Beyond a Steel Sky
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Über das Spiel

Du bist Robert Foster. Ein Kind wurde bei einem brutalen Angriff entführt. Du hast geschworen, es wieder nach Hause zu holen. Die Spur hat dich nach Union City geführt, einer der letzten verbliebenen Megastädte in einer Welt, die von verheerenden Kriegen und politischer Auflösung heimgesucht wird.
Union City ist eine Utopie, in der die Menschen ihr Leben unter der Überwachung und Kontrolle einer altruistischen KI lieben: stets wachsame Androiden, Designer-Wohnen, Plätze und Bars. Was gäbe es da nicht zu lieben? Aber diese Stadt hat eine Schattenseite ...
„Beyond a Steel Sky“ ist ein dramatischer, humorvoller Cyberpunk-Thriller, in dem fesselnde Rätsel eine rasante Erzählung in einer dynamischen Spielwelt vorantreiben, die auf die Handlungen des Spielers reagiert ? und von ihnen unterlaufen wird.
Die Welt
Ein Abenteuer in einer dynamischen Welt, die von eigenwilligen Charakteren bevölkert ist. Sie werden von Motivationen getrieben, die der Spieler unterwandern kann. Durch die Kombination eines einzigartigen Hacking-Tools und den Entscheidungen des Spielers gibt es mehrere Wege zum Lösen der Rätsel.
Die Geschichte
Decke finstere Verschwörungen auf und besiege einen furchteinflößenden Antagonisten in diesem dramatischen, humorvollen Cyberpunk-Thriller, der sich mit zeitgenössischen Themen befasst: soziale Kontrolle, KI und totale Überwachung.
Die Rätsel
Die intelligenten Rätsel sind mit einer faszinierenden dramatischen Erzählung verwoben, um ein fesselndes Spielerlebnis zu erschaffen.
Der Look
Eine wundervoll detaillierte Welt im Comic-Stil aus der Feder des legendären Comic-Künstlers Dave Gibbons.
- CPU: Intel Core i3-2100 (3.1GHz) or AMD Phenom X4 945 (3.0GHz)
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 650 2GB or AMD Radeon HD 7770 2GB
- Software: Windows 7 or above
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- LANG: Englisch
- CPU: Intel Core i5 3470, (3.20 Ghz) or AMD FX-8350, (4.00 Ghz)
- GFX: Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 4GB or AMD Radeon R9 280X 3GB
- Software: Windows 10 64-bit
- HD: 20 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
- DX: Version 11
- MISC: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- LANG: Englisch
Steam Nutzer-Reviews
1009 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.01.22 16:01
Die schöne Grafik ist ganz nett gemacht und unterstützt die Story und das Game sehr gut.
Was andere bemängelt haben, dass die Steuerung teilweise schwierig ist, kann ich nur teilweise bestätigen.
Man sieht nicht alles auf Anhieb, womit man irgendwie interagieren kann, sei es auch nur um es zu untersuchen. Aber das macht solch ein Spiel ja auch aus.
Ja, auch bleibt man mal an der ein oder anderen Stufe oder Tür hängen, das nenne ich dann Luxusproblem.
Das diese Problembehebung oder Interaktion Hacken meist zur Lösung oder weiter kommen führt, hat den einzigen Makel den ich entdecken konnte. Eben eine sich wiederholende Mechanik, ist für mich aber kein Grund es nicht zu empfehlen.
Der Wiederspielwert ist allerdings leider nicht gegeben. Aber ist ja auch kein OpenWorld.
1112 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 15:12
94 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 09:22
Die Fortsetzung nach weit über 20 Jahren ist mehr als gelungen. Es ist ein wahnsinnig gutes Spiel geworden. Ich habe es bereits 2020 auf dem iPad komplett durchgespielt und hatte eine Menge Spaß mit dem Spiel. Die erzählte Geschichte lehnt an so vielen Stellen an die von Beneath a Steel Sky an: Es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall diesen Klassiker nachzuholen, falls noch nicht geschehen.
Den unverwechselbaren Humor von Teil 1 und Baphomets Fluch ist auch hier tief im Spiel verankert. Einfach super!
Ich kann dieses Spiel uneingeschränkt jedem empfehlen, der Adventure-Games mag.
Klare Kaufempfehlung!
PS: Sollte das ein Entwickler lesen: Ich/Wir wollen endlich mehr Infos zu Baphomets Fluch 6 ! :)
913 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.21 13:04
Zum Spiel: Das Spiel selbst ist spielerisch keine Besonderheit, eigentlich spielt es sich wie ein Click and Point Adventure, mit dem Unterschied, dass man nicht mit dem Mauszeiger in Standbildern rum klickt. Es ist sehr modern und man bewegt den Charakter aktiv selbst, in einer toll gestalteten Welt. Als Werkzeug dient ein Scanner, mit dem man elektronische Routinen ändern kann umso weiter voran zu kommen. Als Beispiel: Bei einem Putzroboter klingt man sich mit seinem Scanner / Hacktool ein und verändert vorgegebene Arbeitsroutinen um ihn dazu zu bringen, an einer Stelle stehen zu bleiben, um jemanden zu retten, der auf einem Dach fest sitzt. So läuft dann auch das ganze Spiel ab. Sehr entspannt und stressfrei. Viel ist durch Logik zu lösen. Allerdings sind da auch Aspekte bei, die gar keinen Sinn machen und man sucht sich kaputt, was schon teilweise sehr nervig sein kann. Zum Glück sind diese Passagen auf Zwei im Spiel reduziert.
Wenn man mal nicht weiter weiß, gibt es im Menü jedoch einen Hinweis Button, der je nach Wartezeit immer mehr Hinweise anzeigt und einem in kniffligen Situationen auf die Sprünge hilft.
Zur Story: Die Geschichte ist anfänglich echt öde und wird erst im Verlauf des Spiels interessant. Wer hier bis zum Ende des Spiels durchhält, bekommt eine tolle Geschichte erzählt, die auch sehr viele Dinge aufgreift, die aktuell in der Welt vor sich gehen und mit Moral und Kontrolle zu tun haben. Nachdem ich den Abspann sah, fand ich die Geschichte echt Klasse. Vorab gesagt,: die letzten Vier Stunden machen hier den Braten fett und dieses Spiel erst spielenswert.
Zur Technik: Das Spiel lief zu 90% perfekt in 4K und höchsten Einstellungen. Es gab einen Crash, ( Spiel klappte sich zu ) In Zwei Cutscenes war es so, dass sich die Charaktere spiegelten und die Sätze doppelt gesprochen wurden, wobei dann auch die Kamera irgendwo im Nirvana war, aber nicht auf die Szene fokussiert. Diese lies ich aber einfach laufen und hatte keine Auswirkungen auf die Spielbarkeit. Die Grafik ist echt klasse und es gab keine clipping Fehler oder glitches. Es gab allerdings an einigen Stellen Fehler, wo man mit seinem Tool die Geräte nicht hacken konnte, weil diese einfach nicht markiert wurden. Dies war dann mit neu laden erst behoben. Immer schön manuell speichern.
Steuerung: Die Steuerung kann einfacher nicht sein und bekommt von mir die Bestnote. ( Mit Maus und Tastatur gespielt )
Fazit: Wer Lust hat, auf ein toll erzähltes Adventure mit einer Spielzeit von ca. 15 Stunden, der kann hier zugreifen. Ich muss dazu sagen, dass dieses Spiel ein Geschenk war und ich nichts dafür bezahlt hatte. Den Preis von 30 EUR wäre ich auch nicht bereit zu zahlen, muss ich gestehen. 15 Euro würde ich für angemessen halten und dafür bekommt man dann ein entsprechend gutes Spielerlebnis geboten.
Nicht Empfohlen
1040 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.11.20 23:34
Jedoch jedes 3D Spiel war ein Fehlschlag in meinen Augen. So habe ich Beyond a Steel Sky schon beim Kauf skeptisch gesehen, gebe aber immer gern eine Chance und wurde leider enttäuscht.
Hier wird ein Spiel verkauft, dessen Geschichte einfach langweilig ist, die Rätsel sind sehr einfach und wenn ich die Hinweise benötigt habe war mir gar nicht bewusst, dass ich diese Aktion so hätte durchführen sollen und hätte sie auch nur mit Try & Error versucht. (Cafe, Musik, Ansagen etc.)
Das System mit Hacken ist eine nette Idee, sie wird jedoch unglaublich oft angewendet und man muss versuchen fummelig die Objekte Logisch zu verschieben. Meiner Meinung nach nur um mit einem einfachen System viel Zeit raus zu holen. Wenige Plätze, die man besucht, langweilig auf gemacht. Das soll eine lebendige Stadt sein? Man sieht quasi kaum Menschen, alles leer. Sehr trostlos gefertigt. Wirklich sehr schade !
Das Spiel würde ich sagen besteht zu 60 % daraus, diese Hack-Funktion zu nutzen, 20 % unnütze Wege rennen, 10% andere Rätsel, 10 % der Rest.
Beim Rest muss ich ehrlich sagen, die Steuerung ist manchmal ein echtes Problem gewesen, da den richtigen Dreh und Angelpunkt zu finden um Objekte korrekt zu ergreifen war dabei nicht immer einfach.
Alles in allem kann ich dem Spiel keine gute Bewertung geben, zu enttäuscht bin ich von der langweiligen Story, die fade erzählt wird, den einfachen Rätseln, der trostlos aufgebauten Umgebung, keiner existierenden lebendigen 3D Grafik, nicht mal die Ohrringe haben gewackelt, das war alles starr.
Liebe Revolution Software, dass ihr Adventures könnt, möchte ich nicht anzweifeln, jedoch lasst den 3D Kram sein, macht wieder vernünftige 2D Point & Click Adventures, mit tollem Sound, einer spannenden Story, so wie Baphomets Fluch 1+2, oder die Konkurrenz Deadelic Entertainment, deren Adventures waren auch sehr toll orientiert euch wieder daran, das würde mich persönlich sehr freuen.
765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.10.20 12:52
Was ich nicht beurteilen kann ist die Erfahrung, wenn man das erste Spiel vor langer Zeit gespielt hat. Ich stelle es mir großartig vor, nach so langer Zeit einige (wenn auch wenige) Charaktere wiederzutreffen.
Das Spiel lief sehr gut unter Linux. Anfangs funktionierten allerdings die Achievements noch nicht. Hinweis für Linuxer: Der Vorgänger ist in Linux-Repositories vorhanden, bei Debian und co einfach das Paket beneath-a-steel-sky installieren.
1663 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.09.20 21:22
- fucking cellshading graphic
- WASD Controls
- Graphics are still consistent and nice to watch
- controls still good to handle
- nearly forgot to mention that hacking tool that turns the game into a complete new experience
Good Adventure, old school mechanics with Telltale graphics and wasd movement, but still in a good way
1080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.08.20 19:53
Nicht Empfohlen
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.03.22 21:49
1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.03.22 18:36
EDIT: I would likely buy this in a sale... I think I did.
926 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.03.22 22:17
772 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.12.21 00:10
Nicht Empfohlen
537 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.12.21 19:33
Without even talking about the glitches, bugs, and inane puzzles...
It does not have any semblance of atmosphere. The graphics are too bright and happy-go lucky, the world is empty...
What a waste.
895 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.11.21 03:40
494 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.10.21 22:54
One of the things this game does well is bring the player up to speed on current events as it very quickly and efficiently reminds us of the main things that happened in Beneath. It is done so naturally and will help ensure that it’s not necessary to play the original if the player doesn’t have the time or the inclination to do so. Indeed while this game is a sequel it doesn’t rely on nostalgia or on the success of the original game and it stands well enough as a standalone game in its own right.
The writing is of a particularly high standard. Much like their previous games, this game combines a serious overall story with plenty of humour sprinkled throughout. While the changes in tone in the original game from serious to comical were a little jarring at times it is handled better in Beyond and the humour is considerably more restrained this time.
The puzzles can usually make or break an adventure game. More recent games have done away completely with traditional puzzles and only include choices as replacement for these traditional puzzles. Other games, in their attempt at creating challenging puzzles sometimes make them illogical and frustrating instead. Thankfully they are logical and interesting and fit well into the story in Beyond.
There's a solid adventure game in Beyond A Steel Sky. The puzzles make sense and ease newcomers to the genre, the story is mostly on point, and the writing is robust. Whether you're a longtime fan of the original or just coming to its world now, there's plenty to enjoy in Beyond.
- Foster remains an amiable protagonist
- Conversation trees feel nice and deep
- Great voice acting
- New hacking puzzles are intuitive
- Thoroughly modern feeling dystopia
- Lack of puzzle diversity, particularly in the later scenes
If you like this review, then please consider giving it a thumbs up. I've also reviewed other games that you might find interesting. If so please follow Top of the Chart.
Reviewed on: Win10 Home 64-bit, Intel i5-11600K, GeForce RTX 3060 Ti 8GB TUF, 32GB DDR4-3600 RAM, Kingston NV1 1TB M.2 NVMe SSD
1056 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.09.21 06:06
92 / 100
The next long-awaited story in the Steel Sky series was certainly well worth the 25 year wait! Starting with the simple goal of finding an abducted boy, the story slowly unravels to reveal an insightful & poignant message relevant to our own modern technological society. Wonderfully written & voiced with witty dialog & a heavy dose of humour; I wanted to try out every dialog choice (especially with Joey!). Puzzles at times are difficult, although in general were OK, were overly reliant on your hacking tool or crowbar (not-so-much traditional item manipulation). Reimagined sprawling Union City looks fabulous, controls were good & easy to navigate the world. A memorable experience I absolutely adored!
✔️ Interesting & quirky characters. Joey is fantastic!
✔️ Hacking mechanic was a fresh addition; really well designed & implemented.
✔️ Conversation Wheel selection was smooth.
✔️ Some great puzzles reminiscent of classic point & click adventures.
✔️ Top notch voice acting. Refreshing to have some Australian/NZ accents too.
✔️ Witty & humorous dialog. Scenes like Songbird/Alonzo interview in apartment had me in stitches!
✔️ Story arc kept me engaged throughout, and provided clear direction/goals.
✔️ Hidden things to discover, along with many Easter Eggs from the original game.
❌ Awfully glitchy NPC character movement/pathing. NPCs get stuck, stop, get in the way or interrupt story convos.
❌ Some poor fixed camera work in conversations too - too zoomed/blocked/off-aim at times.
❌ Although most puzzles were great, they were overly reliant on the hacking tool/crowbar.
❌ Limited savegame slots don't provide enough for one full playthrough.
❌ No photo mode/free camera mode? Real shame since the game is very screenshot worthy.
❌ Cannot zoom out. Foster can often taking up a large section of screen.
❌ Bug in entry of Union City left me wasting over 1 hour with failed door interaction (till game reload!).
❌ Why did I collect sooo much Spankles? ツ
If you enjoyed reading this review, please follow True Blue Reviews for more recommendations!
757 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.09.21 14:15
I must confess I never actually finished Beneath A Steel Sky. I didn't find out about the original game until a few years ago. Unfortunately it was one of the older adventure games that passed me by. Saying that you don't really need to play the original as I mostly understood what was going on (obviously there are some little nods and nostalgic moments for people who did the original back in the day). You are not required to play it to get what is going on in this.
The story of the game....well Its funny really, you can see a lot of parallels in it's story that are actually quite reflective of what is going on today as of 2021. What a lot of governments are subjecting the people to I mean. Rightly so however, I feel the game gives the message that this is unacceptable and cannot be allowed for a multitude of reasons. But I left the game with a feeling of hope which is a great message to leave a player with.
All that aside (its a game after all and it just happens to be a mere coincidence) The game is quite cinematic. With some amazing looking skybox art which harkens me back to the old days where you'd just be there staring at it for ages. The game frequents you with this and its excellent eye candy.
The cinematics are well framed and flow nicely. The game also has some has interesting if not slightly confusing puzzles to solve at times (which there always should be in an adventure game) and they're mostly logical ones too (if you get stuck there is a hint system to guide you at all times). The game also has very nice production values. Especially for a game of its calibre and budget.
The music is fantastic too. Alistair Kerley should be doing more film/game soundtracks. At times the score really reminds me of something from the likes of David Arnold/James Horner/Alan Silvestri/Elliot Goldenthal/John Debney. It adds a great sense of mystery and adventure at times just like their music does. Its great.
Revolution has done a good job. Here's to more adventure games from them in the future.
1155 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.07.21 02:55
804 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.07.21 07:02
The game is 3D, but plays very much like a linear 2D adventure. Graphics are wonderful and the story and characters are interesting. Inventory puzzles are minimal and for the most part using the hacking tool will be the main form of puzzle solving throughout the game.
Easy recommendation for traditional adventure fans!
1359 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.05.21 23:06
Beyond a Steel Sky nails the ending, too, great ending. I recommend this game.
956 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 18:47
637 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.21 08:33
P. S.
Get a lot of drinks from the vending machine with the right tool you can become a Spankles collector :D
1463 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.21 19:46
Beyond a Steel Sky
There are excellent reviews written about this game already that cover the things I usually have to say so I will not reiterate them here.
How about this? I loved this game.
New mechanics are introduced; it still feels like a “good old point and click”.
There are some clever and unique puzzles that you solve with your new tool: an excellent hacker device! I had a lot of fun with this and extended my game-play by doing many unnecessary, but fun things with it.
Game Play:
You access your inventory and game options by the escape key or “I”.
You almost always know your objective and how to proceed. If not, there is a hint function if you get stuck that provides one nudge at a time rather than the solution.
You have many set-up options so tweak away to your hearts content.
The game autosaves after a chapter/memory. You also have a manual save option (thank you!).
Traditional WASD movement. A right click flips you around; that was a nice addition.
Story, story, story, that is where it’s at for me and this was well written and engaging.
I suffered no crashes, and it ran great for me.
This was the best game I have played in a long time. I cannot wait to find out what those pesky humans and androids get up to next!
My play time was about 14 hours.
1244 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.03.21 01:49
The artwork is engaging and reminded me of the later Broken Sword games (with more detail and higher resolution). The characters were interesting and likable. The voice acting is professional and I enjoyed the various accents. There is a lot of dialog to move through and (in most cases) dialog topics 'gray out' once they are exhausted. I usually skip through dialog and speed read the subtitles but, in this game, I found myself slowing down to enjoy the audio portion of the game.
Although Beyond a Steel Sky is a standalone game, I would strongly encourage you to play through the free Beneath a Steel Sky first to have full context. I found the older game a bit tedious and used a walk-through in some areas to avoid hours of 'try this, try that.' What was really interesting was to see the differences and similarities in how the city, characters, and LINC sections compare between old and new.
Be advised, this is a long and somewhat complicated game with a lot of areas to explore and objects to examine. There is a very cool hacking feature that adds to the complexity. I often found myself wondering how someone would figure out some of the hacking scenarios without any assistance. Note that a hint feature is provided.
The game automatically saves at regular intervals and also provides multiple slots for explicit saves. If you are a 100% achievement hunter, be prepared to play through twice since the first decision point for an alternate ending appears early in the game.
I highly recommend Beyond a Steel Sky to anyone who enjoys a narrative adventure. It includes all the elements that I appreciate in this type of game - a charming and brave protagonist, a story that makes sense, a heroic quest, and (as an added bonus), some deep thoughts about the nature of humanity!
One added note - the game includes a large number of cut scenes (some long and some short) which need to be watched. Thus, this is not a game to play in a hurry.
1265 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.03.21 22:23
Revolution Software Ltd should make more quest games.
1390 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.03.21 20:54
Those who never played the original can still enjoy this game for the fun and puzzling adventure it is. But if you are a fan of the original, this is definitely the sequel (and upgrade) that you deserve. The same witty writing and fantastic design is prevalent here. The voice acting is great. The animations are smooth. The soundtrack is as grand as the city itself.
Old or new to this series, it's definitely recommended for adventure/puzzle fans.
455 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.03.21 02:48
433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.02.21 15:16
Having played the original game definitely helps, but thankfully, you can enjoy this game without prior knowledge and it will explain (or remind) you of the world Steel Sky takes place in. It’s a dystopian future set in Australia, where some people live in several technologically advanced cities and some live a simpler life in the Gap (current Outback). Robert Foster, the main character of both games, has lived in the Gap for 10 years since the events of the previous game, however a sudden incident leads him back to the setting of the first game – Union City.
While the original game was a screen-by-screen point and click adventure, Beyond works as you would expect from a modern 3D adventure title with direct character controls. It feels really good, both with keyboard and mouse and a controller (apart from several menus where the controller has issues), and reminded me about just how far we went since the awkward earlier attempts at this type of controls back in Dreamfall in 2006. This being an adventure game, lots of gameplay is about solving problems, which, luckily just like with the first game, are mostly problems and not abstract puzzles. Though you do still get moments where you can formulate a plan only after randomly trying out an interactable object because it’s interactable, not because you knew what to do with it.
A big part of problem solving is also delegated to the hacking tool that you get early in the game. It’s a fun simple concept, which basically allows you to swap instructions between devices you’re connected to with the hacking tool. It’s usually very limited in what can be swapped, so you don’t get overwhelmed, but developers left enough fun optional interactions that won’t solve problems, but will get a reaction from the game. They mostly put those during parts where you will be experimenting when trying to find a solution so you don’t get bored when, for example, swapping the voice tone of an announcement robot and learning that yes, they did in fact voice over all of the variations.
Just like with Beneath, the game isn’t trying to wow you with constantly new locations and characters and rather tries to put the things you’re already familiar with in a new context with each new story twist. So you will be revisiting locations and learning more about different characters. Which will differ from playthrough to playthrough depending on how you play, mostly in minor ways, but there are a few moments that will change the fate of some characters. And there’s even at least one moment where you can “die”, though it’s not as much of a risk as it was even in Beneath and relying completely on auto-saves is fine for the most part (you can manually save at almost any point too, however).
Despite so often being comparable to Beneath, Beyond is smart enough to be its own thing and not rely on the original for the most part, as far as a direct sequel can. That said, there are moments that feel like pure indulgence in nostalgia, or character returns that feel unnecessary and a bit gimmicky. Plus, the game has what has thankfully became a rarity in modern games – clear references, sometimes outright scene quotations, of movies or books. It’s been a very popular thing to do in the 90s adventure titles, so I guess it’s also nostalgia. But as someone who has never appreciated those, especially in games that have so much of their own identity, this felt jarring. As did the somewhat abrupt and lacking ending segment of the game. It wasn’t bad, unless you really hate story twists that you can call from hours before they are revealed, but it did feel a bit too simplistic and also handled rather poorly in terms of gameplay.
All that said, however, Beyond a Steel Sky is a wonderful adventure game for a modern age. It’s one of the most enjoyable takes on the genre as of late, where you still get both the adventure feel and the problem solving aspect of the classics, without weighing too far into one or the other. And it’s a really good example of how the classic point and click adventure gameplay can be transferred into 3D with direct controls of the character. If you’ve never played the original game, I would suggest checking that out first, but if you don’t feel like it, playing Beyond a Steel Sky would still be a very enjoyable experience.
703 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.02.21 03:04
776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.01.21 22:12
Some of the voice acting was a bit janky, but the main characters were great. The writing was engaging, you can really talk to characters a lot to learn about the world, and it was genuinely funny (and bittersweet at the end!)
The puzzles were very light, but clever with a neat hacking mechanic I haven't seen anywhere else. Overall, heartily recommend!
2410 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.01.21 05:50
TL;DR: 9.5/10
Note: The game ran pretty hot for me on a new mid-high-range gaming laptop; however, I had no problems.
- excellent story
- omg the fan service... for sci-fi geeks, that is XD
- if you know Asimov, Star Trek, or any of the other oldies but goodies, you can see where the story is headed early to part-way through, but you *still* really want to see how it all works out, and the ending is *still* really cool
- the main character is awesome
- the graphics are perfect for the story
- the music is good
- the voice acting (English, in my case) is outstanding (I really loved it)
- the secondary characters were very well done (both the good and the bad)
- one puzzle that drove me nuts (okay, maybe not a fair con)
- Orana should have had an action scene (mostly kidding, but I wanted to see more of her)
- the GangGang birds are scary
- only 10 or 12 save slots, but you only need them if you tend to save too much
Honestly, I don't have any other cons. I seem to have outwaited all the glitches, because the game ran smoothly for me. Share and enjoy! (Brave New World, Aldous Huxley)
~ Imp
1444 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.21 21:34
863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.12.20 21:06
996 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.12.20 20:04
8 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.11.20 07:05
Nicht Empfohlen
935 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.10.20 13:37
But that isn't a killer criticism. It takes away from my experience, but it's not fatal. Another niggle is the voice acting for Foster, the protagonist. He never sounds like someone that's been living in the Mad Max-esque world of the Gap for years, where people survive on the scraps of technology left from the occasional super-city. He sounds, in fact, like a teacher that's trying to be friendly and cool to his students, and the limitations of the facial animation really shows when he does need to emote something.
But on to the killer. The biggest criticism I have of BYASS is of the story, starting with the setting. In the original, you got to see an overview of the different levels of society in Union City - you start out in the Industrial Level at the top, proceed to a middle class commercial and residential level, and then the upper-class garden on the bottom. You also got to visit a police station, factory, surgical office and court house, all of which reinforce different parts of the society and how things have gone badly wrong. The policemen are fascistic, the factory owner is cruel and uncaring for his employees, the surgeon happily takes your testicles in payment for a new set of fingerprints, and the judge is straight-up insane.
This new Union City, on the other pretty good. We're [i][told/i] about some really awful stuff it does, but it's presented by a conspiracy theorist and all happens in another city that we never see. Apart from that, it's been kidnapping kids from the Gap, but it's not really made clear why or how they're harmed in the process. The last big thing is the Qdos system, a social currency and rating system that we're told causes social stratification...except we never see any poor, working class citizens that are victimised by this system. The whole climax revolves around proving that the city is hopelessly corrupt, and yet everyone looks well fed and enjoying the nice weather. There's one character that suffers, but it's not well explored.
And, finally, it fails to explain a fairly vital plot point. At the end of BYASS, you copy over Joey's programming into an android to give him a new body, and optionally collect his circuit board afterwards, so you walk off into the Gap with your old buddy in your pocket. In this one, it takes for granted that you left him behind, and that the 'other Joey' was the one you left running the city. It's very out of character for Robert to leave his best friend behind like that, and worse, in the end it's stated that everything went wrong because you walked off and let that other Joey run the city unsupervised...and at the end of this game you do the EXACT SAME THING!
771 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.10.20 05:51
7586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.09.20 15:12
625 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.09.20 11:22
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914 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.20 19:44
The game has times when it feels rough, which hopefully will continue to be patched, or learned from in future projects from the studio. Puzzles are mixed in complexity, but some do not allow for slight variation in coming to the answer, forcing one way to solve the puzzle.
Hacking presents a clean interface, but does not allow for freedom in how something can be hacked, as you are restricted to moving specific shaped commands, and most options are locked to avoid obviously messing up how an object is programmed. It is really cool to be able to hack multiple objects at once, but that loses its appeal when a lot of puzzles require hacking to move forward.
Beyond A Steel Sky hurts the integrity of the themes and concepts of Beneath A Steel Sky by repeating them on a surface level. This could have simply been a remake of Beneath A Steel Sky to build a foundation for creating a fresh sequel.
Highly recommend playing Beneath A Steel Sky, as it has been freely available for over 15 years.
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2502 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.08.20 01:23
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640 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.20 04:03
It feels incomplete. Plot feels barebones. Gameplay mechanics feel too basic. There's potential for something much much better.
I hope what happened to this game was just the consequence of mismanaged development, and not a money grab at the expense of fans, because it fells a lot like the latter.
586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.08.20 15:02
Even though I do not play many adventure games, some of them occasionally catch my eye, and I have to give them a chance. Beyond a Steel Sky is one of them, as I love cyberpunk setting, so it immediately looked interesting enough for me. I finished the game in about nine hours, and I think that it is a fair amount of time for the content the game offers for its price. The positive thing is that I still managed to enjoy it despite not playing its predecessor, Beneath a Steel Sky, from 1994.
Beyond a Steel Sky starts with a beautiful comic-book style cutscene, and it is a shame that it does not occur later on anymore. The plot is about finding the kidnapped child from your village. The trails lead to Union City, which looks at first glance as a wonderful place to live. Citizens are supposed to be happy all the time, so they get every food and entertainment they desire. However, this comes at the cost of their free will, and the dark secrets lie behind this curtain of happiness. While the game presents it with a slightly serious tone, it manages to lighten up the mood with several humourous dialogues and situations. Robots are especially humorous, as they sometimes refer to Monthy Python. Most of the main characters are quite good, as well. Some characters are a bit generic but still enjoyable. And while developers did a good job in this regard, I feel that there should be one iconic character for which I would remember this game, yet there was not one for me.
Dialogue wheel is present with a lot of topics you can ask about. Some give you just more information about the lore of the city and its characters. Unfortunately, sometimes the dialogue options feel a bit scattered, as the game sometimes requires asking about the same topic again, even though NPC already told you the mentioned piece of information. That topic looks like it has new, additional information, but that is not the case. I would expect this to be more fleshed out, as the game is mostly about dialogues.
I must say that I enjoyed the game’s story from the beginning, as it was interesting to explore the city’s mysteries. Unfortunately, I would say that the last two hours are worse than the rest of the game, and the ending feels a bit rushed and disappointing. Main characters are also not challenged enough, and everything goes way too easy for them. However, the ending did not ruin my experience. It just could be a bit better. Few choices impact some cutscenes, but those changes are rather small, and I would not replay the game to see a different outcome.
There are also several nods to the previous game. However, you can still enjoy Beyond a Steel Sky even if you did not play the previous game. The game explains the predecessor’s story and relationships quite well, and I never felt like I miss something or that I do not understand what is going on. So, in that regard, developers did a pretty good job.
The gameplay itself is quite simple, so there is not much to say. You control the movement of your character freely (with WSAD or Left Stick), so it is not just a point & click game. A white circle shows you interactable things or people. You always have a choice to examine it, use some items from your inventory, and in the case of the object being person, talk to them. You are always in a relatively small location, and to continue to another one, you need to solve an environmental puzzle. Those puzzles are well-made, as they are not very simple but also not extremely hard. There is also a hint system in the main menu for players who get stuck. A new hint occurs every 30 seconds, and if you activate them all, you have a tutorial that tells you what to do next. There are also several details you can notice while exploring the world in the form of pictures, banners, books, and e-mails. I loved exploring these small areas, as there was always at least a bit of new info about the game’s world.
The hacking system is an important part of gameplay, as you usually need to hack something to continue on the level. Its controls are simple, as you need to switch various tiles. In your playthrough, you hack a lot of robots, doors, elevators, and many other environmental things, such as virtual banners. However, these options are quite limited, as you can only switch tiles between objects and not create new ones or delete some. I enjoyed the gameplay for what it is, as it offered what I would expect from this kind of game.
As the game released firstly on Apple’s mobile devices, some of its graphics and animations, especially the facial ones, feel a bit outdated. However, I would say for the game’s price it still looks good, and the game’s colourful art-style helps a bit with it. All the locations look differently and present a different tone. You will visit futuristic plaza with gardens and shops, as well as oldish industrial skyscrapers or virtuál reality in LINCspace. I also must admit that the game offers several nice views, whether it is over the city or in the desert.
The game’s environmental sound effects are of good quality, as well as voice acting. As for the soundtrack, it does its job finely, but there are no compositions I would remember or even wanted to hear again.
The game was tested with an i5 8300H, GTX 1060 6GB, and 16GB RAM, running at high settings at 60 frames per second, at 1920x1080 resolution. The game ran mostly without any significant problems and crashes, except for LINCspace/MINOS areas, where I got framerate drops down to 35-40 frames. While it was unpleasant, these areas cover only a small portion of the game, so it was not a huge problem for me. Other people reported even some game-breaking issues, but developers seem to update the game regularly and are active on their Discord server, so kudos for that.
One of the main “cosmetic” issues is that NPCs usually have problems with pathfinding, so they bumped into each other or the player and get stuck there. While it is not a big issue, it certainly breaks my immersion into the world, as it happened almost in every location. As the game is not that complex with its mechanics, I would expect that pathfinding issues would be minimal. However, those issues are still relatively small, and definitely not game-breaking.
While Beyond a Steel Sky has a few aforementioned shortcomings, it is still an enjoyable and pleasant experience for adventure fans, even for people, like me, who have not played the original game.
[url=][quote]Feel free to follow TentacleBunny’s Cozy Cottage for more reviews like this!
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618 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.20 06:32
To be transparent, I had a bug where i had to replay the entire first 2 hours of the game to resolve it. That puts a bad taste in your mouth.
The puzzles are either SUPER easy or arbitrary and confusing. The devs have created an interesting hacking system, but you never feel clever using it. It never pays off. Everything you do seems random, rather than clever. The hint system tells you how to technically progress rather than gives you story-based hints.
As the story progresses, it is incredibly predictable and none of your learned skills ever pay off. There are no branching story arcs that I could see, and I never really felt any ownership of the final outcome. This game seems like it could have been good with some additional dev work/budget but it never really comes together.
By the end of this game, I could not be bothered to care about the outcome. I had no connection to the characters or their world. I usually love games like this, and I feel this seriously missed the mark.
862 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 21:52
Revolution Software
Vertrieb:keine Infos
Engine:keine Infos
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