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Über das Spiel

Broadside or board enemy ships as a crew with intense FPS Naval Combat based in the Age of Sail
Man the cannons and fire off coordinated broadsides with other players to sink the opposing ship. You will fight as a crew of up to 16 real players on a ship led by another player that has been voted as captain. Modes can have up to 54 players in a battle!
Coordinate and cooperate to be efficient and be a devastating crew
If you're part of the crew, you may help the ship in any way you see fit without being forced to a role. You can be the part of the gunnery crew by loading cannons and firing at the enemy, or be the master of repairs and help keep the ship afloat by patching holes in the ship, repairing sails, or pumping out water. Help keep your ship's fire power up by running supplies for your fellow crewman, or even board an enemy ship and conquer it!
Lead your crew as the Captain and dominate the opponent or defeat an arch nemesis
Issue commands to your crew, keep the coordination flowing as to which side to be at the ready, focusing on repairs or boarding the enemy! You can order which sides of the ship you want loaded with what, and motivate them until victory or death. Captain nominations occur at the start of the round and captain ratings improve or worsen depending on your success or failure.
Game modes with variation
Ranging from a traditional duel style 1v1 ship deathmatch all the way to a 3v3 deathmatch of various ship sizes, you will be tested as a captain, your coordination with other captains, and as a crew. Weather will change with each round, spanning from a calm day with islands to a heavy storm in the open ocean. More game modes are planned to come in free content updates to make sure things stay interesting!
Communication is key
There are multiple voice chat channels to keep coordinated, global, crew, faction, and proximity. Tell the powder monkey next to you, to fill yer' crate or the friendly ship's captain to come to your aid. Aside from voice channels there are also crew commands that are extremely helpful to people without microphones. You can expect the crew with the best communication and cooperation to win!
Customization as both player and yer Ship
Name your ship, change its colors and make it known in tales told. Change your appearance and outfits to display your skill, time played and persistence as a fellow crewman.
Developers that are passionate about feedback and are part of the community
Since our early development and Kickstarter we've spoken to our players through both discord and in-game chat, taking suggestions and feedback with care in real time. Every suggestion made by our players is truly considered and discussed, and we've been careful to keep in line with the vision we set out to create for Blackwake. The result is a game that we all helped create together and can enjoy together.
As long as Blackwake breathes we'll keep her fed with content
We want to keep developing Blackwake with FREE additional content to make Blackwake the best possible game it can be. No paid DLC to divide the community or pay to win items to give players who spend more an advantage. We have many more ideas for Blackwake, and we're excited to use them to keep the game fresh and active.
- CPU: i5 2400, FX-6300
- GFX: R9 270, GTX 660
- Software: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: This is to play the game on lowest settings with medium shadows at around 60FPS@1080p resolution.
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: i5 6500, AMD FX-8350
- GFX: R9 290, GTX 970
- Software: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 3 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- INET: Breitband-Internetverbindung
- MISC: This is to play the game on High settings at 60FPS@1080p resolution. More CPU power is required on larger servers with more players. Newer i7 CPU's should handle the game easily.
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
726 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.21 03:24
durch. Schön große offene Ozeane, die vielleicht nochmal größer werden, eines Tages. Die Piraten und Nationen kämpfe sind aufregend, da man nicht gerade nur vom Säbel erwischt wird, plötzlich rauscht eine Kanonenkugel vorbei, oder ein Mast kippt um und setzt einem das Ende. Es bricht vielleicht auch das Schiff auseinander und ihr ertrinkt. Und die Qualität und Gestaltung sind einzigartig, sehr zu empfehlen. Ich kaufte es damals für 10€ und bereue es nicht. Die Levelsysteme sind perfekt rein integriert, sowie die Skins, Uniformen, Gadgets. Kein Pay to Win, Full Version only ! ^^
Nicht Empfohlen
9894 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 08:40
869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.11.20 00:54
Nicht Empfohlen
75 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.06.20 17:21
Das Problem ist also nicht das Spiel, sondern die Community. Es gibt nicht viele Server, auf denen auch andere Spieler sind. Dort versammelt sich der Bodensatz an Leuten, die man sonst nur in den tiefsten Online-Foren findet. Mit ihnen zusammen zu spielen macht einfach keinen Spaß. Schade.
Das Spiel muss moderiert werden, weil diese kleine Gruppe den großen Rest vom spielen fern hält.
1065 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 17:19
501 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 19:37
The time for a drink
But I don't want whiskey or gin
There's only one drink
That gets me so drunk
Until my head starts to spin
Far to the west
Under tropical sun
This mystical drink is brewed
On our mission to get totally drunk
We have got nothing to lose
Rum is the power
Rum is the key
Rum is the thing that will set us free!
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum ahoy
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum gimme more rum
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum ahoy
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum ya ha ha ha
The time has come
The time for a drink
But I don't want vodka or mead
None of these drinks will quench my thirst
Rum is the drink that I need
Questing the oceans and questing the seas
Searching for ultimate booze
On our mission to get totally drunk
We have got nothing to lose
Rum is the power
Rum is the key
Rum is the thing that will set us free!
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum ahoy
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum gimme more rum
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum ahoy
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum ahoy
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum gimme more rum
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum ahoy
Rum rum rum yarr
Rum rum
2339 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 12:23
the game itself has a brilliant concept for a team based game, don´t know if the first game to try that.
!!!!! I haven´t played the game once after the full release - this review sums up the early access time. !!!!!
big problem in my opinion is the aiming with melee weapons and guns. felt more annoying than fun, still not a gamebreaker in a multiplayergame when the rest is good.
the reason to rate this game down although i really think it is or can be a great, funny and challinging team based multiplayer is the ability to give ships (and servers?) racist and sexist names and the amount of racism and sexism in the chat during the match. I do not know if this issue has been dealt with in the full release, until i checked that i cannot rate this game up, although the program itself deserves a good review.
there are very few servers which are actually full the last time i checked. bots where added so you are no longer alone in a match and can at least play.
the game has/had frame(rate) issues (on medium and higher settings)- have to check the full release performance before i can really recommend the game.
when the game was new in early access there where good and rough shipfights, mostly one big ship with a crew of about twenty and two smaller boats with about six to ten crewmembers against a similar setting on the opponents side.
my tip: before buying this watch the latest gameplayvideos in the steamcommunity or watch someone play live on steam.
i do not regret supporting this title with my money, i just could not force myself to play any longer because the playerbase did get smaller and more toxic after the first promising start of the game. while you can ignore the hatespeech to a certain point it was getting tough to find a decent server to play. will check this eventually in the full release version and might recommend the game again?
(i actually rated the game down, but for a saleprice of 1,63€ the above mentioned is less relevant - fullprice still is rated down before i played and check the upgraded version - for 8€ it still is half the financial risk you took with the early access price^^)
2184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.04.22 23:20
Nicht Empfohlen
5389 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 00:16
185 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.11.21 03:42
Ahoy Mateys!
950 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.08.21 00:03
293 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.07.21 03:27
⣿⣿⣿⣶⣦⣬⣭⣭⣭⣝⣭⣭⣭⣴⣷⣦⡀⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠄⠠⠤⠿⠦⠤⠄⠄wanna drink?
74 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.07.21 23:59
Nicht Empfohlen
1689 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.06.21 12:10
Blackwake is one of the most authentic pirate games which blends captaining, quality vessels, and crew members into a fantastic PvP arena.
However, once the game left 1.0 it has been left untouched. The bugs that exist in the game are unbelievable, from failing to launch correctly, to game-breaking graphics errors which have very poor and rudimentary solutions.
I've run a server myself so I know that the developers could have, and still could make simple adjustments to make the game significantly more stable, but have just never come back around to it.
While I don't consider the game unplayable, it is definitely a fun few hours when the menus load, you enter a lobby successfully, and can join a crew. Provided of course, that the game doesn't crash shortly thereafter.
24 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.03.21 08:09
6:30PM: Game had downloaded, everyone's a bit excited
6:40PM: In a server getting yelled at to load cannons and to prepare for ramming
6:50PM: Cannot stop talking in a fake pirate accent/fake british accent
7:30PM: Captain of a ship preparing to ram enemy ship
8:00PM: Drank all the rum in the house, purchased a pirate hat, eyepatch and parrot off the internet, I have made a makeshift cannon out of toilet papers and tubing, the neighbours are tied up in my Gallows/Bathroom, arr matey.
Nicht Empfohlen
1046 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.02.21 06:15
Wouldn't recommend getting this game.
50 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.21 00:15
Nicht Empfohlen
1417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.10.20 02:04
678 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 23:11
One of my favorite moments is coming up right alongside a ship that's had its sails cut by chase cannons and watching every single cannon blow holes into the enemy vessel, tearing it to splinters. Then boarding the sinking ship through those holes to finish off the survivors. Witnessing the utter devastation of an enemy crew is something else. On the other side of things, saving a ship that is all but already touching the bottom of the ocean from sinking is a frantic and satisfying experience, especially when the enemy ship is stuck at range, believes you're done and doesn't stick around to finish you off.
Nicht Empfohlen
3156 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.20 12:28
I´ve had tons and tons of fun with this game, but the sad reality is starting to kick in. The game is abandoned.
In 2020, that godforsaken year, another big blow came alongside the COVID-19: The 1.0 release of Blackwake. It was at this moment, this game´s fate was sealed. That meant there was no longer going to be any new content and it dealt a killer blow to the already dwindling player base.
Did I say dwindling? I mean to say dead. The most people you are ever going to see in this game is 1 to 2 servers of players. That´s less than a hundred players AT ITS PEAK TIME.
That smallness of players has resulted in a that same community becoming a bunch of toxic 30 year olds who cry louder than your kids in 3 AM, whenever they see a new player trying to get used to the controls and game mechanics.
I admire what a nice game the developers made. From what I could find out in google, it started out as a 2 man enterprise many-many years ago. I just wished the game could have gone to rest with a bit more dignity.
So if you are reading this review, then my suggestion is to skip this game. That ship has sailed (pun intended).
958 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.10.20 08:18
Killed 95% of the enemy squad
Died to the last few of them
They clutched it and sunk our ship
We mutinied the captain
Repeated the whole process
and still won
11/10 would die of alcohol poisoning again
981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.10.20 18:14
Amazing physics
Well done graphics
Very nice Weapons
Overall very good game well worth your money really good to play
when you are bored or if you take it serious or if you just want to screw
around with some friends.
Could use a bit more game modes besides just TDM CTB and Siege.
40 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 05:05
3398 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 14:41
2195 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 10:42
CONS = small playerbase, movement can feel clunky, high ping servers and experience is depended on your captain
Overall i like it . My advise is play it on weekend nights with a bottle of good rum.
Nicht Empfohlen
12 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.07.20 04:06
546 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 14:47
+ Funny and Lighthearted
+ Solo Dev doing some great work alone.
+ Multiple Ships! Multiple Maps, And Multiple Game types!
+ Can Customize your Sailor
+ Buggy hell hole of a mess!
- Buggy hell hole of a mess!
- Needs more ships!
925 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.07.20 01:57
1506 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.07.20 19:06
great game overall, ships functions as submarines most of the time.
As long as the captain has 150+ hours and has a mic and is not a russian you will have a great time playing this game.
This game is like sea of thieves but for people without friends to play with.
Dont even think about being capt'n without a mic and experience you will be trashtalked and kicked within 2 minutes
1067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.20 22:37
Nicht Empfohlen
1085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.06.20 20:31
Nicht Empfohlen
52 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.05.20 14:27
don't let the positive reviews fool you. while the game seems quite fun (from what I was actually able to play, anyway), the community is nearly dead. around 60 total players online at the time of writing this review. I was only able to get into a single server that had maybe 10 people at most. not exactly the action packed pirate warfare I was hoping for. so yeah just be wary of that going in if you decide to get it. it's only $10 so take the risk if you want, maybe you'll have better luck than I did.
183 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.04.20 14:15
It's fun, its pretty casual, has a progression system where the longer you play the cooler you can make your character look, and the graphics are quite decent. If it's ever on sale, buy it. Seriously, if you played Sea of Thieves or are even slightly into naval warfare.. or pirates, just buy it, for -80% off? You've got -nothing- to lose.
Nicht Empfohlen
449 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.04.20 20:53
Large pirate ships, large crews, sea battles, good reload systems on the ships cannons etc - what more is there to like if that's your thing?
Well, unfortunately, as the game has gone down the development cycle, it appears that many of the attractive things for the game have gone.
I can't understand the simplification to the larger ships? The system was fine as it was and it was immersive to have such a large ship to roam around in - now, they just look and feel like floating buckets with cannons, which rips the immersion away.
Servers are mostly infested with trolls who won't take the games seriously, resulting in messy battles.
The game still runs bad in some instances despite powerful cards - this is not acceptable given the amount of time this game was in early-access/beta
I feel sorry for those who never got the chance to play it when it was at it's best.
I'd probably give it a 5/10 overall.
Worth it's asking price, but not worth the effort of playing.
385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 20:11
Its a nice 30 mins ship vs ship game, Its awesome when you have 10 or more players restocking/fighting/fixing/shooting. Commands are great for players who dont have mics aslwell.
Mastfire Studios Pty Ltd
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