• Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.
  • Base One: Screen zum Spiel Base One.


Du musst angemeldet sein
  • Plattform: PC Veröffentlicht: 11.05.2021
Zum Shop
Preis Update 30.01.25

Über das Spiel

Base One ist ein Basisbau-Strategiespiel mit RPG-Elementen. Nachdem ein riesiges Wurmloch den Mond verschlingt und so Naturkatastrophen ungeahnten Ausmaßes verursacht, gründet die Earth Global Union das Weltraumforschungsprogramm "Solution", um im Wurmloch nach einer neuen Heimat zu suchen. Als Kommandant der Solution liegt es an dir, die Flotte zu erweitern, wertvolle Mineralien und neue Planeten zum Besiedeln zu finden – und vielleicht sogar die Erde vor der endgültigen Zerstörung zu retten!

  • Übernimm das Kommando über die EGU-Flotte von Raumstationen, die über die gesamte Galaxie verteilt sind.
  • Wähle aus einer Vielzahl von Besatzungsmitgliedern, jeweils mit einzigartigen Vorteilen, Eigenschaften und Wesenszügen, um bestimmte Aufgaben auf den Raumstationen am besten zu bewältigen.
  • Überwache die gemeinsamen Ressourcen des Raumstationenverbands: Strom, Wärme, Sauerstoff und Wasserversorgung. Diese begrenzten Vorräte auf jeder Station gut zu verwalten, ist überlebenswichtig!
  • Rüste deine Artillerie auf, um jeden Asteroiden, der deinen Weg kreuzt, schnell vernichten zu können. Halte Weltraumpiraten mit der besten militärischen Expertise in Schach, die die EGU zu bieten hat!

Bau deine eigene Solution-Expedition auf, hör dir die vielfältigen Geschichten deiner Crew an und erkunde unentdeckte Galaxien wie das Hope-System. Es gibt sogar einen benutzerdefinierten Spielmodus für erfahrenere Spieler, die ihre eigene Kampagne mit eigenen Bedingungen und Quests erstellen möchten.


  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 5th Generation Intel i3 or equivalent
  • GFX: AMD/Nvidia dedicated GPU, 3Gb VRAM/Shader Model 5.1 (Geforce GTX 960/Radeon R9 285)
  • RAM: 4 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch
  • Setzt 64-Bit-Prozessor und -Betriebssystem voraus
  • CPU: 9th Generation Intel i5 or equivalent
  • GFX: AMD/Nvidia dedicated GPU, 6Gb VRAM/Shader Model 6.1 (Geforce GTX 980Ti/Radeon RX 5600XT)960/Radeon R9 285)
  • RAM: 8 GB RAM
  • Software: Windows 10 64-bit
  • HD: 6 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
  • SFX: DirectX compatible sound card
  • DX: Version 12
  • LANG: Englisch

Steam Nutzer-Reviews

1284 Produkte im Account
123 Reviews
184 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.03.22 10:27
UNITY what else :)
Ergo erklärt sich so manches.
Physik, Animation, KI also nahezu Fremdworte. Steriler Aufbau Ehrensache.
Die Engine für Mittelschulprojekte, mittellose Studios und Handy-Apps.

Das Game, die Idee ist nicht schlecht. Und gut für Kurzweil.
Die Kleinsten erfreuen sich daran. Und für diese wurde es gekauft.
20 Euro sind auch kein wirkliches Geld. Gegenwert = Pizza + Getränk.
Tutorial ist für diese Zielgruppe (9-12 Jahre) ebenfalls geeignet.

Warum Solarpanele ständig rotieren, es keine (nötigen) Kühlungen für Station gibt und
warum man bei lang gebauten Korridoren keine weiteren Verteiler einfügen kann ?
Anderes Kapitel. Es stört nicht.
(REAL : Solarpanele drehen, richten sich lediglich nach Sonne. Für maximale Effizienz.)
Tag/Nachtzyklus bei im Raum stillstehender Station (kein Orbit) fraglich ;)

Bei KI steht das K tatsächlich für KEINE.
Wäre gut Stationsbewohner Notfalls greifen/absetzen zu können.
KI-Wegfindungsproblem Made by UNITY. Oder ein EU-Bürger-Simulator ?

REFUND ? JEIN. Besser gesagt. SEHR knapp daran vorbei.

+ Preis gering (gleich dem Wert) und durchaus spielbar.
+ Mein Großnichten/Neffen (9-12 Jahre) erfreuen sich daran.
+ Nett anzusehen. (die grafische Umsetzung würde man sich anderswo im Genre wünschen)
- SPIELSPASS ? Nicht wirklich.
- Anspruch für Erwachsene ? GERING.
- Langzeitmotivation ? NAJA.

DAUMEN MITTE wäre angesagt.
148 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2840 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 10.01.22 14:55
Stand 10.01.2022

Das Spiel macht am Anfang wirklich viel Spaß und verfügt über eine Detailverliebte Grafik, aber dann irgendwann...

Warum stromlose Bots die Gänge blockieren und anschließend der Techniker, der ihn reparieren möchte, dann auch hängenbleiben muss, ist mir ein Rätsel. Nach einer gewissen Zeit stehen alle Ingenieure und Rep. Bots der Basis im Gang fest und das war es dann, weil die Basis zerfällt. Solche Bugs müssen doch schon in der Beta aufgefallen sein!

Nach ca. vier Stunden Spielzeit essen alle Besatzungsmitglieder nur noch, schlafen oder kommen vom TrimmDichRad nicht mehr runter usw..

Wegen diesen und den vielen anderen Bugs kann ich das Spiel beim besten Willen leider noch nicht empfehlen. Schade eigentlich, es wäre ein tolles Spiel geworden.

80 Produkte im Account
12 Reviews
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2294 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 13:49
Lange lange überlegt und nu hats verloren. Ich mag das Game wirklich; aber so schreiben es zu 90 % der User zurecht. Teilweise grottige Performance, Verbindungen die nicht funktionieren und Arbeiter die nicht machen was sie sollen
usw etc......... Liste ist lang
Ich hab lange das Zepter versucht hochzuhalten und positiv zu denken.
Aber und das war heute der ausschlaggebende Grund, zum wiederholten Male ein Update und man muss das ganze Game neu runter laden.
Und tschüss Base One
Spart euch die Kohle
232 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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551 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.05.21 14:41
Also ich habe wirklich versucht das Spiel zu mögen.

Ich glaube das ist meine erste Rezension auf Steam.
Leider habe ich die Höchstspielzeit von 2h überschritten.

Es wirkt auf den ersten Blick recht angenehm.
Erinnert mich ein wenig an Oxygen Not Included..... auf Wish bestellt.

Die Materialiensymbole in der unteren Leiste sind vertauscht.
Wird die Geschwindigkeit auf schnell gestellt wenn jemand just anfängt ein Gebäude zu bauen geht es plötzlich doch nur so schnell wie auf Geschwindigkeit 1x. Stellt man es zurück... ups 5x so langsam. Ups er muss aufs Klo... Ach ne heiliger Ritter der Kokosnuss. Pinkelt lieber auf den Boden und verhungert bei der Arbeit. DAS nenne ich Einsatz!

Warte vielleicht baue ich einfach mehr Klos... hmm doof die Forschung kommt aber erst recht spät. Cool. Macht ja Sinn.
Und warum laufen die Leute einfach durch Räume ohne Sauerstoff. Warum kann man Türen nicht vielleicht einfach manuell zusperren. Was mache ich eigentlich außer sinnlose Sauerstoff und Wärmeversorgung zu ziehen. Ach ja... ich verzweifel dabei der Dummheit der Minions zuzusehen.
Ich glaube das Spiel KANN schön sein, wenn man den KATASTROPHALEN Anfang rausnimmt und einfach alles auf leicht stellt.

Möglicherweise bin ich auch noch ein blutiger Anfänger und werde das noch revidieren, aber ich zweifel doch recht stark daran.

Dies ist einfach ein early Access ohne entsprechende Kennzeichnung.
Dann hätte ich es verschmerzen können. So blicke ich der Tatsache ins Auge das ich aufgrund von 2h drüber einfach Geld rausgeschmissen habe.
Zum xten mal :D
6 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1051 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.03.22 10:16
BUGGED GAME! Character get stuck doing 1 action (repair an equipment, running trandmill, eating). Character cannot be made unstuck and they all die and you loose all your progress. DONT BUY THIS GAME! WASTE OF MONEY! WISH I COULD GET A REFUND!

EDIT: THIS BUGG APPEARS AFTER YOUR CREW GETS OVER +15 MEMBERS. This means you will have to play +2 hours and then you get the bug that renders the game useless. Steam won't aprove my refund request because i've played more then 2 hours. I like this game design i just can't play it due to this bug. I want my MONEY BACK! I PAID FOR A FAULTY PRODUCT!!!!
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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1182 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.02.22 18:50
its a pretty good game until it glitches and then u sit there waiting for them to build the next module and then they just never do and u run out of supplies and fail
42 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
1760 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 12:15
The UI is a little bit throwback but it's not bad. Graphic detail is good. Controls are comfortable. If you like sims it gets better the farther you go. Worth a sale price pick up.
61 Produkte im Account
19 Reviews
588 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 09.02.22 11:08
I bought this game pretty early - at first it was good but incomplete. I waited a while before playing it again and although I have yet to put a few hundred hours into it, I am sure I will. They update regularly and are on their way to having me as a permanent customer for expansion purchases.
511 Produkte im Account
18 Reviews
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677 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 06.02.22 13:17
I rarely give negative reviews but the amount of bugs and terrible UI functions in this game force my hand. The concept for this game is great but the execution is terrible.

It has been over a year and many of the major UI problems/crew stuck bugs have not been fixed so I can only assume that the devs either don't have the capability to fix them, don't have the time or don't care enough. In any of these cases it's unlikely these issues will get resolved.

The devs really need to spend a good amount of time to overhaul their UI around interaction with options, setting schedules and general notifications.

There are many bugs where crew get permanently stuck performing actions that you have to dismiss them, hire another crew and save/load to reset the crew.
203 Produkte im Account
26 Reviews
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91 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 02.01.22 15:38
This game looks great, nice concept, only it is not playable. Needs bug fixes. Your characters get stuck and there is no way to fix it. You have to start the game all the way over each time. This would be a cool game if you could actually play it.
29 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
418 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 19:21
lov it
9 Produkte im Account
7 Reviews
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4992 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 01.01.22 12:09
Completely broken game. I want my money back. I would not recommend this game to anyone.
201 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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512 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.12.21 16:44
Gr8 graphics got me to open my purse. Thin content made me to regret that.
375 Produkte im Account
90 Reviews
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487 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 17.12.21 04:37
The bugs can be a problem; although not as much in my experience as reported by many users. The main thing here was my impression of the game. And that is...mediocrity. There's a lot of good ideas here, but the overall whole just fails to impress. I would look elsewhere.
146 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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3662 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 27.11.21 19:56
Basically, I was on a quest for a game similar to Space Haven but with better graphics. Base One is not it.

Base-One's graphics are crisp and detailed. A+! However, the base-building component barely exits. Building a space station is generally a matter of snapping puzzles pieces together in the correct sequence. There is little opportunity for creativity. If you've seen one station, you've pretty much seen them all. Base-Building felt like an afterthought, not a feature.

As for crew members, Base-One's crew lacks the charm and humor of similar games. They're basically flesh bots with chronic and universal personality deficiencies. I like that additional crew members can be hired at any time, budget-willing. Yet, their traits are dull and repetitive. Nearly everyone is a sleepyhead, slovenly, or lazy, which doesn't make sense in the context of the game's lore. These people were supposed to be professionals on the primary expedition through a wormhole. You'd think that Earth would have sent its best and brightest. Instead, they sent all of the layabouts and Debbie-Downers. Come to think of it, it's dead clever how they got rid of them all by shooting them into space.

It's possible that Base-One gets much better as the game progresses. However, I may never find out. I'm currently too bored to continue and that's a shame. The game feels unpolished, unfinished, cold, and empty.

The developer(s) have already collected my money. Still, I sincerely hope that they will try to breathe fun and life into the game. Don't give up. Finish it.
295 Produkte im Account
97 Reviews
370 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 20.11.21 07:51
THis is a cool sim for your collection. The devs seem to be working on it and where it does have some bugs, they arent game breaking. Graphically highly detailed and engrossing. Try an interesting new take on the colony sim type game. Cant wait to see what they bring us in the fuiture.
104 Produkte im Account
38 Reviews
3071 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 13.11.21 10:08
GREAT GAME but buggy the bugs involving ppl i have got over with some trial. i play the custom game there is a problem with the bots. you give them free time why idk. they go a stair at a wall with a 10% charge. they should recharge you can have the ppl workout there should a option to make the bots recharge they dont need free time there bots
30 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2387 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 15.10.21 21:02
game can be and should be good! However as mentioned by others the game isin't actually playable. later down the game as you progress and i really tried to trooper through, by dismissing stuck AI to try and keep the water/oxygen going. its impossible drones get stuck then cant recharge and people become broken to the point they are dragging there feet or stuck. either way you cant keep up the oxygen growth and water.

game cant be played until you fix it!! i get its on early release but surly someones not allowing this to launch if its not even achievable??? crazy
295 Produkte im Account
27 Reviews
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718 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.10.21 14:09
I thought it was a work in progress by the way it plays and they have DLC out and the game is still a buggy mess. Thumbs down bro, sorry
175 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
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9 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.10.21 23:47
Couldn't even get started. Can't rebind keys because it thinks they're already bound. Literally the first step of the tutorial is just a message box telling you what the menus are; clicking 'Close' just makes the 'Close' button disappear from the message box, then the game locks up.

Not a good first impression. This needs a lot of work. I know you want the money right now. But releasing in this state is not the way to go about it. Unless your landlord takes negative reviews as payment.
188 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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406 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 07.09.21 01:38
My biggest issues are performance related. Things can take a while and increasing speed with a larger station lags too much. Missions are very long, slow, and more complex the farther in you go, needing larger stations and more time.
197 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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5554 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 03.09.21 06:25
The game has potential but right now too prone to game stopping issues. People get stuck, they won't get healed, sleep till they die, etc. As of now it's a little tiresome to have to start over each time a big glitch hits that can't be worked around (i.e. the clock sticks and no one does anything except sleep.) So for right now I'd say wait and watch.
120 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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1147 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.08.21 17:54
I have to wonder if the developers have even played it for more than ten minutes. This feels less like a full release and more like a PRE-early access release. Broken pathfinding, crew that runs in place or pesters you about having nothing to do when jobs are being left unattended. Repetitive sound effects and terrible grammar/word choices (instead of researching decorations you invent them - cool).

Bottom line: DON'T BUY until they do some MAJOR patching. Until then, it's just an exercise in frustration.
107 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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809 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.08.21 19:19
I love these types of games but have found myself bored really quickly with this one. I think its a balance issue, just not having that much fun.
160 Produkte im Account
176 Reviews
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2828 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 16.08.21 14:56
Greetings! Today we’ll be looking at Base One a colony builder in space that is reminiscent of PlanetBase. I’ve been looking at this game for some time but was concerned about the amount of bugs that were reported. Were my worries well founded or exaggerated, let’s discuss.

Bases in Space: If you’ve played a colony game then you understand the premise of this; you slowly build up your base by adding rooms and hiring workers until you are self sufficient. Add in that you are in space and have to contend with building modules in suits, supplying oxygen and heat to a room you’ve basically the foundations of this game. On the surface you’ve everything here you could want; decent visuals, functioning audio (I turned it off after about 4 hours of play) and even functioning mechanics…at least until you start digging into the more complicated sections of the game.

It’s the most important things: I’m not going to go into the bugs just yet but I want to discuss a bit of the flaws of the intended part of the game. These are things that I think make the game unenjoyable (but still playable) but I believe were intended features of the game that were consciously placed by the developers. As I’ve said this game is basically PlanetBase in space which would have been fine with me but the game takes a huge detour in manufacturing. Creating products is tedious, why do I need to combine raw ingredients into a dongle that I’m going to add into a finalized product. Why not just cut the middle man and tell me how much of each raw resource are needed for that product and let the workers sort it out? Maybe the developers thought the player would have nothing to do; maybe they were right because I felt most of my time was spent micromanaging the production of space suits or repair kits and not the long term viability of our oxygen production. I found this game more like a production sim (think Factorio) and less of a colony management game. I also felt the connections section to be a bit tedious (mainly through the chaos of the lines) due to it feeling like I was in charge of something that needed to be done but there was only one real way to manage it…none of this really were deal breakers for me until you add in the bugs.

Interesting Headline Here: It took me 5 minutes of gameplay to encounter a bug, a worker just walking in place. Went to the forums and was told to save and reload, did and fixed. Thought to myself “this isn’t that bad” oh, what I could tell the me 40 hours younger in this game. Let me show you my descent into madness. For better or worse the bugs seem to be focused around the works, arguably the most complicated to program I’m sure but just made the game unplayable as you got deeper into the campaign. Sure, there are the cosmetic bugs; running in place, no animations nothing I couldn’t power through. I would give workers 10 hours of freetime in which they would just stand in a corner watching all their stats go down, then walk off to their shift and spend maybe an hour working then the rest of their day getting something to eat, drink, sleeping and then complaining that they wish they had a gym (your Athletics was scheduled 11 hours ago Mark). Frustrating and completely throws the whole ‘manufacturing’ machine focus of the game out the window. But Mark’s not done yet; he’s going to get a broken limb because of that lack of exercise, which he won’t go get treated even though he’s scheduled for free time and the medic is on duty without a patient. Eventually Mark will just devolve into standing in a corner and slowly dying. As I looked at the 4th corpse in one mission I decided it was enough. I probably would have been happier just not seeing to any of their needs and working them to death only to ‘buy’ another worker.

This game is fun, for the first several missions but the moment the workers stop listening or following their schedules then the game just falls apart. I’d avoid this game at any cost due to these bugs and until they are fixed the game is unplayable. I wish they would have invested more into the programming and less into the forgettable story (with poor dialog) and overly animated characters. Didn’t have time to go into that though…wish those were my biggest issues. Don’t recommend. Enjoy!
142 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
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6762 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 12.08.21 11:12
Base One is the child of a talented art director and a lazy programmer. Visually appealing, but every feature superficial (and often WTF stupidly implemented). Tried really hard to play it, but just kept hitting dead ends. More than a few game killing bugs that will make you pound the desk harder than a meteoroid strike. Whoever did testing was clearly ignored by the developers because, as we all know: In space, no one can hear you scream.
664 Produkte im Account
25 Reviews
2254 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.07.21 10:30
Yes buy, a lot deeper than it looks and a long campaign/tutorial to get you going for custom games.

I read the comments and nearly didn't buy.

Played the first part of the campaign (they call them missions). Almost gave it back.
You need some patience and perseverance. It did pay off and I am now thoroughly enjoying the last few missions and almost ready for custom games (full unlocked and build your own).

Not sure about custom games as I haven't played one yet but doesn't really matter as I have got my money's worth already.

Good detailed graphics, but toons animation needs some bug fixing as they tend to walk on the spot when doing nothing. Could do with some more micro-management options (setting and changing toon job queues to name one).

Some minor annoyances.
Can instantly ask for a building (framework appears immediately). If you want to cancel build, you have to wait for a space Tech to put a suit on and go outside and deconstruct the framework. Why instant create? Make same either end. Either require framework to be built with space Techie (with ghost image to initially show building) or instant framework build & deconstruct.

Missions are really tutorials, unlocking more as missions get further. Can easily get stuck with lack of money or research points. Missions have stages but everything is provided at the beginning. Have got to the almost end and been short a few credits and have to restart. An experiential learning, true, but frustrating for such a petty thing. You cannot sell stuff to make more credits in the missions. Does make you think harder though when you fail.

Toons can get stuck in loops if you don't have areas with O2 and heat. Not a great issue, just makes you build more carefully when you have to restart.

All in all, I like it.
35 Produkte im Account
3 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
1259 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 24.07.21 00:42
I agree with the other negative reviews citing the still remaining problems. My biggest gripes are: AI getting stuck, seemingly unoptimized coding that causes lag spikes the larger the base gets, general AI stupidity amd terrible controls that go nuts. My biggest gripe however, and the one that has me putting this game down until some future update that hopefully fixes this is the fact that save games easily corrupt. I have 20 hours into a custom game and it is now lost. The auto save is corrupt as well as the most recent save. I have no desire to continue any game that can't get this crucial part right and am very disappointed since it is a full release rather than a beta or early access. It's just not worth the time to hassle with it currently.
9 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
209 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 22.07.21 00:27
This game is basically an alpha, playing for a few hours nets bugs and glitches that make it unplayable. Bonus: Steam wont refund your money even though they sold a clearly defective product. I had to do a charge-back through my bank in order to get my money back.
991 Produkte im Account
36 Reviews
245 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.07.21 07:21
so i gave it a chance and when i stop thinking of this darn game as a space station manger sim and considered it a scenario battle thing it became less stupid, however i would not buy it as a colony base sim consider as an event manger and don't get attached to any base it a nice game just not a space station management survival game and enjoy the cool back grounds.
192 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
Nicht Empfohlen
292 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 08.07.21 04:57
This game is still unplayable. Some bugs simply prevent the game from working. The concept is nice, graphics are cool, overall mechanics is interesting. But until those bugs are fixed it's impossible to enjoy the game. It should've been classified as Early Access.
31 Produkte im Account
4 Reviews
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86 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 04.07.21 08:55
Not recommended at this point at least. The game got some potential but really nothing to offer. I play the episode one and all it looks like just a tutorial for a game. If this a full episode and the entire game is only 3 episodes, then u do the math. Also, they game crashed few time on some of the missions and overall game play is not smooth.
36 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
3328 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.06.21 07:08
great gameplay and visual.
the only problem is its too complicated to play, getting hard and harder later, too many thing have to manufacture to keep base working.

annoying control panel to arrange working hours, have to click thousand times to get it done.

enjoy playing the game but getting discourage after a week.

developers need to working more on gameplay to keeps players
194 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
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624 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 19:56
I figured with all the updates and stuff this game should be better than the last reviews from May. No its not. pathfinding is still crap. Getting the idiots to do something specific is a joke. i cant mine asteroids as they have decided that the miner thing is lava. i have 10 mining drones chilling in inventory but they dont use them. and what makes it worse is the fact that they come stand and idle next to the thing.... you cant prioritize it either for some reason.
66 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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2807 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 11.06.21 15:46
This game is full of bug, probably is the worst in my game life. pls reconsider if you going to purchase this game
191 Produkte im Account
2 Reviews
2114 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 19:00
It s a good game, not perfect. After the latest patch, characters path finding seem to work well. I aint having any case of stuck anymore. Characters AI is still some time bad for they dont get their need even after I blank all schedules. The bug where the logistic dysfunctional seem to be no more. Did not try the custom game but total pleased with this purchase. Enjoy!
41 Produkte im Account
10 Reviews
364 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 05.06.21 01:44
I'd recommend this game, if you like base building in space... Obviously!

However there are some things that annoy me as I play, like having all your hard work undone at the end of an episode or mission. (Or a long tutorial that you cannot SAVE your progress during playing it).

The idea with most base building games, is that you can place things where you want them and connect things like power, heat and oxygen to where and how YOU want them.

You do this in Base One but then at the end of the mission, it takes all your hard work - off of you and replaces what you had build with the developers version of what they think you should have, or it re-builds that base station as a fresh layout, (to put it another way).

This is not good. I wanted the base to remain how I built it. I spent time placing redundancy circuits for heat and oxygen on the main crew quarters and limiting oxygen and heat only to certain areas. I thought this was great for my strategy, since I had space suits for those areas that were inhospitable to human life.

Then at the end of the mission they just rip it all out from under you and replace it with some simplistic and mundane base station and have you rebuild things you had.

Some things that you had achieved and built like a medical bay, was taken away in the next episode and there was no access to medical furniture or modules or machines in the next episode.

My approach was that I was trying to build a balanced base with every necessary facility needed, but you get to your next mission and have to restart with a partly pre-built new base they give you and no access to the medical items you already had achieved. I think it is a bad mission and story line that doesn't link up correctly from mission to mission.

All in all, get this game if you are a bonkers base building in space mad gamer like me with too much money to spend!
Otherwise, if you are just looking for a base-building game and you are on a tight budget, then you are going to be highly annoyed after buying this game only to find they keep taking away access to certain systems and modules and destroying your base at every new mission, episode or turn of the page.

Not as much fun as I thought!
175 Produkte im Account
32 Reviews
2684 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 30.05.21 02:28
Very nice game.
Some bugs but nothing major, devs are working on it.
Enjoying the game very much.
309 Produkte im Account
222 Reviews
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1116 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 29.05.21 08:31
So the negative review for games i take with a grain of salt. However, for this game I TOTALLY AGREE WITH THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS. The Tutorial everything is GREAT you think its the perfect working game. Then you get to campaign 2 and the technicians do nothing, oxygen runs out, AI people walk in place get stuck at doors. I was and am BEYOND frustrated with this game. Until such time as they fix the AI issue i cannot recommend anyone pay money for this game. This should be in PRE release not a fully released game. I really want to enjoy this game and i think it has huge potential.
The graphics are STELLAR, the modules and build are great the AI is a complete and utter joke beyond the tutorial.
Graphics 10/10
AI 0/10
Stoylines 9/10
Replayablity UNKNOWN
Overall 5/10
10 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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287 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 28.05.21 16:36
Thought this would be a good builder game, and in most cases it is. Too many mechanics of the game were not detailed out as far as function and the way the game sees things. Characters stall, items can not be broken down, I can't even make it through the tutorial because of the last part of the Arrive, stalls out and you have no choice but to be frustrated. This game is NOT worth the money they want, if anything it should be offered for 9.99$ USD, and that's being generous! Please don't waste your time or money on this product, unless it's guaranteed fixed. Kinda hard to play the game, when you can't even get out of the tutorial!!
139 Produkte im Account
1 Reviews
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5492 Std. insgesamt
Verfasst: 21.05.21 05:54
Way too buggy! Crew-members can have a tendancy to get stuck. Even more irritating is when you have a fully equipped med-bay with empty beds and a crewmember is screaming he is critical but he does not go to the med-bay and just dies. Setting up power, oxygen, heat and logistics is hit and miss. Sometimes it works and sometimes it just does not work at all no matter what you do. I like the concept and when all the bugs are worked out I think it will be a great game but as is now , it is unplayable unless you enjoy being frustrated. I have uninstalled it and walked away as it is literally a waste of time the way it is.
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45.63% 94 112
Release:11.05.2021 Genre: Simulation Entwickler:keine Infos Vertrieb:keine Infos Engine:keine Infos Kopierschutz:keine Infos Franchise:keine Infos
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