About the Game

Resurrect the classic era of RPGs with the retro parody RPG, Breath of Death VII: The Beginning. Join Dem the Skeleton Knight, Sara the ghost historian, Lita the vampire techie, and Erik the zombie prince as they explore an undead world in search of the secrets of the past. Laugh! Cry! Laugh some more!

Key features:


About the Game

Resurrect the classic era of RPGs with the retro parody RPG, Breath of Death VII: The Beginning. Join Dem the Skeleton Knight, Sara the ghost historian, Lita the vampire techie, and Erik the zombie prince as they explore an undead world in search of the secrets of the past. Laugh! Cry! Laugh some more!

Key features:


About the Game

Resurrect the classic era of RPGs with the retro parody RPG, Breath of Death VII: The Beginning. Join Dem the Skeleton Knight, Sara the ghost historian, Lita the vampire techie, and Erik the zombie prince as they explore an undead world in search of the secrets of the past. Laugh! Cry! Laugh some more!

Key features:



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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 13.07.2020
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Preis Update 19.03.24

Über das Spiel

Resurrect the classic era of RPGs with the retro parody RPG, Breath of Death VII: The Beginning. Join Dem the Skeleton Knight, Sara the ghost historian, Lita the vampire techie, and Erik the zombie prince as they explore an undead world in search of the secrets of the past. Laugh! Cry! Laugh some more!

Key features:

  • Old school RPG style mixed with modern design sensibilities!
  • Fast-paced turn based combat!
  • 4-6 hour quest with multiple game modes & difficulty levels for added replay value.
  • Easy to understand branching character customization system with frequent LV-Ups.
  • Multi-character unite techniques and combo break system for added depth!


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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

336 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.20 17:54
Nice RPG game you play as skeleton....RIGHT MR. Skeleton! He makes friends, with friends you feel stronger! with friend-friend-friendship strength! Alltime Spawn friendship power for more friendships!
1503 Produkte im Account
190 Reviews
503 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.16 15:58

Zwar kein Hit, aber zu dem Preis definitiv einen Kauf wert

Breath of Death VII – The Beginning ist ein nettes kleines Spielchen für Zwischendurch. Neben dem einwandfreien Preis- Leistungsverhältnis bietet das Spiel eigene Ideen rund um die Rundenkämpfe, einen tollen Soundtrack und vor allem respektiert es die kostbare Lebenszeit des Spielers. Im ernst: Ich kenne kein anderes JRPG, welches die Kämpfe schneller abwickelt als dieses hier! Weniger gelungen sind jedoch das öde Dungeondesign, der eher flache Humor oder die arg altmodische Grafik im NES-Stil. Das Spiel ist eben kein Überflieger, aber das muss ja auch nicht immer so sein. Wer einfach mal mithilfe eines Pseudo-Retro-JRPG's der NES-Ära in Nostalgie schwelgen möchte, liegt hier jedenfalls goldrichtig. Und wenn man mit BoDVII fertig ist, kann man sich ja gleich im Anschluss mit Cthulhu Saves the World auseinandersetzen.

Pro und Kontra:

- das Spiel respektiert die Zeit des Spielers (Renn-Funktion, sehr schnelle Kampfabwicklung, man darf überall speichern)
- sehr guter Soundtrack
- drei verschiedene Schwierigkeitsgrade und ein freischaltbarer, zusätzlicher Spielmodus
- frei konfigurierbare Tastatursteuerung
- das Rundenkamfsystem bietet einige interessante eigene Ideen (Combo-System, Feinde werden mit jeder Runde stärker)
- faires Preis- Leistungsverhältnis (1,99 Euro für sechs Stunden Spielzeit zuzüglich einem weiteren Spiel)

- sehr altmodische Grafik im reinen NES-Stil
- die Mischung aus düsterem Post-Apokalyptischem Setting und parodistischem Humor kann meines Erachtens nicht so richtig zünden

- bietet leider keine Dritthersteller Gamepad-Unterstützung
- Zufallskämpfe
- langweiliges Dungeon-Design welches hauptsächlich aus öden Korridoren besteht
- aufgrund zu starker Bossgegner kann das Grinding in der zweiten Spielhälfte etwas ausarten

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423 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.14 23:53
Es vermittelt ein schönes Retro-Feeling von klassischen RPG's, die Kämpfe erfolgen schnell und flüssig - und bieten gleichzeitig genug Tiefe, die Story ist knackig und der Parodie-Faktor sehr humorvoll umgesetzt. Viele Anspielungen auf alte Spieletitel und liebevoll geschriebene und witzige Dialoge ringen einem den ein oder anderen Lacher ab.

Der Preis ist trotz der relativ kurzen Spielzeit keinesfalls zu hoch - im Gegenteil: qualitativ betrachtet erhält man hier ein echtes Schnäppchen.

Daher (vorallem für Genre-Fans & eingesessene Spieler) absolute Kaufempfehlung!
6771 Produkte im Account
274 Reviews
210 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.12.13 16:07
Runden basiertes Kampfsystem, eine interessante Geschichte die gespickt ist mit Humor höchsten Levels.

Ich habe dieses Spiel durchgesuchtet, auch wenn die Kämpfe nach einer Zeit echt langweilig werden, aber das Spiel blockt nach einer bestimmten Anzahl an Kämpfen in einem Gebiet die Gegner einfach, wodurch ihr euch dann frei bewegen könnt.

Lustiges Spiel, hat mir sehr gefallen. Definitiv kaufen!
532 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
42 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.13 09:04
Old-School RPG im 8bit Style und taktischen Kämpfen ähnlich der Wizardry Reihe. Alles sehr einfach und Einsteigerfreundlich. Vor allem die sehr gelungene Story und der tiefschwarze Humor fesseln länger an den Bildschirm als erwartet! ...und mal ehrlich, für 1,99€ für 2 Spiele... was will man da schon falsch machen ;)
259 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 23:40
If you want to scratch an itch for an early Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) game, this is for you. Pretty funny, too.
607 Produkte im Account
440 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.22 21:28
I'll say more or less the same I did about Cthulhu Saves the World seeing how imilar they are. Breath of Death VII is a love letter to old 16bit RPGs which... I have zero affinity with, never played one at the time they were popular so I have no nostalgia for them. And that's mainly the only reason I didn't really enjoyed this game and didn't bother to finish it. That however is not a valid reason to give a thumbs down, quite the contrary. You can see just how passionate the devs were with this game and that love and care passes though to the player. I might not like this nich genre, but that doesn't mean this isn't a good game.
1062 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 17:08
flawed and sometimes super tedious but for some reason i still loved my time with it. my biggest complaint is the outdated JRPG gameplay mechanic where just walking around the game gets you into battles. Said battles sometimes take a long time.
7 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.22 22:48
Fun game. Lots of interesting monsters to fight. The jokes are funny also.
570 Produkte im Account
302 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
365 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 13:04
A somewhat barebones RPG with an interesting leveling system allowing you to pick how you level up, some humorous dialogue/moments, and difficult combat. Unfortunately it's a bit too barebones and repetitive. Cthulhu Saves the World gives the same type of experience, but is much better in pretty much every way compared to this.
21 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
405 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 02:38
This is a short but fun (and funny!) RPG that is well worth the small price tag. I finished it in three sessions but was thoroughly entertained the whole time. Also, the soundtrack is great!
89 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.21 08:25
such great, much wow
45 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
745 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.07.21 14:37
So addictive and cheaper than candy
195 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
38 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 10:14
It makes me sad to give this game a negative review, because I feel that it was 80% there and just needed a little more balance to make it great, but a few key elements make it a disappointing grind.


-Classic 80's or 90's RPG feel
-Amusing dialogue
-Level up choices make you feel like you have real control over your character


-When you level up, you are given a choice of two stat increases or two abilities or two passive abilities. Unfortunately, you can never go back and your choices can really hurt you. In addition, there doesn't seem to be any way to review any passive abilities you're chosen for your characters. (As an example of how crazy it is, for most of my game so far my healer's normal attack is doing twice the damage of my main character fighter, and one of my main character's starting spells has increased from 20 to 25 damage over 15 levels as I didn't know he wouldn't be given good magic choices.) A skill tree of ability to re-spec is VERY needed.

-There are HUGE difficulty jumps, even between different screens in a dungeon. On one level/screen you will be completing every fight by just auto attacking, and on the next screen a slight change in enemies can wipe you on the third turn. This can begin at about the halfway point in the game.

-You can get to a difficulty jump around the 3rd town where any fight can wipe your party, so you have to spend increasing amounts of limited MP just to survive a fight, and as a result can only fight a few fights before you die. As a result the only option is to stay at the MP restore point and fight-rest-fight-rest-repeat as you SLOWLY level up to a point where you may be able to dash to the next MP restore point.

After checking the forums and finding that my experience was common and only gets worse, I gave up. The idea of fighting the SAME fight over and over for an hour to maybe level enough to advance a few more floors didn't seem too much fun.

I was playing on normal, and the game progressed from comfortable to challenging to too hard to be fun. I hope the developers do some updates and re-balancing on the second half of the game, but it seems unlikely.
513 Produkte im Account
268 Reviews
419 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.21 14:14
A short but excellent old school JRPG. The characters are great and offer some very amusing dialogues.
364 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 02:06
It's a short but sweet and fun game which will get some good laughs from you. I totally recommend buying it with the Cthulhu Saves The World game.
265 Produkte im Account
147 Reviews
55 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 15:08
Classic RPG.

1281 Produkte im Account
1006 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 20:41
Very weak and dull RPG with shallow and uninteresting story, unfunny jokes and wearisome gameplay.
171 Produkte im Account
52 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
43 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.20 12:25
Shallow gameplay, barely any equipment variety, boring music, dungeon designs are plain and sprawling for no reason. The game just lacks a sense of engagement, exploring towns is almost a waste of time as NPCs don't say anything useful or interesting, there are no gameplay hooks besides the combo system which is painfully simplistic.

Although I got this game for nearly free and it was bundled with another game, time is worth more than money and this game doesn't give you a reason to keep playing, its just so bland and forgettable.
633 Produkte im Account
418 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 22:01
Shallow rpg with a padded runtime of time wasting mazes and random encounters.
98 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
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54 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.20 20:45
Says full controller support, but it's not detecting my controller.
4554 Produkte im Account
2040 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 22:16

Fluffy around all the edged this classic style RPG offers a lot of modern conveniences that make for smooth fun play. Humor and light forth wall breaking fill the narrative and still lands today.
170 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
161 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.20 16:51
This and Cthulhu saves the world are worth their price and are a nice throwback to the original JRPG system with a good touch of humour.
529 Produkte im Account
287 Reviews
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 00:23
Apparently this is supposed to be a comedic parody of 1980's RPG's.

It borrows heavily from all the worst parts of those old RPG's. Thing is, those games were doing the best they could with the technology of the time, while this is doing the worst it can with the technology of today, and on purpose.

Unfortunately I didn't find it funny or entertaining and was tired of the dull interface and poor design choices very quickly.
119 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
194 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.20 19:31
Less repetitive than Cthulhu Saves the World in terms of map but much more repetitive in enemy randomizing.

Feels like a beta of Cthulhu.
Idea is good but got a feeling like this one (especially images) was copied from Nintendo Final Fantasy.
Cthulhu is preferable but still is not good enough. One time play for story (both of them).
1372 Produkte im Account
655 Reviews
312 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 17:28
A short but sweet comedy RPG with a nice retro feel to it.
107 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.04.20 16:57
I played offline so my wife could Family Share, so don't believe my time.

A quick game with a retro battle system and some nice jokes for jrpg fans. Got it as a gift from a friend who knows I love the genre; gotta say, it was a great pick on her part!

- Character customization choices on level up (my favorite mechanic).
- You heal and regain some MP after each fight.
- Cute head-nods and jokes to jprg topes; it's clear the creators love the genre.
- Lita is in so many ways a straight-up homage to Lucca from Chrono Trigger. Any reference to my girl Lucca is a plus.
- Perfect length to feel complete without overstaying its welcome (could have become tedious if it was longer).
- Multiple difficulty settings.
- The Fight option was nice for gaining XP outside of towns, and it was good to see a running countdown of random battles.

- Basic storyline (though I know it's in the vein of the original Final Fantasy).
- No mini-games or anything else to shake up the gameplay (where's my Chrono Trigger-style drinking game or my Earthbound-style slot machine? Probably out of the scope of an indie game that's this length, but it would have been a nice touch in keeping with the genre and a way to break things up.)
- When picking level-up bonuses, you can't see the characters' stats, so you're making a blind pick based on what you think you maaaaaybe remember their stats are.

Overall, it was a cute, fun game to kill some time during quarantine. The same friend also gave me Chthulhu Saves the World, so that's going on my quarantine shortlist, too. Would recommend!
326 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.20 11:44
I'd only recommend this for fans of the JRPG genre. It's not bad, but the story is quite shallow and the jokes here and there can't save that. It's also quite short and linear.

It's sold in a pack with Cthulu Saves the World. While in some senses a 'traditional' JRPG, the battle system is innovative featuring a combo-build up/break system, and parts of the tediousness of it is removed somewhat by automatic healing after battles, and a limited number of random encounters.
610 Produkte im Account
301 Reviews
120 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 19:55
In my ongoing and likely futile effort to write a Steam review for every game in my library (#271 out of 558)... it's time for Breath of Death VII.

Zeboyd games have a lot of charm, and Breath of Death is no exception. It's essentially a Japanese-style RPG in the mold of Dragon Quest, rendered very low-resolution assets, relying primarily on the fundamental humor of its premise to propel players through the game, not to mention the assumed nostalgia for the 8-bit era. Honestly Breath of Death VII is one of Zeboyd's weaker titles: it relies a bit too much on grinding and the narrative element, wherein lies most of the humor, is fairly threadbare relative to the combat. Still, it's decent enough, and never falls into that trap of being too much of a parody to be enjoyable on its own merit.
328 Produkte im Account
315 Reviews
17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.20 14:01
Can't be bothered to complete the whole thing ,but I'll take Biscuit's word for it
91 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
424 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.20 21:45
I originally played this game on XBOX 360 and loved it but my 360 died on me so I've been playing games on PC since then. Anyway when I found this game on Steam I just had to get it. I really like Zeboyd Games as a publisher and highly recommend any of their RPG's.
92 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 21:36
I like the humor, the style etc but..It gets boring really fast. 90% you do nothing but grind and walk around. Even on normal you have to grind an insane amount. I assume this was made to make the game longer. It just wasnt enjoyable for me. That doesnt mean that it can't be enjoyable for others.
Logo for Breath of Death VII
Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
85.07% 866 152
Release:13.07.2020 Genre:keine Infos Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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