News Liste BattleSouls

Beta 0.5.3 Now Live!
27.05.16 16:41 Community Announcements

Thank you for all your great feedback on BattleSouls! We are taking it all in to account, and this big update is the first step in getting all your suggestions in the game.

  • Added a playable tutorial.
  • Added map loading screens with map and game mode info.
  • Hp bar will flash red when you take damage.
  • Screen will flash red more intently on the sides and when you are low on health the sidebars will stay red on the screen.
  • Changed buff crystal color to yellow instead of blue which was confusing.
  • Replaced select team graphics so they are no longer placeholder.
  • Toast message size increased to make it clearer what is happening.
  • Grass has now been replaced on all maps which should improve performance and look better.

We are making some changes to the heroes to make them last a little longer in combat and specifically we are giving Darmian the knight a little more damage to make him more viable in melee.
  • Baruus [list]
  • Changed Hitpoints to 1150 up from 1000.
  • Rosita [list]
  • Changed Hitpoints to 1150 up from 1000.
  • Pharaz [list]
  • Changed Hitpoints to 1150 up from 1000.
  • Cornelia [list]
  • Changed Hitpoints to 1050 up from 900.
  • Darmian [list]
  • Changed Damage to 180 up from 150.

  • Fixed kill ticker alignment bug when people have long usernames.
  • Fixed a bug where a server would not allow characters to spawn.
  • Fixed a bug where you would not get an end of game screen if you connected to a server where the game had just been won.
  • Changed where the game sets resolution to avoid flicker on the pre game loading screen.
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Release:12.05.2016 Genre: Massively Multiplayer Online Entwickler: Pixeleap Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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