Blades of Time
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Über das Spiel

Der Titel spielt innerhalb einer 3D Landschaft, in der sich Ayumi frei bewegt. Doch überall lauern Gefahren: Seltsame Kreaturen machen Jagd auf die Heldin, die sich mit einem besonderen, zweifachen Angriffssystem zur Wehr setzt: Ayumi schlägt wahre Schneisen in Horden von Hunderten von Angreifern, während sie gleichzeitig Kombo-Attacken und Zaubersprüche erlernt. Zudem ist sie in der Lage, Zaubersprüche auf Basis von Chaos und Ordnung anzuwenden, was ihr beispielsweise die Fähigkeit verleiht, die Zeit rückwärts zu drehen und damit an der Seite eines zweiten Ichs zu kämpfen. Mit Hilfe dieser „Time Rewind“ Funktion versetzt sich Ayumi zurück an einen früheren Punkt und assistiert sich selbst in Kämpfen oder löst Rätsel - etwa, indem sie Gegenstände an bestimmten Orten zurücklässt, die ihr später von Nutzen sind.
Die finstere Welt von Dragonland steckt voller Fallen, die Ayumi vernichten oder umgehen muss, während die unterschiedlichen Schauplätze von jeweils typischen Bewohnern bevölkert werden. Ihr Weg führt Ayumi von schneebedeckten Orten in grüne Dschungel, in verfallene Städte sowie auf Himmelsinseln. Jeder Ort bringt neue Überraschungen und Bewohner hervor, so dass Ayumi ihre neu erworbenen Fähigkeiten beständig unter Beweis stellen muss. Im vom Story-Modus abgetrennten Outbreak-Modus stellen sich zwei Spieler gemeinsam den Monsterhorden in actionreichen Herausforderungen.
Die PC Fassung erscheint am 18.April 2012 auf der Plattform Steam.
Noch haben wir keine Systemanforderungen für dieses Spiel eintragen können oder es sind noch keine bekannt.
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.21 18:01
644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.03.20 17:06
Man darf natürlich immernoch nicht mit den allergrößten Erwartungen rangehen, aber eine Steigerung ist deutlich zu erkennen. Es ist nach wie vor ein Hack'n'Slay mit wenig innovativen Gameplaymechaniken, allerdings wirkt die Kampfmechanik dieses Mal durchaus solide und es gibt auch ein paar neue Elemente - wie den Zeitklon - der einem etwas mehr Möglichkeiten und Spielraum gibt.
Leider ist das Level- und Storydesign nicht mitgereift, was das Ganze schnell langweilig werden lässt. Es gibt wenig Abwechslung bei den Aufgaben, Gegnern und Umgebungen. Man merkt dem Spiel außerdem leider immernoch an, dass es nicht mit sonderlich großen Produktionsmitteln gemacht wurde.
Was mir nicht Gefallen hat: Man hat zwar einen Begleiter, was sich prinzipiell positiv auf die Story hätte auslegen können, allerdings spielt dieser innerhalb der Geschichte fast keine Rolle. Schade, verschenktes Potential.
Was mir auch nicht Gefallen hat: Man wurde bereits im ersten Teil viel zu unvermittelt in die Story geworfen, dadurch geht mir persönlich meistens der Sinn verloren.... ich will wissen, warum ich hier bin, was ich hier mache, und was es eigentlich so über meine Vergangenheit zu wissen gibt. Ansonsten fällt es mir persönlich schwer eine Bindung zu der Geschichte aufzubauen.
Insgesamt ein okayes Spiel mit wenig Höhen und Tiefen, es plätschert halt einfach so für ca. 10h vor sich hin und ist vorbei. Die Grafik ist in Ordnung.
EDIT: Das Addon Dismal Swamp war grottig und kann ohne Probleme weggelassen werden!
Preisempfehlung: 3€
1577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 02:30
3966 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.20 01:08
126 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.16 20:02
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29 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.03.22 17:43
Ten years have passed since the original release and that time has not been kind. Controls are stiff and awkward while the plot and narrative are as sparce as the character's outfit.
656 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.22 10:00
fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,
good amount of action and special effects,
some difficult battles.
some difficult obstacles.
some difficult puzzles.
good game.
Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $2.99 Or Less During Sale (Blades Of Time Limited Edition)
Blades Of Time Dismal Swamp DLC
fast game with modern day graphics with easy controls that moves from location A to B to C and so on,
good amount of action and special effects,
some difficult battles.
good game.
Personal Suggested Purchase Price: $0.49 Or Less During Sale
Nicht Empfohlen
387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.02.22 18:33
+ Time reversal ability is cool; good uses for it in combat as well as puzzles
+ Some of the animations for the finishers and parries look really clean
+ Synergies with the various magic abilities
+ Enemies hit hard
+ Heals and spell casts are obtained by filling up the combo meter to different sections, rewarding aggressive play
+ Checkpoints are frequent and dying is not a huge setback
- Combat isn't as fluid and dynamic as other titles in the genre
- Many animations feel rigid
- Magic effects are too bright/flashy; they block character and enemy visibility
- Enemies are too simplistic, most can be killed by spamming the basic attack and whatever spell you want without much thought
- All dialogue is delivered plainly and makes no effort to draw the player into the story
- Plot is confusing and uninspired
- Bosses are defeated like any other enemy, just with a larger health bar
- Jumping and dashing puts you in a staggered state for a brief moment, but remains the only other movement option outside of running around like normal. This makes for an awkward and frustrating traversal experience.
Base game completed: NO
DLC completed: NO
Rating: 4 / 10 - Below average
300 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.01.22 21:00
The story is absolutely meh, the action is fine most of the time, It has some typical adventure things, like some platforming, light puzzles, etc. The difficulty in the combat I think is what makes this game feel unpolished, there are difficulty spikes (often), at points borderline impossible and rather random, so you don't feel completely in control or responsible for dying.
Assuming that you can get it for super cheap and want and oldish, unpolished hack 'n slash, it could be a good option to keep you entertained for a couple of hours.
On the technical side, this game might not work on modern systems (issues with cpu cores), there are solutions in the discussion/forums, essentially you'll need to set thread affinity and the game will run just fine.
On the plus side, the game looks fine on ultrawide screens.
760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.08.21 16:05
Simply put, Blades of Time features a dual sword wielding protagonist who acquires magic casting abilities throughout her quest, along the way she'll acquire new melee and gun variants that each offer their own bonus depending on your preference. Character skins are available for the player however due to the age of the game, you may be limited to the 4 that are given as you progress through the campaign, otherwise you'll need to search the web or steam's guides.
Honest, If you're looking for a cheap early 2010's hack n slash experience that offers the aforementioned qualities and you've already experience the likes of Darksiders, I highly suggest Blades of Time.
p.s. If you are having difficulty with the final boss due to its mechanics, USE HEAVY STRIKE when you've dropped its shields in conjunction with your Time state.
223 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 22:21
797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.06.21 06:29
Now we jump to 2012. Gaijin Entertainment, the developer behind that travesty, perhaps as a sort of recompense, bestowed upon us Blades of Time, a spiritual successor to X-Blades. So how does this game fare?
It has better graphics, better lighting, and better color theming than X-Blades, but that’s not saying much. It still looks like a budget game. At least Blades of Time has a variety of interesting locales.
You play as Ayumi, a treasure hunter who, after breaking into the Guild’s hall with her partner Zero and beholding the fabled Dragon Sphere, gets herself transported to Dragonland, home to a hidden but great treasure. Along the way, Ayumi obtains magical abilities that aid her in dealing with the enemies and monsters that obstruct her path.
The story starts off simple enough, but as more characters and plot elements are added in, the story gets convoluted and confusing very quickly. Even worse, some character motivations are at odds with their actions. Even if a story has complicated elements, it should still make sense, but a lot of the story just doesn’t make sense. Not that that matters much though, because the main appeal is supposed to be the gameplay anyway. By the way, I hope you get used to Ayumi’s voice, because she talks A LOT, commenting about almost every single detail in her surroundings, DURING GAMEPLAY.
Fortunately, Blades of Time is a major step up from X-Blades in the gameplay department. It prides itself as a fast-paced hack-and-slash & third-person shooter hybrid. There are even magic attacks and an interesting Time Rewind mechanic to vary up the gameplay. Occasionally, you can perform cool counter and finisher animations on lesser enemies. The gameplay can be rather entertaining to watch.
However, the gameplay itself still has major issues. To start off, the combat is mindless and repetitive. There is absolutely no sense of combos in the vain of Devil May Cry. You have a weapon button and a kick button, but mashing the weapon button leads to an infinitely looping combo, while the kick button only serves as a popup into an aerial kick combo. There is no strategy to melee combat other than to wail on your opponents until they're dead, dash if needed to avoid being attacked, and kick popup an enemy to help alleviate the monotony. Magic doesn’t help to vary up the gameplay too much. Level 1 magic are frontal attacks while level 2 magic are AOE moves. In order to use magic, you have to build up a rage meter. That means mindlessly and repetitively attacking enemies. The Time Rewind mechanic is an interesting mechanic that is used for both combat and puzzles. It allows the player to potentially create several clones that mimic the player’s earlier actions. Despite the potential to swiftly beat enemies and bosses to a pulp with Time Rewind clones, it does not much alleviate combat’s repetitiveness given Time Rewind’s cooldown limits. The third-person shooter gameplay, on the other hand, is quite decent, especially if you play with mouse & keyboard controls. Ayumi moves really fast during third-person shooter mode, so shooting combat can be just as fast-paced as melee combat. Add in Time Rewind clones, and combat in general can be pretty fun at times, although still very repetitive and mindless.
Unfortunately, combat has a fatal flaw: no post-damage invincibility after receiving enemy attacks. Imagine 4 or more enemies swiping at you at once. If you take even one of the hits, you’ll take them all, leading to unavoidable stagger and major damage. If you play on Hard Mode, you’d probably even be dead from such a situation. I cannot even tell you how many times I’ve died because I keep getting staggered and receive damage one after another, and this was on Normal Mode. In this regard, the game can be rather difficult, but not in a fair way at all. It’s almost as if the generous checkpoint system was placed to avoid as much perception of artificial difficulty and cheapness as much as possible. Well, I’m not blind, and such a flaw in combat is inexcusable.
Other than combat, the game is a bit of an adventure game with platforming elements. The platforming is lackluster. Ayumi has poor forward jumping momentum, making even small distances difficult and nerve-racking. Again, the generous checkpoint system seems to have been placed to alleviate these major issues. Time Rewind is used often in many puzzles throughout the game. There is almost a Prince of Persia feel to puzzles.
Blades of Time is a major step up from the travesty known as X-Blades. It’s fast-paced hack and slash and third-person shooter gameplay can be pretty fun at times, but it is ultimately mindless and repetitive with a major flaw in combat where the player can be stunlocked to death by consecutive enemy attacks, leading to many swift and unexpected deaths. Platforming is poor, but the Time Rewind puzzles are interesting. It seems as if the generous checkpoints were placed to alleviate the major issues of the game itself. Blades of Time can be a fun romp if you turn your brain off. I would hardly recommend this game to hardcore fast-paced hack-and-slash fans though. The current price of $9.99 USD is not bad, but it’d be a better deal if you got it for cheaper. I picked up the Limited Edition from a secondhand Steam key site for a little over $2.
Oh, one interesting thing to note. Although the game supports other voiced languages, Ayumi's English attack grunts were not revoiced in French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Russian. Only Japanese has fully revoiced lines (barring the DLC), probably because the game was also released in Japan. For anime fans, the Japanese dub might be worth checking out, especially since Ayumi is voiced by tsundere queen Rie Kugimiya. ;)
Score: 6/10
Nicht Empfohlen
801 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.05.21 01:25
Nothing is remarkable, even for the year it came out. Boring enemies, bland scenarios and artstyle, weird/bad animations, nonsense story, annoying puzzles... I could keep going but I'll leave it there.
Only thing positive is that the game supports ultrawide, no fps caps or drops, but other than that I'll probably never play this game again neither in this life nor in the other in case there's one.
493 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 05:38
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31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.02.21 20:18
Also didn't help that the super shiny visuals burns your eyes. I should probably give the game more time (maybe it's actually good), because it seems like there might be certain interesting mechanics in the game, but it already annoyed me too much to want to continue playing. One of those games you buy for cheap and still regret you have used time downloading and installing it.
1301 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 18:36
- Fun mechanics/combos
- Doesn't hold your hand through everything so you actually have to think for yourself
- Good pacing with the puzzles/bosses/story/action
- Puzzles
- Looks pretty good, character faces aren't the greatest but you are not looking at them often
- Hilariously bad voice acting
- Rewardingly difficult
- Forgettable soundtrack
- Not enough collectibles
- Bad story
- No replay value (there's a hard mode but completing it doesn't give you any rewards)
- It's short (~10h)
It's a good bad game. It has many fun mechanics which sadly don't get used to their full extent. It's not a perfect game by any means and it's definitely a game that's not for everyone. 7,5/10
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251 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.20 00:05
Do yourself a favour... if this game seems remotely interesting in premise, skip it and pick up something similar that's actually enjoyable like Bayonetta, Tomb Raider: Legend, Tomb Raider: Anniversary or BloodRayne.
Nicht Empfohlen
744 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.20 12:49
- Level design is not bad, it's mixed with unique locations.
- Some of the skyboxes and lightning is great, even to this day.
- Time rewind ability is cool, but sadly not used well.
- Some of the enemies have cool designs.
- From the very start, our main character just keeps on talking and talking and talking, and it's mostly nonsense. Voice acting is horrible, everyone sounds like they aren't even trying, it's like all was made in one take. Just terrible, and the writting is even worse.
- I'm shocked there are many positive reviews praising story, what the f*** ? What story are we talking about here? You won't even know most of the time what you are doing and fighting for.
- Platforming sucks, because movement sucks.
- Shooting seems tacked on.
- It's one of those games where 95% of it is filled with cutscenes, including the ones where you press every f****** switch and it shows a 5 second cutscene of, for example, door opening. It just ruins the flow of the game, especially if you are hunting achievements and you have to do multiple playthroughs. I hate these kind of games, you can actually see enemies in the distance and when you get closer to them, it starts a 5 second cutscene of showing them how they stand there... What the f*** ?
- There should have been more collectibles, you have some notes throughout the game that you don't care about and some chests that contain items, but that's all bare bones.
I mean, you play as female character in third person mode and yet there only exists 3 costumes in the whole game! There should be 10 at least, I mean these types of games thrive on it.
- Gameplay is repetitive and gets boring really fast.
Not recommending it, even for this price or sale price. Not worth your time and effort.
799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.11.20 04:01
p.s. there is no s##ual content.
598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.20 08:24
1) Responsive controls and combos
2) Decent graphics for the time period
3) Good level design
1) The dialogue has most likely been written by a person whose first language is not English. To make things worse, the voice acting is quite uninspired.
2) There isn't really much of a story going on. The characters are pretty generic and their motives are equally generic as well. (This is most likely linked to con number 1)
3) The base outfit purely exists for fan-service and to potentially boost sales. Fortunately, you get better outfits later on in the game. (This may be a pro for you, I don't know your life).
Additional note:
If you pick up the game and are experiencing issues with the sound, you may have to change your sound format from 44100 Hz to 48000 Hz. [[ Control Panel > Sound > Playback > (Select your device) > Properties > Advanced > Default Format ]]
1431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 17:27
Information / Review English
Blades of Time is an action adventure game developed by Gaijin Entertainment.
Gameplay / Story
You control the pretty and sword-wielding treasure hunter Ayumi, who leaves a path of devastation on a mysterious and dangerous island that is full of treasures, but also a place of chaos magic. Ayumi soon discovers that there are thousands of long-kept secrets to discover here, including special powers and abilities that she can use for herself. Using whatever means available, she must find a way to overcome armies of enemies and a host of treacherous traps in order to escape from the island.
+ Action that never gets boring
+ demanding combat system
+ good language translations
+ coherent backdrop
+ Time game ability well implemented
+ exciting and successful boss fights
+ Achievements
- The game's potential not exhausted
- now and then technical problems
- bitchy camera work
Blades of Time scores with a variety of interesting characters, stunning graphics, plenty of treasure and a range of fighting skills, which, however, does not exhaust its full potential.
Information /Review Deutsch
Blades of Time ist ein Action-Adventure, welches von Gaijin Entertainment entwickelt wurde.
Gameplay / Geschichte
Du steuerst die hübsche und schwerttragende Schatzjägerin Ayumi, die eine Schneise der Verwüstung auf einer geheimnisvollen und gefährlichen Insel hinterlässt, die voller Schätze, aller- dings auch ein Ort der Chaosmagie ist. Schon bald entdeckt Ayumi, dass es hier tausende lang gehüteter Geheimnisse zu entdecken gibt, darunter besondere Kräfte und Fähigkeiten, die sie für sich nutzen kann. Unter Einsatz aller verfügbarer Mittel muss sie einen Weg finden, Armeen von Gegnern und Unmengen tückischer Fallen zu überwinden, um von der Insel zu entkommen.
+ Action die nicht langweilig wird
+ forderndes Kampfsystem
+ gute sprachliche Umsetzungen
+ stimmige Kulisse
+ Zeitspiel Fähigkeit gut umgesetzt
+ spannende und gelungene Bosskämpfe
+ Errungenschaften
- Potenzial des Spiels nicht ausgeschöpft
- hin und wieder technische Probleme
- zickige Kameraführung
Blades of Time punktet mit einer Vielzahl interessanter Charaktere, umwerfender Grafik, reichlich Schätzen und einer Reihe von Kampffähigkeiten bietet, welches jedoch das volle Potenzial nicht ausschöpft.
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.08.20 14:18
2613 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.07.20 01:50
Cut scenes, dialogues, animations, and quotes. The animations and quotes get repeated, most of them are really basic even in some boss fights, while others are overengineered masterpieces. The plot and story are average.
The gameplay balance is so nice that the game can be completed in one go, just allocate contiguous chunk of time for the weekend and enjoy. It will be hard to pause or stop when you have started.
22220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.06.20 23:20
Now for the bad...there were some bugs I ran into, particularly on the final boss...first part. For some reason, I kept falling through the floor and had to retry. I finally made it through though, so I don't know what was going on. That and the 'magic' response was a bit slower on the same part. Maybe there was just too much going on but I have a computer built for gaming and I still had the problem. The game was so much fun to play though that I didn't mind having to restart the level and redo it. It is a rare game for me where that is true. As a former beta tester, bugs really bother me in a game that is supposed to be ready for the general public. Usually bugs like that get the game deleted and a nasty review. It means either a beta tester missed something or a programmer dropped the ball. That being said, however the game was so enjoyable I was willing to overlook that bug and I will be replaying it again soon.
As for the DLC, it took me literally 15 minutes of playing to finish and I did it at the same time I was watching a show on TV, if that gives you an idea of how hard it was to do All sword and gun, no magic and all in all a waste of my three dollars. Unless you get it for less than a dollar it is not worth the money. It is also absolutely full of screen edge troubles, like no one even looked at it for continuity. The mediocre graphics didn't help any either.
I hope they come out with a sequel to BofT though. It is a game that deserves one. Just hope they keep the quality and game play the same and if they decide on DLCs they make them live up to the quality of the game and not the miserable attempt they sold as the first DLC. Its better to put small divergences like what they sold as a DLC, directly into the story line and not try to sell them separately. At least for me, the DLCs that involve actual game play and not just fancy equipment, should be at least a quarter of the game's length and something that you cannot easily fit into the story itself. Otherwise, it is just better to include those little fifteen minute asides directly into the main game. Hope this review helps everyone.
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101 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 11:29
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715 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.20 18:33
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789 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.02.20 19:09
Some of the abilities feel forced and add nothing to the game. Also the game does not explain how and why the main protagonist have them. The story itself is average at best and I was not quite sure what it was about for the most part.
Combat feels floaty and unsatisfying. The enemies do not react to being hit. And also can hit you from outside the range of their melee weapons. They spawn in hoards and that's the only challenge the game has to offer. If you can even call it a challenge. The bosses are nothing special and you sometimes need to use your ability to defeat them. But again it feels forced.
You have a variety of weapons and accessories but they don't make much difference. Some of the abilities are nice to have as they make the game easier and little bit more bearable so you won't die of boredom. The guns are terrible to use but at least they can make your life a bit easier if you just want to complete the game.
One thing that made me laugh is the running animations.
All in all it's not worth any kind of money. I got it for free. But if I have bought it I would have been pissed.
Also don't even think about getting DLC. It's absolute garbage.
1017 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.01.20 08:09
Now on to the game.
Judging by past reviews, this game may have been broken at time of release, however, it's a fully functional and *mostly* bug/ glitch free. I ran into a few bugs that got me stuck while trying to run off of the main path, mostly just jumping behind set pieces.
The game play is generally fast and plenty fun, if not repetitive. While there is often a fair amount of variety that can be had, it's kind of hampered by encountering one of the boss characters a few different times. It's not usually that big of a deal as once you figure out how to beat it once, it's easy enough to beat again.
The time mechanic is pretty fun, but annoying to get used to at first. Mostly because the default button keyboard layout is a bit cumbersome. It's definitely better with a keyboard/ mouse. But very playable via controller, especially if you have a scuf or elite controller. Being able to map to bumpers would make controller use much better.
Insofar as the actual game is concerned, it's a lot of fun overall. I enjoyed most of it, but it is a bit cliched. The voice acting isn't bad, but the first chapter is annoying as as the main character doesn't shut up.
One reviewer said the game is a mixed bag, graphically. I partially disagree. It's pretty consistent. especially in the later chapters. It's not perfect, but it is from 2012.
The story isn't terrible, it serves it's purpose, but isn't anything groundbreaking. It's predictable, but intriguing enough to keep you curious about what's next. The level design ranges from Middling, to pretty awesome. Especially in the latter half of the game.
The end game is very satisfying, but the final boss battle is just okay. I think I found a control glitch during it, but I am not sure.
The ending itself isn't bad, but feels a little abrupt, like there should be more.
I definitely recommend playing this game.
1339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.19 23:03
3299 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.19 19:30
Successfully blending elements from games like Prince of Persia, Bloodrayne, Tomb Raider, Devil May Cry and God of War, Blades of Time accomplishes quite a lot, considering it came almost out of nowhere (except a prequel, of sorts) and from a mostly unknown gaming company.
The game greatly manages to establish its world and lore, without weighing too much on them: the story is centered on an adventure guild, which, through a magic sphere operated by its guildmaster, sends its members in a remote mythical island called Dragonland, that is rumored to contain many treasures, as well as dangers.
Our heroine, Ayumi, invades the guild with her mentor, Zero and forcefully manages to get transported to said island, where her (and our) adventure begins.
Once arrived, she discovers that two warring factions exist there: the Order faction, consisting of some immortal, robotic knights, called the Skyguards and the Chaos faction, consisting of the Keeper of Chaos and its minions.
She also discovers that the island is very dangerous, as most adventurers that travel there don't get back alive and that there is no way of getting back to her world, aside from traveling all the way to a magic sphere on the other side of the island.
Let me also note that despite the island being called Dragonland, there are no dragons in it (!), as they are supposedly extinct by the hand of the bad guys.
I found the story part to be quite well made for a game I had never heard of, but that was not all the game had to offer.
The graphics were quite beautiful generally, with vibrant and vivid colors in all stages and some occasionally stunning backgrounds here and there.
The music was ok, fitting in general, but nothing memorable.
What was truly memorable though, was its gameplay! As I said in the beginning, the game mixes formulas from various successful games in quite a fun and innovative way.
In its heart, Blades of Time is a hack n' slash game, so you use two swords to carry out most attacks, while a dash move is also available to get out of tight situations, resulting in a very FAST combat style, faster than any I had seen in other similar games.
That aside, the game makes also use of guns! From rifles to machine-guns and rocket launchers, you'll find yourself in need of using them in many situations involving flying, or not, enemies. Ammunition is on the house, aka its infinite.
Magic is also present to help ease your journey: from fire, ice and earth magic to generic performance enhancement magic. The variety was quite big, I must say, with some small scale magic spells, to bigger ones, which you gain by doing repeated slash attacks.
Being partly RPG, many pieces of equipment can also be found to further enhance your abilities, specifically swords, amulets and rings.
Some alternate costumes exist as well, though without possessing any particular perks.
If all that weren't already enough to make quite a decent game, its true shining point is the ability of time manipulation, in a way unseen (at least to me) in any other game!
Essentially you can rewind time, but unlike Prince of Persia where everything rewinds, giving you the ability to undo your mistakes, Blades of Time uses a different principle: everything rewinds BUT the main player.
So, while on one hand you are unable to save yourself if you fall in a precipice or your health gets too low, on the other hand, each time you time rewind a clone of yourself is created, which repeats every action you did, for the duration of the rewind.
What's even more fun is that said clones can be more than one (I don't know the limit, but I counted at least 4-5 clones at once) and they literally copy everything you previously did, even big scale magic attacks.
A new game plus is present too, for those wanting to venture in the game's hard mode, while retaining all the items from the first campaign and at the same time being able to gather new ones, to even further enhance yourself.
A DLC mission is also available, which was decent, since it introduced some new enemies and places and even makes you go through a castle siege, which was quite epic. Overall though it was a bit more boring than the main game, since you play with a secondary character named Michelle, which unfortunately possesses all the abilities Ayumi has, minus the magic and time manipulating ones.
Lastly, a multiplayer part exists as well, in which you have to destroy the enemy team's base, by using various perks you gain as you progress in the game, and I must say was quite fun too.
However, the game isn't without its shortcomings, as the budget limitations do show in some occasions.
The fighting style may seem impressive and fast, but because of such speed many attacks feel uncoordinated and casual. The variety of weapons and items, too, may seem big, but in reality most abilities they provide tend to repeat themselves.
And finally, while I wouldn't call the game's length small, its 10 missions don't take that much time to complete.
All that said, I believe that Blade of Time's positive traits far outweigh the negative ones, so it is definitely a recommendation from me. It's a pity that this game didn't get the recognition it deserved, probably due to a bad marketing campaign, because it was quite a FAST and FUN hack n' slash experience, unlike many others I played.
854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 13:59
773 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.19 03:56
690 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.10.19 16:25
So, turn off your brain, relax and have fun with your waifu (or waifus, time travel, you know) while she blasts enemies with magic, carves them to pieces and talks about... something (this game have a story?).
Just forget about the DLC. It's not worth it.
Gaijin Entertainment
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos
Kein Prisoner hat oder wartet auf das Spiel