Well this has been excruciating. We apologize for any scares and the inconvenience of having the game get reported as a virus.
We have fixed the issue and also put up a number of other patches! Here are the patch notes:
Antivirus False Positive FIXED!
We’ve implemented a temporary fix to stop antivirus programs flagging bms.exe as a false positive. We have a permanent fix in the works, so that this issue will not happen again.
Downloading the update is all you need to do to have the game NOT get reported by your antivirus or Windows Defender (sometimes you have to restart Steam).
Temporary Removal of DXVK
As a result of our antivirus hotfix, we had to temporarily disable DXVK as a launch option. We plan to bring this back online as soon as possible in a future patch.
Improved Controller Support
- Fixed an issue which prevented some Steam Deck users from climbing ladders or using trams
- Fixed an issue where custom controller bindings were not persisting
- Fixed an issue where controller camera movement would not obey iron sights sensitivity
- Reworked Gyro Aim which is now handled separately in accordance with Steam Input best practices
- Also added “in_gyro_look_yaw_sensitivity” and “in_gyro_look_pitch_sensitivity” console commands for controlling gyro sensitivity.
- Revamped default controller layouts:
- Official Layout for Black Mesa - Standard Controls. Our official bindings for devices without gyro support
- Official Layout for Black Mesa - Standard Controls. Our official bindings for devices with gyro support
- Official Layout for Black Mesa - Steam Deck Controls. Our official bindings for Steam Deck, adding trackpad support for the main menu
- New Steam Input Game Actions: [list]
- “Quick tripmine” - for quickly placing tripmines.
- “Quick frag” - for quickly throwing frags.
- “Use crowbar” - for quick crowbar switching.
- Fixed an issue where auto-aim would aim at items the player was holding (like ground sentries)
- Adjusted auto aim values in skill.cgf to have a longer range and be more magnetic
Dedicated Server Fix Soon
- Still testing internally but we did fix:
- Build process for dedicated servers (a compile switch was missing)
- This should resolve some crashing issues with dedicated servers
As mentioned in the patch notes, we completely overhauled the auto-aim feature within the game. This can be configured by changing console settings in the game. Details here.
If you would like to change the settings for the auto-aim permanently, all you have to do is go to Black Mesa\bms\cfg\skill.cfg and edit the numbers at the bottom of the text file.

We are interested to hear what people think of the auto-aim (most of us are terrible at playing the game with controllers).
Known Issues
Video Settings Crash
We are aware that if you change certain video settings WHILE in game, it can crash the game to the main menu and not let you resume the autosave it just created. We are looking into this!
Some UI Elements Need Localization
New HUD elements and controller options need to be localized
Invalid Game Configuration
If you get a message like below, simply restart Steam and re-launch the game.

Previous Necro Patch Notes:
Thank you for your patience and understanding. Thanks to everyone who helped us test AGAIN.