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Über das Spiel

Was passiert, wenn die einzige Hoffnung einer bedrohten Welt keine strahlenden Helden sind, sondern eine Bande Abtrünniger und Krimineller? Blackguards geht genau dieser Frage auf den Grund. Der Spieler schlüpft in die Rolle eines verurteilten Mörders, der in Begleitung einer Truppe von Gefängnisausbrechern die Welt vor einer düsteren Zukunft bewahren muss – wobei die Gemeinschaft eher zufällig und unbeabsichtigt Gutes tut, denn wie es sich für eine Runde Halunken gehört, ist es ihr oberstes Ziel, zunächst sich selbst zu schützen. Damit hat die Party alle Hände voll zu tun, werden die Kriminellen doch nicht nur von Wachen und Gardisten gejagt - anscheinend sind noch weitere dunkle Gestalten mit geheimnisvollen Absichten hinter ihnen her. Und zudem wimmelt es im Süden Aventuriens, wo Blackguards spielt, nur so von gefährlichen Kreaturen und Monstern.
Blackguards ist ein rundenbasiertes Rollenspiel mit strategischen Kämpfen und verbindet die hohen Ansprüche des Studios an eine spannende Story und eigenwillige Charaktere mit packender Action in einer aufwändig gestalteten 3D-Umgebung. In herausfordernden Questen durchlebt der Spieler eine äußerst düstere Geschichte voller Zweifel, Verrat und Verlusten.
- Mehr als 180 einzigartige Battlemaps stellen dich vor immer neue Herausforderungen
- Leg dir genügend Snacks bereit für mehr als 40 spannende Stunden in einem düsteren Fantasy-Abenteuer
- Führe bis zu fünf Charaktere in deiner Party zum glorreichen Sieg oder in eine vernichtende Niederlage
- Erfreue dich an den bezaubernden handgestalteten Hintergründen, auch wenn du auf die Fresse kriegst
- Die Auswahl der Zaubersprüche, Talente und Fähigkeiten entscheidet über deine Taktik auf dem Schlachtfeld. Gehe offensiv oder taktisch in herausfordernde Kämpfe
- Setzte im Kampf interaktive Objekte wie Bienennester oder Fässer zu deinen Gunsten ein oder entzünde dich selber in brennbarem Sumpfgas
- Teile mit 40 Sonderfertigkeiten und über 90 Zaubern kräftig aus oder werde selbst davon vernichtet
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
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2498 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.12.21 21:29
2618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.10.21 23:31
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3222 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.21 21:44
geschrieben im August 2021
Ich empfinde Blackguards als deprimierendes Spiel, zum Ende hin quälte ich mich durch dieses.
Die größten Ärgernisse waren für mich die mieserable Auswahl bei den Händlern ( kaum Rüstungen und es wird nichts nachproduziert, hatte immer mal keine Pfeile mehr ), das man zu Hiebwaffen gezwungen wird ( Skelette und viele andere erhalten keinen Schaden durch Schwerter/Speere, könnte Dolche ja verstehen, aber Schwerter? ), nicht genug Hotkeys, ärgerliches Kreismenü der Charaktere, schlechte Kämpfe. Keine Möglichkeit durch Zufallsereignisse irgendwo Erfahrungspunkte zu generieren ( man folgt einfach nur der Geschichte ). Dazu ein vorgegebenes Team. Nur der Hauptcharakter kann selber erstellt werden. Achja die ungenaue Steuerung im Kampf, der Mauszeiger wechselt immer wieder mal zwischen Boden und dem Gegner, der auf dem Boden steht hin und her.
Ausserdem sind weiterhin viele Errungenschaften verbuggt. Hatte mit dem Hauptcharakter 20 Mut ( 18 +2 durch Schwert ), Errungenschaft wurde nicht freigeschaltet, selbst nicht dann, als ich den Mut durch einen Trank für einen Kampf auf 30 steigerte.
Dazu ist die Geschichte nicht die beste und die Präsentation derselben gefällt mir auch nicht.
Durchschnittlich ist die Musik, die Grafik veraltet, bekam aber keinen Augenkrebs.
Was fand ich in diesem Spiel also gut?
Die traurige Antwort ist, ausser dem erstellen des Hauptcharakters irgendwie gar nichts.
Ich gebe dem Spiel hier mit viel Wohlwollen gerade 52%.
Für mich sind gute DSA PC-Spiele nur :
Von der Nordlandtrilogie das uralte Dos Spiel : Die Schicksalsklinge ( DSA 1 )
Weiter dann zu Drakensang
Und Drakendang - Am Fluss der Zeit
Alle anderen kann ich leider nicht empfehlen.
2342 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.06.20 01:49
Die Story ist toll, die Gespräche schön vertont. Stimmige Musik und Liebevoll gestaltete Charaktere.
Der Focus im Spiel liegt allerdings beim Kämpfen (Rundenbasiert)
Die DSA Regeln sind schön in das Spiel eingebaut.
Mir hat es Wirklich sehr viel Spaß gemacht. (ca 40Stunden ohne DLC)
4681 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.05.20 02:13
5354 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.11.19 18:18
Ein für mich negativer Punkt ist allerdings der Schwierigkeitsgrad. Obwohl ich von drei zu wählenden Schwierigkeitsgraden, die leichteste Schwierigkeit wählte, und meinte als Gelegenheitsspieler und Anfänger gut aufgehoben zu sein wurde enttäuscht. Ich finde auf der leichtesten Stufe sollte das Spiel Einsteiger freundlicher sein. Die vielen einzelnen Kämpfe bei Blackguards gestalten sich extrem schwierig, und müssen des öfteren wiederholt werden.
Das Spiel ist nicht schlecht, aber zugänglich und Einsteiger freundlich sieht anders aus.
Nicht Empfohlen
1643 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.15 07:42
Zusammengefasst, das Spiel belohnt den geneigten Spieler kaum und konfrontiert ihn stattdessen mit einem unübersichtlichen Zahlensystem, dessen tatsächlicher Nutzen dem verwöhnten Spieler von heute weitgehend verschlossen bleibt. Insbesondere beim Ausbilden der Charaktere weis man eigentlich kaum, was man dort tut und was dies am Ende bewirkt.
Wer sich für Rollenspiele interessiert, kann gerne mal im Sale zuschlagen, aber für den Vollpreis kann ich das Spiel nicht empfehlen.
1360 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.11.14 10:36
Die Grundidee, detailreiche Taktikkämpfe über eine rudimentäre Weltkarte zu verzahnen, funktioniert super. Auch die eher simpel gehaltene Story wird mit kurzen Cutscenes und ebenso überschaubaren Dialogen gut erzählt. Blackguards holt aus einfachen Mitteln viel raus - das ist mir wesentlich lieber als das oft unnötig aufgeblähte Storytelling, das man in vielen RPGs findet.
Hauptkritikpunkt ist ausgerechnet das DSA-Regelwerk. Ich mag DSA im Allgemeinen und den gigantischen Regelsumpf im Speziellen, aber in einem solchen PC-Spiel funktionieren diese Regeln nicht ideal. Als Nicht-DSA-Profi wird man das Spiel ein zweites Mal starten wollen, sobald man das System grundlegend verstanden hat. Und selbst dann kann man sich aufgrund der vielen Möglichkeiten gnadenlos verrennen. Ich habe beispielsweise erst kurz vor Schluss gemerkt, dass es einen Zauber gibt, der einem Charakter eine zweite Aktivierung pro Runde erlaubt - hätte ich den mal früher genutzt, das Spiel wäre nur noch halb so schwer gewesen.
Zweiter kleiner Aufreger sind einige seltsame Designschnitzer:
[spoiler]An Niam hat man sich kaum gewöhnt, stirbt sie auch wieder. Man ohrfeigt sich, dass man sie diese vermaledeiten Drogen hat nehmen lassen - nur um dann in Foren oder im zweiten Spieldurchgang festzustellen, dass es daran gar nicht lag und sich der Tod der Dame gar nicht verhindern lässt.
Noch schlimmer ist die Aurelia-Geschichte - die wird lange und hervorragend aufgebaut, dann haut Aurelia am Ende plötzlich völlig unmotiviert ab und tritt wenig später als Gegner auf. Warum das passiert ist und wie man es hätte verhindern können, erfährt man nicht. Da hätte man sich die ganze Vorgeschichte sparen können.
Wie sich solche Seltsamkeiten in einem ansonsten sehr, sehr fertig aussehenden und gut getesteten Spiel in der Release-Version finden können, ist mir schleierhaft.[/spoiler]
Die Negativpunkte sind vor allem deshalb ärgerlich, weil sie nicht zum sonst hervorragenden Spiel passen. Das heißt aber auch, dass Blackguards trotz dieser Ärgernisse viel Spaß macht. Zurbaran und Naurim sind mir außerdem richtig ans Herz gewachsen - von den beiden würde ich sogar... äh... Plüschfiguren kaufen und in mein Regal stellen.
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2071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.22 00:10
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574 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.22 12:16
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1479 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.22 20:29
Pros :
-Reasonable price
Cons :
-The graphics are average (I can easily live with that given the low price of the game)
-The story is pretty boring, I did not feel very engaged.
-The combats are not very interesting, and the hit % are weird (I can miss 5+ times in a row hits that have 90% hit chances)
-The characters customization is boring. You have a LOT of options, which is nice, but most of them feels borderline useless and you need to invest a lot of points to feel a tiny difference.
-Some combats are incredibly easy while others feels very challenging. I love challenges, but I don't like the inconsistency of the game.
Final tought :
I'm not saying this game is horrible, but it feels very bland. I played the game quite a reasonnable amount of time, and I did not enjoy many of the hours I was playing. Since the game does not cost much, you don't lose much by purchasing it to try, but for me, it's a 4.5/10 game.
Nicht Empfohlen
1943 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 19:56
Instead of having the same limits as your equally enslaved opponents and the tactics that entails, you wind up against opponents that can do things you can't do. Like drink healing potions and lose arrows at far more range. You'll have a guy surrounded, pounding away with all your limited might while he literally drinks potion after potion. All this appears to be so the experience is drawn out longer. How does healing yourself as a gladiator even fit the fantasy? I could have drummed on with this and googled the solution, but it just got too boring to care. It was a cool idea, but I don't think the devs were all that excited about it. It just felt like filler to me.
Could have been really cool, though. Simple tactical battles with simple weapons, no heals, no magic, and no gross advantages to overcome. And once freed, you would have all those extra melee skills to brag about.
9487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.21 13:47
For those hard fights, just make sure you have a mage with maxed bow mastery. Mage lets them burn most of the enemies and the archer allows for picking off of those single targets still standing while staying at a distance.
Oh and I'm pretty sure Zurbaran is singly responsible for the massive spread of syphilis on the entire continent.
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70 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 02:58
On the other hand, you can get it on sale for $1-2 so it's worth trying if you have more patience than me. The character creation system is cool - like old school RPGs, but I can't comment on how much it actually impacts gameplay.
If you don't care about story, I'd recommend another strategy RPG called Demon's Rise.
If you want a strategy RPG with a story, there's an old PS2/xbox game called Gladius. I don't know the legalities of emulating these type of games on PC so I only recommend playing it on console...
Nicht Empfohlen
2871 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.09.21 22:58
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6188 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.07.21 06:09
Another issue, is that no one in America really has access to the lore of the world of the 'Dark Eye' and its associated connotations. Including the 'grim dark' elements that pop up pretty quickly.
My last issue, however, is the story. The overarching elements are great, but the details are shit. The implementation is shit, and if we're really playing the evil/bad guys as a great many of the quests and title push for, there aren't enough evil options. Including the equivalent of deliberately knocking people out to send them (sell them) to the arena among other options.
My advice to the developers: Work on Blackguards 3, in the process overhaul everything including adding an in game weapon tab so that you can see how a weapon is affected by strength. When making Blackguards 3, come back to this game and 2, interconnect them, add further options like choosing to fight your way out of being turned into a slave (as killing off Niam should always be the bad route and not actually part of the base story), and just generally make a wholly good game rather than use cheap and crappy story tricks to try and add emphasis on your world being grim dark, cheap, and edgy (I mean, really, half the reason why people even like Niam is because she gets 'Move like Lightning' long before you ever find a teacher for that absurdly powerful spell).
I'd also recommend elaborating on the MC's history with Lysander and making it so that he genuinely hates the MC for Eleanor deciding he was a love interest. Hell, I'd even recommend the first branch of the 'alternate' story being the player getting 'killed' by the wolf for refusing to fight it and waking up in prison regardless.
Also, it might be a good idea for you guys to hook up with the 'realms of arkania' remix group and work alongside each other. They work on the non-combat elements of the game with their engine, while your engine/layout is used for the combat segments.
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577 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 11:20
388 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.06.21 21:22
It relates to a scroll zoom in. I didn't know how to bypass it, so I asked for a refund because I needed some back. But now that I gotten a better mouse, I can easily enjoy the game. There's something about a lightly hard to get into game that is kinda fun.
There's something odd about it, but while I struggle to totally get the series, I'm having fun with the stage like strategy game. I can set stuff on fire, set my guys on fire and watch as NPCs set themselves on fire going through a busted box.
There's a tricky part, so no shame if you need a walkthrough. But otherwise, I'm having fun. Try this if you want a curious title, want to try some Euro dev games or like The Pillars of the Earth.
104 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 15:50
Information / Review English
Blackguards is a tactical strategy game developed by Daedalic Entertainment.
Gameplay / Story
The action begins in the city of Neetha in the game world Aventurien. The main character is the player character who was wrongly imprisoned for the murder of his girlfriend. On the run from his persecutors and in search of the real murderer, he meets other characters who also have problems with the law. The player has the opportunity to make decisions at important points and thus influence the game. In Blackguards, the player can assume different classes, such as warrior, magician and hunter. Both the fights and the entire game are turn-based. The game is controlled with the mouse and keyboard. A special feature of the game are the visible hexagonal grid fields.
+ Pen & paper flair through battles, locations and travel
+ varied, interactive arenas
+ Decisions with consequences
+ solid round tactical battles
+ interesting, sometimes funny side tasks
+ well thought-out, clear menus
+ Achievements and trading cards
- stereotypical characters
- No own group composition possible
Blackguards offers you a captivating story with gripping battles. Clear buy recommendation in this genre.
Information / Review Deutsch
Blackguards ist ein taktisches Strategiespiel, welches von Daedalic Entertainment entwickelt wurde.
Gameplay / Geschichte
Die Handlung beginnt in der Stadt Neetha in der Spielwelt Aventurien. Hauptfigur ist der Spielercharakter, der zu Unrecht wegen des Mordes an seiner Freundin eingesperrt worden ist. Auf der Flucht vor seinen Verfolgern und der Suche nach dem wahren Mörder trifft er weitere Charaktere, die ebenfalls Probleme mit dem Gesetz haben. Der Spieler hat die Möglichkeit an wichtigen Punkten Entscheidungen zu treffen und so das Spielgeschehen zu beeinflussen. In Blackguards können vom Spieler verschiedene Klassen, wie Krieger, Magier und Jäger angenommen werden. Sowohl die Kämpfe als auch das gesamte Spiel laufen rundenbasiert ab. Gesteuert wird das Spiel mit Maus und Tastatur. Eine Besonderheit des Spiels sind die sichtbaren Sechseckraster-Felder.
+ Pen&Paper-Flair durch Kämpfe, Schauplätze und Reisen
+ abwechslungsreiche, interaktive Arenen
+ Entscheidungen mit Konsequenzen
+ solide rundentaktische Kämpfe
+ interessante, teil witzige Nebenaufgaben
+ durchdachte, übersichtliche Menüs
+ Errungenschaften und Sammelkarten
- stereotype Charaktere
- keine eigene Gruppenzusammenstellung möglich
Blackguards bietet dir eine fesselnde Geschichte mit packenden Kämpfe. Klare Kaufempfehlung in diesem Genre.
Nicht Empfohlen
123 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.04.21 08:59
The good
It has trading cards
The game didn't crash for me
Characters have some personality
The bad
Doesn't scale to higher resolutions
Battles are endless and they're utterly boring
And due to the turn-based nature of it, you can spend a lot of time waiting for a battle to resolve
And, most of all, it's just not fun
7033 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.04.21 19:25
This game kind of feels like old-school Amiga-RPG with better graphics etc. Blackguards 2 seems much more accessible than this so I'd recommend that before this to less-hardcore players. However, I was stuck with this for a long time because I wanted to finish it before playing 2. It feels like a mistake almost to be a completionist with this.
Basically the game is 'just' battles with some pretty repetitive pictures of towns as the inventory and character development screen. The characters' leveling up skills and attributes is pretty unique and I kind of liked it when I finally understood it but most of the time it felt vague and confusing.
Battles usually have lots of puzzle element in the tactics and they might feel unfair and even impossible at first (on medium difficulty) but there's usually a catch in how to even the odds (there's some really difficult ones still!), for example you need to use objects found in the environment or you learn the weaknesses of enemies and soon it's possible. There's some epic battles that I still remember (swamp spirit plant!) but I also remember the annoying repetition: even in the last battles you fight such boring beasts as skeletons, zombies and ghouls. Feels like grinding a lot when there aren't any interesting attacks or new monsters to see. The variety of weapons and armor feels quite limited too compared to most RPGs I've played.
The story is not very important but it's ok. However it's disappointing if you expect too much from the progression of the game and I felt even betrayed at times when the quest didn't affect almost anything. Characters are memorable because of the voice acting.
I believe I finished every quest in Blackguards and the DLC. But still wasn't sure of my chances in the last dungeon that you can't escape to main map even when it's the longest and one of the most tedious ones. I recommend easy difficulty to avoid such feelings.
Music and some of the town graphics are beautiful and create great atmosphere but it's just broken promises: there isn't anything deep beyond it and besides the battles that offer deep thinking and sometimes frustration. I'd rate this game 2,5 / 5.
4306 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.01.21 11:31
Blackguards is a cRPG / strategic turn based combat game with the emphasis very much towards the strategic turn based combat rather than cRPG elements of the game. Blackguards is a okay to good game that could have been an excellent game but is ruined by a few exceedingly poor decisions on the part of the developers.
1: Linked combats with no opportunity to manually save between then. (If you get hammered in the second fight of a set of three and you have to play the whole lot again. The game autosaves after each section and as you got hammered in the second fight the autosave the game takes is useless to you.)
2: Far too much use of poison. (Seems to be used as a cheap way to increase monster damage and makes the Clarum Purum spell essential.)
3: Some fights are just too long (1-2 hours for a single fight).
Overall definitely worth picking up despite the issues. Pricing is pretty competitive anyway but watch out for offers.
Blackguards is a cRPG / strategic turn based combat game with the emphasis very much towards the strategic turn based combat rather than cRPG elements of the game. Blackguards is a okay to good game that could have been an excellent game but is ruined by a few exceedingly poor decisions on the part of the developers
PLOT: The plot is reasonable but is extremely linear. The is one extremely lousy point at the end of Chapter 2 which I won't elaborate on to avoid spoilers.
COMBAT: Combat is strategic turn based combat and is based on The Dark Eye role playing game (which I am not familiar with). Overall the combat isn't too bad but it can be a bit slow with some fights taking too long (1-2 hours for a single fight). There is one really bad thing about combat which is the overuse of poison. This makes the Clarum Purum spell “essential”.
GRAPHICS & SOUND: Good, nothing spectacular but more than adequate for the game and quite pleasing.
REPLAY VALUE: Virtually none. (Plot is extremely linear.)
ISSUES AND BUGS: The game runs “straight out of the box” without any difficulties. It does very occasionally “hang” (I think twice in about 70 hrs of game play) but is pretty stable. The same cannot be said for the steam achievements which are extremely buggy.
ACHIEVEMENTS AND TRADING CARDS: There are achievements and trading cards for those interested but the steam achievements which are extremely buggy and tend not to trigger when they should.. There is a reason for the low completion rate on a lot of the achievements in this game, Top of the Food Chain, Iron Bladder, Hand of Boron, Three times the Fun, Traveller, Red Salamander and A True Stoerrebrand are all know to be buggy, there may be others.
VALUE FOR MONEY: Pretty good value for money anyway as its competitively priced. Better price if bundled with Blackguards 2 in the Blackguards Franchise Bundle. Often gets discounted in sales so watch out for special offers.
2799 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 04:15
A lot of people complained that it's a boring/difficult/soulless game but I think such whiners are better off playing CoD or some other games where they barely have anything challenging to deal with. Storywise the game is also okay nothing great but nothing bad either. But What makes the story interesting is the interactions that these party members they have amongst themselves. Really really enjoyed it(Unfortunately the same level of interaction is almost absent in Blackguards 2).
Yes, the game can be punishingly difficult at times but to beat this game is not something which isn't impossible. And right now at this price it's definitely a buy.
I hope someday I get to see another Blackguards game in future. My fingers are just crossed.
TO DEVS: Don't give up bros. We love Blackguards. You guys did a fantastic job in developing this game.
2131 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 06:44
11835 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 01:03
Tactical turn-based, squad-based combat with big d&d vibes. Plenty of skill points to allocate, which you'll accumulate after a few fights. Good atmosphere, amusing dialogue.
Very relaxing yet absorbing to play. Wholly recommend.
4718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 04:22
+ Hybrid mage/warrior or mage/archer, totally viable (much useful than pure imo)
+ Characters that are not those unrealistic heroes that are fed on good alone
+/- Character Optimization- Can't have it all (thankfully), specialize in less than 3 things or risk 60% chance of hitting anywhere
+/- All are unique battles/ no grinding- You can't just go to a boring grindfest to overpower everything
+/- Managing resources- can't make everyone hold the best weapons if it's only 1 per type
+/- Mages are not overpowered(ish)- Buffs/debuffs are strong but damage spells are meh
- Some battle maps take too long to finish (1-2 hours)
- Bugs, had to restart a really good fight
- Very dependent on RNG
544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.20 23:26
(sorry for spelling errors, i'm not a native speaker)
4013 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 12:58
I'd recommend it only for enthusiasts, hardcore TBS gamer and DSA player or a mix thereof.
Game is obviously based on the DSA rulesystem, which can be quite confusing, if you have no prior knowledge of it.
Sadly, it also lacks certain explanations, of how your attributes, skills & talents all intertwine. Several checks are not displayed and are done in the background - something a roleplayer does not necessary like.
On top of it, a few rules are implemented but now shown, like the scaling weapon-damage modifier with its strength-bonus, or are otherwise simplified for the games' purpose.
Can be checked with the weapon rulebook or other sources, though - as they are standardized.
I wonder ... have beaten the game now 2times (DVD + steam) and the story is definitely not the main selling point; you could as well place a lil' pony as quest giver and it wouldn't bother me.
(there is a story present, but often felt as confusing as the implemented crippled rules.)
turn 1:
*casts corpofrigo @98%* - fizzles
- other party members move
- enemy has successfully poisoned your whole party
turn 2:
*casts mass Klarum Purum* - yay
- other party member miss their 94% to-hit roll
turn 3:
- everyone gets poisoned again
- your fighter could not save the 2 wounds and is now an easy-to-hit target
turn 4:
you decided, it would be probably just better to restart the whole friggin' fight
In a nutshell :P
On top of it, the difficult curve is a strange one, and obviously a reason, that not more than 18% of _all_ player have even advanced to chapter III. Because the game is so unfair (*chuckles*), that it presents you one of the toughest and most ridiculous challenges right off the bat in chapter II. One word or rather 2: Louse Queen! You'll hate her like nothing else....
The latter is by far the most annoying and RNG dependent fight in the whole game and even harder than the final fight.
This was also the one time my game crashed or I had to force a crash, because my mage was locked in his action-move and I could not advance - needless to say; I'd have won that battle in 2 turns~. Another 10 battle-restarts later the queen is dead - long live the king!
Good thing about that fight, it's needed to jump into act III - where the 'real' game begins, like 70% of it. Kinda reminded me of vanilla WoW and Naxxramas. Louse (lice? whatever)-queen == Patchwork.
Nothing you need to buy, but a few items to complete the set-bonus - everything else should be poured into potions & poisons! Poison is the KotH in this game - literally. Some of the 'unfair' combat encounter can be done in 1-2 turns just by using reads: duration - whole fight; effect: knockdown (!). These is one of the rarer ones and maybe only 8 items of it exist.
Most armor & weapons will be a loot option otherwise.
The game rewards the patient ones, while it punishes the others! It's not a game, where you will deal uttermost ridiculous amounts of damage, but rather cripple and weaken your enemy or poison them ^.^
Reading-skills might be required for some skills & talents to understand, what exactly they do.
Average completionist time is around 40hours with every quest done on normal gameplay. Sadly a few achievements are still bugged...but better them, than either the act III main plot or a rather significant important sidequest in the same chapter for one of the most powerful weapons ingame.
That happened prior to patch 1.3 several times and forced me to reboot the campaign occasional ^^
Now that I spent quite a few time writing this, it's safe to assume, that I actually like the game, given 2 finished runs as well :>
[DSA / Dark Eye basic knowledge really helps to turn the game from a grind-experience into an actual gaming experience. Wish the developer would have paid more attention on the 'Drakensang' release and how it is done properly.
With a better story and less nonsensical simplified rules it would be higher rated.
Oh, and the bloom-effect; really?]
One shall not wound or poison a skeleton! Never ever
At least they messed up their weapon damage formula to such extent, that the magical attribute on a weapon nullifies it main-source of damage and converts it into a complete new one. Oi, look - it's a legendary speer....*uhm* why does it not do piercing damage? - because the game decided it should do magical damage instead, which 98% of all enemies have 0% resistance against. (that could serve as a hint =^.^=)
Did I mentioned poisons?
Nicht Empfohlen
1825 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.06.20 02:21
This game has nothing to do with tactics. Every battle is basically a puzzle you need to figure out.
I was playing on hardest difficulty, and I was screwed too many times.
I hoped for the better, spent hours to overcome stupid situations, because I like characters and story.
And here I am, can't complete this game, because its just unfair and crazy. I have no patience anymore nor the desire to reload the same battle hundreds of times.
Just skip it, or play on easy to enjoy characters and story.
4095 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.06.20 02:20
*No spoilers here =)
The plot is cool and the game is challenging. It takes a little time to understand the characters sheet and know what skills are worth or not, but you can only trully understand its complexity at almost half the game so read some tutorials first if you don't want to waste time. With that said, probably the hardest part is to creat a balanced party that can witstand all kinds of troubles. You can clearly see some D&D roots, specially in the games atmosphere, but he system itself is quite diffent and this is not a negative point.
The game presents lots of challenges, escpecially in battles, some moral decisions and choices that influence the outcome of events.
Graphics are quite fine, not super refined, yet you can see that the authors have put some effort on it. The audio creates a good atmosphere for the game and i did not found any glitches or bugs on my run, altough some users on forums warn about some bugs, but i'm not sure on which versions and if they're all fixed.
I'm eager to play the sequel game Blackguards 2 and enjoy more of that nostalgic D&D universe that is hard to find around these days!
GL & HF!
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2771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.20 00:14
Great voice acting, decent sound design and music.
Horribly overblown bloom effect, that cannot be toggled on its own, rather have to disable all post-processing, which turns the world very drab.
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913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.05.20 20:45
Man it has been ages since the last time I played a game that actually managed to wreck my whole computer when I played it but here it is. You got that going for your Blackguards. I have a personal agreement with myself where I don't have to feel bad cheating a game that is a broken pos. A game that is both not fun to play and breaks my computer at random times counts as a broken pos. This game is a broken pos.
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99 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.05.20 18:09
Combat mechanics: Meh. It is fairly standard, turn based, flanking, random hit/miss chance. It's OK, nothing innovative at all.
Inventory/class/skill systems: Equipment is very generic, there are much more robust systems out there. The skill systems for the 3 classes does look quite robust. It does however look like there are obvious better choices which you need to pick otherwise you'll struggle.
Story: The major turnoff. Linear, obvious, boring. 2-dimensional companion characters. Gives you choices which aren't choices as they all lead to the same thing.
Overall: There is nothing innovative in this game. I could overlook this if the story was good, the characters were interesting or the combat was compelling but the fact it all aspects of it are mediocre at best and poor in other areas there is really no reason to play this game.
73 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.20 03:28
One Hour Reviews #67 - Blackguards
When I see that a game is both RPG and Tactical, it's hard to know going in if it's going to be more of one or the other. In the case of Blackguards though, it doesn't waste any time making it's RPG influence evident, as the first thing you do upon starting a game is to create a new character.
It gives you the option between Basic and Expert mode for creating a character, which isn't normally something I see in RPG games. Apparently it's based on a ruleset called The Dark Eye, so the idea being if you don't have any background in that, you can choose the basic mode, and it will distribute your stats automatically.
I picked basic mode, and the only things I ended up having to set was my Profession and Gender. Based on what profession you pick, you have a selection of 5 looks for your character. So anyone looking for an in-depth character customizer will be disappointed. Finally I named my character and proceeded to start the game.
After a confusing cutscene, you are put in the tutorial, where it guides you through the basics of moving on a hex-based tactical map, and killing a wolf. After the battle, you are taken through another cutscene, and the story starts by having your character accused of murder.
Again, you'll see the heavy RPG influence here. In between cutscenes, your character is narrating what's going on, and soon he meets a few other prisoners, with whom you engage in a multiple choice dialog. Afterward, it's prison break time, and a chance for the tutorial to introduce you to more of the tactical elements of the game.
The game uses what it calls a ring menu that pops up when you right click, and it give you various options based on what profession you are. First you have the Warrior who is good with weapons and damage dealing, but poorly trained in other areas. The Hunter is good with ranged weapons, and most other disciplines except magic. And finally the mage is your magic casting profession, who has limited ability to use melee weapons, and no ranged weapons.
The tutorial also takes this time to explain how certain objects you can interact with during the fight. So for example my character moved to a spot and pulled a switch, which caused a conveniently placed chandelier to fall right on top of one of the guards I was fighting. Blackguards seems to really want to play up the interactive environments.
After winning the battle you are rewarded with some items that you loot off the guards. Ah yes, inventory management, another RPG staple. At this point I'd have to say that Blackguards really feels like an RPG that happens to have some tactical turn-based fighting in it.
Each subsequent fight I got in, the tutorial introduced me to some additional tactical elements, like casting a barrier spell. Once I broke out of the prison, I was introduced to the World Map, where I headed to a nearby city. Cities are basically just an animated background that allow you to select from a few different places to do business. For instance you can buy weapons from the Blacksmith, or rent a room from the Innkeeper.
Before leaving the city, the game prompts me to spend some time improving my skills. Skills are improved by spending Adventure Points (AP). I mentioned earlier how this game was based on a rule set called The Dark Eye. That influence is evident here, as the character sheet is a bit overwhelming at first. You have stats that are split across 5 different areas: Base Values, Weapon Talents, Talents, Spells, and Special Abilities. Everything costs AP to improve, with lower level stats costing less to improve, and the cost increasing each level.
Base Values cover your core stats, and here you'll see standard options like Strength, Constitution, Charisma, and Dexterity. Although strangely it also splits stats that are normally the same stat, such as splitting out Agility from Dexterity, and Vitality from Constitution.
One interesting thing about Weapon Talents. Most RPGs just have a base skill for your weapon type that you increase (think Skyrim). But in Blackguards, you can spend AP to increase your ability to attack or parry with the weapon. You have a slider which determines how the points are spread, so you can adjust it to focus more on attack and less on defense. And each melee weapon has this same option.
Talents cover various skills that you can level up by spending AP. Spells you can also level up, but only if you already know the spell. Otherwise you have to find a trainer to learn it. And lastly, Special Abilities are divided into different areas (Melee, Ranged, Magic, Passive). Some special abilities work in a tree where you have to unlock the lower abilities before you can get the higher ones. Other abilities are standalone and have no prerequisite.
After leaving the city, I got into one last fight where the tutorial introduced the concepts of line of sight and cover. Then my 60 minutes was up.
Overall I had a decent bit of fun with Blackguards, and I was surprised at how RPG heavy it ended up being. At the time I played it, it happened to be on sale at a whopping 90% off, so the game was only a dollar. That sale is over now, but even at the regular price of 10 dollars, it seems like a good value to me.
Because I didn't make it far into the game, be sure to read some other reviews to see what people felt about the tactical options and the later game. But that said, I'd happily recommend this based on my first hour of play. This is a game I'd happily spend more time in.
2519 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 11:05
Blackguards is the battle mechanics of The Dark Eye. You are commanding a party of up to 5 different heroes and engage in various figths throughout the story which itself lets you visit various places in southern Aventuria.
Granted, the game has some nice ideas and the battles themselves are quite entertaining. But the game suffers from many drawbacks:
* First, the difficulty level in “easy” is very high. That’s why I quit the game at the end boss, Urias. Since at this stage it’s more a matter of luck than tactics.
* You can easily skill your heroes in a very wrong. You have no chance to re-skill.
* The story is somehow confusing and not very intriguing.
* The graphics in some places are quite good, which makes the bad rendering in the cut-scene even more obvious.
To sum up: a nice idea with potential, sadly wasted: 5/10.
431 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.03.20 15:33
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59 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.03.20 17:58
31 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.20 09:04
What little I've played of Blackguards, I enjoyed. I don't think it's a great game, by any means, but it's interesting enough that, far from simply failing to regret my time with the game, I find I genuinely intend to revisit it again at some point in the future. When I have the time. And there aren't a thousand other, more compelling CRPGs demanding my time. In short Blackguards is a combat-focused SRPG, with a unique premise (your party consists of escaped criminals). From what I could tell, there's very little in the way of narrative reactivity or opportunities for player expression (all of the party members are predefined characters) but the storytelling was solid enough to propel me forward, even if the turn-based combat wasn't quite deep enough to capture my attention.
I suppose the responsible thing for me to do here would be to not recommend the game. After all, while I didn't find anything particularly wrong with the game, it failed to capture my interest all the same. But the time I did spend with the game... it wasn't bad. And I don't think I'd mind spending more time with it (though I may just jump ahead to the sequel instead). Therefore, I think, it's certainly worth the benefit of the doubt.
6072 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.02.20 06:05
舞台はDark Eyeというファンタジー世界で、ドイツ版Forgotten Realmのような感じ。
1598 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.02.20 21:53
I finished the game on normal difficulty in about 25 hours and got 60% achievements without trying very hard.
There were only couple of battles which felt challenging on normal. Just invest some time into learning the rules and everything else is just common sense.
Two-handed weapon damage dealer
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4106 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.02.20 16:19
35494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.12.19 17:01
I also like the fact that you and your companions are far from being heroes, all of you have dubious things in your collective pasts.
If you have some patience, this game should be well worth the rather cheap current price. I have over 500 hours logged on this game, in total.
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10993 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.19 08:30
The game feels dramatically different than the first two games, enough so that I don't feel like I'm playing in the same world. The game play dynamics of course are also very different. Though this is marketed as an RPG it's main focus is the Turn-Based combat. That isn't necessarily bad but there's hardly any RPG elements. You are not free to explore, you can only click a few options available as quests open up.
There's no random encounters to help you build your skills it happens exclusively through quests so if you didn't spend your points the right way at the beginning of the game you might have a great deal of difficulty moving forward. The combat RNG is terrible. Almost every battle I was in I was using attacks that had a 95% chance to succeed and yet about 90% of the time they failed. That means replaying the same battle many, many times over again till you can finally beat it because RNG was not on your side. The battles feel very slow as you wait for some 10 characters to make their move in some battles. There doesn't seem to be a way to fast forward that so you can just get on with your next turn so there's a l lot of unnecessary waiting. The story was semi-interesting but because the battles need so much repeating and take so long you tend to lose the story element and forget what's happening in the game other than you are fighting.
Towns and wilderness areas cannot be explored. Towns are just a scene that let's you click on a few merchants or occassional quest givers but all contained on the same screen (usually anyways... there are a few places where an arrow to another part of town is available). You exit the town only to a map and once you click on a destination you will enter either another town or a hex map for battle. As soon as the battle ends you're back to the map. The mechanics of the skills and equipment and everything is a little confusing and requires a lot of time to fully calculate the best options.
The graphics to the game are okay, but I wish there were a few more customization options for picking your specific characters looks and attributes in the creation menu. The background sounds and music are okay but nothing that I love, I don't hate it either but it's kind of meh. The voices are well recorded but I find some of them to be a little annoying with heavy fake-y sounding accents.
There are quite a few achievements available but I found it hard to progress in the game so I hardly got any of them so far. Some are tied to story/chapter progression while others are based on certain actions, in-game events, and other milestones. It seems like a nice mix of types of achievements but it seems like the type of game that will take a lot of time to get all of the achievements and possibly multiple play throughs.
At just under 10 hours I'm just shy of 1/4 of the way through the chapter progression so I believe the game very much could be 40 hours at least. Considering how much of the time is spent re-trying battles I'm not convinced it's the most enjoyable way to spend 40+ hours and it could easily be longer than 40 hours. If you playthrough in 40 hours though that makes this game about $0.25/hr of gameplay. That's really good if you enjoy the game and you can find it on sale from time to time for an even better deal. However, I just didn't feel it was offering me the most enjoyment for the time I put into the game. I'll continue playing from time to time especially to work towards the rest of the achievements but I can't say I'd recommend the game to anyone who wants to play it based on liking Daedalic's previous two Dark Eye Games. I also don't think it's a great Turn-based RPG so I can only recommend it if you absolutely love RPGs and find this on a deep sale.
I still don't like this game it took FOREVER to finish because even if you are using a good strategy your RNG can be so bad that you keep failing and having to repeat the same fight dozens of times before you finally win. The story aspect does pick up a little through the later half of the game but not as much as I'd like. You get to start making some decisions and choices in the last 3 chapters that can change the ending of the game but, most of the choices seems to be empty choices that have no real effect in the game other than occasionally skipping a fight. The additional battles in the DLC pack add a little more interest and some opportunites for additional Adventure Points (AP) but unless you really love playing this game it doesn't add much more than extended play time. For achievement hunters and completionists this game is a nightmare. About 30% of the achievements are bugged and cannot be obtained. Some are not available unless you pretty much play through the entire game (or at least after chapter 2) twice.
Daedalic Entertainment
Daedalic Entertainment
Engine:keine Infos
Kopierschutz:keine Infos
Franchise:keine Infos