• BossConstructor: Screen zum Spiel BossConstructor.
  • BossConstructor: Screen zum Spiel BossConstructor.
  • BossConstructor: Screen zum Spiel BossConstructor.
  • BossConstructor: Screen zum Spiel BossConstructor.
  • BossConstructor: Screen zum Spiel BossConstructor.
  • BossConstructor: Screen zum Spiel BossConstructor.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.10.2016
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Preis Update 10.03.25

Über das Spiel

Baue dein eigenes Raumschiff und erkunde prozedural generierte Galaxien in BossConstructor!

Das Kernfeature des Spiels ist der Schiffseditor in dem man eigene Raumschiffe aus einer Vielzahl an Modulen (aktuell über 60) zusammenbauen kann. Wie man das macht beeinflusst was das Schiff kann und wie es sich fliegt. Jedes Modul kostet Geld, Gewicht und Energie so dass der Weg zum perfekten Schiff zur interessanten und belohnenden Herausforderung wird.

Expeditions- und Sandkasten-Modus
Im Expeditionsmodus kämpft man in prozedural erstellten Galaxien gegen die von-Neumann, einer sich ständig weiter entwickelnden künstlichen Intelligenz. Man beginnt mit einem kleinen Startschiff und erbeutet durch das Besiegen von Gegnern und das Absolvieren von Missionen immer neuere und mächtigere Module, mit denen man sein Schiff verbessern kann. Alternativ hierzu kann man im Sandkasten-Modus aus den Modulen, die man im Expeditionsmodus entdeckt hat, beliebige Schiffe zusammen bauen und diese bspw. im Endlosmodus fliegen.

Künstliche Intelligenz
Da BossConstructor ein Einzelspielerspiel ist, kommt der künstlichen Intelligenz im Spiel eine große Rolle zu. Die von-Neumann, denen man im Expeditions-Modus begegnet, werden mit Hilfe eines künstlichen Evolutionsprozesses erstellt, in dem eine große Anzahl mutierter Schiffe miteinander konkurrieren. In verschiedenen Bonus-Spielmodi kann man sich zurücklehnen und zuschauen, wie verschiedene KI-Gegner miteinander ums Überleben kämpfen.


  • CPU: Intel Core i3-6100, AMD FX-6100 or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280, AMD Radeon HD 5770 or better
  • RAM: 2 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista/7/8/10
  • HD: 400 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K, AMD FX-6300 or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560, AMD Radeon HD 6850 or better
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows Vista/7/8/10
  • HD: 500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

315 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.11.17 21:25
Ein nettes, unkompliziertes Spiel für Zwischendurch mit einem stimmigen Konzept. Mal etwas was auch ohne High End 3D Grafik aus kommt. Der Schiffseditor ist denkbar einfach gehalten. Die Erkundungsmissionen sind kurz und geben der Bastelei am Schiff einen Sinn. Bei dem momentanen Preis im Sale kann man nicht meckern. Nur mit der Steuerung stehe ich etwas auf Kriegsfuß. Bei dem ganzen Driften ist es echt schwer nirgends anzuecken und die Gegner sauber zu Treffen.
223 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
1991 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.16 19:31
Cooles Spiel! Ich werde bald nen Let's Play machen. Grafisch zwar nicht sehr hochwertig aber der Spielinhalt ist sehr tief. Man kann sich sein Schiff basteln, doch dabei gilt es aufzupassen. Wie bei KSP muss man Schwerpunkte und Schub betrachten. Tut man dies nicht, so wird man ein unsteuerbares Vehicle haben. Weiterhin lassen sich die Schiffe auch stück für Stück zerstören. Das macht Spaß, ist aber auch für einen selbst verherend. Eine wichtige Gegenschubdüse verloren? Tja, viel Spaß beim gegensteuern!
2223 Produkte im Account
130 Reviews
481 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.16 20:45
Etwas eigenwillige Weltraumsimulation, bei der man eine leichte Frustresistenz haben sollte.
Wird man bei einer Mission auf dem falschen Fuss erwischt, dann ist das Raumschiff ganz schnell Schrott.
Das Schiff in die richtige Schussposition zu bringen ist die eigentliche Schwierigkeit des Spiels.
Macht aber zwischendurch immer mal wieder Spass.
40 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
423 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.16 16:20
Das Spiel ist das Geld defenitiv Wert, da es sehr viel Spaß macht
129 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
748 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.15 22:51
594 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 18:18
Don't buy, it's no longer supported!

This game won't run on one of my Windows systems and since they aren't even replying to requests for support I can't play it on my new system. It gives a Java out of memory exception even though I have plenty of RAM free, but since it's a Java app the -Xmx limits how much of your RAM it can use and while there are Linux and Mac shell scripts to start up the game in the SteamsteamappscommonBossConstructor folder that you can modify to increase the -Xmx there isn't a windows batch file and I've tried adding a -Xmx to Steam's launch options but it doesn't work.
175 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
85 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.20 00:17
It's like a combination of Captain Forever, FTL, and Star Control. Music is pretty nice. Controls are a little skittish. Ship editor does not save the parts you take off of the starter ships, so they just disappear. You cannot reset this back to defaults. Just gone. The tutorial is very very limited. The AI can fly straight, but human ships drift in whatever direction you turned last.

I wish reviews could be more than a binary thumbs up or down, but for a binary review, I have to call it a thumbs down. Really, I'd put it around 50%.
211 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
261 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.06.20 08:11
Having a great time with this one.
The UI is just a little bit clunky.
I'm still playing though. Really fun.

29 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
17655 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.16 20:05
I'm going to recommend this game.

It's flawed and has some very frustruting moments (seemingly random CTDs).

So far this code has caused me issues with crashes and getting it to run in the 1st place had me resetting my system a few times, but you know what? None of that matters.

It's a really simple game with really simple ideas and implementations. It's a slow shoot-em up with design and upgrades and actual tactics when you start to get into '1 hit kill you' territory with NG+'s

I've put in whatever hours are up there - I think 250ish. That's value enough. But I think I'll come back to this one from time to time - it's really good fun despite the horrid 1st impressions trying to get fullscreen at 1080p on dual monitors.

I'm an old skool arcade shoot'em up fan btw if that matters.
1863 Produkte im Account
302 Reviews
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.16 03:14

A game about building ships and inevitably watching them blow up.

BossConstructor is a top-down space flight/combat game with a focus on building your own ships. It recently released from Early Access and it’s developed by German developer Mirko Seithe. In BossConstructor (BC) you build (or download) ships which can then be used in several different game modes. Exploration Mode (effectively the game’s story mode) sees you face off against the von-Neumann, an advanced AI species that are trying to conquer the galaxy.

The other modes are: a survival mode where you face-off against waves of enemies, a skirmish mode where you form teams of ships to attack each other, a mode where you watch AI attack each other and a randomized sector mode where you use your current ship to take on a single, randomly-generated sector filled with random enemies.

Since everything is based around the game’s ship construction, I’ll start there. Confined to a 14x14 grid (doesn’t sound like much but it’s plenty of space), building your ship is often a case of putting the right piece in the right place. Particularly in the case of Exploration Mode, where you start with a basic ship as well as a small pack of pieces (the pieces you get depend on the pack you choose). I’ve played around with all of the default ships and pack options in Exploration mode and no matter which ones you choose, if you build a bad ship, you’re gonna have a tough time. You can also use the Hangar to edit/build entirely new ships which will then be available to use in all of the modes including Exploration (building something good will make the game easier).

In Exploration Mode, you move between sectors (levels) in the galaxy, the further you get the harder it becomes. Each sector has a primary & secondary objective as well at least one enemy for you to fight (the higher the difficulty you choose at the beginning and the difficulty of the individual sector, the harder the enemies will be). As far as I’ve seen the normal difficulty levels (the easiest) only ever have one enemy that you’ll need to face off against as long as you don’t have an objective such as destroy a mining ship. Again dependent on your chosen difficulty level, when you destroy an enemy ship’s module (for example a missile launcher or an armor piece) it has a certain chance of dropping so you can pick it up. There’s also a chance for pieces blown off of your ship to be recoverable. You can also trade with the factions you meet over the course of the game for other modules. Back on the main menu you can find a tech-tree type thing which displays all of the modules in the games and shows the specific ones you’ve collected previously.

The other way to acquire modules is through trading for them. Some sectors feature different structures (friendly so long as you’re on good terms with the faction) and one example of these structures is a Module Trader. Flying over to it and staying there for a few seconds opens up a menu where you can buy and sell modules. It’s worth mentioning that since your ship can’t be edited while you’re in a sector, you also cannot sell modules that are currently in use. The credits you’ll need to buy new modules can of course be earnt by selling modules you don’t need but you also earn credits for completing a sector. Completing a sector’s secondary objective, collecting new modules and not losing any modules will increase the amount earnt.

One of the other structures you’ll come across is a tech lab station. These are featured in one of the game’s possible secondary objectives that tasks you with moving asteroids around and you can also pay them to upgrade modules you have in your inventory. This brings me nicely to the first of my two main issues with the game. There’s not a huge amount of mission variation. I think I’ve seen around ten different missions, most of which can appear as either a primary or secondary objective. Missions range from collecting rescue capsules and collecting ore to destroying enemy mining vessels or clearing a sector of enemies. The lack of mission variety isn’t a big enough issue to completely write off the game or anything like that but considering the fact that Exploration Mode is based around a lot of starting over (if you suck at the game like I do, anyway) then I think it would definitely benefit the game to have some more variety.

My other issue with the game is how getting a couple of modules shot off is regularly game ending. To some extent, it’s the player’s responsibility to build an effective ship. However, if you collide with a ship and the thrusters on your left side get torn off, your ship becomes a super hi-tech spinning top and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it (unless you get rid of the right ones too and become a sitting duck). Most of the times I ended a run, it wasn’t because I got destroyed, it was because I had to quit due to my ship being unflyable. There is a repair bot module which repairs your ship using credits but you probably won’t see that early on. Since I actually quite like not being able to edit your ship mid-sector, I would suggest that having the ability to move modules around would work quite nicely as a middle-ground. This would allow you to move remaining parts to different positions and while it wouldn’t completely address the issue I think it certainly would have saved me from quitting a fair few times.

To wrap things up, I’ll talk about bugs and controls. First up, bugs. I’ve seen a few reviews complaining about getting lots of issues with crashes and bugs. Thankfully, I haven’t had any issues with my time playing BossConstructor, of course that doesn’t mean you won’t but I don’t think this is really an issue. Now controls. One of the things I like about BossConstructor is it automatically assigns controls for movement, weapons etc. for you when you build a ship. You can also edit the default bindings as well as add your own bindings for different actions. On the subject of controls, it is worth mentioning that they can feel quite clunky but from my experience this is more due to the game’s fairly realistic physics effecting your ship rather than an issue with controls. A bulky ship with poorly placed thrusters is always going to turn and move slowly.


BossContructor’s heavy emphasis on designing effective ships may be off-putting for some but if you enjoy similar games then this will be a worthy addition to your library. However, if you’re unsure about the game then I'd recommend holding off until it hits a sale.

Lone Ranger Reviews.

El K.
2157 Produkte im Account
33 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1044 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.16 08:57
I will 100% revise my recommendation when this game becomes less buggy. Everything else about it is decent (not amazing, but it has plenty of fun moments). I think I've put enough time into it to say I've given it a more-than-fair shot.

- Crashes often, for no particular reason. And that's just in normal gameplay, as opposed to the evolution mode where it will consistently crash within the first 10 generations, and most likely much sooner.
- Gets stuck on some screens in certain situations (notably, it can't get out of the ship design screen without a command center module, and it's entirely possible to remove some types of command center completely without them reappearing in your inventory, meaning you have to force-quit the game entirely)
- Other, smaller stuff, like the fact that you can get a mission to protect a ship, do your damnedest to blow it up yourself and let the enemies do the same, and still succeed in keeping it alive for the requisite amount of time despite your best efforts. Or the camera often centering itself in completely nonsensical places when it's zoomed in. Little weird things like that, irritating things that should have been fixed.

Fix it, guys, and I'll be right back to playing it. As it is, I've been firing it up for a short bit every bug fix or patch to see if my issues have cleared up. But my major complaints are still the same as they've been for months now.
195 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
8944 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.15 22:17
The game I have wanted all my childhood. Spaceship building with parts salvaged from other ships is a perfect mechanic in this game, and the objectives and combat feel fantastic. Controls are fully rebindable, and there are multiple different controlling modes (mouse, arrow keys, etc.). Developer is extremely responsive to community and is always talking advice, even going as far as having in game surveys on controversial additions and decisions. The main gamemode is to explore a randomly generated galaxy, but there are other gamemodes such as a deathmatch, endless mode, and hopefully an upcoming campaign. Completely worth the asking price!
609 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
857 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.14 01:47
Boss Constructor is like taking Spaz, Gratuitous space battles, and FTL and mashing them all together. Although it is still fairly early, the game promises to be the next great space shooter.

I found myself losing time in combat and losing even more time editing my space-fairing creations. The developer has already put in about 4 patches (after only one week) and when I did have some trouble with some CTD's, he immediately sent me the instructions to fix it.

So far, I like what I see, and I can't wait for more new ship parts to shove into the the evovler!
Logo for BossConstructor
Rating auf Steam Größtenteils positiv
78.31% 130 36
Release:24.10.2016 Genre: Wirtschafts-Simulat Entwickler: MirkoStudio Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine: Unity Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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