Blood of Steel
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Über das Spiel

Perfekte Organisation und gerissenden Strategien und Taktiken sind die wichtigsten Aspekte und der Schlüssel, um in BOS zu gewinnen; die strategische Überhand gewinnen, um den Feind mit deinen Fäusten zu zerschlagen. Als Feldkommandant musst du dich mit den Fähigkeiten deiner Generäle und Truppen bekannt machen, sie zur richtigen Zeit aussenden, und das Terrain für dich nutzen.
Abseits der riesigen Schlachtefelder biete BOS auch eine Multiplayer Helden-Arena welche nach dem klassischen Mount & Blade 4. Angriff designed ist, mit unter anderem Guard Break, rollen, vorschnellen, Sprintattacke, schwere Attacke und Kombo Techniken um eine komplett neue und vielseitige mittelalterliche Kampferfahrung zu bieten.
Legenden besagen, dass das Terrain und das Wetter eine wichtige Rolle im Kampf spielen, und das auch in BOS. Wir reden von Gebieten wie offene Flächen, bewachsende Graslandschaften, ausgetrocknete Täler, mächtige Burgen und anderen Gebieten. Dazu das dynamische Wettersystem, welches verschiedenste Wettersimulationen wie z.B Regen, Schnee, Nebel, Nacht und vieles mehr bietet. Dies ermöglicht ein extrem realistisches Erlebnis.
Bei BOS wurden legendäre Generäle aus der Geschichte zurückgebracht, aus allen Nationen des Mittelalters. Erstelle eine Armee aus deinen liebsten Generälen und schreibe deine eigene Legende in den Büchern des Stahl Landes.
Fürchte nicht die fernen Länder, nutze die Chance, jemand zu werden, der durch seine Macht berüchtigt is.
Führe deine Armee, verbünde dich mit deinen Freunden, und kämpfe im Territoriumkrieg um die Herrschaft der Welt.
- CPU: Intel Core i5 4-Core Processor and above
- GFX: NVIDIA Geforce GT 430 or AMD HD5550
- Software: Windows XP/Vista Windows 7/8/10
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0c
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch, Vereinfachtes Chinesisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5 4-Core Processor and above
- GFX: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti or AMD HD7850
- Software: Windows XP/Vista Windows 7/8/10
- HD: 25 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 9.0c
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- LANG: Englisch, Vereinfachtes Chinesisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
18482 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.09.21 05:04
Ich spiele den Titel noch ab und an zum aktuellen Zeitpunkt und habe ihn seit der ersten Veröffentlichung aktiv gespielt.
Themen wie Pay2Win wird immer wieder gebrüllt, dem ist aber auch hier nicht so, ich erspare mir mit Geld nur RL zeit und kann Kosmetik kaufen. Mehr gibt es auch in diesem Spiel nicht. Selbst wenn einer einen Epischen Held für Echtgeld frei schaltet so kann ich diesen aber auch erspielen, ich habe diesen einfach nur später. Das Kostüme / Skins nichts taugen brauche ich keinen mehr zu erklären.
Egal welcher Held in dem Spiel mit seiner folgenden Armee vorhanden ist, alle sind tauglich und haben ihren Sinn wenn man diese dann auch nach ihrem Sinn spielt. Es bringt halt nichts wenn ich mir einen Fernkämpfer auswähle und dann in den Nahkampf gehe, das ist nicht nur in diesem Spiel so.
Die Gruppenfindung für Stammgruppen ist sehr einfach, und eigentlich findet jeder sehr schnell wenn er aktiv ein wenig im Chat schreibt schnell einige Freunde in dem Game die nicht mal auf Steam befreundet sein müssen. So habe ich meinen ersten Lehrer gefunden und fleissig meine Ausbildung bei ihm begonnen was für beide Seiten eine Menge lohnende Belohnungen gibt. Mittlerweile bilde ich dann eher das Frischfleisch vom Schlachtfeld aus. Aber auch andersrum gibt es natürlich lohnende Belohnungen die sonst viel Zeit oder Geld benötigen.
Wir kämpfen in diesem Game auf diversen Schlachtfeldern mit verschiedenen Modis mit unserem Held und seinem Gefolge das wir über die Zeit anpassen und optimieren können. Es ist dem Spiel auch egal ob nun alle Spieler auf meiner Seite den Helden Richard nehmen oder alles quer gemixt ist. Jeder kann also zu jeder Zeit immer seinen Lieblingshelden spielen und leveln. Jeder dieser Helden hat genauso wie das Gefolge was man sich zusammen stellt seine Vor und Nachteile. Sprich keiner ist perfekt , aber auch keiner ist so schlecht das er nicht spielbar ist und siegen kann.
Die Grafik ist top und die Server laufen zu 99% Laagfrei.
Die Kämpfe machen riesigen Spaß wenn man sich drauf einlässt und sind immer anders. (alleine schon weil ja jeder Spieler seinen eigenen Stil und Taktik hat). Die beste Chance ist natürlich für den Dauersieg eine feste Gruppe die weiß was sie zu tun hat.
Ich kann jeden nur empfehlen sich das Gratisgame runter zu laden und drauf einzulassen.
Wenn man wie ich asiatische Kampfstile und gequietsche in den Games nicht mag, nehmt einen europäischen Held dann ist auch das Problem aus der Welt.
Nach einigen Stunden im Menü und im Spiel sollte jeder zurecht kommen, sonst lasst euch von den zahlreichen Lehrern die ihr im Menü findet die euch gerne weiter helfen ausbilden und einweisen. Dafür ist das System da und diese Leute machen das sehr gerne. Jeder Lehrer hat auch eine kleine Beschreibung so das man gewiss einen Lehrer findet der zu einem passt.
Testet es ..... vielleicht sehen wir uns auf dem Schlachtfeld , für dich hoffe ich auf meiner Seite ;)
LG Nard
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954 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 11:34
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355 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 21:08
Es ist auffällig das in Abteilungen innerhalb des Entwicklerteams gearbeitet wird:
Das Championdesign, deren Skillkits, die Ideen dahinter, das indivdualisierte kommandieren des Begleiterregiments( König Löwenherz bewegt sich sauber in Schildformation, chinesische Bogentussi gibt ein Kommando zum Synchronschießen der Autohits!!! Liu Bei kann seine Glevenreiter unabhängig von ihm absteigen lassen und iwo eine Falle stellen, wo man selber den Feind reintreiben kann) unglaublich coole Skins, und die Synchronsprecher leisten sehr gute Arbeit.
Jeder Held vom Scheitel zur Sohle super gemacht. besser hab ichs noch nie gesehn!! Note 1+ mit Stern.
und jetzt kommts....
Das Kampfsystem, bzw, das Gefühl in den Gefechten hat ungefähr die Qualität von Minecraft .................. kein scheiss .......
das Leveldesign: dynasty warriors auf der ps3 hats viel viel viel besser gemacht. das hier ist ne Zumutung. brutal schlecht.
kennt ihr diese superbilligen asia mmos wo man das Gefühl hat der eigene charakter stammt aus einer anderen Dimension wie der boden und die restliche umgebung? genau so ist es hier.
Lol,Smite, Dota, die dinasty warriors reihe und Total war Warhammer sehen gegen die Auswahl und Qualität dieser Champions hier wie Kinder aus... aber alles andere is einfach nur meeeeega billig und schlecht.
noch nie so ein kontroverses Spiel gesehn. Mein Herz blutet.... ich mein komm schon... wer will denn nicht ein Duell zwischen Hatori Hanso und Guan Yu sehen!!!! ALexander der fucking Größte VS Ceasar.... ja genau der... mir ging einer ab ich hing 1 stunde vorm bildschirm und hab mich so über die champs gefreut....
und dann GG!
Sehr 20 jahren gezocke noch nie sowas geiles und gleichzeitig beschissenes gesehn.
das kriegen die nich mehr hin ohne einen eigenen echten Leader zu finden der, auch wenns ihm selber wehtut, jeden der dafür die Verantwortung trägt zu ''bannen'' xD
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1701 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.01.21 19:47
Aber das Spiel ist sehr Trocken, man hat zuwenig zutun, eigentlich nur hohles aufeinander prügeln.
Shop gibt es auch, allerdings nur für Kosmetik, Helden oder Skins eben.
Leider sehr teuer, wenn man einen Skin haben will ist es reine Glücksache, und nicht wie bei z.B. LOL das man sich den kaufen kann für Betrag X.
Das bedeutet der Skin den man unbedingt haben möchte, kann bis zu 100 € und mehr kosten.
4742 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 13:14
es gibt kein P2W nur skins im shop. Leider gibt es die besten Skins nur über Lootboxen und das Kampfsystem ist etwas träge.
Die Community ist nicht gerade groß wodurch man häufiger mal gegen die selber Leute spielt (2000 Spieler peak wurder erst erreicht). Ich finde jeder sollte sich das Spiel mal anschauen und auch etwas testen da die einzelnen Helden und Truppen unterschiedliche Stärken und Schwächen haben.
Der einstieg in das Spiel ist nicht gerade leicht und man muss etwas am Anfang darauf achten welcher Held gegen wen gut oder schlecht ist aber sobald man das mal verstanden hat macht es richtig Spaß.
4541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 10:46
Update: Es macht immernoch jeden Tag Spaß und die Entwickler bringen viele updates und sind in Kontakt mit der Community
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5710 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 23:50
ein game wo man von vorne bis hinten verascht wird.
0) es ist nicht neu sondern ein altes game !!!!
1) man wird mal eben so von andere gemeldet obwohl man schon vom pvp run eh raus ist (dead). (punkte abzug)
2) es gewinnt immer die andere seite. meine aktuelle win lose statisitik beträgt 90 % lose 10 % win. vorher war es die erste 3 tage lang 70 % win 30% lose, dann 2 tage lang circa 50 % zu 50 % und nun sind es seid 3 tage pernament 90 % lose. nachdem man den rang graf hinter sich gelassen hat wird man dann mit overpowerte player ins spiel geworfen. die niedrigen in einem team und die alte hasen vor der zeit von steamlaunch in einem team, daher 90 % dauerlose indem man niederlage serie farmt.
also so schlecht wird man nicht von 70% win runter auf 90 % niederlageserie.
4) man kämpft tatsächlich gegen bots in legionkrieg die auffallend mit echte playername als deffer in der burgfestung rumstehen. besonders die bogenschütze stehen immer an der selbe stellen und wehren sich bei flankenagriff fast gar nicht.
5) das glücksrad ist auch ne ganz linker trick: man bekommt von den 1 dutzend mögliche beute dauerhaft immer die 5 selben und der rest steht wohl nur zur zierde rum. der grösste schrott bekommt man und nach 200 würfe dann endlich das selteste item. das mit mögliche gewinn chansce läge bei 180 / 200 würfe nicht mal bei 2% es zu kriegen. nur bei volle 200/ 200 würde man es zu 100% bekommen, doch wieviel geld soll man dafür bezahlen? (diamanten).
6) bei dem glücksrad für points die man auch für echtgeld erwerben kann liegt bei 300 würfen. also viel spass da mal für 1 skin 1000 euro auszugeben.
fazit: zum glück hatte ich nur einen günstigen monatsabo abgeschlossen, hier ist trickserei ohne ende am werk. daher gehört das spiel echt gebannt weil es nur aus abzocke und gier angeboten wird.
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2936 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 18:18
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27 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 11:41
Parts of the game are still not translated, just a worst made CB.
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1763 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 22:37
Fun RTS top down game
Fun to play with friends
Guilds are toxic.
I got a guild invite from AudioSlave (Top Territory war guild)
then get told, because I'm american I'm a piece of ****
So I quit that guild.
I like this game, but some of the people who play it really just want you to not do well, especially if you're american.
7/10 if the community was less toxic I'd give a 10/10.
545 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.22 00:51
The positives are that it's far easier to get into Blood of Steel than Conqueror's Blade and the game tends to run better with less issues than Conqueror's Blade with seemingly better balance due to the units actually being tied to specific characters making the character you play more unique than in comparison to Conqueror's Blade.
The negatives are that the animations are really stiff and janky. You have to get used to the awfully basic animations they have for the units and characters that you play as. Luckily the skills are animated much better but going back and forth between them can be a bit jarring till you get used to it. On top of that the skins hardly effect the voice if at all of characters. It ruins the appeal of a demonic lord skin when you hear the character speaking as if he's completely normal. Worst part of all is how expensive it is to get characters in the game. You'll need to do everything you can including challenges, level up rewards and event bonuses to get enough to buy a new character within a reasonable time frame. If you want to get one of the newer characters it'll probably take you a week given how expensive they are.
All in all it's a really solid game but a bit janky with the currency being overpriced. If you want an easier, more accessible version of Conqueror's Blade that's more moba like then I do recommend the game. If you want a bit more polish but more depth then you should check out Conqueror's Blade.
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36666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.22 17:40
It feels like I spend more time waiting for update than I do waiting in a ques to play the game.
Today I've had enough so much so that I'm removing it from my library.
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51283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.21 20:45
due to the folllowing issue(s)
Game suffers from no content updates, lackluster bug fixing and only focusing on micro transactions (New hero's / skins and gacha boxes being released)
Resulting into the game bleeding players for months now.
In my 800 + hours we've only seen 1 or 2 new maps that where reskins of old maps or maps from a different game mode. When the team behind the game at last noted they had a population problem, they closed down several game modes good idea in theory but still no content updates.
Hence i have to give a negetive rating,
Don't get me wrong, the game isn't bad, whomever is pulling the strings tho , has no idea on how to run a game or more accurate has chosen to buy a game, monitize the shit out of it and leave it as is milking it for money as long as they can. (Prove me wrong)
Play for free, But do not spend money.
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62216 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.21 03:53
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3277 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 23:58
Fun game, especially with friends, special game modes can be fun but for some reason are locked until 1-2 hours each day, kinda retarded. Gameplay is fun and balenced surpisingly well, its all about positioning and team work, as well as countering each other, spears helping to take on horse charges etc.
Can i reccomend this game? Its fun as said, esp with friends, but here comes the problem. EVERYTHING aside from the gameplay, is a MASSIVE scam. Loot boxes -everywhere- and 8 different premium currencies. All skins are loot box gated where you can buy 1 for this or 5 at a discount, here's the shitty thing, if you want the skin from that lootbox, you have a bigger chance to get TRIAL skins. Yes, you heard right, they give you TRIAL skins. You pay 10-50 euro for the honor of wearing the skin for 3-7 days.
I literally laughed my ass off at this point, the store is difficult to navigate due to all those gods damned currencies.
So again, can i recommend this game? Yes, if you can, play it with friends, its really fun to team work in this game. Just for the love of your wallet, STAY AWAY from that AWEFUL scam store lol. Also fair warning, the devs sorta give 0 fucks about their game, so don't expect anything amazing in the future. Anytime they add something new to the game, its gated by new scam methods. Its f2p yeah, sure they gotta earn money, but literally, there are a lot of amazing and cool skins in the game store, and i've played the game a fair while. I've NEVER seen ONE of those skins ever before. Half those good skins you literally have to spend 300+ euro's on to get a -chance- to get it.
Final score, gameplaywise 7/10, fun quick game modes and experiences with friends, and a good chill game on your own. Devs, if you read this though, fuck you and your scam store ;)
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77685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 19:33
If you'r chinese this game is for you.
if you play on the NA server and are not chinese this game is not for you.
if you like playing with a full bot team vs a full 5+ team of chinese players that teleport this is for you.
if you wanna do rank pvp get ready to wait a few days cause the server is dead (Mainly NA).
if you are expecting to make a guild learn chinese cause 90+% of NA players don't exist anymore.
you wanna fight other guilds? there are only 4 soon to be 2 guilds left and guess what, 2 of them are chinese with 40+ each (NA server btw).
whats that? a cav unit that teleports??? and can one hit you or shoot while mounted? good luck cause theres no real counter to it and get ready for one with a spear cannon ^.^ fun.
did i mention chinese players script the game to beat everyone else on the NA server? oh yea theres that.
wondering why you cant get a rank game but you see alot of chinese players at the top? population is so low that the 2 chinese guilds can win-trade with eachother while avoiding everyone else.
Lastly if you like self punishment and being stun-locked by tons of teleporting cav this is for you.
Cant say i didint warn ya.
4163 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 09:09
289 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.08.21 16:55
12538 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.21 02:34
1. it's not play to win , teamwork, learning your hero ,maps ,strategy etc..
2. Good community, guilds etc..
3.Plenty to keep busy events,bi weekly battles ,
The only thing missing is people !
We need more players if you like a good old fashion game.
not pay to win, then this game is for you .!
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180 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 09:56
So far though? Only bots, bots, bots, and more bots. And, while enjoyable, it was pretty brain-dead game play. Can't really recommend this game at all, sadly. Would I say at least -try- it? Sure. I enjoyed the little bit of time put into it. Just don't touch it if you know you have a problem with spending money.
8349 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.21 19:55
The only thing that kind of bothers me is the sometimes extremely toxic global chat, where representatives of different nations insult each other in an extremely racist manner. Sometimes even for hours. And maybe the weird anime looking skins.
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31542 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 13:28
They put in a LOT of effort to hide the fact that they're using bots by giving them actual ranks and skins, but you can still tell by looking at their match history, at which point you'll see that they're playing 24/7.
If you actually try to queue for ranked mode yourself, expect 15~20 minute queues outside of peak hours.
25303 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.21 09:56
All in all a great game and I really wish it took off so that we could have a more active community.
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13 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 02:04
I'll give it another go at some point, but I'd rather watch a movie or play something else.
- You have to be really into these mobile type games to play this,
4368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 23:45
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3030 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 10:13
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2453 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 23:36
2760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 22:41
-Fun enough to last me quite a long time and is free
-American server empty
-Rank pvp empty
-possibly all bots in legion war
Is the first time I played this type of game so I quite enjoyed it. The biggest problem I had is Rank mode. It's empty for me so the only thing I enjoy playing is legion war. The players in legion war however could possibly be fake. All names are without a bot tag but I just can't believe the players I randomly play with are all real. Their actions in the game sometimes seem too illogical to me. Not to mention not a single word in chat the whole time just proves it.
If I had to give it a rating, I would put it in an ok box. Neither recommend or not recommend.
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1017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 04:41
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.21 04:28
been playing a lot and the game are pretty balance itself, no p2w, Microtransaction only for cosmetics, everything else can be unlock with ingame currency.
need more player tho, matchmaking for 5v5/7v7/6v7 is pretty fast, but when you tries to play 10v8 or 10v10
it could takes forever
3814 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.21 16:18
4817 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.21 18:52
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7610 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.03.21 16:56
Players have no brain in siege battles. Overall is totally NO to this game!
849 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.21 00:10
and ever rambo / go alone without your troops this aint conqblade
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2031 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.21 23:15
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2734 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.21 16:32
23992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.01.21 13:40
Unranked matches can be quick to get into and are often fast so you can constantly get in and out of action. There are various game modes that have been added that are fun as well and can be rewarding to get free cosmetics, but some of them have time restraints that I would like to see removed to allow people to play them more often. Ranked matches can be difficult to get into depending on your rank, but can also be almost instant to get a match at times.
After playing this game for 300+ hours, I would (and have) easily recommend this game to friends. It's not grind-intensive to get into and can be pretty rewarding to unlock new heroes and skins.
If you try out this game, seek me out as a mentor (Nextgenjames). I like welcoming and helping new players learn the ropes and get free loot in-game. Find a mentor by going to Social, Mentoring, and searching up Nextgenjames to be your mentor (only for those between level 5-29).
Hope you try it out and see you on the battlefield!
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853 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.01.21 12:56
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174 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.01.21 05:33
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23797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 22:18
The community at the time was growing, and the regulars were apparent and made it for some fun times. I have never been much of a speaker and stayed silent throughout my hundreds of games.
I decided to support the game with multiple YC purchases, and this is where, for me, things started to derail slightly. It seemed that the more that I contributed towards the game, the worse that my skin rolls and Path of Awakening odds became. I contacted BOS directly - never got any replies. All and all, I contributed about $1400 CAD - which, to be honest, there are no regrets here. It was a conscious choice at the time, and I have contributed much more to League of Legends ;)
I recently noticed that most of the original grinders from the game on my friends' list were no longer active. I made my attempts at Rank and had to add 15 players to my Blocklist in 2 days. It became apparent that the level of toxicity in this yet to be established community is widespread.
[80+ Players on my Friend's List - 15 on Blocklist (in two days)]
There was a glitch with the Christmas event, and I did not receive over 1000 Xmas coins, which should have been awarded for spending over 50,000 YC in one day. Emailed BOS - no response.
From my perspective, the game was fun and had great potential. The lack of an existing player base is detrimental to its current success. It seems that the player count is moving downwards and not upwards.
Discord and or email, I have yet to receive an acknowledgement that player base support exists in this game.
My observations are:
Extremely Toxic community at this current stage.
Constant release of more events, skins, heroes, and game mode - with no efforts to demonstrate maturation of an actual gaming team to support its players.
Lack of communication and transparency on one of the game's core elements, which is gambling for skins or other in-game items. Probabilities and actual odds not published. From my perspective, even suspicious and perhaps manipulated.
3761 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 06:26
I grew up playing the total war games. At 8-9 years old, a neighbors son show me Rome: Total War. I fell in love with it. I loved marching armies across Europe and conquering them with tactics and stradigy. The only thing missing was having my own character on the battlefield and controlling their movements.
Over the years I grew into games like League, For Honor, Skyrim, Smite and of course keeping up with the Total War games. And on top of that I CAN PLAY IT WITH FRIENDS?!? Sold
This game brings that to life. I've shown it to quite a few friends who are becoming OBSESSED with it. We've grinded some levels, unlocked some characters and are getting some good combinations together. In other words: nonstop. I love the simpleness to it. A perfect amount of technicality with the time reaction blocking and swinging your sword. Only a few characters have come off as over powered (Alexander, Hueng Zhong, the dog lady) but for the most part its STRADIGY that wins this game. Of course theres the occasional duel or when you're chasing someone down to execute them. But most the games I've lost are due to getting flanked or outmanuvered.
As a competitive gamer/history buff, this game is a dream come true.
But lets talk about the cons....
Aside from your standard bugs; theres a few things about the game (*in my opinion) that are HUGE turn-offs.
Why are there 100,000 different kinds of currency in this game? Every time i get a ticket or some new form of payment from a mission Im spending 5-10 minutes trying to figure what the fuck its for.
Second. DONT WORRY I WANNA BUY SKINS BUT I DONT NEED YOU SHOVING 15 ADS IN MY FACE EVERY TIME I START THE GAME. Im an avid skin collector in league, I love owning skins for the characters I main. But Ive had one friend almost exit the game without even playing it because it looks like a trap. Just make a store menu with all your deals and bundles on the front page with everything else assorted in the following tabs and call it a day. Instead of making me feel like Im playing with a car-salesman as a client.
Third. I am an avid League player and Im one of those people that only plays ranked. And on top of that I love playing ranked with my friends. The ranked ques are INSANE. If you and your friends wanna play some ranked and theres five of you; dont expect a match within 30 minutes. I realize the game has a small population but...come on. I dont care if we have to face people that are top tier ranked players, I just wanna play with my friends.
I have a few more ideas and reccomendations but these are the ones I beleve with brick wall you in NA at least to some certain extent. I love this concept and I wanna see more people play it and watch the game grow. Hopfully some more changes will be coming soon.
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7 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 02:50
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5 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.12.20 04:56
10852 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 23:17
Is it easy to start playing this game?
=> Yes.
It's intuitive. Hit WASD to move around, left click to use your weapon, right click to raise your shield or parry - etc. Just in case, the game starts with a quick tutorial - teaching you the basic commands to play your hero and manage their unit.
Once you're past this tutorial, you can start advanced training to learn how to orient your hero's attacks and parries - among other subtleties. Mastering the positioning of your unit (battle position, retreat, hold the line, etc) will only come with practice, since there's no advanced tutorial for that (that I know of).
Is it difficult to become good at this game?
=> No.
But it's a game of tactics. So you're gonna need two things: common sense, and practice.
Examples? Cavalry is awesome at harassing unmounted units, and can do incredible amounts of damage in a single well-placed charge. They're very weak against spears though, so it's not the best idea for them to try and get rid of a phalanx all by themselves.
Archers units are quick, and do good damage - but they're very fragile. So, they need to team up with infantry, that can protect them from enemy attacks. They need to learn how to retreat and find a better position if/when they're targeted, and to not waste their ammo on defensive units while those are in testudo (shields raised above their heads).
Etc, etc, etc...
As said: common sense. And practice. Give yourself time to try things out, to understand what you're doing (and what other players are doing, too - because teamwork is essential in this game).
Is it a fun game?
=> Heck yeah it is!
It's fast-paced.
I've never had lag issues.
There are enough different game modes to keep you entertained, whatever your mood is.
As far as I've seen, the maps are the right size - whatever the mode you're playing in - and there are a lot - a lot! - of different ones.
The game itself is nice enough to look at, and the musics are immersive and diverse so they don't become annoying.
Now - sure - it's not the prettiest of games. It looks and feels a bit outdated. But that means it doesn't take too much of a toll on your computer's overall performance - so you can keep your FPS decently high, even when you're multitasking.
What are the different modes?
Here are some:
- Legion: PvP - 5v5, 7v7, 10v10.
- Siege: PvP - 5 players defending, 6 players attacking (or 8 defending, 10 attacking).
- Territory Wars: GvG, mix of PvP and PvE - take cities, control and defend them against other players. Playable as a mercenary if you're not part of a guild.
- Campaign: PvE - 5 players. Complete objectives on designated maps to lvl up your hero and increase your reputation, so you can unlock new areas (with new maps, and new objectives to complete).
- Creed of the Guardians: PvE - 5 players. Choose a hero amongst a pool of pre-selected ones (renewed every week) and work together to defend a NPC General from getting killed by wave after wave after wave of attackers.
Is it pay-to-win?
=> Nope!
The in-game currency is called 'silver'.
You earn some through simply playing. But, you earn most of it through completing tasks and opening chests.
The amount of silver you can earn per week, through simply playing, is limited. But this limit doesn't apply to silver earned by completing tasks and opening chests.
This is a subtlety worth understanding, because it means that you can still earn a good amount of silver once you're past the weekly limit.
Now, as far as I've seen, all heroes can be recruited with silver. All heroes' equipment (= armor plates) can be bought with silver, too.
Now - as in pretty much all F2P games - paid currency can be used to speed things up (lvl up your hero faster thanks to cosmetics, unlock more rewards through something called a 'battle pass', etc). But none of those will replace your skill as a player.
So, if you wanna go full F2P and still be competitive, you definitely can.
Is the UI completely overwhelming at first?
=> Totally.
Welcome to Chinese games. I've played a lot of them, and they're all the same: options that twinkle for no apparent reason, pop-ups appearing out of nowhere, countless different in-game currencies, etc... The game tends to overwhelm you with useless information - while the knowledge you truly need remains difficult to access. And to top it all, everything is so poorly translated it can drive you to the brim of madness.
My advice: take it easy, bit by bit. To overcome the issues with translation, do your own testing to figure out your hero's skills and your unit's abilities. If you feel like it helps, grab a piece of paper and take some notes. Draw tables, organize data, try and get an overall picture of what's used for what, when, and where.
There's no shame in doing so. Trust me. I've been there. -_-
Does the game collect personal data?
... Maybe.
As does Facebook, Discord, Google, and countless other companies. Please use your common sense... We live in a day and age where, if we don't want anyone to know anything about what we do, we need to go live in a cave. 100% offline. And probably off the grid, too.
Now, last but not least, is the game worth its price?
Well... it's free.
So... Give it a try, and come see for yourself. ;)
1601 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 22:29
- Great melee (and ranged) combat system.
- More options for movement than M&B Warband/Bannerlord (dashes, rolls, etc.).
- American servers are great (~30 ping) and I have never experienced any lag or connectivity issues.
- The game is free, yet doesn't have any paywalls or Pay-2-Win aspects (skills beat wallets).
Largest Cons:
- The game is very evidently developed by Chinese/Asian devs, having loads of spelling mistakes and frequent grammatically incorrect statements, tips, explanations, etc..
- Complicated menu system with probably 10+ systems for rewards, and events and other happenings that happen irregularly. Also there are loads of game modes which is positive and negative as there is nearly too much choice.
All in all, I would say just ignore the spelling mistakes, do your best to assimilate the non-stop rewards, and have fun playing a fresh and new game that incorporates many features similar to other immensely popular games.
6583 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 20:57
For fans of mount and blade and Tiger Knight. This is the only FREE TO PLAY game that you will ever get.
I still miss Tiger Knight but at least now I get Blood of Steel to fall back on.
673 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.20 08:21
This free to play game went completely under the radar of everyone. This game has some rts elements where you can control and position your own personal general and army to take advantage of the battlefield and the rock-paper-scissors elements depending on your army type and general type. The combat of each general you have full control over with will depend on their weapon type and combat style between bows, crossbows, spears, sword/axe/spears+shields, and horseback(spears, bows, swords). Tons of generals which are all obtainable with in game currency you earn from each battle, some are currently being given away through intro and in-game events right now.
The bad:
The ui can seem kinda cluttered and confusing at times but you will get used to it after a few hours, ui can use some de-cluttering and some modernization updates because you can tell its an outdated chinese mobile game design.
Overall this game is well worth your time.
929 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 05:40
6677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.10.20 03:02
571 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.20 22:01
1097 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 00:41
Massively Multiplayer Online
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