• Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.
  • Blair Witch: Screen zum Spiel Blair Witch.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 30.08.2019
Zum Shop
Preis Update 04.04.24

Über das Spiel

Wir schreiben das Jahr 1996. Ein kleiner Junge verschwindet im Black Hills Forest in der Nähe von Burkittsville, Maryland. Du schlüpfst in die Rolle von Ellis, einem ehemaligen Polizeibeamten mit einer turbulenten Vergangenheit, und nimmst an der Suche teil. Was als gewöhnliche Suchaktion beginnt, verwandelt sich schon bald in einen Albtraum, in dem du gezwungen bist, dich deinen Ängsten und der Hexe von Blair zu stellen – einer mysteriösen Gestalt, die den Wald heimsucht …

Blair Witch ist ein Story-lastiges First-Person-Psychohorror-Spiel, das auf der kinematischen Legende der Hexe von Blair basiert.

Von den kreativen Köpfen hinter dem preisgekrönten Layers of Fear: Erlebe am eigenen Leib, was die Angst mit deinem Verstand anstellen kann – in einer neuen Geschichte basierend auf der kinematischen „Blair Witch“-Legende.

Mit deinem treuen Hund Bullet an deiner Seite schlägst du dich durch die verfluchten Wälder, in denen Zeit und Raum zu verschwimmen scheinen.

Stelle dich den Schrecken der Hexe von Blair und kämpfe mit dem schwindenden Verstand eines Mannes, der von seiner Vergangenheit heimgesucht wird.

Während du tiefer in die Wälder vordringst, entscheiden deine Reaktionen auf Gefahren und dein Handeln in Stresssituationen, was du über dich selbst lernen wirst.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i3-3220 (3.30 GHz) / AMD A8-7600 (3.1 GHz)
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 750 Ti / AMD Radeon R7 265
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7
  • HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11.0 compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: Intel Core i5-6500 (3.2 GHz) / AMD Ryzen 5 1600
  • GFX: GeForce GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX 590
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10
  • HD: 16 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX 11.0 compatible
  • DX: Version 11
  • MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

116 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
685 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.22 19:49
Also es gibt definitiv schreck Momente bei diesem Game. Mich würde es freuen, wenn es ein weiteren Teil geben würde.

Ich empfehle es auf jeden Fall weiter. Am Anfang dachte ich erst, das wird etwas Langweilig, aber nach der Zeit habe ich mich immer wieder erschrocken und es wurde immer Spannender.

10 von 10
111 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.01.22 18:23
Dieses Videospiel ist sehr interessant.
Ich mag die meschanik mit Bullet aber die KI ist nicht unbedingt immer hilfreich.
Ich kann dieses Spiel nur empfehlen.
In der Horror kategorie eine 10/10
66 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
321 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 21:09
Geiles Spiel! Sind krasse jumpscares vorhanden und sehr gute Story.

kontra: man muss sehr viel umherlaufen, immer wieder im kreis.
114 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.21 09:24
God fucking damn psychological terror, there so many twists my head just turned offline and it felt like running the same way for a few moments but i ran this way more for a hour, god this game story is so deep and made me feel dipping into the world of blair witch, so many things still to see, so less time i will definetly play it again, now i know my fears and i will fight them <3
22 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.21 23:10
Bullet is best waifu
215 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.01.21 17:26
''???????????? ????????????'???? ???????????????????? ???????? ????????????????????????????????????, ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????????? ???????????????????? ???????? ????????????.''
577 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 10:28

Nettes Experiment...

Mal etwas anderes mit interessanten Ideen fürs Story-Telling. Manchmal hätte man's dezenter machen können, da gilt dann 'weniger ist mehr'.
35 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
676 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 11:50
Absolut Klasse, spannend,aufregend und gruselig.Sehr fesselnd!
29 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
674 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 23:05
Guter Sound, Cooles Spiel aber das Ende völlig langweilig.
41 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
514 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.12.20 09:14
Ich fand das Spiel anfänglich etwas schleppend. Vor allem da man teilweise nicht wusste wohin man gehen muss, man hatte immer das Gefühl verloren zu sein. Dies trug jedoch auch zur beklemmenden Stimmung bei.
Mit der Zeit nahm die Story jedoch Fahrt auf und bald war ich mittendrin in Elli`s Alptraum.
Den Schluss im Gebäude fand ich etwas zu langgezogen. Alles in allem kann ich das Game jedoch guten Gewissens an alle hart gesottenen Horrorfans weiterempfehlen.
247 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
427 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.20 00:14

(K)ein Waldspaziergang

Ein Ermittler, der von seiner Vergangenheit heimgesucht wird, ein vermisster Junge und ein tiefer Wald, in dem etwas nicht mit rechten Dingen zuzugehen scheint. Was soll da bloß schief gehen?
Maryland, 1996 - wir schlüpfen in die Haut des ehemaligen Polizisten Ellis, der sich, begleitet von seinem treuen Hund Bullet, an der Suche nach einem vermissten Kind beteiligt. Was in seiner Vergangenheit passiert ist, warum ihm der Fall so wichtig ist und weshalb die Sache vielleicht doch keine so gute Idee war, das versucht uns Blair Witch während seiner etwa sechs Stunden Spielzeit zu vermitteln. Wie von Entwickler Bloober Team gewohnt, findet unser Abenteuer inszenatorisch wieder auf einem hohen Level statt. Aufgrund der natürlichen Eigenschaften eines Waldes wird es dieses Mal aber etwas weitläufiger, als zum Beispiel im Cyberpunk-Krimi Observer. Diesen Freiraum nutzen die Entwickler unter anderem für eine größere Rätselsequenz, außerdem gibt es recht viele Gespräche via Telefon und Funkgerät. Wer durch die Pfadfinderausbildung gerasselt ist, kann dabei auch mal Gefahr laufen, sich zu verirren, doch in den meisten Fällen zeigen subtile Hinweise doch recht zuverlässig den Weg an. Sonst kann auch Hund Bullet gelegentlich helfen, dem wir einige Befehle geben können, etwa nach Spuren zu schnüffeln. Alles in allem ist der aber als narratives Element wichtiger, als in spielmechanischer Hinsicht. Trotzdem ist es beruhigend, ihn in den dunkleren Momenten der Geschichte an unserer Seite zu wissen.
Von denen gibt es natürlich eine ganze Menge, schließlich wird Blair Witch als psychologisches Horroradventure gelistet. Gerade in den letzten Stunden wird das Spiel geradliniger und nähert sich dem Stil der bisherigen Spiele von Bloober an. Generell schafft es Blair Witch durch kreative, überraschende Elemente immer wieder, erinnerungswürdige und intensive Momente zu erschaffen, in denen das Spiel quasi mit dem Spieler spielt. In der allerhöchsten Gruselklasse bewegt sich das Adventure aber dennoch meistens eher nicht, was unter anderem am schützenden, tierischen Begleiter, den zu manchen Teilen etwas billigen Jumpscares und den recht schnell deutlich werdenden, inneren Konflikten des Protagonisten liegen mag, die sich in der Spielwelt manifestieren. Ich sehe Blair Witch eher als Mysteryspiel, das mich in manchen Teilen an ein The Vanishing of Ethan Carter und Alan Wake erinnert hat, aber mit etwas deutlicherem Horroreinschlag.

Da baut sich etwas auf
Diese Review klingt bisher vielleicht eher verhalten, aber wenn man nicht mit der Erwartung herangeht, gleich das gruseligste Horrorspiel des letzten Jahrtausends zu erleben, kann Blair Witch dennoch jede Menge Potenzial entfalten. Das Pacing zwischen stressigen Situationen und Verschnaufspausen stimmt meistens und sorgt zum einen dafür, dass erstere nicht zu sehr an Wirkung verlieren, zum anderen bleibt aber auch genug Zeit, um die persönliche Story von Ellis und die Wirren des Mysteriums in diesem geheimnisvollen Wald weiterzutreiben. Dank der gekonnten Inszenierung und einer oberflächigen aber coolen Mechanik, durch die wir Dinge in der Spielrealität durch Vor- und Zurückspulen eines Videotapes verändern können, lässt das Spiel Raum- und Zeitlinien verschwimmen. Blair Witch gelingt dabei meinem Gefühl nach die richtige Dosis an Verwirrung, ohne zu sehr ins Absurde abzudriften oder den Spieler zu verlieren. Die Handlung bleibt also trotz der stetig größer werdenden Zahl an Fragezeichen bodenständig genug und schafft es dank teils klassischen, teils aber auch sehr frischen Kniffen, die übernatürlichen Elemente und psychischen Herausforderungen, mit denen Ellis zu kämpfen hat, fühlbar zu machen.
Technisch kann das Spiel gerade in den dunkleren und nebligen Sequenzen und in den Innenräumen glänzen. Auch tagsüber wirkt der Wald grundsätzlich stimmig und glaubhaft, mir hat die sehr präsent eingesetzte Tiefenschärfe aber nicht gefallen. Außerdem wirken die Animationen und die Wegfindung von Hund Bullet manchmal etwas hakelig. Alles in allem macht Blair Witch technisch aber einen soliden Eindruck. Auch die englische Synchronisation ist gut gelungen und wird zudem zumindest über Kopfhörer durch gelungen eingesetzte Raumklang-Effekte ergänzt.

Persönliches Rating: 79/100


Blair Witch gehört vielleicht nicht zu den gruseligsten Spielen der letzten Jahre, doch schafft es auf der Storyseite kontinuierlich, ein spannendes Mysterium aufzubauen und den Spieler mit oberflächigen, aber gut umgesetzten Mechaniken die Wirren und die Gefühlswelt des Protagonisten zu vermitteln.

Wenn dir mein Review gefallen hat, freue ich mich über eine Bewertung.
4 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
143 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.20 21:26
best dog ever!
99 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.20 22:55
Ist ein Wunderschönes Spiel mit sehr guter Horroratmosphare und kann ich eigentlich nur jeden weiterempfehlen der horror mag.
1648 Produkte im Account
466 Reviews
498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.20 15:13

Review verfasst am 1.11.2020

Blair Witch ist ein Psycho-Horrorgame von der Machern von Layers of Fear. Es hat weniger mit der Filmvorlage zu tun als ich anfangs angenommen hatte. Ein Junge ist im Wald von Burkittsville verschwunden und wir schließen uns dem Suchtrupp an. Mit dabei ist unser treuer Hund Bullet, der sich noch als sehr nützlich erweißt. Anfangs tapt man im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes im Dunkeln, doch nach und nach lichtet sich die Story.


Die Grafik ist zeitgemäß und sehr stimmungsvoll. Die Soundkulisse ist sehr gut auf das Game abgestimmt und unterstützt die Atmosphäre enorm. Die englische Vertonung ist auch gut. Wer kein englisch versteht, kann deutsche Untertitel zuschalten. Mit einem Headset kommt der Sound am Besten rüber.

Die Steuerung ist ein weiterer Pluspunkt. Ich konnte das Game wunderbar mit dem xbox360 Controller zocken. Das Spiel ist fast Bugfrei. Nur einmal funktionierte bei mir die Steuerung nicht mehr. Da Blair Witch automatisch Speichert, war das aber kein Problem. Ich musste nur einmal ins Hauptmenü und neu Laden und schon ging alles wieder.

Offiziell gibt es Errungenschaften und Sammelkarten. Die Errungenschaften habe ich auch bekommen, aber leider nicht die Sammelkarten. Keine Ahnung wieso. Vielleicht ist es ein Bug, der noch behoben wird.

Die Spielzeit beträgt ca. 7 bis 8 Stunden. Da unsere Handlungen Auswirkungen haben, gibt es mehrere Enden, was wiederum einen Wiederspielwert bietet. Daher ist die Preis/Leistung ok. Ansonsten kann man auch im Sale kaufen. Insgesamt würde ich dem Game 7,9 von 10 Punkten geben und eine Kaufempfehlung an die Psycho-Horrorfans rausgeben.

134 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
472 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.20 20:03
Schlimmste Ende was ich bisher sehen durfte.

Danke für gar nichts

Worst ending in my life.
Thank you for nothing
180 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.10.20 20:23
Ich bin von dem Spiel Blair Witch positiv überrascht. Anfangs wirkte es erst wie ein harmloseres Horrorspiel, aber nach und nach nahm es immer mehr Fahrt in Richtung Psycho-Horror auf.Das Argieren mit dem Hund ist sehr gut und auch oft hilfreich umgesetzt. Die Atmosphäre ist 1A. Bombe. Wie man es von Bloober Team (Layers of Fear) kennt, gibt es hier keine billigen Jumpscares, sondern wenn, dann gut Gesetzte.
Hiermit empfehle ich das Spiel weiter.
244 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
452 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.20 01:14

Bullet! wo zum Geier bist du schon wieder?! ach.. beim.. BAUM

Im Grunde ist die Idee ja ganz Nice! und die Grafik und die Atmosphäre sind super!
Jedoch ist es eher ein besseres The Path..
Die Szene ist zwar gut zur Geltung gebracht und anders als in The Path schläft man nicht gleich ein und man hat Gegner..
Aber um es nett auszudrücken: ist es ne Mischung aus The Path und Alan Wake..
Als ich zum abgezählten 12. mal irgendwo festgebuggt bin weil ich an einer stelle festbugge und mitgezählt bei diesen malen auch 6 mal recht festgefressen war an diesen stellen..
Und das Gefühl aufkommt das ein Opa bei seiner allabendlichen Wanderung seine alte Bildersammlung im Wald verschüttet hat
und man das Gefühl nicht los wird das der Protagonist bei der Wahl zum behindertsten Trottel der Welt bloß auf platz 4 geraten ist und deshalb weinend zu seiner Mama rannte weil sie ihn ja eigentlich sagte das er was besonderes sei und gute Chancen zum gewinnen hätte.
hatte ich nicht wirklich das Gefühl viel Freude beim spielen zu empfinden. (Oder Furcht wie es bei einem Horrorgame angebracht wäre.)

gute Atmosphäre
Erkunden macht Spass
Realistische Charaktere
Es ist auch lustig den dummkopf durch den Wald zu leiten
Das begleitersystem ist sehr erfrischend
Das Kampfsystem fand ich persönlich besser gehandhabt als in Alan Wake

Der Begleiter Nervt da er oft verschwindet und man probleme hat ihn zu finden.
Bugs die einen festhalten und nicht so schnell wieder los lassen wenn man pech hat sie zu finden.
Der Protagonist ist sehr dumm.. man wird sogar recht wütend so sehr...
Man Fühlt sich an orten gefangen und hat das gefühl sich in einer sehr kleinen spielwelt zu befinden
manche rätsel sind einfach nur unnötig... wirklich...
oh nein wo ist der gegner?! --->spawn > spawn > spawn > spawn > spawn > spawn (gähn) ..... lange pause.. der gegner? wo ist er?! ... .... .... spawn > ach da! ah oh GAME OVER.
Die Geräuschkulisse macht zwar ne nette Atmo aber wenn sie sich zu lange zieht ist es wie bei The Path.. sehr langweilig.
Ich habe mein zeug im Inventar noch nie so sinnlos gefunden wie hier... Wieso habe ich das jetzt aufgehoben?
Ich meine ich bin ein Spieler der eigentlich gerne viel zeug sammelt weil HEY free loot! meins meins meins meins!!
aber dieses spiel hat mir das irgendwie versauert.. das nehme ich ihm irgendwie übel :O


Wer sowas mag gerne! ich würde es aber nicht noch ein mal spielen...
jedenfalls nicht diesen teil.. vielleicht macht es teil 2 ja besser?
405 Produkte im Account
24 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 14:03
Blair Witch ein Titel mit guten Reviews und einer tollen Präsentation, doch trotz viel Potential, hat es das Spiel nicht geschafft eine gute Leistung hinzulegen...

Fange ich mal am Anfang an. Das Spiel führt dich in die Story und wir lernen ein bisschen zur Geschichte kennen, wir sind Ellis ein ehemaliger Polizist der mit seinem Hund Bullet an einer Suchaktion in dem berüchtigten Black Hill Forest teilnimmt.
Vorab: Das Spiel hat eine wirklich wunderschöne und tolle Grafik, die einen richtig in die Story mitnimmt. Atmosphärisch absolut toll!
Doch die vorherige Euphorie ist nach den ersten zwei Spielstunden auch schon vorbei.

Die Steuerung des Hundes Bullets ist einfach nur noch nervenaufreibend, da der Hund selten sofort hört was man möchte und einfach drauf los rennt, die KI ist leider nicht wirklich gut ausgearbeitet. Nimmt man einmal das Funkgerät in die Hand, rennt Bullet weg, schaut man sich einen Gegenstand an, rennt Bullet weg... Es ist einfach nur der pure Horror Bullet zu kommandieren als den Black Hill Forest zu durchsuchen.

Nach 3-4 Stunden merkt man dann langsam, dass sich das Spiel nur noch zieht, es wiederholt sich und die Mechaniken machen teilweise einfach gar keinen Spaß. [spoiler]Krieche hier zwanzig Minuten durch den Sumpf um bösen Kreaturen auszuweichen, nimm was vom Baum mit und krieche wieder zwanzig Minuten zu einem anderen Ort[/spoiler] Es hat einfach nach einer gewissen Zeit nur noch genervt, man konnte einfach nur noch die W-Taste runter drücken und musste elendig lange laufen und warten bis der Akt endlich vorbei war.

Am Ende [spoiler]wenn man das alte Holzhaus durchstreift und den weißen Spuren auf dem Boden folgen muss, hat es richtig angefangen, dass man Hass auf den Charakter und die Story bekommen hat. Durch die permanent öde, sich wiederholende Raumgestaltung in der Dunkelheit hat man einfach richtig die Lust verloren und inständig gehofft, dass es jetzt endlich vorbei ist. Selbst wenn der Charakter am Ende sterben sollte, was solls, hauptsache es ist vorbei...[/spoiler] Es hat sich gezogen und gezogen, kein Ende in Sicht.

Genauso die Aktion mit Bullet [spoiler]Warum implementiert man eine Stelle, wo man die Wahl hat Bullet 10 (!) ich wiederhole ZEHN Minuten mit sich rumzutragen, da dieser im Sterben liegt, oder ihn einfach zurück zu lassen. Am Ende läuft es auf exakt das gleiche hinaus, Ellis wird ohnmächtig und Bullet ist weg. 10 sinnlose Minuten des Gameplays, wo man gradeaus nach vorne läuft, weil man seinen geliebten Hund nicht zurücklassen möchte. Absolut sinnfrei. Zumal diese Entscheidung bis auf 3 Sekunden am Ende des Spiels nichts verändert.[/spoiler]

Positiv zu sehen ist, dass das Spiel verschiedene Enden hat und man so, jenachdem wie man sich verhalten hat ein anderes Ende bekommt.

Leider kann ich das Spiel aufgrund der letzten Hälfte des Spiels nicht empfehlen, da kann auch die schöne Grafik oder die Tatsache dass man einen Hund als Partner bekommt nichts dran ändern. Die Story war anfangs echt fesselnd und spannend hat sich aber leider am Ende einfach nur gezogen und wurde zu abstrus.

Netter Versuch, aber nicht gut umgesetzt. Schade!
32 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 11:41
its a cool Horror game.
39 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.20 17:37
Das beste an dem Spiel ist der Hund
658 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 16:30
Am Anfang.. denkt man joa ok gut .. hmm geht so, so gruselig ist das garnicht..?? aber umso weiter man kommt umso Kranker wird es.. Psycho bis zum geht nicht mehr!.. und gute Horror Effekte.. also gerade das Ende! wow! :)

Gutes Spiel, muss man mal Gespielt haben als Horror Fan ! ;)
346 Produkte im Account
293 Reviews
625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.05.20 12:23
Blair Witch



+ gute Grafik
+ atmosphärische, düstere Wälder die wirklich gut und sogar abwechslungsreich gestaltet sind
+ gruselige Soundeffekte deren Ursprung man meist nur erahnen kann
+ Hundebegleiter Bullet der sehr viele Features in sich vereint
+ Hunde-Kommandos
+ emotionale Bindung zum Hund funktioniert
+ Funkgerät
+ nützliche Taschenlampe
+ outlastartige Kamera auf der man gefundene Tapes abspielen, hin und her Spulen und pausieren, oder auch dessen Nachtsichtfunktion nutzen kann
+ Handyspiele auf dem Ingamehandy (darunter auch Snake)
+ kleinere Rätsel die auch nie sonderlich schwierig werden



- keine deutsche Vertonung
- Tastenbelegung nicht umstellbar
- keine Hintergrundgeschichten oder Infos zum Blair Witch Mythos
- unpassende Flashbacks die auch mehr und mehr zunehmen und einen leider ständig aus der Atmosphäre reißen
- ungruselige „Gegner“, die nicht so richtig ins Spiel passen wollen und auf die ich gerne verzichtet hätte
- kein freies Speichern
- statt die Realität mit der Kamera zu manipulieren hätte ich diese lieber direkt selbst manipuliert
- Trial&Error Stelle gegen Ende
- Grafik-Bugs im Sumpf bzw. kurz vor der Flucht durch diesen
- der Schlucht-Part, in dem man 10 Minuten einfach nur durch diese läuft, ist einfach zu lang
- der noch viel längere, locker einstündige Haus-Part ist einfach nur noch Spielzeitstreckung
- Ende vorhersehbar
- kurze Spielzeit von etwa 5-7 Stunden
- kein Wiederspielwert



Das Psycho-Horror-Adventure aus dem Jahr 2019 von den Machern von Layers of Fear ist eher ein mittelmäßiges Spiel seines Genres. Die Anlehnung an den Horrorfilm „Blair Witch Project“ aus dem Jahr 1999 ist leider kaum der Rede wert, denn die namensgebende Hexe wird kaum im Spiel thematisiert. Und wenn man die in den Bäumen hängenden oder herumliegenden Holzmännlein und eine gewisse Szene am Ende rausnimmt, hätte das Spiel nichts mehr mit dem legendären Film zu tun (Teil 2 kann man übrigens komplett vergessen).
Man verkörpert den Ex-Polizisten Ellis, der sich mit seinem Hund Bullet auf der Fährte eines im Black Hills Forest vermissten kleinen Jungen befindet. Diesen Aufhänger fand ich nachvollziehbar und auch einen guten Spieleinstieg. Leider gerät die Geschichte um den gesuchten Jungen aber immer mehr in den Hintergrund.
Die erste Spielhälfte im recht gut gemachten und atmosphärischen Wald und hat mir sehr gut gefallen, da dieser Teil noch sehr glaubwürdig war. Dann aber häufen sich mehr und mehr Ellis‘ Flashbacks und Psychosen, die aus seiner Zeit als Soldat stammen, mich aber bei diesem Setting überhaupt nicht interessiert haben. Ich würde sogar sagen sie waren unpassend. Ich hätte mich mehr für den Hintergrund der Blair-Hexe interessiert, genau wie alle anderen die dieses Spiel aufgrund seines Namens gekauft haben. Hinzu kommen noch ein paar Längen und Frustmomente.
Das Beste am Spiel ist der Hund Bullet und die einfallsreichen Mechaniken um ihn über Kommandos zu Steuern. Man kann ihm sogar Leckerlis geben und ihn streicheln, oder ihn schimpfen. Er kann eine Fährte verfolgen, die Witterung eines Kleidungsstücks aufnehmen und er stellt die Ohren auf und blickt in die Richtung aus der Gefahr droht. Bullet ist also mit Abstand der größte Pluspunkt im Spiel.
Ansonsten ist die Technik solide, die Inszenierungen sind gut und das Funkgerät und Handy wurden gut ins Spiel integriert, inklusive einiger Spielereien. Ruft doch einfach mal andauernd nachts die Nummer des Pizza-Lieferanten an. Insgesamt würde ich das Spiel also noch empfehlen. Erwartet aber nicht zu viel und vor allem kein Blair Witch Project.

Wenn ihr an weiteren Reviews von mir interessiert seid, dann folgt meiner Gruppe.
1268 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 10:14
ufff Meisterwerk kann man gar nicht beschreiben. Mir hat es sehr viel Spass gemacht. Tolle Effekte und Top Gameplay
10/10 Story wirklich gut
9/10 Gameplay -> die Idee mit Bullet dem Hund, Kommandos geben zu können und die Animationen dazu TOP danke, Punktabzug hingegen, ab und zu tappt man wirklich im dunkeln und bekommt keine Tips wo es weiter gehen könnte.
10/10 Genre Horror gute Schockmomente vorallem wenn die Baum-Ents kommen die unsichtbar durch den wald tappen und man nicht sehen kann

Habs für Appel und Ei bekommen und kann es euch nur empfehlen. Also Kaufempfehlung 10€uro hat es mich gekostet, waren es wert.
89 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
445 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 19:24
207 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
72 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.02.20 07:47
Keine Anpassung der Tastaturbelegung möglich! Wo gibt es denn sowas bei einem aktuellen Spiel...

Für mich als Linkshänder unbrauchbar!
175 Produkte im Account
91 Reviews
329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.05.22 04:00
For starters, the game catches the essence of the Blair Witch franchise almost perfectly, the vast amount of land and forest that sometimes overwhelms you and you constantly need to explore, the detailed visuals and haunting scenery, shifting between day and night and with little tools to advance makes it a somewhat unique 'walking' simulator.

Plenty of unique gameplay aspects that kept puzzles and fetch quests more engaging.
It's story and execution is rather ambitious but in certain moments it tends to overstay its welcome, personally even if the idea is to make some levels/chapters feel like a loop/never ending, it could be more useful if in certains could get straight to the point faster since sometimes the feeling or impact a scene lands, lingers for too long.

There's a bit of choice making and hidden items for you to find as you make progress, these ones are rather unclear and can force a specific outcome without you realizing what you did. And I could only figure this out once I completed the game. The game at first warns you about this but on a far too subtle note.
And since it doesn't feel too replayable, I don't feel encouraged to try a different path. Yet I'm satisfied with the ending I got

This experience is unique and something you can do in one sitting and probably one of the most accurate experiences related to the Blair Witch Project
211 Produkte im Account
20 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.22 22:24

If you're looking for a review on this game you've come to the wrong place, but if you're looking for an outstanding pie recipe you've come to the right place.


1. 6 tablespoons unsalted butter
2. 1/2 cup white sugar
3. 1/2 cup brown sugar
4. 1/4 cup water
5. 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
6. 1 pinch salt
7. 5 apples - peeled, cored and sliced
8. 1 pastry for double-crust pie


1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C).
2. Combine butter, white sugar, brown sugar, water, cinnamon, and salt in a saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and set aside.
3. Roll out half the pastry to fit a 9-inch pie plate. Place bottom crust in pie plate; pour in apple slices.
4. Roll out top crust into a 10-inch circle. Cut into 8 (1-inch) wide strips with a sharp paring knife or pastry wheel. Weave the pastry strips, one at a time, into a lattice pattern. Fold the ends of the lattice strips under the edge of the bottom crust and crimp to seal.
5. Pour butter-sugar mixture over top of pie, coating the lattice, and allowing any remaining sauce to drizzle through the crust.
6. Bake in the preheated oven for 15 minutes. Reduce heat to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C), and bake until the crust is golden brown, the caramel on the top crust is set, and the apple filling is bubbling, 35 to 40 more minutes. Allow to cool completely before slicing.
277 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.22 06:09
This one is a bit weak in my opinion. Though it deals with very deep subject matter I dont think they do enough with it in the game. The use of the blair witch as a manifestation of guilt and trauma was interesting and could do well with more development. However, this game seemed to make its point early on and never develop it.

I think some of the creative decisions were cool and with some deeper looks into the mechanics of the game and collectables and whatnot, I think I could get more enjoyment out of this. However, Blair Witch just doesnt feel too special. If anything this game just reminds me of outlast 2. Has similar themes and concepts strewn throughout the games story. So, while I don't not like this game, I do think it could have been better.

Id say if you like outlast 2 for its story, you may like this game. IDK Kinda MID.
736 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 07:20
Blair Witch Project was a film that had a huge influence on cinema, and is also one of my favourites. Even though it’s arguably a quaint and simple film, it stands out in my mind.

Since 1999 we’ve had a few trips back to the Burkittsville woods via the movie sequels, but they’ve never been as good as the original film. A shame, as I’m sure many fans (myself included) want to spend more time in that world.

The first 3-4 hours of this game provide fans of the original film with a chance to revisit that world. It’s sublime how they’ve recreated the woods, and how it really does feel like you’re stumbling around. The introduction of the dog was a genius move!

Sadly the last 1-2 hours of this game make it difficult to recommend. It completely loses the point in the third act. It goes on for far too long, is very convoluted and forgets how subtle the ending to the original film was, instead opting for good/bad ending based on arbitrary factors.

If this was £10, I’d say it’s worth a punt for the fun to be had in the first couple of acts. At £25 it’s simply not worth your money.
167 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
594 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 02:28
wholesome walk with dog sim
204 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.22 00:17
the dog sound effects are the scariest part

212 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
393 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.22 03:33
2964 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
1098 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.02.22 18:23
You see a good boy as your faithful four-legged friend in the game.
You realize one of the possible outcomes.
You cry.
113 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.02.22 18:53
One of the best psychological horror games I have played in a while. I got the bad ending on my first playthrough but it didn’t make me hate the game or anything. I didn’t care much about the finale because the process leading to it was a complete blast. I’m a fan of the original Blair Witch project film (1999) and I even liked the reboot (2016) although it is clearly inferior to its predecessor. What I find especially fascinating about this game is (obviously) the omnipresent atmosphere of the forest and the constant feel of something watching you through the pitch black of the night. Paranoia is a major thing during your first time in the game. Partly because you have no idea what is waiting for you in the woods.
But, without a doubt, the best thing in Blair Witch is your faithful companion Bullet. This dog was an MVP and I would have never finished the game without his helping paw. This canine genius always knows what’s up and where to go. It is also worth mentioning that it is impossible to fight monsters without him due to their supernatural ability to move at the speed of light.
The plot is okay-ish. It is predictable in some ways, but still decent. The characters are all right as well, but, frankly speaking, I could not care less about Ellis, Peter and others. My main objective was to make sure that Bullet survived, others didn’t matter in that regard.
What I did not like about the game is the pacing and replayability aspect. Do not get me wrong, the experience you get from your first journey is something that cannot be described with words but the game takes a sudden nosedive as soon as you play it the second time. During my second playthrough, I basically knew everything and thus the horror aspect along with uncertainty, tension and uncanny atmosphere of the forest were gone. The game is super scripted and monsters usually spawn at the same places. It is good for achievement hunting but bad for the replays. Also, the game is packed with various bugs and glitches. Petting Bullet is surprisingly dangerous – your camera can stuck in the unmovable animation. You can also get stuck between rocks or trees. Sometimes the ground beneath your feet can disappear, making you fall into the never ending abyss (Definitely witchcraft!) and many-many more.
Nevertheless, this game is like a perfect mixture of Outlast, Alan Wake and Firewatch (Outlast mainly because of the camera, AW has similar forest vibes). Solid 8/10, definitely worth a buy.
319 Produkte im Account
88 Reviews
345 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.01.22 05:56
276 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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252 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.21 05:08
4/10, gay walking simulator

This game is a fucking lost in the woods simulator, where 80% of the game is spent stumbling around in circles with little indication on what to do, and the game generates the terrain so that you constantly walk in fucking circles. There is nothing more frustrating than when you're trying to figure out what to do, exploring, and end up going to the same god damned place 10+ times times. It's a shame as the rest of the game, when I'm not wandering, is relatively enjoyable, the forest looks beautiful, and it keeps you feeling isolated. However I'm not going to play a walking simulator for the good parts.
299 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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297 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.10.21 22:11
this game is already short, and i feel like they try to extend the length by forcing you into 20 min sections where you have to walk around in circles, and lot of the game sound isnt mixed very well by the time i was done the game i had a massive headache and had to step away from my computer this is the only game to have done this to me.

the story is also pretty generic and easy to figure out but the game knowingly tricks you into getting the bad ending your first time almost forcing you to replay it in order to try for the good ending.
142 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
232 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.21 10:17
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it

---{ Gameplay }---
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't

---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☐ Very good
☐ Good
☑ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf

---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma

---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☑ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer

---{ Difficulty }---
☑ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls

---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second live for grinding

---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☑ Average
☐ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life

---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☑ Short
☐ Average
☐ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond

---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☐ Worth the price
☑ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money

---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☑ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs

---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☑ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10

Grab this review template here .

It was really difficult to get this game to run. At first it wouldn't open at all, then it wouldn't work on my widescreen, and finally it only work in 1920x1080. Once I started playing though, I almost abandoned the game early in. The first 1-2 hours are pretty boring, very slow paced, and tedious. It does improve the further into the game you go however, and the final two chapters are pretty good and have some genuine spookiness to them.

I got this for $8 and that's about the right price.
840 Produkte im Account
79 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
324 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.10.21 00:38
Do you want to know how long you can run through a series of looping corridors with minor differences before you start to feel like you yourself are going through hell? I don't know either, but I can tell you it's less than half the amount of time you spend doing it in this game's final chapter. It's too bad, because it was ok up until the last third... not great, but it wasn't making me regret spending my time on it. Basically it just steals from a million horror movies that all do their bits better, and The Blair Witch Project is honestly the movie I feel it steals from the least.
223 Produkte im Account
110 Reviews
658 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.21 17:34
A cursed woods awaits those brave enough to confront their worst…

Blair Witch is an enjoyable adaptation of the classic found footage films of the same title. I have never seen the films despite loving the horror genre – but then again you do not have to have seen them either. The game adaptation is based on the movie’s events and lore, but in the end, the game is its own self-contained plot. This entry is simple to play and offers a lot of rich stories to take part in. It also features a powerful emotional core – your trusted buddy Bullet – that effortlessly keeps the player invested in the story’s development and outcome. In addition to a well-written story and characters, you are also treated to a video recorder that can manipulate reality. Investigating the different tapes you find to extract clues from them was immersive and fun. The camera also is required to navigate certain dangerous levels. These were tense moments that required stealth and offered new perspectives to keep the game progress unique and refreshing.

We are being watched, stay close, Bullet!

The story of Blair Witch kicks off with our protagonist, Ellis, who joins a search party with the local Sheriff’s department to find Peter, a young boy who suddenly disappeared. As with most horror stories – all is not what it seems. Ellis is a troubled man with good intentions. Past mistakes in the line of duty have plagued his psyche for years – and finding this missing boy might be his last effort to make amends.

However, the forest is watching, and it wants to exploit Ellis’ vulnerability for Evil. Luckily, Ellis is not alone. He has the best partner any man in his situation could have – a dog! Bullet quickly steals the spotlight. He is at the front and center of Ellis’ chance at redemption, and an overall emotional powerhouse that kept me invested in the story and its outcome. You have a lot of freedom with how you interact with Bullet, but be warned, your morality will be tested. Do not let desperation overcome.

Stuck in a loop, will you break the cycle of violence, or surrender to your rage…

An interesting aspect of Blair Witch that surprised me was its level design and layout. It tricks the player. The player explores semi-open areas as they hike deeper and deeper into the forest. At first, these areas seem frustratingly large and hard to decipher. The truth however is quite different and clever. You are stuck in an area loop until you complete a set of story-related tasks that allow you to progress into the next area. This made for an anxious and confusing walkthrough. Even when I knew my next move, there was an uncertain feeling I could not shake off. I never felt completely safe from the Witch's grasp.

This idea of a loop, or cycle, – is present too in the game’s thematic storytelling. Ellis is a man seemingly stuck in a cycle of violence despite his best efforts to help others. There is also a deeper misdirection here. You are being watched, but your actions are also being manipulated. This game muddles your decision-making and very easily tricks you into an ending you might not have wished from the very beginning. If you care about this sort of stuff, make sure you're paying attention to what exactly is the purpose of the Blair Witch is and how you might be overlooking her influence.

As an aside, Blair Witch also pays good attention to detail. The ‘looping’ level design does not hinder this game’s ability to present us with interesting and unique set locations, and they are all not limited to just the forest either. I enjoyed all the documents you collect throughout the way as well – they are relevant to the story, come from varied sources, provide interesting background, and are quick to read. Ellis also has a cellphone that is full with fun mini-game diversions, side quests, and curious achievements.
1216 Produkte im Account
162 Reviews
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382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 12:13
Walking Sim with a couple of interesting mechanics/ideas but I feel like they missed an opportunity. The woods are lovely and creepy with superb sounds and atmosphere, the story is OK,but the game itself is dull. I got it on sale, and pleased I did as I'd have been disappointed otherwise.
12953 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
603 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 00:26
Okay, what a twisted, mind-f**k of a game. I can't tell if I was on shrooms or if the game really was just a rendering of the mind of a sociopath. Just lunacy.
307 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
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769 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 22:44
This game is so bad... in every aspect.
I dont know how I could finish this game...
I was stuck so many times, didnt know where to go... this was so annoying
Also there was no any hints at all.
Very boring gameplay and also boring ending.
Better play SOMA.
SOMA is 10 times better than this.
Score: 1 out of 10
698 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
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432 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.08.21 22:11
Too many sad puppy noises
20 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
309 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.21 04:38
What an excellent game, the audio and lighting set this off. so scary and worth it!
129 Produkte im Account
35 Reviews
415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.08.21 17:31
I've played this game in 2019 and only now understood, that I can write a review. This game is made of a cult film about Blair Witch, but the story of this game is not fully connected to a film. The game is not so scary as I excpected, but it doesn't contains so many stupid screamers, thats why I didn't want to drop this game in the middle of my walktrough. In my opinion is cool horror game, if you compare it to new horrors.
67 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
505 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 16:26
Hands down one of the most atmospheric indie game I've ever played.
2338 Produkte im Account
383 Reviews
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417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 19:34

This guy needed to go to a mental institution not forest. This is what happens when you don't take your medication.

I personally am very picky for horror games, I either want it to be scary as hell with some nice gameplay like Silent Hill or have some really nice terrifying story like Fran Bow. I couldn't find neither in this game. I would rather prefer giving this a neutral rating.

Blair Witch is a horror game from Makers of Layers of Fear. I did not enjoy that game but I enjoyed Blair Witch a little more.
The game starts quite nicely and the story seems nice and in the beginning everything seems nice. I haven't watched the movie, i've tried but found it boring after 15 minutes so I don't know if this is related to the movie or any witch or something but i don't think it has any relation. It's quite similar to Layers of Fear (in both gameplay and the story) where you imagining things but for some reason they can kill you.

The story is about a man who's suffering from ptsd and can't forget the stuff he's done. So he starts hallucinating in the forest and the whole gameplay is walking through his hallucinations which doesn't make any sense.
The forest is scary but after couple of scares that feeling is completely gone. The character starts remembering more stuff from his past and hallucinations intensify. The forest is really boring. The game is linear but still has few paths to go, only if you take the wrong path you're start going in a loop and end up at the same place until you take the right path.

There are monster who can kill you and you kill them in the same way as in Alan Wake – by shining a flashlight onto them. There's also camera which lets you see the monsters and trails. You can also watch tapes on it which sometimes is needed to shift the reality or maybe turn back the time so you could enter somewhere. You gather items, run, get tired after 20 meters, then walk slowly through same boring woods. So you get the items which are needed to either fix something or open something and move on to another section. While first half of the game was decent, the second half was tedious. Walking in loops over and over again for countless times while the story makes less and less sense. although the idea of the story is quite good but it was executed poorly.
Oh there's a dog. You can take care of him and ask him to get some items for you. He also supposed to show you the way where to go but that doesn't work, he only finds the obvious items. Still having a pet dog is always great.

It's not an action game, it's not a walking sim completely although you mostly walk but since there are puzzles and you can die it's kind of neither.
The main character is a cripple who can't move even light objects or climb over something. That wouldn't be an issue if the places you can't go would have some realistic obstacles which would make sense, not some branch or fallen door. I'm a cripple and i can move the damn doors or smash windows. And this guy is an ex soldier and a cop.

The game is very short although it felt too long. It took me a year to beat it, I just couldn't play for more than 30 minutes and uninstalled it several times until I decided to just finish it.

Save system is non existent, there are only autosaves so you can't end the game whenever you like and some sections may be quite long and tiring.

There are collectibles and multiple endings but no chapter select. It's so annoying because if you miss something you must replay the whole game which is very slow, especially boring when you know everything from the start.

Graphically it looks ok'ish. Some scenes are good but mostly it looks average. There's insane amount of blur all over the screen so you can't see anything and performance is terrible with fps dipping to 45 or lower at times. Runs even worse on max settings. Optimization is terrible. Played on 5800x, 2070s, 32gb @3440x1440. Ultrawide works out of the box.
Graphics options screen is constantly glitching. When you go there it asks to save changes, why? You click ok then it lets you to change the graphics.

Sound is what makes this game more scary. Sound design is great and it creates that creepy atmosphere. Like all horror games it has those extremely loud sounds scaring you sometimes but like I mentioned after and hour or so you get used to it and just want to go your way casually.

I guess it's a decent game for those who only play horror games and don't have high requirements but for me it was boring. The idea of the story is quite good but poorly executed and it would've been an awesome narrative horror game. I really did not enjoy this.

  • Creepy
  • Dog
  • Good sounds

  • Terrible performance
  • Average graphics
  • Tedious and boring gameplay
  • Illogical
  • No manual save
  • No chapter select

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759 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
738 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.21 01:03
WOW. This game is my #1 favorite sleeper hit.. of all time. No kidding. I loved both Layers of Fear, though I haven't finished 2. I loved the design and detail in both. Observer was ambitious at the time, and you got to be Rutger mf'n Hauer. How cool is that? Then there was The Medium.. kinda janky for me but only because of my disability and mental illness, not because of poor design. I respect that they try new things. I originally posted Not Recommended for The Medium, but soon rescinded it because I love Bloober Team and I really want to see them be successful. They deserve it.

This game is the spookiest and most fun to play Horror game for me since Outlast. I know, I know.. but I have played a lot of horror.. and I'm tellin' ya.. this game performs the hat trick deftly and confidently. Engrossing, Immersive, Gorgeously rendered in realistic detail, creepy AF.. I love it. I would have finished it in one sitting if my body hadn't collapsed from insomnia-induced hallucinations and malnutrition. But coupla winks and I was back at it.. red-eyed, knuckles white on the controller.. gaunt face illuminated only by the glowy 4k UHD wonder screen..

Wandered there for a sec.. seriously, if you like horror even a little, this is IT right here. A pleasantly surprised 10/10.
151 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 12:23
If you let go of Bullet you have no soul.
267 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.21 06:39
This game SLAPPED. genuinely fun and I only got ONE of the endings, if someone wants to test a theory of mines, when you see the wooden things, dont destroy em. :>
196 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
903 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 09:25
куда опять убежал пёс
301 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
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416 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.06.21 07:34
Blair Witch is like a Big Mac meal. It doesn't fill you up, you feel a little queasy afterwards but there were some good bites along the way. A little below average, and the whole thing is a bit too small for the price you pay too.
2080 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
600 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 01:01
I recommend (most of) this game. Very fun take on the typical woods horror we're used to (there's even garbage collecting in addition to the usual page collecting!). The dog mechanic is helpful for immersion- you care about him regardless if you care about what happens to your character. The real problem is the last chapter of the game where [spoiler] it turns into yet another P.T. ripoff spitting in the face of everything it built so far. The worst of VR horror artifacts show up here, it's just like walking through a fun house where things pop up and go away. Nearly every scare/event is taken from a game you've already played or watched multiple times. [/spoiler]

Recommend on sale or in bundles, below $5.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.21 19:47
Good Production Quality of the Game. Intended to get the good ending, did everything right. Fed and pet the dog almost often, didn't leave bullet, didn't collect figurines anywhere except in the last chapter in order to open the door, didn't break any totems throughout the game, and neither flashed the light at the enemies behind the trees in the woods, nor did as the witch asked of me in the entire game, no killing anyone. Yet i end up getting the bad ending after spending so much time. Extremely Disappointed, most likely won't play the game again...but it's still a good horror game nevertheless excluding personal sentiment.
555 Produkte im Account
149 Reviews
546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 20:04
It's an allright lost-in-the-woods-simulator. Better than the film. The dog's, Bullet's, sounds get a bit annoying and repetetive as they recorded too few sound bytes for him. Other than that, it's fine.
482 Produkte im Account
62 Reviews
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334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.05.21 01:13
Just wasn't very interesting or scary. I got bored of the 'layers of fear' style constantly changing surroundings as I've already played that game and knew if I kept running around eventually the game will proceed on its own anyway without much user input.

Really really short too, I was thinking, hmm maybe this game will get better soon and then it ends.

63 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
275 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 19:11
Well made game, the people who made the story line though need to be fired ASAP. I just spent the last hour or two of the game wondering around for literally no reason at all just to go through his memories THAT YOU ALREADY KNOW FROM THE FIRST 15 MINUTES OF THE GAME. Please for god sake if your thinking about buying it don't, just watch a game play trailer, not worth the money at all.
173 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
592 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 22:33
Awesome horror game which generates a very spooky atmosphere. Sometimes the game plays with you, while your behavior during the game matters as there are different endings. I did enjoy that.

[spoiler] You get a good feeling when a jumpscare is about to occure, and most jumpscares appear in the final chapter [/spoiler]
267 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
302 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 23:48
489 Produkte im Account
45 Reviews
33 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.04.21 18:36
eeeh. I liked what I played
84 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.21 04:50
Gud game
397 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.01.21 21:04
My review is positive just because of the amazing graphics, the dark ambiance which makes you nerves and ofcourse because you play with your lovely dog ''Bullet'' :D the creators thank you for your hardwork though. (ps: Steam please create a ''meh button'')

But unfortunately, the story dissapointed me :( and i don't wanna give you spoilers but they ended like nowadays' trendy horror games ..never ending dreamy bullshit rooms, you just run, run, run and run hours long in same rooms ._. and ending is just so bad..i know you will start the game like me '' woahh '' but the story is not satisfying :( not like you expect ..
240 Produkte im Account
22 Reviews
741 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.21 20:03
I'll be hunting the ghosts and running my heels through this beautiful dark forest <3



68 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.20 02:58
I mean....the idea for the game was right, the story was just.....not Blair Witch. Repetitive, especially towards the end and the end was extremely disappointing and makes the journey as the whole not worth it. I was expecting more scares, especially in the house, very anti-climatic.
335 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.12.20 01:16
Best dog petting simulator.
45 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
307 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.20 09:53
this game starts out incredibly strong with a great story driven plot that eventually breaks down into a horrendously long series of long walks where nothing happens and you're bored the whole time.
212 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 05:32
you can pet the dog and give him treats
74 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.12.20 19:36
This game makes you sleepy + this game WILL give you motion sickness. I don't recommend it. This game is Chaos. + u will get headache and dizzy. SAVE YOUR MONEY.
622 Produkte im Account
28 Reviews
81 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.20 06:58
IT HAS A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
265 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.11.20 19:46
Don't buy before sales! This game is worth max 5$!!

I wonder till now, how this game could have so much positive feedback at steam? Lack of games from Blair Witch universum? Dog? Forest? Idk.

This game is horrible. Maybe not so much at beginning, but ending? I was so tired of walking inside of that damn house for infinite loops, that I almost quit the game. They didn't have time to put that miserable story before, so they did it in the end? Making this game looking even more stupid. Is it Blair Witch or PTSD simulator? Things totally not connected with Blair Witch.

- Blair Witch universum
- Dog (& interactions with him)
- Forest (it looks generaly good, but background color many times is bugged)

- Boring walking simulator
- Infinite loops (walking 20x past same location, I got the idea of confusion but pls, ffs not that crap)
- Cheap story (at least that part about Ellis)
- Short 4/5h max (few more if you want to find all the things)
- Not scary at all
- Ultra bad jump scares
- Many unused possibilities for the game to be a good horror
- Not a Horror game, even not more Psychological Horror
- Names of children sounds too much Eastern EU, like for US&A place
- Last chapter is a kind of misunderstanding, infinite loop in the house, explaining all the stories from before, because there was no possibility to do it before(?????), one BIG FAIL.

Short summary. I heard about Blair Witch, since I was a kid, and I really like to read stories, books and play games about it (sadly not many), and of course watching movies about it too. But that games, is a huge disappointment, first because it don't focus on main story line, only at Ellis drama story, second it is not a horror game and third how you can make happy ending in Blair Witch universum?!?!?!?
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
382 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 18:01
This Game was super sick! I love the graphics and story. No complaints we need more games like this.
50 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.10.20 03:38
This game is very confusing to follow for the player. More guidance is needed to even get thru certain parts. Camera mechanic was interesting and innovating however could of been executed better with more explanation.
634 Produkte im Account
71 Reviews
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352 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 02:26
Pathetic walking simulator game, with an even more pathetic ending.
2766 Produkte im Account
481 Reviews
298 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 16:02
Blair Witch is a video game sequel to the The Blair Witch Project and it definitely has some big shoes to fill.


Set two years after the events of the original film, we play as Ellis. Ellis is a veteran and an ex police officer with dark secrets, but after a boy disappears in the Black Hills Forest, you and your trusty canine companion Bullet set out to look for him in the woods.

I'm a big fan of The Blair Witch Project, it's an important film in the horror genre with a great mythology behind it, so when I heard there's another attempt at branching it out in video games I was insanely excited. I loved the original trilogy of prequels that also explain the mythos of Blair Witch more, but I always wanted something modern.

The story is decent for the most part, but it does have some big faults that mess with the mythos of Blair Witch. The overall mystery aspect of the boy going missing is captivating to say the least, the first hours of the game as the story kept going, I was hooked and wanted to keep going to figure out how the story plays out, but the more story went on, the more it kept losing me.

While I liked the games take on the Blair Witch mythos, it definitely confused me since I have seen the films. One of the biggest things is how the forest defies time and space and once you go in, you're never coming out. That is taken to the full extreme here and the story segments definitely work well, but it also makes no sense. In the films, the people are usually stuck in the woods with no way out and here seemingly people can go in and out without Blair Witch trapping them in the woods, which makes no sense with the films context.

Also the game has choices you can make and it's possible to get four different endings and two different character outcomes depending on your choices, but how you do it is absolutely nonsensical. One of the biggest things is how you treat your dog Bullet. Every so often you will find the infamous stick figures of the Blair Witch and you can destroy them since Bullet is scared of them. If you destroy at least one of them, that immediately puts you into the path to the bad ending, but you need to be nice to Bullet to get the best ending, so both of these tasks do not mesh together, it should have been one or the other.


The graphics of Blair Witch are pretty impressive and the game oozes atmosphere. The moment you are at the entrance of the woods, the game has set the mood perfectly. The woods have a muted color pallet it's all browns and greens and everything looking same-y plays to the feeling of being lost in these massive woods.

But once the sun sets, everything is super dark and you can only see with either a camcorder or a flashlight illuminating the dark forest. It honestly creeped me out going through the woods and swearing you saw a bush move or something run past you in the corner of your eye, it was really cool.

Also getting to see the locations recreated from the movie properly was also a joy and I loved seeing these locales up close and personal. It was a complete joy for me as a massive geek of the films.


This is another thing the game absolutely aces. Sound was really important in the original film as well and they did a bang up job in this game as well. Sounds of stick breaking, wind howling, bushes rumbling set up a really creepy atmosphere, especially as night comes around, it makes your heart race as soon as you hear Bullet growl into the distance, letting you know, someone is close by and ready to hurt you.

The music is also really amazing and I loved all the tracks. They set the mood perfectly, especially the opening track, when you enter the woods. Also the orchestral tracks when exploring the woods definitely help build an intense atmosphere and I loved it.

The only bland thing is the voice actor for Ellis. In certain moments I think his actor does a bang up job, but sometimes his performance feels phoned in, mostly in scenes where he discovers something messed up. I think they should have definitely did multiple takes of these scenes as the takes used in the game don't sound that amazing.


Gameplay is where Blair Witch messes up. The game is mostly a puzzle game, every chapter you enter a location and you have to track down items to let you progress deeper into the woods. However it mostly boils down to finding an item, letting Bullet get a scent off it and then following him to the next location and repeating the process until the game is over.

But it's not always the same, sometimes Bullet cannot pick up a scent and you will be left to your own devices. You can find a map somewhere and you will have to use that map to find your footing between locations and I liked that a lot. However since the woods look mostly similar you will get lost and will have to use landmarks to be able to find your way around, which to some might end up being tedious.

There is a combat system, but you barely use it and if you want to the good ending, you can't use it at all. It's overall not that deep and I don't want to spoil how it plays into the story, so I'll end it there so I can go into the biggest aspect of the game and that's your companion, Bullet.

Your dog is a quite important to the story and gameplay and how you treat him is up the player. When the game starts you get to choose how Bullet looks, you can customize his fur, eyes and collar to give him a distinct look. Bullet is mostly used as a guiding arrow once you get lost, if you get stuck in a certain location you can ask Bullet to seek out a pathway and follow him to where you need to go. You also have different commands like stay and stick to you and also of course the most important feature, YOU CAN PET THE DOG and that is awesome (also you can give him treats). You can also reprimand Bullet if he doesn't stick to you and runs off.

Bullets AI is not perfect, there's moments where he will simply not listen to you and run off and get stuck in bushes. Also he can alert you to enemies when he starts growling or whining when he spots a totem or something he doesn't like and is scared of.

Also it would not be a Blair Witch game without a camcorder. You find a camera early on and you use it to solve puzzles. You find tapes marked with red tape and those are used to alter reality around you. When you see a certain thing in the footage you can pause and that will change things in the real world, but the puzzles are always the same and never change.

Another cool thing is the 90s style Nokia brick phone which you can use to make phone calls to your friends, however that's the only major thing you can do. You can also play games on it like Snake and that was super cool and kind of nostalgic for someone who used to own a phone just like that.


Overall Blair Witch is barely ok, it has amazing atmosphere and sound, and some decent story bits, but overall it doesn't reach it's full potential. The PC port especially is a mess, it runs mostly at 50 to 40 fps and the port has still not been fixed. On sale I would fully recommend it to the fans of the film only, but if you're not then I would not bother. However if a sequel would come out with a better story and better scares, I would be there day 1 this time.

Final Rating:

+ Amazing atmosphere
+ Sound design is on point
+ The locations are fun to explore

- Story loses momentum in the final hour of the game
- Gameplay variety is mediocre
- Doesn't use the mythos of Blair Witch to it's full potential
- Terrible port

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330 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
378 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.20 04:43
I honestly really loved how much time the developers put to make this game as immersive for the player as possible. The more I kept playing, the more I felt like I really was Ellis and experiencing what he was going through. My friends joined me in this adventure on stream and we all agreed that this game does an amazing job at capturing what PTSD is like. I want to play the game over again to see if I can get all the achievements and I typically don't play horror games more than once.

Also, Bullet is best boy :)
3744 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
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175 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.20 15:45
I'm surprised about all the positive reviews for this game. I think its pretty bad. Heres the game... You're a man with a dog and are wandering the woods looking for a little boy. There are monsters who are afraid of light, so you just shine your flashlight at them. Also you have hallucinations/flashbacks. The dog is like your minimap/compass essentially because it points you in the right direction and points items out to you. The story is not deep at all. Like, not at all. Its pretty boring. My #1 complaint is the terrible voice acting by the main character. It sounds like the cheesy voice acting you'd expect in an early 2000's game. It sounds like hes reading lines off a script and doesn't sound natural at all. The relationship between the main character and his girlfriend feels so fake too. Not just bad voice acting, but bad writing. I didn't really find anything engaging about the game. Nothing kept me wanting to play more. I'm thinking the reviews are so positive just because the game got a lot of hype and people are fans of the movies, but I don't really know. Its not the worst game ever, and its playable. No bugs that I noticed and runs well. However, if you're wanting a really scary horror game, an action packed one, or one with a good story, look elsewhere. I give it a 4/10
508 Produkte im Account
77 Reviews
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304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 06:09
One of the dumbest horror games I've ever played. Every aspect of it is as unsubtle, tedious, and overwrought as possible. Do not ever, ever pay full price for this game.
107 Produkte im Account
31 Reviews
348 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 00:58

I'm writing this review after having just finished the game in a single sitting. This is definitely the best horror game I've ever played. I was on edge the entire time. There wasn't a single moment in the entire roughly 6 hours of gameplay that I was allowed any peace of mind. This game really screws with your head even when there's light out (in the game). There are clearly multiple endings and I don't know if I'll have the nerve to play again to get the other ones. Perhaps someday.

This game is heavily inspired by Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. There's even an easter egg related to him. With themes of PTSD, and anxiety, the lore of the Blair Witch is taken into new dimensions with a really engaging plot that makes you care for not only the protagonist (Ellis) and his dog Bullet (I love that dog), but also the side characters through whom Ellis sees himself. The story is as much Ellis looking for a boy lost in the woods near Burkitsville as it is about him unravelling because of his trauma.

The gameplay is fairly simple but very very nuanced, as it forces you to look at the screen in ways you wouldn't be used to which makes simple things like navigation really nerve racking.

This game, by virtue of the nightmarish experience it creates makes it a really good part of the Blair Witch lore. Every horror game enthusiast should play this. And one must play it one sitting.
318 Produkte im Account
75 Reviews
403 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 08:40
A surreal trip through the Blair Witch forest through the unreliable eyes of an unstable Iraq war veteran with PTSD. Surprisingly gripping and atmospheric with a dog to pet!
79 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.20 11:35
A classic horror game with nice style
really enjoy this game
i hope u guys make another game like this

great job
595 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
608 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 16:39
That was quite the experience. As always, thank you guys for another awesome game.
118 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.20 06:26
Bought the game because of all the advertised positive reviews (plus steam summer sale). Graphics are good, music was good, and a few jump scares were okay. First half of the game is a pretty walking simulator with your dog and some eerie stuff (thats the good half of the game). It starts to go downhill when the game starts having you wonder aimlessly through a black forest completely lost (and/or glitching). I may have just got a bad ending, but the ending didn't make sense or tie up any loose ends. Overall I would recommend this game if it was on sale for < $10 , good try for a horror, just confusing wandering around in the dark for half the game.
73 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.08.20 13:58
So actually this game has a very intresting concept , where nobody can get good ending from first walkthrough without knowing what to do . Thats why this game is about a cycle where even players are envolved because most of us want to get the best ending , and so we we start a new walkthrough to get it , and congrats we entered the cycle again as the protagonist did
1194 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
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347 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 17:49
Наверняка каждому знаком фильм “Ведьма из Блэр” (1999), который в свое время популяризировал такой жанр кино как хоррор мокьюментари, но в игры эта популярность пришла намного позднее. Из известных представителей сразу же вспоминается Outlast (2012), который первым попробовал передать опыт подобных фильмов.
Разумеется, по такой популярной франшизе как Ведьма из Блэр ранее уже выпускались игры, целая трилогия сюрвайвл-хорроров. Но рассчитаны они были на расширение лора, нежели на адаптацию первоисточника. И это были неплохие игры, хоть и со своими огрехами, как плохое управление, но сейчас речь не о них.

Blair Witch (2019) куда ближе старается соответствовать первоисточнику.
По итогу мы получили хоррорный симулятор ходьбы.
Bloober Team довольно известная компания разработчиков, которые ныне специализируются на играх подобного жанра. Самые знаковые из них - это Layers of Fear и Observer, местами крайне сюрреалистичные хорроры, которые любят заигрывать с психикой игроков, изменяя реальность игры.
Их игры больше походят на “дома с привидениями” с замкнутыми коридорами. Но в Blair Witch на смену вечным коридорам пришел просторный лес.
Можно по праву считать, что лес в Blair Witch, где и происходят все действие, является таким же полноценным “героем” как и наш протагонист. Он невероятно красив и проработан, а когда в дело вступают сторонние звуки и гнетущий эмбиент, то получаешь искреннее удовольствие от атмосферы и простого брождения по нему, но длится это недолго. Уже спустя час обстановка приедается, а лес становится лишь преградой и раздражающим фактором для игрока. Огромное количество бектрекинга и неочевидных путей через густые кусты довольно быстро изменят ваше отношение к здешним красотам.

Благо игроку не придется справляться со всем этим в одиночку.
Игру активно продвигали наличием...Собаки. Да, ваш компаньон будет все время рядом, а в начале можно даже настроить его внешность и цвет ошейника, который будет светиться в темноте. Но собака не просто будет следовать за вами, у нее довольно богатый функционал. Простейшие команды из разряда “следуй за мной, стой здесь, возьми след”.
За различные действия песика можно ругать или хвалить, можно даже угощать его печеньками, все это влияет на его отношение к вам, но на геймплее это сказывается крайне незаметно, так что смысла в этом по большому счету мало, если только вам не интересен этот процесс сам по себе. Куда интереснее ИИ собаки, а точнее его отсутствие. Она часто будет наворачивать неестественные круги вокруг себя (и нет, не бегать за хвостом), упираться в объекты, что может очень сильно осложнить привязанность к псу, а на это делается большая ставка.
Что же из себя представляет сама игра? Очень бросается в глаза, как разработчики намешали разные идеи из других игр.
Выжигание противников фонарем и пробежки от генератора к генератору навевают Alan Wake. Брождение в полной темноте, где следы видно только через ночное видение видеокамеры протагониста навевают подобными же вещами из Outlast. Исследование заброшенного дома, напичканного различными пугалками и прятками от монстра отдают P.T.
Но игра может предложить и что-то свое, новая механика с найденными кассетами для видеокамеры, которая позволяет выделять конкретные моменты на записи, чтобы изменить реальность, это действительно интересно, и таких моментов будет очень много.
Но в целом игра не торопится погружать игрока в интересные события. Можно даже сказать, что она затянута, при том, что среднее время прохождения всего 4-5 часов.
Уже спустя час-полтора все кажется слишком монотонным, потому что игра почти не генерирует интересные сюжетные события. По большей части вы исследуете лес, где почти ничего не происходит.

Но чего у игры не отнять, так это заботы о фанатах вселенной, фан-сервиса в игре невероятно много. Сам сюжет банален, как и первоисточник, поэтому подача - это то, чем стоило бы заняться Bloober Team, но они подошли к этому крайне несерьезно. По-настоящему интересной игра становится в последний час, когда игрок попадает в заброшенный дом, а как мы поняли ранее, “дома с привидениями” - это то, что отлично получается у Bloober Team.
Также крайне странным решением было сделать концовку зависимой от сбора коллекционных предметов, от чего получить хорошую концовку с первого раза практически невозможно.
Кому можно порекомендовать эту игру? Фанатам. Исключительно фанатам вселенной, потому что как самостоятельная игра она совсем не выдерживает критики.
На протяжении всей игры не покидало стойкое ощущение, что если бы ее адаптировали под полноценный VR, то это была бы по-настоящему отличная игра, но вышло так, что мы получили довольно бюджетный, средненький и затянутый хоррор с бесконечными брождениями по скучному лесу, эксплуатирующий идеи из более популярных проектов.
111 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
318 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.20 01:20
jogo bom, me surpreendeu principalmente na parte gráfica da floresta. Em alguns momentos o jogo não é muito interessante, mas tem mais pontos positivos que negativos. A história é diferente do filme, o que é bom, pq a mesma história não teria graça.
59 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.20 19:22
The game had some pretty good themes, and the dog mechanics were heart-warming. The forest was absolutely beautiful, and there were some great mechanics. But, the ending dragged on, and SPOILERS [spoiler]there is literally a ten minute scene where a dog cries helplessly in your arms[/spoiler] and everything sucks and it sucked the joy out of my life in a very bad way. It was not scary, or thought-provoking, nor did it do anything with the game's themes of PTSD and guilt. If I were not streaming it, I would have quit the game right then, uninstalled it, and pooped in everyone of the developers' mailboxes. What a shitty way to end my evening.
240 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 21:13
Pretty good horror game, has replayability. Sticks pretty true to the Blair Witch lore while telling its own story. For fans of wondering around in the woods and freaking out
108 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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276 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.06.20 01:19
Well, I just finished the game and honestly the game does a very good job of making you feel suspense. But honestly the game drags so heavily in the tail end the game itself is not worth it. For the game being just under 5 hours long the game feels longer because of the aimless wondering and random looking around make the game just feel very helpless. If this goes on sale I recommend picking it up if you have the money burning a hole in your pocket, otherwise hard pass.
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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541 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.06.20 11:19
what did i like in this game is nothing to be honest, its just like running and going around like a crazy guy, overall i dont like it, its not horror game at the end, its way different that the horror game, also the end of this story is unexpected, and its understandable.
287 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
495 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 08:01
If u have balls to survive spooky creepy survival horror situations- then this game is for you. Experienced original Blair Witch feels. Horror Gamer must try & nothing's to say bout Blair Witch Fans as well.

Too much dark scenes which makes the whole environments more horrifying!!

8/10 from my own perspective.

Story can be nicer but with cliffhanger ending which will make you disappointed.
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 15:13
< Up >
- a few jumpy moments
- good graphics
- a very good boy as a companion

< Down > The ending was bad...
I was expecting an encounter with the Witch and maybe a few cutscenes. More info and clues about the witch...

Honestly I got more scared playing Outlast. Hope the next game is better. But it was fun playing it.
1058 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
529 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.20 11:16
+ Awesome cute dog that you can pet and give treats. It acts like a real dog.
+ Nice looking forest.
+ Cool house from the movie.

- The forest's like a looping maze that is frustrating to explore.
- Not scary and boring. It started alright, but the second half of the game is tedious, repetitive and long.
- The story is unevenly paced mess. The developers tried too hard to make it more dramatic and overdid it with the causes.
- Bugs. I encountered couple of them, both prevented me from moving. One happened as I walked on some rocks or something near a bridge and got stuck. The other one made me replay emotionally tough scene, because when I got to the end of it the first time, the camera floated away from the main character.
- Weird save system. It makes a copy of the last autosave and doesn't save the progress. Can be a problem in some areas.

I leave light spoilers for those who love dogs very much.
Is there something sad involving the doggie: [spoiler]there's a tough scene that lasts several minutes.[/spoiler]
More on that: [spoiler]the dog gets hurt and cries.[/spoiler]
Whether the doggie dies or not: [spoiler]no. [/spoiler]
53 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.05.20 06:22
hands down, THE BEST and most immersive horror experience on a flatscreen. Heart wrenching, immersive, and beautiful. Mechanics are so well developed and the story flows so well, I didnt even realize i spent 5 straight hours playing through it. Bullet, as a character, is singlehandedly not only the most useful companion in any video game ive ever played, but also one i fell in love with from the very beginning. Simply amazing, the devs knocked it out of the park.
1008 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
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283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.05.20 17:35
Boring walking sim with obscure endings only being explained via text in the credits. The entire game is slow and the ending sequence, even more so. Unless its on sale for $10 or less its a no from me as the only positive in this game is the music and graphics.
32 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
504 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.05.20 16:27
Massive fan of the Blair Witch movie. all in all it's a good scary game it most places.

I kind of hoped for more lore about the actual witch/woods and surrounding area.

It was very linear and even though I will play it again I can't see a whole lot of replay value.

There were times when I was so lost and running around in circles it really dragged me out of the immersion, I get it you're supposed to feel like that but the dog rarely helped me so it got frustrating in the end.

The ending was really dragged out to the point it wasn't scary anymore.

BUT for the first 2/3 of the game it's really enjoyable and the woods are beautiful and frightening at the same time! Overall I would recomend but there are just some annoyances!
413 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
976 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 00:17
I've heard mixed opinions about this game and I understand them. I'll lay out some things that you may or may not like about this game. First of all is that yes, it is an atmospheric horror walking simulator. Yes it is linear, having only two endings, and yes it is decently short. I understand that horror walking simulators are pretty saturated, and while I can't say this game necessarily does anything special, I say it's FAR from basic, boring, or plain. It's unique in the way it does it's atmosphere and it truly creates a feeling of being lost and confused. If you've seen the Blair Witch Project, you'll know it was somewhat hard to follow with the shaky camera, some of it in black and white, and never having a good view of what was happening. It made it truly scary, and the game replicates that perfectly, even though you're in full control. It's a great experience and I strongly recommend it. If anything, wait for a sale. I'd say $20 or less is fair, but the game isn't bad for full price.
IMPORTANT- I strongly recommend before playing this game you watch The Blair Witch Project. Personally I'd recommend seeing it on VHS for full effect. It's a great movie to sit down and watch and it definitely changed the way horror could be and was done for generations, on only a $60k budget and two cameras. You'll appreciate the game so much more if you've seen this movie.
522 Produkte im Account
94 Reviews
287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.04.20 13:39
Blair Witch is a title that starts off excellent, showcasing its beautiful graphics and follows the story about a witch and a missing child investigation. I was under the impression that the Blooper Team were onto something new and was very excited to delve deeper into the game. Unfortunately, I found that it does begin to go downhill around the half-way mark and turns into a series of endless, recycled loops with a messy story that seems to lose its initial appeal.

NOTE:Whilst I did enjoy my playthrough, it is not something I would recommend at full price nor a title I will be rushing to play again to unlock the different endings.

+ Explore the forest with the cutest canine sidekick who follows scents, alerts to enemies and is genuinely quite useful. Plus, you can pet him.
+ Inspired by Blair Witch lore.
+ Excellent use of sound that builds a sense of uneasiness, without relying on an abundance of loud noise jumpscares.
+ Plenty of optional items to find to unlock achievements.
+ Multiple endings, depending on players' choices and playstyle throughout the game.
+ Stunning graphics.
+ Manipulate reality by watching tapes.

- Seemingly endless loops towards the conclusion of the game. Some 'choices' were unclear and can lead players in circles for 5 minutes until the game proceeds to the next scene.
- Story becomes messy and unclear, failing to bring the plot to a succinct conclusion.
- I experienced a glitch where I could not pick up any objects and thus could not continue to the next chapter and was forced to restart.


The protagonist, Ellis, is a troubled ex-policeman that heads out to the Black Hills forest to aid in the investigation for a missing boy. Alongside him is his well-trained dog, Bullet that sniffs out clues and leads Ellis on the investigation trail.
The forest is known for its many rumours of witch related disappearances and before long, it becomes apparent that something is not quite right. With reality warping tapes, monsters lurking in the shadows and missing friends, Ellis begins to question himself and slowly lose his sanity.



Blair Witch encompasses more features of a walking simulator than a survival horror or classic adventure game. Its purpose is to focus on the semi-convoluted story, slowly revealing more and more about Ellis' past whilst incorporating the Blair Witch cinematic lore.
Majority of the time is spent exploring the forest finding clues, responding to calls from our significant other, Jess, or speaking on the radio. Players can also choose to reject these calls if they wish, which can impact the ending.

Another main feature of the game is the tapes that are scattered throughout the forest. Watching the tapes allows players to manipulate reality if paused at the right time. For instance, if a tree is blocking the path, watching the tape and pausing it before the tree has fallen will remove the obstacle from the path, allowing players to cross. There are limited puzzles and usually these are solved without effort, such as finding instructions or a piece of paper with the lock combination.

There are still a few scenes which involve 'fighting' enemies, which I found to be an excellent addition and broke the idea of feeling safe. To combat the monsters, players must follow Bullet's gaze and barks, as he points us in the direction of the threat easily allowing us to shine the light and destroy them. There is also an option to command Bullet to 'seek' and will result in him doing a search of the area, sometimes finding something useful, and sometimes just bringing back random trash he finds, which is also handy for achievements and a laugh.


Final chapter opinion (no spoilers)

Whilst I thought the first half of the game was executed brilliantly, the latter half lost its charm and came across as lacklustre with a lot of repeating loops. It failed to tie up the story and make the connection clear between Ellis' past and the events unfolding in the forest, leaving multiple plot holes. The long wandering loops make the game appear drawn out for no reason and deterred me from wanting to replay to unlock the other endings. If the house scene was half the length, I believe it may have had the desired effect, but at its current length, I found it tiresome.


Blair Witch is stunning, there is no denying that. The whole aura of Black Hills forest can be determined by the amount of light and colour of the sky. This can also change suddenly, but the transition is almost seamless and deepens players' immersion into the story. The enemies are purposefully blurry and sometimes I questioned whether or not they really existed or were they just a figment of Ellis' imagination. This blur between reality and imagination seems to be what the developers were aiming for and with the excellent, beautiful graphics, this goal was definitely achieved.



The voice acting is decent, but I found the real stand-out success to be the witches voice in the final chapters. The psychotic tone was chilling, and I felt like it was surrounding me, slowly boxing me in and taking control of Ellis.


Blair Witch is not what I expected and should be thought of as more of a walking simulator, than survival horror, or a game that is traditionally scary. The atmosphere is uneasy, and the horror undertones are definitely present, but it is not something that I would expect those seeking action to necessarily enjoy. The Blair Witch lore was an interesting addition and whilst I appreciated it, it caused parts of the story to feel pushed together, trying to include it in areas where it didn't really make much sense. I do not recommend this title at full price, but I still encourage horror fans and those interested in walking simulators to give it a go at a sale price.

Rating 6/10


209 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
469 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 00:04
I liked it, it's not a bad game and the atmosphere is great. But it just doesn't feel like Blair Witch Project and the ending is so anti climatic it ruins the whole experience. If it were called something else I think I would like it better.
7 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.03.20 00:01
Oh man, awesome game. It's not that difficult in a sense as you are fairly well guided through the game,but what an experience. It's like a movie, but better because you control everything.
All the details, storyline everything just amazing. In some parts you feel so uncomfortable, weird, scared. Hard to explain really. The whole story is made so you feel like it's personal, you keep guessing the ending of the game and figure never had it right. Once the night ends you feel such a big relief as well. The whole game was a trip and is definitely worth buying.
188 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
240 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.03.20 15:15
The best horror game I've played in a while. It's very good at disorienting you, and making you feel helpless, without overusing jump scares. The sound design is good, and I would recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the horror genre.
3190 Produkte im Account
248 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2290 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.20 16:39
First of all, I think I can be considered as a Blair Witch franchise fan. I totally enjoyed the original movie and its 2016 sequel (the first rule of Blair Witch fandom - we're not talking about Book of Shadows), I've played (and finished) all three previous games (the ones that started as spin-offs to Terminal Reality's NOCTURNE), etc. Can't call myself a hardcore Blair Witch fanatic, but still, I like the franchise very much. I think it's cool. Naturally, when the new game came out, I picked it up. Because, come on! The new Blair Witch thing comes out – you just go and support it. There's no other way. I think we owe it to the original Blair Witch Project movie that impressed us all so much when we watched it for the first time during the VHS times. Unfortunately, this game... is not what you may expect.

First of all, unlike Blair Witch Trilogy (which was far from being good, by the way), this one isn't even a proper game. It's one of those so-called “walking simulators”, where you barely do something aside from walking forward and watching things. I'll be honest, though, the game looks quite good. I totally enjoyed my first minutes here. Maryland (Maryland! My Maryland!~ ♫) looks brilliant like never before. The way Bloober Team re-created eastern US woods here? It's quite awesome. The game sure looks and feels like a real deal. That certain mood when you walk through the woods alone in real life? It's totally here. And it's awesome.

Another good thing here is the dog. You'll be able to interact with it and send it to search for things. Nothing groundbreaking, but it sure makes things more cute and personal. So, the woods are cool and the dog is cool too. Unfortunately, the entire magic disappears when you understand that that's pretty much what you'll do for the entire game. You'll walk through the woods and look at what dog will bring to you. There's almost no puzzles and the puzzles that are presented here feel painfully dull and confusing at the same time (not a good combo, to say the least). In other words, the game just doesn't feel good enough. Fighting the enemies with your flashlight (hello, Alone in the Dark and Alan Wake) is somewhat entertaining, but guess what? You won't want to do that. As long as you want to get the good ending.

Talking about endings. Even though it's good to have more than one, the game fails to give you enough hints about what you should avoid to achieve the best one. Which sucks. It's not like Blair Witch is the longest game out there (most likely, it'll give you only five hours at best), but still, it isn't something you'll want to play again right away. Especially since the story is yet another generic waste of time about random poor guy who's going mad. You've seen one of those – you've seen them all. And there are literally no twists here. Blair Witch is the most generic and straightforward experience you may ever imagine.

Talking about the story. Even though this kind of stories is so overused that at this point it feels like a bad taste, it's not the worst thing about this game. The worst thing is... there isn't enough Blair Witch here. I mean, sure, twanas (stick men) are here and, well, there's an evil entity who possesses the woods of Maryland, bu-u-ut... that's pretty much it. There won't be any mention of Elly Kedward, Rustin Parr and the other important characters from the Blair Witch lore. Even in collectibles, which just aim for the main character and his broken mind. Even such an iconic place as Coffin Rock isn't presented in the game. I mean, come on! What were they thinking?! How can you make a Blair Witch game without properly including Coffin Rock?!! Naturally, without proper Blair Witch mythology, Coffin Rock and the other stuff, the game... doesn't even feel like Blair Witch title. With no twanas and the Rustin Parr's house at the end of the game it'll be just that – yet another random walking simulator.

In other words, Blair Witch is short, boring, repetitive, doesn't come with any interesting story and doesn't even feel like a part of the Blair Witch universe. It's not that bad (especially if you like walking sims), but for $29.99 / £24.99 it feels like a sad joke and it's far from being the top game in the genre. You want to walk through Maryland's woods for a couple of hours – you may pick this game up when it'll be on sale. But if you want a proper new game in Blair Witch universe, sorry, you won't find it here. Dixi.
90 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
578 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.20 09:21
A pleasant game, which engaged me for 10 hours.
But after all the endeavors, I had expected an end where Ellis had more opportunity to choose his future fate, compared to his past.

I saw the Blair Witch Project at the cinema in the fall of 1999. The film changed my life. :)
300 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
98 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.02.20 01:37
This game is an underrated gem. A true classic for fans of the films.
258 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
330 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 02:06
One of the most atmospheric haunted forest experiences you can find. Would recommend picking it up on sale for about $10.
207 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.02.20 21:36
So this game has really good story and ofc bullet is the best thing in this game and i really enjoyed this experience.
82 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
524 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.20 06:56
Ending i s scary
143 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
404 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.02.20 10:56
Such a great game and is a must play if you're into horror game, i had a blast thing this and i even lost my voice XD
54 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
623 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 17:58
brilliant game with great jump scares. graphics are really good also, and the atmosphere is awesome highly reccomend.
43 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
619 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.20 16:00
One the best horror games I have ever played! While yes the game is short and it only took me 10 hours to get all of the achievement, it really kept me thrilled throughout. Its not full of jump scares but will make you scared for what will happen next. Very good game. I still enjoy it now and go back to play it. I like a short horror game because some horror games go on for ages and by the end, you just dont want to play again. Again Blair Witch doesn't do that for me. From me it gets a 10/10. I would recommended buying it during a sale though as its full price is a bit much for the game.
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Release:30.08.2019 Genre: Adventure Entwickler: Bloober Team Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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