• Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.
  • Beyond Divinity: Screen zum Spiel Beyond Divinity.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 27.04.2004
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Preis Update 27.06.24

Über das Spiel

Beyond Divinity ist der Nachfolger des preisgekrönten Divine Divinity. Die eigene Seele an die eines Todesritters gekettet, scheint es Ihr Schicksal zu sein bis ans Ende der Zeit an diese Kreatur gebunden zu bleiben, wenn es nicht irgendwie gelingt den Fluch zu brechen...Seien Sie bereit für Ihr größtes Abenteuer!

Diese neue, nachbearbeitete Version unterstützt Windows 7 und bietet eine höhere Auflösung.

  • Ein RPG epischen Ausmaßes Erleben Sie ein Abenteuer, das über 60 Stunden andauert, randvoll mit linearen Quests und einer gigantischen Welt, die in vier Akten entdeckt und erforscht werden kann. Und wenn das noch nicht reicht, können Sie jederzeit die Schlachtfelder betreten: ein zufällig generiertes Universum voller Beute, Feinde und neuer Quests.
  • Klassenunabhängige Charakterentwicklung Entscheiden Sie was für ein Charakter Sie sein wollen!
  • Genießen Sie eine offene Charakterentwicklung mit über 30 Traits und 290 Skills, wie fortgeschrittene Alchemie, Handwerkskunst, Fallenstellen und vielen mehr.
  • Teamwork ist der Schlüssel zum Sieg
  • Wechseln Sie nahtlos zwischen ihrem Avatar und dem Todesritter. Das Spiel lässt sich im Kampf nach Belieben pausieren und gibt genügend Zeit jedem Gruppenmitglied Befehle zu erteilen. Durch die Beschwörung von Puppen können Sie Ihre Gruppe noch weiter vergrößern.
  • Massenweise Interaktion Entdecken Sie die riesige Auswahl an Objekten, die allesamt untersucht, gehandelt, benutzt und kombiniert werden können. Haben Sie ein paar leere Flaschen gefunden und bunte Pilze gesammelt? Brauen Sie Tränke daraus! Ist Ihnen ein übelriechendes Gift in die Hände gefallen? Tragen Sie es auf Ihre Waffen und Pfeilspitzen auf: Ihre Feinde werden nicht wissen, was sie da getroffen hat!
  • Preisgekrönter Soundtrack
  • Freuen Sie sich auf den melodischen Soundtrack, komponiert von Kitill Pokrovsky, dem zweifachen Sieger von IGNs "Outstanding Achievement in Music" Award.


  • CPU: Pentium 4 1,4 GHz
  • GFX: DirectX kompatibel 3D Karte
  • RAM: 256 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP
  • HD: 2300 MB HD frei
  • SFX: DirectX kompatibel
  • DX: 9.0c
  • LANG: Englisch, Russisch
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Steam Nutzer-Reviews

2953 Produkte im Account
188 Reviews
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11 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.05.21 22:10
Nicht mein Geschmack. Aber ist ja auch schon seeeeehr alt und daher ist wahrscheinlich die Anforderung heutzutage allgemein höher
89 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3749 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.20 15:59
Gleich vorab: Wer den Vorgänger (Divine Divinity) nicht gespielt hat: Erstmal diesen anschaun, denn ich denke Beyond Divinity ist nur was für Leute, die den vorigen Teil gut fanden und Spaß damit hatten.

Man kann sicher einiges an Beyond Divinity aussetzen. Das Spiel gibt sich nicht gerade viel Mühe, dem Spieler den Einstieg zu erleichtern. Man muss sich erstmal reinfuchsen und sich mit der Steuerung und den Menüs vertraut machen. Das Inventar ist wie beim Vorgänger recht chaotisch und generell wirkt alles ziemlich old-schoolig und angestaubt. Zudem verbringt man die ersten Stunden nur in Dungeons, auf der Suche nach einem Ausgang und stirbt dabei häufig.

Dennoch: Hat man sich erstmal durch die ersten Stunden durchgebissen, entwickelt das Spiel den schon aus dem Vorgänger bekannten Sog: Man will unbedingt weiter erkunden, leveln, sammeln um sich immer weiter verbessern, was auch nötig ist, weil die Gegner ziemlich knackig sind.

So richtig Spaß kam bei mir erst ab dem 2.Akt auf, wenn man endlich im Imp-Dorf an der Oberfläche ankommt. Dort im Dorf bekommt man Quests und kann dann die angrenzenden Gebiete (Spinnenwald, Pilzwald, etc.) erkunden. Da war dann wieder das alte Divine Divinity Feeling da. Auf einmal entfaltet sich das Spiel und es entpuppt sich als wahren Umfang-Monster! Nach 40 Stunden war ich immer noch im 3.Akt und erkundete Tempel, Ruinen, düstere Wälder, Katakomben. Die Loot-Spirale war wieder voll da und man möchte sich unbedingt immer weiter verbessern!

Von daher: Wer Divine Divinity gut fand und ein gewisses Maß an Frusttoleranz und Ausdauer am Anfang mitbringt, der wird auch mit Beyond Divinity Spaß haben. Schnell durch ist man damit allerdings nicht. Es ist eher ein Spiel für lange trübe Tage...
86 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
95 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.16 17:40
Taktisches Vorgehen, alternativ auch mal Metzeln und das permanente dringende Bedürfnis, wissen zu wollen was hinter der nächsten Ecke ist. Ab und an ein eingestreuter Witz - was will man mehr an guter Unterhaltung? Klar - die Grafik hat schon ein paar Tage hinter sich - aber der Spielwitz leidet absolut nicht darunter! Ihr spielt Diablo I und II? Rollenspiele a' la Baldurs Gate sind euch nicht fremd? Dann kauft euch DIESES Spiel!
83 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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1263 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.06.15 20:34
Beyond Divinity ist der Nachfolger des preisgekrönten Spiels, Divine Divinity. Ansich, ein muss für jeden Sammler und Gamer. Leider ist diese, furchtbar umgesetzt. Abgesehen von denn schlechten Charakter-System und der schwachen Story, gibt es in der deutschen Steamversion auf Win. 8 zu viele Bugs!
Ständige Tonaussetzer, Story Lücken, Quest Lücken, teilweise tauchen Monster und Endgegner nicht auf oder bewegen sich manchmal nicht oder die vorher stundenlang erarbeitete Map ist wieder nach dem Neustart einfach wieder dunkel. Divine Divinity war eines meiner Lieblings Spiele. Die Fortsetzung bekommt jedoch, durch diese einfach nur peinliche Vorführung, nur 2/10 Punkten.

Wenn ihr euch das Spiel kauft wollt, dann bitte bloß nicht als Steamcode!
496 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
28 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.05.14 09:58
WERTUNG: 7 / 10 Punkten

Larian Studios gehört definitiv zu den ambitioniertesten und gleichzeitig unterschätztesten Spielentwicklern der Branche! Ohne Zweifel (und wer ein wenig recherchiert wird mir zustimmen könne) hatten Sie es nie leicht ihre Visionen Realität werden zu lassen aber trotzdem haben Sie es immer wieder geschafft, jeder Widrigkeit zum Trotz, ein tolles Produkt auf den Markt zu bringen.

Die Divinity Reihe gehört zu den Diamanten des Genres und auch wenn so manche Ecke noch ungeschliffen erscheint so ist der Charme und Detailreichtum der präsentierten Welt eine wahre Freude für jeden Rollenspiel-Enthusiasten! In kaum einem RPG hat man so viele Freiheiten, so viele tolle kreative Quests, witzige und zugleich kluge Dialoge. Die Level sind sehr atmosphärisch mit einem hohen Detailgrad, vielen Tieren, Pflanzen, NPCs und versteckten Überraschungen. Die Welt zu erforschen und ihre Geheimnisse und Eastereggs zu finden macht immer wieder aufs neue Lust weiter zu gehen um zu sehen was sich hinter nächsten Ecke wohl verstecken mag.
40 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
320 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.02.22 20:18
I have played this game for a bit! And.. it is an older game for certain! It doesn't mean it isn't fun but sometimes the adventuring areas can feel reused and repel replayability. Making your character can also be a challenge but it gets easier when you figure out how the game runs!
118 Produkte im Account
40 Reviews
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1211 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 16:35
I really enjoyed previous game, but this one seems kinda meh, so meh that i did not complete it(yet). The game mechanics are bit changed, more advanced stuff, but the gameplay just seems too meh, I think it lacks the feeling of satisfaction, because progression seems meh/slow to me. I love death knights voice 4/10
275 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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2663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.01.22 10:14
2/10 bugged trash - two points for good dialogues and jokes.
I had high hopes for it after finishing Divine Divinity, and was trying hard to enjoy it, but many bugs and crashes, and final battle (unkillable enemy because my character was not fitted for it, and I had not enough money to re-stat) ruined the experience. Playable only with unofficial guide, and overall not worth the pain and effort.
56 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2207 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.21 04:47
I really tried to like this game, because I LOVED DOS and DOS2, and enjoyed DD despite its outdated mechanics because it had a decent storyline and there was weight to the plotline. But the story in BD feels like a hastily-written fanfic spinoff. It's not engaging at all. You can read others' reviews for a list of the game mechanics faults, which I would have tolerated with a good story/plotline, but even with the wealth of dialogue and flavor text, it failed to make it feel like anything more than perpetual grinding. Quit halfway through; moving on to D2.
620 Produkte im Account
119 Reviews
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10 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.21 19:52
I tried to like it but I can't. After Divine Divinity it feels like huge downgrade.

- No open world like in older game. Same dungeons over and over, repetitive dungeon crawling.
- Need to grind in auto generated dungeons (battlefields), bland and boring experience
- Skills make no sense (skill itself and ways to learn it).
- No balance for loot (every enemy drops bags of loot, everyone drops arrows), no sense of accomplishment for getting rare item when you're getting too much loot from every enemy.
- No balance for enemy levels (deadly at first and then weak once you gear up and clear first battlefield).
- Music is good but has very limited selection of tracks. I had to turn it off because one track with intense chanting played non stop for a hour (whole battleground dungeon). That can make anyone crazy.
- Clunky UI, much worse than we had in Divine Divinity. Special notion goes to trading window - worst trading UI I ever seen in games till date. Game requires you to pass items from one toon to another so we're wasting more time on managing useless loot rather than playing.
Overall quality of the game is like Larian had some idea but were forced to release pre-alpha build.

+ DRM free game, can be played offline. I played it offline on Linux, Debian 10, Nvidia drivers, wine 6x in prefix with dotnet48. Acceptable performance, few crashes in 5-6 hours, a bit of lag in open areas (battlegrounds grassy area). From what I read it's consistent with Windows - same issues.
Stopped to play because it felt like waste of my time.
428 Produkte im Account
56 Reviews
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3227 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.07.21 23:19
Beyond Divinity really shows the roots to the foundation of the Divinity series but really lacks proper voice acting, engaging gameplay, and really struggles with the story it is trying to tell. Given I am playing this for the first time many years later I am not 100% sure if this is an game age issue or if the game is simply bad but I really found myself viewing my game time as a chore versus a proper and enjoyable experience. If you love the Divinity series you might enjoy this game but unfortunately the age and technical issues kept me from properly having fun.
598 Produkte im Account
194 Reviews
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1415 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.06.21 18:01
It's an okay game. The story and sountrack is less good than the first. The gameplay is very dated. The UI doesn't scale well on modern systems and there are a lot of crashes and bugs.

I wanted to play the series before starting Original Sin 1 & 2. But this was a dissapointment as well.

90 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2049 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 20:30
great game!
1033 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
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2768 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.05.21 00:08
Game runs alright on Linux with Proton, but you have to set it at an older version (I used 4.11-13 or something like that) and you have to have a resolution lower than 1080 or experience stuttering (at least I did until I lowered it and it ran smoothly from there). I only had 2 or 3 crashes in the 46 hours I played though I don't know if that's from being on Linux or simply because it's an old game. There were also several times where the screen went dark though it seem like things were still happening (i.e. attacking). I don't know what caused it, but simply jumping to the Battlefields (optional dungeon) and back fixed it right away.

I feel like the game itself isn't that good and I was just going through the motions/forcing myself to finish it. Think of it like a second rate Diablo 1/2 (I believe the game was made around that time). Controls were clunky - I often found myself clicking on things I didn't want or going where I didn't want to go. This is made worse that you control two people who only do things if you have them selected or set to aggressive. Worse, there are neutral enemies where if you even click on them in combat mode (not even attacking them) ALL members of that species turn hostile... which is really annoying on some levels where there are a bunch of them. They don't do any damage, but because you don't get any experience for foes 8 levels below you, it's an annoyance to deal with them. Did I mention that either you use Sneak and nothing can see you (3 - 5 levels) or you don't and everything can see you like miles away?

Also, I highly recommend avoiding Hardcore (the hardest difficulty). The idea is that it duplicates all foes (to make it harder) in exchange for you getting a 30% chance of 1 character getting 2 skillpoints instead of 1 and 9% for both to get 2. You could save prior to a level up and load as often as you wish until 1 or both got 2 skilpoints. In reality, this just made things tedious. Only 1 of the two creatures actually scales well with you until the final act (act 4) so you often only have 1 foe that matches your level. This isn't even that bad once you get a few levels and good gear. The issue is that things just get tedious - particularly in later levels when there are large mobs of foes that are now doubled - not to mention all of the neutral foes that are around making it very tough to do any dodging.

I also hated how the second to last boss (it's obvious who it is) is so freakishly strong with like 90% resistance to everything and high health. The final boss was really disappointing in comparison - he only hit hard and once you beat him... the game just ends like that. It also sucked that most of Act 4 (final act) just seemed to be primarily puzzles. The game had none of the charms of Divine Divinity.
103 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
1840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.05.21 10:54
good storyline but game need fixes because in act 4 after the saving game i died and i load last save but game is suddenly closed last boss very hard to defeated need balance
198 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2041 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.04.21 00:41
Its a buggy mess but I still enjoyed the story and the addicting gameplay. Save and save often!
192 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
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812 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.04.21 23:25
Sadly this one couldn't grab me like the original... While the original was quirky and had that feeling of aged CRPG feeling.. this one had more of a feeling of constant struggle with the system itself..

Stamina running out when just running down a hall caused me to constantly have to stop and rest.. then start up again.. or be forced to walk at an insanely slow pace to conserve it. Which was made even worse by the fact that my main character had more constituation and my DK was much lower... so he'd get left behind all the time while I was running around.

The skill system somehow became a mess between the first game and this one... They tried to get clever and add in a tree system, but unfortunately they failed to explain what any of the skills and their ranks actually do. No matter how many points I put in, it never seemed to really do anything.

Equiping things and inventory management was atrocious, it was nice to have the doll to be a mule, but thats about the only good thing. It was like they took the first one, and just added more people, without improving the actual window... They even split weapons and armor up and changed a bunch of categories so it was just confusing to try to find anything.

Quirks in the UI were a pain as well... like having the buy/sell window be multiple rows and columns instead of a single column like in the first one didn't make it easier, it actually make ti more difficult cuz now I was scanning left to right top to bottom with no filtering so comparing 2 items was a headache.

The combat system seemed to fall all to hell too, seemed like 99% of the time I missed, and then was shoved into impossible battles even on Very Easy difficulty.

I will give the game credit for TRYING to improve things, but the decisions they made were all half hearted feeling... Like, instead of actually making a second game, they just remade the first one and added a bunch of extra confusion to it.

I wanted to like it, but in the end, I went to Youtube and just watched the story instead. Sorry guys.

At least I know this is building towards something that is considered brilliant... Will make these painful early games even more worth it.
14 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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7683 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.04.21 10:55
Way too many bugs, game crashes, need 16 bit colour
159 Produkte im Account
34 Reviews
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626 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.03.21 06:33
Get Divine Divinity.
1323 Produkte im Account
117 Reviews
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172 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.02.21 05:39
Having now played every game in the Divinity series, I can now conclude that Divine Divinity is the only one worth playing. I loved Divine Divinity, and one might think that Beyond Divinity is just more of the same. It's not. It's a severe downgrade.

All of the things that made Divine Divinity really good, they are mostly missing from this second entry.

The environments are bad. Instead of these mysterious forests and villages, you're plopped in some stereotypical Diablo-style hell dungeon with lava and spikes everywhere. The story stinks; it's very bare-bones and barely makes any sense. The voice acting is horrible; and one of the main characters is constantly talking and the performance is so awful it's enough to request a refund. The quality of the art is greatly reduced, especially due to the introduction of low-poly 3D elements (instead of sticking with the beautiful detailed pixel art of the original).

The party system stinks too; having to control several characters is just irritating. The skill system is also really bad; a big downgrade from the previous game. I tried to get into this, but I can't do it. I'd prefer to just play the first one again.
676 Produkte im Account
125 Reviews
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466 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 18:22
I think compared to classics like Diablo, Baldur's Gate, Ultima series, Elder Scrolls, etc. - Beyond Divinity is rather unremarkable. However, that isn't to say it isn't worth the purchase and playthrough. I do think for most users, this game is far too dated and clumsy - especially the UI, controls, and...the voice acting. Definitely check out one of the old demos before playing (if you can still find one), otherwise check out some longplays/let's plays on YouTube.

Combat is mediocre at best and its old-school graphics are simply ugly, even for 2004. If that doesn't totally bite, then the fack that the controls are super dated and require memorizing, inventory management is sloppy, and the story + voice acting all comes off as campy and low budget. It does make you wonder how seriously the developers were about this release at the time. I don't want to trash it, it's actually not a bad game - but make no mistake that it is a rough play.

I recommend you skip this one.
167 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
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4154 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.02.21 22:42
Buggy, had to use hex editor to get to npc behind a wall, replace save file components to fix corrupted saves in act4. Glad it's over, just wanted to get through the series, but would not recommend to any sane person to go through that at this day and age.
393 Produkte im Account
159 Reviews
2783 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.10.20 21:38
Contrary to what others say, I actually think that Beyond Divinity is an improvement compared to Divine Divinity. It has better story, better items and greater variety of locations and enemies, and more secrets. It also has humour like all the Divinity games, although I found myself laughing less frequently than in DD.

The biggest problem with Beyond Divinity is its poor compatibility with Windows 10. There are numerous tricks for getting around this problem (from enabling compatibility mode to using DxWnd), but the only thing that made it playable for me was lowering the resolution of the game.

I know that I said that Beyond Divinity (theoretically) is better than Divine Divinity, however, unlike the first game in the series, I actually didn't finish the second game (I got to the end of the second act ~half of the game). The reason for that is backtracking and grinding through mobs. There's just too much of that. It gets boring after a while. This is a common problem of Diablo-like games and that's why I don't really like the genre. But, they could be enjoyable, if the story and quests are interesting. The stories and quests in BD ARE interesting, however, the overall experience is mediocre. I think it's ruined by the map design that forces you into backtracking and revisiting locations and makes locating characters and places harder than it should be. So, in the end, albeit still interested in how the story ends, I ran out of patience. Perhaps, I'll just watch some summary on YouTube to satisfy my curiosity.

Additionally, there are some minor faults that don't improve the overall experience either:

  • Just like in DD, the traders still don't have enough money to buy all your goods. Fortunately, you don't have to run around looking for them, as you can just visit the Battlefields to drop off the loot whenever you want;
  • There are neutral creatures that don't usually attack you, unless you attack them first. But, if you kill one, all creatures of the same species will attack you no matter where you are. Since they are always under your feet (also during combat with hostiles), it's really hard not to click on them accidentally. As a result, in addition to regular mobs, you are swarmed by multitude of frogs, bats, rats, and other tiny and not so tiny creatures.
  • Many skills are redundant. Fortunately, you can always reset your skills.
  • The UI is far from comfortable. It was bad in DD, too. But, in BD they made it worse.

Although, I didn't finish this game, and despite its numerous flaws, I still give BD a positive review. It's rough around the edges, but, if you are a patient player who likes old-school hack'n'slash RPGs, you might give it a try. It's no masterpiece, but it's not bad either.

My overall rating: 6/10.
154 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 23:27
I honestly had high hopes for this. But to me it just plain sucks. from the very start trying to find a key to open the door. and god help you if you use the only two keys that you find for anything other than the main door. I just reinstalled it to give it a second chance and no it still sucks IMHO
408 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
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2045 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 17:09
Despite all of it's faults, I almost completed the game ( I was fighting Samuel ) when all of my quick saves were corrupted and last manual save was too far to keep playing. This is one of the reasons I cannot recommend the game, the are several other reasons.

Save corruption had happened before, but always only on latest save. That wasn't so bad as there are five quick save places. But the game liked to crash a lot. I found that if your character is over encumbered, the game is almost surely going to crash. So if you play the game, make sure to sell your stuff or don't play like me picking up everything. :D

The inventory is quite awful.

Voice acting is horrendous. No game comes even close how awful the voice acting was.

Skill system is stupid. For example one handed melee skill is different than one handed melee with shield skill. Shield itself is separate skill. There are also several basically useless skills like lock picking. The game is also too stingy with skill points, only one per level or two if the level is multipliable by five. It's too little to put the points anywhere but in combat skills. Like identify; completely waste of points when you can easily and cheaply identify your items with vendors.

Some items (like books) are easy to miss. Because of that I never learned raanaar language, which made reading the books at the end of the game impossible. Luckily it's not mandatory.

So, there are quite a lot wrong with this game. But strangely I somewhat enjoyed the game. But because of all it's faults, I can't recommend it.
671 Produkte im Account
647 Reviews
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569 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 14:22
This game isn't as buggy as people say, well in my experience, but having to save often because of those rare bugs is annoying. The story isn't even interesting and skills are not even balanced. combat is fine but slower than the first game. 4/10 Not worth it for the story alone.
22 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1694 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.20 01:52
It's actually a really great game when it works. I got to act 4, at the philosophy level, and no matter what I do, the game will not load any saves I make past that point. It will load any save I made before then, so I tried replaying up to that point multiple times and making new saves, but I kept getting killed, and was unable to load any save that I had made after that Act 4 point. I honestly don't have the patience to play through hours of content each time I die to get back to the point where I was. So while I technically could still complete it, it's more effort than it's worth. I picked it up on sale for less than a dollar, and got 27 hours out of it (and had a lot of fun), so I can't complain too much, but it's hard to recommend when I can't complete the game due to a major bug.
57 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
3952 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.07.20 08:56
Be ready to meet the most sympathetic Death Knight you will ever see in a game.
319 Produkte im Account
249 Reviews
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392 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.20 14:32
To Divinity...AND BEYOND!

Serious note...this isn't worth putting up with the bugs on modern systems.

You will find this on sale for literal cents.
162 Produkte im Account
154 Reviews
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47 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.20 02:46
While I put a good few hours into the first game, here performance is bad on windows 10, UI is still terrible, and the voice acting is even worse. Don't think I'll be putting time into this one
169 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
4755 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.20 17:23
The game is good itself. Some issues with bugs at times. At the end of the day it's the typical hack and slash rpg style game, with a evil spin on it. I enjoyed it though, so I would recommend it to other players.
1392 Produkte im Account
759 Reviews
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53 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.05.20 14:54
Looked interesting, kinda like a D2-inspired deal. Unfortunately it has a ton of issues, or at least I did on Win10. This game has not aged well.
53 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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3129 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.04.20 16:41
I really wanted to give this game a good review, since I simply adore Larian.
This is a really funny game, and if you love environmental gags and mocking fantasy tropes then this game is going to make you laugh.
However, I really can't recommend it.
I am currently in Act 2, and I decided to uninstall. This game is a technical nightmare.
Audio glitches are still here from DD, except, instead of being constantly jumpscared by white noise like in DD, you simply lose all SFX for a while. This pretty much forces a save and quit.
Except, 50% of the time the game stays running, and the process isn't there in the task manager.
I've tried everything, the only thing you can do is reboot.
Ignoring this, this game is quite a mess from a design standpoint.
Adding a companion made the combat system struggle to keep up. Now friendly magic needs a target, which makes it pretty useless in combat. You need to constantly check your health, since a single KO is instant game over. Except now the HUD is tucked away in the top left of the screen. You can't use your peripheral vision to keep an eye on it like in DD.
The new skill tree is unrefined and overwhelming. You need both teachers AND skill points, unlike earlier or later games. There's no explanation in the game of what half of these do. Piercing damage stat on bows, point blank range, difference between death blows and crits, you just have to guess what they do.
Half of the stuff is useless, the other half is too much of a bother.
All ancillary skills are pointless, since you can warp to a Battlefield from anywhere at any time and make use of the 5 merchants and trainers there, which by the way allow you to train most skills to level 10 from the get go, destroying any kind of pacing. Their gold is instantly restocked, which means trading is unlimited, except this time around inventory space feels really limited, and forces you to teleport constantly.
The linear structure felt good in the beginning, but they botched it pretty bad.
When you go from an open world to a linear game, you can afford to have better dialogues, better voice acting and more meaningful quest. Since the PC's background is fixed, they could have given him more personality.
Instead, dialogue is the most bare-bone of the series. Your only forms of expression are pointless questions and very sporadic binary choices. Your character has no personality.
Gone are the days of the PC cracking jokes. Also, he's entirely silent. No voice acting at all, not even when interacting with the environment, à la NWN2. Your permanent companion has tons more personality than you, and you can talk to him besides asking for directions when prompted.
Then, when in Act 2 the game breaks the linear flow, it becomes even worse.
The open sections are confusing and directionless. Everything looks the same, and you can't distinguish quest givers from randoms at first sight.
The voice acting is, well, uneven at best. Some characters (very few) are masterfully acted (the ghost in the escape tunnel comes to mind). Everybody else comes straight from a bad school play.
This is sometimes funny, but mostly jarring, considering your permanent companion is in the latter category.
By contrast the music is great, but often too invasive, more fit to be a main menu theme than an area soundtrack.

Last AND least, the battlefields. They're complete garbage. Don't play them. Ever.
An interesting attempt at random generation, but it's done in such a bad way it makes most garbageware on Steam look like Planescape: Torment. Big empty areas full of trashmobs, it's like the wastelands of DD all over again, except infinitely worse. The rewards are completely unnecessary, too.

All in all, the very few technical advancements and great humor are completely overshadowed by the terrible design, lackluster combat system, forgettable writing and uneven voice acting.
I wanted to pull through because of my love of the franchise, but the constant rebooting made this a frustrating experience.
Also, the plot of this game is rarely referenced in the future, so there's almost no point in playing it.

Buy it if you want, and if it's cheap, but do it on GOG, where you don't have to deal with a launcher on top of a faulty game. Only for the most hardcore of fans.
513 Produkte im Account
173 Reviews
417 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.03.20 13:13
This game was my first encounter with the divinity series. After playing Divine Divinity this feels short of what the first game brought to the table. It was interesting to be able to use 2 characters instead of one and it might have as well influenced the original sin games. Story was there (not good not bad), characters somewhat interesting, combat acceptable.
323 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
988 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.02.20 19:51
The game has an interesting plot, difficult puzzles and good humor, but it's not optimized for modern systems. Regular crashes, fps drops, lots of bugs. Only the most persistent players will reach the final.
393 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
1688 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.12.19 18:31
Вторая игра в великолепной серии Divinity. Первая часть очаровала меня очень давно и я прошел её с удовольствием, но вот со второй у меня как-то не сложилось. Многое тут меня раздражает, игра плохо состарилась и я продирался сквозь неё с большими ментальными усилиями над собой. Финал? Финал меня поразил и всё объяснил... кроме того, что будет дальше.
В целом, если вы готовы потерпеть некоторые устаревшие геймдизайнерские решения, то поиграть можно. В основном ради отличной первой части.
192 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.19 00:17
I grew up on Divine Divinity, and I've beaten it maybe 20 times in my life. This game however, is a turd for several reasons but just to be brief, the 3D models and 2D drawn environment is awful. The leveling/trait system is awful. The Quests are locked out if you complete a section of the main story too fast. The voice acting is abysmal (and not in a funny way like Divine Divinity) and the humor is forced. Great concept for the story, but having to fight through a million dungeons and not seeing a single tree until way later is ridiculously boring. Divine Divinity had a great classic forest vibe and every town/area had a unique charm to it. This just feels annoying to get through and the skill trees are beyond annoying. Avoid this game, play the first one, as its near perfect in every aspect to me.
15 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
870 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.12.19 22:56
The game is pretty good but it is inferior to the first game in the series Divine Divinty. The biggest problem for me is that most of the story if i exclude the arena mode is placed in a dungeon that you are meant to escape. But still i would reccomend it because it is still a good game.
269 Produkte im Account
57 Reviews
6618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.06.18 12:19
Game fluctuates between hard as nails and incredibly easy with no in-between. Plot is okay, the two-man party where if one dies so does the other mechanic is frustrating. Overall an average game, a step down from Divine IMO. VERY buggy, the game loves to CTD.

But here's why I'm going to thumbs up this game...
I had a corrupted save. While looking for any fixes I found out that the devs were still supporting the game. I emailed one of them and sent them my save. Not only did he fix the save, he actually gave me some character build advice.

That kind of dedicated support, for a game that's almost 15 years old no less, deserves praise and has earned my support.

Buy full price.
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Rating auf Steam Ausgeglichen
48.02% 109 118
Release:27.04.2004 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Larian Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise: Divinity
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