as possible along the way.

    STEM Themes

    For those unfamiliar with the STEM acronym, it stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, and this game explores those themes in a fun way. In order to solve the puzzles, players must use physics, engineering, and geometry. Certain geometric shapes are more stable than others, and some of the special abilities require you to estimate landing sites using a parabolic trajectory. Computational thinking and logic is necessary to plan the order for commands. The game design makes it fun to learn these concepts through experimentation and failure. Just as in the real-world, creativity is a must. Personally, however, I wouldn’t have minded more background education on some of the terms they used to inform me in making my strategic decisions. For example, they use the words tensile, compressive, strain, and stress, but the game never really explains what they mean. Even though players can Google those, it would be more fun to have them explained in the game universe.

    Art Style and Graphics

    The art style is more simple rather than realistic, but also doesn’t seem to hearken to the comic book origins of The Walking Dead universe. Colors are used skillfully to indicate key information. For example, yellow dots are anchor points and are more stable than just the blue dots. A reddish glow indicates a fragile, easily damaged area, and a silvery bluish shimmer indicates that an object is movable. When watching a solution play out, red indicates parts of your structure that are near to breaking, which can be very helpful in making improvements in successive iterations.



    The music on the loading screen is recognizable as a riff on the opening theme from the TV show, but the songs that play during the missions can actually be surprisingly beautiful. The soft Southern guitar and melodic piano sometimes belies the silly tone of the dialogue. There is only voice narration at the very beginning of the game; other than that the narration at the beginning of missions and the dialogue is only text. Maybe since I haven’t finished all of the chapters yet, the identity of the narrator at the beginning is unclear to me, although it feels like it’s not one of the characters we’ve encountered yet. Most of the sound effects perfectly complement the action that is going on (rolling objects, explosions, etc.). I find the squishing sounds that occur when walkers are killed particularly satisfying.


    There are 13 achievements total. Some are unmissable as you progress through the chapters, while others involve challenging yourself to manage resources efficiently or kill a certain number of walkers.


    Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead is an excellent physics-based simulation-puzzle game well-worth buying at full price ($9.99 at the time of review). I find its use of STEM concepts in its approach to problem-solving delightful. Although I haven’t finished all of the chapters yet, I fully intend to, and I’ve added other Bridge Constructor games to my wishlist to check out in the future.

    Visit SaveOrQuit.com for detailed game reviews, posted daily!
    241 Produkte im Account
    17 Reviews
    523 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.11.20 20:18
    at first I thought the game sucks. because of the graphics and because I had imagined something completely different under bridge constructor the walking dead. but when you're in the game it's really fun. twd has been implemented well. the comic style graphics aren't as bad as i thought either. the dialogues are nice and the hero controls are cool. that's something new. i think it's the best bridge constructor so far.
    2 Produkte im Account
    2 Reviews
    15 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.11.20 12:09
    its good and love to play
    513 Produkte im Account
    56 Reviews
    2501 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 23.11.20 10:16
    I think mixing the theme of the undead with building bridges is a great success.
    The way of presenting the story throughout the game is good, it has touches of humor that animate the chapters.
    We can distinguish some emblematic characters of the series, and challenges that make us think a lot about the best way to overcome them, without a doubt it is a game that develops intelligence, guarantees hours and hours of entertainment, as long as you have patience to develop techniques to create bridges and traps, that are stable enough, without a doubt, playing this game if zombies appear in our world, you will have a delicious brain that you will know how to protect.
    273 Produkte im Account
    12 Reviews
    274 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 21.11.20 08:03
    More like Bridge Constructor: Zombie Lemmings Vehicular Manslaughter
    Seriously, this is an odd one, but somehow seems to work nevertheless. There is nothing as satisfying as summersaulting with a RV into a horde of zombies. Price is a bargain imho, the puzzles get very demanding & versatile fast and might keep you busy for a long time.
    735 Produkte im Account
    109 Reviews
    77 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.11.20 22:16
    Game is fun but very quickly becomes punishingly difficult. Acquiring the completion badge for each level requires extremely conservative use of materials and razor thin margins of error. Materials are frustratingly fragile and seeing my attempted constructions collapse like a house of cards over and over got depressing fast. Using lighter materials means your bridge simply won't bear the weight of anything trying to cross it, while heavier materials collapse immediately.

    If you're reading this, you're interested in this kind of game, so I recommend you try it, because I can see the appeal here for extreme perfectionists who like to refine a thousand iterations of a design until it finally works. Personally, I don't have the patience or endurance required to keep coming back after being knocked down so many times.
    5994 Produkte im Account
    816 Reviews
    233 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.11.20 17:51
    Bridge Constructor always comes up with well-thought-out ideas and reasons for building bridges.
    Then once in a medieval style, or with educational purposes, or simply combine with 'Portal' because it is fun.

    This time we can enjoy a 'TWD' version where the bridge you will build will be decisive for your survival.
    The walkers may be stupid, but they understand the functions of a bridge perfectly.
    For this reason you will sometimes have to break the bridge you built with traps so that the walkers can also be disabled.
    Painful if the bridge was complicated to build, but survival above all else.

    The game then brings the pleasure of offering us a new story associated with TWD franchise.
    As you play chapter after chapter, you will encounter several characters from the TV series and also have to operate them in the levels.
    Not only building bridges or traps for the walkers are the main tasks of the game, but also operating the tasks of the characters and especially at the right times.
    The first levels give us a clear and easy view of the functions and the 'how to's'.

    Do you have the architectural insight required to survive? Prove it now.

    Here's a short video with strategies for the entire first chapter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4FFZMfgkxqk
    803 Produkte im Account
    16 Reviews
    219 Std. insgesamt
    Verfasst: 19.11.20 17:38
    Obviously a low budget game, but the puzzles difficulty and variety are nicely balanced and thought.
    A funny little game with a nice atmosphere, i ve just started playing but it looks like there s a lot of levels and fun to have with various materials, characters and their skills, and vehicles!
    Logo for Bridge Constructor: The Walking Dead
    Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
    81.48% 44 10
    Release:19.11.2020 Genre: Simulation Entwickler: ClockStone Vertrieb: Headup Games Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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