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  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.
  • Book of Travels: Screen zum Spiel Book of Travels.


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  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 11.10.2021
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Preis Update 23.05.24

Über das Spiel

Join The Book of Travels and become a part of a unique social roleplaying experience that doesn’t hold your hand. Inspired by genre classics, this is a serene adventure that sets you adrift in a fairytale world... but it’s also an invitation to roleplay without the restraints of linear missions and plotlines. Feel at liberty to travel the free wilds and vivid cities of the Braided Shore peninsula. Wander deep into the layers of this hand-drawn world, stumble upon its hidden places or unravel one of its many mysteries. There is no overarching goal, no real beginning or end, but for mortal characters the stakes can be high.

Braided Shore is a vast and intricate world, but meetings with other players are few and far between so your chance encounters will be something special. Choose to collaborate together or to survive alone, either way, you’ll be part of the birth of an exciting new online community, one where many stories will be told.

But take note: This is a game for wayfinders and wanderers and it won’t plan out your route. Instead it will trust you to to play in your own style and to shape your own journey. Whichever way you choose to travel, you’ll soon be adding your own chapters to the Book of Travels.


  • CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz, AMD Athlon X2 2.8 GHz or better
  • GFX: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660, ATI Radeon HD 2xxx
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 2 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • DX: Version 9.0
  • INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
  • LANG: Englisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

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410 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.22 20:37
I liked it but this curse omg, my character got bricked
72 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
3402 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.22 02:52
great potential. world should be more dangerous imo so that it's not just about walking.
30 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
2209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 08:33
This is a very promising game, yet in its pre-release state. But its very playable and fun in the current form already.
There are some things to be improvid, like the size of text and some features. Also, the game is to be expanded in more regions. But the current world is nice to explore anyway. Check out my guide on steam: Tips and notes for beginners (no real spoilers) for this game. Might help to pass the reluctance to try.
193 Produkte im Account
209 Reviews
19985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.22 01:20
In the simplest terms, Book of Travels is a walk in the woods. You might meet an interesting character or two, pick a pretty flower, or enjoy a nice cup of tea, but that wasn't what you set out to do. A walk is more about taking in the fresh air around you, immersing yourself in green, and leaving the four walls of your home, however cozy, behind for a moment. The game does a surprisingly good job of simulating that feeling without requiring you to brave the possibly wet and dreary outdoors, though it does occasionally simulate that as well.

Now don't let all that idyllic talk fool you, there are still plenty of MMORPG trappings to be found here. Random loot tables, equipment optimization, even the earliest hints of an epic quest. Book of Travels finds a balance between these two elements though by keeping the focus on simple tasks like looking for Physical boosting gear to help overturn a stone or Mechanical boosting gear to help a child with math homework. There are even a plethora of the game's skills and spells aimed solely at roleplaying. Some will surely become more 'useful' as the game becomes more fleshed out in the future, but I have a hard time finding a gameplay application for causing the ground around my feet to burst into flowers, that's for me alone.

Book of Travels is still very much an Early Access game. As of the time of this writing, it is terribly buggy, quite small, and more than a little bit empty. But I can still recommended it wholeheartedly, because even if it doesn't grow past this point - and it surely will - it is already enough to foster the feeling of peace and wonder it so clearly hopes to achieve.
360 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
1058 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.22 08:48
You find a player:

- ????❓
- ➡️❓
- ????‍????‍????❓
- ????
- ❤️

...and then you spend 3 hours travelling together.

[spoiler]Thank you Vos, it was amazing! I'm Sik Sho, see you soon![/spoiler]
109 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1790 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 22:12
Get a few friends and travel very simple relaxing game
272 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1401 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 17:09
I really want this game to grow and that's why i'm leaving a thumbs up.

Tons of bug, roughly 30~ hours of content (depend if you wish to 100%), and I loved each minute of it. The art and direction of the game is gorgeous and full of really good idea, and that old quest system who is making you get lost is perfect !

The dev are taking the right direction in fixing every bug first (especially fighting, it's good but a buggy mess), clean the first part of the game and the core gameplay, then slowly add everything else. With even more content this will simply be a masterpiece. I'm truly watching the progress of this game with great interest ! Don't give up !
321 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2206 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.03.22 22:32
Book of Travels is the barest glimpse of a gemstone, rough, and unshaped. The art and music are both beautiful, wonderfully crafted, detailed, and enticing to the eye. There's quite a lot to explore, albeit, in bite-sized chunks. My personal experience had been about 15 hours to traverse the whole map, (not including some secret, or harder to get to regions).

The combat can be tedious at times, frustrating at others but also wholly rewarding once understood, practiced, and mastered. There are many facets to playing, of course you can play without combat in a vast majority of places, but some of the more expensive items come from stronger enemies.

Might and Delight have done an impressive job with community communication, fixing various bugs, and making the experience more solid for all players.
61 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
28003 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 22:14
'Tis good. Me likes it. Me thinks this game will be really good as it goes. Me thinks the game needs a bit more polishing but otherwise its nice and relaxing, especially with a glass of wine, a joint, or a glass of brandy.
548 Produkte im Account
41 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
331 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.22 11:25
Not nearly finished enough to be worth $30. Interactions are frustrating and laggy. Combat timing is unreliable and inconsistent as the client struggles to properly match the server. The lack of any kind of quest log, even one we might need to fill out ourselves, isn't nearly the innovative feature it's pitched to be, and make even mundane tasks sources of potential frustration. I'm several hours in and fetch quest after fetch quest have yielded little reward and no sense of connection to my character.

I think there's a lot of hype here, but when you peel back that layer the actual game hiding underneath is mediocre.
332 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3049 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.03.22 05:02
This game shouldn't have been released even in early access in it's current state. There are way too many bugs.They tried to make the game mechanics unique but they ended up being quite annoying. There is a lot of time wasting and a lot of things that are implemented in the game doesn't have a function yet...What's the point of including perks that doesn't do anything?
82 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
951 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.22 03:20
This is a work of love, surpassing anything that came before it. It tries to capture the feeling of traveling in its purest form, which is continually encountering the unfamiliar and trying to make sense of it. You might not know beforehand if it is high stakes, boring, or if you need to rely on a stranger. It is a game that defies 'gamification', which is when you become so familiar with a game that you see it stripped down to its bare mechanics and numbers, and then lose immersion. I found this uncomfortable sometimes, but just like traveling in real life, being bored soon leads to something interesting. I heard the developers need our support to bring the game out of early access, and I think they truly deserve it.
234 Produkte im Account
48 Reviews
708 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.22 18:25
I really like the game but I would like a way to zoom in on my character or the terrain. My eyes are not good and it is hard to see some of the collectibles, etc. in the game.
50 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1108 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.01.22 22:50
Book of Travels is the antithesis of the modern RPG. Book of Travels has no minimap, no compass, no quest markers, not even a quest journal. Instead it depends on your natural curiosity and willingness to immerse yourself in its world. Get your notebook ready while playing this one. Playing BoT reminds me of my childhood playing text RPGs before wikis telling me how to minmax my stats - before I even knew what I was supposed to do or why I was supposed to do it! That is a beautiful experience.
76 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1397 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.22 05:49
Okay, to get this out of the way early, this game is NOT for everyone. I repeat, its NOT for everyone.

Take a good hard look at the trailer, watch some gameplay on youtube, and maybe check out the subreddit, you'll know pretty sure whether or not this game appeals to you -- and if it does that doesn't necessarily mean you'll like it anyway. It does not hold your hand, there's no quest markers, no quest log, no journal, nothing. You need to talk to people and write down (in the real world or in another program) what they tell you, even the useless random stuff might be valuable after you've talked to someone else so write whatever you can. No one is going to explain anything to you, you'll need to figure out which towns have a market for what, you'll need to figure out which NPC's spawn on a Tuesday morning and which ones spawn on a Friday night, and you'll even need to figure out where to go and who to speak to and how to learn how to read -- something that at the time of writing has only been accomplished by 8% of players.

This game is early access and it shows signs of that (lots of little bugs and server issues, especially in MP). If you can look past that kind of stuff and the gameplay appeals to you, then you might become one of the 1% of players who have reached level 5 or 0.1% who have reached level 10. This game is not perfect by a mile, but it has character and a special quirky charm that I'm into. And if nothing else, it's ludicrously nice to look at.
170 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2020 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 19:27
I am impressed with what they are trying to do and I like what I have seen, however it has some critical early access bugs and I do not recommend it if you don't want to be involved in testing.

Given the punishing nature of the game I have found the bugs to be too frustrating to be willing to continue playing and I would recommend waiting for a more finished product.
248 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
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274 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.22 17:31
Having NPCs locked to a day/night cycle is fine but when that is then tied to the literal clock of the server locale then that'a deal breaker. People should be able to advance within a reasonable amount of time, not having to wake up at 3am because that's the only time a quest NPC is around.

40 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1611 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 04:40
Made me fucking hate boats
343 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1553 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.21 06:20
If you like to complete direct objectives and follow along main quest lines to battle it out with evils taking over the world, then this isn't what you are looking for. If you are the type who loves to aimlessly wander around large open worlds, picking up whatever jobs or items you can along the way and working with the occasional passerby to slowly forge out a living then this game is PERFECT. You just need to get through the daunting character creation system and you'll be find (They even made an achievement for getting through it!)

Book of Travels is a calm, slow-paced RPG set in a beautiful hand painted world that gives off Indo-European vibes. You will travel across rocky hills, large open grasslands, and dense forests. There are cities and towns with a large variety of NPC's to talk to and trade with along the way (you may even come across a few who want you to help them with some things). The world is dynamic with weather that can suddenly change and a real-world synced day and night cycle.

Of course there are the dangerous sort out there, but you are not forced to wade through hordes of enemies trying to surround you as you pass through certain areas. Combat can be an entirely optional part of the game. Early on you don't really have any means to fight or defend yourself so its best to just walk the world looking for what you can find to barter and trade your way into good enough gear to wack a few rogues.

Now while its an MMO, B.o.T. doesn't have dozens of players running around in every location. The few hours I've put into the game I've only seen maybe six other players, usually in towns. There may be times when you need support of other players to do actions that require more trait points than you can muster up. However, I haven't been able to get any of the players I see to respond to me. The lack of actual dialogue and use of symbols for conversation instead can lead to not understand your intentions or just ignore you. The core gameplay doesn't require you to work with a party, but I feel there would be a more enjoyable experience if you try to seek out someone who wants to team up with a stranger.

Ultimately if you just want a slow and uncrowded game where you feel like a drifter just doing the best they can to survive each day, then find the nearest path and head out on your journey into Book of Travels.
109 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
1320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 18:20


Calmness, harmony, slow-paced adventure of your own - this is what Book of Travels is about.
Welcome to Braided Shore, a place where everyone decides for himself on what are his goals, how to achieve them and what for, because the game won't do it for you, that's mostly why it is considered exclusive.


The game offers a huge variety of tools to create your character, you can choose its form, eye color, voice, traits etc. so it will definitely be unique. Most of options in character editor are meant for creating not your appearance but your inner world and I find it good because it matters much more.
Now for pros & cons...


+Calm and meditative gameplay
+Beautiful hand-painted graphics
+Nicely made experience system (you can gain it by speaking with NPC's, travelling, completing endeavours, etc.)
+Conversating with other players is only available via the special pack of emotes, there is no any in-game chat so no swearing or rudeness are present
+There is an opportunity to tie knots and brew teas instead of magic and alchemy, that's pretty interesting
+Each server can only carry up to 7 players so every player meeting will be rememberable.


-Bugs, they are present and easily noticeable (that's temporary because devs are working on it)
And... that's it, I've found no more cons (for myself, at least)


As you can see, this review isn't detailed much, i didn't want to drag it out because, trust me, it's better for you to experience everything this game offers by your own.
If you read this review till here, maybe someday we will meet in game and share a kettle of tea together ❤️
Thank you for your time, safe travels!
189 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1083 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.21 19:22
I respect the devs for sticking to their artistic vision, but they are very clearly artists and not game designers. It's very beautiful, but there's almost nothing to do, and what there is to do is made entirely unfun by how long it takes to slowly crawl between the very small number of spots where there is content. If each region were a screen instead of a vast sprawling map, the pace would be reasonable. I played for over 20 hours (some with Steam offline so it's reporting less) just to make sure it wasn't just a slow burn sort of game, but it doesn't really improve - you can access more things, but you just find out that those things are just as tedious and pointless as what you were doing before.

Do buy this game if you like going to the museum and finding one beautiful painting to stare at for an hour, you'll find so much to look at and appreciate, it'll be great. Anyone else, pass by.
244 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
7211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 06:27
This is one of the best games I've ever played.

And I mean it. It's an amazing experience. The art is just gorgeous. The world is incredibly unique (magic based on tying knots and brewing teas? Count me in!). Character creation is meaningful an extremely charming, making you really think about who you're playing as. The coop mechanic is pleasantly simple with cute pictures you can use to communicate.
Most importantly the amount of possible adventures feels endless. In my travels I've learned a seemingly useless skill that just allows my character to whistle, found a meadow with enchanted sheep, gambled with a demigod in an actual card mini-game, talked to a bird that gave me helpful advice after I bribed it with a cookie, was mugged by a bandit and was emotionally scarred by the experience (manifested as a debuff), found a way in a secret location, where a group of scientists were trying to find a dragon-shaped spirit and in the end was cursed by a vengeful ghost of a pirate captain for my inquisitiveness.

Some people say that there is not enough content, however I've played for almost 40 hours already and I didn't even explore all the locations yet (remind you that the current map is only about 1/5 of the promised future content). The game can feel small at the first glance, however there are a ton of secrets to find. Plus there is a day/night cycle and some encounters are available only during a particular time of the day. Rare events like the tea auction are held only on specific dates during the week. Also a lot of the interactions depend on your skill set. For example, to talk to ghost NPCs you need a particular spell that allows you to see the supernatural.

The best part for me is that the devs indeed never hold your hand and allow you to travel and discover on your own terms. Imagine Morrowind mixed with Witcher 3. There will never be a huge red arrow on your map guiding you to an NPC, however if you talk to characters and read descriptions you will definitely get you all the clues you need to progress.

Is this game for everyone? Probably no. It's a slow and meditative journey with no experience farming points and almost no fast travel. Don't treat it as a typical RPG that you can binge in a weekend or two. If you come in expecting constant fighting, grinding and useless skippable flavor-text, you definitely will be confused and disappointed.

I also want to address the bug issue. Are there bugs? Yes, I've encountered plenty of minor issues (as you can expect in an Early Access project). However none of the bugs were game-breaking or even that annoying. I really hope that the team will be able to polish the game before its release. But I don't think that it's not enjoyable in its current state.

I don't know what more to add. I just can't recommend it enough. Support the team, buy the game and start your own personal journey through this charming fantasy land.
1889 Produkte im Account
421 Reviews
195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.21 19:17
While definitely not for everyone, Book of Travels offers a unique experience, more akin to an old school M.U.D. or graphical adventure, then a typical MMORPG. Combat is not a main focus, and is far less involved than in most games. Exploration feels real, it has a slow and steady pace, with a let's experience this moment type of game play, rather than a lets rush and finish a quest game play. The world is beautiful and full of story, there is almost no direction, so you are tasked with figuring the game out at your own pace. You can join with others to complete a task, often times it requires others in fact, but the game does not that make that easy at its current version. There is no friends list or easy way to connect with others. Overall, I can't wait to see how this game grows and progresses, it offers something different, and I like that.

Here is our video review.

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Mature Minded Gamers

30 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
3109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.21 06:15
A unique, slow-burning sandbox rpg that's shaping up well. Having historically preferred more a more directed and combat-centric style, I wasn't certain I would enjoy this, but I do, and it's only going to get better. A very nice entry point might be when they release the southern region in a few months. If like me you're impatient it's quite playable now.
15 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.12.21 08:32
This is the perfect social game for people with social anxiety! Many side tasks can only be completed if you have help from other players, but the conversation is limited to a handful of beautiful emoticons. It's easy to just start walking around forming a group, using arrow markers with question marks for going one way and simple thumbs up to agree, there's virtually no way to start arguments with other players and no fear of saying something wrong because theres no words between players! You can't even officially form groups or reach out to players you meet, meaning each random group you join is a special and temporary memory. It's a little sad knowing that when I log off I likely won't ever see them again, even after traveling with them for two to three hours, but at the same time I don't have to worry about holding a relationship, I can just enjoy it in the moment and I love that so much. For anyone who wants a chance to engage with others, go on adventures exploring a beautiful world, and feel at absolute peace thanks to the gorgeous story book graphics and relaxing music, please try this game.
1 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
332 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 17:20
Early impression: This is exactly what I'm looking for in an exploration game. I have experienced almost no technical glitches so far. If you like having to figure things out for yourself, enjoy discovering clues about the world and story through talking to characters you meet, and find it satisfying to take your own notes to keep track of what you learn, this game is worth a look. I have already found numerous objectives to pursue and learned several things about who my character is within the world, all by simply exploring. I am particularly happy with the fact that you are rewarded experience when you learn something new. That really says something about the focus of the game. I'm sure I'll have more to say once I've played a little longer.
203 Produkte im Account
65 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
229 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.12.21 14:21
With changes, i'd say yes.

Enjoyed the character creation, graphics and movement, rest, traits and skills concepts. Enjoyed meandering around looking for clickies. The positive and negative traits you could choose from are awesome. There are a great many good ideas in this game.

I quickly realized that I must have chosen a bad character setup because I found an incredible lot of clickies that I could not open for not having the stats required. I felt surrounded by my own ineptitude, in a world made for some other concept of a wanderer. Having to trade only (no currency) at merchants presents a challenge for multiple reasons, primarily having to manage the trade goods you keep or swap out, given inventory restrictions. You're presented a mystical world of untold wonders, but you the reality is that you run into walls at every turn, physically and conceptually. You are useless, and your path forward is nothing but a grey cloud of vague far-away notions.
76 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
2133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.12.21 00:23
Slow game with tutorial but not direction. Love the freedom and the art/music is amazingly ambient. I'm figuring out pretty quickly that my choice to learn to smell tea on people and how to fish were a waste of my first two level ups. Not upset about my choices, but not the best for getting much done.

EDIT: Fishing might've been my best decision. Talk about cash cow and easy food access. World is so rich with NPC's offering both useful and (frankly) useless information. My note book is packed with flavor that I thought mattered, and quests that I'm so glad I wrote down. It's hard to have nothing to do, between building up my gear, searching for knot spell components, or trying to hunt down a specialty merchant for something I've saved up for.

Cannot wait for the future of this game. As overwhelming as this small map seemed in the early access, I have now visited most over-world places, and eagerly await future locations. As a piece of advice, save up for the knot to transform into a deer. Makes my trading routes so much easier with the faster travel. Plus who doesn't want to run around a bustling market as a deer?
53 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.12.21 07:11
Literally the most gorgeous game ever.
I've never seen a game this pretty, every frame is like a painting. They could take 10 years developing this and I would still keep throwing money at it. The artstyle is unique and the score is amazing, this studio's game is like a breath of fresh air.

If they ever come out with an art book I will literally cry pls god
678 Produkte im Account
76 Reviews
130 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.11.21 02:02
chill vibes, immaculate audio. if you're into brewing tea, wind spirits, & mystic knots, step inside the painting.
245 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
2662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 02:21
This game is a storybook come to life. This is not a game with hardcore min/max gameplay in mind. It is a quiet, casual, beautiful world to explore and define your character within. You can group up with friends or play solo and enjoy the passive approach to multiplayer while adventuring.
12 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
6113 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 22:27
This is a really great idea of a game and has seemingly endless potential. The devs already have a lot to explore and do in the game with new things showing up every week. They also have been very transparent with their plans for the games future over the next 2 years and have been patching small bugs every week so far since it's launch. But This game currently has two major issues that almost make the game unplayable and so far have not been addressed despite many concerns.

The first problem is that for a game that looks like it should run cool on your PC, the CPU often hits 95 degrees while in towns or when you're around boats and trains. It only drops down to 65 - 75 degrees when you are in the wild between towns or exploring.

The second and biggest problem this game currently has is it's extreme latency. Often when you approach things to interact with them you will find that it won't work until the game registers that you are in the spot that you see yourself in on the screen (which can take up to 5 minutes of waiting). You can find out where the game thinks you really are by placing a fire or shelter down and wherever the fire/shelter spawns is where your character really is. This latency causes problems in almost every aspect of the game but possibly the worst effected mechanic is combat. In combat you are almost always initially frozen from latency while the enemy attempts to mug you. Usually resulting in your death when the game finally registers all of the hits you just took.

If the devs can fix those 2 major issues I really believe this game will take off in player population and become something great that can last as well as grow beyond the planned 2 years of development. I will change this review if those problems ever get fixed.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 02:24
I love playing a true adventure game where you don't know what is going to happen next or where you might find yourself. I love that there is no money, only bartering.
197 Produkte im Account
92 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
145 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.21 08:02
Quite overpriced for a game with little to nothing to do. Gave is in early access but please don't expect much to do, because outside of the pretty scenary there is nothing to do. Pck up stuff, sell stuff, rinse and repeat. That's the extent of it. Game has potential, but I would wait a year till this game comes more together and has more to do. Right now its kind of an empty game.
154 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 09:37
It's still in it's Early Access stage, and with it comes some hiccups. However, I still think it's a great game and I have been thoroughly enjoying it.
14 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
343 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.21 06:45
Lovely game. I'm rooting for you devs.

But wouldn't reco yet: for a point and click, it's overheating my system to 90+ deg. (5800h-rtx3060).
62 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
2834 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 20:39
This game has two sides: On one you see a walking-simulator bug riddled nitghmare on the other a world building masterpiece with excellent RP potential (I've only experienced this attention to detail once before with Witcher 3)

I just can't get enough of it, If you are the kind of person who hoards all the loot they see in a game like me you might enjoy it as much as I do.
I also enjoy the casual parties you can get going with randos with the limited chat (you only have symbols) & how the game rewards you greatly for forming one since you can encounter random challeges on locations based on your stats
Be ware tough the bugs I mention are there & you will encounter them, desync, dissapearing items, etc
The game never holds your hand, It just sets you free on a big map to interact with its culture & its people, If you get frustrated by not having a clear goal this might not be the game for you, but again, I can't get enough of it
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Rating auf Steam Sehr positiv
83.04% 896 183
Release:11.10.2021 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Might and Delight Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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