Black Legend
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Über das Spiel

Erkunde die zerstörten Straßen von Grant, einer Stadt aus dem 17. Jahrhundert, die auf der Architektur der Low Lands basiert. Unterstütze die Widerstandsbewegung in ihrem Kampf gegen die Mephisto-Kultisten.
Entdecke die Geschichte von Mephisto, einem gefährlichen Alchemisten, der einen wütenden Nebel braute, welcher die ganze Stadt bedeckt.
Nutze im Kampf die körperbezogene Alchemie auf der Grundlage des alten Konzepts der Vier-Säfte-Lehre. Meistere die vier verschiedenen Instabilitäten und kombiniere sie mit Katalysatorangriffen, um Gegnern massiven Schaden zuzufügen!
Schalte 15 spielbare Klassen frei, von denen jede in der Lage ist, einzigartige Fähigkeiten zu erlernen und mit unterschiedlicher Ausrüstung umzugehen. Meistere sie, nutze mit anderen Einheiten zusammen Synergien und werde der ultimative Erlöser von Grant!
Gestalte dein Abenteuer individuell selbst: von einer weniger herausfordernden Reise für Story-Fans bis hin zu einer Hardcore-Herausforderung, die jeden Fehler bestraft.
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i5-760 / AMD Phenom II X4 965
- GFX: NVidia GTX 580 / AMD Radeon HD 7870
- Software: Windows 7 64 Bit/ Windows 8 64 Bit/ Windows 10 64 Bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
- Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
- CPU: Intel Core i7-6700K/ AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
- GFX: Nvidia GTX 970 / AMD Radeon RX 480
- Software: Windows 7 64 Bit/ Windows 8 64 Bit/ Windows 10 64 Bit
- HD: 8 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 13:34
Leider verhindern ein paar fehlende QoL-Features sowie das schlechte UI, das man direkt richtig im Spiel ankommt und sich wohlfühlt. Das sorgt für unnötige Frust-Momente und ist total schade - mehr und besser angebrachte Informationen sowie besser strukturierte Menüs könnten hier leicht Abhilfe schaffen.
Ein Beispiel: Es gibt Fähigkeiten die einen Gegner vergiften oder brennen lassen. Jeder Gegner hat ein Icon über seinem Kopf, an dem Lebenspunkte und aufgebaute Alchemie-Kombo-Punkte angezeigt werden. Aber DoTs wie Brennen oder Krankheiten werden hier nicht angezeigt... (oder sie sind so versteckt, das ich sie noch nicht gefunden habe ^^).
Noch ein Beispiel? Oben erwähnte Icons scheinen sich nicht grundsätzlich aus oder anschalten lassen. Will ich wissen, wie viel Lebenspunkte ein Gegner hat, muss ich stets mit meiner Maus über den Gegner fahren. Ein schneller Überblick und Vergleich der Ziele fehlt somit.
Diese Dinge finden sich überall im Spiel und ich könnte damit eine Exel-Tabelle füllen; Oder ich komme mal zu den gelungenen Punkten. ;)
Die (etwas repetitiven) Kämpfe machen per se wirklich Spaß. Das Klassen-System motiviert und ist abwechlungsreich (nachdem man es halbwegs verstanden hat, das UI fördert den Lernprozess auch hier nicht so richtig). Das es direkt mit Release ein NewGame+ gibt ist toll.
Dann gibt es noch vieles, was ich als durchschnitt bezeichnen würde. Story, Optik, sowas.
Im Besten Fall kümmert sich der Entwickler halbwegs zeitnah um die Probleme mit UI & QoL, sodass ich mein Review bald anpassen kann. Im schlechtesten bleibt meine Rezension eben, wie sie ist. Update: Einige der gröbsten Schnitzer wurden mittlerweile behoben und es zeichnet sich ab, das die Entwickler am Ball bleiben und sich das Spiel in die richtige Richtung bewegt!
Zum Vollpreis würde ich nur Kaufen, wenn man gerade sehr große Lust auf genau dieses Spiel hat und über die Mängel hinwegsehen kann. Sonst lieber auf einen Sale warten.
374 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.03.21 10:22
Aber grundlegend ist es gut spielbar und das Szenario an sich stimmig.
Ausführliche Review folgt bzw gibt's hier bereits einen kurzen ersten Einblick in das Gameplay
334 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 21:16
213 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.04.22 17:23
Search every corner hidden treasure and loot
Apart from the main quest there are side-quests as you wander the streets of a doomed city and fight bloodthirsty cult
with daggers , rocks and cross bows you can also climb crates and walls
discover each characters development
like XCOM a bit more complicated experience like Mordheim
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82 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 20:13
I do believe there's a good base here. There's potential for this to be a really good game. But, I doubt anything is being done insofar as QoL fixes. At $10, it's still hard for me to recommend in its current state. Sad though, because this had a chance to be a black sheep.
2057 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 10:35
The setting is more unique than the usual fantasy fair, but the whole package over-all seems a little under-utlilised.
Mechanically, things are also a little shaky, and the whole game feels like it could have used a little more time in the oven. Even so, it's a fun time. It's good, but not great. If you're a fan of turn-based tactical RPGs and you want a setting and mechanics that are a little different, give this game a go.
1561 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.11.21 01:16
Bugs are the only major issue, I've had a few crashes and party members getting stuck in combat, nothing game breaking but more than enough to be an irritant. Overall it's worth a buy if you enjoy squad based combat games, though be advised it's more like XCOM: EO or W40K Machinicus than a more complicated experience like Mordheim: COTD .
Nicht Empfohlen
792 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.07.21 08:34
1585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.07.21 02:08
But it has some flaws! I Was playing on normal by the way
-Quest systems makes you go from A to B to many times like a courier boy (at least everything is marked and properly signaled in the town, not in the map sadly), the back and forth becomes anoying at some point so no new game plus for me, I saw everything I had to see.
-The shops make no sense, at the start everything just cost too much to buy/use, but after the initial battles you wont even need to use and just keep acummulating wealth.
-Good starting experience, makes you manage your items and vary your classes, but at some point past the middle you gonna be over flowing with items after so many fights.
-First boss its fine (in a normal progression), but the next ones feel underpowered when you finally reach them.
-Leveling skills just require you to use them, so attack a few dogs here and there and lvl them up quick.
-Ranged attacks felt way underpowered until you get the only good one in late game, happy trigger.
-You can climb crates and walls with E, nobody told me! Easy to put in the first tutorial there... (ok im just nitpicking at this point)
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1447 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.05.21 23:32
But this game is competent, it's easy to get the story, the atmosphere is engaging, voice acting is very good and dialogues are well written. There is a lot of character classes, a lot of different weapons, different armours, progress system is kinda cool and you feel that power rising.
And then comes the ending -there is none. Throughout whole game there were no cutscenes that we could see in a trailer (that's just different camera angle!!) and it reached lazyness level highest in a finale, where I don't even know what has happened - there is no dialogue, no information about anything, just one question - would you like to go back to menu or start new game plus - I have never seen ending that lazy. If this was early acces I would just get that ending hasn't been added yet, but no - it's full version and the thing that happened in a last two fights are ridiculous.
1273 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.05.21 05:32
281 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.21 15:39
I wish I could rename all of my characters and change the difficulty settings when I'm playing, I wanted an easy challenge but with permadeath. I will potentially return to it, but it requires a lot of patience to properly play it, which I don't have.
1952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.04.21 14:54
My thoughts:
My first impressions of this game were actually very good. This is because I love the 17th Century period in general and was drawn to the turn based approach of this game. I have also wanted to play some of the classes present here in a game. The atmosphere of this game has been good along with how you can freely run around the city. The animations and designs, although not perfect and could do with some work, are still pretty impressive. I paid full price for the game and do not regret it as I do not find it disappointing or sloppy.
I have not experienced any game crashing bugs or issues once during my game play and I believe I am coming up on half way through (insert loads of Cyberpunk flashbacks here).
Further, as someone else noted the AI plays the same rules as the player. I have not seen it cheat or appear to have unfair advantages.
I think it is unfair to compare this with XCOM. XCOM uses a percentage based hit system (which the developers play with for the lol's) whereas in this game the player will always hit. The amount of damage the player does depends on flanking or backstabbing, the amount of adrenaline built up (crit % chance) and which attribute it uses (Strength, Skill, etc).
Combat wise I have been thinking for a few days why others would find it cheap, badly done, sloppy, boring or repetitive. The biggest reasons I can think of are for the first few hours scaling is difficult and neither the player nor the AI has any decent ways to build up humours and may also expect other forms of damage to outdo this system (in real life it may not take much more than a sword swing and pistol at short range). This game is based around building up humours as quickly as possible and then catalysing them to deal massive amounts of damage - note the AI is also trying to do this to the player at the same time. Grenades are based this way as well - not damage but to apply a humour or bleeding/blindness. For example if a tank has to run many squares to hit an opponent then get bleeding on him and let the DOT wear him down, or stop the annoying ranged units from doing so much damage by making them blind, or punishing the AI for grouping up by chucking a fog grenade.
It is possible to see enemies (not bosses) before you engage them so I used this as a very simple form of Neverwinter Nights or certain MMO's where Wizards have to prepare their spellbooks before engagement. For example swap some skills out to ensure I can stack a load of certain humours on enemies that go deranged.
As you go through the city there are sign posts telling the player where to go so I have never got lost. Repeat enemies or similar scenery makes sense to me and to the lore - it is in a 17th Century town covered with fog not in the middle of Tokyo in 2021 with loads of different districts and changing skyscrapers.
I found a few of the sound effects repetitive yet did not notice the potato chip until I read some posts in the forum and now cannot unhear. Also some of the dogs are silent when hit. Fortunately the latest patch seems to have fixed these.
The audio levels of the people the player talks to are quite off putting and have not been tuned to fit in the game. I am not too harsh here because this is an indie game. On the plus side they do give it some emotion so at least it is not the same person monotoning by reading a script into the mic.
Scaling is also an issue that I ran into. The first area really is the hardest as the mobs are slightly larger and the player has not levelled enough to cope with it. It really is around 10 hours before more skills can be unlocked and the player starts to get into the swing of it. More work could have been done with the scaling rather than just presenting a cliff and expecting the player to keep up. Then again I am happy with the combat so it must work on some level.
I do not really do scoring or reviews (as is probably apparent). I just felt moved enough to write this. I do not regret playing it and will happily carrying on playing it into New Game +. I am very happy the developers are patching the game rather than leaving it.
Nicht Empfohlen
1385 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.03.21 17:07
Short Version:
Black Legends is fundamentally unbalanced with an inconsistent UI and clarity. These things are fixable and hopefully will be in these last few days before release. However, the boring, extremely repetitive battles probably are not, barring some sort of fundamental redesigns that will almost certainly not be happening. For me, if the UI and balance are fixed up I could find fun over the course of the ~20-25 hours of gameplay, but the repetitive battles will leave it as a toy rather than a truly great and engaging game. I would generally recommend holding off on it for now to see how the launch and post-launch support go. However, the flexible class system and unique builds are engaging and those looking for that in a tactics game may enjoy the game as is and find it worth looking past the flaws.
Long Version::
- Learning abilities and constructing builds is fun and interesting
- Alchemy system can lead to interesting build and combat decisions
- Game is very unbalanced to the point where specific styles of builds dominate
- Game has poor clarity, both in UI and actual rules
- Battles are boring and repetitive