• Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.
  • Battle Brothers: Screen zum Spiel Battle Brothers.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 24.03.2020
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Preis Update 28.08.24

Über das Spiel

Battle Brothers is a turn based tactical RPG which has you leading a mercenary company in a gritty, low-power, medieval fantasy world. You decide where to go, whom to hire or to fight, what contracts to take and how to train and equip your men in a procedurally generated open world campaign. Do you have what it takes to lead them through bloody battles and to victory?

The game consists of a strategic worldmap and a tactical combat layer. On the worldmap you can freely travel in order to take contracts that earn you good coin, find places worth looting, enemies worth pursuing or towns to resupply and hire men at. This is also where you manage, level up and equip your Battle Brothers. Once you engage a hostile party the game will switch to a tactical map where the actual fighting takes place as detailed turn based combat.

  • Manage a medieval mercenary company in a procedurally generated open world.
  • Fight complex turn-based tactical battles with historical equipment and brutal injuries.
  • Permadeath. All characters that die in combat will stay dead – unless they return as the undead.
  • All characters come with their own background stories and traits. Want a stuttering ratcatcher, a greedy witch hunter or a drunkard disowned noble?
  • Character development without a restrictive class-system. Each character gains experience through combat, can level up and acquire powerful perks.
  • Equipment that matters. Different weapons grant unique skills – split shields with axes, stun enemies with maces, form a spearwall with spears or crush armor with a warhammer.
  • Diverse enemy roster. All enemies have unique equipment, skills and AI behavior.
  • A dynamic event system with atmospheric encounters and tough decisions outside of combat.
  • Three late game crises – a war between noble houses, a greenskin invasion and an undead scourge – add a looming threat.
  • Two full hours of orchestral soundtrack.
  • 70 Steam Achievements and Steam Trading Cards.

Overhype Studios is an independent game developer studio from Hamburg, Germany. We are devoted to making great games that we want to play ourselves. With Battle Brothers we strive to reflect the creativity, complexity and originality from the old days when game developers were passionate gamers, not corporate businessmen. While doing this we took a lot of inspiration from some of the best games out there: The original X-Com, Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat and Jagged Alliance.

Zusatzinhalte zum Spiel

DLC Battle Brothers - Beasts & Exploration 28.11.2020 9,99€
DLC Battle Brothers - Lindwurm 18.10.2020 ka
DLC Battle Brothers - Blazing Deserts 12.08.2020 -20%14.99€11,99€
DLC Battle Brothers - Warriors of the North 08.05.2020 9,99€


  • CPU: 1.2 Ghz
  • GFX: OpenGL 3.3 compatible video card with 512 MB
  • RAM: 1024 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • HD: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Make sure your video drivers are up-to-date!
  • LANG: Englisch
  • CPU: 2+ Ghz
  • GFX: OpenGL 3.3 compatible video card with 1024 MB
  • RAM: 2048 MB RAM
  • Software: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
  • HD: 1500 MB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • MISC: Make sure your video drivers are up-to-date!
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

36 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
2702 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 16:19
Wirklich tolles und vielschichtiges Spiel. Man muss sich aber ordentlich reinfuchsen, sonnst verliert man ziemlich schnell. Die Grafik ist nicht der Rede wert, aber mich stört das überhaupt nicht und hässlich, so wie von vielen behauptet, ist Battle Brothers meiner Ansicht nach nicht. Außerordentlich schade ist, dass das Spiel nur auf Englisch verfügbar ist. Die Dialoge sind detailliert und mühevoll ausgearbeitet. Auf Deutsch wäre das Erlebnis noch eindrucksvoller.
Klare Empfehlung!
205 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
169 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.12.20 16:37
Battle Brothers is a neat and very challenging roguelike kinda strategy game with turned based combat. The choice of the right weapons and armor inflicts heavily the outcome of combat. Map is also randomly generated, different difficulties; that offers some replayability. Wish i wouldnt suck so hard in this game lol
90 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4006 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.12.20 12:30
not worth the money - pure bullshit lottery
204 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
20997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 17:31
Auch wenn der Daumen nach oben zeigt, will ich eines von Anfang an klarstellen bei meiner Verweildauer von über 300 Stunden ist BattleBrother ein unseliger Zeitfresser und trifft mit seinen durchdachten Kampfmechaniken, seiner anschaulichen Mittelalterwelt, die den Schauplatz für eine Söldnerkompanie bietet, all das was ich mir in den 1990ern - die Zeiten von Darklands und Jagged Alliance2- für ein Spiel gewünscht habe. Die entsprechenden Waffenfertigkeiten- mit dem Speer können anrückende Feinde zurückgeworfen werden, die Keule betäubt den helmlosen Gegner und Äxte zersplittern Schilde- und das Ermüdungssystem, dass schwergerüstete Landsknechte nach mehreren Kampfrunden zwangsweise pausieren müssen, erwecken ein authentisches Gefühl. Es macht auch für Spieler wie mich Spaß, die sich nicht allzusehr in die dahinterliegende Zahlen und Wahrscheinlichkeiten einarbeiten wollen, intuitiv neue Taktiken und Aufstellungen auszuprobieren um mit verbesserter Ausrüstung und erfahrenen Söldnern den Herausforderungen neuer Gegnerhorden zu begegnen: Während sich beispielsweise Dunkelwölfe und Nachtzehrer gut mit Klingen und Pfeilen dezimieren lassen, sind diese Waffen gänzlich ungeeignet um die untoten Legionäre, die diszipliniert mit erhobenen Schilden in einer Phalanx anmarschieren zu Knochenstaub zu verschandeln. Neben dem extrem süchtig-machenden Prinzip- noch einen Auftrag erfüllen, noch ein Goblinlager ausheben- liefert das rudimentäre, nur als kleine Zugabe zu verstehende Handelssystem eine zusätzliche (zu vernachlässigende) Möglichkeit, die meist knapp-bemessende Kriegskasse zu füllen. Die gut-geschriebenen (englischen) Ereignisse und Story-Texte, die die Spielwelt ausschmücken, erfüllen ihren Zweck, auch wenn die meisten von ihnen sich im Sinne einer Open-World mit der Zeit wiederholen und von den Meisten alsbald weggeklickt werden dürften. Ich werde mich demnächst wohl überwinden müssen, das Spiel zu deinstallieren, welches mehr als Beweis für seine Qualität aufgefasst werden sollte. Ein letzter Gedanke, der mich wiederum in mein Kinderzimmer der 1990er-Jahre versetzt; zwar ist BattleBrother als Singleplayer konzipiert, nichts spricht aber dagegen - hier mag man mich altertümlich schimpfen, was dem Mittelalter ja entgegen kommt- sich einen guten Kumpel an den gemeinsamen Bildschirm zu holen und die verfügbaren Mannen untereinander aufzuteilen.
63 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
981 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.04.20 10:29
Eine deutsche Übersetzung wäre jetzt noch das Sahnehäupchen.
119 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
16250 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 12:53
If Xcom & Mount and blade had a baby this is it.
- This game takes the turn base, tile movement, (Hit %) and talent tree/skills from Xcom & Character/Equipment/stats interface + map/map movement and food /gold upkeep from Mount & Blade & Dice rolling scenarios like Dungeons & dragons.

The main points of difference/Similarities:
- up to army of 12 + 8 reserves
- Gather renown for completed missions & battles, more = better contracts, enemies will run from you etc.
- Can choose the good or evil path which affects the contracts you get.
- Easy will probably seem hard for first 100 hours ish
- Need to save often incase you lose a guy or run into something you cant beat
- Every game has a seed number so every map is different
- if a character dies he dies except (small chance of surviving with permanent stat loss which is as useless as dead)
- many Different enemies: Humans, Orcs/Goblins, Undead/zombies, wolves, lindwurms etc...
- every character has a talent tree & stats that you can upgrade per level
- Each character also has traits - Farmer, Mercenary etc.. which gives additional bonuses
- No mounts but there are pets that help in battle
- equipment/medical supplies/Ammunition needs to be replenished after battles
- also has some storys that you can play like lone wolf (Play with 1 guy) etc

*** The best thing is every game can last forever if you choose, if you beat the final mission on day 100 or so (depending on which disaster you choose) you will have the option to continue with your army and the game will automatically spawn the next disaster over the next 100 days etc. can continue over and over and get stronger and stronger.

In summary the game is great, heaps of content, 270 hrs in and still havent beat the hardest difficulty/try all the different buuilds and story missions. if you ever see the game on 50% sale dont hesitate !!!!
105 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
8350 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.22 03:15

It took a total of 139 hours and I had to come back to the game a total of three times and watch probably 4 hours of youtube videos to learn the tricks. but i am champion of battle brothers!!!!!

I am 40 and don't play many games. If i can do it, you can do it!!!!

Wait there are EXPANSIONS!!
388 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
1863 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.04.22 03:55
'ate orcs
'ate spiders
'ate necrosavants
'ate southerners (not racist, just don't like 'em)

luv grain
luv me brothers
luv me banner
luv the north

simple as
130 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
17085 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.22 16:39
Easy to learn, hard to master. You grow attached to your guys. The artwork is fantastic.

I've nearly put in 300 hours into this. Hours that could have been spent helping humanity. THAT'S how good this game is.
2265 Produkte im Account
49 Reviews
3351 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.04.22 21:31
Gives me the Xcom vibe of brutal battles and an unforgiving strategic map layer. Finished the noble house and orc invasion scenarios - 10/10 will play again
118 Produkte im Account
15 Reviews
12440 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.22 02:06
200 hours in, its only been 2 weeks or so with this game at the time of writing.

-Probably the cause of my divorce
-You will suck
-Even if you think you are good...
-You still suck
-Still playing on beginner everything
294 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.22 15:46
a desert snake followed me into the mountains of the north and ate me
98 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
120117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.04.22 20:25
One of the best and most atmospheric games I've ever played.
I'm not much of a reviewer and the biggest endorsement I can think of is this is only 1 of 2 or 3 games I've ever written a review for in over 3 decades of gaming.

A few points.
It's hard. If you don't like hard, don't play.
It's VERY tactical/strategic. If you just want to zone out, don't play.
It's MUCH better with all the DLC, buy all the DLC.
129 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
2208 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.04.22 04:29
Hard, stress-inducing, tactical, strategy, companion building, sorrow and loss generator that brings a load of fun! I hated this at first because I sucked. After losing my first few companies I understood the mechanics and how to play, then made a new company. I can still say that I suck at this game, but my roommate and I play with each other trying to command our mercenaries together and we hype our men up. Just had a fight with my fifteen men I have had for weeks (in game) and then we were ambushed by a pack of orc berserkers. I now only have 8 of my men...and those who survived are the toughest of the tough. In order to appreciate the good times in the game you're going to endure the losses and bad times. Your troops leave if they are not fed well, if you don't pay them on time, or if they lose too many of their friends they will be horrified and leave. Best way to keep your men happy is to keep them equipped well, get them a variety of food, and after kicking ass in a battle be sure to buy them a round of drinks to celebrate another day of life and a toast for lost comrades. I may suck at this game, but I am going to, at some point, lead a mighty band of mercenaries the whole land will revere. Try this out yourself and gather your very own battle brothers.
623 Produkte im Account
42 Reviews
512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.03.22 01:07
Stellar strategy RPG! Has a very addictive and satisfying gameplay loop, basically you train up a mercenary squad thru deadly encounters with a variety of enemies, and eventually form a stronger and stronger team that can take on harder contracts. In short - it's fun, rewarding, unpredictable and just a joy to play if you are at all a fan of RPGs or specifically strategy RPGs. I can see why people pour hundreds and hundreds of hours into this one, it's really *that* good! A+!
191 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
985 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 23:01
Although this game checks all the boxes for a game I like, it just checks too many for those I don't. It's like it wants to be darkest dungeon, but the sub par music, bland looking characters, and the fact that their bonuses are always temporary yet their flaws are almost always permanent, make this game far less appealing. It doesn't have any charm, and unlike darkest dungeon you never grow attached since it seems like the gear is what makes the character useful. You get people just for cannon fodder to cover people with more expensive gear, and even then your enemy can just randomly decapitate you regardless of worn armor. It just feels bad.
6534 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
3797 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.12.21 17:39
My beard grew a beard while playing this game.
59 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
73487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.21 00:18
A top 5 game of all time. It's just an incredible balance of story telling, magnificent mechanics, and raw open ended replay-ability. Fantastic game. Stands out in my decades of gaming experience.

The game goes to show you don't need AAA graphics to make a game. Well done Overhype Studios for making something truly special to my heart.
215 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
160707 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.21 15:15
I would put this game in my top 5 of all time easily. The learning curve is immense but very rewarding every time you figure out how to beat something that used to wipe your party, I am still learning things even after 2,600 hours which certainly says something about replayability and depth. There are obvious similarities with Mount and Blade, Darkest Dungeon, Mordheim(I am more thinking of the tabletop game than the computer game) and games like X-com/Jagged Alliance but I think this game is more than the sum of its parts. It strikes a good balance of how much of the game is randomized vs things you can rely on as well as maintaining a very good difficulty curve for the difficulty selected. Even on expert you can keep a run going smoothly if you know what you are doing but greed and overconfidence will get you killed. Even when I get unlucky I have played this game enough to know that I should have seen whatever happened coming and took the risk anyway.

As someone who dislikes how permadeath is implemented in a lot of other tactical rpg's, I think this one does it better than any other. Unlike in Xcom where replacing a character is basically just grinding them up, In Battle Brothers, every character is randomly generated within parameters set by their background which is then modified by traits and talents(which determine which stats they have better growth in. Most characters won't ever be great but knowing how to leverage what you have to get a stronger company is part of the draw of the game. They will eventually die but by that point you will almost certainly have found someone better to replace them. Getting a true god of war is very satisfying.

TLDR; If you like challenging tactical rpgs this is the game for you. There is nothing else quite like it on the market and it will keep you coming back for years to come if you are willing to learn its systems. Bonus points for the dev only putting out a handful of very high quality DLCs in a market where most games are oversaturated.
951 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
2239 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.12.21 21:56
Imagine Xcom in 2D but in medival fantasy setting where magic is very uncommon, where world is very unforgiving and your experience is a difference between life and death of your whole company of men.

That is what Battle Brothers is. Open-world turn-based very addicting game of building the fame of your company from the ground. I cannot count how many times I had to reload my game to not loose my favourite men, until I realised that I should live with the consequences of my actions and accept losses as they are. You learn from your mistakes and when you finally get to the point where your company is able to take bigger challenges you are really proud of what you and your men achieved.

DLCs do add quite a lot of flavour to the game and for people looking for even more challenge is The Legends mod, which I fully recommend. This game was also insipiration for a new game called Wartales.

It is truly a labour of love and unique experience that I cannot recommend enough.
53 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
4705 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.12.21 15:54
Mostly a great game but the amount of fake difficulty is too much. If youre up for the game to just decide youve lost by no strategic mistake of your own its perfect for you. Also incredibly toxic fans who hold the game back from improvement by insisting its perfect.
336 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11159 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 20:10
Easily a 10/10 game
344 Produkte im Account
69 Reviews
696 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 15:30
I like Battle Brothers.
I recorded some of my progress in Battle Brothers if anyone prefers a more Audio / Visual format; I know I do. Take a look if you like.
I really like Battle Brothers. Battle Brothers is a turn based RPG all about tactical combat across a medieval Open World, with bandits, gobins, orcs, and more. Cool!

Think Mount and Blade, but turn based.

You roam around the map completing contracts for gold, hiring mercs, upgrading your gear, and improving your characters. Each individual soldier Lvls Up as they succeed in combat, and you can put in the attributes and choice a talent; mighty high lvl troopers are much better than raw recruits!

Battle Bros. differs from Mount and Blade by focusing around the direct control of a large section of up to 20 men, as opposed to real time combat with only general control of up to hundreds of troops.

So smaller unit tactics, but a deeper tactical and RPG focus, as you can specialize, equip, and stat all your troops, not just your companions, which means more of a focus on the RPG mechanics; cool.

Battle Bros Pulls No Punches

Tough and challenging, Battle Bros will drop your boys in a minute if you give your foes a chance.

Attacks of Opportunity are in, and are BRUTAL in BattleBros! If you or the enemy leave after becoming adjacent to a foe, these attacks keep triggering on each move attempt until you miss, or the enemy does! Ouch! Same goes for the Spear Wall ability, it will keep triggering and forcing foes back until you, or they miss; very powerful.

Remember: For attacks of opportunity and abilities like the SpearWall, there is no AP or fatigue limit to them: they will keep triggering until they fail to connect.

Did I mention the Hex grids! Oh Ya! No tiles, Hexes here, the most tactical of the turn-based movement patterns; only the best for Battle Brothers!

Use Your Weapon Abilities to Survive!

Abilities are tied to your equipped weapons: Set up a Spear Wall to keep the enemy back and poke holes in em, form your men in a Shield Wall, interlocking their shields to protect the billmen / pikemen behind as they skewer and smash foes from behind your meat wall.

Sent out your archers / skirmishers on the flanks to blanket your foes with missile weapons to soften them up, and maybe drop a few before the lines meet.

Procedural Generation and Optional Perma Death are Present, but BEWARE!

Procedural Generation and optional Perma Death add both surprise and weight to your actions, as you attempt to hold your battle bros band together and turn a profit in a bloody, gritty vicious world. BUT!

WARNING: Don’t play Battle Bros in the perma death “Iron Man” mode, as the game is clearly NOT Designed For It.

I tried, and the game is just too unforgiving and the combat far too swingy to even attempt it.
And don’t rely on the autosave before each battle, as it represents a rather strong hint from the devs as to the swingy nature of the combats, where 1 bad roll can cost you greatly.

Also, the autosave is right at the combat, not before it, so remember to make a save at town BEFORE you accept a quest, as you might get a different one, then save after in a different slot if you like the quest.
And speaking about the Save System:

Don’t Save Over Your Existing Saves, It Causes Bugs.

When I did it, time advanced to day 8,700 something, or was it 87,000 ish? It was something crazy. The game got VERY LAGGY as well, so, Remember: Make a new save, don’t save over existing saves!

Battle Brothers Critiques + Suggestions

Now I like Battle Brothers, it is gritty, and I like that it is an RPG that allows me to put my attributes into my characters, as well as pick a perk each lvl, or at least, each lvl they survive. But, the game is often unfair, and is more than a bit unbalanced in its approach to the combat; let me explain. But first:

1. There is Very Little Chance to Recover from a String of just Bad Rolls:

There is no real in-battle healing, so the combat ends up very swingy, with much of the outcome depending on those rolls.

Unlike in say Low Magic Age, another Tactical RPG, where you have the tools to recover in the fight against a series of lucky / unlucky events, using things like instant healing, AOE crowd control, buffing allies, and the summoning of allies in the battle.

That is either impossible or MUCH rarer in Battle Brothers, which has the result of the super swingy combat, where everything often boils down to the die rolls, with no real backstop to recover.

2. Attacks of Opportunity and abilities like the Spearwall have no AP or fatigue limit to them: they will keep triggering until they fail to connect.

What this means is that there is no cost to the performing unit after moving into position or activating the ability, it simply happens, at no AP, Fatigue, or any other cost.

Other, more balanced and mature combat systems, like D&D 3.5, Pathfinder 1, etc, limit these attacks to either one per round, or to some limit tied to the character in question’s stats, like Dex, if they take rapid reflexes as a feat in D&D 3.5 for example.

Absent these local constraints, the combat can spiral down into a wack-a-mole feeling that greatly damages the immersive atmosphere of Battle Brothers that the game tried so hard to build.

The image of my gritty, tiring, and very mortal warriors, fighting both their many foes, as well as their building exhaustion and plunging morale, bravely soldiering on and continuing the fight, fades away as one dude robotically pokes or swings away at 5 other dudes absent any real physical cost, that was five attacks.

From a balance and game immersive standpoint: that seems like something that a character should both have to build for, and something that should have more of a cost.

3. Necromancers are Massively Overpowered!

There is seemingly no limit to the amount of times they can use their magic and raise the dead.
I have even seen it happen when the creepy dude was dead! WTH game!

Maybe consider balancing the necromancer; give him a limited amount of spell slots.
Makes me think the Undead Priest and Goblin Shaman are equally unbalanced. That is concerning. L(.

4. More Open World Content Please!

Things like meeting up with other merc companies / lords on the world map and traveling with them, teaming up with them to complete tasks and quests.

As far as I have seen, that is not currently possible, though, there might be isolated missions that allow it, like the caravan escort quests. That would be really cool, and would inject more Mount and Blade Immersive questing action into Battle Brothers. Not a bad idea I would say…

So Battle Brothers is not perfect, far from it. But it is still a good game, and a game that presents many areas to improve upon in any further expansion / sequel, so something to look forward to I guess.

So Lvl Up your men, shaping them into a force to be feared, by bandits, greenskins, and perhaps even the terrifying and untiring ancient walking dead! Turn-based Tactics sandbox style awaits! Watch?
759 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2383 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 04:48
It has strategy. It has unit/inventory/money management. It has scary monsters.

I've barely scratched the surface of the game but i'm loving every second.
118 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
125400 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.11.21 04:50
Best game ever.
247 Produkte im Account
30 Reviews
2586 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.21 20:35
You will struggle
You will lose men
You will fail quests
You will die
You will do it all over again until you succeed
37 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
25684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.11.21 02:46
A masterpiece, and the the modding community make it even better.
35 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
6605 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 06:35
Excellent game imo. A bit of a steep learning curb initially but nothing anyone who plays games like this (i.e. Rimworld) wont be accustomed to. If there was any single part I might critique, it would be that the difficulty even on beginner is pretty rough. However, this is a non-starter if you download the Legends mod. I like the base game very much but with the Legends mod it adds that last bit felt like was missing. To include a wider range of difficulty, more enemies, more weapons and armor, more starting scenarios, and more.

Overall I rate the base game 8/10. With Legends 9/10
248 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
34071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.11.21 04:35
Fantastic game with great immersion, difficulty, and build depth! 550 hrs + in, I am still having fun!
76 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
26531 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.11.21 23:20
Too few games are hard in the world. This one is unforgiving.
1054 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1443 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 15:09
I wanted to love this game so bad. I wanted it to be my new Xcom, got into it enough to buy all the DLC to 'have the full experience'. For a while it was, quite glorious. People come and go quickly at early levels but the difference in weapons and skills makes it possible to develop a real strategy with what you have. Real authentic sword combat chances/injuries.
Real real.
Too real.
RNG kills this game. I understand that it's 'realistic', that anyone of my people could just die at 1 swing of the sword and they suck at hitting, but its not fun. Your hit chance on enemies in melee is fairly trash usually about 50-60%, and pitifully lower for ranged. It just makes combat longer, and more likely to end in losses for your side. Leveling doesn't even feel like you're getting stronger, anyone who isn't leveled is screwed basically and /maybe/ the leveled people with good gear will live. There's good points but the further you get in the more issues pop up. It's not even that combat is impossibly hard, it's just you're going to take more of a loss than is really sustainable. Death of 1000 cuts while you're grinding through the end game events. When you lose someone in combat its very much a feeling of 'Don't know what I should have done otherwise'. The basics of combat are interesting and fun, I dont think there is deeper nuances to combat, just RNG and trying to stack your stats.
The game loop once you get going is real grindy of you just upgrading gear, running missions, getting food/medicine, getting people.
It's probably the most realistic medieval turn based strategy ever, but gad damn I just wish it was fun.
12 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
14284 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.09.21 05:53
After some 200 odd hours of playing I've just about learnt all this game's basic complexities, tactical twists and turns and the absolute horrors that an extremely brutal RNG can throw at me to wreck all my best laid plans, hopes and dreams. It's tough, yes, but it's fun provided one can accept the unforgiving rolls.

And increasing the fun is the fact this is a finished bug free game with bags of content and given the sheer enormity of random map seeds, every game is different in so many ways. One never knows precisely what one's going to get.

Gamers who like to push their luck or boringly, and completely erroneously, believe skill should always win out, simply stay away.

Everyone else, get stuck in for one of the most gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, nail-biting, frustrating, edge of one's seat rides ever. And remember, everywhere you go always take a few nets with you, never let loose the hounds too early and a falcon is a really useful as well as beautiful bird.

I'll be playing this game for years to come. Now that's real value for money. And knocking someone out with a lute, well, that's simply priceless.
172 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
30283 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 13:22
I don't always play games for hundreds of hours, but when I do they're games that repeatedly kick me in the no-no's!

Don't be ashamed to savescum.
123 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
2885 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.09.21 00:07
Its great to see this game take a note off of xcom making sure you miss most of your 95% hits.
123 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
18796 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.08.21 06:59
Closest thing to mount and blade and prefer it in some ways.
348 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
633 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.21 21:36
Being difficult for the sake of being difficult in a dice game isn't engaging or challenging.
22 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
53927 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.08.21 16:36
why is there no difference in the difficulty like i feel 0 difference from recruit to veteran?
125 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
14666 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.21 12:54
Gameplay is challenging and fun. Great replayability, similar to fire emblem but with more depth.
256 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
17201 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.08.21 17:16
I have around 250 hours put into this and thousands more in similar games.
As far as tactical turn based games go, battle brothers is one of the best and the irredeemably worst of them all at the same time.
There are just too many percentage based rolls happening in combat (because of the way resolve works and generates cascades of rolls all the time)
The chances to hit are capped at a minimum of 5% and maximum of 95%, meaning even with the greatest preparation the enemies always have at least 1/20 of hitting you, and you always have at least 1/20 of missing them.
It is inevitable over time to be put in a situation where one bad hit creates a cascade of rolls going against you .... and then you have to rely on rolls going in your favor to get out of it. because there are zero combat mechanic that doesn't rely on percentage.

Everything from the map to the characters, enemies and quests generation are also heavily randomized.

Over all this game is enjoyable if you have a lot of time to put into it but be aware that the loss of everything you have accomplished is only a matter of time and luck no matter how good you are, so if you have a life and a job, go play another tactical.
98 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
1522 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.08.21 16:43
It's the Dark Souls of video games.
205 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
112785 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.08.21 19:31
Let me get this straight -- the game was a masterpiece from the very beginning. It brought the best features in the combat tactics genre, added an excellent team manager, dozens of weapons, armors etc. and randomly generated maps == 500+ hours of fun. All official DLCs just made it better.

It adds so much more to the game -- tons of items, monsters, new abilities, and it's all very well balanced. So yeah the great game got even better. Replayability is over the roof! 1.8K hours and counting. Kudos!
84 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
1363 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.07.21 22:57
An exceptional game, punishing and exciting
133 Produkte im Account
13 Reviews
4262 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 26.07.21 14:44
522 Produkte im Account
11 Reviews
1968 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 10:21
A Hardcore-style mercenary company simulator that plays like Mount & Blade x The Banner Saga. You have to manage provisions, equipment, repairs, training, upgrades, injuries and men as you travel around a procedural map solving problems, doing quests and killing enemies. Throw in random encounters, a late-game crisis and a boatload of achievements and you have a very solid game.

+ Well Written
+ Battles require strategy
+ Game is well balanced
+ Plenty of content for vanilla, DLC's are worth the cost, and the Legends mod adds A LOT to the game

- Difficulty and RNG can be very brutal, even on easier settings
- Easy to deathspiral if you don't know what you're doing at the start
235 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
1698 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.21 11:43
An amazing strategy / tactics RPG that is really hard and punishing, which makes it really satisfying and rewarding when things go your way.

Battle Brothers is set in a fantasy setting, with monsters like orcs, goblins, undeads and various beasts. Besides this fantastical setting there is not much magic, and the combat gameplay is primarily based on physical attacks and abilities.

It's sort of like Darkest Dungeon meets Heroes of Might and Magic. You control a group of mercenaries roaming a randomly generated world map to visit towns for getting quests or buying armor, weapons and supplies for your brothers (there's even an element in buying trade goods and selling at other towns for a good price), or finding fights.

In combat you control all of your individual units in hex-grid tile based environments (like in HoMM). It's all about positioning and setting your brothers up in formations like spear walls to keep attackers away from your back line archers / polearm users etc.

Generally the game is very hard, and you will lose a lot of your brothers learning the game. That said, the game is super deep and there are tons of things you can do to improve your fights. It also has an interesting and quite lovely difficulty curve as it starts of really hard and smooths out over time, which makes it fun and rewarding while keeping you on your toes.

Gearing up to be one of my favorite games, an absolute recommendation if you enjoy other SRPGs. 11/10 good stuff
72 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
19508 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 13:59
Hard to describe how good this game is, it probably wouldn't do it justice.
One of my favorite games and probably the best tactical rpg I've ever played.
200 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
7316 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 21:03
Siiiighhhh...this is one of the most frustrating games in recent memory. I've dumped quite a few hours (though half are idling in steam), and I keep oscillating between phases are of interest to play again and utter contempt for the game. I really wish that before buying it I'd have focused on the negative reviews that talk about how this game basically makes you want to save scum all the time. You learn everything the hardway or never at all because this is one of the games with the worst feedback on what you're doing. Want to know why you have a 10% hit chance when targeting that guy in melee? Nope! Want to know what that contract is before being forced to commit or have it disappear if you refuse? Nope! Want to have at least a clue if you'll be facing a horde of relatively easy zombies or 2 invincible murder-trees on your contract? Nope! Find out AFTER you've spent days hunting down the target. Want to know if this mercenary you're about to spend 5 contract's worth of gold on is a good archer or a good tank? Nope! Pray his stats aren't garbage or load.

Other games like X-COM give you excellent feedback about the choices you are about to make, and that allows you to make the best possible decision based on experience, your load out, your dudes, etc., which makes the fails your own (for the most part). With BB, it just feels like you're rolling dice half the time and praying to the old gods that something good happens. And when it goes poorly, its so severe that you'll be save scumming for sure if you want to save your campaign. If you want to Ironman it, you'll regret it. Long story short, I would have liked a refund because although I've gotten many hours in, I have gotten very very little satisfaction, just frustration. Its been said and I'll say it again: there should have been an easier difficulty to deal with all this BS. Sad, because there are so many elements that speak to me.
361 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1256 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.06.21 12:04
This game is brutal, you will restart, a lot, you will get frustrated...you will have 3 farm hands with pitchforks and as soon as you leave town you will be ambushed by direwolves, or orcs, or whatever else... Early game contracts range about 200-400 crowns, which can afford you another farmhand, to replace the 3 that just got demolished in the first 10 minutes of gameplay... there seems to be a very bad balance of difficulty curve of this game.
111 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
65836 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.06.21 18:15
I've played hundreds maybe thousands of games. This is my favorite game.
220 Produkte im Account
106 Reviews
1485 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.21 17:45
Always remember that you are mercenaries, not heroes, not knights, not soldiers.
320 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
15092 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.06.21 11:28
Cock and ball torture in video game form.
137 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1922 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.21 21:17
Possibly one of the best tactical RPGs ever made, but I wouldn't recommend it to most players for a few reasons:

1.While the genre is known to be brutally punishing, this game takes it to a tedious extreme. Combat is similar to XCOM in the early game, hard but fair and if you play well a bad fight usually only results in a handful of your guys dying. However, the mid game has this insane difficulty spike where suddenly every tough fight ends in a team wipe (a game over in this game) if you don't know specifically how each encounter has to be approached. Fighting ghouls without spears? Team wipe. Fighting goblins without ranged superiority? Team wipe. Fighting Orcs without two-handers? Team wipe. Etc etc. Punishing players for experimentation and forcing rigid rules for each encounter makes the game feel less strategy and more RPG, which isn't a good thing in my opinion, and forces you to open the wiki every 5 seconds if you're playing on Ironman (which is supposedly how the game is supposed to be played, although i scarcely believe anybody can get much further than day 50 or so without the occasional save scum unless youve played the game for hundreds of hours).

2. The game cheats. It's well known that RNG on things like hitchance isn't accurately displayed to the player. You'll sometimes have something like 80% chance to hit an enemy but only hit maybe half the time, and this isn't just the occasional chance of bad luck, it's constant. Not gamebreaking or anything when you get used to it, but can be pretty disappointing for new players.

3. Expect to constantly savescum unless you're OK with restarting the game over and over for the reasons mentioned above. Some people are okay with this, but why bother playing a strategy game where cheating the system is almost mandatory?

I usually hate long, overdrawn steam reviews like this, but i thought it was worth writing because the game (plus all DLC, which like most strategy games is required to have the complete experience) is nearly *80$*. For the price point, I can't in good faith recommend this game to anyone except big fans of this genre of game like myself.

Hopefully this gives someone a slightly more informed decision before purchasing.

EDIT: To a user who asked why I say it's one of the best Tactical RPGs in spite of this, let me explain.

The genre is very small. You have Final Fantasy Tactics, Fire Emblem, XCOM...and...Battle Brothers? Pretty niche all things considered.

The problem with the game isn't that it's necessarily bad, it's that the game mechanics are obtuse and awkward in a way that isn't explained to the player. For example, the units you recruit in the early game won't be apt to do content in the mid-to-late game.

This, in essence, means that characters you recruit early on SHOULD die before you hit the mid game...But if you play well, strategically, like you're supposed to, you can easily carry these guys to the mid game like you'd think you're supposed to do...where they immediately become obsolete. It's the only strategy game I've played where the game actively punishes you for playing well.

This is due to the leveling and background system which is too complicated to explain in a steam comment, but I encourage people to look at youtube videos (such as FilthyRobots) or the Wiki to learn more.

This is why I say, if you're really into the genre and willing to look past the rather awkward game design, it's great. But if not, the game comes off as obtuse and confusing, not due to weird UI, or a difficulty curve, but because of the game mechanics which make no sense and aren't very intuitive.

I wouldn't even bother writing this if the game wasn't 80$ for the complete experience. But 80$? In the current economy, most people can barely afford good toilet paper, lol.
246 Produkte im Account
80 Reviews
714 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.06.21 05:27
Very Challenging to play but alot of fun. Really nice story even though the RNG is punishing. Well worth the price.
119 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2869 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 18:24
Suffer from the same problem as pathfinder kingmaker they don't know how to make a game with a higher difficulty setting, they just BS your your dice (chance to hit). Gets really frustrating having 90% to hit and still miss, while the enemy gives you 2 injuries through armor and shield from across the map.
210 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2645 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 31.12.20 13:37
Battle Brothers is one of those games that have a hard start, but also have a high learning curve. The fun is always with you though!

After my 928609314758th start with all kinds of different possible starts (I think I checked out each at least twice), I slowly was successful to get a company running. Yes, I save(d) a lot during my games, but that is necessary for those who are new to the game - including me.
My first impression is a very positive one. In my opinion the graphics are simple, but fun! They do the job quite well and add very nicely to the atmosphere of the game. Talking about the atmosphere of the game... it is great! You quickly get into this world, which is straightforward at the first glance, but later you realise that is quite deep the more you play the game. The atmosphere is also great because of this awesome soundtrack! Thanks a lot to the developers for this magnificent soundtrack, which I like to listen to even when I do something else.

I have not yet seen the end of the game, but I really want to spend more time playing this game, because it is fun, it is encouraging (although you need to be patient at the beginning of the game), it is rewarding and it offers a long term motivation to keep playing because of a good replayability.

Definately a recommendation from my point of view!
128 Produkte im Account
21 Reviews
3874 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.12.20 15:27
Worth every penny for ppl who love Turn-based Dark Medieval Xcom

+ Build your own mercenary unit, recruit warrior ranging from beggar to crusader with dozens of different traits
+ Custom warriors' class, equipment, weapon, hairstyle as well as upgrade their skills to strengthen the mercenary composition
+ Very High level of replayability with randomly generated maps, interesting events, scenarios, enemies etc.
+ Difficult to master but fun as hell
34 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
4353 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.12.20 15:53
There is not enough time in the day to play this game. Sigh...
256 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
4329 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.12.20 01:39
Battle Brothers might very well be one of the greatest RPG's I've ever played. And probably the one game where I truly do feel fear of death.

The concept is pretty simple. Build up a company of mercenaries from the bottom, and turn them into something the songbooks and revelers will remember. There's a few background to choose from, from simple mercenary starts to Davkul cultists, so plenty of options there. After that though, you have to pick and chose what jobs to take, enemies to fight, manage your company, and keep your men alive. And there's a myriad of opponents trying to kill you out there. Ancient Undead, Noble Houses, brigands, Greenskins, and a plethora of different beasts.

The game teaches you right away that it is difficult. You are going to lose men, you are going to fail jobs. But the game implores you to regroup, recover, and try again. A brother you recruited from the start isn't guaranteed to survive till the late game. It's entirely possible to lose the game on the very first day, or only a few days in. A lot of people will probably think the game is very unfair for their first playthrough. And it will definitely seem like that at first.

Although the game is a turn-based top down tactical RPG, the world is highly immersive and draws you into it. From cold tundra in the northern lands, to the scorching deserts of the south. High mountains, and marshes and bogs that wear down the men, there is a lot of terrain to fight in. And the world is randomly generated each time you start a new campaign, giving the game massive replayability. The music by Breakdown Epiphanies is incredible, each track fits perfectly to every situation or battle you're in. And because the world is somewhat based off of medieval Germany, it feels very grounded. Even the more mythological elements don't seem to stand out too much. The barbarians in the north have big viking/Norse vibes, while the southern city states are based on medieval Persia and Arabia.

Overall, Battle Brothers is an unforgiving and teeth clenching experience. But good lord is it extremely rewarding, and highly addicting. Looking forward to more DLC's for the game, or even another title from Overhype.

242 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
14409 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.12.20 22:48
Grim. Dark. Perfect.
101 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
13776 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.20 19:43
A hidden gem well worth full price. A no brainer if it’s on sale. DLCs add a bunch of flavor.

To summarize the game: you build a company of mercenaries through risk management in taking contracts

High risk ≠ high reward

You better your company along the way by trading/fighting/acquiring equipment/losing and hiring mercs. You will be humbled quickly if you take on jobs beyond your company’s ability. It’s a must to watch your lane.

A great turn based tactical. Requires a bit of patience and thought regarding decisions in and out of combat. There are a moderate amount of RPG aspects. Enjoyable all around!
126 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3137 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.11.20 02:04
One of the most satisfying implementations of turn-based combat I have ever played. A little more visceral than NEO Scavenger and it feels a lot better to play and is more intuitive than Troika's Temple of Elemental Evil. Rarely ever feels unfair, and if it does, there's a good chance there's something deterministic you can do to achieve victory.
14 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
18496 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.20 14:28
This game hates me (wail...rage...slam door...)
Yes, but just sometimes, it doesn't.
Those are the days you live for.
And die, of course.
But we all know that dying's fun, right?
255 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
71407 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.11.20 17:11
I've played battle brothers for over a thousand hours at this point, and I'd probably list it as one of my favorite games. That being said, I think there are things it does well and things it struggles with.

What the game does well is reward mechanical min-maxing. Encounters in this game are hard, and you need to crunch the numbers and compute expected values of recruits if you want to succeed. When you find famed items in this game or dagger down a brigand leader with some higher tier armor you really feel the difference in your units performance in a satisfying way.

The main thing battle brothers struggles with is that the late game becomes aggressively grindy. At a certain point you are just roaming around in the wilderness attacking random camps hoping to find some famed items. Why are you bothering at this point to do this? Legendary Locations - the end game content. Skilled players may be able to get away with skimping on the famed items and complete the content regardless, but I'd say most people and especially newer players rely on those famed items to give them the edge they need. In addition to the grind for famed items, you are probably going to be doing a lot of fishing for solid recruits to fill out your ranks.

In short I'd say that the early-mid game is extremely interesting and fun, but the late game starts to fall off pretty hard. With respect the DLC I'd probably rate Warriors of the North #1, Beasts / Exploration #2, and Blazing Deserts #3. Warriors of the north is just so important because origins are an incredibly interesting feature that I can hardly imagine playing without as an experienced player, but you can definitely get a taste of what the game is like with just the base game as someone coming in new.
146 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
41824 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.20 14:43
This game is great - very punishing but rewarding. I'd enjoy if in a future update, you could borrow money at usurious rates, then get stuck having to betray others to pay back your debt to the bank.
178 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
1134 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.11.20 02:40
15 hours in 2 days. Gotta go back now !
141 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
6055 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.11.20 17:27
Okay, FINE, I changed my mind. The game is actually good (well, it never was BAD to begin with, just frustrating), and if, if, IF!!! you follow certain rules, you can escape the butthurt.

Basically don't got into this game thinking this is an RPG.

It's not an RPG. It's a risk management game.

Don't get attached to your characters! Can't stress this enough. They will die, even on easiest difficulty with save/load enabled.

Don't do reckless stuff. Make double, triple, quadruple layers of insurance before taking a risk.

Instead of counting ON luck, always count against it.

(The game tells you a lot of this, but who listens to the game's advice, lol)
475 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
54220 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.10.20 10:38
Battle Brothers is a low fantasy game about risk assessment as the leader of a mercenary band. The first hours of gameplay I burned myself various times on being heroic and altruistic by taking on missions that were too difficult to help out the poor villages being plagued by all kinds of horrors. That was until I learned the truth about mercenary work, watch out for yourself first, second and third. You can't do shit if you're dead, besides serving as compost for the local vegetation. So take small steps and level up your guys through winnable fights, and get them some gear to keep them alive. With experience you will quickly deduce who you should hunt down or leave well alone. A bunch of brigands might be a juicy opportunity while that pair of lindwurms might not be the best idea until you advance. This is also true for what happens on the battlefield. That brigand with a chainmail who wears only cloth as head protection is practically begging for a flail swing to the head.

The battles are hexbased and there are a bunch of factors to keep in mind, distance and elevation for ranged weapons, time of day, type of ground (forest, marsh, hills etc.) The skills you unlock for your battle brothers, the weapons and armor you obtain for them, special items like nets, bandages and so on.The moral of your men and the enemy is also an important factor. Where you hit the enemy and where they are protected or not and vice versa. Your positioning and who you take out how and when. There are so many options and it can go great or suddenly turn horribly wrong.

A big plus for me is the level of attachment you feel for your battle brothers. When you lose one that you have painstakingly leveled and geared up and that has stood in your battle line since the beginning it stings.

A big plus is the replayability you get through different map seeds, as well as different company origins and random events. There are also a bunch of quality DLCs that have been released on a regular basis long past the timespan other developers dedicate to their games. The developers also seem to be decent people that pick up on what the community says. And did I mention that there are mods for the game? Check out Legends if the base game should ever become stale for you.

This became an incorhent recollection of why I love this game, but the main message is: This is a great game which offers much more than most games developed by companies with far bigger resources.
274 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
62621 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.10.20 22:13
Now with over 1,000 hours in, still wanting more. Well balanced game with a brutal learning curve that punishes missteps. This is chess on steroids. Well supported by the developers and dedicated group of players that are happy to help when asked.
19 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
60548 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.10.20 21:09
I've played already 1000 hours ))) game is sick! highly recommend for those who like turn based combat
591 Produkte im Account
43 Reviews
1109 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.10.20 05:13
Can't stress enough how much I recommend this game. You can really tell how much heart and thought was put into this game.

Extremely challenging but equally rewarding.

Buy this game if you're a fan of XCOM/Other tile based strategy games but don't expect it to go easy on you just because you have some stripes on your belt! This game will beat you down and lift you up like an abusive medieval ex.

174 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
87199 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.10.20 23:48

Perk Synergy Heaven

After three years of playing Battle Brothers, this week I finally beat 'The Black Monolith', which for the uninitiated is the original bad boy location to beat, in the vanilla game. In Steam hours played (all 1333 hours of them so far) it's second only to GTA V on my list, and I mention this to illustrate how easy it is to pick up, yet how difficult it is to master - if that's even possible. This game endures like chess, but I'll try to keep this as brief as possible...

Ok, so I'm a methodical dummy - I'll accept that; others begat the 'Monolith' accolade a fraction of the hours in, but me? I like to experience everything a game's got; I did it my way about 5 times (bull-headedly), and ended up fed up. Then I took a six month break, went back, and this time did my best to read, comprehend, and inwardly absorb to the max all the information on the screen - and tried one more campaign. Finally, it all clicked, and by day 1000 (or so) I was smiting down all comers with my properly legendary crew. You can go along being sort of ok late game with a 2nd rate party, but unless you're doing things well, there are some fights you should avoid. In many ways, this will always be the case, but how you minimise this quotient becomes a measure of success.

Have I fought a Kraken yet? Apart from the fact I can't even find one, I'm not interested - it would dent my pride too much. ;-) See? This is how the game gets you - you build, you plot, you plan, you improve, and you make headway. When you see your star bros (as they are known) getting seven bells kicked out of them, it brings a virtual tear to the eye. I'm currently on a 'veteran' play-through, but 'beginner' is hard enough - believe! Iron man is for superheros.

All this aside, the best comparisons that can be made to this game's DNA are 'Battletech', and 'Mount and Blade: Warband/Bannerlord'. Think open world, endless sandbox, but you can constrain, rogue-like, if you prefer, and go for points.

The things that set Battle Brothers apart from other similar games are too numerous to list. What I'll mention (and absolutely can't go without mentioning!) is the perk/skill system; it's one of the best out there. The developers of this game have clearly sat down with pen and paper, and committed their brilliant insight unto one another, thrown it around, chewed it up, spat it out, eaten it again, and repeated during the course of development. The way the perks and skills synergise and play off of one another is sublimely complex, and just when you think you have your build sussed - mwah-ha-ha - you really don't. Go back kid, and think again. And even when you build your dream team - you'll still be wishing you chose 'Underdog' instead of 'Battle Forged' for your star two-hander bro. Or maybe 'Nimble'. Or maybe you should have given them more initiative so they could dodge more instead of being a tank, but then... AAARGH! The contemplation goes round in circles - but in a good way.

The perk system is completely unique, and is very much its own thing. It's the core and the strength of Battle Brothers, and is its absolute life-blood. It's the thing that will fox you, out-fox you, and make you gnash your teeth in delight and despair; in short, it's brilliantly balanced, and fiendishly so. It's this very finite, constrained set of options that leads to such complex, nebulous outcomes. Brain-goggling stuff, and so well executed.

To round off, the art style is similarly unique. Ever wanted a cartoon of the Bayeux Tapestry? Well there you go. The sound design is top drawer - every gut-wrenching yelp and crunch tells you intuitively what you need to know, and delivers the gratification of stabbing a cartoon medieval guy in the gambesons.

And finally, the soundtrack. Wow. Perhaps my favourite game soundtrack of all time. When you open the game for the first time, let it sit at the menu for a few minutes, and just breathe it in. It's as if Mahler wrote a game soundtrack. Stunning!

Ok, then there are the other pieces of soundtrack, all exquisitely autumnal and melancholy. So good, in fact, that they kept going around my head when I was trying to sleep, and I had to disable the in-game music - but that's my loss. ;-)

Look, if you're reading this wondering whether to buy the game, you already know what you're going to do. Don't listen to the nay-sayers - they don't understand lol.

Like Warband/Battletech/Kenshi?

It's great, trust me. x
416 Produkte im Account
14 Reviews
7326 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.10.20 18:34
Mercenary squad management game.
Combat is somewhat puzzle based mechanics based on your oponent.
Battling against bandits is completly different from undead and required a different skill and equipment sets so you would need to adapt and improvise on the fly.

Amazing soundtracks and sound design.

Very steep learning curve driven by fail-and-repeat mechanic.
Most of the time skill will trump luck, but skill require time and experience so
most of the time you will lose, die and reload to try again.
After sometime you may be even thinking about playing Ironman (which i can't recommend to anyone, but people can have their weird stuff and who am I to judge).

Some UI/UX decision are highly questionable, but are fixable by mods.
Mod support is very good.

If you can try this game before buying it i would highly recommend doing so.
It is not game that everyone will enjoy but it is a good game and not time nor money on this one.
192 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
73507 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.09.20 16:11
Lets see where do I begin, if you want a rogue like game that you can set the difficulty to very high and throw in rng of a fantasy table top like game ... with an ironman mode - Look no further then Battle Brothers.

This game tops my single player games of all time; in time played. I dont play it for the visuals; although they are Ok. I play for the challenge/the rng/the brutality of losing/and of course the theory crafting of character building to party make-up and combat.

Easy games bore me - Looks like with more then 1000 hours Im not bored yet ;)
Well done Overhype studios!
114 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
28214 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.09.20 22:06
There is nothing I dislike about this game. It gets better with each dlc. Clever mechanics, challenging, a tonne of replayability and it is very satisfying building your company up and finding legendary gear. Really hoping there is more content to come.
153 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
10739 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.09.20 16:59
Emergent Narrative driven Fantasy XCOM, go get it!
85 Produkte im Account
39 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2368 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.09.20 03:51
At first I was like this is cool, its like mount and blade + xcom, I am sure to get many hours of entertainment out of this one!...30hrs later: this game is for masochists who enjoy save scumming and wasting precious time just to progress a tiny bit further into the game.If you are not facing stronger enemies you will not progress in the game however at the same time those stronger enemies 95% of the time will annihilate (any enemies attack usually one shots any member) a good portion of your party if not win (math: battle is approx 10min x chances to win = shit ton of time), and if that happens you will automatically lose most of your progression if not all of it making the battle pointless and unrewarding (and that is just one battle) however if you don't do battle you will not be able to grow your income making you stuck at square 1 if not make you go to zero.Until the developers dial down the damage output of the potential enemies (so that they don't one shot everything making you automatically have to restart a battle) whether its through some actual easy mode, (for us normal people with lives who want to progress through a game in a reasonable amount of time and not find ourselves having to fight every battle multiple times/ be stuck in the same spot for a couple of hours) I cannot recommend this game.
194 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
21116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.09.20 15:43
wait 7 years for mount and blade bannerlord turned out it's rather boring.Unlike this game, with the legend mod on nexus, the modding is keeping this game AWESOME
364 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
2099 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.09.20 22:50
Un gran juego. Muy divertido!
43 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
26268 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.09.20 22:25
One of the best turn-based game. Difficult but fun.
416 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
16544 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.09.20 22:36
I have been playing this game since it first arrived on Early Access.

Without a doubt, this is the best game of its kind I have ever played. If you love complex turn-based combat, in-depth character management, and a reactive sandbox world like Mount and Blade, then this is the game for you.

Oh, and absolutely get all of the DLCs. Each one of them is more than worth what is being charged for them.

I cannot recommend this game highly enough!
160 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
5997 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 20:42
Final Fantasy Tactics meets Mount and Blade. If you can forgive the graphics, you'll find a deep party management RPG.
166 Produkte im Account
16 Reviews
10246 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.09.20 12:26
Super fun turn based game. It's one of those games I wake up in the morning and want to play. Great art, great mechanics, great story lines. The game really takes you in. A+++++ P.S. I got it when it was on sale, but what they're asking is still totally worth it.
35 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
5080 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.20 00:24
Watch beloved company members whom you've carefully protected over dozens of battles get shredded from a few careless mistakes in positioning. Battle Brothers teaches you its lessons in the hardest, most brutal way possible, and each time, over the screams of your company being torn apart, you learn. And you improve. And victory against the odds, when it finally happens, is so satisfying for it.

11/10 would betray my employer again.
36 Produkte im Account
5 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3920 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.08.20 20:58
Whilst this is an interesting game it has limited playability. Even on the easier difficulties it is a punishingly difficult game. Whilst I understand elements of the difficulty it very much feels as if the game is stacked against you in this regard. For instance you can not choose the ground to fight on. The enemy can bring greater numbers to battle whereas you are forced to have any extra soldiers above 12 in 'reserve' these reserves can not be thrown into battle to replace losses etc. Whilst it is a deep game it is very poorly explained and not clear as to how some mechanics function. I found the whole experience to be a grind with a simple mis-step meaning you lose everything and in a difficult position to rebuild. Overall whilst it was enjoyable for a week, overall it became quite repetitive and a bit of a dull grind. Essentially go around find a mission, or free - roam for a battle then play out a clunky hex based battle, loot, sell loot, buy better stuff and repeat. If this is what you like go for it. However, I personally can't be bothered with the grinding hassle of it all.
145 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
15585 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.08.20 12:05
Every fight can be won. Some fights, you lost before they began. These two statements do not contradict one another.
46 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
21854 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.08.20 16:56
Great turn based combat game. Strong mix of luck and skill, but mostly skill.
525 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
5048 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.08.20 04:21
Goblins are horrible, horrible creatures that will clown on your mercenaries at every given moment, which makes cleaving 3 of them with a longsword swing so very cathartic.

Oh, and the game is good. Savescum like the unrepentant criminal you are; it's still a blast.
2 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
10433 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.07.20 01:49
This game was a gift from a friend and this game is unapologetically, unassumedly, brutally harder than any game I have played before. The balance and depth of the story, and mechanics and character design make it worth the challenge though and no campaign feels the same. Love a challenge and you'll likely love this game.
294 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
8204 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 22:26
Very fun yet difficult even on normal difficulty. 10/10 would savescum again
76 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
5304 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.07.20 02:07
There used to be man that miss a lot with crossbow

Out of the original starting crew, he the only one manage to survive and be made new comrades in growing company

He now able to accurately hit pp from far away

Now we wait for Battle Brothers 2
966 Produkte im Account
23 Reviews
809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.07.20 15:55
Great game, but incredibly hard!

The game feels a bit like Mount And Blade as a strategy game. You wander between towns and villages like in Sid Meier's Pirates, but as a company of warriors. On your journey you'll find plenty of loot to upgrade your characters, and as you advance there are many perks and opportunities to upgrade your party characters. The map is randomly generated procedurally, and no two games are alike.

The downside of the game is that it is far too hard for casual players or beginners to get started - even in the simplest levels. Personally, I don't like reloading old save files, but this game is so difficult that it is almost impossible to play it in iron mode from the beginning. I had to watch dozens of Let's Play videos and read tutorials to find out how to survive the first fights. It's only a matter of time when you face a larger army of enemies. And when you lose your best characters, it basically becomes even more difficult. Maybe the game will get easier when you have more experience in it - I don't know. But until you do, you should be prepared to face many frustrating situations or to reload old save games often to advance in the game and learn strategies for survival.

Still, I think that this merciless game is one of the games of our time with the greatest potential of its entire concept and possibilities. In my opinion, it might be much more popular if it wasn't so discouragingly difficult.
62 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
46011 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.07.20 23:38
Got this great game years ago and they're still pumping out support and making the game even better.
219 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
19906 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.20 02:12
Stop reading this and just buy the game already.
110 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
2457 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.06.20 02:16
1249 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2075 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.06.20 17:26
I've never played Darklands, but always wanted to be the kind of person who would be able to. Thankfully, Battle Brothers absolutely scratched my itch to command a mercenary company in medieval germany killing brigands and saving villages from getting set on fire.
151 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
19591 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.20 04:42
Chance: 60; Roll: 82
Chance: 60; Roll: 78
Okay, okay, just bad luck. Time to bring out the big boys.
Chance: 90; Roll: 91
Chance: 90; Roll 100

Great game, I love it.
1890 Produkte im Account
17 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2225 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.20 14:03
Takes too long to progress just to get your team wiped by a random encounter without any chance to flee etc. Not very well designed.
1403 Produkte im Account
200 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
3604 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.05.20 14:37
Collect an assortment of mercenaries from humble beginnings, give them weapons, level them up, and turn them into battle hardened fighting machines by taking contracts and playing out grid battles. Which is fun! Unfortunately, the game's scaling difficulty means that if you didn't gear up or level up properly, eventually you'll find yourself unable to take on contracts or fight any of the wandering groups of bandits and monsters, meaning a slow loss to bankruptcy if your band doesn't get wiped out in a battle first. The game warns you that it's hard, but I just wish there was more opportunity to learn and adapt in a single playthrough rather than having to completely start over when you're 20+ hours into your run.
164 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
5765 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.05.20 21:06
Solid, well written, absorbing, good value for money.
507 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
22737 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.05.20 07:02
163 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
19 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.04.20 03:53
I originally pirated the game but decided to purchase a copy to support the developers. That's how good it is.
55 Produkte im Account
9 Reviews
23994 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 25.04.20 14:02
I'd describe Battle Brothers as a marriage between Mount & Blade (unit/army management) and Final Fantasy Tactics (tactical grid rpg). You hire units, build their skills, give them gear, run around the map doing contracts for money so you can buy food/supplies and pay your army's wages.

+ Brutal. One of the hardest tactical games I've ever played.
+ Replayability is extremely high. It's fun to start over every time.
+ Not bogged down with long dialogue. You make your own story.
+ Great art style. Clean, crisp, quaint.
+ Good unit customization. Classes, traits, perks, skills, gear.
+ Low-fantasy and grounded. For the most part.
+ Passionate indie devs who know what they want for the game.

- Needs more animations and visual variety.
- Needs more variety in overland map mechanics.
- Some encounters seem unbalanced/impossible.
- They added too many high-fantasy mobs in the B&E expansion.
235 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
2644 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 23.04.20 11:34
The game is amazing, setting, art style, attention to details. Everything is almost perfect

But the main source of fun, which is RNG, is terribly implemented.
You will lose brothers to 5% chance hit from an enemy.
You will get you veteran shoot and killed at the very first round.
Yet sometimes you will encounter insane luck, dodging 5 hits with 95% chance to land.

Those situations have nothing to do with your skills or understanding of the game concepts, you can be ready for everything, but you can't be ready to get killed randomly

Developers seems to use true RNG system, it's a terrible decision for me, as a player, since it's being proven time and time again — humans are terrible at predicting randomness. Games that value enjoyment over frustration know that and use rigged RNG systems to small extent. Sadly, that's not one of those games.

If you enjoy playing against the RGN-machine, than you will enjoy the game.
Easy mode might also help enjoy the game.
5 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
131584 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 19.04.20 17:22
25 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
11679 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 18.04.20 23:40
real strategy, you need to engage your brain.
117 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
20117 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.04.20 17:52
I played it once or twice and before i knew it i played it for 308 hours. Great open world strategy time grinder.
56 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
12978 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.04.20 16:40

There's nothing new in this game - but you'll love it anyway

Hex-based RPGs have been around forever.

They are usually quite similar in substance and if you were trying to create a game which blended the most common aspects of them you would end up with Battle Brothers.

The high-fantasy medieval squad management sim is a well trodden path: fight, loot, rinse, repeat.

Here you play a mercenary company commander in a world filled with orcs, undead and bickering human city states. Pretty run of the mill clichéd stuff. It's something the developers freely admit.

So how does an uninspired concept work in 2D so well? Simply put, Battle Brothers goes back to basics and does them brilliantly.

You'll need more than sword and board

Let's start with the combat. It's tough.

You can't expect to run around the world and steamroll every engagement. Do that and you can expect to have your band of brothers hacked to pieces and sent packing.

Just to make it that little bit harder, deaths are permadeaths.

You've got to look at what you're facing, the terrain in front of you and try to determine if you have got what it takes to win that encounter.

That might mean clinging to the high ground, advancing rapidly to avoid a hail of arrows or bracing for an onslaught because there's no time to prepare.

Every weapon has strengths and weaknesses so equipping the right blend is key to overcoming what is in front of you. Weapon classes mean something and fights are tense affairs, creating a real sense of reward.

The lack of auto-resolve is something the devs feel strong about but it is tiresome to fight an easy enemy in dense terrain or battles where you fight alongside the AI as an ally.

No frills

Thankfully, that's the only real part of the game which feels like a chore. The focus is on rewards and fighting so that's what you spend most of your time doing.

The procedurally generated world has settlements dotted across it and because of the way each one usually specialises in a particular good you need to visit a good deal of them.

Once there, you can see what is on offer regarding quests, shops and potential new recruits quickly.

It's a stripped-back experience and deliberately so; meaning you can get what you want quickly and get back to picking your next fight.

Quests are fairly repetitive in nature but because you're not bogged down with boring details and there's no attempt to make narrative for narrative's sake you don't mind. Some chumps are about to smash this village up and we need help? Fine, let's crack some skulls.

And if you fancy going off-piste into the mountains or whatnot, there's plenty lurking in wait for you.


The idea is as you progress with quests and battles you become eligible for better quests and your troops upgrade, putting you in better shape for the end-game event/s (which varies so you'll need different tactics to overcome it/them).

You have full control over what your Brothers fight in and there's a comprehensive but not overwhelming talent tree. You can't have everything and there's a real need to have a variety of builds within your team.

However, it's up to you how you build your recruits and what you want them to become. Hybrid characters are just a necessity as your tanks are because the situation changes from battle to battle and even round to round.

On top of this you will need to heal battle survivors and manage their morale. The company might have got through the scrape alive, but Lothar will never recover fully from that spear in the leg. Or the fact his nose was sliced off by a dagger and only two holes remain.

Sterile world

This is a fine example of a procedurally generated game; challenging encounters with enough complexity and depth in the core game to make up for deficiencies elsewhere.

RNG games will always be a source of frustration and the world doesn't feel like it changes much at all. Yes, some settlements will be destroyed and change hands but there's not quite enough going on to make you feel like you are making a difference.

Character interaction is paper thin but given the high turnover of mercenaries perhaps that would be detrimental about the same. Some side quests for a particular character would be a nice touch and perhaps some real animosity between mercenaries from different backgrounds wouldn't go amiss.

Likewise, could a trusted lieutenant and a few lackeys be trusted to do some quests? How about the ability to invest in some of the settlements?

Worth a buy

That being said, the core game is a brilliant one and provides countless hours of entertainment. Battle Brothers is up there with one of the best RPGs today because it knows what it is.

Gameplay will always trump graphics and if you're still churning out highly-awaited DLCs after three years, you've done something right.
133 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
4662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.04.20 05:22
BB is nothing you haven't seen before. It's squad management, blended with resource management, blended with hex-based tactical combat. Your first several attempts will go badly. You will be frustrated. You will do a little internet research and you'll get the ball rolling. Everything is woven so tightly, once you see how it all fits together, the seams disappear and you just play. You'll be executing complex maneuvers in the hex field, while masterminding the economy in the world map and you'll buy your boys some smoked ham because it's at a good price and they deserve it. You'll know there's also a small chance to trigger a morale bonus for offering a varied diet, and it reduces the chance of the corresponding morale penalty. But that's not why you'll buy the ham. You'll buy it because its at a good price and your buys deserve it.

Combat is the star of the show and it is evocative. The sound hits you. When a greathammer hits, you feel it. Play this game with the volume up. The graphics and animation are subtle but solid. Notice that the screenshots don't show health or fatigue bars floating around the units. It's because they aren't needed. When your armor is damaged it looks damaged. When it's about to break, it looks about to break. When your flanker's nose has been chopped off, it's off (and he has a per turn fatigue penalty because he can no longer breathe correctly). You can hover over someone to see their exact status, but it's rarely required. Once you settle in you start to realize the game is giving you a tremendous amount of visual information in a very subtle and beautiful way.

Different opponents feel different. It's not just different stats and skins. They act differently and you will have to react accordingly to survive. You will have to manage your squad stat distributions and talent-trees effectively, and equip them with versatile gear to handle the diversity of threats. Different terrains handle differently, again squad and equipment versatility is key.

The first time you fight a necromancer you're probably going to lose because it's different from other encounters and you don't know what to do. But you're going to feel like you fought a necromancer. No one zombie is a threat, but beating them all down will fatigue your guys out. The spearman holding up your left flank is going to break his spear from spending so long in shieldwall. He's going to try to fall back but he's not going to make it. Your hammer guy will take a couple out but he goes too. Then he gets resurrected. Then he gives your bow guy brain damage. You'll realize you needed to start pressuring the necromancer right away. But it's too late. He's too far away and the swamp is too hard to move through. One by one you all get dragged into the mud.

Orc Berserkers will absolutely freak you out. Nothing else gets on your flanks that fast. They don't wear much armor so if you have the bows and a bit of luck you can take them down. If you don't have the bows or the luck then your back rank is dead which means your front rank is surrounded. Which means your front rank is dead.

The Loot/Inventory system is Diabloesque. There is no weight and, unlike Diablo but common in many followers, each item occupies the same amount of space in inventory. Certain items stack in slots, most do not. It's essentially the simplest possible way to do things, which means you spend as little time as possible managing inventory. Which is great because this is a game, not an inventory management simulation.

You are not being flooded with loot. The $3,000 greatsword that would be your throw away starter weapon in other games is something you're going to have to work for here. You're going to have to get good to afford it. And yes I said greatsword. Not Greatsword +2. Not Flaming Greatsword of UnHoly Death. Just: greatsword. It's refreshing. There is more exciting loot than that, too be clear, but you're going to have to earn it.

I heard about it just by reading reviews of some many other games, where it kept being referenced. I did not think it could match the hype. It absolutely has. It's streamlined, it's polished, and it's fun as hell.
83 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3067 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.20 17:29
This must be one of the best turn based tactical combat games I have ever played. The game world is so immersive, great characters, interesting contracts you and your mercenary band can pick up and explore, not knowing whats waiting for you in the next village. I must also add the art work is also amazing. Love this game so far and the content the developers are adding every now and then keeps it interesting. Money well spend
245 Produkte im Account
6 Reviews
44971 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 21:56
Great game!
511 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
2421 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 18:23
Great tactical game. Also a great game to listen to your own music to.
104 Produkte im Account
8 Reviews
1196 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 14.03.20 01:48
If you like rpgs and chess, this game is for you!!!
99 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
5438 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.03.20 06:04
Just a great game, if you'd like something that you can play 15-20 minutes in a row and than stop. You'll stop because of pain, grief and RAAAAGE after lost battle =)

However, all this emotions can be reduced if you know the magic save/load combination.
31 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
65133 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.03.20 18:32
Fantastic indie game that scratches my fantasy and strategy itch. 1000+ hours played and the developers keep adding content 9/10!!
534 Produkte im Account
44 Reviews
6687 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.03.20 05:41
Great Sandbox RPG/strategy
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89.73% 9673 1107
Release:24.03.2020 Genre: Strategie-Rollenspiel Entwickler: Overhype Studios Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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