The state of Bombshell 1.3 and Console Versions
Hi Guys!
Thank you so much for all the great feedback we've gotten.
I want to update you all on the future of Bombshell, and what you can expect in the following months.
First of all, we've been continously collecting feedback, bugs and suggestions from you guys, and we've established a great list of things to improve. You can find the list of what's to come at the end of this post.
Secondly, the console versions of Bombshell.
We wanted to delay Bombshell on consoles, in order to pack as much content into those versions as possible. The next update for Bombshell will be a "Definitive" update, that includes everything we've been able to collect in terms of feedback. This is the version that will launch on consoles. But we will continue to support Bombshell, and if more great feedback, ideas and suggestions should arise, we'll dive right back into development, and supply further updates to you guys!
Below you'll find a list of new Features, Additions, Tweaks and Bugfixes in the upcoming 1.3 version of Bombshell:
Features and Tweaks:
- GDF Codex "Lore" section to be added to main- and pause menu.
You'll be able to read about enemies, weapons, worlds, and items, as you unlock them through your journey.
Full Version:
Full Version:
- Mission Select section added to the main menu, including specific mission challenges, statistics, etc.
Full Version:
Full Version:
- Abilities tweaked and balaced
- Biohazard Icon changed
- Ghostshell Icon changed
- Enemy attack effects improved
- Bombshell overall visuals improved to make her better stand out on the different worlds
- Bigger and better visual effects for Bombshell
- Controller movement responsibility improved
- Minibosses are now tougher
- Health Kits revamped. They are now more critical to the survival of Bombshell
- Map and Character Upgrade Buttons swapped by default
- Player HP and Armor system revamped. Values have been balanced, enemies now drop Armor and Health orbs, that gives you a small boost. Visual indicators have been drastically improved, and Bombshell now shows different visual effect when loosing armor and health.
- Attack on the Camp in Frozen Paradise has been improved, and made considerably more challenging
- P.M.S has been balanced
- Abomination Boss has been balanced
- The shop has been improved with new features. You can now "Reset" your Tech-Trees in a Shop. This will give you 50% of your KY back, spent on a specific Tech-Tree. You'll be able to re-spend the KY on other Tech-Trees to try new weapon modifications.
- More small enemies have been added overall, to increase the intensity of the battles.
- Nhorr Proponents now have more health.
- Executions are now faster, more dramatic and includes more gore!
- Objectives now fade away, and only show when a quest updates. The objectives can be brought up at any time by using the Map button.
- Heskel Challenge 4 has been made more difficult.
- You can now tap the "Y" button on the controller to Quick-swap between weapons. Holding "Y" brings up the weapons wheel.
- Shellshock charge indicator added to show when you can fire the weapon.
- HUD has been improved visually. The XP bar has been re-coloured and health, armor and XP are easier to read.
- Missing subtitles for certain movies have been added.
- Missing Death sounds for enemies added.
- Respawn option (KY warning), removed from Boss fights and Shellshock missions.
- Enemies reflecting bullets, now have flashing shields everytime a bullet is reflected.
- Amiga no longer drains ammo when getting hurt by enemies.
- P.M.S splash damage no longer hurts the player.
- Animations for certain Kyrron creatues have been improved.
- You can now skip the level-start screens with the controller.
- Broken XP and Player Level in Shellshock missions have been fixed.
- You can now scroll the through the map using the controller.
- A timer has been added to timer-based Shellshock missions.
- You can now use the "B" button on the controller to go "Back" in the Character menu, including the weapon upgrade menu.
- Movement indicator will now stay on the ground when you jump.
- Flytrap death improved.
- Executions with floating weapons have been fixed.
- Bindings showing up incorrect in the options menu, have been fixed.
- Player will no longer "Jump" in the beginning of a level, if you use "Space" to skip a cutscene.
- Armor, Energy and Armor now re-charges gradually (still fast), instead of appearing re-instantly.
- A bug where you had to fire your primary fire, before you can use your secondary fire, has been fixed.
- Ghost Shell that can't be picked up in Frozen Paradise, has been fixed.
- A door where you could get stuck in the Electrocutioner Heskel Challende, has been fixed.
- Controller issue where multiple button presses would glitch the UI, and player controls, has been fixed.
- Elevators not working in later levels, has been fixed.