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Über das Spiel

Welcome to Space
A massive space hearse suffers a wreck in the deep space, leaving the area filled with debris, coffins, dead passengers and yourself. Survive in this interstellar dump, uncover a global conspiracy, save the princess and don’t break your fingers while tapping the keyboard as you travel around the world (keeping your display on for full immersion is advised).
More Flotsam and Jetsam!
It took a long time for our ancestors to develop because they had no duct tape. You have it and you know how to use it. With this magical artifact, you can create a vast variety of useless objects and throw them out the airlock! There are also many useful items to be created, but be careful as this may result in completing the game.
Fix and Decorate
When all the people around you just hover around in the vacuum doing nothing but playing dead, various tools and gears will help you become the worst noisy neighbor ever. Create a unique space station, provide it with oxygen and electricity, install all kinds of equipment from solar panels to hamster farm, and turn it into a real bachelor pad by stuffing it with furniture mixed with all kind of junk.
Honk! Honk!
Yes, you heard that right, it’s your own private car horn! Besides that, you can assemble a small rocket, ride the dead or build a large space shuttle. Transportation helps you move faster, evade obstacles and see the death screen after a head-on collision.
Prologue, Epilogue, and Other Nonsense
Surviving in space is fun, and surviving with a story is even more fun because you can just skip it all to annoy the scriptwriters! Breathedge offers you an intriguing plot with lots of dark jokes, cynical dialogues, an immortal chicken, a mad enemy, as well as badly animated cutscenes and other features of an excellent game.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel core i3
- GFX: GeForce GTX 660
- Software: 7, 8, 10 (x64)
- HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 10
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel core i5
- GFX: GeForce GTX 1060
- Software: 7, 8, 10 (x64)
- HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch, Russisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 00:12
2994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 10:49
Sound: 2
Musik: 1
Story: 1
Spielspass und Motivation: 1
Fazis: Im Grunde handelt es sich um ein liniares FPS, Survival, Puzzle Spiel, mit vielen Details, Minispielen, Aufbauelementen und sehr sehr viel Humor und sehr guter Story. Selten habe ich so ein Schmuckstück in meiner Sammlung haben dürfen. Es kommt vom Galgenhumor sehr nah an Postal, wenn nicht sogar einen Ticken schärfer.
Ganz klare Kaufempfehlung und hoffentlich weite so tolle Projekte vom Entwicklungsstudio.
Nicht Empfohlen
2535 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 14:51
Es ist alles sehr leer, trotz der Fülle an Informationen und Sprüchen und Schrottteilchen, die um einen herumfliegen. Es ist nicht mal herausfordernd, ich meine wirklich null herausfordernd. (Modus: Standard)
Man fliegt einfach sehr viel ab, kehrt immer wieder zur Base zurück, Sauerstoff tanken und weiter. Irgendwie langweilig auf Dauer.
Liebloses Basedesign bringt mich jetzt an meine Grenze. Nichts zum interagieren, nicht durchdacht. Reicht mir. Fazit: Durchgefallen.
2426 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.21 18:31
Kaufempfehlung für Leute die Games wie Subnautica mögen, aber die gerne nach dem Start der Rakete noch etwas Story gehabt hätten. ;)
Nicht Empfohlen
1027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 18:06
1138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 11:27
Nicht Empfohlen
2330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 18:52
1302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 17:09
Ich weiß gar nicht wieviele Referenzen sie zu anderen Spielen oder Filmen gemacht haben und wer weiß wieviele ich nicht erkannt oder verstanden habe.
2715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 22:23
Ich habe was für zwischendurch gesucht und wurde mit diesem tollen Spiel belohnt.
Um Kapitel 1 - 3 durchzuspielen, habe ich ca. 40 Stunden benötigt.
Dabei habe ich mir Zeit gelassen, alles erkundet und zwischendurch noch eine fette Raumstation gebaut.
Es kam keine Sekunde Langeweile auf, im Gegenteil, die ersten Stunden sind eher stressig.
Wenn man dann aber das Spiel verstanden und etwas mehr Luftvorat hat, ist da eine riesige und wunderschöne (kalte) Welt zu entdecken.
Insgesamt war es sehr angenehm, mal nicht am Strand oder im Dschungel aufzuwachen.
Die Atmosphäre ist einzigartig, der Wechsel zwischen flapsiger Musik in der Base und sphärischen Klängen im Weltall ist genial!
Das Argument, das hier wäre dass russische Subnautica, kann ich nicht ganz nachvollziehen. Klar, es sind Parallelen vorhanden. Aber welches Spielkonzept ist heute noch neu? Muss man nicht überall sammeln, craften und überleben?
Ganz klares Unterscheidungsmerkmal ist hier der spezielle Humor. Wer es nicht verträgt, als Spieler ganz hart auf die Schippe genommen zu werden, sollte lieber nicht zugreifen. Ich hatte mehrere WTF-Momente.
Das Spiel ist jeden Cent wert, hoffentlich kommt Kapitel 4 bald.
Bis dahin alles absolut stabil und weich, kein Bug, kein Absturz, nix dergleichen.
Das Spiel strotzt vor sinnlosen Sammelitems. Fotos, Plüschtiere, Unterhosen... braucht man alles nicht.
Also in die Ecke damit, in dem Spiel despawnt nix. Bloß nicht die wertvollen Koffer oder Schränke damit zumüllen. Es bleibt alles liegen bzw. im All schweben.
1204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.20 23:53
1033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 20:52
Nach dem aktuellen Stand ist der Umfang nun auch ordentlich. Das ist ein kleiner Überraschungshit für mich dieses Jahr gewesen.
Die Performance ist gut, die Atmosphäre ebenfalls. Am Anfang ist es etwas anstrengend mit geringer Sauerstoffkapazität, aber nachdem man das erste Kondom gefunden hat sieht's da schon besser aus ;)
1214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.07.20 14:53
Nachvollziehbar bei einem EA Spiel das es noch nicht ausgereift ist und völlig fertig ist ABER ich hatte fast 20h lang sehr viel Spaß damit!
Ich hab es als Let's Play Format aufgenommen/gespielt, also mich primär auf den Fortschritt mitunter konzentriert.
Man kann also locker 25-40h in dieses Spiel investieren und viele EasterEggs finden.
Der Humor ist fantastisch schwarz, kritisch und ich habe viele Momente sehr geliebt und laut gelacht.
Ich hoffe sehr das weiterhin an diesem Spiel aktiv gearbeitet wird und sobald es wieder Updates gibt die mir Bock aufs zocken geben, werde ich nach Gelegenheit diese Review überarbeiten! :3
Wer wirklich bis hierhin gelesen hat, schaut euch gern für einen Ersteindruck mein Let's Play dazu an!
► Breathedge ???? | 01 | Gefiederte Sternensucher
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 22:52
Breathedge ist eine Space-Craft-Survival-Exploration der besonderen Art. Wer schwarzen Humor, absurde Gedanken und ausgefallene Ideen mag, kommt hier vollständig auf seine Kosten. Außerdem kann nicht jedes Spiel von sich behaupten, ein unsterbliches Huhn zu haben. Ebenfalls gut bedient ist man, wenn man Spaß am craften hat. Die Trümmerteile der Raumschiffe bieten umfassende Möglichkeiten, aus Müll „mehr“ zu basteln.
Ganz nebenbei erzählt Breathedge auch eine ganz eigene Geschichte, die sich Stück für Stück weiter aufdeckt, je mehr man erforscht und sich die Umgebung ansieht. Durch Verbesserungen am Raumanzug, wird das Vorankommen immer leichter und die zu entdeckenden Areale immer größer und umfangreicher. Breathedge bietet also allen Space-Craft-Exploration-Hungrigen gutes Futter und eine noch bessere Portion Humor, die mehr als einmal die vierte Wand durchbricht.
Schnapp dir den Raumanzug, sammle Müll und bastel dir deine eigenen Hilfsmitteln, um noch mehr Objekte zusammenzubekommen. Finde heraus, was beim Unfall wirklich passiert ist und erkunde die Trümmer der Raumschiffe, die vielleicht nicht erst seit heute dort herumtreiben. Vergiss dabei allerdings nicht, dass DU eigentlich nur von hier weg wolltest und dass der Sauerstoff verdammt knapp wird.
1094 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 14:34
Beim Bauen selbst hatte ich hier und da mal meine Probleme, sodass aufeinmal die Schwerkraft und Luftmaschine nicht mehr gearbeitet hatten, obwohl genug strom da war.
Hoffentlich werden diese Probleme behoben.
1146 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.02.20 17:24
Wer The Long Dark oder Subnautica gut fand, sollte hier auch unbedingt reinschauen!
1077 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 22:27
1122 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.20 13:55
Abschließend kann ich nur sagen gebt dem Spiel etwas Zeit, mir hat es bis jetzt sehr gut gefallen.
1069 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.20 18:16
In diesem Spiel sterben Hühnchen!!!!!!11111einself
Ne, mal im Ernst.
Breathedge ist großartig.
Es ist witzig, es sieht gut aus und die Gimmicks zwischendrin sind der Hammer!!!
10/10 Punkte
1364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.19 12:24
Anstelle einer Story, gibt es jedoch Sarkasmus pur an jeder Ecke. Das dürfte ebenfalls nichts jedermanns Geschmack sein. Zumal die Entwickler nicht gerade Redefaul waren und schon in den ersten Spielstunden, mehr erzählen, als Subnautica in 100 Stunden. Aber auch hier, ist eben das Problem, des Sauerstoffs. Man kann die Entwicklergeschichten nicht einmal genießen, weil der O2 Ticker so erbarmungslos läuft, das man praktisch nichts mitbekommt, während man sich rettet und dann hinterher im Log nachlesen muss, was die so erzählt haben. Naja, wer Englisch fluent ist, wird es neben her hören, doch lesen und fliegen, ist schwierig.
Auch an dieser Stelle, finde ich das Spiel unrund. Es macht keinen Spaß dich die Kommentare unter permanentem Zeitdruck anzusehen.
Dennoch trotz all dieser Mängel, ist es ein kleines Subnautica im Weltraum. Ein nerviges, ohne spannende Story mit extrem Sarkasmus.
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.19 20:35
129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 16:04
Der Humor der diesem Spiel innewohnt ist bestimmt nicht jedermanns Sache. Die Entwickler haben sich viel mühe gegeben dem Spiel seinen ganz eigenen Stiel zu geben. Die Steuerung im freien Raum ist sehr intuitiv, die Benutzung der Werkzeuge nicht immer sofort nachvollziehbar. An jeder Ecke lauern neue Anspielungen oder Überraschungen. das Erkunden wird nicht langweilig.
Insgesamt kann ich das Spiel nur empfehlen.
Nicht Empfohlen
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 03:43
3078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.22 17:19
Breathedge can be a fun game... if you are willing to suffer through it. As a veteran of games like Subnautica and The Long Dark, I enjoy slow-paced, relaxed games. However, Breathedge suffers from a couple of major issues that significantly tip the balance between work and fun toward the former:
1. Poorly balanced difficulty mechanics: Sure, having but a few seconds of oxygen before you have to go back to the nearest 'breathing spot' is an incentive to explore and gather resources to get better gear that will let you venture further. However, by the time you upgrade or get stuff that mitigates this, you already need to go even further... and back again. This back and forth gets old, and a poor balance means that the time you have ALWAYS feels too short by the time you manage to upgrade your gear. The equipment that ultimately lets you get rid of all this work arrives way too late, and my guess is that all but the most dedicated players will have abandoned the game by then.
2. Cool stuff arrives so late in the game and has such steep material requirements that it's not even worth using it: *MINOR SPOILER* As an indie developer, you'd expect they would have tried to maximize the fun while getting rid of assets and mechanics that will never be realistically used. Basebuilding is somewhat deep and complex, but unless you are dead set on engaging in it, you will find yourself building only the very basic you need to accomplish your goals, lest you suffer through hours and hours of back and forth gathering materials to install that one cute lamp. This is compounded by the fact that basebuilding arrives by the time your gameplay becomes highly nomadic... so what's the point of spending hours finding enough glass (super rare) to install nice windows on a place you will hardly spend time in before you need to move on?
Storage space always feels extremely limited, so organizing your stuff is always HARD LABOR. Once you are finally ecstatic that you can build your first locker... you find that they have the same capacity as the pesky suitcases. That's right... after a massive effort finding blueprints, building your base and collecting materials, a whole wall of lockers has the same capacity as a suitcase, which is 1/100th the size. Why?
If you can get past that, the story is fun, some gags will probably have you chuckling and the visuals are beautiful. And MASSIVE props for not only straying away from all the PC agenda, but actually making fun of its most hypocritical specimens. In this day and age, it takes guts for an indie studio to go that way.
Nicht Empfohlen
13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 22:25
Nicht Empfohlen
116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 00:02
But I would not recommend if you want to play it for the story, the humor is like 15 year old that watch too much Deadpool. Depend too much on self-aware comedy but without a hint of subtlety. LOL what if we put joke credit in the opening of this game lmao. What about building literal junk just to progress the quest? We are so quirky lmao.
The artstyle is cool with a mix of Cassette-futurism. Shame it was wasted on this game.
Graphic: 7/10
Gameplay: 6/10
Story: 3/10
442 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.22 13:16
698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.11.21 11:35
It seems unfair to tag this as similar to Subnautica, because it will get voted down due to unfulfilled expectations.
If you don't compare Breathedge to other games and assess it in its own right, you may find that this game can provide hours of fun with exploration, building and much sarcasm.
It does not take itself seriously, so if you are after a serious story you should look elsewhere. I found the lighthearted approach refreshing.
Nicht Empfohlen
26 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 10:12
Nicht Empfohlen
451 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.21 03:39
Movement is tooth-grindingly slow, and O2 limits are ridiculously short. The entire game is just resource grinding while watching a timer count down from 100, and listening to the devs insult you through the HUD.
I'm used to modern games making jokes at my expense, but this game is straight up calling me an idiot for spending my money on it. You got me: I'm an idiot, I'll keep an eye out so I can avoid buying anything from these devs again. Fool me once.
2253 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 21:39
Hope for the DLC or a sequal.
Nicht Empfohlen
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 22:48
4306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.21 18:19
Base building and survival crafting that's totally ripped off from Subnautica. This is a very good thing. :)
More direction than in Subnautica, so you're never unsure of what to do next.
You can actually shoot stuff.
Potential cons (or more pros, if these are your thing):
Sophomoric humor.
Cartoony gore.
The story gets pretty macabre.
Nicht Empfohlen
1051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.21 09:47
1072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 03:00
The humor, on the other hand, mostly falls flat. It's conveyed primarily through collectibles and your sarcastic suit AI. There's a lot of self-deprecating humor, in addition to pop culture and videogame references. Unfortunately, most of it just isn't funny. There are a few moments that will make you chuckle but they're far and few between.
The game's biggest failing is the late game. Exploration and crafting take a backseat to linear corridor crawls and poorly executed combat sequences. It quickly becomes a drag and makes most of what you crafted earlier redundant. It might have felt more engaging if I cared about the story or lore but the game doesn't really give you any reason to invest in either of those because it all feels so random and irreverent.
I give Breathedge a tentative recommendation because it's really enjoyable when it's at its best. It's just that this only happens in the midgame after you've slogged through an annoying early game. The endgame is basically skippable unless you really care about the story and that's very unlikely. If exploration and discovery are your priorities, you'll find some fun in Breathedge. If story and writing are your priority, you're better off elsewhere.
1103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 06:21
1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 14:50
Chapter 1; EXCITING! A test of your skills, introduction to important things and the beginning of the lore!
Chapter 2; A long, grindy affair, often requiring de-facto cow tools, did i mention everything is 5 km apart and you gotta travel in real time?
Chapter 3; EXCITING, a new set of skills, humor! Lore! A new quest and gadgets!
Chapter 4; Recreate the box art, several times, MORE LORE, a glorious trip and fun!
Chapter 5; Excellent, a good ending, and more silly antics.
So i'll give it a 4/5 really.
I can recommend the game, but do beware of Chapter 2, it is LONG and often requires you to travel back and forth alot unless you read a guide and came crazy prepared.
Speaking of guides, read the one on how to get the space car, it will cut down travel time and save a very specific ressource, making chapter 2 more bearable.
Nicht Empfohlen
560 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 22:48
Nicht Empfohlen
1029 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.21 11:24
Its a constant cycle of getting new blueprints and crafting new shits that doesn't actually add anything to the gameplay other than simply opening a new door or progressing the story. And most of those times especially in the later stages of the game the blueprint for the tool or mechanism is at the end right before the closed door so you have to run all the way back to your spaceship to craft and then return again to open the door. Just seems like a lazy way of extending gameplay. Feels like the game started out ok and then it quickly went downhill and developers just wanted to halfass and finish up the game asap. You get a blaster and shit loads of health packs in the later stages of the game and then the only things you'll be actually shooting at are like 3-4 turrets along the corridors. Honestly i'm disappointed, this game have potential to be a funny light-hearted subnautica, it even memes about it at the end cinematics but it just ends up becoming a joke.
Nicht Empfohlen
1074 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 02:10
Nicht Empfohlen
788 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 05:38
Nicht Empfohlen
1850 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 12:08
First half is a great space based exploration survival game although the only real danger is running out of oxygen which can seem very limited early game but after chapter two becomes almost inconsequential.
I loved the feeling of the first half in general with it providing a great space based exploration based experience and i really enjoyed the humor although it did start to highlight some of the 'unfinished' aspects of the game.
You only really need to build one basic module for your space as station as it is required for the story to progress and while i did experiment with other modules they felt pointless and uninspiring and didn't even bother with the decorative items as certain resources either take a long time to find or seem very limited and for the most part don't seem to respawn.
Using the regular comparison of Subnautica i would have great fun diddling around in my base making it look interesting or homely but there really is no point in this game.
You can park your vehicle in the transport module yet you can't repair or refuel it while parked and if you changed the icon colour so it is easy to find it defaults back to the original after being parked.
There's a kitchen module which i couldn't seem to change the recipe with and seemed pointless as you can make the food with the construction bench.
There's a 'water dispenser' which is actually a canned drinks dispenser and for decoration only.
I didn't research most of the things on the research table as they weren't needed.
The oxygen stations are pointless after chapter one as there are fixed oxygen stations or places with oxygen at all points of interest.
All of which didn't really detract from the generally great experience of just exploring in space in the first half but they did lead to a feeling of missed opportunity and disappointment.
We then come to the second half. I note that i have played 30 hours in the game of which 28ish hours was in the first half and the remaining time was me trying to play the second half which i gave up on. Not for the commonly mentioned reasons that it is a generally different style of game, with it becoming more of a space based shooter with some more linear corridor based exploration, the fact that oxygen now becomes a complete non-issue or that everything you have done up to this point becomes effectively pointless but simply because of a basic control based issue which was game breaking for me.
I was playing the game with a controller and i always use inverted y axis setting as that is natural for me. This was fine until you get to the second half where invert y axis doesn't work while flying the space shuttle but it does again when you leave the space shuttle (although it was often buggy if i had tried to change the setting while flying the shuttle.i.e. if i chose invert y axis while in the shuttle it would often be none-inverted when i exited the shuttle and i would have to reselect inverted again for it to work properly.
I managed to deal with it generally until i started encountering the drones which i needed to fight in the shuttle. The combat didn't seem particularly difficult but i simply could not control the shuttle so i could either re-learn muscle memory i have developed over the past 30+ years of gaming or just give up and i gave up because it wasn't worth it and i have plenty of other games to play.
It is a shame something as basic as this made the game unplayable but i feel that really sums up the whole game really. At it's cores its a great game but it is a shame it wasn't polished which make you constantly feel disappointed at all the missed opportunities.
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345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 03:35
Nicht Empfohlen
138 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 02:16
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738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.21 08:52
The quirky and humorous enviroment seemed fun, but overall it was just a tedious experience.
Basebuilding not compareable to Subnautica.
Story not good enough.
Humor not good enough.
World not interesting/nonlinear enough.
2897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.21 23:24
I went into this game really not knowing anything about it. I just liked the screenshots... and it was 'space'. What other reason you need to buy??
Hilarious game, fun play, stuff to do, things to see, babes to ogle. Totally worth it.
Nicht Empfohlen
252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 13:04
I have heard the many comparisons to this game being like Subnautica. That's not really true.
In Subnautica you are always upgrading, always building, always exploring.
In Breathedge, you are always looking for more of the same 5 things to build another tool (drill, club, etc) because yours broke... again. The exploration is limited and linear. Also late in the game it completely changes to a sort of walkabout/shooter.
Pretty unfortunate. Buyer beware.
1864 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.06.21 03:05
Game 1 is just what it looks like on first glance: a free-roaming space survival game where you gather resources to build upgrades to increase how far you can safely travel. You can put plenty of hours into game 1 and have a grand old time, building up bases or puttering around on refurbished vacuum cleaners. It's pretty good.
Game 2 kicks in kinda suddenly, though Breathedge does give you plenty of warning that you're about to pass a point of no return. In game 2, you leave behind any bases or vehicles you've built to engage in a largely linear story experience. Resources are abundant, but you don't really need them because there's no reason to actually build much of anything anymore. The gameplay takes a serious downgrade into full-on Walking Sim territory, but the writing takes a noticeable step up in quality now that it can just follow a linear ship. It's basically what you'd get if you took Portal 2 and removed all the puzzles. Not great. Pretty good.
This isn't an unfinished game. It's two unfinished games glommed together into one full-length experience. I give it a thumbs up because I had a good time, but the second half still left me rather disappointed at all the unrealized potential. Overall, it consider it worth the money and time I spent on it. Calibrate your expectations appropriately and you might enjoy it as well.
4701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 14:20
WHAT TO EXPECT: 3-act, story-driven. Action adventure. Set in space. Open-world sand-box. Unparalleled freedom to explore. Mundane travel and resource gathering. Extensive crafting inc. modular space-station. Upgradeable space-suit. Build and pilot zero-g vehicles. Unorthodox game design. Quirky, ironic comedy, Russian style. Gameplay capable of stalling. Ends with a corridor style, sequentially, formulaic act. Can return to initial areas at game completion. Single-player.
More info below....
Breathedge is an open-world action adventure game played in outer space. Set in an expansive debris field it 'mind-melds' elements of survival and sand-box gameplay, unconventional design and quirky, ironic humour. Players take on the role of a lone protagonist who has miraculously survived the catastrophic demise of an Interstellar spacecraft en-route to a destination far, far away.
Experienced from a first-person perspective, players find themselves Marooned in a self-contained cabin. Their first steps will be to explore the vicinity their oxygen capacity limits them to. As they swim around a zero-g sea of wreckage they must salvage available resources and find blueprints. In order to assemble numerous tools and craft tons of components to augment their space-suit's capabilities, taking them further afield.
The protagonist must stave off hunger and thirst, and sleep when health needs to be restored. There are several notable hazards in the Alien environment of space. Care must be taken to navigate these when exploring. Regulating the use of oxygen is critical. Extreme radiation, cold and other dangers are also present. Key locations are marked as the player approaches them. Drawing their attention as to where they should focus their investigations.
A limited inventory must be managed to ensure hauls of resources are plentiful. Vehicles are requisitioned to reduce travel times and expand search areas. Portable oxygen tanks can be placed strategically to refill mid-flight. These require the appropriate specs to build them.
As the player reaches the final act, the game changes to one of a simple corridor shooter. Without much shooting. As the conspiracy at the heart of the Event [Horizon] reveals itself. Can the player overcome the overwhelming quirky and ironic humour to find salvation beyond this final frontier?
+ Wonderfully rendered sand-box environment enticing to explore.
+ High quality production. Great visuals, voice-acting and soundtrack.
+ Interesting story to experience and a conspiratorial mystery to unravel. With humours overtones.
+ Massive debris field to search for resources that never run out.
+ Never a dull moment. Lots to do. Craft tools, components and upgrade space-suits components. Build a space-station.
+ Surreal experience. Lots of unusual things to see and discover. There's some weird stuff floating around in space.
+ Quirky, ironic humour. Shades of Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy.
- Gameplay is repetitive in nature.
- Some badly sign-posed objectives. Possible to miss obvious targets of attention.
- Slow travel times. Prolonged action. Until better transport was found.
- Copious amount of backtracking. To get something needed to craft and progress.
- Can get temporarily stuck in a few interiors. Console commands to teleport not needed.
- GPU fan overworked a number of times.
- Long loading times onwards of midgame. Even with an SSD.
- Some flickering lighting effects seem suspiciously epilepsy inducing.
- On a v. few occasion items can fail to load. Suitcases full of resources. A reload solved this.
* Very linear plot but with open-world freedom to explore.
* Short gameplay arc. Prolonged by the need and freedom to explore at the players choice.
* Good but imperfect zero-g physics.
* Around 15h+ of gameplay across several chapters. Alot more by going off-road.
* 4x game modes; Standard, Story, Impossible, Free. Adds replayability.
* 19x classes of recipes. Each with dozens of individual items to construct.
* Traditional fixed inventory used to ferry items from fixed containers from point A to B.
* Numerous visual hazard effects. Would have liked to have seen more.
* Many pop. cultural references and easter eggs to find.
* FOV is fine. Only the odd item jerked late into view with 8GB of RAM.
Breathedge's experience veered from side-to-side, like the Millennium Falcon pursued by tie-fighters. Providing contentment to those looking for an exceptional survival experience with seemingly endless exploration and crafting opportunities. At least for the first two acts. Those expecting more of the same in the final act will be disappointed in the X-Com Enforcer/ corridor-esque, tick-box exercise that was. We will never know if the devs scoped for more of the same but were forced to hurriedly complete the final act. Relying on the story's need and the game's characteristic humour to carry the player to a necessary conclusion.
Marvellous visuals whetted the appetite to explore a beautifully rendered, vast zero-g environment. The scale of sand-box key to retaining engagement. Freedom amplified the desire to explore. While the wide-ranging soundtrack and audio supported the ambience, the excellent voice-over kept the experience from being an overly lonely one. I'm sure one of the tracks was a nod to Starman. One of my fav. films.
The dev's philosophy of poking fun at survival games should be obvious and applauded. It was full of tropes. Filled to the brim with McGuffins. With so many cultural references and associated collectables to er... collect. Anyone who does not enjoy quirky, ironic humour delivered in a hammy, uptight New York style, may be put off from even playing the game. It was central to the experience. Suspect it was some cleverly disguised Russian propaganda but this cannot be proved at this time. Ask me again during my next run, comrade. Those who manage to resonate with these key aspects will avoid a force style choke hold from ruining their fun.
The unorthodox design of its three acts proved an acquired taste. A first act perfect in execution led to a mostly satisfying middle act. Albeit one with flaws. Despite the fact that Breathedge can be sped-run in a few hours I found it was easy to lose focus. Causing progression to stall and some frustration to seep in. Travel times became laborious. As were finding a host of achievements. The final act morphed from enjoyable into a nightmare. Where no one can hear you scream. We are in space! Compared to the first two acts, it really was out of place. A let-down at best. At worst as criminal as the conspiracy at the heart of this game.
Breathedge was close to being S-T-E-L-L-A-R! Superb production values, amazing visuals, its vast sand-box and the freedom to explore were its greatest strengths. The copious travelling and backtracking, subjective humour and execution of the final act arguably its biggest concerns. I loved the freedom to travel and the range of crafting options as well. At least the original areas can be returned to once the main story ends. I really can't wait to try the other game modes.
Overall this was a game of two halves provided a compelling experience, which unfortunately ended as a formulaic one.
Thank you for reading. | Find my reviews here. | Key provided by Reviewers' Paradise
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346 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 00:19
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2593 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.21 10:35
WHY? Why and when does this happened?
2976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.21 13:53
Oh, and then you'll need to grind your way through walking sim with no gameplay to speak of. Well, sometimes you'll have the opportunity to shoot at things.
Still, the game is fun and enjoyable. First chapter - 10/10, rest of the game - 5/10.
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78 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 21:40
The first glaring issue was the sound, if you have surround sound don't waste your time, let me stop you right here. The sound levels will be all over the place, and you will be reliant on subtitles which often get interrupted. Sometimes music is shaking your walls, sometimes you can't even tell there is music.
The popups go away far too fast to read them, so if you want to enjoy the funny writing you will have to look to see if anyone posted it all online somewhere half the time.
And, upon reading various reviews and experiences, it seems the game is poorly advertised. Subnautica in space only applies to the beginning of the game. After that, it's a walking simulator. I haven't gotten far enough to see for myself because I will be refunding, but the consensus appears to be the game changes partway through. So, if you wanted subnautica in space, don't bother with this game.
Finally, the game itself. It is painfully okay. That is about all I can say positivewise. It is funny, but to sum up the range of the humor; there is a pee button. It screams of throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks. They basically tried to be deadpool.
Quality of life issues are one of the biggest issues I have, the little things that make a game fun and immersive are just missing. I don't really feel like going through a list, so here are the bigger ones. The crafting menu is a pain to use, there is no flow to the progression, and even using the airlock is annoying because you just half phase through it. I had to manually stop myself so I didn't feel like a ghost.
This game needs a complete redo, I'm afraid. I can tell the devs tried, but they tried way to hard to be funny and ignored making the actual game good. I laughed, then I got bored.
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91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.21 11:27
Definetly NOT Subnautica
My biggest reason to purchase this game is to have a similar experience like Subnautica. I believed the reviews of this game. But it has no similarities. Let me summarize what main aspects I've found so far:
- Devs focused on humor and exploration but forgot many crucial things that makes any game fun rather than tedious grind. Such as:- Durability of items are way too low making them break almost instant. - Oxygen is way to restricting thus making exploration a tedious action. - Crafting takes too long and really unsatisfying. There's no reward for building something too. I remember the feeling of building Cyclops for the first time. It was a game changer and I couldn't find something similar in Breathedge.
- Unlike in subnautica there's no real danger or nothing to fear. Game feels dull after 30 mins. Humor doesn't feel sufficient to keep me playing.
- It's like a picture. A few stories left and right and that's it. Fun exploration for a few times but it gets dull quickly.
As a Conclusion : If you're not interested in humor and expect something serious like Subnautica with real fun and exploration you should pass this game. If you're looking something funny with lots of annoying grind and tedious exploration go for it.
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1387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 16:13
I liked the first part of the game, that was a little bit more open, but from chapter 4 and forth the game is very linear, with almost no survival mechanics.
The jokes are alright, but the mechanics of the game lets it down.
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3762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 08:21
The first half of the game is good fun survival/crafting game ( with some issues ) the second half becomes more of a walking simulator going through the motions to get to the end of game. The humour is great assuming you enjoy its style. The exploration in the first half is great, constantly finding new things and progressing.
Honestly If the first 3 chapters were one game and the last three chapters a separate game individually then both games would have been good ( with some annoyances ) and made more sense. I completed the first 3 chapters in EA and as a survival/crafting game it felt good enough and was enjoyable for 15 odd hrs I player it. The last 3 chapters are interesting from a story line perspective and a nice ending sequence, but nothing more.
For me what really tips this game into almost negative review is the lack of action by the developers are clear issues identified during EA. Its as though the dev's changed half way through development and no-one was interested in the survival/exploration/crafting aspect of the first 3 chapters!
Examples include
- Poor durability on tools: Though I don't agree with others that its super bad it did need a bit of tweaking.
- Base Building: Is pointless other than a storage for your inventory. You can even build some items that have a specific use that you can never use.
- Base Building: Suit storage does not remove the suits from your inventory.
- Base Building: Deconstructing built objects LOSES resources!
There is no good reason for this and it immediately restricts any creativity in designing a base as you have to fully plan it out before you start or even known what modules or compartments you can build in the future!
- Base Building: Windows requires stupid amount of resources ( as glass is somewhat limited ) and limited in placement. You are in beautifully rendered SPACE environment but you can only build a few windows and only in a specific module type and not on corners! This makes it difficult to be able to bask in the glory of the games space environment.
- Base Building: Storage - the storage compartment has 4 cupboards within it but you only have a single storage unit for all 4! Its not like the game can't support a storage unit per cupboard, it does so on one of the engineering shuttles. This means you have to build a stupid number of storage compartments to get any level of decent resource storage.
- Quick Bar: If you use an item but have more in your inventory it does not replace the item, you have to go to inventory and re-assign it.
- Base Building: Scanning for blueprints can only be done on specific single instance of an item found in the game. e.g. You want to scan a chair to add to your base, well there are dozens spread throughout the game, there is only one specific one that can be scanned.
- Quality Of Life - On top of this there are a whole bunch of QOL features that would have made the game more fun to play, like having an active list of resources needed to build a specific item etc.
So anyway, on the whole I do not regret buying the game in EA, the first 3 chapters were fun, and I enjoyed the last few chapters even though they felt drawn out, but overall its a bit of a missed opportunity and highly annoying that the dev's never addressed obvious issues with the game that were highlighted in EA.
If you enjoy survival/crafting games then this is still worth a buy, just maybe not at full price.
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600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 16:44
There is literally no point in building a base. Don't bother just build one room because it will all be deleted half way through the game. Plus you're buying two games in one.
First Half: Slow, Painfull survival game.
Second Half: Walking similator.
Advice to the devs: remember there is a basis to all survival games, that's why they work. Manipulating that core process can be very dangerous. Rather focus on things that make Breathedge for what it is and keep the core system a proven concept.
I really hope they change the last part of the game and redo the tool system.
That underwater game we all love worked because they focused on the environment, exploration and leaving the story up to the player. Keep everything else simple.
I would not recommend this game, I'm sorry.
1806 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.21 05:03
As far as the humor goes, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. Using condoms to breathe is kinda funny but not very clever to me if I'm being honest. I wish they had pushed the Soviet themes a bit further because some of it feels pretty half baked. For instance you can pee on anything, or use a chicken to plug a hole in a space station, but a lot of the time it feels like it's hurting the survival atmosphere. Random isn't always funny, at least to me. This part is entirely subjective so your mileage may vary.
It's a gorgeous game, and runs infinitely better than Subnautica (I still can't believe they used their own custom-made, completely garbage engine for that game). Props to the design team for embracing that retro-futuristic design language that works so well. On paper, this was a game that was supposed to be my bread and butter, but the tedious nature of the building process and resource retrieval as well as some of the somewhat tone-deaf humor really hurt my enjoyment of the game. I recommend the game for anyone to try as it might really click with you, and I will definitely support the developer for being unique and interesting.
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177 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.01.21 03:13
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95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 05:07
The slapstick humor is funny in the intro, and then quickly becomes forced and uninteresting. The funnier bits tend to happen while in space, where you are constantly in frantic search for useful objects before your ludicrous oxygen limit is hit, so you don't even pay attention to what the guy's saying. Seriously, the oxygen system here makes the basic, un-upgraded O2 tank in Subnautica look extremely generous.
I gave it its less-than-2-hour shot, and ultimately refunded it. This isn't worth the price even with the -33% sale.
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2078 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 01:24
If you've ever been annoyed by item durability in games, this is not for you, as breaking and repairing the exact same tools every 10 minutes is most of the gameplay. Any of the punishing traversal disappears within a few hours as you upgrade your oxygen and get your speed up and after that point it's just a padded slog,
Why did I spend over a day of my finite life playing this? I suppose I thought it would get better. When things seemed to be ramping up for a change of pace I reached the end of the content. The visuals were good throughout, and there are some solid landmarks to aid in navigation, but looking back on the time I spent on this game it just felt like a repetitive grind with very little novelty scattered among the chores. If there's mod support in the future that allows for you to tweak and increase item durability I would recommend it, you do not deserve to have your time wasted in this manner if you do choose to purchase this game anyways.
All in all I hope this game improves. There's some very good art direction throughout that I would hate to see go to waste by being turned into just another engineered slog to inflate play time.
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392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 20:04
I'd only recommend this game to people who have finished Subnautica and are looking for something more punishing, linear, and filled with extremely childish quips.
Even putting aside the borderline homophobic, anti-PC/anti-SJW jokes, the gameplay is sadly lacking. Yes, it is Early Access, but the devs have said that the first 2 Chapters are pretty much finalized. Imagine Subnautica but you're railroaded and you can only get oxygen at bases you construct or very specific and limited locations. That's just the start of the gameplay problems. The overall gameloop is very repetitive and a slog, while Subnautica has interesting biomes and creatures with a variety of behaviors, Breathedge is devoid of almost all of that. Really wanted to like this, but the jokes put me off and the gameplay made me realize it wasn't for me in the long run.
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183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 12:34
This might be better when it's more developed, but somehow, I suspect the flaws are baked in. Wish I hadn't wasted the money and three hours on it, but oh well.
1113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 03:18
Ignore the people saying it is too hard. Ignore the people saying it isn't funny. Those people wouldn't know fun if it punched them in the face.
The oxygen mechanic is tuned just fine, you aren't supposed to have a bunch of oxygen in the beginning; you are in a shipwreck, you weren't prepared for this.
3111 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 21:58
Breathedge is easily the funniest game I've ever played and when it gets done, it will be a strong contender for the best game I've ever played overall, beating many AAA games. Well-fucking-done. Can't wait for the continuation.
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.11.20 02:04
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207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 03:10
At the beginning of the game, at full speed, your suit will tell you that you are going 12m per second, but you are moving much closer to 7 or 8. This is problematic when you're deciding if you have enough air to make a return trip. If you have 14 seconds of oxygen, that should be plenty of time to blast your way back if your ship is 100m away, but you will run out while you are still 20m away from your ship. Either the acceleration isn't correct, or the distances being measured are wrong, and from the community forum has had this reported over two years ago.
I like the idea for the game, I like the setting, and I like most of the humor, but this and a few other things mean that Breathedge is going to be shelved until the full release.
482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 16:54
Go get some chickens for the ride, you will need them.
150 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 09:22
2036 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.10.20 13:41
The good
Moar chickens than you can stuff in a space ships glove box
Filled with creamy humour goodness
Excellent graphics and immersion
Space is big, like really big
Features a sexy Russian woman, probably. It could be a space alien doppelganger
Audio is awesome, decent voice overs.
You can pretend your Russian cosmonaut.
Plenty of gags and references.
The bad
Sometimes get stuck in environment scenery, bugs need fixin
There's not much bad i can say about Breathedge, its a great game bringing a breath of fresh air 'mind the pun' in a somewhat stagnant industry as of recent times. The games not yet complete but it will be around November this year, get it whilst its still in early access as im sure the price will increase. Games like this are what pc gaming is all about. Support Russia games industry and grab a copy.
Recommended buy
12654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 19:30
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.20 04:13
Great story, haven't played it in a while so can't really be specific.
Graphics/Visuals: 810
Even though it's just cartoon real life sort of looks, it still has it's own design and feel, which is a mix between comical and realistic which I really liked.
Gameplay: 8.5/10
It's a normal survival game, but in space. The materials are minimum which is great as you cant travel too far from your capsule as you have an oxygen tank and most materials are near by. You create items to let you travel further and faster which allow you to get new materials. You have your main missions to complete the story like always but can also go and do your own thing. There isn't any base building in this game but its not like most survival games where you could play forever but you can definitely play longer than just the story.
Difficulty: 6/10
Nothing too difficult as it does hold your hand a little, but that's more of just showing you what to build to help you finish the game.
Anger Level: 0/10
Very peaceful game, just sat there the whole time listening to the narrator talking and the silence of space which creates a calming game.
Total: 9/10
This is one of my favourite games, only downside is after you finish it its hard to just play it again. I love this game so much from the design, to the story, to just the narrator. I highly recommend this game to really anyone who likes a story and survival games.
2116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 19:07
Subnautica-like gameplay.
Learning where to find certain tech unlocks can make for a frustrating early game, just like Subnautica. Gets better.
Few threats. Mostly oxygen management.
Relaxed pacing.
Visually attractive.
More polished than you may expect.
Russian, and making fun of localization errors enough that actual errors may slip under the radar.
Some conservative values and political humor present, but our hero is an idiot. So perhaps something for everyone there?
Endless blunt force bad humor attempts, but occasionally you may catch yourself LOLing. Maybe.
Main mouthpiece character speaks so fast, I often have difficulty processing what was said while focused on the tasks that tend to trigger this dialogue. Fortunately there is a verbatim written log of everything he says that you can peruse from safety.
Psychotically passive aggressive co-mouthpiece character actually manages to be only unfunny annoying after the first few dialogues. Needs polish.
Basebuilding feels pretty lackluster so far. Though I'm still exploring the feature. Also, in development.
Enjoying it thoroughly.
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291 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 18:06
1. I don`t like how you`re so extremely reliant on Oxygen stations to move around. You have to continiously make sure you have 1, 2 or sometimes 3 in your inventory if you wanna go anywhere. My whole screen is littered with the damn things. Also when you reach the end of a certain distance...U have to go back to your shuttle/hub and build another one... etc. It`s just not a fun mechanic.
2. It`s not easy to access inventory. I had all my stuff stored in the starter hub and then later (minon spoiler) when you reach a second build locaton...all my stuff is still in my other hub. And i`ll be damned that i`m gonna DRIFT around for 5-10 minutes travelling up and down the oxygen stations paths all the time.
3. Finite resources? I`m not sure if it`s a game mechanic..but when a certain spot is doesn`t come back. So when you build something stuid/useless with a certain recourse...and you can`t find it anymore...then what? Like this one time I used up all my alluminum and then I had to restart the whole game beacuse I needed the alluminum to build my space suit. Kind of a waste of time and that was almost a rage quit and refund.
4. The radio doesn`t have enough songs ;-)
5. The SLOW movement in space is just...not fun. I get bored/tired of floating to locations only to find my oxygen is already at 25% and I have to rush my ass back to the shuttle/hub/oxygen point. It`s just not fun.
Now I know this all sounds negative...But I do love the humor and the graphics and the overall concept of this game. I really loved subnautica and this game comes real close in it`s concept and play style.
So nothing to complain about that. these points mentioned above are just real annoyances I experience while playing the game. And A game should feel relaxing and fun..and not like a chore :-)
I hope you realize I mean well and this is just feedback.
Thanks for you time.
1275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 13:28
☐ You forget what reality is
X Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
☐ Very good
X Good
☐ It‘s just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
X Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
☐ Kids
X Teens
X Adults
☐ All
---{PC Requirements}---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
X Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
☐ Just press 'W'
X Easy
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isnt necessary to progress
X Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You‘ll need a second live for grinding
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
X It‘ll replace your life
---{Game Time}---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
X Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
☐ It’s free!
X Worth the price
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
☐ Never heard of
X Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
1878 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 20:21
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538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 17:38
Your oxygen count ticks down in seconds. You start with 50 seconds air.
your base movement speed is displayed under your reticle as 12m/s. so I should be able to go 60m distance in 5 seconds!
or manage 240m in 20 seconds.
wrong!! you move at appx half speed. Just to add tension I guess!
Later equipment upgrades get you more air and faster speed mitigating this somewhat but I kept dying because ..... because I kept looking at 420m distance and thinking 11 seconds of air will do me at 42m/s.
1733 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.20 16:20
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386 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 09:08
- lets say someone made this game without thinking too much about bugs and game progress saves
majom cons:
1 there is only one save and it means only last actual save and as it happend to me that my PC crashed just after save and ive lost all inventory from chapter I thanks to some bug and i can not load older save, there is simply one last save - i will not replay whole chapter I again, becoase this can happend anytime again any i will be f*** up again :)
2. same will apply when you accidentaly save the game manualy instead of load it
Honestly, i dont mind bugs for betas, but i DO MIND when there is only one stupid save for whole game, and i am sure that chicken knows this since beginning.
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292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 03:14
9121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.20 01:05
2371 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.05.20 13:23
The humour is dark and spicy like Borscht.
The game that is playable is great, but there it isn't finished and leaves you on a cliffhanger. But that's the
worst of it.
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283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.20 20:17
Pros this game is absolutely stunning! Lots of humor.
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318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 19:18
1981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 22:35
To average gamers: Survival game where you collect materials(not very grindy) to create tools that help you advance in a funny story.
To noobs: The comedy in this game will likely not be enough to offset the amount of stress you get from trying not to suffocate in space. You have limited oxygen that can be upgraded as you progress.
If you're claustrophobic and hate planning small trips, Breathedge and Subnautica are not for you. Otherwise, these games are relaxing, entertaining, and super worth the money.
RedRuins Softworks
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
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