Hello, bandits!
Recently, we wrote mainly about the grounds and buildings. Of course, if you haven't seen it yet, we recommend you to see it.
However, today, we are going to tell you more about character production.
In the world of a bandit, you will meet many interesting characters, from simple bandits, through traders and villagers, to guards and knights.

We try to make each group unique and make sure what you can expect from it as soon as you see it.
With a few character groups, the game will also feature specific unique characters that are key to the story and will offer special items for your bandit. Of course, we won't reveal anything else here, so as not to spoil the surprise, but we can tell you in secret that not all characters will be normal.
Below we present one of the works of our graphic designers.

What other characters would you like to see in the bandit world and what should their special features be? Write your answers and remember, hit add to wishlist button, to be up to date.
Best regards,
Bandit Simulator team
DEVELOPER: Titanite Games
PUBLISHER: Glob Games Studio