• Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.
  • Boundless: Screen zum Spiel Boundless.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 11.09.2018
Zum Shop
Preis Update 27.08.24

Über das Spiel

Boundless ist ein abofreies MMO, welches durch optionale Käufe im Spiel instand gehalten wird.

Boundless ist ein grenzenloses Universum aus verbundenen Welten, in dem jeder Spieler einen Unterschied macht. Entdecker? Baumeister? Jäger? Händler? Handwerker? Du entscheidest über deinen Weg.

Öffne Portale, um nahtlos zwischen diversen Planeten zu reisen, um dein Abenteuer über das Universum auszudehnen. Sieh dir den Sonnenaufgang auf einer vulkanischen Welt an, bevor du dich mit Freunden triffst, um auf einem Wüstenplaneten nach wertvollen Bodenschätzen zu suchen.

Wirst du ein nomadisches Leben in der Wildnis leben, angefangen mit deinem ersten, bescheidenen Lagerfeuer, oder mit deinen Verbündeten eine Siedlung gründen, von der aus ihr euer Reich erschafft? Schare Bürger um dich, um deine Stadt zu erweitern, oder nimm am Wettstreit, die Hauptstadt deiner Welt zu sein, teil, oder sichere dir den Titel Vizekönig.

Wirst du eine Zitadelle bauen, die Wirtschaft antreiben, oder technologische Meisterwerke erstellen? Wirst du dich der Jagd auf exotische Kreaturen anschließen, dein eigenes Heim entwickeln oder nach neuen Horizonten suchen?

Gestalte deinen Bürger, schmiede dein Schicksal und schaffe dir eine eigene Welt ? in einem Voxel-Sandbox-MMO, das auf endlose Möglichkeiten setzt.

Schließe dich der großen Wanderung an und erkunde die bekannten Welten von Boundless. Jede Welt wird von einzigartigen Einwohnern bevölkert und bietet einzigartige Ressourcen, die es zu entdecken gilt. Mit deinem zuverlässigen Totem zur Hand und der Fähigkeit, Warppunkte zu erschaffen, kannst du Orte in anderen Welten auswählen und nahtlos zwischen ihnen reisen. Kein Warten, keine Ladezeit.

Entdecke und benutze Material, um deine Basis zu bauen. Erstelle Leuchtfeuer und erhebe Anspruch auf Land, beschütze deine geliebten Gegenstände in diesen Grenzen vor anderen Spielern und vor Opfergaben an das Land. Setze besonderes Werkzeug ein, um Blöcke zu verändern und sie in interessantere und einzigartige Strukturen zu transformieren. In Boundless sind deiner Vorstellungskraft keine Grenzen gesetzt.

Meistere die Handwerkskunst! Erstelle Waffen, Werkzeug, Baumaterial und eine ganze Reihe anderer Technologien, die in den bekannten Welten auf ihre Entdeckung warten. Setze fortgeschrittene Maschinerie ein, um noch komplexere Gegenstände zu erschaffen und dein Potenzial zu erweitern. Schmiede dein Vermächtnis.

Jage Kreaturen aller Formen und Größen, die über die bekannten Welten verstreut sind. Jede Welt bietet herausfordernde Kreaturen, von denen jede eine andere Strategie erfordert, um sie zu bewältigen. Mach dich bereit für die Jagd!

Alles, was in Boundless gekauft und verkauft wird, wird von dir, dem Spieler, erschaffen. Kaufe und verkaufe Gegenstände in Geschäften anderer Spieler und wetteifere mit anderen darum, der erfolgreichste Händler des Planeten zu werden … oder vielleicht sogar des Universums!

Boundless ist ein Sandbox-MMORPG, das Zusammenarbeit zwischen Spielern ermöglicht. Du kannst dich entscheiden, allein zu spielen, dich mit Freunden zu verbünden oder mit Spielern aus aller Welt zusammenzuspielen. Erkunde, besiege gefährliche Kreaturen, sammle seltene Ressourcen und gründe mit anderen eine Kolonie.

  • Bevölkere Planeten selbst oder schieße dich einer Siedlung mit anderen an und lass dein Leuchtfeuer mit dem Prestige-System zur Hauptstadt der Welt wachsen.
  • Erstelle hunderte Gegenstände, darunter Baublöcke, Werkzeuge, Waffen, Essen und mehr.
  • Gib deine hart verdienten Talentpunkte aus und passe deinen Charakter deinem Spielstil an.
  • Erreiche Ziele, vollbringe Heldentaten schließe Events ab, um Belohnungen und Erfahrungspunkte zur Verbesserung deines Charakters zu verdienen.
  • Erstelle und verwalte ein Portal zwischen Welten für dich und andere.
  • Tausche Gegenstände mit anderen oder eröffne ein Geschäft und verkaufe Gegenstände, während du dich auf Abenteuer begibst.
  • Jede Welt regeneriert automatisch Gebiete, die nicht von einem Leuchtfeuer geschützt werden und setzt sie auf ihren ursprünglichen Zustand zurück, wodurch neue und benötigte Ressourcen für dich geschaffen werden.
  • Reise nahtlos zwischen Welten und entdecke verschiedene Kreaturen, Ressourcen, Blockfarben und benutzergenerierte Kreationen in einem sich stets wandelnden Universum.

Kein Abonnement erforderlich.
Erforsche ein weitläufiges, lebendiges und sich stets veränderndes und entwickelndes MMO-Universum OHNE monatliche Abo-Kosten! Jage, handle, stelle her, erschaffe ein Reich mit Freunden und werde Boundless. Du kannst dem exklusiven Schimmerclub beitreten, um das Spiel weiter zu unterstützen und bekommst dafür einige optische Verbesserungen sowie die automatische Brennstoffversorgung deiner Leuchtfeuer. Allerdings ist alles im Spiel ohne jegliche zusätzlichen Käufe zugänglich


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-530, 2.93 GHz or AMD Phenom II X4 945, 3.00 Ghz
  • GFX: AMD Radeon R7 250 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 650
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7 64-bit or higher
  • HD: 5 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC: 64-bit operating system & 8 Mbit internet connection is required
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3470, 3,20 Ghz or AMD Ryzen 3 1200, 3.10 Ghz
  • GFX: AMD Radeon RX 480, 4GB or Nvidia GeForce GTX 780, 3GB
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 11
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • Peripherie:
  • MISC: 64-bit operating system & 8 Mbit internet connection is required
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

271 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 20:38
Das Spiel ist umfangreich was ich liebe ist durch Portale zu Reisen in andere Welten. Auch für Jemand der gerne kreaktiv ist kommt er hier mega auf seine kosten da ist die Fantasie gefragt mit vielen Farben. Es gibt auch gefährliche Welten die man betreten kann
57 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
713 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 18:29
super spiel
105 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
136750 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.21 09:04
Absolut empfehlenswert!
2961 Produkte im Account
98 Reviews
7317 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.21 05:40
Pixel artige Aufbauspiele bis hin zu normalen Survival-Aufbau-Spielen sind inzwischen bei vielen Spielern angekommen und diese begeistern eine breite Masse an Spielern. Angefangen hat dieser „Hype“ damals mit dem Spiel Minecraft und mittlerweile gibt es eine Menge solcher Titel, manche gut, manche weniger gut entwickelt.

Boundless ist kein Singleplayer-Spiel, sondern meiner Meinung nach ein richtig gutes Voxel-Sandbox-MMO, welches mit vielen Mitspielern zusammen am meisten Spaß macht!

Umfangreiches Tutorial

Gerade der Anfang ist in solchen Spielen allerdings nicht einfach, wenn man nicht weiß, was man machen muss. Dafür gibt es allerdings andere Spieler, mit welchen man sich zum Glück austauschen kann, aber auch am Anfang ein kleines Tutorial, welches den Spieleinstieg etwas erleichtert. Viele gehen ja vor nach dem „learning by doing“ Prinzip. Aber es geht auch anders und hier sammelt Boundless einen großen Pluspunkt. Im Tutorial erlernt man einfach alles. Ob den Umgang mit den Werkzeugen, welche man craften kann oder Hunger, welchen es zu stillen gilt. Auch den Umgang mit dem Leuchtfeuer, welches einem ein eigenes Gebiet zuteilt, wie man dies weiter betreiben und versorgen kann mit Brennstoff oder wie man dies erweitert, all dies erfährt man hier. Ab einem gewissen Punkt erlernt man, seinen Charakter zu individualisieren und erhält Zugriff auf das Tagebuch. Nun gilt es Aufgaben abzuarbeiten, um so Belohnungen zu erhalten. Das Tutorial ist wirklich sehr aufschlussreich und bietet nicht nur Anfängern eine entscheidende Hilfestellung. Man lernt Schritt für Schritt die Steuerung, den Umgang mit dem Inventar, die eigenen vier Wände zu stellen bevor man dann endgültig auf die Spielwelt losgelassen wird und so zusätzliche Aufgaben erhält oder an Events teilnehmen kann. Ferner gibt es immer wieder Tipps, welche am linken Bildschirmrand Hilfestellungen geben. Hier muss man wirklich dem Entwicklerteam sagen: Toll gemacht, hiervon könnten sich andere mal eine Scheibe abschneiden!


Eine wirkliche Story findet man in Boundless nicht, da es hier einfach nur heißt: Tue das, worauf zu Lust hast. Man schreibt praktisch gesehen seine eigene Geschichte. Zu Beginn bedeutet dies, Materialien zu sammeln und sein Überleben zu sichern. Achtet aber darauf, das man in Bondless Land für sich beanspruchen kann und man dort nicht unbedingt was zu suchen hat. Erstellt euch ein Leuchtfeuer und „claimt“ euch ein Land, um darauf Bauen und Leben zu können!

Wer sich nun darüber Gedanken macht, dass es nicht genug Land zum Erwerben gibt, der täuscht sich. Die Welt ist nahezu riesig, es gibt eine Menge verschiedene Pflanzen und eine üppige Tierwelt. In Boundless kann man durch Portale auch zu anderen Gebieten gelangen, um dort Erze abzubauen oder seltene Materialien zu finden. In Boundless gibt es immer eine Menge zu tun. Lavaseen können besucht werden, Zaubertränke gebraut oder einfach nur eine Art „Imperium“ aufgebaut werden. Aber es gibt auch Gefahren, auf welche ihr achten solltet. Fallende Meteoriten können auch euch Schaden zufügen. Die Biome sehen unterschiedlich aus und es liegt an euch, wo ihr euch ansiedeln wollt. Natürlich könnt ihr eure Gegenstände auch in verschiedenen Farben erstellen, die Farbe der Baublöcke ändern und die Welt so zu eurer eigenen machen!

Crafting und Leveln

Natürlich gibt es auch eine Art Crafting-Menü, welches allerdings ein wenig umständlich und verwirrend sein kann. Dafür gibt es aber eine Art Hilfsbereich im Menü, welche euch dies genau erklären kann. Es ist sogar möglich, Bomben zu bauen! Aber auch ein Level-System gibt es. Bei allen Aktionen, welche man in Boundless durchführt wie beispielsweise das Abbauen von Erz, das Hacken oder auch das Platzieren von Objekten verbessert eure Fertigkeiten. Diese können euren Lebensbalken erhöhen, um Angriffe von gefährlichen Wesen überleben zu können, man verursacht mehr Schaden und die Aktionen mit den Werkzeugen werden anschließend schneller durchgeführt. Ihr selbst könnt entscheiden, was genau ihr skillen möchtet und eines sage ich euch: Der Skill Baum ist ziemlich umfangreich!

Erfahrungspunkte gibt es für viele Aktionen. Gegenstände platzieren, Tiere töten, Holz oder Material sammeln… all dies gewährt euch im Spiel Boundless EXP. Allerdings gibt es hier einen Unterschied zu anderen Spielen. Wenn man in Boundless das Zeitliche segnet, erlangt man für eine bestimmte Zeit durch diese Aktionen weniger Erfahrungspunkten. Achtet also darauf, so wenig wie möglich zu sterben, um die höchste Menge an Erfahrungspunkte erlangen zu können, denn selbst so dauert eine bestimmte Zeit, bis man ein Level Up erlangt.

Im Spiel kann man seinen Charakter natürlich ein wenig ausstatten. Insgesamt gibt es 16 Slots und 2 Ausrüstungsplätze, einen pro Hand. Man kann innerhalb von wenigen Sekunden die ausgerüsteten Gegenstände ändern oder auch ablegen. Natürlich können bestimmte Gegenstände auch gestapelt werden. Die maximale Stapelgröße in Boundless beträgt in diesem Falle 9. Das gilt sogar für Gegenstände, die zwar der gleichen Gruppe angehören, aber unterschiedliches Material innehaben. Natürlich kann man aufgebrauchte oder zerstöre Gegenstände schnell ersetzen!

Wie bereits erwähnt handelt es sich bei Boundless um ein Voxel-Sandbox-MMO, welches keine zusätzlichen-Kosten hat. Ihr werdet also auf viele Spieler stoßen, um mit diesen zusammenzuspielen. Die Welten teilen sich hier Playstation 4 und PC Spieler miteinander und das Team spiel in Boundless konnte mich bisher definitiv überzeugen. Es gibt riesige Ansammlungen von Spielern und große, von Spielern erstellte Städte oder Siedlungen, welche natürlich auch als Handelsbasis genutzt werden können. Diese Spielerinteraktionen verleihen dem Spiel mitsamt dem Aussehen der Siedlungen einen besonderen Touch.

Features von Boundless

  • Bevölkere Planeten selbst oder schieße dich einer Siedlung mit anderen an und lass dein Leuchtfeuer mit dem Prestige-System zur Hauptstadt der Welt wachsen.
  • Erstelle hunderte Gegenstände, darunter Baublöcke, Werkzeuge, Waffen, Essen und mehr.
  • Gib deine hart verdienten Talent punkte aus und passe deinen Charakter deinem Spielstil an.
  • Erreiche Ziele, vollbringe Heldentaten schließe Events ab, um Belohnungen und Erfahrungspunkte zur
  • Verbesserung deines Charakters zu verdienen.
  • Erstelle und verwalte ein Portal zwischen Welten für dich und andere.
  • Tausche Gegenstände mit anderen oder eröffne ein Geschäft und verkaufe Gegenstände, während du dich auf Abenteuer begibst.
  • Jede Welt regeneriert automatisch Gebiete, die nicht von einem Leuchtfeuer geschützt werden und setzt sie auf ihren ursprünglichen Zustand zurück, wodurch neue und benötigte Ressourcen für dich geschaffen werden.
  • Reise nahtlos zwischen Welten und entdecke verschiedene Kreaturen, Ressourcen, Blockfarben und benutzergenerierte Kreationen in einem sich stets wandelnden Universum.
1628 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
5350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.20 15:34
Definitive keine Empfehlung dieses Spiel ist TOT
ich habe rund 90 Stunden in dem Spiel verbracht und nicht einen anderen Spieler gesehen
und dabei habe ich direckt neben einer Stadt gesiedelt.
Für ein MMO ist das nicht sehr zuträglich Farmen von Resourcen anfänglich recht easy aber wenn es darum geht Spiel relevante Inhalte frei zu schalten stößt man schnell an die Grenzen (Meteoriten Jagt t3-4 etc. zbsp.).
Auch das die Entwickler statt etwas zu verbessern lieber eine Bezahl Option für eigene Planeten anbieten.
Ich rate von diesem Spiel ab außer ihr steht auf Enttäuschung.
6 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2631 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 13:54
Ich spielte mit dem Release auf der Playstation 4 über 100 Stunden Boundless und es machte wirklich viel Spass . Die Megacites schossen überall aus dem Boden und mit ihnen die Portale in jede Boundless Welt . Es war wirklich viel los , doch irgendwann konnte ich 2 Monate nicht mehr spielen und verlor damit alles was ich aufgebaut hatte . Ich habe sogar jeden Monat die Clubgebür bezahlt damit meine Beacons wieder aufgefüllt wurden. Aber eine Private Verflichtung und ich versäumte meine ablaufende Shimmer Club Gebür neu zu bezahlen und alles war weg. Damit hatte ich erst einmal genug von Boundless ! . Und im Januar 2020 kaufte ich mir die Stem PC Version wegen der besseren Grafik und began noch einmal von vorne. Aber die Welt ist sogut wie Spieler leer geworden , die Megacites verweisst und ebenfalls gähnend leer . Nirgends kann man noch etwas kaufen oder funktionieren die Portale noch .
Ich spielte 3 Wochen , machte ein Pause von 2 Monaten und es macht einfach kein Spass immer wieder alles neu zu farmen und aufzubauen oder weiter Geld zu bezahlen damit alles noch steht .
13 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
381 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.22 04:06
i play the boundless and there are indeed less bounds. therefore, it is the epic vidya game
389 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 14:49
Get a try
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
6863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 02:28
A great chill crafting and building game.
31 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 01:29
Better then minecraft, easy to make detail, harder to make epic super detailed stuff, online all the time, buy/sell/trade, and almost void of greifing. Don't play it if there is some kinda end game stuff you require, minecraft didn't have a real end game either so whatever. Been playing since first released on ps4 and still playing on PC and PS4.
33 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2115 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.22 03:27
I don't write reviews for games but, i have bin playing this sand box open world game, and its just so much fun, I'm just loving it! So i felt like i had to write a review.

Only down side to the game is, It RAINS to much.
93 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
821 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 18:27
Really fun so much to do and learn. Would love to be able to play on the steam deck.
243 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 20:43
While the game does have an excellent premise, its design & execution unfortunately lack depth. It's effectively an open canvas which needs grinding to be painted on.

It took me a little over 2 hours playing to be hit by epiphany: Why am I doing this? What's the bigger picture? The answer to this question was lacking, since the game's universe feels kinda bland.

Yes, there are aesthetically diverse biomes. But they do not feel uniquely alive - most of them have the same mob types, doing the same things, and the same kind of resources as any other place. Thus, exploring has no meaning beyond sightseeing, which in turn takes away any strategic advantages of settling in any particular place within a world.

Open world games need to reward exploration to make any sense. After digging to the world's core and finding no new materials (or challenges), then travelling 40 minutes in the surface towards landmarks that looked interesting, I reached the inevitable conclusion: There's no point. No meaningful differences. Just cosmetic differences. Which feels overwhelmingly empty, given how vast worlds are.

My last hope would be potential for future content, which was shattered by a 20 minute research for roadmaps, update history, anything. It seems like the game is not going anywhere beyond where it stands.

So while it indeed leaves me heartbroken, I do not recommend this unless you're looking for a very fancy 3d Canvas. A game, a journey it is not. Survival is not a challenge. Places don't matter beyond shape. It's effectively an open canvas which needs grinding to be painted on.
140 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.03.22 10:44
Pretty niche game as far as I'm concerned, and not at all surprising that it doesn't have many players. In order to enjoy this, you need to enjoy MMORPGs with all their skill-pointing, character-building, and time-consuming shenanigans, you need to find polished visuals, sounds, style and overall feel to be worth enough that you'd sacrifice nigh unlimited customization and tinkering for it, and you'd need to be at least tolerant of the existence of microtransactions/lootboxes. And that's not a lot of people. Although, in fairness, the game has received like, no marketing whatsoever.

It's surprising how deep boundless goes with your character progression and exploration, being a wee bit more than simply a minecraft clone in that it cares to add a lot of small things to the traditional formula you'd probably only find in mods, if at all. Minor example: both hands can be used to equip blocks and items, and both hands have the same amount of slots to rotate between. You also got a wide range of materials to make your tools and weapons from, far exceeding Wood, Stone, Iron, Gold and Diamond.

Personally I thought the game was pretty fun once I got into the rhythm of it. It can be somewhat grindy doe, and you won't be able to get around making multiple characters. Being an MMO player and a rampant altoholic, that wasn't much of an issue though, only getting into it was because I hate tutorials. The lack of players is something boundless has gotten a little flak for but I think it enhances the exploration aspect of the game, making your journey through it and walking through abandoned player built cities uniquely eerie.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
11862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.22 12:10
This is an awesome game for the whole family. Lot's to do and a lot of fun!
81 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
18889 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 00:55
This game was truly amazing. I'm glad i got in at the end at least. The hunts and EXO worlds...simply a true wonder.
Like playing MineCraft for the first time again.
I wonder how much is still there.
If there was ever a resurgence of players again...like a console launch or something.
I would return.
As it was a year ago it was almost dead, but i still managed over 300 hours just exploring and living/building.
I owned a house on a hill overlooking Glowing blue crystals and a field that meteors would land in.
The Enterprise was hovering in the sky out in the distance.
Turned out to be a shop that i would buy a portal in to travel to distant planet hubs.
I hunted the meteors which had a stone in them that would power my portals.
what a neat game.
I ended up collecting most colors of everything and made a in game museum to display them all.
I also created a store for exotic materials that others needed for their crafting. Cheapest on the planet!
Yes! I'd say go look. Maybe there are people still there. The amazing builds of wonder. The ones on Youtube.
If there's even a chance at what I had, I say go and find your house on that hill.
If this game ever grows again send me a message. Id love to go back and live that life again.
What a life it was.
23 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
10485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 07:20
It is fun to play and a graet way to pass time with
23 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
13336 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.22 14:15
I’ve been playing boundless for a little over 2 years (primarily on console) and I have to say that no other game can match how amazing the building is! Think minecraft but with chisels and over 200 gleam (light source) Colors to choose from. There’s also over 40 public planets and the ability to rent your own planet and choose your own Colors etc. portals can be opened to connect your build with other players and places! ❤️
There is an active and dedicated community that is small but ever so present. Helpful and friendly you just need to know where to look. Once you do you’ll find ppl all over the universe. Official discord and Boundless forums can easily put you in touch with this community :)
There’s has been a lot of talk on here about the game being dead and abandonware. While it is true that the pop is small, and the devs haven’t added new content in awhile, this game is a completed game that runs smoothly and is beautiful. It is also cross play with PlayStation users. If you like to build and explore and to craft don’t make the mistake of missing out on this gem! Never have I received so much satisfaction or had as much fun creating my own personal slice of heaven as I have from this game. Even at full price it’s worth it imo. But if you see it on sale like it is atm make sure you snatch it up and make the judgement for yourself!
124 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1961 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 23:14
A beautiful game to explore and enjoy! I am so pleased to finally get to try this game:D
95 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.01.22 02:13
love this game i love the fact that if someone doesn't maintain their plots then the area gets opened up for others to use
255 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.01.22 13:41
It's been over a year since they announced the addition of a few new weapons. Still hasn't dropped. It wasn't even a very interesting update, it adds like 5 new weapons. But it still hasn't come. It's never going to come. This game will never be more than Minecraft with a few RPG stats and weapons. What a waste, could have been really cool. Wish the devs would give up on maintaining dedicated servers and focus on delivering a full game.
342 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.22 10:10
Nah I don't recommend it at the moment, I'm only a few hours in but its slow and boring

When I say slow i mean placing blocks is an absolute nightmare its that slow think block 1 2 block 1 2 block oh god its bad

the combat is bad as well killed an enemy carried on running at me stopped killed me and promptly dropped dead

the permit system is garbage look I get it the game was designed to have lots of people form a guild and make a big sprawling city I didnt see a single person in any of the big citys I visited I don't even know at this point if there is anyone left playing

when my camp fire despawned after its 3 hours where up or w/e my base vanished and was stuffed into my becon that was right next to it so I had to then re set up my base

For a game so pretty in colours it sure is an awful shade of gray when it comes to the game play.

814 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
16579 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 14:46
Awesome game scratching that Minecraft itch I had for a while!

Boundless took Minecraft concepts, reworked and improved them all while introducing a lot of new mechanics. It has very nicely, gradually introduced complexity that allows you to learn with clear goals in mind. Economy, consisting only of player-created goods, is working great because of resource dependency - e.g. high level players still use the stuff low level players gather/mine/create, so all can contribute. Since all the game structures are player-made, people created shopping malls for people to buy/sell stuff in a centralized locations, hubs with portals leading to different planets or farm spots that someone wanted to share with the community. Which, to be honest, is unusually great (for an online game) - nearly all of the people I met online during my 150h voyage were friendly and helpful. Random avatars will wave at you when you're nearby or try to talk to you to show you around or offer whatever help you may need. I have not experience any form of griefing or toxicity, but I am being offered advice on every corner.

I bought Boundless on sale, never heard of it before and I can't stop playing even after getting close to 150h of playtime. Given how fun the game is and what it offers I struggle to understand why it's not known to much wider audience. Even I, who play a ton of games of this genre, never heard of this title until I bought it on sale in Dec 2021.

A definite must-have for all crafting game enthusiasts and my personal favorite title of 2021!
275 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
17886 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.01.22 16:01
A lot of minecraft, a bit of no man's sky and a ton of portals through world.
The core of this game is really great and well done. The content is a bit lacking if building/mining/farming is not your style but there is a bit for everyone.
Community is now really small as devs are working on something else but everyone is super welcoming and it's a bit a fresh air in the day and age of online gaming one could say.
I'm seriously having a ton of fun even after 200+ hours.
140 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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19716 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.22 22:42
Can't recommend it to anyone anymore, it is abandoned and they never delievered on the promised game features.

Also they haven't updated there copyright claim since 2020, the one you see at the game start.

edit: this thread sums it up good, if you like to read some more about the situation and the state of the community

142 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 07:49
It really is a shame how this game turned out. When it first fell on my radar upon it's initial release on steam, the devs had a lot of great ideas and even a webpage with a timeline chart showing what they were planning on doing. Originally there was to be a multitude of races with their own unique traits that hindered or enabled them in various environments, as well as a class/profession system. I stopped playing early on once I ran out of things to do and I decided to hunker down and wait.

Now, after three years of checking in occasionally, I see that nothing has really changed. The worlds are dead, the playerbase feels more lifeless than it was when the game first came out into alpha, and the exciting features I had so looked forward too are still nowhere to be seen. It truly is sad because the game is vibrant and pretty with potential to be more but like most other voxel-type games it just falls short of wherever it was trying to land.

Admittedly I don't know what happened within the studio, or if any changes in leadership occurred, and I'm fully aware that game development is never easy. However, it's been a year since I last played and looking at things now, I can say that nothing has changed. If you have a group of friends to play with, you're all bored and want something vibrant, and it's on a massive sale (currently it's 85% off at the time of writing this review landing it at 6.00USD when it sits at 40.00USD) then knock yourselves out.

Personally though for $39.99 I can't recommend anyone buying this game as there's very little to do. Maybe if you're easily entertained or just have a voxel fetish then you'll be able to find some entertainment in this.
29 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
30027 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 00:02
One of the best and most beautiful games I've ever played. Couple years in now and it's still one of my top 3 games to play.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1965 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 01:27
the first couple days were exciting but after you can go to other worlds there's nothing new besides the landscape it would be great if there was a way to start on a planet with no one on it and make each unique weather it be new quest but honestly once you can leave the world you've seen all there is in that game
23 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 00:39
This game will always hold a special place in my heart. from the countless cities, to the memorable moments during hunts, to making new friends, to building works of art. this game allows for it all. It makes up for where other voxel/sandbox game lack; its heavy emphasis on the community. you're not just building to survive, you're building to be the next big thing, to gain attraction to your work. This game is just an amazing all around 10/10, with the only thing it lacking in, are its low poly, cartoon-ish graphics, which, if you're like me, you'll find adds to the charm.
170 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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32794 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 00:48
Abandonware. Avoid at all costs.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.21 18:14
Dont be scared away by the lack of a playerbase. It is sad, and i do wish there were more people around but for the price, i think its still worth picking up. If for no other reason than to explore these massive player created cities and maybe build something in them of your own. And who knows, maybe little by little we can build the thriving community this game deserves. The graphics in boundless are truly something to behold, with a very unique style. The characters are adorable, though i wish their had been options to change the face and position the horns instead of 200 eyes and 200 skin colors. It has something that i very much wish minecraft had, the ability to create slanted angles by sculpting the blocks. And from looking around peoples houses, there seems to be a great many decorative objects you can get as well. Overall, i can recommend this game, Its a blast. I wish there were more people to play with but all in all its still fun on your own.
180 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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654 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 01:10
More abandonware survival game junk. It looked really promising for a long time, but it's looking pretty dead now. The devs made a lot of really shitty design choices and apparently have no desire to fix them and get back their playerbase. No updates for about a year, and the servers are a ghost town.

Plus for as pretty as it is up close, the fucking draw distance is garbage. Come on guys, my computer can handle loading more than five feet of a damn voxel game.

Not worth it for $40, not even for $20.
52 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 15:56
Boundless is a game that I really wanted when I was younger. Before it even released, I followed the Devlog religiously, and checked it all the time to see the amazing new things the devs have added. The new reward-box system that ties in with objectives adds so much more driving force to the game than I believe it had in the past.

I wasn't willing to pay 40 dollars for it, not for a lack of value or effort by the devs, but just my personal inability to spend that much on a game. The current Halloween sale is a great time to buy.
20 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
9729 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 16:33
After 10k hours on the ps4, i decided to purchase a new PC just to continue playing Boundless.
Its a fantastic game imo, obviously. Its community is amazing though small. Its worth a look!
96 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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759 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 10:29
This is a scam in current state. On average the game has less than 100 active players total, at least on steam. The game is plagued with old outdated buildings and constructions by players of old who have quit. You will wonder around for hours, jumping through malls looking for anyone, and not see a single soul. I played this game a bunch when it was new on PS4, and it is sad to say the game has not seen any major improvements since in terms of fixing core issues and mechanics of the game. It is sad to see stubborn devs who squander all the potential this game has to offer with poor choices and poor game design philosophies. This game has not received a single update or event since December of last year, and the upcoming update that was supposed to have already come out, has instead not come out at all. The devs have gone silent, and the game is essentially in a state where it is soon to be shut down due to lack of any profitability and a lack of the devs and their company to invest any money into turning things around. The chances that this company pulls a FF14 and turns this disaster into the number 1 in its category is essentially impossible.

Save your money and your time. This game is not worth $40 especially when you will spend tons of time grinding away at their poor leveling mechanics, and having to somehow craft, gather, and fund your entire leveling experience on your own. With an essentially dead economy, its basically do everything yourself, and the game is not designed for you to do everything yourself, at least not anywhere within a few hundred hours of starting the game.

Go buy Minecraft, and download a Feed The Beast Mod Pack, and you can do anything this game offers for cheaper, and with infinitely superior polish. The only thing this game has going for it is the graphics. Other than that literally everything here can be added to Minecraft through mods.
621 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.21 01:55
Game won't even let you create an account or log in.

Shame that it's too late to get a refund.
13 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
39270 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.21 01:18
Two things I loved about this game - building and going on group hunts. Which actually makes it three things, because I just realized how actually not-toxic the player base was. I can't recall much if any negativity or trolling in chat, and group hunts were always enjoyable. One thing I did not like was Gleam Club. I did it once and it expired without really warning me. I hadn't been on for a while when I was busy with other things, came back and everything was gone. I would have liked an email or something, and I'd have happily re-subscribed. Instead, I just didn't go back.
120 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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72567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.21 15:42
Take Minecraft but make it beautiful, then remove everything else that makes Minecraft enjoyable.
The MMO aspect of the game is nearly non-existent so to hold onto the only aspect they do have (trading) they have absurdly long crafting times for all recipies. Building a basic sized base will take you a week or more of pointlessly leveling. To break basic blocks on lowest tier planets takes around 5-10seconds per block. To craft blocks can take hours. You have to level up to unlock plots to claim land to build anything permanent. Unless you want to spend 500+ hours for a medium sized base, this game isn't for you. They also force color rarity so you have to wait sometimes YEARS for a particular color to become available. If you have a group of friends to play with, it can be fun. The development of the game has been stagnant for a year and it's in maintenance mode already. It was a very short lived title that had huge potential but no drive behind it.
490 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
153437 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 19:37
I wanted to preface this review with I am giving a review based on playing the game for 6 months. I have put in about 2300 hours and play the game constantly. In that time, I have met some great people and have been very active in the forums for the game and in the community. I have heard the praises and the complaints from the community, and I am going to include these in the review.

The Good
Boundless is just plain fun and how I hadn’t heard of Boundless before (more on this later) is beyond me. The game takes many of the things I love in so many other sandbox (more on this too!) games I have played and just rolls it up into a pretty present with a bow. It’s got building, an economy with player-built malls and shops, mining, hunting mobs, crafting, falling meteors that spawn baddies, player owned planets and it almost feels as though the exploration is unlimited.

There are tons of planets you can visit, you can warp to planets, you can create portals (which need to be fueled) to get from one place to the other. The planets vary a pretty good deal and have many different biomes allowing for some amazing features.

OMG! The community is so awesome and really is the highlight of this game. There is no PVP and zero toxicity that I have encountered in my 2300+ hours. On the contrary, nearly every person I have ran into in the game has offered help, waved, or have become my friend. I can’t stress how great the community is enough.

The Bad
Heard of Boundless? I didn’t either up until 6 months ago. I feel a bad thing about the game is that it just wasn’t marketed well. I saw it on my Steam discovery once and just went right past it and didn’t really give it a second look until a friend gifted it to me. It REALLY needs an advertising and PR push. I am very active looking for new games especially the Sandbox/Building/MMO genre and I had no idea about the game.

There are no tutorials for the most part. There are quests/tasks that kind of guide you but the game really needs a tutorial for beginners as it does have a steep learning curve. This brings me to my next point, the in-game chat. You would think you could simply message in world chat, or send a PM and the first time I tried world chat I felt I was the only one playing or was being ignored as the game has this odd chat delay when doing any messaging other than local chats. It may be a blessing as there isn’t much spam in chat, but for new players this could be discouraging.

The Ugly
The dev communication is very lacking and some of the Kickstarter items (so I was told) have not been given to the players. There has not been an update in a while and there are quite a few players that are very put off by this and have left the game, but I contribute quite a large part of the players leaving on boredom with the game after playing it for years. I have so many projects that I don’t see myself getting bored any time soon, but we shall see what the future hold.

Boundless defines itself as an MMO/Sandbox and while it is both, I think it is mostly a sandbox with some MMO elements. There are guilds, guild buffs, group activities and all, but all-in-all I call it sandbox building game at its core. It does everything well and if you love the sandbox genre you should give it a try.

Even though there are some issues, I can still highly recommend the game as it is so much fun and very addicting. If you are into the sandbox/survival/building games like Minecraft, Creativerse, 7 Days, Rust, Empyrion, etc. you really should give Boundless a try. The game is still fairly new to me, but I don’t see myself jumping into another Sandbox genre game anytime soon as Boundless just checks off so many of the boxes for me.

Grab it while it’s on sale. I don’t think you’d be disappointed. If you do give it a try, catch me in game as AzureHunter and I’ll be more than willing to help you get grounded as would most of the amazing people in the Boundless community.
146 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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39911 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 02:40
Looks like the Devs abandoned it and did a runner :-)
77 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 06:34
Stay away
91 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 14:13

Not worth it.

If you're in to Minecraft , then this is your game. If not, then don't even bother. Literally that's all that should be said.
102 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
34231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 05:07
Game has low player population, but those that play are very dedicated. Joining the official Discord is encouraged, both for new players to ask questions and join in on Hunts and organized events that make gathering certain resources (like Oort) much easier and enjoyable. Game itself is phenomenal if you enjoy gathering / crafting / building games. Far superior, gameplay-wise, to Minecraft.
138 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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70619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 13:42
After backing the game in 2016/2017. Features promised where either removed or not developed without any communication to the backers. Emails to the company go unanswered. As a customer who has spent over $700 supporting a company, its apparent that the developers are more occupied with outside projects than the game they actually produced. I have given away 5 game keys to players or new players! Yet this is how players of 5+ years are treated. Simply ignored.

As a customer, its shocking to see how you can support a company only to be pushed aside. So as a warning to others, you just might want to stay away from this. I honestly can say there are more positives in the game over minecraft. World regen, world claiming, meteor events BUT if you expect more PvE content or other things to do other than building or gathering/farming resources...you will get burnt out quickly.

So far the company stated they were working on the following but have yet to release these updates/features:

Digital Art Book PDF file for early supporters
Craftable wearables
Lurker (Cave Dwelling creature)
Pounder creature
Rock Throwing Creature
Lance weapon

Review Update: Emailed Support@turbulenz.com on 06/06/2021 @ 8:29 p.m. eastern time. As of today, Company has not responded to my request for an update on my early backer items that were listed at the time of my early support.
93 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
17969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 16:09
Only 12 hours in and I love the variety of crafting available. The gameplay is truly more user friendly. Being able to carry a torch in one hand and a hammer in the other makes mining so much better. Looking forward to building up the profile and seeing the worlds that are available.
94 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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17 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 23:13
my biggest issues with this game is that it was originally OORT (when i purchased it) and I am just saddened that they took a sharp sudden turn from their original ideas, the ideas that drove me to purchase the game. The communication skills between the dev team and community have always seemed to have lacked which is unfortunate
416 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
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264 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.21 20:40
The state of being dead for MMO game is not a good sign and yet they are still charging the full price for it.
106 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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3504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 09:21
Don't buy this game, it may look somewhat cool but it really isn't. It was way too focused on community helping community but the games dead as fuck. So if you wanna do jack squat, it is gonna be all by yourself, and that is very.. very.. grindy. They also introduced microtransactions and that was probably the last thing I remember update wise, so proceed with caution and save your money. Perhaps buy a burger or something
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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71763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.05.21 17:06
I have played this game on multiple platforms. I really do enjoy the game however I cannot currently recommend this game to anyone as the content has become stale, communication from the developers has become minimal at best, and early backers are able to influence developers. End game content is boring and nothing as what was described in the game page description. I would love to come back to this game one day but it is the same rinse and repeat stuff day after day. Gather mass amounts of resources to make blocks to build, gather different color blocks from different worlds, or hunt mobs for more resources to make blocks. While yes this is a building game the grind is crazy and there is no automation other then scripting or set up macro's which is technically forbidden by TOS but it is never enforced. The lack of content updates is actually driving the dwindling community away from this game along with empty promises of what the future is to bring. I have put many hours into this game both on pc and ps4 and it cannot sustain without content and innovation.
203 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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87216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 15:39
Not enough communication from the developers. I understand that this game has been out for multiple years no and it may not have my the revenue that was expected to keep them working full time on the game, but the lack of communication on the state of development for the game is unacceptable.

The developers apparently are working full time now with Larian on Baldur's Gate for over 3 months and there has been no official announcement about it for Boundless. It also explains why there is literally no progression on updates at this point. Working on other games to keep the lights on is one thing, not tell your community about is another.
613 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
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35 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.21 18:31
Not for me tbh
Its a survival crafting game with a pretty bad UI
Maybe people who really enjoy these kinds of games will have some fun with it
But really there are better made games like this out there
363 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
3387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.04.21 02:07
This game is fun, there is also crossplay with Play Station so the steam charts do not show the whole population!!

The community is very nice and helpful, there is a lot to craft, gather, explore and murder.

10/10, I can watch the grass grow and make stuff with it!!
180 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
9984 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 07:48
Amazing game.
It takes a while to get into but its insanely relaxing, well most of it is.
If you want to keep your mind stimulated and relax at the same time while being creative. Then this is the game for you.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
176 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 17:07
fun game to play with your friends

60 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 20:13
Everything I never knew Minecraft was missing. and it WORKS. The leveling, player based economy, bases/builds, planet jumping, PVE. unlike other MMO's I've played this feels much more polished and thought out.
It needs attention to stay alive and it is my opinion this game is wort keeping alive.
761 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
10137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 08:31
This game is really amazing - it looks great and plays smoothly. Highly recommend to anyone looking for an alternative to Minecraft that requires very little upkeep on your end. You just login and go. No server to manage or anything. It's all done for you. In comparison to Minecraft I feel like this looks so much better... The Community is really helpful, too. It has only been a few days and I've already made some friends :D

It's well-accepted by the community that you will need to level alts if you want to play on your own. It's possible to have multiple skill pages but your skill points are split between all the skill pages you have, meaning that the only way to max more than one skill page is to level past level 50, for a maximum of 5 skill pages you can swap between on one character. It simply takes much less time to level alts and specialize your characters that way, so that's what people do. Once you're used to how the early game works you can get a character to level 8 in about 25-30 minutes and then purchase your next character slot. It's a process, but at the end of it you end up with 10 characters and 40 plots, which is a hell of a lot of space to work with. Until level 20 you can respec for free, but as soon as you hit level 20 you're locked into your build and have to spend certain resources to make changes to your skill tree. The way this system works is very frustrating and will be a constant headache until you do some setup... But that's the thing about this game. It's an MMO. It's a game meant to be played with other people, and the skills are a large piece of that dynamic. If you could just do it all yourself easily then it would take away from the sense of community the game offers.

Setting any frustration I have with the skill system aside, I think anyone that likes to explore and build will be in love with this game and get hooked on it very easily.

There's a subscription you can opt into for $5/month but it doesn't give you any advantages over other players - it's just cosmetic stuff and it also automatically fuels your Beacons (the plots of land you collect) with as much time as you have on your membership. Fuel is cheap and lasts around 4 weeks with the lowest quality... So it's not a big deal to fuel things yourself. The membership is meant to be a way to show support for the game and nothing more than that :)

*NOTE* If you're going to get the Digital Deluxe Edition, do it BEFORE you make all your alts and stuff - there's other colors you can use if you're a gleam member, and they might be more appealing to you than the choices you're offered with default character creation (I wouldn't know because unfortunately I made all of my characters prior to buying it and would have to purchase a skin change to take a look at them).

This game is 10/10 amazing and worth your time. At 50% off it is an absolute steal.

*Warning* Achievement Hunters, this game has one extremely difficult achievement that will require SIGNIFICANT TIME INVESTMENT. Becoming a Viceroy of a World is difficult. To do so you have to have the highest rated base on the planet. Making such a base is a HUGE project that will take probably hundreds of hours. If you're buying the game with the goal of 100% achievements, I think it's good to be aware of that :) Certainly don't let it deter you - it's not impossible to do it. And if New Worlds come out those present a good opportunity to get the achievement, even if you only have the title of Viceroy for a short period of time.
18 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 15:39
Boundless is a fun game. I enjoy building games. Kinda frustrating be cause of the point system. I do recommend it to others.
418 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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686 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.21 18:46
This game would be way more enjoyable if it wouldn't basically be required to have multiple alt accounts, as skill points are required for various upgrades, e.g. combat, mining, crafting, etc. - you cannot mine high-level stuff without the proper upgrades, you cannot craft the required tools without their required upgrades, and you cannot fight high-level monsters without combat upgrades.

Technically once you get to a very high level a single character is sufficient (since you can allocate only a cxertain amount of skill pointss at once, and any above that can be put into alternative skill loadouts), but until that time you'll need at least two characters, maybe even three.

I think the intention behind this was to make cooperation between players useful, but if you want to play with friends you want to do the same things together. If one player goes to fight monsters while one mines and the last one stays in their base waiting for resources to craft stuff, then it's just boring for everyone.
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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15519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.21 13:18
So boring ... no diverse enemies just the same few stronger or less... Boundless walking to the same things.. people building some beutyfull things,... but mostly pixelled art you already know and seen.. no events or challange and the need to keep having to protect your edges .. as your vieuw is rebuild into another pixel art of a dumb Picachu... like minecraft did not have that more... but there at least you have animals and entities you can farm and keep... nothing in this game.. just static.. and the ever incomming wave of lanscapes turned into flat streets and big empty buildinbgs or pixel art.. waste of time... nothing changes.. just more grind with no life ...

I played so my friend would have a friend.. and damn.. no more.. better of doing Minecraft.. and ad some resource packs to make it look nicer.. the only need slopes and Boundless will die off quick
122 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
5293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 01:55
Boundless is a sandbox mmorpg developed by an indie company. The game is massive and immersive. It has a very active community from all over the world . Community is very welcoming and helpful. There are no P2W elements. You can chose your own play style. You can be builder and build massive cities and shape blocks for your own liking. You can be crafter and craft and forge everything from weapons to foods. You can sell your crafts at massive community driven cities. You can be explorer and explore the all planets. ( Even that gets you to end levels. ) You can be hunter and hunt and loot creatures with other players. You can be miner and mine all the way down. You can be farmer and gatherer. There are literally hundreds of things to do in the game. If you like massive worlds, colorful immerse scenes you will get hooked. I started like 4 weeks ago and i can say it is in my top 3. The game can also be played on ps4 , player count is more the what steamcharts says.
64 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 03:17
So far So Goood .
35 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.21 01:36
Hidden gem.
Your next 1000 hour obsession.

I could try to articulately describe my enthusiasm for the game, but i will fail. Few games have given me this very specific type of enjoyment. The main one being Ultima Online, WAYYY back in the day.
It has it all.
True player run economy
The most helpful and friendly players.
Many many worlds to explore, or even get your own sovereign planet for yourself!
You can collaborate on HUGE mega projects!
Boudless potential for an amazing time with friends.
This game kind of has it all, if you have time.
It is so underrated. I see it's overall score, and I get angry, like as if i had a stake in this.

The player creations here are so cool! The portals! I mean I am still a noob, but my game search is over for a while.
I LOVE this game.

I will keep it short, so you can go get it and play. At the time of review, it is a steal at 50% off.

Buy it.
101 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
513 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.01.21 23:12
Really enjoying the style of gameplay, minecraft fusion with skill tree. The art style is fun as well. Still gotta put more hours into it and get further into the game I'm still on starter planet >.> but very much enjoying the game.
89 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1823 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.21 13:52
I got this game as part of a Humble Bundle so didn't pay for it specifically. It's a fairly relaxing game with a chilled atmosphere and it was fun to explore the world for a while. Unfortunately I've had to call it a day after 30 hours. There is an incredible amount of grinding for what is really very minimal progress. In terms of materials, I didn't feel like I was getting much back for the amount of time I was investing. I also wasn't able to make it off the first planet (apparently there are other planets you can visit) as I needed 5 pieces of 'alien tech' or something. After 30 hours of play I only ever found 4. The player base is also very small. I only ever saw 2 other players online and I think in December 2020 there was only an average of 95 players in total.

The biggest issue for me was the way your builds will perish if you don't log in once every 4 weeks to fuel your beacon. In my time playing the game I only managed to build a simple house but had put a fair amount of thought and time into it. For some players, logging in once every 4 weeks isn't a given and so inevitably people will lose things they've put a lot of effort into. This happened to me and while there was apparently a way to retrieve some of the materials, it wasn't clearly explained how and my desire to rebuild everything from scratch just simply wasn't there. I realise developers have to think of ways to keep engagement up but I don't think this is the way to do it. It made me resent the game quite honestly and being annoyed at a game that's supposed to be relaxing, being alone in a game that's supposed to be an MMO and having made such little progress in so many hours just isn't a good recipe for an enjoyable gaming experience.

Overall a badly balanced game with a myopic engagement strategy which is perhaps what has led to too few players. This is unfortunate because there's a kernel of a good idea here and a pleasant world environment to immerse yourself in.
1416 Produkte im Account
29 Reviews
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108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 13:16
its minecraft, but as an MMO. always online, where you have to place your own plot and keep it 'recharged' every few days or else it disappears. which means you cant just leave for a month and come back to where you left off - you have to play every day for any kind of progress. no obvious sign of being able to host a local server on your own machine, unlike so many other craft/survival style games.
293 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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18630 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.01.21 08:25
Boundless is a pretty enjoyable game, as my played time probably reflects. It's hard to give this game a general positive recommendation, however, due to the fact that the developers seem to have no interest in the game themselves.

There's plenty of fun to be had when being creative and building. If you really get into the game, you eventually might end up desiring more content, and that's where the problems with this game are at. There's a handful of enemies, which pop up in various reskinned versions, and there's not been a proper update in ages. If you look at the update history, you see a bunch of Halloween/Christmas events, but no added content since forever.

The community is probably the best part of the game, as I don't recall any negative encounters, while there are a lot of helpful and friendly players out there, as well as an active community on Discord (at least when I last played, months ago). At the price listed on Steam, I couldn't recommend it. Even though the game can be fun, it can be quite hard to find other players initially, without going to Discord or reading some tutorial on how to get around first. If the game is on sale for EUR 5-10, it might be worth it for some.
104 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
45726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.20 21:59
Great game. Glad you guys have the reclaim FINALLY. I was about to NOT come back to the game because I just didn't want to grind all that work again and have it gone. So VERY VERY VERY happy to see the reclaim system.
41 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
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1671 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.12.20 06:16
I absolutely hate this game. It's just minecraft, but with uncustomizable diaper wearing rock creatures (yes that all I can see in this game). Added with nothing but extreme amounts of grinding only to be rewarded by losing it all if you don't keep coming back constantly to 'refuel your protection zone'. The landscape is really hard to traverse, combat just doesn't work and it's costly. I bought this on sale and it's still not worth it.
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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171 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 08:14
The game had the potential to be good but fell short. The controls are great and everything is very beautiful. I love the look of everything and want to explore the worlds, however they make it hard to do that without reaching into your wallet. This game is around twice the price of Minecraft to start with. If you want the option to build freely without limits like plots then you have to pay 10 more dollars for a creative world then also a repeating fee to keep that creative world going since they have it on a timer you have to recharge or you'll lose it. All building in the game is set up like that. You have to charge a beacon to protect plots that you earn through either paying real money to get in game currency or through doing preset tasks to earn them. If your timer runs out everything is reset to how it was before. This leads to more grinding than exploring or building in early game. Nothing I build seems worth it if it could possibly be wiped if something happens to where i can't get on for a few weeks.

I was gifted this game by a friend but I do not recommend this game for the price it is now. Not with all the in game purchases you would have to make to fully enjoy the game and not while there are so many other voxel based exploration crafting games out there that offer more for less.
2954 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.20 21:06
I have to question the decisions made by Squeenix's publishing house sometimes. I'm not saying this game is bad. This is pretty fun and it looks nice, but it's Minecraft. That's all it is, Minecraft with additional planets. Does every game publisher have to have at least two or three of these on their release list now?

Of the ten bajillion Minecraft clones, this is probably at the top of the pile, but it is still a Minecraft clone, released by Square Enix. Yawn.

They're asking for too much money to play this game. If you really want to play it, wait until it's on sale for at least 60% off, There's no way it's worth what they're asking. Oh, and make sure you're not entirely sick of Minecraft.
78 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1089 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 15:38
This is like minecraft on steroids!
It amplifies every aspect of minecraft think of it like the offspring of Minecraft and No Man Sky.
Game's not dead, you only need to be the first to interact with them through Boundless forum. People in the forum are really friendly and would gladly help new player to start.

>Easy to learn, hard to master
>Non Toxic and active community
>There are over 50 planets for you to explore! (if i'm not mistaken)
>There's player economy (I haven't got into the economy but hey you can buy and sell stuffs)
>In-Game people are really friendly if you meet them!!
>Resources Regenerate by itself overtime!
>Quest to gain exp and cubits (premium in game currency)
>Guilds! (you can join several guilds up to 3)

>Plot cost cubits (Technically not a con as you can freely get it through quest and it's not grindy at all to get them)
>It's easily to get clueless on what to do for the first few hour until you open the internet
>It's hard to survive at first if you start at hostile planets (I died at least 10 times on my first hour)

All in all I would give this 4.5/5
137 Produkte im Account
140 Reviews
2544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 04:45
Decent MMO with a somewhat interesting world. Takes awhile to get into though.
1371 Produkte im Account
47 Reviews
17567 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.20 20:54
A lot like Minecraft and better in some ways. Adds a really cool MMO/economy aspect that fits really well. Plus the art style is pretty nice and unique.
74 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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2761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 20:39
Minecraft but it's a dead mmo. Playing solo is very tedious. I have followed this game for the last 5 years but unfortunately it's on track to die before it is finished. The game has made progress in terms of graphics and gameplay but the solo grind is a major turnoff and exploring abandoned structures gets old fairly quick. I want to like this game but I cannot
204 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
7132 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 19:44
Pretty cool. Kind of like a Minecraft meets World of Warcraft fusion. Sitting on the deck of the haphazardly crafted pile of rocks I call home and watching the planets float by in the sky is pretty chill, while half eyeing up the more impressive creations of others nearby with envy.

Not overly populated with other players (though not dead) - which could be a good or bad thing depending on your point of view (in a way it adds to that colonising distant planets vibe, and makes it more of an event when you do cross paths with another blue dude or dudette). Needs fishing (and fish), because every game like this needs fishing (and fish)...
161 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
30016 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 08:21
its minecraft. but multiplayer as it should have been!
with an actual economic system in place..
it is lacking though. really hard to set up your own small economy unless you agree with your friends that you only buy stuff from eachother.
just like the real world there are these major corporations (guilds) that sell everything at a lower price then any noob can make it for. and because of this a noob will have a hard time getting enough money to buy these low priced items..
It could use a little tweaking there, but thats really my only problem with it so far.
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
602 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.10.20 14:02

Amazing game, super helpful devs, great community! Seriously though, the community is awesome.. I see a lot of reviews saying the game is dead. Untrue: go to planet Ceph Merika at 8pm UTC (9pm GMT) ;)

Building is easy, crafting is easy, there's no P2W which is nice.

Lots of families play this too (including mine - my partner and our 6 year old son - he's autistic, and this game is absolutely perfect for him too!)

Boundless is crossplay PS4 and PC. I've just recently bought a PC, but have put a lot of hours into it on PS4. You'd think that server hopping would be a strain on the game, it really isn't. you switch planets (servers) by going through a portal, and it's seamless most of the time. Maybe 2 seconds loading time. Obviously that's my own observation, but I've heard very few complaints from others.

We (my guild) run daily meteor hunts (it's a good way of making money and gathering rare crafting ingredients) that amasses 50+ people on Fridays and Saturdays and the game handles it super well and everyone seems to have a good time!

Not sure what else to say... go buy the game, come find a guy called Spoodle, say hello :D
468 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
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1814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 07:31
I wanted to love this game. Anything in the vein of Minecraft hits me right in the heart. Lots of crafting opportunities, survival mode, interplanetary travel, multiple biomes, etc. Everything about this game is fantastic.

Except, it's dead. Totally, depressingly, empty. I barely saw 5 other players no matter how hard I tried warping world to world looking. Massive empty cities float on barren worlds. SO many great ideas (protected player areas, so much customization) all wasted because it feels so crushingly barren. I felt like a lone survivor in a dead universe, drifting hopelessly in search of companionship. If this game had NPCs, so I could at least fake life with a village full of bots I would have done it and been content. I wish I had been around when this game had a player base, because it really is fantastic.

I shouldn't have to scour discord in hope of finding other living souls in a game like this. The scope is too big for the tiny amount of active people.

I really wanted to love this game.

5/5 execution and content.
0/5 fun and player-base.

Purchase at your own risk if you like being alone and love the creative mode for sheer building glory. Don't expect to play with others unless you bring friends of your own. It's a ghost town. So sad.
374 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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89400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.09.20 22:39
after spending lots of money and playing for 1500 hours I am leaving a negative review. patiently waited for updates as we watched the playerbase dwindle and die. Now the update CHARGES money for a creative world. you guys really couldnt give me a single player sandbox world for free? that was the uninstall moment for me. I am done waiting. Happy birthday.
632 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
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1398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 09:38
They just added personal planets and stuff, which is great, creative mode and so on, but the one little tiny issue, they're very expensive and I'm quite sure they have limited time stuff going on, so unless you keep paying them for the world all your stuff is gonna get deleted, love it, great idea, not like it's a 60 dollar game or anything for some rip off MineCraft

I used to like this money grab, it has one cool feature, portals, that's it, just some rather cool portals I haven't seen in other games, pretty sure Ratchet and Clank is going to have the same kinda portals on PS5 but it won't be a cash grab
3 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.09.20 21:36
Basically takes minecraft and fixes everything wrong with it. Extremely friendly community, too.
Highly recommended.
674 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
1377 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.20 17:26
Enjoying my time so far, more in depth than you think.
1971 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
7309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.09.20 07:13
Fun game, a lot like Minecraft bu also not.
1209 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 11:24
This is an okay game and feels like a bad Minecraft mod. The game does a pretty bad job at letting you know what to do next, and punishes you for not doing it. I am currently about 10 hours in and have just gone through my second iron hammer. However, the hammers last such a short amount of time that I almost don't find enough iron to replace the tool. I for sure can't have the rest of my tools in iron. I for sure don't have enough to build an iron forge and I am not sure I would want to waste the iron on it anyway since all it says it does it use less fuel and in trying to find iron, I have 6 months worth of coal laying around. I really don't even know what I am supposed to do next, there are like 15 objectives in my log, but all either seem pointless or impossible. Once again, the game isn't horrible, but if I am only this far and after 10 hours of mining I can't even find enough of the second underground resource to have a steady set of tools at my disposal, I don't know if this is the game for me. I'm likely to play a bit more because even just digging around with copper tools isn't horrible, but I wouldn't spend money on this game given another chance.
280 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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1121 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.08.20 11:47
Once you get past the introduction and the first impressions, you'll soon realize that to progress in the game you'll have to grind the same stuff over and over. As a beginner there's really nothing but leveling to earn you coins, and with not that many active players, I doubt there's much of an economy later on. So once you hit the point where you need not-quite-common items, you'll be grinding for them.

I gave up when starting to need iron. Although supposedly not rare, it's nowhere near as abundant as it's predecessor copper (which can be found easily). And yes, I've even bought some to find it in the Atlas, but that didn't help. If that is any indication of the grind required to find actually rare items, I'm not going to spend more time on this game. And if it isn't then why isn't this fixed 2 years after release. So this is not for me and if you're like me not into grind, then it's not for you.
92 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3073 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.08.20 01:40
Fun Entertaining lots to do lots of place to go explore
475 Produkte im Account
193 Reviews
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5380 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 07:50
For all the charm you might find in Boundless, the devs are kind of bloody insane. The game is set up like an MMO where you can have multiple characters under one account, unlike virtually every MMO these days Boundless acts like every character IS its OWN account. What this means: if you're playing with friends or a guild and they have multiple characters, the owner of a building plot has to set individual permissions for EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER, even if it's literally 10 characters on the same player's account. If that doesn't sound frustrating enough, these devs troll every player by making the frickin' user interface BOUNCE and WOBBLE almost every time you click something and you have to do a LOT of clicking to set permissions. Change a setting? BOUNCE. Moving some items around? WOBBLE WOBBLE.


This is single-handedly the dumbest and most obnoxious forced user interface nonsense I've ever seen in a game like this. Of course there is no option to disable the ridiculous UI wobbling around and this crap gets freaking insane; the icons change frickin' positions and you have to chase them around to click on stuff when it gets really bouncing around. What the bloody hell were these clowns thinking putting that in their game?

There are actually some pretty fun parts to Boundless when you get past the initial grind and learning curve but like I said, the devs are kind of crazy and you keep running into this UI WOBBLE crap the whole time. Bottom line, if you're going to put obnoxious UI elements into your game that seem like some sociopathic troll, you've got to put a setting in the options menu to disable that.
110 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
96951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 01:45
A wonderful MMO game in a creative universe. There is so much to do in this game you have to give it a try. There is a fantastic community in game and on the forums. If your just a solo explorer and builder, or if you prefer joining a guild, this game has it. 30-40 of us run meteor hunts on a daily basis in our guild and its alot of fun. Content is always being added.
11 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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231 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.07.20 01:49
Very poor performance, spent more time trying to get the game to run on a modern gaming computer. Their forums are filled with this complaint too, bad FPS bad server lag. I guess 2 hours is the max play time for a refund so if it's not working well for you bail early and ask for you money back; at the end I just feel like I payed for a bad experience.
1406 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.20 22:35
Interesting minecraft like MMO.
602 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
5530 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.07.20 06:27
Where is the hate coming from? First night was very fun. Meteorite hunting, farming, building, adventuring. The sights are gorgeous and the builds to match. Lovely sleeper MMO.
43 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
33394 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 21:55
Awesome game. Very chill and laid back.
87 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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31464 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 11:25
Dead. A game with amazing potential that was undermined by poor developer management. When I was actively playing, there were massive metropolises bustling with other players, to the point where the largest guilds had to retool their portal hubs just to ease congestion on the servers. But now? Ghost towns without a single soul in sight. It's eerie. The devs regularly engaged in communication with their player base, yet they never really took the suggestions and concerns to heart. They failed to fulfill promises and they failed to expand on the great idea they had in place by expanding the level of content. Under better management, this game would have been really special.

Don't expect any kind of meaningful gameplay anymore. Without an active player base, the commerce and cities have collapsed and this game has reverted to a hollow clone of minecraft, with a lot less content.
1896 Produkte im Account
443 Reviews
46 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 10:03
After 40 minutes of play time:

Boundless is a Minecraft style MMO where players can fully explore a world that is shared with other players. Players can claim land, build on it, and share it with other people. What you’re seeing is a city built by what I assume is multiple people, and it’s rather impressive. There are even unmanned shops and more that players can collaborate on or even buy stuff from.

I was ready for another Minecraft clone, and that is what Boundless is, but it feels more like Minecraft 2.0 instead of just a knock off. My only complaint so far is that there are microtransactions though if you are going to let your kids play it, you can disable that with parental settings. The prices are probably fair, but I find them to be too high because I hate microtransactions. Still, you can earn the funds in-game as well but that will take a lot of time.

If you own last month’s bundle, check this one out, especially if you like Minecraft, I think this is very well done and deserves more attention.

Related video:
163 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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8797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 04:56
Game is dead.

Empty cities stretch for miles.

And you simply can't accomplish what you want without an active economy.
465 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
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737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 04:15
Unfinished game with little content. There's literally the same monsters and plants in every world, making the game repetitive after just a few hours.
65 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
161366 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 02:56
I have many,many Hours in this game, and find it very enjoyable. If you love collecting, crafting/building, fighting, and selling then this is the game for you. Everything in the game is player made. No loading screens to go to different planets. There is always something to do. With a very helpful and great community. The devs make great updates and are involved with the community.
555 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
7227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.20 11:05
Very pretty voxelgame with TONS of different cubes. You can literally build anything that you can imagine.
The playerbase... it is a shame that it is so little... I have hopes that it will grow, because the game was in the humble bundle recently.
But the few players that are there now, they are all so friendly. My gosh, I think I never experienced anything like this in any other MMO out there.

If you liked Minecraft and like to play with other dudes together, then this game is for you, I totally recommend it.
352 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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50199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 07:06
The game is not fun. Stopped playing, about 2 months ago. Now in more detail:

1. I really like to build buildings. The game makes me mine more resources than build. There is so many grind that it literally eats up all the time and enjoyment of the game.

2. Hunting is interesting for the first 10-30 time depending on the complexity of the meteorite. This is a chore for many players.

3. For 2 years of the game, not a single new mob has been added. There is no environment, no fish, no hares, no birds, nothing like that. Being in the game is boring.

4. All you need in the game is a large warehouse for a grind and a store to receive money. The game eventually rolls to consumption. We have many ambitious hypermarket owners, but few creative players. I could not find a community where my ideas would be respected, a community where I could be realized.

5. The game has great potential, but the given direction of developers does not give me a chance to implement really cool ideas, such as quests, competitions, games, working society in the game. Chat is generally ignored by many players.

6. Forging and cooking is even more grind. Bottles, flasks, bags of flies, sugar, syrups. Put even more chests in your box house.

7. All the work of developers after the release looks like keeping the game afloat than its development. We have trees in the world, but we cannot grow them, we cannot raise animals (which are not). The update with farming looks interesting, introduced new mechanics, but only the first time, while you delve into it. Then you understand that they simply expanded the grind system in the game. Now, this is a forced part of the game.

8. My expectations from the game were deceived. I expected the game better than Minecraft, but I got worse. The starting statements of developers are not executed.

9. Where the hell are the titans?

10. I had a huge plan for the construction of an underwater city from skyscrapers, I selected the colors, location, and color of the light, materials so that it was harmonious, I was forced to abandon the idea. Water transparency not implemented. Water is uninhabited. The height of the worlds is small, I deliberately deepened the bottom of the adjacent territory of the sea, so that it looked majestic. There are no plots for the construction to put new ones, or pump the hero infinitely long and get 300 cents per level. The construction of cities by several players has not yet been sufficiently implemented. I do not want to make a mess of Plots of different players or with the participation of twinks. Why is it so difficult to realize everything harmoniously and beautifully ?!

And good luck everyone!
674 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
103 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.20 12:40
I haven't spent that much time in the game currently, but the time I have spent has been great. All I've done is gone around looking at what all the other players have made through the years, and to me, just that has worth the $9 I bought the game for on Humble Bundle.

I only really met a couple of players, but the ones I met were extremely friendly and were happy to take time out of their day to show me around, proud of what they had built in the game. Calling them extremely friendly might even be an understatement. This game clearly means a lot to the veterans who've been playing it for a long time, and their love for the game is reflected onto you when you talk to them, which makes the experience so much better. I could ramble on about the players for hours, but I'm going to stop it here.

From what I've seen, there are a bunch of resources in the game and loads of things to make. I definitely felt overwhelmed when I jumped in, as there was just so many things to learn about and look at.

The game features a plotting system, allowing you to make small camps, settlements, towns and even big cities. If you've ever played Towny in Minecraft, then this is it, but an entire game built around it.

There's so much to love about this game, despite its steep learning curve. I hope the Humble Bundle puts a bit more life into the game, as I'd love to see it grow.
142 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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67 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 03:59
It's like If Will Wright made minecraft, but not as beginner friendly. I'm just not feeling it.
68 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
77154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.20 03:58
Yes, this game uses voxel mechanics like Minecraft, and there are similarities but it is not simply a minecraft copy. Boundless features progression and skill tree. Many of the reviews seem to misunderstand this. All resources are not on the starting planets, and you will have to travel to find better metals and other colors of stone. There are over 50 planets in boundless, each with its own color palette and biomes.

Unlike minecraft, almost every building block comes in 255 color shades, including stones, gravels, dirts, marble, tiled mosaics, sand, and the gleam blocks (which actually give off colored light, something minecraft's glowstone doesn't do). There are also up to 4 temporary worlds at a time that fade in and out weekly allowing access to even more colors and material types that may be rarer or scarce on the standard 50 planets.

Higher Tier (read difficulty) planets have more valuable resources, such as titanium, and gems. The higher tier planets also have considerably more difficult hostile creatures. While lower tier (starting) planets will have mostly copper and a little scattering of iron for starting players, and relatively weak creatures. Exploration of planets is expected. Other settle-able planets are even visible in the sky overhead, with current player settlements visible upon them.

Resources regenerate, so there is no depletion of natural resources, anything harvested in an unclaimed area will regenerate in a few hours. A claim system protects from grief that the developers are working on regularly. The last update actually featured updates for it, and its reclaimation system. Now when a base has gone inactive, it will be stored instead of regenerated. Its a major QOL upgrade.
510 Produkte im Account
37 Reviews
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31897 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.04.20 13:03
Game is fun but get boring fast as there not lot to do after about week other then build and farm blocks. on top of that the dev see fit to add new patch to the game and add items to game that only people who pay a sub to the game get i already payed 40 buck for the game and now they want a monthly fee just so i can keep my house and you must pay money to get the new emojis.bunch of bull crap.money grab dev you should be ashamed
56 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
1200 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 06:18
Very relaxing game, i wish they had a bigger community!
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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476 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 17:46
I have thousands of hours invested on ps4 and honestly its a fantastic game however the Dev team seems to prioritize the vocal minority as they are the largest financial backers. This system has resulted in several unfavorably received updates and a dramatic loss of player population. Also worth noting their website still promises several things that absolutely do not exist in the game such as titans. Just be advised before purchasing the game it is listed as a finished product but its still very much a beta test and a dying one at that.
75 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
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790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.20 17:19
This game had so much potential back when it started but over the last 5 years so many similar games have come out which are just better or if not better they are cheaper.

The Dev's here appear to have no interest in growing the player base. The game has been almost dead for a couple years and it hardly ever goes on sale. The base price of the game is also a joke at this point.

Drop the base price to £15 and do steam sales down to £10 to build a player base.

Games like this can thrive with a steady player base but the devs appear to be doing ZERO to increase the player base. A shame really as underneath there is something to enjoy here if only the game came to life like the trailers advertise it could be.
123 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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3873 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 04:25
Nice game but it's completely dead.
You'll find sprawling ghost towns with gaudy architecture, a confusing network of portals and chaotic mixture of shops. If you decide to plant down your own little base, you will lose it and all your items if you don't continuously refuel the beacons. It only takes losing all your items/buildings once to say goodbye to this game forever.

It's a shame because it is a beautiful game. It would probably be good with a larger player base, and if it was more accessible for casual players. Plus some quality of life features for navigating the player made portal networks and cities.
127 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
85651 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 01:15
I am really not sure what to start on with what I love about this game. If you enjoy voxel games, you will really enjoy this one. There is so many amazing things you can do here.
One common negative I see people talk about this game is that beacons ( the area you hold to build in) eventually expire. Yes, this is true. But you can maintain them with Beacon fuel that can last up to 16 weeks. Depending on the type of fuel you put into the beacon. All of them are easily accessible. Either by crafting or purchase. If you let that fuel expire, then yes, you can lose everything you built there. 16 weeks is a LONG time, honestly. Can you log in once or twice every 16 weeks. I am sure you can.
The combat system is PVE , and used mostly for gathering resources from the various creatures in game. Every drop in the game has a value to someone or for use on something you can build. The sling bow is this games ranged weapon, which can be made from various materials and forged to give numerous variations of enhancements.
The gathering system is interesting. There are numerous natural resources that can be gathered, from plants to blocks of rocks, woods, and soils. These world blocks are colour specific and matched to certain worlds. Every world has their own colour scheme. Even the temporary planets have their own randomly generated colour schemes. The Exo planets can have special rare resources to help craft the very best items in the game. One block commonly used in crafting and also is a light source, is gleam. Gleam colours are also specific to certain worlds and can also be found on the Exo planets in more rare colours.
Crafting is done using numerous different machines from the very simple crafting table to the complicated forge. Many crafted items require blocks to be broken down, refined and mixed to get the desired result, requiring the use of several machines in the process. People do find this a little complicated. But there are so many built in tools, knowledge bases and mechanics smoothly built into the game that even the newest Oortian can build complicated items in the first few hours of play. There is no limit to the number of machines you own so crafting a variety of blocks at the same time is easily done.
The skill sheets in the game is where this game separates itself from other voxels. You can fully customize your skill set to whatever you desire. You can change as often as you see fit. Change skill points and skill resets are continuously earned while leveling up with experience. Experience is literally gained from everything. Breaking blocks. Dropping blocks, chiselling blocks, using machines. Being close by when creatures die. All of these give experience. There is a built in tutorial in the game that wives you experience as well for completing feats. You also gain experience daily just for logging in and sitting there. The skills do everything from helping mine better to explore, to protection, to craft, even to bake or farm. You can have numerous skill pages if you wish which you can swap back and forth depending on current gameplay.
Exploration is my favourite part of the game. There are 40 planets currently in the main game. All accessible through existing player portals or guild networks. You can also travel from one planet to the next using your own tools and augments. You can always travel home from wherever you are, for free through the sanctum or portal stones you have in your inventory. The planets are massive. Take many, many hours to even just map out all of the regions of a single planet. In the hundreds of hours I’ve played I have barely scratched through a fraction of the regions of all the planets. I’ve only completed my home world! The beauty you see In the game continues to thrill me, from player created builds, to natural occurring wonders. All looks so different depending on day cycle and current weather. Some areas you frequent may not be easily recognizable in the snow.
The HUD in the game feels familiar. As does how inventory and storage are handled. You are limited to being able to carry stacks of similar items in groups taking up 32 inventory slots. Tools stack up to 9. Blocks and consumables up to 900 in a single slot.
Building is a big part of the game. Each plot you own is 8x8x8. You can purchase additional plots using a currency earned by leveling up, called cubits. Every level gives you 300 cubits which can buy you 10 plots. Or you can use the cubits to by outfits and paint jobs. Or extras
The game currency is called coin. You earn these buy selling crafted items, blocks, or drops. They can also be earned by completing feats and journal entries or daily tasks. Coin is easy to get if you try. You can use a chrysominter (machine) to create coin by recycling pretty much everything.
The real gem of this game is the community. People are friendly, generous and helpful. People will just randomly give you things or offer you stuff just because you are there. People will ask you to work on community projects and assist you on your own. This is the main reason I play this game and why I continue to enjoy it so much. This community of gamers are the best I have ever been a part of. You will feel welcome here. I know that I sure do. You can find me on Storris II, a beautiful city called Lacuna. This place is full of the some of the friendliest gamers I have had the pleasure to build with. I look forward to see you soon <3
138 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
15338 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 15:57
Relaxing Minecraft with stuff to do! Nice combat, shop-based trading and a community to die for.
25 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
31969 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 14:17
Best voxel ever? Yes
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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56087 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.20 15:38
I genuinely HATE this game because all of your plots disappear if you don't login in and refuel your beacon. I play this game for a few weeks to months and then take a break mostly because not enough people play to have people to hang out with, to have a real economy, etc.

I had my beacons fueled for 4 months. I just logged in and must have missed the deadline to refuel and all of my stuff is gone. When this happens, the desire to play is completely sucked away and I feel repulsed and log out.

No one plays this game. Literally under 100 people play it and yet they make your plots disappear as a way of forcing people to keep logging in. THIS is the reason no one plays this stupid game.

The first time this happened I hadn't gotten too far into the game. But this time around I played for months and only concentrated on the grind of getting maxed out workshops to make items and gathering materials.

EVERYTHING is gone. I'm not exaggerating when I say I can NEVER see myself playing again after this. The nerds who are obsessed with this game will bash me. But you know what, this is why after years they can't get more than a handful of people to stick around consistently. Deleting this shit right now.

*Edit* 3/9/20: I also want to note when reading reviews from people with under a few hundred hours of game play, they're just not accurate. I'm seeing tons of positive reviews from people with 0-20 hours of game play which for a sandbox game is a complete inaccurate play time to give an opinion on what this game has to offer. It will hold you attention to a point and then you'll lose interest, log for weeks to months and come back and lose all of your items. They don't even send a warning email to notify you to log back in within X number of days/weeks or your items will disappear. It make absolutely no sense.

You can't be into end-game and experience the frustration I am talking about when you have 100 or less hours of game play. I had a few hundred hours of game play the first time I lost all of my items from not logging in for a few months and it was frustrating, but not a deal-breaker. With over 900 hours, losing everything is completely unacceptable.
4 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
16480 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.03.20 00:08
Very fun! I wish more people would play this hidden gem.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
73971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.20 23:51
Best voxel game available!
94 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
40023 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.02.20 21:08
good community and fun to play, tons of content
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 23:59
I've been looking forward to this game since before it was even called Boundless, but unfortunately it wasn't what I expected.

- I experience connection issues every 5-10 seconds. Yes I picked a server close to my location, yes I did everything suggested on the Boundless forums (because I'm not the only person having these issues).

- I don't like that you have to play a lot everyday if you want to really enjoy the game. Things like portals are really cool but you have to spend a lot of time to get the resources to create them, and then you have to grind just to keep them fueled (and if you forget to fuel them, they close and you have to spend even more time getting more resources).

- If you forget to fuel your beacon you'll lose everything you created.

- The community is really small but maybe that's why it's so wholesome. I'd say 99% of the people are really nice and helpful--just make sure you don't voice things you don't like about the game.

If you don't mind connection issues and having to grind, this game might be for you. I wouldn't recommend it though.
67 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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36736 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.02.20 20:38
Let me begin with the fact that this is indeed a fun game. It offers building, gathering, hunting, a good economic system for trade, and a great amount of individuality potential.

The main downside and the biggest reason I give this a thumbs down and no recommend is because you are basically a slave to the game if you want to keep your work. The game puts timers on your base and if you don't feed the timer all your your stuff, including the storage inside is gone for good. The timer is around 3 Weeks as I recall. It is my understanding that this is being addressed in a future patch but it's been a very long wait and after losing everything this way, myself. I am not returning until it is.

If you don't mind that major inconvenience, then I highly recommend the game.
52 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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121904 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 00:33
Failed attempt at a Minecraft remake. So much of the core mechanics of the game are constantly changing, there is very little consistancy. This game just becomes a heavy grind for colours. Community can be welcoming, but can also be quite nasty and two-faced. Devs favor backers and do a poor job settling land disputes.
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Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
72.63% 1568 591
Release:11.09.2018 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Wonderstruck Vertrieb: Square Enix Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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